HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1892-10-7, Page 88
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• : „n -...,,..m. -_ eure,'matr ayc' 'tuna myararst�r:.*.ocWa ts: r-mr.msslzmuyan+vr wm
For several years I have been making
a limited quantity of vinegar from our
hooey for our own nen. I have now per.
footed arrangements for the manufacture
of it to supply our trade. There is no
doubt that�Tfit le the 7 / 7 ?
11.1E LT,Li.L E,�fT
Of all vinegars. If there is any advant•
ago yon certainly have it le using houey
vinegar in preference to any other. I
have been waiting to thoroughly test it
before offering it to our customers. ilav-
iug tried it and found it superior to any.
thing we have wed I now recommend it,
Pickles made with this vinegar do not
change color as with some, pee honey
vinegar and have the satisfaction of
knowing that you are taking that which
must be the least injurious of all vine.
Druggist, Bookseller, to.
Trains leave Brussels Station, North
and South, as follows:
GOINe Solna, Genre Roam,
Niall 7a.m. Mixed 9:40 eau.
Seeress 11:80:10 a,30. Mall 9:18 p.01,
Mixed 6:50 p.m, Express 9:90 p.in,
r.ota1 C.cius 3tons.
d chiefs amang ye takin' notes,
An' faith he'll pront it.
Squaw Winter.
GET your stoves up.
COAL is up t0 87.20.
Wenn out for fakirs.
Tex o0LLEc'roB Boas will soon be on the
FIRST snow of the season on Wednes•
day of this week.
TUE frost is nipping the garden flowers
and planta these nights.
As epidemic in the form of a baa cold
is on the program just now.
CANADA will soon have postal cards al.
most as big as those used in the United
Low at the label on your paper and
see that it reads Jen. '03. Now is a good
time to square up.
ABOUT 7,000 barrels of apples have
beeu chipped from Brussels this season
so far, It's re grand year for apples in
this section of country.
Mos. ALES. STEWART, Sth non. Grey,
and Miss Nellie Ross, Brussels, were
judges of Ladies' work at the Wroseter
Fair on Tuesday of this week.
Tan morning mail train leaves Brus-
sels now at 7:02 o'clock instead of 7:10.
This is the only change in the new time
table as far as Brussels is concerned.
A nee= of dry goods found inoluding
dress material, tee. The owner may
have the same by proving property and
paying for this notice. Tun Pose Pub-
lishing House.
Tnr:innne new members leave been
initiated into the mysteries of Free
Masonry in connection with St. Johns
Lodge, Brussels, during the past 9
months. This is a good record.
Tots week will complete the threshing
and lifting of this year's flax crop in
connection with Brussels Flax mill.
Soutching will now begin. The crop is
large and well saved. Manager Bright is
a posher.
LIST of passengers ticketed via 0. P.
R. by J. T. Pepper :--Ld. Varcoe, De-
troit, Mich. ; John Varooe, Detroit,
Mich. ; John MoGavin, Moose Jaw,
Asa ; Mrs. Jno. Mooney, Debroit,
Mich. ; W. R. Mooney, Detroit, Mich, ;
R. Watt, Halifax.
SARA Lona BAILEY will give an evening
of readings in the Methodist church on
Friday evening of next week. A musical
program will also be presented. No
admission fee will be charged but a silver
collection will be taken. Everybody
welcome to 00me.
NOTIOSABLE improvements have been
made in oonneotion with the basement
of the Methodist ohuroh here. The two
Wass rooms have been papered and paint-
ed, a new blackboard has been painted
on the wall, art muslin curtains put on
the windows and a grain motto "The
Lord of the Harvest" put up. Other
work will follow.
children, under 12 years of age, who at.
tend Brussels Fair in a body, acoom.
parried by their teacher or a trustee, will
be admitted On Friday afternoon at 5
dents eaob. This should give the boys
and girls a good chance to visit the an.
nual exhibition. The above arrangement
must be adhered to, however, before this
tariff will cock into praotioe.
