HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1892-10-14, Page 88 PICKLES! lOKLE ! How few there aro who du not like nice pickles. If you want seinethiug'superior only use those made with vinegar we are now making from our honey. For table use over tomatoes, &c., you will 111111that when ouee tried you will use oar HONEY VINEGAR in preference to any other. We tau re- fer you to our oustotners in proof of title' It is only • 30e. per Gallon,. Bfatlufeetured and for stile by G. A. D +'AD11AN, Druggist, Bookseller, d;o. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. SOUTHERN EXTENSION W, G. & n, Trains leave Brussels Station, North and South, as follows: GoINo SouTa. G0XNG Smnua, Mail 7:10 a.m. I Mixed 0:15 a,m, &solves 11:10 a,m. Ma11 ............:1'1'1 p.m. Mixed 8a0 p.m, Express 0:28 p.m. Drat Wctus Titins. A duel's amang ye talin' notes, An' faith he'll pront it. earnestness pervaded the exercises. The subject for the occasion, as per topic Tull Star Restaurant sold to ten octavos in oue week. Tool le wi,ie awe for biteille ee tte hi,rau,, runud, wit! hu rlctecl nta l0 (19per pound eutnin'noiug wi next Alouday, by Breesole 1,1119119ra. 1. C, 11rr11Anus and W. II, McCreek 1 were exhibitors at the Myth Fair Puewlay tlnd Wolneedty of this war Mr. Richardo gat first in light and hem 110011PPH, COM:TAIn.IE BnolDrOoT has the mimes of a half dozen of youths who were found shooting and torturing robing. \\'o wish to inform these parties th 11 they are liable to a fine of f20 us the law is very Istria in referenca to the destruction of robins and other birds, but this time they get off with Ude warning tuna are asked net to repeat the offence. Nor A Cow PAs'rrns.---Theeditor of THE BRCSeobs Poser recently made 0 visit to IActon, and this le part of what he says about it :—"A noticeable feature in As- ton is the satisfactory manner in which Ithe much discussed and "ottsse11," too, sow byelaw 13 enforced. We saw, per- haps, an aero of cabbages, beets, turuips, etc., growing without the elighteat pro. ' taction around them in the way of fence, and at n number of the residenoei the front barricades have been dispensed with." Acton is only a village, yet the people have enough backbone about them to say that the streets shall not be used es a cow pasture. In the course of time perhaps Clinton may reach the same decision. In the meantime people who wish to improve their property and cultivate gardens ere compelled to speed more money for fences than would pay for all the cows owned in town.—Clinton New Era. Cnuncn Crxncs.—Knox church—Koos church Christian Endeavor held its first meeting after service on Sabbath even- ing. Rev. D. Millar, Hon. -Pres., occu- pied the chair andlead the meeting. here was a large attendance. Much TIIE BJ3USS) LS POST of ( bound Oxford Bible, Alex. Stowe. Ito superintenlient of tho 0, S., matte the I Zr.74a2:tCaa'DHUA i. tt,I S11.7) .13,4XK QI' X'D111P presentation awl the following achlro s . to was read by A, 111, 101x1 ty -• th 11r. 4. L. Mcleod. en I Pam; CutusotoN 1'lun:9D,—Wo, on bo. I on hell of the Melville oluu'ob Stlbbath Ic sobonl, Chriytiall 1'lntlee vett' Sooloty and v' ehnrc11I, do hereby take advantage of this 000091011 10 express, in a tangible form, Dur appreointiun of your valuable ser• vivo; rendered so promptly mid heartily din the Sabbath school tut precentor, secretary and treasurer,. in the choir as 0, very efficient member, in the Christian Endeavor Society ae an active, Willing worker and in the dm rob as a worthy member. Please acoopt as a token of es. (Toot thus gifte, not bemuse of their intrinsic value, but boiaase of the Chris. Han sympathy which prompted the givers. As in Gocl'e providence the are 80011 to part aur united prayers are that you may have abundant fellowship with Him who st1(1110 1 closer than a brother, IIe who will Dover