HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1892-10-14, Page 10l5fricf Y'rivS.
Tlt-w 000t.
Several Atw'oadians visited the Brus-
sels Fair last Friday.
J. 11. Moli:tiu left for the University
at Toronto this week.
John HloBain lies opened a tailor shop
au Ethel. Ile snceeees D. G. Born.
Tl.istle, oho was before the 1 ase:es for
'the seduction of a young girl nailed
Varner, wa8 arquitted.i
Rohe Smith is laid op with typhoid
fever. Geo. Dann is confined to his bed
with the same trouble,
O� an;eeterenn.
There was a couple of men in town
exhibiting Reginald Birchen, Beuwell
and Lerngno 10 wax.
The Sone of Scotland et this place in•
tend 1101ieg a gland Scottish concert on
the evening of Oct. 3105.
Beattie Bros., of this place, won first
money in the running race at Walkerton
last week, with their runner, Topsy l3 ;
also first in tlt_ Duttleg race with Letter
Once more it is our melancholy duty
to write of the great uncertainty of life
whieh has been menifested- by the Giver
of all good taking unto Himself the
spirit of Sarah jaw Dulmage, beloved
f f John II D nae of this place
Morris Council Meeting.
net pursuant to adjourn-
ment in the Council room on Sept. 06111.
Members all proaeut, the Reeve in the
chair. llfinllt08 of last meeting read and
passed.. Moved by C. A. Rowe, secant•
od by Geo. Kirkby that James Proctor be
instructed to have Farrow's bridge re-
paired as reoommended by the engineer.
Carried. Moved by C. A. Iiotve, soeood•
ed by S. Celdbick that Joe11 'Mooney he
re.appointed collector at a watery of 5535.•
00 on condition that bo furnish satis-
factory security to the amount of 011,000
and that a 13y -law be drafted to thee
effect, Carried. On motion. of 0. Cnhl-
bick, seconded by Geo. Kirkby the follow-
ing ecooantr were ordered to be paid :-
Immo Currie, repairing Bogies bridge,
$1.00 ; D. Campbell, repairing Magilire's
bridge, $'2.00 : Geo. Tawny, ditch and
enlveat on 2nd line, 0.3.64 ; Jnc. Ainsley,
inspecting, and estimating cost of bridges,
07.00 ; JOhn 11011111d, ditch 0n 7th 15(10,
533.150 ; Wm, Cuneingbatn, repairing
Lanndy's hill, 1":`?.00 ; Van. Vau1Ornaul,
repairing nerttpar, 5 3.00 ; Ali•sbe Ilxford,
charity, 510.00 ; for gravel -0. McOlel.
land, 52 •15 ; J. Ficrandelt, $1.10 •
Hopp •r, x:3.90 ; E. 130s,nan, 53.70 ; T.
Strechau, ;;1.:13 ; D. lleeriugtou, 41.0;1 ;
Sats. Gibson, '12,16 ; Jas. McAleer, 136.53 ;
Thos, Menuaters, :1.0.2 ; Thos. Hender-
son, x3.:37 ; 3. Smith, $2.50 ; Geo. Jack-
U i0 • Geo.
n tea.. U
60 ,
' � 5. 3 ur •a i is t,
seconded by Geo hie b y t nn Bylaws
'• Nommen Sheerfield, a Baptist preach-
er of Decides Chapel, Arkansao, was shot
dead Saturday by his brother.in.law,
The Council i l Pink Allen. The two men had been at
enmity for some time.
It is alleged that Chancellor von Cap-
rivi and Count Eulenberg have sent to
their reei:tnations to Emperor 'William,
but The North Gorman Gazette denies
even the existenoo of a Cabinet crisis.
While a deputy sheriff was alloying the
effects of Mrs. Halpin, an pged invalid,.
into the street Friday in New York for
non•payent of rent, the woman, tvbo
was heart brulteu, expired kneeling In
p gayer.
The annum conference of tlto Mormon
01tir0h has closed at ete1t Lake City.
Reports show a membershipl of over 200,-
000. It was decided to dedicate the new
temple on April 1511, 1903. It wee cam -
mantled !e years ago, and has cost 112,-
There wan considerable of a racket at
Brockville Monday evening because the
property committee of the council re-
laxed to let the town hall for an null -
Catholic lecture by a 'Mrs. Shephard.
The °ranee element took up the affair,
but ea latest aeemulate there had been
nothing more serious than noise.
