HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1892-10-7, Page 101i5trict
Vet :!avksletr: let :re'nte1 the Cunt
r�:u-�•ial t1.ltel io I. n'., Itil', and Itis -mowed
' nil it Pere sediy.
11 L Se :ortlt-.tdL!ler let, r. eoi rel n o,ln-
•trart from a 11lielligen inInnertnem to
+14+010 1 large it web•,• of sets of heavy
who, iT' n k t•snn, n Sertf. rth painter,
foil twenty the feet oft 0 buddutg in 310.
Ri11op t ,•v.;+!tip the other day, nn I re-
.eisive•i 0 gori0n4 'Itt1110 no.
L 1 1 N•evins fell od e gad c: apple
7;0^.1,.+1; at .a..,;1+111 LIt as 1 w „ 1,e. itt -I a 1-
,,...0 t- to r..'{n-I r,, lest les t•.'Leiv•
n:• a , mt elver 't,.c • e ih-.0 rf:Imre,l fire
011L•'., e.
• b; u',. bio It el �\V . l It
,,t •..111111818.1.
l',t,l,i„ii'e 1.171,1n h 'r-•: hill
it . ru•• stere Sell by lightning.� It wit
l h>.
0•Pn rsoe,t ul'r.n,.'t t' tLi;
11101 prize- f.,t the best
• eelhse •u ,f stuffed buds and aniurtlt at
-the: \Vestt't•u fair, London.
The partnership heretofore existing be-
tween W. II. Lovett cud John Danueey
00 'ruin layers here, has loam dissolved.
ldt L umooy has again entered into
pertn_e hip with Mr. hp': ” t. formerly
-,.,.d with the Luta Co,
911`ta:ti t'raer
Fail fair was hell here on Tuesday
cud wVednesday.
The brick work of the new 1'resbytev.
ten rhuroh is completed. A slate roof
will be put on.
ut. Johnston got off pretty easily for
hie stabbing fracas. It shanlel be n les•
son t'p bin] as long as he lives.
liobt. Blank is having tide face of the
ri1i1•d.mu stoned op so as to p0008ot the
midway end to preve:it passible Minot
to the t, ..«t' pritilege dining the hi;.11
:H•,. :oxen :Iitca;.t: who wile emg0go 1
tut' a aeries of temperance lectures here
last week under the auephcoe of the R. T.
of T., failed to meet her engagement on
the e..uiiig she w„a expected. Qeito a
Dumber were disappointed, several having
taken a long, fruitless drive to bear her.
The committee's plans were so muelh
rtiecotheerred that they telegraphed the
lady cauoelling the engagement.
l.V itz s-liztatu.
Sura Lord Bailey, one of the ablest
vdooutio iets on the continent, will give
an entertainment in \Vingb.tm oo Thus•
day evening. Oct. 13th.
A number from town tools in the W0,1+.
ere Ex i trsinns to Detroit, Grana Rapids
asid e:411er Western cities on Tu•selay ant
'l ecinesday of last week.
hobs. Cassels, who 11108 been with .los. Monday for Tot onto, were he will attend
Colley, V. S„ for some time, left this the dental college.
,reek for Toronto, where he intends tak• It is proposed to establish a contact of
Lig dt coarse in the College, night schools on or about the first Nevem.
young son of Mrs. Filthy., of Lower ber, under competent teachers in comae•
Wioghitm, aged about 0 years, was (Inc. tion with the Mechanics' Institute,
ieg some horses on the common when One of Samuel Dipple'e ohildren, a
pone of them kicked, striking the boy iu irl of abort la ye'a's, net with a pain -
.the forehead 11011 f'aetn•iug his skill. pal nu dined 01 the Public, school reoelt•y,
194 Iimss altos: -P. AL. (. lu•Ito"' While playing at. rectos she was 10100 '
ad down by smite of the boys and in fall-
ing one of her legs was fractured and her
ankle severely sprained. The accident
was dos to rough playing by the boys.
The following officers were elected for
the ensuin; year in connection with the
Musiuul Society hero :—President, T. L.
Ham i1toe ; 1st \•ioe.Prasident, Atm. J. A.
Hacking : 0at1 Vice President, Alice Den.
nison ; Secretary, Mise Jean Marshall
Treasare.r, W. H. Climie: Librarian,
Miss Boss ; Conductor, Mies Climie ;
Accompanists, 'Misses Sutherland and
James; Committee for the sale0ti0n of
music, Misses 111ilode, lt.ttltwell and ALh.
Du,v011, Atessra. Dilworth nail \\tolftobn.