leave nor forsake you and who wail at last amply reward you for all the 1erviee you have rendered for His sante. We but ooho the sentiment of the Sabbath school, Christian Endeavor Society and ohuroh when we say that we rue exoeediugly sorry to part with you, but we trust that our less will only be a gain to some other olnu•olt. Distanoa may separate us very materially, but nothing can separate ns from that oom- lnon Iovo and faith which we claim to have in Christ our Lord. And should we never meet again here below tee Will Cherish the eperkliug hope of moot. ing you in that better land where parting is 11ulul,WB, ALEx. M1'swat3', al., Mus. Tun's, Mns• 1101111, • A,t1f. McBer. Mr. Stewart, though completely surpris- ed, made a feeling and suitable reply. The pastor then spoke a few words of appreciation of Mr. Stewart's servioes in the congregation, and atter a short time had been spent in OOnversation, mesio, &o., the meeting was closed with the hymn "God bo with you till we meet again," and prayer by the pastor.—D. Johnston, student of Knox College, preached a very nooeptable serinou on Sabbath evening and afterwards address- ed the Endeavor meeting,—The follow- ing delegates wore appointed to attend the Provincial Christian Endeavor Con• vention to be held at London :—Rev. John Ross, B. as, Mrs. Tufts, Mrs. R. G. Wilson. -- -.. Business Locals, Sim Loan BAILEY Friday evening. Couxcm meeting next Monday evening. R. LEATnERDALE toolt 1st prize on his carriage team at Blyth. Tam painter's brush leas improved the appearance of Silas Jackson's residence. THE foundation of the proposed new postofftce was built this week by Jas. Kelly. ANDREW Cumin was laid up for a day or two from the effects of an iujary to his right leg by a Dolt. LAST Monday evening the Reeve and Clerk selected the jurors from flus municipality for 1803. A Loan of Brussels Salvationists, led by Capt. Dodd, visited Clinton last Friday and helped their brethren of that town jubilate. A LETTER an Westminster Abbey £roln the pen of Thos. Gibson M. P. P. is crowded out this week, and several other interesting t sting matters. A PORTION of the East Huron Fall and other district matter may be found Show prize list, Morris Counoil minutes, on the supplement this week. Munn is a probability of the Smith & Malcolm factory, Brussels, being pur- chased by a well known gentleman. We hope the report is true as there is a splendid business to be clone, THE result of Voters' List Court at Brussels on Wednesday, before Judge Tome, was as follows 1—Conservative appeals 510. For Mnnieipal elections 21 and for Parliamentary 20. Reform appeals 21. For Municipal 0 and Parliamentary 16. PERADBULATING cows have been making nooturnal calls on more than one garden of late owing to the shortage of pasture along the roads and not a few citizens have had their righteous indignation roused to boiling pitch over the deetruo• tion of their garden "sass.' LAST Saturday morning A. Hunter, J. P., and the Reeve committed Wm. Wood. row, a resident of Morris township, to Goderich jail for 4 menthe as a vagrant. He ie of unsound mind and will likely be sent to the asylum. Constable Broad - foot aecompauied the poor fellow to the Co. town. Woodrow io a fit subject for a House of Refuge. IN re-shingliugu the house of Mrs. An- derson, Elizabeth street, a copy of "The Weidman," an English weekly, dated, London, Wednesday, Oot, 7, 1868, was found oarefelly stowed away by one of the rafters. This house was the Metho- dist parsonage of days gone by and some good brother evidently put the paper aside for future reference, Tun Atwood Bee says in speaking of their Fair :—"The bike race did not Dome off, much to the regret of many anticipants. James Ballantyne, of Brussels, was on deck with his Beeston Humber, and it was e0peoted that H. Y. Smith, of Newry, would meet him but