The Brussels Post, 1892-10-21, Page 88 PICKLES ° POKLES flow few there are vele do not like nice piekles. If you want something euperior only use these made with vineger We are now making from our honey. For table tale over tomatoes, itea., you will And that when once tried you will nee our HONEY VINEGAR ill preference to stay other. We mu re far you to our customers in proof of this - It is only 30e. per Gallon,. eLomfactured and for sale by G. A. DEADMAN, Druggist, Boolsseller, GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. EXTENSION W. II. & R. Trains leave Brussels Station, North end South, as follows: GoING SenTiz. Goma NoRTn. fisuress 110 a.m. Mail 7108,07, I Mixed TM p.m, 11:45 a.m. Afail NO pan. Express 0:88 pan. Karat Vet% rents. A. ohiel's amang ye taltine notes, An' faith he'll prent it. Tire apple boom oentinues. ToE circulation of Tux POST coutinues to boom. Toe Curling eta, should organize for Lest winter's operation& JA:IIES WILSON had 110 barrels of apples from his orchard this year. W. H. MCCRACEEN shipped a oar of po- tatoes to Toronto this week. Wnee about a Foot -ball Tournament for Brussels on Thanksgiving Day ? Rem the communication having re- ferenee to Brussels Mechanics' Inetiute on the supplement this week. Gee club shooting match at Lietowel next Monday. Representatives from Brussels testi likely be there. Sucre JAMISON has had the office in the Sonth-West corner of hie blacksmith shop taken out and thereby nacelles ed the room and light. Tess week James Kelly was lifting his rnangolds. Many of them weigh 20 pouuds. On cabbage and mangold grow - ng talus no second place. DR. MAO, Inspector of Medlar:1C In- stitutes, paid an official visit to Brussels t ou Friday of last week and reported a things o. k. Are you a member ? W. F. VANSTONE has purchased ten stores of standing timber located near Brussels Salt Works, from Jno. McCrite, paying a good price for the mole. TIM Yining Mens' Conservative club, Brussels', will be re -opened en Friday, 28th inst. at 8 o'clock. Addresees Ivill be delivered and arrangements made for Winter euterteinments. PARSENCEES dile week ticketed by J. T. Pepper, 0. P. R. ticket agent, Bens - sets :—Ditniel Horn, Deloraine, Man. ; Matthew Boisseveio, Man. ; Sanders Sharp, Detroit, Mich. JAMES Wermen took 5 1st prizes on bug. gies this Fall, winning at every place he competed. He has disposed of all the rigs built for the display at the Fairs and is now looking for fresh worlds to conquer. The following persons were tioketed by T. Fletcher during the past week :—Joe Sham aud Peter Bishop to Ministique, Michigan W.311. Sinclair, Toronto: Jas. 'Young, Biritton, South Dakota • Alex. Stewart, Detroit ; A. Dames, Tliessalon, Algoma ; and Mies 0. Armstrong, Delo. mine, Mau. SILVER MINIUM—At the October con- test for the O'Leary tankard good shoot. ing was done, W. M. Sinclair being the winner by a straight fifteen birds. The score was es follows :— Dr. °.IcNanghton, 18, J. Ballantyne, 12, Jas. Jones, 7, Jno. Hewitt, 13, Jas, T. Ross, 10, W. M. Sinelair,15, D. C. Rose, II, J.Irwin, 11, A. 25 bird match was also Shot 'between Jae. Irwin and Dr. MoNaughton on one side and Jos. Ballantyne and D. 0. Roes on the other with the following expellent snoring :—Lewin, 24 ; eloNaughton, 19, total 43. Ballantyne, 22 ; Ross, 21, total 48. The tie was not broken. There will be at least three club mittolies yet before the tankard is awarded. EAST HURON PARAMUS' INSTITUTE.—A. 3:fleeting of the Directors of this Institute wee held in the Amerioan Hotel, Brim, sels, on the 7th inst. Officers present, President, U. IbloFaaeon ; Vicederes., T. Street= ; Secy., A.. Hislop ; Direct - tors, Musgrove, Mowbray, Walker, Hays, and Robertson. The prinesiple business was to make arrangements for the big meeting to be hold about first of January. A number of local menwere selected to give papers and addresses tegether with Professionals from Experimental fermis ao that a large program of interesting topics; bearing on the term may be looked for. The officers are energetic, and are determined the Institute will BUStaill reputation of being the best in this eest- ern distriot. Diereerener OeSMiges.