What might have been it serious rine. I,
way accident to Lient•(lnvernor Kirk.
pair'iok, Ilon, Oliver Mowat and lion,
John Dryden, at, Woodstock on Friday
night of hist week, was prevented only by
one o' the horses attnehed to 11'8'1• hack
elippiug and falling on the pavement iu
shu'tingto run,
A, S. Ball', ast.f!aut was tried on Sept.
- .T,to, a•ittiro ay. 2.ithatthe 1Vuodstnok assizes. \V10lteu
John Merry has gone to Daisy, North the court opeuel at 11:311 the roam 108
Dakota, to tale, cit 'g8 or den;; sloe, io crowded, including n number of ladies.
that place. Justice Street had {residing with htnh on
The Lueknow 1[rohsnius' In,Brite is the bench Judge Finkle. l The case excit-
am, of the instituti,u, in which Cot eiti- 0.1 eonvfderable Incat feeling, and ns the
zee, generally take an active interest, County Attoruev recite 1 tit- facts of the
1-toblishwl only throe Yo -ire ado, it now 1'00', revelling the bio• d titin+ y annals
nrule n nt ui.: a ph •,r ;uul I h , bcrni0m
boosts a membership of 130, has a emu. l
m ldion0 t,•tding tn,m, iuh exa?oslt;, sleeve by Air=. red), after her Intabnnd
iil,r'trv, muintnins a h,.rgely 80tended had bion slwh linea noes by the burglar,
night sfhoal erect wilder nu1 its 1011011 aroused the interest among the auditors
grant from the goveruutett to one of the to fever heat. The jetty ,1'110 ant ttbon1
8001 in the province. 1:5 minutes whe11 they returned with 11
•Glti/..•11,i were itsieve.1 10 lun•a r.f verdict 6f guilty of attempted murder.
the t 1 Mrs, dt IA1u trif of lohlt Kelly was tient some:me.l 10 fifteen years
ing well oared for, and ie doing as well as
could be hoped for under the eiream•
atana's, Dr. Cowan exercised splendid
skill in the lwlpulatbun. 'Leto fret tint
Mt. Lovell lost his wi'e the Senday
previous makes hie: own 0048 donhly trip
t,riutette and the 10ntp.tthy foe 1,111
11118 preform.! ttntl utibverttt!.--b1:e.
Il oft ,t , .
11 It this 'll •i � h t u't pima iu the peuitaoti;u�v. The pr,soner al•
nut, of
to lar, tt tih,t 004 visiting
:;ttutg at tilt 11,01 enaitp ed 011'' 0e111,0u:0, w'a0 p101001
te.;tt,-c,• of 1,,e• , 'loges, 0 01, AI., !Or a upon him, lie hail hoped that he would
0, -wit prtri r. +,Il tit, at. •s of her dettll not get 101,IT 11111 ill ree tars, but wh,mt
was It s.uhl.11 shoe 0 to hter husband and that otto increased 1 live laid he 10ltnnst
friend,. Itteensed, who wets itt her 70th broke down. The constable of mice
yeto', Otto it true and earnest Christian.
The remain, were interred in the Code -
rich centetprv.
_._ 4 .._-
1 o0. n'ic.
\\'m, Dane has given the Albion hotel
it therein:1i t tittle t;,
The tabek work or the now Methodist
church is new about completed,
Henry Wiggins, of the lien of Walker
10 Wiggins, liverymen of this village has
been ill.
Corrie Brass Band was present at the
IIowic0 Fall Sho•,v, in Fordwich, on
Saturday, and at Wroxeter Show on
Tuesday evening.
The carriage team that took that prize
at the Montreal liahibitiou was stripped
from Gorrie station by Robt. Edgar,
borse•b Iyer, along with a carr load which
he sent alt a few weeks ago.
:\ Strong, who has been behind the
counter of W. •1. Perkins' ole'e, for over 2
years, left on 'Wednesday of last week for
Niagara where he has secured it good
situation in the wholesale and retail
establishment of tine -too ,@ Co.
The Directors of the Ilowick Lnsurauee
Co. met on Saturday, Sept. 'Lith, and
spent most of the session in considering
several perp•e';ing claims for stteit sup-
posed to have been killed by lightning.
Some of these losses were adjusted and
the others held over for further evidence
and consideration. Lightning Itas been
the 010008 of nu unusual number of claims
this season.
Labs; t.oel.
Messrs. Goddard and '+lisle too:: 02
priz is in poultry at Palmerston fall ti how.
Geo. Fowler, student with W. M.