as Mr. Smith was i11 and there being no one present desirous of entering, the race was declared off." Mr. Smith's name would have been changed to "Din - nig" if he had gone into a race with our Jamie. SUDDEN DEATn,—Tuesday Joseph Bezel!, who removed from Brussels to Elora township Less than a year ago, died after a few Moore illness, He ate his dinner ae Cooed and assisted in ar- rangements for thrashing. At 2 o'clook he complainob of a pain in his bead and death ensued at 11 p. m. The old gentle. ratan was in his 78tH year but was a etout, hearty man for his age. Ile and his wife were living with their daughter, Airs, Rattan. The doomed was the father of Chess Rowell, of Grey, and was well !mown to many readers of Tun POST. THE Ronan Fran ENGINE LEADS ALL Co3H'ETrT'ona,—The new steamer sent to Winnipeg a few weeks ago was thorough. ly tested and proved its efficiency by throwing streams over the tower of the City Ball. Fire Committee delighted with lig performance, All the victories are nit won in the West, however, as the following telegram from Foreman Walt, Ln who is In Halifax, dated Oet. 1.2111, will M indicate ,--"Most 1100' asfut test to -clay under adverse 0110111' 1an0 0, former oppouente now oar friends, further toots Friday. Our 500aces appeal's our• taiu, engineers and judges greatly pleased with engine." Tabs and bluster is cheap but when it C001100 to a t public ocm eti' Bon to test the merits of the firs fighters the Ronald either distancee all Oompeti• tors er plea has a clear field, ether malt. ere being too wise to risk a contest, Thera wore 18 tenders from manafaotur, ors,United States, Euplish and Canadian, for the opening at Halifax but when the eta purchase was to he deolded by p011110 to UM upon merit and effloionoy they all De flunked except Mr. Ronald. qo card, "What can we learn from Dorcas ?", (Acts, 0, 36.42 ; 2 Cor., 0, 6.8,) was well taken up and commented upon, The boor was also profitably filled up with passages from scripture, singing and player. The society has had an excellent boginuing. Next Sabbath evening Mr. Deadman will lead the meeting and the eubjeot for consideration will be, "God's messages. How does he send them ?", (Acts, 10, 5.6 ; Ex., 8, 11.11).—Rev. Mr, Millar will preach in Blyth on Sunday evening and Monday forenoon in connec- tion with the sacramental service in the Presbyterian church.—Rev. D. B. Mc- Rae, of Craubrook, will preach here 011 Sabbath evening. METHODIooT Cunacn.—Last Sunday morning the pas. tor preached on the IS Commandment. The series will be completed next Sab- bath morning whoa he will discourse on the S.—A1 the close of the Sunday evening services there will be a short evangelistic meeting held in the school room during the Fall, The first was held last Sunday.—Dov. G. F. Salton, Rev. R. Paul, Dirs. J. L. Kerr, Mrs. Sal. ton and W. H. Kerr will represent the Methodist Monday school at the Provinci- al S. 0. Convection to be held at Guelph on 0as. 2611, 20th and 271h.—Last Dion• day evening the topic at the Epworth League arae "The world's best poems.' The program consisted of the following readings which were interspersed with music :—"Twenty years ago," A. R. Smith ; "Resignation," Miss Minnie Moore ; "The stowaway," Miss Braden ; "Now," Miss Minnie MoNaughton; "Virginia," Bev. G. P. Salton. Nast Monday evening "Chritsopher Colum- bus" will be the theme, iu connection with the four hundredth anniversary of the discovery of America.—A concert will be given in the Methodist church this (Friday) evening. Sara Lord Bail- ey, of Boston, who appeared once before a Brussels audience and was received so favorably, will give a number of readings and will be assisted by Miss Hate Wil- son, Miss F. E. Kerr, Mise Bella Smith, W. M, Sinclair, A. Strachan, James Jones, T. A. Hawkins and the orchestra.. No admission fee will be charged. Sil- ver collection of 15o. and upwards ex- pected from each individual. Concert will commence at 8 o'oloolt. Sr, JorrN'e OHUnea.