HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1892-10-21, Page 9Nus
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Wroxeter Fall Show.
The following is the prize list of the
Wroxeter LIortioultural Society's Show,
bold on Tuesday and Wednesday, Oot 4
and 5, ns far as obtainable at present
By some means tho judges of horses no.
gloated to return their book to the Seo -
rotary so it is impnasible, until the book
turns up, to givo the result of their work.
CATTLn.—Durham, OOw, Jim L Wilson,
Douglas Fraser; yearling heifer, J L
Wilson 1& 2; calf, D Fraser, J L Wil.
son ; herd, J L Wilson. Grades—Cow,
J L Wilson 1 & 2 ; yearling heifer, Jno
Knox, J L Wilson ; 2 year old heifer, J
L Wilson, Jno Knox ; yearling steer, 1)
Fraser,J L Wilson ; 2 year old steer, J L
Wilson, Jno Knox ; fat animal, J Knox.
Su inr.—Leicester, aged ram, Thos
Musgrove, Robert Laing ; shearling ram,
Donald Fisher, Geo Hislop ; shearling
ewes, D Fisher, G Hislop ; ewe Iambs,
D Fisher 1 da 2; ram lambs, D Fisher 1
& 2 ; pair ewes, D Fisher, G Ilislop ; pen,
D Fisher. Downs, ram, G Hislop, Frank
Davidson ; shearling ram, Chas Baker ;
shearling ewes, W H Webber, Jno Knox;
ewe lambs, Jno Knox, W H Webber ;
ram lamb, Jno Knox, W H Webber ;
ewes, W H Webber, J Knox ; fat sheep,
J Knox, G Bishop ; pen, W H Webber.
Plan.—Berkshire, brood sow, 0 Baker ;
spring pig, 0 Baker, Smith Bros. Ches-
ter, boar, Samuel Snell ; brood now, T
Musgrove, 5 Snell ; spring pig, T Mao.
grove, 5 Snell.
POULTat.—Pair turkeys, David H Mof-
fat ; white geese, D H Moffat ; gray
geese, Chas Baker 1 & 2 ; gray ducks, 0
Balser, 1 & 2 ; white dunks, Arthur Wells,
Jno Laokie ; blaok Spanish, 0 Baker, J
Brethour ; white legborns, D H Moffat,
Mrs Geo Moffat ; brown leghorns, Ohms
Baker ; canaries, 3 Brethour ; a fine
pair of buff coobine (cot numbered) were
GRAIN.—Fall wheat, red, J H McTav-
ish, Frank Davidson ; white wheat, Geo
Johnston, Robb Laing; Leonard Brown ;
any other kind fall wheat, F Davidson ;
any kind spring wheat, F Davidson, J
H MoTavish, Francis W Wright ; 2 row-
ed barley, F W Wright, Robb Douglas ;
white oats, Wm Golley, J H MoTavish ;
small peas, Smith Bros ; timothy seed,
Smith Bros, It Douglas ; flour, Robb
Booms AND Vzo0TA0LEs.—Sped onions,
Jno Brethour, Dr Brawn ; potato onions,
E Spading, G Johnston ; Dutch seta, J
Brethour, G Johnston. Potatoes, rose,
L Lovell, Wm Bolt ; white elephant, L
Lovell, Hugh Thompson ; beauty of he -
bran, F 'Davidson, J Brethren)! ; any other
kind, F Davidson, 0 Baker ; Swede tur-
nips, lI' Davidson, J H MoTavish ; any
other kind turnips, F Davidson, J Knox ;
field 'carrots, Wm Golley, Geo Johnston ;
long horn garden currote, Geo Johnston,
A Wells ; short horn garden carrots, J
Brethour, 0 Baker ; blood beets, G John-
son, E Spading ; turnip beets, J Breth.
our, Smith Bros ; parsnips, Arthur Wells,
E Spading ; red mangolds, G Johnson,
L Lovell ; yellow mangolds, G Johnson ;
collection of roots, G Johnston ; large
tomatoes, H Thompson, E Spading ;
email tomatoes, J Brethour, H Thomp-
son ; cabbage, J Brethour, A Wells ;
wallflower, R Laing ; squash, C Baker,
Mrs G Moffat ; pumpkins, W H John -
sou, Jos Cowan ; citrons, A Furtney, 5
Snell ; celery, I Elliot ; watermelon,—,
E Sperling ; muskmelon, J Brethour ;
beans, 0 Baker, R Douglas ; ear oorn, 0
Baker, E Sparling ; cucumbers, Smith
Bros, Jno Brethour.