—The Fall milli- nery openings in Brunets called Ont a large attendance of ladies and the new styles were duly admired or oritioized as A ete load of hogs wag shipped teem Bruseele filet week by elesere. heimer &MO:ream VANsToNE t liersname nave lensed the Enamel,' Roller mill for a torus and stets new ettendleg to bueinese. Simene glees was in fashion on There. day ao the amateur usteonteners tools ,th.ereeliolis of the eclipse, BIellor WARD has purehasel the Heist property on Queen mteeet, from W. M. Sinclair, paying the sum of WO for 0. Oen lefuresaist wuo theoreout in meting that a belay boy had been born at the hosno of Wm. Norton last week nue Tins Poer take. thii opportunity of correcting the Ott me. W. NioilTIN.IALII has pnechased t hal;. leapt mock at New Hionborg nue is prom. isn't/ the people of that locality unbelted of hargaine, J. J. Vineent will probably take the management of it. Tug new rubber branch and uozz'e for the Fire Department came to heed Met week. It °me $20 but is mouoy well in- vested when the question of tire protea tion is under con.ideration. Tiros, Rana:we diepoeol of 1114 fruit end (1 infeetienere busi Ara; to J. Watson, el Listotvel, and he sis turn sold out to Geo. eteuernagel, who took Peeeeseice last Saturday. Mrs, fiteuernagel will massage the shop. Rutledge lett town. POsTMASTER FARROW has moved to his new brick residence this week. It is a very comfortable house, the wood work of the interior being ash, large cellars, hot air furnace and all the other modern comforts end conveniences. Tint POST wishes Mr. and Mrs. Farrow many years of happiness in their cosy home. Some time stgo;DloIntogia it; McTaggart sued Snare Jackeon for 520 or tbereaboute, the value 01 11 patent right note sold to the above firm by a stranger who pro. reseed to be giving Jackson the sole right to manufacture mid sell a certain style of barrow in Grey township. Judgment eras given for the defendant. The ease was appealed and the Judge has reversed his deeision With costs. Peoria are asked not to leave their horses tied on the street hour after hour. A conpie of runways have resulted from this practice; goods at shop doors have been destroyed by nand being spattered by the tramp of animals and in more that one ease the [sidewalk has suffered by the pawing of untiaey horsee. There ia plenty of shed and stable room in Brussels for horses and rigs. CLAY PMEONS.—Several members of Brussels Gun club went to Atwood on Tuesday and took part in a sweepstake match for a silver cup. Each competitor had a chance at twelve birds. There were nineteen persons shooting. Dr. Mo. Naughton, of this town, won the cup. He broke 10 out of 12. The wind was high so that shooting was not op to the usual average. Other Brusselites snored as follows :—J. Ballantyne, 10 ; T. Noss, 9 ;1. Irwiu, 7 ; W. M. Sinclair, 7; J. Hewitt, 5. One Listowel man was credited with 8. After this contest sides were ohosen by Lawyers Sinclair, Brussels, and Ifforphy, of Listowel, fo another match which the former won. CEosE Cerm.—Last Friday morale beta girls, Luoy 'Webster, Lily Melee nd Rosie lieBon were prooeeding to th Evaporating Factory on the railroad track having crossed the river at Queen etreet. Either purposely or otherwise they were so slow on leaving the track as the morning train was coming in that the engineer, after blowing the whistle, was compelled to put on the air brake and reverse the engine to save a terrible acci• dent. Driver Hamilton was as white as a ghost when he got his train to the de- pot as he felt certain his engine had muck the McKay girl as sem was only a hair's breadth from being caught. Sta- tion Agent Kendall says this is not the only ease of close calls by venturesome people and if they ocestiuee to trespass the G. T. It authorities will be °am. pelted to interfere. ST. JOYIN's OEunee.