—Not a few persons in Brussels were greatly surprised to hear that Rev. W. T. Cluff, incumbent of 01. John's ohuroh for the past 8 years, was intend- ing to remove to Fenton, Michigan, have ing resigned his charge here. It is a source of regret to the town as well as his oongregation as the reverend gentle- man Is a (lost worthy citizen. The change, however, will be to Mr, Cluff's advantage as he goes to a much larger piece and will have no outside appoint - manta. His throat has troubled him for some time and the drive to Walton and return on stormy Sundays was bad for him. During his inoambeney his ohurehes have made very noticeable progress and the Fenton people may con. gratulate themselves on scouring hie Ser- vices. Alia plane will be hard to fill here, On Friday of this week a vestry meeting will be held to deal officially with the mabter. Mr. Clad purposes removing in the course of a few weeks. SALVATION ARHr.—Lieut. Petibt, of Kinoardiue, will assist in the Salvation Army services on Saturday evening and Sunday. She is a good voaaliet and plays the auto- harp. MRLVILLE (bloom—The Christ. ian Endeavor Society held its semi- annual meeting last Monday evening, the pastor in the chair. After the tram's°. tion of ordinary bueiuese the following officers here elected for the current year :--IIon. President, Rev, John Ross, 13, A, : President, A. M. MoRay ; Vioo •President, Mrs, Jas, Herr ; Recording Secretary, Mrs. Juo, Stewart; Coen. 8peudfng Secretary, A. M. McXay ; Treasurer, Dire, Nightingale ; Look•out Committee, D. Hogg, convener, Mrs, Tufts, Bliss Mary F'ergusou, Miss Mag. gie C. Stewart, Mrs. N. MaLauohlfn; Pcayer Meeting Committee, John 13. Mo. mhlin, convener, Mts. It. G. Wilson, 1's, McGuire, Miss Maggie Gausley, Mose Maggio McNair ; Sooial Conptnittee, Mee, I1.NOM convener, Mies Ella In- man, Miss Lizzie Wilson, Mrs. N. Rich- ardson, Miss Lilian Ainley F Orgauiet, Miss Lizzie Wilson. The reports show- ed that the society's meetings, held every Sabbath ovsuing at the olose of the church eerviee, have been well attended during the past twelve months. Tho Sum of $63.00 hag been contributed, of which $50.00 were donated to the Manse Fand, The membership is 80, Business being ended, a very pleasant eiroum• neo eventuated, in the presentation Alex, L. Stewart, who is leaving for WAN of an addtees accompanied by a od valise, fine dressing ease and a well - Rune day is Baby Day at Perry's. FAumx groups a specialty at Perry's. SUNBEAMS olid Mikado panels at Perry's. FOR the best cabinet photos go to Perr's. Coy1IFORTAoLE house to let. .Apply to S. B. Stnele. H. J. STRONG flnishee all his work by the new process. Go to Stroog's and have your photos finished in the latest etyfee. H. J. STRONG (photographer) puts an extra finish on all his photos. ANY person wanting stove coal please leave their order at B. Gerry's. ALL photos printed on the now per- manent aristo paper at Perry's. PARCEL found containing cloth. Apply at THE POST Publishing /louse. A coop assortment of octal, nook and heating stoves in stook. B. Gerry. Iran of every kind, on human or ant - male, cured is 80 minutes by Woolford's Sanitary Lotion. Warranted by G. A. Deadman. COMFORTABLE briok residence, on William street, Brussels, for sale. Also the frame residence north of the Norton Terrane. Apply to W. B. Manson. A oAROEL of dry goods found including dreee material, ,to, Tho owner may have the same by proving property and paying for this notice. Tan POST Pub- lishing House. THE party who took gilt picture frame, containing view of Queen's Hotel from my door last Saturday night is requested to return the same at 01100 and save further trouble. H. J. STRONG. Norxas.