Bruee, L. D. S,, for some time, left on
Tlireo'tory publisher, has been in towel
since Uontl y ---quits recovered from his
lout iltnese, He is here to complete the
V'1nguarT7 directory which would have
now been ready for delivery had he not
,!,-on taken ill,
Crowell Will -on mat with a severe el
,:-dent the other evening. Ife was driving
elf ng when his horsesuddenly shied at
•eeuekbing on the road and npeet the
•bcegy, throwing Air. Willson out, great-
ly in;'nring his shoulder and giving him
a bad.sizaking up. Ile fs improving but
is still em,littt'd to the Iroise.
'=here i, ronsiderable sickness in town.
V0'rrt. Hatekelaw has disposed of itis
butchering busitws0 in town to Henry
:'ttrith, of Donegal, who will take posses.
siur, ml Nov. Ist. Mr. Ifetwkaltitw'e
' aealti. is so poor that a further continue
auto of the business ie nut deemed advis•
HAND Cnratrt• Off, -it i, said that
•'reet.de is usually followed by trouble.
':J;nfevor this ratty be, Inc 11:1,vt it earl in -
n•1'. '0 .08 of it to report this weelt. On Fri-
• my evening of last week John Watson
tied his gong were threshing at John
Bell's Atwood, and Wm. Lovell, who was
slstrnling by, asked to feed the separator,
',2-ttiebdealuest was cheerfully granted by
Art. Ty"00401. the proprietor of the mach.
-101, especially since Afr. Lovell was alt
bdfriend of Watrou'e and bad followed
'tlhe Thresher with him some years ago.
Mr, Lovell mounted the feed board and
,epeeeedled to feed oats which were some.
;hue ,tat^.p. I -Ie poked the grain in live -
:or :about twenty miuntes, and was
•ri`tztalt to feed a sheat of matted oats, but
in bis'endeavors to septette the sheaf the
cpllnder caught the grain and drew it in
'with to, jerk, Mr. Lovell's left hand fol. -
teeing it, and before ha had time to
T'eafits the situation, the hungry knives
literally chewed lhie hand to pieces. He
.ainiekly withdrew the mangled member
:Lire/rt./Abe maohine, wheeled around and
,•shook it before one of the men. It was
*hanging in shreds and presented an
atxlui spectacle, Ito bore the terrible
agony with heroic courage. By the as-
sistance of Wm. Bell he was helped off
the enaohine, end Bell and Alex. Morris
wm Rssi00)0 {rim to Dr. Cogan's office.
Tits accident happened at 6:30 p. rn.
Dr. Cowan, aesieted by Dr. Rice, ampu.
rated the handl at the wrist joint. Lovell
iastepping at L. Pelton's where he is be.
W. 1120 tools charge of No, 0 school on
the lot of October.
A little girl belonging to 0. Story, of the
12th cat., died a few drays ago of diabetes.
Jas. Kerr enjoyed a very pleasant visit
to London, Ingersoll, Cullodon end other
poi ti or interest.
.hiss Jimnta Pollard, who has been
visiting her sister in Loudon for some
tint0, has returned.
Bir. IIaeltwell, of the 13th con., is reno-
vating bit dwelling house by retsina it
higher nn8 siding it with Inmber.
Alex, and Mrs. Gardner spent a week
with his brother, Dr. Gardner, of Lou-
den, and enjoyed themselves very much,
Mise Gracie Scott, who has spent some
weeks here, hats gone to Goderich for a
time before returning to her home in
A. Beattie, of the 7th ann., sold a teahn
of draught lhorsee to G. T. Turnbull for
the Oltl Country market. The prise
paid was upwards of $100.
A. Orfolt, of the 14th con., intends re-
moving to Tunherstnitb, to tape charm
of his father's farm. Rad has leased kis
place here to D. Crawford.
Sabbath, Sept. 20117, was the fifteenth
anniversary of the induction of Rev, P.
Musgrave into Duff and Cavan churches.
Ile delivered a very appropriate sermon
for the occasion, and showed rho progress
both congregations have made since bis
C. E. Torrence, of Montreal, had his
gold watch and chair, valued at 6160,
stolen from him about 1:30 o'olook on
Friday afternoon while ho was enjoying
a ride on the steamer Carload on the De-
troit river.
handcuffed Kelly nod proceeded to re.
move him from the cnnrt. Turning to
A. S. 13a11, Belly said : '•I1 the Lord
keeps me alive I will come back and call
on you again."
Ontario Mut ual Life.
tl R.tti wb•rtt'E, - `t'.t'riamit 1o,
Assurance in force Jan'y,'02.. $1.1,034,807
Nett' business written in 1801 2,0114,950
Increase over 1410 3.16,800
Cash income for 1891 547,620
Increase over 18410 67,3320
Liberal Conditions of Policies.
Cash and Paid-up Valn,•s gnaranteeel on
each galla r.