DArnr.—Five lbs table butter, Isaac
Elliot ; 20 lbs table butter, I Elliot ;
crook of butter, I Elliot ; 50 lbs tab but.
ter, R Laing ; tub of butter, L Lovell ;
roll butter, J Elliot.
Faurr.—Winter pears, L Brown, entry
No. 46 ; fall pears, ',Too Knox, T Mus-
grove ; orab apples, G Johnston, Mrs G
Moffat ; baldwins, H Thompson ; yellow
bell flower, entry No. 40 ; ben davis, L
Lovell ; wealthy, Jae Fox; golden rue-
eats, L Lovell ; fameuse, G Johnston ;
grimes' golden, Robt Douglas ; king of
tompkins, A Dodds ; mammoth pippin,
lno Knox ; newton pippin, W H John-
son ; 20 oz pippin, A Dodds ; fall pippin,
Hugh Patrick ; northern spy, Hugh Pet-
riek ;pommegriee, John Knox ; duchess
of olienburgb, D Frazer ; smoke house, T
B Saunders' • Tambo, entry No. 46 ;
rhode island greening,, John Knox ;
roxboro russets, entry No. 46 ; golden
russets, L Lovell ; oulverts,'David Sand.
erson ; seek no further, W H Johnson ;
tolman sweet, D Fraser ; spitzenberg, 7[
Thompson ; Wagner, J L Wilson ; atm -
ander, J H MoTavish ; ohenango straw-
berry, Andrew Fartney ; maiden blush,
entry No. 40 ; St. Lawrenos, Smith Broe;
hawthornden, L Lovell ; yellow plume,
W M Robinson ; outdoor grapes, Wm
Bolt ; collection of apples, Hugh Thomp.
OUT Fhownne.--All'the prizes in this
department wore captured by Mre John
Brethour's lovely colleotion, except the
2nd prize for table boquet and ornament-
al grasses which went to W 146 Robinson.
Xtn'anntegts,—•Sod plow, Jno Bray ;
stubble plow, Jno Bray ; buggy, James
0,41 tr•I=P495-417-41231•SleitgtRnp.t.laMmvslert.
Walker, Jno Hupfor ; assortment of
leather, Thos Straohau.
Dmnterio 1,2ANeL inane.-1lome made
blankets, G Johueton ; line coat, .John
Knutson ; home made bread, :A Wella,
Jen Brethour ; rag carpet, entry No. 40.
L.unn'e Wouc.—Darned•uat work, no
Knutson, W M Robinson ; tattine, J El -
Sett, A Wells ;'modest work, A Wells, W
91 Robinson ; embroidery in sells, W 114
Robinson, P Spading ; embroidery in
muslin, ,To., Cowan ; bead work, J Elliot ;
flannel shute, E Spading ; feather flow-
ers, 11 Thompson ; paper flowers, E Spar -
ling, Jno Knutson ; Berlin wool raised, I
Elliot, J Brethour ; Berlin wool fiat, A
Wells, John Elliot ; patched sofa pillow,
31 Spading, Mary klnnteomery ; pillow
shams, E Sperling, A Wells ; braiding,
A Wella, Jos Cowan ; wool etoelcings, D
II Moffat ; cotton stookings, D H Moffat,
John Brethour ; wool gloves, D H Mof.
fat, Jno Brebhour ; wool mitts, D H Mof-
fat, 11 Thompson ; wool souks, D H Mof.
fat, E Spading ; log cabin quilt, A Wells ;
rag mat, Jno Brethour, entry No. 46 ;
hooked mat, I Elliot ; knotted quilt,
Leonard Brown; patoh•work quilt, A
Welke, I Elliot ; knitted quilt, Mary
Montgomery, Joe Cowan ; dress shirt,
Jno Brethonr ; crochet quilt, J Elliot, A
Wells ; tray mat, Jno Brethour ; epeoi-
men lace, Jno Brethour ; shell work, A
Wells, T B Sanders ; oone work, Jno
Brethour, A Wells ; need wreath, Jno
Brethour ; table drape, W M Robinson ;
arasene embroidery, W M Robinson, 3
Cowan ; outline embroidery, Jno Broth -
our, E Sperling ; painting, Jno Gofton ;
drawn work, W M Robinson ; best col-
lection ladies' work, Jno Brethour, A
Wells ; rope work (rer) Jno Knutson, J
Brethour ; crayon painting (reo) Jas Fox;
hand painting (ren.) Jas Fox.