Juts, Anderson, of Delhi, a sawyer who
is alleged to have already two wives liv-
ing, eloped the other day with the young
wife 0t IIorman Dryer. Anderson
boarded with the Dryers. The woman
two children, aged three
' r her e
e ohm
left behind
-wife o Dos n -i - p 1 i tSe, 7 Moved by C 1 Ib i and ono year, It seems this is not the
The deceased had a paralytic stroke y
Kirkby t t L' 1 first time Mrs. Dryer has gwo aivny, but
sometime son and had not boon the No. 17 and 19 a6 now read be passed. tits husband on the first occas ion f.5tgace
eater since. mei
Sunday last she ing en' Carried. On motion of Messrs. Proctor 1 her and took her home again.
caber str:Jte and ouTucaday morning she and Howe the Conned e:tj au a,l to met breathed her lust. The deceased was 53 agtiiu nu Nov. 7th. I Overcome with shame and anger at
years of age and was beloved by everyone 75'. C'LAun,
who knew her for her kind disposition' Clerk.
She leaves behind her a sorrowing bus -
bold and a grown up family. The fuller- --
el en Thnrsday to the Winuham eeme-
(7, rem tervti Na'vrc»..
try 51'a0 largely attended. -Times.
' General Cre'po has been)) proclaimed
ieiref oeta' xt1. provisional President of Fe(1czuola.
J. L. L,url ng, b011150 11 of this town, I Kremlin won the $5,000 stake for 2.10
has taken into partnership Felt lileirett, trotters at hex3n;ltou, Ily„ Monthly, in
x511583)5)15 boats.
barrister, of Toronto. Hamden will row 13nbeer 0n the Thames
Dick French, the property of Kidd if the Englishman will make the stake
Brow., and A. Ed mamas, won the 2.213 race 500 sovereigns a side.
at 'Rochester Baking, a record of 2.100. Subterranean rumblings are terrifying,
They sold him two days later for $2,000. the inhabitants of the region about the
Constable Woods mss assessed $05 for volcano of Colima, and many of them
false arrest of a men named McKenzie hove fled from their homee.
as a snspet in connection with recent George Greer, who was engineer of
incendiary fires, ,•1,000 was the modest the Monitor at the time of that vessel's
fee sued for. famous engagement with the Merrimac,
The school games in commemoration diad et Charleston, S. 0., Monday.
of the Discovery of America and Battle Monday was school children's clay at
of Qneenaton Heights, will be held on the Columbian celebration in Now York
Friday. Oct, 1.1+11. The sports will be in city. Over 20,000 scholars and students
the rink park and there will he no ad-
m18s10n fee.
The union Meetings that are in pro-
gress at present in the Methodist church,
coudected by the Bev. G. Willis, evan.
eelist, of Cleveland, Ohio, ate progressing
very fev� rably. Already neatly 100
11.1.2 expressed a determination to lead
new lives and gut to a number have been
tools part in the procession' beside hes and ill her baud was found
Tom Geoghegan, who is now doing this note :-"I gut tired of trying to
time in the Oregon State prison, is to be
brought to Chioneo, it is said, to stand tench bud boys."
his trial for the murder of Dr. Cronyn. .. '
Ile is said to bo the elle who did the hFi4S'10 BF.:tRS are n
actual ltillinu. no:v discovery that cum the
On Saturday afternoon a terrific hail• worst cases nflriorvous Da -
storm visited Sv. Pant, Mice., doing billty,bost Vigor and rail -
groat damage to vegetation and buildings. fog 1111,nhaed ; restores the
The hailatOACB were all inch in diameter weakness of body or mind
her inability to punish one of the refrac-
tory boys in ler school, at Chatham,
Aries Alice Granger, a school teacher,
Friday nieh1 Molt her awn life by means
of morphine. Alias Granger has had
charge of the school for three years and
bas always been successful with her
pupils until the pt'eseut term, when a
half dozen incorrigible boys Dame under
her control. For six weeks they have
made life a burden to her by Infusing to
obey rules and instigating rebellion
among younger pupils. The teacher ap-
pealed to the school board for
assistance, bit as two of its members ere
the fathers of the troublesome students,
never received any. Sho finally deter•
mined to take forcible action in the nat-
ter and after a particularly bad outbreak
tried to use a rattan on Harry Bottling.