All rlivhlelxla belong to and elle pall ,n,ly
to policy hollers,
Pre000111s partible daring the month la
01110b. til ay fanatic..
Policies are incontestable two yenre front
date of laevo,
No restriction on travel, t'osl.leuoa or oc-
Lapsotl policies may be revived witbia six
month, atter 10118.
Prath clnbns paid at ante on completion
of claim papers.
District Agent, Ethel.
, "Backache
.7 in^dd71s the hid-
nay8 are in
trouble. Dodd's
Kidney Pills give
prompt relief.” ;
6 "75 per cent.
of disease is
first caused by
1 disordered kid-
%) 778/15.
. flight as well
try to have a
6 healthy city
6 a'itlbent sewer -
1 aye, as good
health when the
kidneys are
clogged, they are
the scavengers
of the system.
"Delay, is
dangerous. Neg-
lected kidney
troubles result
in Bad Blood,
Dyspepsia, Liner
Complaint, and
the most dan-
gerous of all,
Brlghts Disease,
Diabetes and
The above
diseases (1(100t
exist where yI
Dodd's Kidney el
Pills ars used."
Foil hr All dealers o sent by million receipt
." ed., 00 ants. poi box 08 six for r ase.
1 1...1.
Smith & Co, Toronto..: write kw
book ,o It ,1 Kidney lilt.
TfllS4 b TDIIER,
Practical JV'atchina7aer•
and Jeweler.
Thanking the public for past favors and
support mod wishing still to s0anr0
your patronage, we are opening
out Full Linos in
Silver Plated Ware
from Established and Reliable Makers
fully warranted by us.
Melts of the
.Latest Desil1124
r. Also a Tull Line of V,onnie and
Violin Strings, deo., in stook.
Ail lt.•-lsettrcr of Marriage Licensee.
T. Fletcher, - Brussels.
sILof E
Illi+ 01:111AT COUCH (10111:, this
00(10880(11 CONSIJMI,'ION CURE, is
without a parallel in the history of medi-
eine. All druggists are authorized to sell
it on 1t positive guarantee, a toot that no
other cure can successfully Stand. if you
have a Cough, Sore Tbr,tat an 11 1.0110h I0,
too it, for it will Pore yon. I1 your chill
hoe the (!roup, of Whooping Cough, use
it promptly, and relief is sure. If yin
dread that insidious disease CON511311'.
TION, DtN'T rant, to use It, it will caro
you or cost uotllirg. Aik your Druggist
for SIIILOI1'S CI; BE, Price 7110., i0o.
and 51.00 IC your lungs ere sore or haul
lel/1001e, Shilolt`s l'orous Piaster. 'Lie.
—A `I THE—
SAT Istauh1ai1t
vet, 7, 1502
Money to Loan,
Money to Loan on i"ltrm Pro-
perty tit
i,o r ES7' 7r,'1T.i,S.
Private and Company Funds.
S'nliiital', (Or.,
llltvesrlL8, ONT.
DO Yon iiiiow
That C. E..L'crry makes as
fine photos, as are nude in the
'i'h(i'., Ile
Finishes till photos. on the
new permanent crista papal
rllliiit he
Can't be heat on family
and other groups ?
Tient he
Copies and enlarges old
pictures to any size ?
That his
Cabinet Photos. are excep-
tionally fine ?
That his
Baby Photos. are unequall-
ed, and if you want a first-class,
finely finished photo. you can't
do better than call on
0. E. P E R RY
Next to American hotel,
,:saaisarepass4caee7a.-,rr,nmsaraa _ ntevrman020i!.
Our Stock in above lines is now
complete with Fall and
Winter Goods.
We are Giving Extra Value in these lines,
This Accounts for the fact that our Sales are Largely
Increasing, •
Septeinbei being not only the best Months' business we
hftti e hoed since coming to ,Brussels, but it is away ahead
of any othe.i Month in Boots & Shoes. '
We have Mens' Long Boots from $1.25 to :8.50-1111 good'
value. We have Womens' Shoes, from the finest Kid to the heaviest
I%ip. Boys' Long Boots and Misses' and Children's Shoes of all
styles and prices. In
We have the celebrated. "Granby" make—There are no better in
the Market. Wo have (5) Fivo Styles of Men's Rubbers, not Count-
ing Overshoes. (5) Five Styles of Women's Rubbers, as well as
Misses' Boys' and Children's.
Wo liavo the Cardigan Overshoes in Women's, hisses' and
Children's. sues. Tho Stocking in these is now made right to the
too, so there is no danger of these ripping.
We have a Button Idastener',• and ,73za1'tons can be
fastened with zv'Te so they don't come off.
When you want Boots & Shoes give us a`eall.