Specimen of writing, Thoe Rae.
Junons,—On cattle, sheep, swine and
poultry—Thos Inglis, G Burnett and W
Wallace. On grain, dairy produce, roots
and vegetables—D H Moffat and W J
Johnston. On fruit—Thos Kelly, of
Brussels, and Andrew Gray, of Bluevale.
Flowers, domestic manufactures and
ladles' work—Mrs Dr Armstrong, Mrs A
Stewart and Mies N Rose.
There were in all 74 exhibitors, and the
total number of entries were 638. The
three largest exhibitors were Edwin
Spading, with 41 entries ; Jco Knox,40,
and John Brethour, 37.
To the Editor of Two Poem.
ROAR Sm.—I desire through the midi•
um of your widely react paper to give my
impressions, and thoughts (oncoming the
above Institute, of which, by the way, I
have been a member, with few intermis.
sions, for the past fifteen years. Tho
membership fee of one dollar a year I
consider a mere nothing in oomparisou
with what can be gained by reading, dur-
ing spare time, one or another of the
many hundreds of books that are in the
library. A great writer has said "That
there is nothing more wonderful than a
book." In hooka he says "lion the soul
of the whole past." With him we quito
agree, for all that mankind has done,
thought or seen is found in the pages of
books. I sometimes wonder why it is
that the membership roll is not very
much larger. Why is it that people for
Miles around, even suppose they all had
libraries of their own, do not take advan-
tage of the Institute which affords so
many benefits for so little money ? There
is no reason why Brussels should hot
through her library become a eeoond
Boners. We Rresumo you often think
so too, Mr. Editor, as you have brought
the library before the notice of the public
on two or three different occasions of late
but your means of still furthering thio
end we do nob agree with. 'You want to
be too aristocratic at the beginning, al-
though perhaps not intentionally. We
will now take a section of Grey and Mor-
ris, within a reasonable distance of Brus-
sels, all of whom are much closer than I
live, together with Brussels, and I ven-
ture the 'statement that there are not
more than one in ten who know 1st, That
there is a library in Brussels ; 2nc1, What
building it is in ; Brd, The days and hours
it is open ; 4411, Whab the 'membership fee
is : and 5th, How many oar loads of good
and rare books there are in the library.
Here is where a grave mistake is made
all along in not keeping the Institute
prominently before the people. The
section of Grey that I speak of should
furnish at least 75 members, Morris the
same, and Brussels as many as both, if
the merits of the library were placed be-
fore thein. A number of periodicals and
magazines might be placed on the tables.
I know whereof I speak when I say the
library is not a money 'snaking scheme
for anyone. New books are purchased
from time to time and the Salary of the
librarian is not exorbitant. We would
like to neo our neighbours, our cousins,
and our aunts) become members, as we
feel certain they would be more than
pleased. There ie reading matter there
to suit the tastes of every one. Now is a
good time to join, and now is a good time
to let all people know kiln whys and the
whereabouts of the library.
Yours, &n„
A ME;nnnn 01O\l 'r,u, UOUNTnr.
None uv EmTos.—We aro pleased that
OM above subject is once more brought
before the public and we cheerfully give
place to the following facts ooncorning
the Brussels Mechanics' Instituto Li-
brary :—The Library is over Mrs. F. O.
Rogers' store, entrance by hall imme-
diately south of above mentioned store.
Miss Shaw, the a000mmodating Librar-
ian, inay be found there from 6 to 8 p.
m. on Wednesdays and from 5 to 8 p.
m. on Saturdays of each week, the extra
hours on Saturday being for the spode'
a000mmodalion of persons outside of
Brussels. 21.00, in advance, pays for a
whole year's reading without any extras.
On the shelves are 258 volumes of Biogra-
phy ; 219 Fiction ; 173 History ; 300
Misoellaueous ; 48 General Literature ;
45 Poetry and Drama ; 99 Religious
Literature ; 221 Science and Art ; 187
Voyages and Travels ; and 32 works of
Reference. Making a total of 1,045
books in all. 915 books were issued
during the past year. Any further in-
formation may be obtained from the fol-
lowing officers :—President, F. S. Soott ;
Vice President, Rev. G. F. Salton ; See.
retaryTreasurer, A. (Hunter ; Directors,
Rev. J. Rose, B. A., Geo. Rogers, A. M.
