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The Brussels Post, 1892-10-14, Page 4
4 eamosiassiseraciet New Advertisements. Local --A, lance, Local—•'S. B. Smote. Locals—J. C. Ayers. Loottl--U, 3, Strong. Local—Geo. Thomson, Pickles --G. A. Deadman. Dog lost—Peter Robertson, Local—Miss Fauuie Long. Cow for sale—Jelin Wynn. Apples wanted—L. Mahler. Stoves—Ballantyne & Wilton. Boots and Shoes—A. Strachan. Locoed—Pose Publishing Meuse. Liquidation Sale—J. It. Gregory. Pall Goods—Ferguson & Halliday. Hat Lost—Pose Publielling House. Cows for sale—Mrs. D. Livingstone. Servant wanted ---Mrs, R, L. Taylor. Cows for sale—Mrs, won. McCullough. Farm for sale—John Beattie, Hugh MoDiarmid. Cbc l":115Si15 WO. FRIDAY, O02'. 14, 1892. ANOo'nEo valuable addition has been made to the "Sons of Rest." This time the crauk is a fellow who wagered $500 that he can travel from Tacoma to New York and return hi twenty-four days without spending a cent. Ile steals his rides on the trains by using a board with some attachments whioh he fastens to the trunks of the Pullman oar, and he lives on what be can catch. He has reached Cllioago with little difficulty and expects to winthe money. The work house is where this thump should spend his poli• day term, Ali action has been brought by the publishers of the North American Re- view against the New York Telegram for violation of the copyright law by repub. lishiog from the North American, with. out permission, Mr. Gladstone's article in reply to the Duke of Argyle on the Home Rule question. The court has granted an order calling upon the Tele- gram for a statement of its sales of the copies of its issue contaiuing the printed article, and there is little doubt that the North American publishers will be able to prove damages, because any man de- sirous of reading 111e. Gladetone's article would not go to the expense of buying the magazine if he could get a newspaper containing it. Tun F renob have carried through their Dahomey campaign vigorously. It is . sincerely to be hoped that France will take over or supervise the government of that country. The King of Dahomey is or was the most bloodthirsty tyrant on the face of the earth since King Thee. haw was dethroued by , the British in Burmtth, Prance has adopted a more ,:.vigorous colonial policy apparently with the consent of the French peasantry, and it is to be hoped that she will eslab lish and maintain her authority through- out Dahomey. The unhappy people of t• h Urea muss Bred that noun ly ve a a by thousands to gratify the whim of their rulers. The French rale dark peoples fairly well though their rule never de. velops the self-governing powers of the peoples she rules. To secure tb.e bodily safely and the comparative well-being of the people of Dahomey would be a good work and all that is possible for the present, Tun Canadian Dominion (including Newfoundland) reports I-,287 failures to Bredstreete for the post nine months, as contrasted with 1,320 in a litre portion of 1891, the decrease being only 80. But the general improvement in oommeroial conditions is more particularly shown in the reduced total of liabilities, the ag. gregate being $0,200,000, against 911,180,- 000 in the preeueding year, a decline of nearly 17 per Dent. Each of the Proviu• ces of Ontario and Quebec reduced its failure totals this year, the former to e marked degree. This year's decrease of total liabilities of those failing in Ontar- io amounts to 82 per cent, in Quebec to 22 per cent, while Prince Edward Island, Newfoundland, and North West Terri. tortes also show radical improvement is this direotiou. In Nova Scotia, as in Manitoba and British Columbia, increas- ed liabilities [shown, as compared with last year, are doe to relatively heavy failures early in this year. Bering the past quarter a marked improvement bas been shown in this direotiou. e- 'ass st.cltan letedvs. Clothes line thieves infest London, There is not n vacant house in Witini• peg. Hamilton increased 204 in papulation during the past