HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1892-10-14, Page 5OCT. 14, lb''o
• rey m'.r ..,arra,.zakta amasatav=02":rw"a'r aatrcJWFY, lv r utc"d"ar'S'd:.*m c .117 1Tal::,""•:
THE BRUSSItaLb 1.'u,b�
'13=3 im.4M111110rz.r w0.3=T ssror:^xo' ..'^cea:.•TV'TiXT1
TM TJ T 13 Y
Our Stock is complete in EVERY Department and we are in a splendid position to serve the Public
well, New Dress Goods ; New Staple Dry Goods ; New Gents' Furnishings ; New Boots and Shoes in Cooper & Smith, Ames, Hoidens & Co and other makes,
A. new stock of the celebrated "Granby" Rubbers and Overshoes ; New Tweeds, Worsteds and Overcoatings ; New IIats, Caps and Furs,
and a New Stock of Readymade Clothing in Boys', Youths' and Men's suits and overcoats, In this line we carry
one of the largest stocks in the county and much larger than any other stock in Brussels.
We have the assortment and will not. be undersold, Enough said,
We are Independent Buyers. We were offered several lines of Dress Goods' and Mantle Cloths at a
bargain by an importing house that do not carry stock—Of course we took the snap. Our Union Surrel Dress Goods at bc, 10C., 124c and 1.5e, we consider extra
value: Our all wool Cashmere in Myrtle, Navy, Brown, Grey, Cardinal ancl Garnet at 25o. a yard is a bargain and usually sold for 35c, to 40c
Good stock of Grey Flannel in Twill and Plain, light and Clark colors, at Rock Bottom Prices. See them
Cash and Produce will soon be the Basis of Trade.
Many Merchants have adopted it successfully and many in Brussels are engaged in earnest endeavors to adopt it and the undersigned is going to encourage it by giving
We would be pleased to see our old Customers and many new ones,
and in EVERY WAY.
DI8COU Tel ' —
111$f11.Ct nmTCtUS.
We are content to abide by their decision as to the merit of our stock in style, quality and value
The township c1arldhs met here on
Wednesday of this week.
Our residents who attended Brussels
fair pronouueed it a splendid success.
A ember of our Foresters attended
servioo last Sunday afternoon et Ethel.
One night last week it sneak thief
visited the orchard of Peter Baker of this
place and bagged the apples on a Oolvert
$i CIr L':LVdi.
Belgrave Temporanae Lodge will go to
Clinton to the Temporanae convention.
W. B. Wilkinson may well be pleased
since he was a few days ego presented
with a son.
Thyners moved to Wiarton. We hope
that animas will attend them in their
ohmige of locality.
V. Vannormau is having a substantial
and neat verandah put to his house.
Van has an eye to baaaby,
FALL Snow: —The Weexeter nortioul•
tnral. Sooiety had to contend against
very cold weather end the sad funeral on
the second day detracted considerably
from the attendance, yet a very good
show was held though not lip to some
other years. The display of roots, fruit
and grains woe very choice end would
have held its own in a much larger Show,
but the ladies' department fell short of
the usual number of entries. The Hall
looked very attractive on the evening of
the fireb day when qnite a number visit.
ed Gerrie Brass Band wits present
and enlivened bete occasion. The show
of live stook was a good one and mneh
interest was taken in the work of the
judges. The list of prizes will be pub•
liehed oomplote next week,
Jno. Mooney has been reappointed
A.t the preparatory eervfou to the' nom•
10mio0 in Duff's ahnroh next Saturday
Iterticon Rev. W. Ottewell, Methodist
minister, will preach.
The members and adhere:lh of St.
.eorge's ahnroh part vory reluutautly
with Rev. W. T. fluffwho has aooepted
call to Fenton, Michigan,
A, man from near Mount Ioreet was
tore last week looking after a span of
alts imponnded here and sold by the
Pound•Icesper last lune to J. Ryan and
L. MoDoneld. The owner effected an
arraugoment whereby he disposed of his
right in the ono and paid the expanses
ncnrred in oounection with the other.
tax collector for this township fur 1802.