—As I am removing from Brea. eels I desire all persons Indebted to One to call at once and settle as the accounts will be placed in other bands for collo- tion after Nov. 1st. • A. BRUCE. 'FIRST Penn PaoTooRAP11e.-0. E. Perry waS awarded the First prize for the best and finest oolleotion of photos at the Brussels Fair, Dont mistake the plane when you want first-class work. Gallery next American Hotel. C. E. Fanny, Brussels. WIZEN the hair begins to o0me out hi combing it shows a weakness of the eaalp that calls for immediate attention. The best preparetiofl to arrest further loss of hair and restore the scalp to a healthy oondition is Ayer's hair Vigor. DEEe6MARIN0.—11Ties Fannie Long, Dressmaker, Listowel, has returned from a visit to the leading fashion houses in Montreal, Ottawa and Toronto and is barber able than ever to turn oat fashion- able dresses. First olase staff of assist- ants. Satlefaotion guaranteed. ;Write or pall on Miss Long, Listowel. WuEN catarrh attacks a peraou of scrof- ulous dlathesie, the disease is almost sure to become chronic. The only effi- 000100s aura, therefore, i8 A.yer's Sorsa. partite, which expels sorotula from the system and the catarrh soon follows suit. Local treatment is only a waste of time, TIM Woonos of WONDERS.—George Thomson, Brussels, has to hand natueo'e most wouderfttl life giving St. Leon Water to olear the system of poisons, even the deadly virus of oholera, and bring health, strength and joy life long. Even pbysieians declaim it 'impossible to narrate its value." Send in your orders, Hamilton, Maruti 21, '92. Dr. L. A. Smith & Go., 536 Blear St., Toronto, GEMS,—Please ship us pot' G. T, 11., freight prepaid, three (8? gross more of your AntilDnndruff. ',Ghie makes six groes or 866 bottles pnrohasod from you Since Jan. 16111, 1892, a little more than two months, Tbo large demand is (100 to the merits of the preparation, as our cue tamers to whom we have sold it cer- tify, We find it not only removes the dandruff and scurf, but it is an 0legan1 bair•dressing for the flair, Clean 10 use and has an agreeable odjr, It is out' of the beet preparations we Arnow of to pro• mote the growth of the hair and provone its falling out, Wiehind you °entitleod euooese anis an oxbendoci sate, wo remain, Yours truly, nee, A, Bona ek Co, 11.1V:17/1'_"T X:LiXtI1-1^�- HEAD OFFICE. ASSISTS, • CAPITAL (Authorized) T0110NT0. (Seven Biillicn Dollars) 17,000,000 82,000,000 Ocr. 14, 1892 r DAISI PSSIVMe vy.Sr RNATIWsR:um1ttm� let ncieg in all prine:poipuhat i„ OnRDiti, c»"l,,,',.11u1,i1Ow, 1'oltrdM,u! „f .fesg Dud• V?l4 '' eTi t•S° Rel,'t'' vats A General Banking Bu81ne58 Transacted. Partnere' Notes Discounted. Drafts loaned and Collections made on all pointe. SAVINGS BANK DF..AARTMENT, Interest allowed 011 dep08118of 1:1.00 and 11110orda ft'or11 date of deposit to date of withdrawal and compounded half yearly. 0r0r1AL ATTRNItioN mvIN To Toa: Coladteo1•JN 01' i0',11011nitn' S,ti,is Nu'rt,:. Every facility afforded Customers living at a distance. G. 1', SCIIOLPIELD, M,1NAaini. un.mn„m=„anns ,3.172.-....,....1.4.Mec F,r<•unr-m m.._x1-1.w. GILLIES& ESMITIE, `"L11, .di v tT S S ] ] Ii S , Transaet ft General Banking Business. Drafts Bought and Sold on all points in Canada, United States and Groat Britain. FAItEIEllS' NOTES DISCOUNTED. SALE NOTES AND MORTGAGES A SPECIALTY, batillTM° A".?5'r 1 ON.Pe1�t'Sa r' 'T. Interest Allowed on One Dollar and Upwards at Current Rates. Internet Com• pounded Twice a Year, Being Added to the Principal at the end of the Months of October and April. Special Arrangements made for Time Deposits. We effect to write Insurance in old English Or (:0niltl1an ('Onlltonles, O1' Alt 3}1tt• toil Companies as may be desired. AGENTS FOR CANADA AND UNITED STAr100 1 THE CANADIAN BANG or 011013,ER0E. NonroN.--In Brussels, on 001. 11111, the wife of Mr. Win. Norton of e, son. HINwws.