year. Kingston bakers have reduced the fane- pound loaf from 12 to 10 cents. An immense bed of pure salt has b,en discovered at Moo'otown, Ont, Joel Reitman, the oldest member of the Northwest Legislative Assembly, is dead, Mrs. Bristol, an aged and widely ]mown resident of Berlin, Out., died od Sonday, aged 77 years, Floe. Wilfrid Laurier lecture' of Abraham Linable before a very large audience in 'Windsor Hall, Montreal. Apples about Berlin are a plentiful crop. One farmer has sold 800 bushels to 0 eider manefacteror ab 10 cents a bushel, The Lieutenant Governor has accept• o:a the resignation of tion. Daniel Mo. Lean as a member of the Greenaway Cabinet, On Saturday evening a 4.year.old son of Hiram Ashley, of Huntingdon town• strip, b td hie skill fraotnt,d by a kick from a horse. A by-law to raise $10,000 for a new fire hall was defeated at Woodstock Monday i by about 10 majority. ' At the York County Assizes, Monday, Frank Willson, of 1Coewielt, wasatoquittad on the charge of morderiug his wife by drowning her. James W. Keating, notary and jnstloe of the peace, tit. Latharium., lues funnel dead in the mill rags near Norrie' mill, St. Catharines, Mouloy. A oiroular has been issued announcing the appointment of W. R. Baker as general manager of the Manitoba and Northwestern railway. Thirty oarloads of wheat destined for Liverpool have just been shipped from London, Ont., and 15 carloads more will go forward immediately; It is repotted that an extraordinarily rials vein has been struck in the Crescent gold mine, Marmara, floating. county. The yield is said to be over $1,000 per da George Wiley, aged 8 years, while watobiog the swing bridge over the Wel. land canal in St. Catharieee was embed between the bridge and the abutment, dying instantly. A Montreal despatch says :—Sir Wul, Dawson is seriously ill, and suffering from an attack of pleurisy snperindnced by a bad cold from wi,isb he has been suffering for some time past. At a meeting of the Barrie Presbytery A. Miseampbell, M. P. P., was granted the standing of a catechist, with a view to taking a full theological course in preparation for the ministry. There are only two higher elevated towns in Ontario than Woodstock, being Stratford, 1182 feet above the sea, and Guelph, 1157 feet. Woodatoak is 080 ft.; Ingersoll, 877 ft. and London, 832 ft. F. 0. Drummond, school leacher at Portage la Prairie, has skipped to parts unknow. Drummond hes both suspected of a villainous crime and has been shadowed by the police for some time. Gerson, Purser & Co., St, Catharines, have secured the contract for the new asylum buildings at Brookville at 3242,- 000. The general average of tenders, of which there were over twenty, was $275,• 000. Mrs, Nltphiue, of Deserouto, who wits on board the Tweed express when it col. lided with the ballast train on the K., N. and W. railway last summer, and whose child was killed in her urine, has settled with the company fax $05. Arrangements are being made for a political demonstration at Belle River about November 1st. "The future of Canada" will be the subject oder discus- sion and it is expeotsd that Goldwin Smith, Elgin Myers and others will be present. Hon. Edward Blake will address a meeting at Boston, Mase., tih Oot. 20th. On Nov. 2nd Me. and llrs. Blake sail for Liverpool by the Teutonic. on Nov. 141b Mr, Blake and Sir George Travel- yan, Secretary for Scotland, speak at the annual banquet of the Liberal Anchor Soofety in honor of Colston's Day, at Bristol. Tuns. Faeids, of Wardsvinle, who was charged at the Assizes, just closed in Lon- don, with arson and two charges of per- jury, the outcome of the burning of its barns, and agtiust whom the Grand Jury found no bill, has instructed counsel to prooe'd with a suit for 02,000 damages against the Loudon Mutual Fire In- 5ni'an0e Gnupauy and Laughlin Leitch, the Co,npapy's Inspector, for false or• rest. lion. Edward Blake nt Osgoode Hall Monday added that a day be fixed for the hearing of the case between the On- tario and Dominion Governments