noon at the East Huron Fall Fair, Bras -
wale, there will be a sawing contest with
cross -out saws ; foot races for girls, boys
and men ; best lady driver ; and three
speeding events on the half mile track,
viz :—Buggy horse, mile heats, two in
three ; team race, mile heats, two in
three ; and a 3 minute race, mile heats,
three in five. The admission fee to Park
is only 15 cants, entitling a parson to the
freedom of Hall and grounds. Go to the
Mlee0ONAaL,—Rev. H. McKay, of
Round Lake, Itadian Miesion, Man., de-
livered a most interesting and heart
touching address in Melville church last
Monday evening. He had been spend.
ing Sunday with his brother, Ro11. Mr,
McKay, of Luoknow, and had to drive
from the Sopoy village to Brussels to be
preeeetbat 880 meeting. 1.1 hie rohcreal
td the mentors and Gustot i of the abori•
gfnes tbere were two I,. orninent foot's
p,oenntcd viz: --That the Indian needs
the Despot and the ditty of the white
=pi to send the good news to him, Dir.
McNay has been eight years in the West
and has done good work among the red
men and their families. The rev.
gontletnan had t little u-year•old Indian
maiden, named Mary Gaddie, with him
and note few of the eengregaliml shook
bends with this representative of the
Ores tribe. Appropriate 11x1810.81 select,
910880 were rendered by the ebofr, Rev,
Mr, MoICay and his protege left for their
Monte 0h Tuesday mottling, 1
ARE you a member of the Agrieulteral P, SnoTT was at Wingllanl 11341 week
Society p II not loin at 411te. as a judge of horses at their Pall show,
Tut= was no sleeting of the Council IeAsr iluron fall Fair is in progress as
L , t "nr l, nu]„ ,,,. t'.,..:' i, •,n riot a . 1p6 go to frogs, 'rho inclinations aro that
qu"rant. it will be the hest exhibition ever held in
A. R. Stun; was away at Toronto thie ' l3ruesels. Full report next weeli,
week purchasing goods for the Pall and W. 11, 111CCIDlrllleti is atriking rather a
Winter trade, Look out for targaitls, fader gti1 than neulel Oil the prize win.
uing len-focal Ihle fall, At Svaforth 11e
scoured 16 1st prime and 10 2nd and on
the same days took 0 1st and 11 2nds at
Belgrave with a second display. 4(1
prizes at two Fairs is not a bed reward.
J. T. Peewee, G. P, Soholflold, J,
Roes, J. Ballantyne, J. Iiewitt, R, N.
Barrett, W. Martin, 3, Ferguson, Harry
James, R. Williams and A. Conaley,
ntenlbere of St. John's Lodge, A. F. n A.
M„ Brussels, then ded the funeral of Jim,
Das Risen at Wroxeter on Wednesday
afteruoon. The deceased was teaching
at Paris at tho time of his death as aseie.
trent to 9, Y. Taylor. The name of hie
decease was typhoid fever, He was a
fine young man.
Knox ohuroh communion was oelebra.
ted last Sabbath, the pastor co0deobing
the whole Berries, Re preached from the
gospel according to St. Luke, ohapt. 10,
vs. 30 42. Nineteen new members par-
took of the Lord's Supper -18 by pro-
fession of faith, and 1 by certificate.
There was a large congregation. Rev. T.
Davidson, lel, A., of Wroxeter, preauhed
on Friday afternoon and Rev. Mr. Mil.
ler, pastor, took the service on Monday
forenoon.—Wednesday evening a large
gathering met in Knox church and or-
ganized s Society of Christian Endeavor
fat oonne8tlon with the congregation,
Rev. Mi', Millar, the pastor, was called
upon to preside. The meeting was
unanimously in favor of a Christian En.
deavor Satiety. The chairman read the
Society's constitution and pledge after
which the names of those desirous of bo•
coming members (active, ass0oiate and
affiliate) were enrolled. The following
office -bearers were unanimously elect.
ed :—FIon. Pres., Rev. D. 11f(llar ; Pres.,
Alex. McCall ; Vice Pres., Mise Helen
Ross ; Corresponding Sec., Miss Ida
Reed ; Recording Seo., Miss M. Oalder;
Treas., Mrs, J, Scott. The following
committees were appointed:—Lookout
Com„ A. Sample, Mrs. Scott, Miss
4fcKay ; Prayer meeting, Miss A. Moss,
Miss M. McNeil, Rev. Mr. Millar, Mise
L. Ross. The Society will hold its
weekly meetings on Sabbath evenings
after service. On Sabbath first the
pastor will lead the meeting,
(Ooutinued on first page.)