-11. Dennis and J rwin, of Brunets, attended the Lay misers Convention at Stratford, last eels, in conneotion with the Episcopal. n church. They report a good time. n outline of the program is given on the page of this week's issue of TEE OST.—At the Vestry meeting bald last riday afternoon the resignation of Rev, . T. teluff was accepted, the same to me in foroe ou Nov. let. It was de. dad to correspond with the Bishop and ocare a list of clergymen suitable for is snoumbenoy out of which one will be osen. Another Vestry meeting will be Id on Friday afternoon of this week. •ussele and Walton congregations part th Bev. Mr. Oluff very reluotantly. Wednesday evening of this week a neregational at home was given at his idence.—In the absence of T. A. Haw. ns, organist, last Sueday, Miss A.bra• ne presided ab the organ, THE BRUSSELS POST Our. 21, 1892 Thureday evening of last James Driver had the end of the Amn. en hie 01 lit lined taken off machine in tho lies mill here. Ile bo off work for some time 01V111 L1110 valeideni. WhAT's the matter with tho Jime minutes of the °musty Coussoll ? Here 11 30 nearly November and no printout sip - pentium 'ef the pamphlet Oen they elsould have been rostdy nearly three mouths ago. Hee about time the Commit shut dOWil ell 0116 style of work anti paid a Mir price for a job neatly, eor. ready and peomptly exeouted. TUE School Board is advertising in the Tomer° dailies on Saturday of this week for a fell staff of tees:here for Ereesele Public school. Mem Maud Abraham par- posss attending the Normal school next year to scours her profeseionel thul con- segasittly the i‘risimey department will have to be supplied with a 11070 together. Ithsevnem Cuunem—Rev. Jno, Ross, B. A., Mrs, R. G. Wilson and Mrs. J. Stesv• art ere attending Ito Provincial Univers- tiou of the Christian Endeavor Society in seesion at Loudon this week —Elder Stewart and D. Stewart will represent elel.ille (shuck Sabbath school at the Provincial SebbaLls Aso:mimeo's meeting at Guelph next week, ;3,11;.1 LORD BAIL00.—Llst Fridiy even- iug Mrs, Bailey was greeted with a large end approcietive audience in the Mettle. dist olitireh 355 this plane. :ebbs wee her second appearance hero 00 there teas a complete change of program with the exception of two mews. Slie was in good voice and did full justice to all that she nedertools. "Life for a Life" WiL8 her beat effort and was splendidly given. The Sunday school orchestra and several ladies and gentleineu added to the pleasure of the evening by well executed selections. The program was as fol - town :—Dramatio overture, orchestra ; "The gipsy flower girl", Sara Lord Bail- ey ; solo, .`Dreame", Alex. Stmohan ; "The Boston vender's call", Sera Lord Bailey ; eJudginent day", Sara Lord Bailey ; solo, "Babylon", Miss Kate Wil- son ; "Life for a life", Sara Lord Bailey ; ...Royal Inempor degree", Sara Lord Bail- ey ; duett, "Hope beyond'', Jas. Jones and T. A. Hawking ; "Prompt obedi. mace", Sara Lord Bailey ; .•Eveline Mazurka", orchestra ; "Oreed of the bells", Sara Lova Bailey ; solo, "Ora pro Nobis", Mies le. 11, Kers: ; "Experience of a geniue", Sara Lord Bailey; dilate "Gently sighs the breeze", T. A. Haw' Ides aud Mies Bella. Smith. The silver collection amounted to 532,50. hers. Bailey went to Kincardine for Monday evening. She has every night engaged through October and November. week first its a will g to Business Locals, CONFORTARLE house to let. Apply to S. B. Smale. Pelson found containing cloth. Apply at TIM POST Publishing House. of _Courowreithe brick residence, on William street, Brussels, for sale. Also - the frame residence north of the Norton o Terrace. Apply to W. B. DIcissott. Two shawls found in Brussels. Tho the case might be. Mee Green made a Very fi»e display Afro. Rogers' store of ; Muter, the ovangeliets, who were ex - hats, bonbete and millieery goods and ' recited to vieit ileuesele this oeason for a has added another to the many former few Weekg will not be able to asnna owing proofs of her ability to ph HO the gentler to pressure of previous engagemente.