McKay, Jno. Shaw, J. T. Pepper, W. B.
Dickson, R. Graham and W. H. Kerr.
Hugh Moore; one of the oldest and
most prominent residents of Dundas,
Ont., died on Friday, aged 86.
The flret ocean shipment of wild cattle
from the Calgary district was made at
Montreal on Wednesday of last week.
Wm. Meadows, a well-known resident
of Woodstock, is dead. He was a former
proprietor of the woollen mills at Wood•
stools and was a respected citizen.
Clifford Calverley, of Toronto, walked
over the Niagara gorge on a tight wire
the other day in 6 minutes and 8 seconds.
Dixon's fastest time was 12 minutes and
30 seconds.
A farmer named Bain, who lives at
Oliphant, Ont., was driving down hill in-
to Wiarbon on Friday when his horse ran
away, throwing him out, breaking his
left arm above the elbow, besides inflict-
ing other injuries.
Ontario Mutual Life,
Assurance in force Jan'y,'92..214,934,807
New business written in 1891 2,694,950
Increase over 1890.. 348,800
Cash income for 1891 547,620
Increase over 1890 57,620
Liberal Conditions of Policies.
Cash and Paid-up Values guaranteed on
each policy.
411 dividends belong to and ate pail' only
to policy holders,
Premiums payable during the month in
whiob they fall clue.
Polioses are incontestable two yeare from
date of issue.
No restriction on travel, residence or oe-
Lapsed polinios may be revived within six
mouths after lapse.
Death claims paid at ouoo on completion
of claim papers.
District Agent, Ethel.
"Backache the soauenyers
means the kid- of the aystem.
nays are in "Delay is
trouble. Dodd's dangerous. Nog -
Kidney Pills glue looted kidney
prompt relief." troubles resul
"76 per eon*. in Bad Dlood,
of disease is Dyspepsia, Liner
first paused by Complaint, and
disordered kid- the most dan-
neys. gerous of all,
Mightaswell Brights Disease,
try to haus a Diabetes and
healthy pity Dropsy."
without sewer- "The aboue
age, as good diseases oannot
health when the exist where
kidneys are Dodd's Kidney
clogged, they are Pills are used,'
Sold by ell deniers or sontby urnii on receipt
of price go coal,, per box or six for g,e.se.
Dr. L. A. Smith 5a Co. Toronto. Write for
book caned Kidney Talk.
Money to Loan,
Money to Loan on Farm Pro-
perty at
Private and Company Funds
Solicitor, cGc.,
Any Amount of Ibioney to Loan
on Farm or Village Pro-
perty at
6 & 6i Per Cent., Yearly.
Straight Loans with privilege of
repaying when required.
Apply to
A. Hunter,
Division Court Clerk, Brussels.
To the end of 1892
—FOR -
Balance of 1892
To New Subscribers who pay
in Advance.
Wet feet again, and all
because you clid'nt come
in and get a pair of
Rubbers or a good pair
of Boots that would
keep your feet warm, dry and comfortable. It's the cheapest in-
vestment you can make so don't put it off any longer. We have a
good assortment of all classes—from a cheap Eastern make up to
the best goods manufacture(' by Cooper & Smith, and J. D. King
& Co.
A Suit of Clothes or an Overcoat you can get from us, also
a Hat or Cap --Keep the boys waren.
Come in and see what we have got to suit you.
Dress Goods of all kinds, cheap and stylish and
a Pattern given away FREE.
GENTS' FURNISHINGS—Hats, Caps, Shirts and Drawers,
Top Shirts, Braces, Ties, Collars, &c.
A special line of heavy All Wool Tweed at 50c. per yard—just the
thing for heavy winter pants, suits or overcoats.
GROCERIES—Try our 80c. Japan Tea or 4 lbs. for $1.00. It can't
be beat for flavor and quality. A call solicited.
lex Strafe
L001(! LOOK i LOOI(
Having added new Scenery to his Gallery is now in a position to
turn out work that is second to none. A. look at his photos.
Will convince you that they are first-class. The public
are invited to call up and inspect work in gallery.
Pictures Copied and also Enlarged to cion size
in Crayon at reasonable Prices.
A Specialty made of Out -door Views.
You cannot mistake the place, W. W. Burgess' old stand
over Standard Bank.
I-1. J. STROIT '