11. S•t'rwv:r' went to Seafortll as a
judge at the Fall Fair en Tuesday and
Thus, Kelly did pimflar duty at Wroxe.
ter on the SMUG day.
ALriari' Lowttr ltae been excavating the
cellar for the new postofltco block for
Postmaster Farrow. The stone founds.
tion will be dune this Fall.
lt. LrornrilDALE was awarded and
prize at the Coderi0tl Fair for carriage
team, Ile hos 0 fine span. Re also
took Sed at 13elgrave on Wednesday.
Miss MAY Mum won the daily prize
offered by "The Queen" Pubiie1 ing Co.,
of Toronto. Her letter being the first
opened on Saturday a&G was awarded a
five o'clock tea set.
CONSTABLE F. S. SCOTT was at Godo•
rioh last week as n witness in the tried of
Wm, Johnston, of Wroxeter, for stabbing
it man nan00 Cameron. The pri•onor
got olt' with a short term of imprison.
cent in jail.
De. Glummer, D. D. II, C. R„ of
SVinghatn, accompanied by Messrs.
Yates, Wilson and others, paid an
offloial visit to the Court of the Inde-
pendent Foresters, Brussels, last Friday
evening. A pleasant evening was enjoy-
We are offering TEE PooT to the 31st
of December, 1802, for 25 cents cash.
Surely there is no person that will have
the face to borrow his neighbor's paper
when he can become it subscriber at
that figure. Send in your name accom-
panied with a quarter.
23 YEAns Aro.—The very oold weather
has caused the old settlers to retrospect
and from the review THE Pose ascertains
that on the 8111 day of October 1860 snow
fell and Winter set in before potatoes,
roots, &o. wore lifted and old Boreae did
not let up until gentle Spring thawed him
TEE next civil cervine entrance exam.
inations will be held at Halifax, St.
John, N. B., Charlottetown, P. L I.,
Quebec, Montreal, Ottawa, Kingston, To.
route, Hamilton, London, Winnipeg,
Regina atld Victoria., B. 0., commencing
on Nov. 8th. Applications must be made
to P, LeSoeur, civil service commission-
er and secretary, Ottawa, by Oot. 20th.
Forms can be obtained from him up to
Oet. 1099.
A a1nnEWD writer says that by adver-
tising the trader and his calling become
indentified, and the name of a man is
inee1 arebly connected in the mind of the
public with his merchandise. It may
not be the very day an advertisement ap-
pears that it bears fruit ; weeks or months
may elapse, and then, when the tomb
arises, the articles to be obtained im-
mediately suggests the advertiser. This
is the effect of general advertising when
persistently followed.
Loon OuT root ExIioorTroN FABnte.—Now
that the big exhibitions are over the
Sharpers who ply thrir nefarious games
are giving the smaller shows their at.
tention and the men who are anxious to
make money faster than is uleally con-
sidered legitimate will do well to keep
their pockets buttoned. One of the most
taking and successful echeme5 of fraud—
because the necessary implements are 80
easily handled and conveniently conceal.
ed when necessary—is the "pea and wal•
nut" racket. Numbers of people who
should know better are annually naught
by this apparently easy way of making
money. Last week ata ciroas in Bramp.
ton numbers of people parted with $b and
$10 bills to sharpers who manipulate this
trick. It is an unfortunatething in these
bard times that men will be found bav•
Ing money whioh they can't take care of.
DEATH 1N A FAB LAND,—The Listowel
Banner says : "Thursday morning the
sad news was received of the death of
John Y. Austin at San Antonio, Texas,
of typhoid fever. His 001031ds here were
aware of his serious illness yet the news
of his death was a severe shock to them,
His brother, T. A. Austin, of the Panidc
Express Go,, Loredo, Texas, was preeent
during his illness and sent home the news
of his death. Deceased was the eldest
son of Adam Austin, Toronto, and was
married to the third daughter of John
M. Climie, of Wallace. He leaves a
family of three small children and to
them and his young wife his illness and
death among almost total strangers in a
distant land is an exceedingly sore Olio.
tion. Itis the first break in the family
aisle of his own and his wife's parents
and the peculiar circumstances engage
the widest sympathy for the bereaved.
