HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1892-10-14, Page 9BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1892 EAST HURON FALL FAIR. [COMNORD 1•'IiO t FIRST PAGE.] \TROPTAnLRs,—Onions Prom seed, red, Jno Stafford, Walter Taylor onions from seed, yellow dancers, Jno Stafford, Walter Taylor ; onions from seed, giant room, W II McCracken ; onions from top sots, W H McUrookon, Goo Kelly ; onions from I)utah sets, Geo Kelly, Wal- ter Taylor ; ono quart top onion sets, G Kelly, W 1I itioC'raoken ; ono quart Dutch sots, W 11 MoCraoken, Fred Me- Craoken ; one gnllott of potato onions, Walter Taylor, Geo Johnston ; six ears corn, yellow Canada, Walter Taylor, Jno Stafford ; six oars porn, white flint, Jas bloCaltnm, 0 Henderson Is Son ; coIleo- tion of corn, 0 Ilenderson d; Son, Jno Stafford ; four heads Winter cabbage, W Taylor, Jno Stafford ; four heads curled savoy, W IT McCrooken ; four heads red pickling cabbage, Walter Taylor, Mre T Ballantyne ; two heads cauliflower, Wal- ter Taylor, Jno Stafford ; pumpkin, W Taylor, Geo Holly ; squash, W H Mc- Greeken, Jae Spoir ; ooliection of garden produce, W 1I Me Craoken ; tomatoes, large, Willie Stewart, Walter Taylor ; plum or (sherry tomatoes, Walter Taylor, C Henderson dr SOLI ; quart butter beano, Jas McCallum, S Snell ; quart white beans, W H MoOraoken, A Stewart Mim- eo's) ; quart any other variety of beans, W 11 MuCraoksn, Prod MoCraoken ; two citrons rouud striped, Jno t\Iowbray, 0 Henderson tt Son ; two nitrons, long Californian, Jas Evans, W II McCrack- en ; three watermelons, W 11 MoCraolsen, Jou Ifewitt ; three mttskim:Ions, 1) Stew- art, C Henderson ,t Son ; onoutnbers fit for table ase, C Henderson tt Sou, A. Smith ; plants of celery, white, Walter Taylor, 0 IIouclereoa & Son ; plants of calory, pink, W H MoCraoken, Wolter Taylor. D,uuv PROnncl:.—Tub butter, Honry Hamilton, Wm Pollard, Mary Mitobell, II Edwards, Mrs T Forbes ; table but- ter, II Hamilton, Jos Wilkinson, Mrs T Forbes, Jae Ireland, G A Dominion ; factory ahoese, \V A Edgar ; home made oheese, Mrs E Stewart, Jas Simpson. DOMRSTIo MavoRACTnnn+.—Pair blankets, Geo Johnston, Geo Moffatt ; oounter- pane, Nelson Bricker, Mrs E Stewart ; yarn, home spun, W H MaOraoken, Geo Moffatt ; gentleman's suit, Canadian tweed, 1) 0 Ross ; maple sugar, W lI McCracken, Jos McCallum ; maple syrup, W H McCracken, Jae McCallum ; honey, comb, G A Deadman, Wan Arm • strong ; honey, strained or extracted, W Armstrong, G A Deadman ; grape wine, David Mooro, G A Deadman; rhubarb wine, W 1I McOraokan, Mre T Ballow tyne ; strawberry wine, Mrs T Balton- tyne, W I1' McCracken ; elderberry wine, Mrs T Bttlantyns ; tomato ketchup D Moore, Mrs T Ballantyne ; apple jelly, Jos Evans, Chas McClelland ; rhubarb jolly, Mre T Ballantyne; raspberry jelly, 0 Henderson it Son, Mrs T Ballan- tyne ; jelly, any other frnit, Jae Evans, W H McCracken ; hono made broad, white, Mrs T Ballontyno, Jae Harrison ; home made bread, brown, Mre T Ballon. tyro, lvlary Mitchell ; fruit Dake, James MaCallnni, Mrs T Ballantyne ; jelly cake, Mrs T Ballantyne, David Moore ; oatmeal oalre, Mrs T Ballantyne, James McCallum ; aallootion of oennod fruit, W I3 MaOraaken. lIAalnenc'roells.