Ile knows the ground w411. I IT
Richard Armstrong's team rain away
last Friday evening whin returning from
Brussels Fair, owing to the hordes getting
frightened tot a land of poultry. Tl,] oa•
' the democrat were thrown ; a
into tho ditch but Were lot iejuteil. 'Cita
box of the rig wan badly wrecked, The l
aocident happened opt'oeite Duncan Mi. ' c
Lauehlin's farm.
SonooL Rsros'r.—Report of S. S. No.
9, Morris, for the mouth of September,
basad ou proficiency, good e.,ndnot and
regular attendance --Third plass —James
McCall, George MuCall, Hannah Kelly,
Tillie Clonnan ; Senior second olass—
Jennie idloArter, David McCall, Alice
Birkby, Bella Bewley ; Senior second
olaee—Kate Searle, Ada Searle, Sara
Taylor, Bella McCall ; Senior Part
second—Milton MoArter, Sandie Mo-
Arter, Edith Jackson ; Junior part
second—David Moore, Laura Fear,
Maggie Metall, Roy Jaolcnon ; Senior
part first—Lizzie McCall, Willie Kelly,
Mend Jackson ; Junior part first—Maggie
Taylor, Rosy Searle, Alex, Farquharson,
Emma McCall ; Primary class—Ray-
mond Fear, Florence Button, Lyle leek.
eon, Menno Jackson. M. SntmLIo,
ides, Win. 13rey, Ord line is seriously
Wm. McLeod, Cypress River, Man., is
visiting friends in this locality.
Miss Juhmmu, Ireland spout a portion
of last week under the parental roof,
Mortis Branch Poll Vele wag held ab
Blyth on Tuesday e d Wednesday of
this week.
Last Saturday Jas. Kernaghan while
piercing apples fell out of a tree and in'
jnred himself considerably.
The'rruetsee of S. S. No. 4 hoes re.
engaged their present tomato, A. Taylor,
for the next year ata salary of 3326.
The 2,13 pooer of Win, Brown's has
not been returned yet. It is reported
that the gipeies have painted her .lege
• James Carter has disposed of tale farm,
lot 28, 0013, 8, to John Lawson, of the
swine line, fob the seen of [[4,800. 1S1r.
Cartel' intonde holding en auction dela of
stook, ito., shortly.
A. very successful entertainment was
held tit the stone acbool,honse, 2nd lime
Morris, on Thursday evsting in aid
of the Beesley soilool which is h.'ld in
that building aleo, 'rhe program consist•
ed of vocal and` inetrnmeutal m0e10,
rendered by persons from Wingham, Bel.
grave and elsewhere, J. MoCraekee, the
ci'fee1, nl sohooi tattoher of that gaolion,
ol1tuieted as ohairoan in em able m mien,
The large attendance appeared to bo
thoroughly pleased with what they sow
and heard, the program closing by all
joining iu singin 1 "Noame • my Gad to
Rev. D. 13. MoRae'e practical sermon
lash Sunday afteruoou was an able effort.
His text was "Who went about doing
good." There were about 50 Foresters in
the procession.
The Lelioille (Illinois) Gazette, of Oat.
1st, oottians the following sad settee re-
ferring to the little son of Rev. J. T.
LeGear, a former pastor of the Metbocliet
ehurah here. Harold, the' little son re•
Leered to was born here :—Thursday
morning little Harold, only sot of Rev.
J. T. LeGear and wife, passed away
from life to the "Better Land" at the
early age of 4 years, 4 months and 8 days.
He took eiok on Tuesday morning but his
ease gave no alarm until Thursday morn-
ing at 3 o'uladc, when the symptoms gave
evidence of the dread disease, diphtheria.
Everything possible was done to relievo
his suffering, but despite all that loving
hands and medical skill could do he
rapidly dank math at 8 30 lie passed
peacefully away. Harold was a bright
little fellow and loved by many who
mourn his sad fate. Rev. and Mrs. La.
Gear have the sympathies of the entice
Va::LI tote.
,lei's. Isaiah Smith and Marie are visit-
ing friends in Mitchell,
Mise 13. MollJbbin rem:nal 01 Tues-
day from her trip to'Toronbo,
We are glad tog report that John
Ritchie is improving in henlbh.
A -good (minty of our ei,izons took in
the Blyth Fair on Wednesday.
Mise Maggie Bald, of Varna, is visit
enc iier sister, Mrs. Dan, Campbell.