—In Brussels, on Oot. Oth, the wife of Mr. Fred. Hinders, Renfrew, of twins, son and daughter. MPARLING.—In Wingham, on the 3rd that, the wife of Mr. R. 0. Spading, deputy -reeve, of it daughter. Yoo.—In Morrie, on the 51h inst., the wife of Mr. Robert Yoe, jr., of a daughter. R2Aameaas a, WHnTr,--BOOSIte.—At the residones of the bride's father, on Oct. 4th, by the Rev. S. Battery, B, D., Mr. Geo. W. White, of East Wawanosh, to Miss Isabella Rogers, of Wingllam. MoGAVEN—Brinnr,—Ou Out. 11th, at the residence of the bride's father, by Rev. W. Ottewell, Mr. John lIlo. Gauen, to Miss Eetelle Berry, daugh• ter of Bir. John Berry, all of Me. Killop, xiEa, Snaw.—In Wingbam, on Sept. 80th, Jas, Shaw, aged 55 years. BD•NNE4w.—In Grey, on pot, 9111, Hannah Bennett, aged 64 years. McNAia.—In Grey, on Friday Oot. 7th, Donald McNair, aged 59 years and 4 months. Hirnss.—In Brussels, on Oot. 10th, Eva and Willie, infants of Fred, and Bella Modes. GRENACHe: In Luelenow, on Oot. 81h, Joachim Grenaohe, aged 02 years and 7 months. Fpa1Nlex.—In Grey, an the 6111 inst., James Furtney, aged 21 years, 6 months and 20 days. DDL,IIAGE,—In Win•ham, on Opt. 4111, Sarah Jane, beloved wife of John H. Dulmage, mod 55 years and 6 months. Wmsoss—In Grey, on Wednesday, 001. 12111, Margaret, relict eS the late Andrew Wilson, aged 81 years and 8 months. Roesto.—In Elmo, on Oct. 11411, Joseph Rozell, formerly of Brussels, father of Chas. Bezel', Grey, aged 77 years and 3 months. ATTCTIOnO' sazo✓s- FRIOR;, O0T. 28.—Farm' stook, fmple• menta, &c., Lot -28, Con. 8, Morris. Sale unreserved, at 10:30 e. m. Carter Bros,, Props. Geo. Kirkby, Auat, Wo 011100Ax, OCT. 19T11,—Farm stook, implements, tee unreserved. Lot 26, Con. 16, Grey. Sale at 1 p. on. sharp. Alfred Williamson, Prop. Geo. I;irkby, Aunb. THUR SDAY, O0T. VT/I.—Farm stork, implements, dm., Lot 9, Coll, 1, Grey. Salo unreserved, eomnl3nee3 ab 1 P.m sharp. J. E, Coombes, Prop. George Kirkby, Aect. 7EI?TSS8717.-.S Fall Wheat Spring Wheat Barley Peas,., Oats Butter, tubs and rolls.... Eggs per dozen Flour per barrel Potatoes Hay per bon Salt per bbl., Hides trimmed Hides sough Sheep skins, each Lanib skins mob Apples per barrel Wool Pork M S.Mna FrSS. 60 65 60 62 80 40 60 66 25 26 15 16 18 00 8 50 4 00 36 00 6 00 00 1 00 05 3} 3 60 1 00 05 00 1 00 1 50 17 18 6 00 00 THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. rA'r USKOI,A. SIHINGLES FOR d-tfale at J, S P, AMEN T'S, 1 Brussels, C(OW FOR SALE, 7 YEARS Old, Apply to JOAN WYNN, 14 2 limeade, '"ANTED. --- A GENERAL servant, Good wages. Apply to MRS, It. L. TAYLOR, TWO MILCH COWS FOR SALE -i Will calve In January and Ma1e11 re- ep0otively, Apply to ' 111• MRS, WM. ifIcOU :,Lo11GH., r3 russele, DOG LOST..—COLLIE DOG L080, Dark brown lnoolorll n n , 1151110 01 all e0e1 8, his nook, a11e llr1 to rho nanoo. +oary. ftA home willbe paid [Wilts re. oovnry, Loft h0 PDP s 00073214TSOinst. lot 8, eon.9, Grey, mWO MILCIZ COWS FOR 1 SALE,—Ono 0 and the other 2 years of age. Apply to D11(9, D. LIVINGSTON, ly miles north of Brussels, TILA.OX ASI[ WANTED.—PER- soxs flaying Black Ash timber for sale by the acre are asked to eafl on J. &P. ANENT, 11-t1 Brussels, JERSEYS FOR SALE. -1 cJ bred Oow.leoae old • 1 Heiler nearly pure bred ; 1 Bull v2 years ofd ; 1 Bull calf 0 mouths old. G. A. D1r.ADDIAN, Druggist, Brussels. I_ EAT LOST. --A BROWN Christy Stiff fiat, dropped from a wagon on Thursday, on 10th Con„ Grey,be- tween 131useela and Ethel. Pinder will please leave it at Tun PosT Punlisniog House and oblige. QTEEL CROWBAR LOST BE- TwEEN Geo. hirkby's Morrie and Brus- sels. Has 111e initals R. A. stamped on it. The finder will be rewarded by loaviug it at THE Poe'r Publishing Rouse Brussels, 15.11 TF16S, NEWSOME, CIOPtDWOOD WANTED.—ANY quantity of hard and eoft cordwood Gl00 pal cor . for Salt wood and 61.00 to 82.60 for hard wood. T. COLEMAN, 12-tf Proprietor. DROPERTY FOR SALE.