— Sex in headgear. At V,. Ntglitingale's beet Monday evening the le worth a owners may have them by proving prop. arty and paying for this notice by calling at Tog Pose Publishing House, Brussels. A PARCEL Of dry goods found including dress material, tto. The owner may have the same by proving property and paying for this notice. TEE Pose Pub. Helaine House. Nevem—E. elersee, proprietor of the 13loomsdale Nursery Co., Woodstock, Out., is introd going their choice stock in this vioinity. Everybody see them be- fore purchasing, as it will pay you, NOrraa.—As I am removing from Brus- sels I desire all parsons Indebted to me to cell at onoe and settle as the acooun be wiil be placed in other hands for °once - lion after Nov. let. A. Mmes. DON'T commit suicide on [moonlit of your eitscurable" blood disease. The sensible thing for yon to do is to take Ayer's Sarsaparilla. If that feels, why then—keep on trying and it will not fail. The trouble is people get discouraged too 50015. "Try, try, bry again." DaEssneeme.—eliss Fannie Long, Dressmaker, Listowel, lasts returned from a visit to the leading fashion housein Montreal, Ottawa and Toronto and is better able than ever to turn out Luellen - able dresses. First class staff of 800101 - ante. Satisfaction guaeanteed. Write or oall on Aliso Long, Listowel. Ir you wish to secure a certain and speedy result when using Ayer's Series- parilla be careful in observing the rules of Leehh or the benefit may be retarded. A. fair and persistent trial of this needi- eine never fails when the directions are followed. TIT.nit Womma of WoienEns.—George mon, Brussels, lots to hand meta re's most wonderful life giving St. Leon Witter to clear the system of poisons, even the deadly virus of cholera, and bring health, strength and joy life long. Even physicians' declare 10 "impossible to narrate its value." Send in your orders. Wene•Dtecutte AND Dmeretece—George Birt has all the necessary maohitery fox, digging sand drillin wells and is prepar- ed to attend to all work entrusted to him in a way that will insure satisfaction. Wells cleaned out and put in proper share. Tering reasoriable. Residenoe Becloud door north of the bridge, west. tide Of Turnberry st., lertueselis. 34.01 DELAY Is Dexonnots.—When the kid' ney's are out of order delay is dangerous. Any disease may follow and become so well established that months of stillerh% will follow. A. gentle tome 11 W 50 ia A Is W co oi pr th oh he Bi wi On co res ki ha On/T,—On Timrsaay night of last week the silver cord was severed end the spirit of Annie Etta, eldest daughter of Bishop Ward, Mill street, returned to its Maker. The cleoeased had been ill for a good por- tion of a year with oomenroution and at times was a great yet patient sufferer. Iter faith in the finished work of her Saviour increased as she drew near the Jordan of death and she was able to eay !het all was was well. The funeeal took place on Saturday efternoOn. On Sun- day evening last Rev, '0. F. Salton preached fureral sermon having refer. once to the des:mese& Hie text was taken from the boolt of Job 88th chop -ter and 17th verse. Appropriate voluntaries were given by the choir. Tim pulpit, altar table and Ettaas vacant chair in the ohoir were draped in bleak. There were also a number of house plants on the platform and table. We shall meet, wo shall sing, we shall /1) trdiqualul Where the saved never clic; We shall rest free from sorrow and nein Safe et home in the sweet by-and-obe" METUODIST CIIMICII.