The memo fa being veneered with
brick, It will greatly add to DUs appeor-
allce and oomforb,
One cheese factory captured the roil
ttoltub ab Fast lemon Fall rale foe best
abeaso. Mr, Edgar is au A 1 01 biter.
A box social will 1101301d in rho ,10000•
diet cheroh on Friday evening of this
week nndoe the auspices of the Sabbath
eohool. The program will consist of
readings, recitations, music, t0.
Wm. Pollard disposed of his splendid
heavy draught team, let prise winners at
Dust Harm[ Foie, to Mr, filetiiann, of
Seaterbh, Inc the handsaws Liana of 0391.
Mr. Dullard raises At lot of primo stouts.
At a meeting of the Trustees of S. S.
No. 0 E iward Hill was engaeed as
towhee for 1898 et a salary of h;8'20. Mr.
II111 19 uov attending the Model school
at G oderi•ih ,i.i 1, .j iLIU I from t'le rel
ommand,ttan of his tetuher, the Lessen.
for and others aannitimed with him the
the trustees have mode an exoellont
soieotion. W. A. Smith, who has so sue.
cesefnll,y taught this school f it the past
three years, intends pursuing an sloes,
Mooed course at one one of the oolleeiates
or 0/Oleos.
OncT.—Last Friday aftoroonn the
11Iastee baolconed the spi,it of Donald
McNair aw.ty from time. The deceased
had been poorly for the past two or three
years but was only confined to the house
for four months, The cause of his death
was Paresis. Mr. Mamie [vas born in
Argylosltire, Scotland, in the! year 1883
and 010010 to Canada with the family in
1852. They located in Vaughn but
moved bo Stanley township the next
year. In 1854 they settled on the 14th
con. of this township taking lip lot 22,
eon. 14, where the deceased, who was un-
married, lived up to the time of his death
along with his brother John and family.
His hopes were founded on the solid
Rook and he died trusting In his Saviour.
The funeral took plana on Monday after.
noon, the funeral service being conduct.
e1 by Rev, D. B. Mabee of whole chetah
he was a conelelenb member for many
years. James, Alex, end Dune niMcNair
are brothers of the deceased and lire. John
McTaggart is the only surviving sister.
Goon TO Oita i deo.—loins. Andrew Wil•
son, died at the residsuoe of her laugh.
ter, Mrs. Duncan Taylor, on Wednesday
of this week at the aciva,aed age of 81
years and months. F'ir about 6 years
she had been in failing health, her nand
being effected considerably, The deceas-
ed was born in Roxboroebire, Scotland,
ttltd was united in marriage to Audrey
Wilson in the year 1837, her maiden
name being Margaret Hamilton. They
game to Canada about 45 years ago and
located in North Easbhnpo and niter a
eoj turn [hers foe a number of years
moved to the 2nd eon, of Morris bown-
ship in 1830. Mr. Wilson died fifteen
years s.
Wilson wh
as aheai heaat the age rty, yams,
her day who greatly aided her in band
in the early settlement days of this enun•
try. She enjoyed the love and esteem of
all who knew her. Two children are
living to remember her, John, who re-
sided in Morris township, and Mfrs. Dun•
can Taylor, who has mbtiste:ad to her
fon years. The funeral will bake plass
this (Friday) afternoon and will be con.
dunted by Irv, ll. Millar, Knox church.
The deoeaeed was a &4[11 fol Chri-tiara
lady and was a member of the Presby -
tort in ohurc'l for m.wy years,
G rcea-.
Council meeting am held on Wednos•
day at Crnnbrook.
A deer was seen various timed on eon.
5 and made a brief sojourn in some of
the oat fields.
Last Sunday Mrs. Bennett, 3011 eon.,
died, aged 64 years. The funeral took
place on Tuesday.
The Brussels evaporatinf factory is
the magnetic point for a good many of
our fulmars who have apples to Bell.
Malcolm IdeNiebol attended the Brus-
sels. Fair evidently ea,peating to be a
judge for he took the "jury" with him.
Last weal( Tilos. Williamson lost a
valuable 6•yeur•old horsefrom indigestion
or hagImmabion. Iie hal another one
slate this week.
George Dobson, who hos taught for the
past two years in S. S. No. 5, has given
up that school and accepted the principal-
ship of Ethel eohoo'.