He rebelled and in the scrimmage other
boys mane to his aid and blackened the
teeeber's eyes. She e.t once closed the
school and returned home. That night
she was found stretched across her bed
dead, An empty phial of morphine lay
Jana- m• the otters n4 exe0aaes of
Livingstone, sr., hada short visit 1 d' t
fr, m 11ur•. Dr. Laws and wife, lvho00 and maty pedestrians wore hart before youth. This itemedy absolutely aures 11,0
home and field of missionary labor is et they could get to shelter, muni obstinato mixes wheal alt other Talk'r•
I ivinstouia, 081 the shores of Lake Nota Stattdieh, of Coldwater, Allah., Mr70TS 01050 tailed even to relieve, sold b1'
Nyasa, in Sontli Central A11100. Dr.ctruggtsts at 01 per wattage, or six far $e, or
wee thrown from a hn¢"t;y on Irrtday sent hymen on receipt or mice by address-
L.rw0 was scut out to Africa front the [tight and fell on her head, dislocating wgg'00nfor,l (00611etf"%1 0.10 03111110, lay
parent church in Srotle of about 17 ]ter neck. It was thought that she was C), A, DLADSIAN.
years ago, in compliance with the sag. dead. The attending physicians sure-
arestion of Dr. Livingstone on hie last intoned two strong men, one seized her by
visit home previous to Itis death. Dr.
Laws was in attendance at the Pan
Presbyterian Council at Toronto, and
availed himself of the opportunity while
in Canals 01 cluing upon the brother of
has distinguished prerdeeeeeor in the lois.
sionary 11,11, Tae une0kug tuns n very
cordial 0110.
Do. Nrcuee 1)1'.t11. -By the death on
Saturday, he hie 70th year, of John I els ''ants being minded to try the gold
Nichol, 1. U., this town has loot ono of nn ee, or mistaking it fora bun, extended
its oldest and most prominent 0111(10(18. his trunk, pinked op the purse std meal,
By tate practice of his prefeemon since the lowed it. The etraogeet cantina were
earliest settlement of the place and by immediately admiuistored, but with no
itis prominence in social and financials effect. The elephant would not give up
circle?, he was one of the best known cit'- the Boll, and the Zoological Society like.
zeas in our flutist, 1 u maty years he wise refuses to refund it, for which reason
was a neeful member of the town Coen- the lady has entered action at law.
oil, and tat the, time of his death The people on Inde tmndeuoe wvenae, a
chairman oof the High1 school Beard. He erowiiad thoroughfare of Hewes Cit,',
tock a deep interestebet,not only in edam. Mo., witnessed a horrible tragedy on
timnal mntt' 111 but, befog a Targe legere. Statures afternoon, Lee, Ellington, a
Ierty owner in the town, he was alrt••tys y
forward in adranciug the town's fivauei• boy 10 years old, was lauding at horse to
a1 interests. IIe was a large shareholder a water trough, IIe had tied the halter
1.0 and director std vire pre.3dont of the around hie wrist. Tho horse took fright
Morris Ifiold•Rogers' Piano Company of and ran away, throwing the boy to the
this town, and president of the Listowel ground and dragging him at, a terrible
Rink nod Pa•11 Company, Hewes chair- speed along the street. The horse had
1111111 (If the Building Committee of Knox Tutt two nail00 before he WAS stopped.
el: welt, toll a deep personal interest h1 The boy in the meantime lied been killed
the ort Miami, a abort time since, of the and hie body hal boon reduced to a pulp,
splendid edifice 8011011 reflects so much Hundreds of people witnessed the ac-
credit upon the congreg dean and the ant, ,
tow:. IIe was a prominent figure in A Boston 0pee.i11says e -7uhn L. 1'11.
Jia=colic circles, being initiated in Dern- liven has startled his Monde 511 thio city
mrd Lodge, No. 213, in 1570,incl was \V, by announcing hit inteutiou cf (3119.11011g.
01, of the same lodge for fifteen 0on80du- ing Corbett to fight arttin. IIs was seen
live zeal's, Ile WAS again elected W. A1., by a reporter in the dresein room before
the feet and 11001110r by the head, anti
at the word pulled as hard as they could.
The bones sprang into plana with a snap,
site anon recovered conscionsuess, and
will tire.
A lady visiting the Zoological Oar3eu:,
London. sitting clown before the elephant
steels, laid down a brown purse contain-
ing six sovereigns on her lap. Ono of the
eta et the time of his death held that
houre0ble office, and was 11, G. S. B, of
the Grand Lodge of Canada. Tim 100011.
al, which took 111000011 Sunday afternoan,
was conducted by Bernard Lodge, A. P.
and A. M. Ile is survived by three eats
and three daughters. The oldest living
son, John Nichol, is teller in the Bank of
Hamilton, '1Vingitam, Albert is a grade.
ate in arts, of Toronto and has abort
complotnd his medical course, The
youngest son, Roy, i+ an undergraduate
of Toronto„Ilnivorsi r. The family 10
left well provided £o1 as Dr. Nioh01 81110
one of the wealthiest citizens in town.