—The Sabbath evening service will commence at 6:80 o'- olock instead of 7 during tlie Vali and Winter monthe.—Revds Orontes and the millinery department 13 Ill charge of Lee Miss Phillips this season and, judging the from the favorable tenements the ladies bee made on the opening clays, they aro but satisfied that firet-olass stylish work will Am be turned out. Miss Ifoare's store is tore also in fall swing BO that between the bee three the ladies of this locality will have Rev bo Gomm to ooluple in unless at the short. Rot uees 01 the husband's purse. 'We dont Win propose going Onto the dangerous in- and trioaoies of &seething tho various styles Ave hut advise you to cell on the above rxion• solo tioned milliners and tee for yetteeettica Mid ague had "Ohristophor Columbus" as subject for their eonsideriteion in (mo- tion with the celebration of the four Are% anniversary of his discovery of orlon,. The program was full ot in. 91 and WU as folletvg 1—Opening on ; roasliag, A. R. Smith ; reading, G. le Salton ; solo, Mies Lizzie Itholt ; reading, Miss Braden ; rotate- , Percy Ohl ; cluett, Misses Florenee Clara Hunter ; reading, Miss E. ry ; reeitetiOn, Miss Elsie Jaelseon ; , Miss Ella ; reading end rue, R, Gauley ; dosing hymn. like * Dodd's Kidney is always acceptable to the kidneys and troteets them from disease. They are 8 ieney food. Canted fettaa IN le was. Berlin has a sporting club °ailed alter champion Corbett. A basket factory is to be established in 50. Catharines et onoe. Rev. Meagre. Crossley and Hunter, the ovangelints, are laboring in Lindeity. A. le, Powell has been &looted a teeter commissioner 01 London, vice Geo, 0 Davis, resigned. James: Mitchell, 8 retired fanner, aged 80 years, oommitted add& at Pore Hope by ousting his throat. W. A. Hull, a profeseional shop -lib tee, was mamma at Hemilton last week to two yenta in penitentiary. Peovinoial uominations in New Brune. wink Saturday. There will be con EMUS in every county except Madewttelm. 50 15 understood thet Parliament will be called for the despatch of business early in Jannary, probably the 12th. Wessentamiteratinesembeasie ST4X.A4R.D 13aXIC OF 0.1,2Y4.1),,4, 1 liti AU li tb A neomeetme5E..X zee:" =..e.5 .5..:,*7 et. ' ii W a ''',3 ia• la 1.11 HEAD OFFICE, - TORONTO. ASSETS, - • (Seven Million Dollars) - 57,000,000 CAPITAL, (Authorized) - • 52,000,0.0 in all rrinciral poinla in Ontario, 1,11n1., c, :Una ilol+.1, ['nib li Slat,. ,t Enfa.. .d, 41.1emiz41a iiteaArz. A General Banking Buoinees Tranenoted, FarmersNotes Disieounted. Drafts famed and Collectioos made on all poinee SAVINGS BANK DF.PARTMENT. Interest allowed on depoeite 01 11.00 mei upwards Gesso duto of deposit to slate of withdrawal and cumpounded half yearly. EirEcIAL ATTENTION iliVEN TO TUE COLLECTION Or PAIDIERS' SAMI NoTEN, Every fitoillty afforded Customers living at a dish:woe. G. P. SCHOL1°1ELD, MANAOER. igromusamra=rarazrstr.ma.rrivatratzmarariax.mamecoumarearamercrascomnacsnearocaulanwanascamemerarso GILLIES MXTI, O9aj 131-R,ITESS-Z3Ds, Transact a General Banking Business. Drafts Bought aud Sold on DB points in Canada, United States and Groat Britain. FA RITE SS' NOTES DISCOUNTED. SALE NOTES AND MORTGAGES A SPECIALTY. 67;72 VINGf•T 010P02-RAFIJAN'1% Interest Allowed on One Dollar mud Upwards at Current Rates. Interest Com- pounded Twice a Year, Being Added to the Principal at the end of the Menthe of October and April. Special Arrangements made for Time Deposits. 75'o, etieet to welts? eissurtit:44L511itrLe1Acompanies, or in i,no.:1L,z1ti=,. Ma. AGENTS von CANADA AND UNITED STATES : TRU CANADIAN BANE OE 001011IncE, . ........ . Owing to some business and financial difficulties, the Port Arthur Sentinel has suspended publication for over a week. The new water works system of Lind- say, embraoing seven miles of pipe, was tested Monday and the toot was °amides, - ed. satisfactory. Tba attendance at the Shamrock -Capi- tal la/Hesse match last Saturday was 11,- 000 persons, and the gate receipts were little less than 55,000. The rails for the extension of tho L. E. & D. R. Ryhave been laid three miles from the station at Leamington and the work of ballasting this section is now being easTied on with a gang of about 100 men. Wheatley will probably He her first express train Nov. let next. .einilius Irving, Q. C., of Toronto, has just concluded an investigation of e, series ef charges preferred against Sheriff Wil- liam Sutton, of Bruce county. The Sher- iff is accused of conduct unbecoming a person in his position. A copy of the commissioner's report has been for- warded to him and 1515 resignation has been oalled for by the Government. One of the most gigantic systems of drainage ever undertaken in Ontario has just been decided upon by the Municipal Council of Pelee Island. It is proposed to draiu by a process of pumping aud dyeing alma 19,000 acres of marsh lands, largely owned by Dr. J. M. Scudder, of Cincinnati, and Lemuel Brown, of Pelee. The engineer, Mr- Newtnan, of Windsor, estimates the cosi' at 922,500. eaceese.xe Dlneasn.--In Brussels, on Oot. 1711), the wife of Mr. Wm. Miller of a son. Gratne.--In Brussels, on Oot. 20t1s, the wife of Mr. Noble F. Gecry of a S00. ave.a.meaRamm. Denst—IlomeemEn.—At the residence of the bride's parents, 1001 con, Gray, on Oot. 12th, by Rev. D. B. McRae, Mr. Benjamin Dark to Miss Kate Hollinger, all of Grey township. 2113MMI).. ONTOM—In Grey, on Oot. 17010, Mrs. Bobt. Oxtoby, aged 72 years and 6 months. Weito.—In Brussels, on Oot. 13011, Annie Etta, eldest daughter of Bishop and Ellen Ward, aged 21 years, 2 months and 6 days. &OYCTIO7sI' 07&07 ram ON, Om. 2S.—Farm stock, imple- ments, Leo., Lot 28, Con, 8, Morris. Sale unreser ved, at 10:80 a. m. Carter Bros., Props. Geo, Kirkby, Aut. THURSDAY, OCT. 27T/I.—Parm stook, irnplemente, ceo., Lot 9, Con. I, Grey. Sale 'unreserved, commences at 1 p. sharp. J. E. Coombee, Prop. George Kirkby, Anot. esestreseeimest sex.a.17.x-teeeesim, Fall Wheat Spring Wheat Barley Nag Chao Butter, tubs and retie eggs per dozen. Flour per barrel Potatoes Hay per ton Sett per bbl., retail, Hides trimmed Hides tough Sheep skins, eaoli Lamb skins each Apples per barrel ... Wool Pork 60 65 60 63 30 40 66 00 25 26 15 16 18 00 850 400 35 00 500 000 100 05 8e 8 60 100 65 00 1 00 1 50 17 18 6 00 00 THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. MUSKOKA. SHINGLES FOR sato at 151', 3.1110053,11.0fBrit seals, ANTED. A GENERAL servant, One wages, Apply to MRS. R. L. TAYLOR. r1WO MILCH COWS FOR SALE .L earth calve in jaunary end Maroh, re. Anply to 14- MRS. WM, MeCHLLOTTGEC, 13 reseals. RIVATE FUNDS TO LOAN On farm security. ?metalline% may be Obtain ed by applying at THE POST Publish- ing ilousedirtilsols. rtOG LOST..—oot,un DOG I..L., LOST, Lark brown fnoolor, has email 005015n la ols meek, anaWera to the mune el "Colho." Aro will. be 'Mod !or hie ete 1 covos'y. Solt b°17,13airOVIY1411PoNTIL lob 8, oon.e, Grey. - .Teeee't, TWOMILCH COWS FORr. SAL0;,—One 51 and the other 2 years of age. Apply to AIRS. D. LIVINGSTON, It miles north of Brussels. BLACK ASH WANTED.—PER- soxa haying Black Ash timber for sale by the acre are asked to call ou 3.51'. ARENT, n-tf Brussels. TERSEYS FOR SA.LE.-1 bred Cow 4 years ; 1 Heifer nearly pure bred ; 1Bull 0 years old ; 1 Bull Calf 0 months old. G. A. DEADMAN, Druggist, 13russals, AT LOST.—A BROWN Christy Stiff Hat, drooped from a wagon on Thursday, 01110t11 0013.. Grey, be- tween Brussels and RUIN. Finder will Please leave it at Tan PoST Publishing House and oblige. QTEEL CROWBAR LOST BE. I.." TIMM; Geo, _Kirkby's Morris and 1311S - eels. Has the initals R. A. stamped on it, Ilbo Under will be rewarded by leaving it at Tim PosT Publishing House, Brussels. 13-tf T1108. NEWSOME. rtORDWOOD WANTED. —ANY gnantity of hard and Soft cordwood wanted 550 5117510010 Snit Works. 