Thos, lIeribagu, of Lon ion, was here
This week. FSe has re•leaeed his farm on
the 7th con. to Wm. Killongh,the present
tenant, for another year.
A natural curiosity in the shape of twin
apples grew in the ora [ted of Smith
Bros., lob 6, con. 6, this year, It was
on a tree of the Beswick Coddling
Smith Bros,oepbured about 40 prized
for their live stock at Atwood, Fordwiah
and Brassie Fairs. Joll.l Ridley tool(
13 ab Atwood and laorclwioh. This part
of Grey is not behind in prize taking,
Henry Smith, brother to Thos., Joltn
and Oliver Smith, and family have come
batik from the West and purpose
making their home in this locality. 01r.
Smith tvi lit to Manitoba ebnit ten years
ago and for a tial resided in British
Col nm ht a.
t""lis Diamond Dye Go„ of Montreal,
offered prizes for the beat floor mats
made nut of rags colored with their dyes.
Mrs. liobt. Inglis, a well known resident
of the 0th eon., competed sending a braid-
ed neat, Laub weep ahs received a cheque
for 010.00 ae the prize for hoe h tm'li.
While D. Splash[ was o1 hie way from
Listowel last Saturday night big horse
beeanle frightened anti throw him ant of
the buggy. Hie head must have streak
on the wheel its he received a very deep
wound. lie was found lying in the send
bosido the road by Win. Thompeon who
amnveyod hint home. A pbysioian of
Listowel, dreasad the wound end tit latest
etoomute he was doing as well its aould
be expeobed,
J. G., eldost gen of Angus Shaw tor.
rived home That 1+"riday, rafter an absentia
of several yo as. In hie search for heart
he exiled from Po:blau'i, Ovogon, round
Cape Horn to Franco and was gewmly
benefitted by the sea br e•ceo. The vessel
on Wl,ieh ho shipped was wrecked short.
ly after he loft it. clic. Shaw has seen
quite a bit of the world and ono give a0
Fnteresthmg aoaonat of sighbe and scenes
on land and teethe,
Perth. CJounty.
0011111.1Tl0011111.1 festival of bhp lotat'.00dist
church, Trowbridge, will be hold on the
Otll and 10th Ootobor.
.1. 11. Vipond, of Donegal, left on Mon.day for a course et the Ontario Agrionl.
aural Onlle, e, Guelph.
Thu Nadi L'o'th elocbio t cut a hits
been sot down f'r-trial et Str.bt led on
Oot. 16111 ab 1 o'oloek.
Rev. Prof. Williams, of Lon ion, _outer -
h cid upon his defies as rector of St.j11.111•31'
Church, Stratford, feet S,ud•ty.
A Stretford woman talks of string Iter
1 t tl
husband. heoanso he reruns tl, st 1 Lai his
mother in•law, in tuioi'd0u0e With a
promise he mad) before being married.
If men are to be compelled to live lip to
all their ndute-nupbtal pronisoe it will go
hard with items of them.
About 10 o'clnelc Saturday night rho
lite alarm sounded at Stretford and
e'lorbly afterwards the blaze 0910' 1eonted
at the shoddy mill juat-nor'b.of the G.
T. 1t. freight she la. The Sn t. f'r 1 Oil
Company's works are just across the
street and in their switch was s andilg tt
tank full of erode petroleum. Ll about
nine or ten minutes from the time the
alarm teas soon led the lire brigade had
two strong streams of water paying and
the lire was soon out. The dnnrtge
amounts to about 5700, on which there
is no insurance: A carding ma_nine
which cost about 6250 is a coalpl„te
wreck and the inside of the engine build.
Ing is badly charred. The origin of the
fire is unknown.
Wiliam Meticeson, of Elmo,. had a
neighbor, Henry lloNiobool, before the
Police tl'Iagiotrate on a charge of high•
way robbery. McNichol claimed to have
an old account due him over an o'd ellen
eery suit about Lund and suet Matheson
in the road with his team. A squabble
ensued and McNichol gob the team and
pet them In his fields and refused to give
up the team until hie claim was • paid.