regard• ing the right of the former to appoint Queen's Couusel. It is understood that the matter wilt oome up some day this ween, when the Irish parliamentarian will Tool( after the rights of the Province. al Legislature and Sir John Thompson will be present on behalf of the Domin- ion Gove•nrnont, Oxford County has Leen iufestsd with a number of burglars daring the past few days. Wednesday night thieves broke into the store of Mr. Smeath, Burgess. ville, and carried off a number of pairs of pants, shirts, tobaeoo, pipes and a 25. pound sack of dour, together with other small articles, amounting iu value to about $50. The burglar also broke into the G. T. R. station, but obtained only e few cents. Thursday night, at Nobel's corners, the general store of Mr. Bug• berry was the object of attack, and goods to the value of $100 were carried off, as well as a few dollars in cash. On the same sight a horse belonging to Thomas Wilson, 4th con. of Blenheim, was stolen from the field. General New . The peaks of the Catskills are covered with snow. General elections are expected to tales place in Italy on November 6th. The Egyptian Premier is reported 'to have resigned owing to ill health. A fire at Buenos Ayres destroyed property to the value of $2,200,000. Stuart Iioill, a Boman Catholic, has been elected Lord Mos or of London. The Democratic majority in State elections in Florida was nearly 25,000. The long.cattiuued drought in the southeastern part of New Mexico is causing Considerable suffeting. Emperor William's ear is again very painful spud it is expected that bo will again have to submit to all operation. Boise city, Idaho, is now heated with hot water From the hot springs a mile from the city. The oust will be 50 per cont. less than ooal. it railway engineer proposes to have a genuine railway collision as one of the attractions of the World's Fair, IIe un. betakes to do the job for 3550, Three men wet° killed and a woman fatally wounded, and several persons shot but not mortally wounded, at a colored revival meetiug note Fulton, Mo,, Sunday evetlieg. Major &Iagoos, aged 82 year s, has just arrived iu Chicago from Grant county, Oregon, having winced the whole 2,100 miles to be present at the dedioatiau of the World's Fair buildiuge, Ile stitned in July. Thirty thousand pilgrims have started from Kremlin, tens jet, for Troitza, to celebrate the 500th anniversary of St. Sergius, the chief motor in the fourteenth century struggle to throw off the ',Vector yoke. A London woman being tired of ser. Vent maids hired a boy of 10 to do the week. She was immediately arrested ter unlawfully Iteepieg a man servant with. out a tioonce. She pa'd a floe, with tee• tinlany to the soporrarity of boy servants over gilds, THE BRUSSELS POST The steamship Orizaba, Trona Yncatml errived at New York Monday, (laving on board a lineal descendant 01 Christopher Oolumbee who oomes Isere to intend the Columbus celebration. Stuart anti Perry Onlbertsou, grand sons of the late milllonsire, W. S. Atl• becteon, of Louisville, Iby., who wore out off with $100 each for horsy racing, are taking steps to oentest the will, The Iluited Stetee (lout r.f Appeals has decided in the thee of the Edison Company v, the United States Illumin acing Company that Mr. Edison is en. titled to a six.yeer patent on inoandee- oent lamps. The dooision involves mil• lions of dollars, The English papers report that the trout are feeding on the field mice whioh are now so plentiful on the Scotch pastores. This recalls to thereoollection of an old New York fisherman the fent that the largest trout ever naught an Long Island was taken with this bait. Tho profile of this giant fish adorns the house of the Suffolk Club nt South Haven, Long Island. The first conviction ever soured in Phihthelphia fur Booking a horse's tail woe the result of a suit lately bolero afagietrate McCarthy, brought by the women's branch of the Society to Prevent Cruelty to Animals. The defendant was 11rs. G. M. Brooks, a society leader. She was