51.25 to 91,50 per oord for soft wood ar.d 81.50 to 05.50 for hard wood, T. COLEMAN, 12-10 Proprietor, DROPERTY FOR SALE.—THE 1_ undersigned °flusher 151000rty19 miles north of llrssssojs Sor sale on liberal tonna There is oue uoro of land emus -which there are two houses, stable and a small orchard. The place is conveniently located on the gravel road. Por further partioularS as to price, tersna, ito., apply to MRS, 1000. 811313013,3.110, rib00083 St., Brum% REAL ESTATE. 17.11ARMS FOR SALE.—THE UN. 51I55002850.13) has several good Fartne for sale and to rent, easy terms, in Townships of Morris and Grey, F S. SCOTT Brussels. 87-11. i^IHOIOE FARM FOR SALE.— Being South half Lot TT, Gen.°, eforis. 100 aerse, nearly oleared. Good buildings fine 001Ing bearing orchard, Immediate 1309- 801191011. !Duey Terms. Apply to W. M, SINCLAIR, tf- Solicitor, 50., Brit ssels, GOOD FARM FOR SALE. Being Lot 12, Con, 0, Grey town sbip Mures 0/1„ known as Gm Habkirk farm. 2.120 farm contains 100 aoros' is well located and will be sold cheap and on most liberal terms, POSSassion as far as plowing is con- cerned can be given at suns. For further partionleas es to price, tem apply to JOBS BIOS 7070100, Oslo EltIGEIMoDXAttllf/D, 11-4 SeafOrth, Stratford. GOOD FARM FOR SALE.— Unto undersigned desires 00 dispose of 1118100 acre farm being Lot El, Oen. 7, littuy, adjoining the theiving village of Dales] whore am shopseoluarobee. solloole. On the farm is a comfortable dwelling -hoes°, good bank barn, tin -top °mimed, wens and neces- sary oubbuildinge. 85 aores cleared, balance bush, Thalamus in a good state Of Mitt- vatic:l and is well fenced. Por price, terms and other particulars apply on the premises to L. DOBSON, Proprietor 0.01 Ethel P. 0, ; Wonderfully Cleap -7) E R'S DRUG STORE. LF.GAL AND CONVEYANCING. p L. TAYLOR, BARRISTER, • S °Hai tor and Conveyancer. Mons made. Oince—Vanstoue's Block, Brus- sels. 21.5in 'AL SINCLAIR, . Solid tor, Convoyaueer, No tiny Pub- lic, 50, Oideo—Grahum s 1510011,1 tic north of Popper's Brag Store. Private Fantle to Loan. 0AtlE1tON, HOLT & HOLMES, NJ Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public, Goderieh, 11. 0, C15551155551, 17. C., PRILIP DOLT, HOMAns, 13. DICKSON, • Solleitor, Conveyancer, Notary lubile 50. Oillee over hank. Lookie'll Block ,Iirussels. AUCTIONEERS. A RAYAIANN, _ca.. Auctioneer, 15 always ready to at tend sales of Parma, farm steak, 50. Terms eheerfully given. Cranbrook 0.0. Wee may be arrumed at 21110 Peew Publishing nom, Bra duels. G irEORGE KIRKBY, rdooaaod Auction -30a. Sales eonanot od on reasonable tonne. Perms and farm stock sp tie -laity. Orders /oh at )'ue Posw P ubli shine House, Brussels, or sou t to Walton P, 0., will reoolve prompt attention. TT AVING TAKEN OUT LICEN- -A-.1- su as an .'s.oclios,00s, 2 ani prepared to conduct solos 01 0011» stook sot reasonable prices, 'Knowing the standing of nearly every perSOU 1. It'll lnio position to bell to good marks and got 000c1 security whoa sold on credit. Satisfaction guarauteed. Give me a eel. 81- 21 S. SCOTT, BUSINESS CARDS. . _ INT. MeORACKEN, at his Grocery, iiicUtalul%rirygsetLreker'giliss°01als'.3° '5 N'iBARRETT, onsorial Artist. Shop—Next door south of A. M. McKay 45 Co's hard ware store. Ladies' aud chilthuns hair cutting a specialty .4/k,. maxAni, legume of Marriage Lioenses, by appointment of Lieut, -Governor, commis - 5e., Q. B. Conveyancer and Agent Fire Insuranoo Co, Oillee at the Oranbrook Post °Moo. ROBERT CUNNINGHAM- rieneletEelt, FIRE AND MARINE. GUELPH. ..z.i_LEX. HUNTER, clerk of the Pourth Division Court Co. Huron, Convoyanoor, Notary Public Land, Loan and Insuranee Agent. Needs ieveated and to tome Collootions made. Oahu in etrabasn's Blook, Brussels. OIL PAIN'PING, V Miss Merles, of Winghom, is prepared to give instruction in oil painting. %arms 113tty be meertalued at Miss Nellie Noss' store wbore samples of wotk may be seen. Miss Merle -would also take &few 01000 1100115 115 muMe. T A. HAWKINS, • Organist in St. John's Church, 13rus- eels, and pupiein the Art of Teaching, 01 5. W. Thayer, Mits. Doe., New York, will give leasetne to pupils either at Thos, Farrow's, corner of Queen mud Princess Sts„ or if pre- ferred, at their 011,11 homes, Terms moder- ato, 40. MEDICAL CARDS. WM. 1'. CALE, M.D., 0.11., Member of the Oolloge of Phyesoian, and Surgeons of Ontario by examinittion, Othee else Residences —Main street East, Ethel,ontario. T A. MaNA,UGLITON, 11. D. . 