—THE undersigned °fursher property,l j miles north of Brussels, for sale on liberal terms. There is cue acre of land upon which there are two houses, stable and a emn11 orchard. The ptaoe is conveniently located on the gravel road. For further particulars as to 1riee, tonna, &c., apply to MILS, JNO. SINCLAIR, Princess St., Brussels REAL ESTATE. ARMS FOR SALE.—THE UN- DnneIONRD has several good Farms fpr sale and to rent, easy toxins, in Townships of Morris and Grey, P S. SCUTT,lJrussels. 87-1f, C^IHOIOB FARM FOR SALE J Being South half Lot 27, con. 0, Morris, 100 aures, nearly all cleared. Good bnildiuge, Hue young bearing orchard, Immediate pos- session. Easy Terms, Apply to tf- W. M. SIN OLAIR, Soltoitor, ,60., Brussels. �OOD FARM FOR SALE. -- Being Lot 12, Con. 0, Grey township, Huron 0o., known as the Habkirk faros, The farm contains 100 acres' is well located and will 11,e sold cheap and on most liberal terms, e 0 11 bo given no once plowing fur6Anr particulars as to price, So. apply to JOB NBEATTIl7, or to HIIGBMoDIARAITD, 14.4 SeofOrth. Stratford, (�1OOD FARM FOR SALE.— l7� The undersigned desires to dispose of his 100 acre farm being 1.0121, Con, 7, Corey, adjoining the thriving village of Ethel farm where oo a shops, lwelliugp-hotsee,ngthe od bank barn, tl -top orchard, Mille and nacos. eery outbuildings. !Beeves °leaved, balance bush. The laud is in a good state of °inti vatioo and is well Tamed. Pox priori, terms and other p817140010mi apply on the prem1808 to L.DOB8014, 0 tt Proprietor 1'lehel P, 0, 2r nAORE FARM FOR SALE. The 200 corn farm being lots 11 and 12, 000.10, Grey, is o:lfered for sale. 120 acres are cleared and the balance well tim- bered, Buildings ffi'sb-olase, Orchard, well, R:°, School house within 40 rods. Posses- sion given at ouoo if 00eired. 1 o1 fat the). ]particulars as to prion, terms, dm, apply to 8-1.4MRs. WItasmI1 , or NELSON BRI00f3(31, on far, P. O. T..4'ARM P011 SALE.—TIIE D1tn510NNn effete for Sale the ninth east qquarto r 0f lot 28, ooneeetion 0, Menlo, County ofHuron ,00utalning60 corps. The lanais of first quality and In a High state of cultivation. well fumed and under -drained, 4e aoroe oleered. Now/ram o house, 8 rooms, milk bonse with concrete walla, 2 wells, good barna and shed, orchard, etc, night 00000 of fall Wheat. This 0oa'irable property 1030111B the oorporatiin of Brus801s, Snit - able telly. will be given , Title perfect. gains GRIEVE, Owner, 110- Sender biz P. 0. (,+PLENDID FARM I"0R SALE. 1.3 13.et10 won 010112, cen.18 Township of Greyy, (Imlay of Innen, en, sonteiniugg 200 nerds, the property or the late Jelin Robert.. son, 160 aeras cleared end free from ob. etructiens, 10 antes bush, mixed timber, balance partly °leered. Soil clay loans, meetly rolling. Peeeed with straight rail fences and Watered by two wells and n spring privilege. Commodious dwelling Louse, with largo woodshed nOtaobod ane an excellent °ellal' under haute. Two largo barna, atone stabling nod ether nutbuild• logs. 'Tem good bearing oroliards, orna- mental trees and small Banta, 111 moos from Brussels, a lively town on the G. T, 0., convenient to so1ool, churches 0010 poet olnea, '01118 property THOS welt, is a 0801. olass grain and stook farm and Should bo soon byintending pnrdhasors as itis deer. eel at a bargain, Per further tlartlsul0,o apply to 0.1110. JNO, ROBIt0TSON, Otho promi0ea, or by tette ?t0 0tn ie Doli F. 80.4 R PAPE WonderfullyReap —A l'.— �'3EPPE1R' 3 DRUG STORE. LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. I�L. 