With rho assistance of Oonsteble Woods
the team Was recovered bat it was only
after considerable difi1•'ulty and chasing
shoat the emu try that defendant was ar-
rested. After two adjonenments the ease
w,s dismissed, the magistrate being ,'f
the opinion that while ,. Oise of sewn b
might be male out, no robbery has born
proven. Had he concealed the hordes
with the intention of keeping them the
ease night have been established, but
the evidence showed that the prisoner
estid complainant could have the horses
by settling with him.
Toovesatve Duns tx ('horn —The
Travelling Dairy from the Guelph Agri.
oulbural College sent out by, the oder of
Ilon. Jahn Dryden, Minister of Agrieul-
tlire, will shortly visit the County of
Perth. At each meeting they will exhi•
bit dairy utensils, make butter, test milk,
noel cleliver loolures on feeding, manage-
ment and seleotion of dairy cattle, the
clamming, working, packing and market-
ing of butter at the following places at 2
p, m.:—Rostooli, Wednesday, Oot. 2001 ;
Amulres, Thuredity, Got, 27th ; Itlilver•
tot, Friday, Out. 28110 ; Atwood, Monday,
Oot. 81st ; Lisbt.wel, Tuesday, Nov. lsb t
Gowanstown, Wednesday, Nov. 2nd. All
aro uordielly invited by the ofltoers of tho
Farmer,' Inetitubo to those mooting,.
The ladies ate' respeotfnlly urged to he
present: The Babcock Tester will be
exhibiteci and the working fully explain•
ed and all samples of milk brought to
the meeting will he tested to find out the
quality of better fat in deem and the re-
sults given privately to you. In this
way yeti can learn whether yon: sows
are worth (Leaping or not, To got e
propel' sample of oov's milk take a oup
1111 of the evening's milk and the same
amount of the morning's added thereto,
put this in a bottle, label it and bring it
to the meeting. Let everyone interested
iu dairying make a epeoial effort to costa
ae hints of butter making may bo ob•
Mined that will ha worth te great deal t0
Daily Sale of Household Furni-
ture at the residence of
Katie Leeman, aged 8, who lived with
her larente et No. 4 Coleman street,
Cinonnabi, 0., net with a herribiedeabh
Friday right. Inn000ntly pioking up to
piece of limo from the sidewalk, the
ohild placed it in her month, thh,kieg it
was chalk. The moment the sura
tnnohel it the lbtse began to slack, turd,
aided by the ohtld'e bob, breath, soot
filled her moult, choking; her to death
in it few minutes,
List of Furniture.
Centre Tables
Extension Tablas
Kitchen Table
Glass Cupboard
Heating Stove
Large Cane Rooker
Rattan hooker
Ash Bed Room Set
Set Springs
Winker Cradle
Child's Carriage
Kitcbutt Chairs
1, ,u nue
Wee, Steed
Lawn ,flower
Contain Poled
llantmoak and other
one to mention.
inspection Inviled.
Small Pitney Tables
Fall Leaf Tables
Kitoheu Cupboard
Cooking Stove
Wooden Rooker
Common Rooker
Cherry lied room set
Child's Cutter
Cane Chairs
Garden Implements
Ice Cream Freezer
articles too numer•
e i
,Are compounded with „t_
general usefulness nn ^a '' •
They are oomposool ; t ,; ca 1
vegetable aperior. tr. T1
sugar - coating, 0711i0'l 1: o' •...
solves in the ntatr:i.:tr, l•
their full medicinal value ;to). ,,y
them easy to take, either b;,
young. For ooustipatio:n,
eta, biliousness, siak hoadaehc.
the common derangsments a'. 'i.
Stomach, .Liver, and Boge'ci;: ,•
also to cheek colds and fevers, P.;•eg o
Uulike other cathartics, i'..o er!ilt•A.
of Ayer's Pills is to strengthen
the exorstory organs and. ri'mtn10 t,
them their regular and mitnr.tl i' -
tion. Doctors ovsrywh t rr:•r•erll:i
them, In spite of 1'ontatt 1 c•,n .t.
titian, they hate niti'a: v ,n . ,:; ;ut;l
their popularity as I:'f::;t
date, being nn g t t•,a deeten,1 r.c!v
than over borate 1.'
both in vines and 1 :.
for home use or
aro preferable to 11::,;
i a
yott ever tried thorn?
A7 o,.
Prop:mil by Dr.J. C. hynv.t• bo., T�owril,
$old by all llrnhtpisa.
every Doso.%Ctelotive