0.M., L. R. ncummagu, m. 0. p 80550, Residence mid aloe in Wileon' Block, earner 05 13011 aud Turnberry Ste, VETERINARY. 2 0 0 "113 FARM FOR SALE. Tho 300 store farm, being 1010 11 and 12, sou, 10, Groy, is otored for sale. 103 acres are emend and the balance well the - bone. Buildings first-class, Orohard , Well, 50, School house within 11.0 rods, Posses- sion given at once if desired. For further particulars se to price, terms ,to, amply to elle% )141,111011, 5.11 lioseville 23.05. or NELSON BRICRIBR, on f arm, T..4-1A.R11/ FOR SALE.—T1113 UN- DalifilONED offers for sale the north east quarto rof lot 28, emenesion 0, Morris, County et eturon,cunitaluing 00 norm. e'he laud is of first quality swain a high state of cUltiVation, Weil 101.10021 and Under -drained, 95 earn eteared, Nati/frame home, 8 repine, milk house with concrete walls, 2 wells, good barns and sited, Mallard, etc, Eight awes of fall wheat. This desirable j; rovorty edjoins the corporation of lemmas's. Suit- able temr wIll be 0) 70», Tale p (nee ot JAMES GRIEVE, Owner, 80. Sealer bif P. O. QPLENDID FAR111 FOR SALE. 131nrio lots 11 and 12, 1015. 15, TOwnship of Grey, County of Enron, oontaining 200 acres, the pr oporty of the late John Robert- son. 100 mires cleared and feet, from Ob. struotions, 13 acres bush, Mixed timber, balances partly cleared, hod clay loam, mostly 1511155g. Penned with Weight rail fences stud watered by two wells an,l a moguls privilege. Coonnostioue dwelling house, with Mega woostebed attached and 100 comellent smear mules, house, Two largo barns, etono etabliug ited other (satinet/se ings. Two good bearing entomb, memo moutel train and Smell fruits. 44 mites from Brussels, a lively town me the 15. w, 11, ocinvoulent to school, 51155(01055 end poet °taco. Tide property hoe well, to rt nue- elms greets and stook farm and should bo soon by intending purchasers, aa 01 15 cites, ea at a Magnin. For farther pattioulars apply to eat& aN0.1t0131titT3011, or DANIEL 11011101158014, 051 the pretuises, or by lottee to Cumbrook P. 00.4 T D. WARWICK, 0? • nonor Graduate of the Ontario yetertuary °allege, is prepared to treat all eisemes of domesticated animals In a com- petent manner. Particular attention Paid to veterinary dentistry. 05110 promptly at. tended to. Otnee and Leirnaary—Two doom north of bridge Pus:ninny se, Brussels. DENTAL. :11.10IO534TIOCI M. CAVANAGH, L. D. Se D. D - Graduate or the Noyal College of Dental Surgeons, Out:trio, and of Termite tree versity. OVPI(114-0V0/ 5.15, Snlith'e Store, BrUSSOIEL TIV1PROVED LARGE WHITE YOBIL, "LTliSeEnntannErsitCeNvin troop for service this 000,0, _VOTsrirr18,1U 'reiatiuylPr'crlidaige 0050010 moats, to welch limited number 'of 00700 will be WWII, TOMB $1.00 be bo pale at time of serviee, with Om privilege of return- ing it notiegeary. Pedigree may be seen up - 01.1 itoeation, 10013311375el10110L, reoprietee. NERVENTiravn 2310553 are AM discovery that cure the Nvorst cases of Nervous De - BEANS bility,tost \egos' anti ran - lug IkIal11100(1; mistreats the weaknoes of body or mind 01 0110 errors oe 000010000! youth. Ties Remedy absolutellevneglitAhwe m. ost obstinate limes when alloho 7100230111000 failed 0/011 to relieve. Sold by Magee:its at el pee peekago, or six for 80,00 sent by in eel on mobil; of Woo by addrees- ing Tun JAMES MEDICINE Co,, Toronto, Ont, Write foe pamphlet. Sold in lienssele by 15, 5., 72205.050511,