—Set double farm hnr. noes,1 C Richards 1 it 2 ; Single boggy harness, I (i 2;.ieharde 1 Or 2 ; axeIandlo, ;las 'McCallum, Jno \Vynn ; collection or tinware, 11allRntyrie tt Wilkon ; piatnro Mature', R Le.atherilale ; specinunn tttru- ee s work, 11 I eatherdale. Lure 41 onl .--Arisunne \Voris, Sir. A1ux Stt;'u.h,n, Nellie itoes; Applign° Work, Mrs T Btallantyno, hire A Straub. an ; Braiding, Goo 1\Ioff.itt ; Burlin wool work, flat, Nellfo Ross, Jon Mowbray ; Berlin wool work, raised, Nullic Rosa, Jno Irowbray ; Borlin wool and bend work, Chas McClelland, Mrs T 1ltthun- t3uo ; Berlin wool flowers, elate 1%le010l. land ; Bead work, Nollio Roes, (7 1e, Perry ; Bonnet, Jae McCallum ; Berlin wool and silk, flat, i,A's .0 Stowart, Nellie Ilosa ; Cono work, MO's L Stowart ; Cord work, Mira T Bolla ntyne, Chea TluCh'1 Lord ; Orowol work, Mrs T Ballantyne, Mre T I'orbes ; Card board motto, Chu, McCtullt\nrl, Mrs T Forbes ; C:oolu:t work, Mrs T Bahantyno, Nellie Ifoie; Darned not, Mrs T Forbes, Chas Mo - Clelland ; Embroidery, cotton ne Madill, DI,'s E Stewart, A Stowart (10th ono.) ; Embroidery on worsted, Nellie Ross, Dlra. T Ballasityno ; Embroidery on silk, Mrs T Ballantyne, Raffia Bose ; bine Shirt, Goo Moffatt, Ohms McClelland ; Fanny knitting in cotton, Goo Moffatt, Mrt Il Stowart ; Fanny knitting in wool, Nollio Ross, Mrs E Stowart ; Fancy iiannol shirt, Geo Moffatt ; Feather Stitohing, Jae Ireland, Mollie Rose ; Ilair flowers, J R Smith, Chas McClelland ; Point Imo, G A Bondman ; I,aoo honiton, G A Deadutan ; Lamins quip, borlin wool and bead, Nellie Ross, Mrs A Straottan ; Lamp mat, Nollio Ross, Mre E Stowart ; Leather week, W II McCracken, Fred Mot:B.01 u Pair woollen l4litto, W II Mo0raekon, Fred MoCraoken ; Pair woollen gloves. W 13 McCracken, Fred McCracken ; Netting, Mae T Ballantyne, Mrs A. Strachan; Tufted Quilt, Jae McCallum, Mre 1•, Stewart ; Crochet Quilt, Mre. B. Stewart, Jae Ireland ; Patchwork Quilt, Wm Blashill, Mrs 3 Stewart ; Log cabin quilt, Chas MaOlellan:l, Mre J00 MoKenzie; Fanny Quilt, Mrs T Ballan- tyne, Jas Simpson„. Knitted Quilt, Mrs le Stewart, Jno Mowbray; !tag Mat, R Corley, Charlotte Davies; Ribboscone, Geo Johnston, Mrs A. Strachan ;, Rope Silk, Nellie Rose ; Roman embroidery, arry, 0 E P, Nellie Roos ; Shell work, Mre E Stewart ; Sofa Pillow, Berlin Wool flat, Mfrs T Ballantyne, Mrs T Forbes ; Sofa Pillow, Berlin. Wool raised, Geo Moffatt, W JI McCracken ; Sofa Pillow, Braided, Ise McCallum ; Sofa Pillow, Patchwork, Nellie Ross, bis T Ballon- tyuo ; Pair Stookings, wooilon, \V I( itrc- Craoken, Fred McCracken ; Pair Stook. inge cotton, Nellie Ross, Mrs Til S'nwart ; Peir cooks, woollen, W II MoC'raelcen, Chas McClelland ; Tatting, Mrs T For. bee, Neliio Roes ; Tinsel work, Nellie Ross, Mrs Alex Strachan ; Tissue paper flowers, Nellie Rose, Jos Evans; Wax flowers, Mrs T Ballantyne, Mrs A Stranh- au ; Drawn work, G I; Perry ; Rope basket, Mary Mitchell ; Satin panel, R Colley. FINE Atrs. Collection of photographs, Ole Perry, II J Strong; collection of enlarged photos, 0 I; Perry ; collection of stuffed birds in oaso, R Leatherdala ; colleetion of stuffed animals, R Leather - dale ; pencil drawing, Willie Stewart, Ino Mowbray ; oil painting, landscape, Mary Mitchell, Kate Corn -look ; oil per. trait, Mary Moi:onuoll, Charlotte Davies ; colored crayon drawing, Charlotte Davies ; spatter work, 0 A Deadman ; berlin wool chair, Charlotte Davies ; painting on pottory, Raffia Rose, Mary Mitchell ; pointing on silk or velvet, 0 1. Perry, Mrs A Strachan ; painting on plaoquea, Nellie Ross, G A Deadman ; ornamental penmanship, W J Cameron, Daviel Moore; business penman -hip, W J Camoron, David Moore ; girl's penmanship, David Moore. FLOWERS AND PL.oNTe,—Best colleablon flowering plants, J R Smith ; oolleetinn flowering bulbs, D Stewart ; table bou- quet, Walter Taylor, Minnie Stewart ; hand bouquet, G A Deadman, Jae Har- rison ; button hole on dress bouquet, Minnie Stewart, G A Deadman ; collec- tion out flowers, Jae Harrison ; collection dahlias, Minnie Stewart, Alex Stewart ; pansies, Mrs T Ballantyne, J 5 Smith ; phlox drummondi, Willie Stewart, Jas Ilarrison ; asters, Jos Harrison ; stooks, Minnie Stewart ; African marigolds, Jae Harrison, Minnie Stewart ; french marigolds, Jas Harrison, Mingle Stewart ; dianthus, Minnie Stewart ; balsams, Jae Ilerrison ; zinnias, Minnie Stewart, Alex Stewart ; gladolns spikes, Minnie Stew- art ; verbenas, Minnie Stewart ; peren- nial phlox, Minnie Stewart, Jas Ilar• rison.; double hollyhooke, Mre T Ballon- tyue, .Jae Harrison ; sox combo, Walter Taylor, Monis Stewart ; collection erne. meatal grasses, Alex Stewart, 1) Stewart. SPECIAL Parzee.--I. T. Pepper for best oomio cartoon, Win Stewart ; 2nd prize by Irwin it lboBain, J Oamuron, W H Kerr for the beet horn° made bread, Jas. McCallum ; W li herr, for the bast 2 pound print of butter, Jos McCallum, Jvnnos.—Entire horsed can bulla—T Soott, 11 Leech ; laiios' work—Lizzie Graham, Atwood ; m:lunf dairy proauoe, ie --Paton Deans, Wingham ; vegetables and roots ..Joseph 11aftee, Jno Graham ; ;;rain and fruit—Joe 12orn, Jno Graham en Leman ti lGSL°wart, V1 n sn} , 0 ( Wilson, Se:.,h,rlh ; olttlo—later Hep - install, I ut iwich ; J it 1G; (avi.h \Vro> over ; Jim Grolier!, \two.,1 ; pnnl!.ry—O 0 Wilson, io.Lfonth ; Frank Potterenu, \Vingh:lm ; heavy )io sro.-'Choc Gibson, nrdwioh ; Jno Barna, Walloon ; light lmreea--Jno Scnit, Lioto•wel ; Iliuluard Lnoeh, Palntorston ; ehenp and pigs, Jno Cooltue, Jno Anloreot, Bolgrave. A VIM -.lime. C. 11 older:un R Son, of WViugham, made 115 nntriee at the Fah'. '1'h t prize droved by Geo, Tran ion wan not fallen io the 'Rd ee ovu'looked the exhibit. Bros hits Bund, tender the l o1.n•ahip of J rocs .111)111, play°.( a ,t Inihn' of selections in good Style. Two mnagluns, u;, for Canino, a!f n',inrl nm nsement to those who wiehud t t loved their dimes, J. 