TTntii the peat year ha wee a man of good
health and active habits, but a severe
said left en affoation of the throat, 0111011
gradually reduced his strength. IIe was
a native of Glaegoty, Sootlaud.
the play begau Saturday night and had
this to say :-"I am saving money now
with o, resolute determination tooltallengo
Corbett tofighe again and give mo a
°Nance to Win IAA 111e money that was
rebind from 1110 in Now Orleans.' "By
robbed, do you mean that yon wore drug-
ged ?" "There was something wrong.
I am not making any direct charges just
now, but that was net right I woil know,
After the first rented I could see half a
clown Corbetts, and as good a man ate
Corbett is, I don't believe 11e nor any one
Glee living Dan stand up and fight me
twenty.0ne rounds without being hit.
"Throe wa8 a 801Onee afoot," continued
Sullivan, "to break what seemed to the
poolroom men a dead sure combination
-Mottnliffo, Dixon and Sullivan -and I
was the one selected to be thrown down."
Private Funds to Loan.
Have been placed in my 'lands
for Investment on real estate.
No Commission.
Borrowers can have loans com-
pleted in Three Days if title
Solicitor, Brussels.
CO; 'St71V1 1 TIOIT
successful CONSUAMPTION CURE, is
without a persue! in the history of medi-
cine. All druggists are authorized to sell
it on a positive geeraetec, a test that uo
other once can suooessfolly stand. If you
have a Cough, Sore Throat or Bronchitis,
use ft, for it will enre you. It your child
has the Croup, or \Whooping Cough, use
it promptly, and relief is dare. If you
dread that insidious deaaee CONSUMP-
TION, DON'T FAIL t0 000 it, it will owe
you or cost nothing. Ask your Drnggisb
for SHILOH'S CUBE, Pelee 100., 1500.
and $1.00 If your lungs aro sore of beck
laute,nse Shiloh's Porous Fleeter, 25c.
Practical TValclznm,alte7'
and Jeweler.
Thaulting the public for past favors and
support and wishing still to Bemire
your patronage, we are opening
out ball Lincs in
Silver Plated Ware
from Established and Reliable Makers
fully warranted by us.
Clocks of'the
Latest Desi, ns
S 8P lltauram
Wnnntva RINGS,
LADIlte Gc.m 1tie00,
L+'AIMINe8, c'&Or
ri•Also a Full Line of \TI MM S and
'Violin Strings, 8ca., in stook.
N. its-Uesurer ti' ltarrtagc tdceuaeo.
T. Fletcher, - Brussels.
Oct,`' 14, 1892
Money to Loan,
Money to Loan on Farm Pro-
perty at
Private and Company Funds.
Solicitor, tea.,
Do Yen knew
That C. E. Perry makes as
fine photos. as are made in the
TIUIt ho
Finishes all photos. on the
atm' permanent aristo paper ?
That JIC
Can't be beat on family
and other groups 9
That he
Copies and enlarges old
pictures to any size ?
That Diis
Cabinet Photos. are excep-
tionally fine ?
That his
Baby Photos. are unequail •
ed, and if yon want a first-class,
finely finished photo. you can't
do better than call on
. ,a iE R RV,
Next to American hotel,
ei•:emees12111 .L7t� iaiy?!t.,e+:§:i=MOW
-Ad tki
Our Stook in above lines is now
oomplete with Fall and
?inter G-oods.
,,, 21602:,n�� .a mow^ �.
We are diving, Extra Name in these lines,
This Accounts for the fact that our Sales are Largely
September being not only the best Months' business we
have had since Corning to Brussels, but it is away ahead
()Pally other Month in Boots & Slices.
We have Mons' Long Boots from $1.25 to $3.(50 -Ail good
valve. '\Vo have Worllons' Shoes, from tllo finest Rid to the heaviest
Iiip. Boys' Long Boots and Misses' and Children's Shoes of al'I
styles and prices. In
We have the celebrated "Granby" make ---There aro no better in
trio Market. Wo have (G) Five Styles of Men's Rubbers, not Count-
ing Overshoes. (G) Five Styles of Women's Rubbers, as well as
Misses' Boys' and Children's.
We have the Cardigan Overshoes in Women's, Misses' and
Children's sizes. The Stocking in those is now made right to the
toe, so there is no danger of tlaeso ripping.
n...rtacmnrtmnm'ama irn•Nrr'<na a
We have ct- Button Fastener and Buttons caia be
fastened ZV7 Ids wire so they clon't come ofd'
When you want Boots & Shoes give us a call,