fined $25. Before the same magistrate, Dr. Win. L. Zeit!, of the faculty of the veterinary Department of the University of Pennsylvania, who did the dooking, will be tried. A two-year-old child of G. Barton's, Tui'nborry, met with is misty accident recently. An old sow bad a litter of small pigs, end the child and a boy of seven years were together, when the latter picked Op one of the little porkers, which immediately set up a terrible racket, calling the attention of the moth- er and maddening it so thea It ran at tilt children like a wild beast. Seeing this the boy dropped the pig incl grabbed in- stead the child, but in lu5 haste he ran too fast and the result was he and the child fell, No sooner down than the old ROW was onto the little ane, and oom- meuasd savagely chewing at the child's head, lacerating and tearing the flesh in the neighborhood of one ear in a horrible manner, the boy meanwhile calling lusti- ly for help and endeavoring to save the ahilel. Help Dame at last, and with the assistance of a fork the savage old brute was driven off. The child is recovering nicely, but there will be scars from its frightful experience with the pig as long as it lives. M'cLEO D'S System ienovatc O'r1t01t— TESTED REMEDIES SPi;OI 1O AND ANTIDOTE For Impure, Weak and Impoverished Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Palra'a• tion of the Heart, Liver Complaint, Neer. algia, Loss of Memory, Brouobitis, Con- sumption, Gall Stones, Jaondioe, Kidney and Urinary Diseases, St. Vitus' Dance, Female Irregularities and General De- bility. LABORATORY OODERlCH ONT. J. M. McLEOI), Prop. and Manufacturer. Sold3.T. PEPPER b,y, Druggist, B. easels. Read the port —OF— Iianitota & Northwest —FOE - 1. c Copies may hie had on application to auy,Agent of the hE J. T. PEPPER, Agent, Brussels. OST To the end ©f 1892 --rOR- 26 Ots, IN HUME, Balance of 1892 FREE To New Subscribers who pay in /'k(lVlillee. W11 H. KERR, PROPRIETOR. l IF,pit k11:11. t' 9 not wise to experiment compounds purporting to L) UI•»od•pnrili"rs, but which have 1 , 1 m 'l,:;i r,l sulue. To make 0 , ., ten} t 1, r than the old sten- :,sarsaparilla—the Su- pelior .Blood-)uuritier—is simply to ins Ito loss of time, money and health.. if you are aillioted with Scrofula, Catarrh, Rlroulnatism, Dyspepsia, Eczema, Running Soles, Tutors, or ruy other blood disease, bo assured iniad 't Pays to Use ATER'S Sarsaparilla, and AYER'S only. A'YER'S Sarsaparilla can al- ways be depended upon. It does not vtu'y. It is always the same in qualit, , (reality; and. afoot. It is sup511111 In combination, proportion, appearance, and in all that gods to build up the system weakened by disease and pain. It searches out all impurities in the blood and ex- pels them by rho natural channels.* E Sairsap r111a l'rel1mrod byDr,J.0.Avcr&Co„Lcwoll0t O5, 6s1,l by all Otvggists, Prloo d1; eh bottles, 56. Cures others,will cure you Auction Sale. IN 0111 at1Trlsn Or TItN 050.100 Oy Atixns CAMPBELL, LATE Or 01111 TawxeIIlr OP Giuov, IN Tan Comer so I11:5011, WIDOW, 1)1te0A5h'D. And In the matter of "Tho Desolation of Estates Act" being chapter 1113 of The Bevis ed Statutes of 000.11•1" (1887) there will be sold by Public Anoti tt on SATURDAY, Oi:1.'03EP la, 1.892, at 2 o'eloelt 1). m., et the promises in the Township of Gley, by George Birkby, auc- tioneer, (sabjest to the conditions there produced) tho following "shisble property viz :—All that certain parcel or trach of land and premises situate, lying and being in the Township of Grey, 15 the County, of Flavin, and Province of Ontario, containing by ad- measurement some hundred and twenty- eight (128) acres of land, be the same more or loss, being nomposed of Lots numbers thirteen (15) and fourteen (lel) in the eighteenth (1.8) ooneession of the said Town. ship of Grog subject to a mortgage thereon in favor of The l3ritisb Canadian Loan and Investment Company (limited) securing the re -payment of three thousand Ave hundred and eighty four and 00.110 dollars (88531.50. 