'P. Roes, T. Rntlod,;e, and W. IT. Mocraolsou had refroehmont boothe on the Park, Therein interferuii with their ruoeipto somewhat. The prooeeds from acimi-alone, booths, tto„ amounted to 5815. Thiel world like- ly have boon doubled lead the woatlioe boon' fine. Cattle etablee are badly needed. A now exhibition building is a natter of stare neteseiby. 107 panes of glass had to be replaeod in Woo skylight of the "Palace" owing to the wantou dostritotion by mean boys. Shutters will be plaited on aha windo(ve andthis• nn example madoof trospaseeao after New sheep and pig pane will have to be built and a Moo row of large ohiekon coops would not be out of plane. Brussele Pair has the ''bulge" on all the others and the Directors mean to keep it in the front rank. Thos. Gibson, M. 1'. P., for Etat Ilnron, was an interosted spectator at the Fair on Friday. A Ronald fire Engine wag on the ground and was duly admired by the thousands of visitors, Masers, llallantyeo tt Wilton exhibited a mein' novelty in the above lino known as the John Bull range, 1t appeare to be the very thing the farmers tiro looking for. MONE1 TO LOAN. Any Amount of llfoney to Loan on Farm or 'Village Pro- perty at G & 6k Per Cent., Yearly. Straight Loans with privilege of repaying when required. Apply to A. Hunter, Division Court Clerk, Brussels. t a,r_..•cu+mnms. wsca,rr_•ar..r va t HECO'CK'SBEST FRIEND LARGEST SALE III CANADA. Ontario intua1 Life. MAN ORM ('ti, • WATERLOO, ONT. OOK'S COTTON ROOT COMPOUND. A recant discovery by an old physician. Successful- ly used monthly by thous- an,le of LAnxee. Is the only perfectly Rafe and reliable medicine discov- ered. Beware of unprincipled druggists whe offer inferior tnedieiuee In place of this. Ask for Oesif'R 000noe Itoo2 Oetdpo0Nlt, take no substitute; or inclose 81 and 4 throeaent Canadarootage stamps iu letter, and wo will send sealed, by return ma{i. -Full scal- ed particulars In plain envelope, to ladies only, 3 Stamps, Add rens Pont( 1,11y loin - puny. No, a h'ielter hloelt, nil Woodward aye., Detroit, Ditch. tov'Ssld iu Btusselc by S. T,1'111'PP1t, G. A. DEM::DtAN and all resrtonsible druggists everywhere. APPLICATIONSdTHOROUGHLY.REMOVES �A33LlRlIFF lr k tart a � �,�. .:::.�••�'"'~ • -� �" aastores Ft:d?ng hair to its � '"""' original Wee. TarauLn, Tmerlirn4 Paearnarr Aimnt, C P R. art's, nnW.Dmmruum nl,rrrrrtmmm•^rnfP,a• Stops falling of Nair. dnttf-tm artlnn in marvatinas.-at mY awn iso dteps the coal Clean, a , 3015 !,aeattene net aa{y tn,llbnnl,lr t'+,mtvr,l p 11, pp , ., �,F.1 „n,la .- •:I,,:rarr thol, IJr, w;remwatmn btrc xntnn••a Nlatces hair s C and Pliable C, �1fu•inq • tbuttir, made It sort mid n4uA 4, ,,,unser /ed, 2 R:inrl5 l wamuu:Sn. vixinlngrenza. t praatoies G;DYtth. SOLD iiY G. A. DEADAIAN, Bltessrl,s. Assurance inforne 7an'y,'02..w11,03.4;007 ?-'''''''''''''—."