'TAYLOR, BARRISTER, • 001101101' and Conyeyinloor. Oplleo- tioue made. 011lee—Vaaetone's Bloolc, Brim - sole. 21-0m NV11I. SINOLAxR, • Solicitor, Cony°yancer,Notary Pub- lio, &o, OIBoe—Graham a Blook 1 do or northof Poppor'e Drag Store. Private Panda to Loam. rtAMERON, HOLT & HOLMES, VV Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public, • Godexloh, Ont. tr. 0. CAMERON, Q. 0, IMMIX 1IOLT, DUDLEY no101105, W B. DIOKSON, fiolioitor, over auoor, Nobary Pnblia� &c. OOlos over Bank, LOclae's Block, l3ruseele, AUCTIONEERS. RAYMANN, • Auetioncer, ik always ready to at- tend oases of farms, farm stook, &o. Terms ohoorinlly given. Orau1rook P. 0. Sales may be arranged at Tap Post Publishing Honee, Brnasels. GEORGE KIRKBY, Licensed Auctioneer, Sales conduct 00 on reasonable terms. Panne and farm stooka eneotaity. Orders left at Tun PoeT Publishing Hoaee,Bre 99019, or sent to Walton P. 0., will receive prompt attention, IIAVING TAKEN OUT LlOEN- 6E 55 an Anotionoer, I am prepared to ooudaot solos of farm stock at reasonable prices, knowing the standing of nearly ovary person I that in a position 10 sell to good marks and get good security when sold 011 credit. Satisfaction guaranteed. Give meacell. 80• t•' S. SCOTT. BUSINESS CARDS. NIT MaORAOKEN, Isourer of MarriageLleoosss. Office antis Grocery, ruruberry street. Brussels, N. BARRETT, Tonsorial Artist' Shop—Next door eolith of A. Df. McKay 8.1* Oo's hardware store. Ladle sand childrens hair cutting a specialty (,7oNAIR, -C�• Theurer of Marriage Licenses D appointment of Lieut, -Governor, Commis- sioner, &c., Q. B. oouveyancer and Agent Pira Insurance Co. O111c0 at the Oranbrosk Poet Olffo°. ROBERT OUNNINGHAM• IestmaxOE, FIRE AND MARINE. GUELPH. ALEX. HUNTER Clark of the Fourth Division Court Oo, Huron, Conveyancer, Notary Public invested and loan, 0ollootiono muade. ()Moe in Graham's B look,Brueeole, (AIL PAINTING, Mies Merles, of Win ham, is prepared to give instruction 15 oil painting. 2.e1'mo maybe ascertained at Mies Nellie Roes' store whore samples of work may be seen, Miss Moria would also take a few more pupils in main, A. HAWKINS, 1. • Organist in St. Johu'e Church, Brus- sels, and pupil, in the Art of Teaoliing of A. W. Thayer, Mits. Doe,, New York, will give lessons to pupils either at Thos, Far'row's. 00ruer of Queen and Princess Ste„ or if pre- ferred, at their own homes. Tonne moder- ate, 40 - MEDICAL CARDS. �J M. P. CALE, M. D., O M., Member of the Oollege of Ph ysloian, and Surgeons of Ontario by examination. ()Mee and Residence —Main street haat, Iltllel, Ontario. T A. MaNAUGHTON, M. D. ti • 0.M., UR, O. P„ Edinburgh, M. O. P S. Ont. Residence and oilloo in Wilson' Block, 00rne1• of M111 and Turnberry Ste. VETERINARY. T D. WARWICK, 0) • Honor Gradoote 01 the Ontario Veterinary College, is prepared to treat all diseases of domestioated auhnale In 8com- petent manner. Particular attention paid to veterinary dentistry. Calle promptly at- tondod to. Once and Iufltmary—Two doors north of bridge Plumb ferry et., Brussole, DENTAL. 1) 1>T1 7Lf M. CAVANAGH, L. D. S:, D. 0, s„ Gradnate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Ontario, and of Toronto Uni- versity, 0rt'lon—Over A.11. Smith's Store, Brussels, MPROVED LARGE W 13ITE •YORK-. SIHIRE 1304341. The undersigned win keep for eery000 thio Ymosont season rho impr0Ved largo white orkshire pig 'Ready" on lot 20, nom 0, Merits, to which a limited 1ninber Of. 6owe Will bo taken. Terms 01.00 to be paid at time of aorvi00, with the privilege of return-, ing if noceseary, Pedigree may be seen up- on ap11310ation, 11031B= 1V1001001, Leif Proprietor. Salesmen Wanted. We 0040108 inlno diately, good onerge men 10 1011 our well known and Rehab Nursery Stook, grown et Maple Grove Nur series 'yatOrloo,N, Y. We hove a wide-8proad Oanadiau reputa- tion second to 00 °tlhorfirm of over 26 yoora, and thousands of testimonials gt� from well Of our steals note 111ipbearing,the timelylIron 61001 Varieties for northern !oddities. High- est Oemniooloin ]paid or Salary if preferred, OutfitPreo, 010 guaoautoe 050 et0011, Per tonne apply at ono°to J, W. MAC AY, General Manage)', 3'8m 86. Thomas Out. •