110) and interest as iu said mortgage men. Honed, There is a first-class orchard of about 150 bearing trees On the premises w1lcll are otherwise well imp_'oved. The buildings consist of a good house, large frame burn with basement stables, and a good driving shed. The property will be sold subject to the above mentioned mortgage and subject also to a reserved bid to bo Axed by the 0Metal Gnerdlau, TOnnrs ov SAuo•—Ten per cent of purchase money ou the day of sale and the balance to be paid into the Canadian Bank of ('015- meroe to the joint Credit of the Official Guardian and the administrator within 30 days without Interest. For further particulars api'ly to JOHN HHOSIIIN, I.SQ, Q. C., Official Guar- than, Toronto, Ont., or (0 it, 11, COLLINS, Vendor's Solicitor, Exeter, (lu t. Dated September 20th, 1800, 13 2 Milt 'Nalllea —AT THE -- BRUSSELS EVAPORATING FACTORY. The undersigned has en- larged his Factory to double the capacity a11(1 is open to buy any quantity of Apples. Shall apples will not ba ac- cepted. Windfalls, sweet or sour, that are of any size will be taken • Winter Apples 25cts. per bag L. Mahler, 11 4 BRUSSELS. vir. e Ho L 9 —DEALER IN-- FNITUJ Picture Frames, &o. Special Attention given to Undertaking rices Xo orate. Smale's Block, BRUSSELS. OCT. 14, 1892 AltrZNINAIa^-•G9aaa"-Si3:77FSr i. 15;i1'Yy:YO^ZnIISSSV:'FL'".^+SV=11119'••`" THED gem .OR 92-93 Our line of Base Burners is more complete than ever before. "Radiant Home," ",Art Garland," "Art Peninsular," "Radiant Peninsular," (Ns. .these stoves are constructed in the most modern style, and are the most powerful Double Floaters made. They aro finished in the highest style of the art and we warrant everyone` good baking ovens. If you aro in need of a Parlor Cook, be sure and see our stock bofore purchasing. "Evening Light" and "Lyndon" Heaters Are greatly improved this season and are selling fast and giving good satisfaction, Wo will take your old stove. Handsome Ranges 1 We carry a stool{ of the best in this line, all prices, Call and inspect. Second Hand Stoves Our se001711 hand stoves are going off fast. If you want one, you must secure it early. They are good ones and cheap. Just opened out Hanging rind Table Lamps, Bedroom and Night Lamps, cheaper than ever. Tea Knives, Tea Spoons, Tea Trays. BALLANTYN & WILTON. Jump Quick at the Chance o1' Securing BIG BARGAINS During the Great Liquidation Sale of Geo, Good's immense stock of BOOTS AND SHOES, At Brussels and. Steafortha Hats and Caps, c' e. The entire stock must be sold re- gardless of profit. Call, examine, buy and be happy. Butter and Eggs taken in exchange for goods. Brussels store to Rent. PROSPERITY ! LIQUIDATOR. The store at vhicll youn trade t � ea tl a le to the best ad- vantage is the one which shows steady progress, This we can not, only Claim but Prove. Each year our sales have been larger than the past, THE SECRET Is that cloillg business on a Cash Basis We can all'ord to give extra valises. F O R FALL, 1892, We have marked many lines very low. If you have bought what you thought to be extra good value in Cashmere Hosiery, at 25c., 40c. or 50e., Grey Flannels at 18c,, 25c. or 87c., come and examine our offerings and see if we have not even better value. We invite you to try the SAME EXPERIENCE in DRESS GOODS, Our Dress Goods this season are both right in make and in Price. There aro Tweeds, Borges, Broadcloths, Cheviots, Bedford Cords and Shot effects. B.L.A.CK', HEN'RIETT.A.S Finer, Richer and Softer, and Softer than you ever saw before for the money. Soo our 49 in, All'Wool Henrietta at 40e. JACKETS. Our Jackets are the very latest in style and the cloth is a little Finer and Stronger than for the same money elsewhere. Como and silo our 2 German Made Jacket for $5,00 --it will surprise yon, FURS. RS. We aro now showing the largest stock in Brussels in Ladies' Muffs, Storm Collars and Capes comprising Writ Op• posum, Alaska Oppcsum,Nrutria, Alaska Sable, Electric Seal, and a beautiful lot of Men's and Boys' Caps. Prieos right. FERUSLTh k _LL BRUSSELS. v