*''''''='"" New business written in 1801 2,01!:},89050 Increase over 185)0.., 318,800 Cash iuoome for 1.801 017,620 Increase over 1800 07,020 Liberal Conditions of Policies. Cash and Paid-up Values guorauteod on neap poltev. Alt diyide ds belong to and aro Paid only to policy holders, in; Prenme payable during Inc mount in which they fall don. 1'olioloe are incontestable two Soars from date el (true. No restriction on travel, resldonao or oc- cupation. Lame polieiee may be revlvod within six months after lap so. Death elaime paid atones on completion ofolatm papers. J. A. YOUNG, Diet/dot Agent, lathol. One Hundred and Forty-one handsome Photographs In Ons Grand 1r--, :. „i:: t: v Conscr1(:'iti4'te nn SCJ Ft iy i 1, l + l d:,, , , i•trgt. \I - u, I , i r L, r 1, C.Jim•t oa,.1 r. menth•rv,l.ln 111' /I r•: Pon„ainn, u,, :',;r . n,•..1 . t ,.0 �11 gra,hs; .roof : .pct I': Tlr-trot t ,- gravarr t a,•1 r. epor , i }+aro presonhlr Sr,U}n, Ih 1.. '1 Live 311and,era durlog th 1,1 ,4 -. ta, P1101, `l;'u dr" + ° '.. l ., , ''1'.(.. 1.010 t EVIG: (Wi:tOtt Taus l),-,,,,, I,:u,.ec11rc2 tb.+,•nrri:..'r r, ,. J,.e thin•, rd 1''. it - '1 in. 11'1 vaporL1-,h L,t �':, did o'teCtoto for I t - i •t earl• ,n. ,1 and - -. I t ) - .1 on the margin, m.tl l I, a y:dual tie wort, of r, I, a m.r. 1.0 E,X t'l'41a ;S•I.ING, ' Will bo m:t:So 1'o-• 01.1' Grund Pe:trn:un:, Wal IL vvttl Un )V 3 trey ti To Cvoty 3ebsoribar aur to-, 1 a ab Tttn \V,tan.y irimtltl is without daubt the hest Weekly ''r 33,.co publisbyd in Cold a �.,.�Il duln3 m pages or lahm1 nrws of lltud;ky. So,vi;.l depart. mentoan Agt•iet It un+, Wnma,,o 11,q , , (ter C,r wily Shop, Old R rkl Diary, the latest 110001• int, Molts, No, Only Ono tterll'ti ot Voir, Son: Iany uil s to Canada. r the L it I u.d es, 1t,,y ,,ubscrlbcr sill got the Vandals Pio ae as a 80,,, t. Send in ymrr tuhr,cripfian at nnco, ,,r auk+r through our local agent. Address; 1"/'IC, GMPIE'E, Tatoui:a, Ooed. TH 1 > 'ri Wet fact again, and all because you did'nt come in and get a pair of o Rubbers or a good pair of Boots that would keel. your feet warm, dry and comfortable. It's the cheapest in- vestment you can make s0 don't put it Off any longer. We have a good assortment of all classes—from a cheap Eastern make up to the best goods manufactured by Cooper & Smith, and J. D. King rC Co. A Suit of Clothes or an Overcoat you can get from us, also a Hat or Cap --Keep the boys Warm. Conte in and see what we have got to suit you. Dress Goods of al l kinds, cheap and stylish and a Pattern given away FREE. GENTS' FURNISHINGS—Hats, Caps, Shirts a11cl Drawers, Top Shirts, Braces, Ties, Collars, &c. A special line of heavy All Wool Tweed at 50c. per yard :just the thing for heavy winter pants, suits or overcoats. GROCERIES ---Try our 8Oc. Japan Tea or 4 lbs. for $1.00, It can't be boat for flavor and quality. A call solicited. Alex. ,OOK LOOK ei moo1+�1 W It i1 tel 1J !J G1 i1 � r e F, i chan. ^l' Raving added ucw Scenery to his Gallery is now iu a i'Olition turn out work that is second to nnnc. t1 look at his photos, \till convince you that they are first-class. The public afro invited to call up and inspect work in nudely'. Pictures Copied and also 1'lll(t:I (l in (.;lot/ size. in Copied at reasonable Prices. I� to A Specialty made of Cut -door Vies. You cannot mistake the place, W. W. lur,g•ess' old stand over Standard Bank, . t�_ T La0..09 C+,.