He was in the prime of life, not yet 80
years of age, and usually of rugged health
and active habits of life. 13e was en.
gaged as foreman in the finishing depart-
ment of a large manufacturing concern
in San Antonia, and was highly esteem•
eel as a young man of starling obareotor
and an excellent mechanic. The greater
portion of his life was spent in Listowel
and his early death has called forth
many expressions of sorrow and sym-
pathy." Mrs, Austin fi a sister of Mrs.
Roderick Rods', of Brussels. The funeral
took place at Listowel on Monday.
HAnvesT Home,—According to au.
n0uhoement the Harvest Home dinner
was held in connection with the Metho•
diet ohuroh in this place on Thursday
evening of last week. The ten tables,
presided over by twenty !adios, fairly
groaned under their load of good things
which included geese, dueke, chickene, a
quarter of beet, mashed potatoes and
turnips, pickles, celery, tomatoes, do.,
da, and no person begrudged the 25
rotas he paid by the time he saw fit to
Genre from the spread. The auditorium
was very taetefully decorated with an
evergreen arch 1.4 feet high, tinge, bunt-
iug, evergreens, flowers, grain, fruit and
vegetables. In the arch was a nicely
arranged motto "The Lord of the Har•
vest," the Landiwork of a few of the
Wiest of the congregation of whom hire.
Maunders was 018100, It was made of
111110 sheaves of grain interspersed with
red barrios and evergreens, Spirited and
appropriate addresses were given by Rev,
L. E. Nugent, of Palmerston, and Rev,
W. Smyth, of Clinton. Rev, Mr. Sel.
lefty, of Wingham, was unable to be prow
e11t, The musical program was anex•
oellent one indeed comprising a number
of flee instrumentals by the Sunday
gehapt orchestra (II, L. Jackson, °oxide°.
tor,) wolf rendered solos by Mies Kate
Wilson, A. Straohan, and W, Cut, SinOlair
tend a ditch sung in good style by T. A,
Hawkins and Jae. Jones. After all ex.
pen505 were paid the Trust fund of the
ohuroh is the gainer by $60. The pastor
returned thanks to all who had ooutribu.
ted to mala the gathering a success.
Business Locals.
EVERY clay is Baby Day at Perry's,
name me gro035 0 specialty at Perry's.
SUNBEAMS and Mikado panels at Perry's.
Fon the best cabinet photos go to
H. J. STRUNG finishes all his work by
the new process.
Go to Sbrong'e and have your photos
finished in the latest stylus.
H. J. Soo (photographer) puts an
extra finish on all his photos.
ANY person wanting stove coal please
leave their order at B. Gerry's.
Aro photos printed on the new per-
manent aristo paper at Perry's.
Oen stook $20,000 to large and will be
reduced if we have to throw goods away.
A 000D assortment of coal, gook and
heating stoves in stook. 33. Gerry.
Oull Boots and Shoes are being given
away. W. NIonenreetE.
Wet are slaughtering all lines of goods
at wholesale prices. It will pay you to
see the bargains. W. Menne/wen.
Iron of every kind, on human or ani-
mals, oared in 30 minutes by Woolford's
Sanitary Lotion. Warranted by G. A.
ReMEEnEn our Grand Millinery Open•
ing this Thursday, Friday and Saturday,
the latest styles and the cheapest goods
in the County, W. NIGHTINGALE.
COJ1mozTADLE brick residence, on
William street, Brussels, for sale. Also
the frame residence north of the Norton
Terrane. Apply to W.B. McKeon.
WHEN other merchants tell you that
they carry the largest stook in Brussels
call in and see ours and see how little
they know about the quantity and style
of goods we carry. W. NIonTINGALE.
THE formula of Ayer's Sarsaparilla is
well known to the medical profession,
and universally approved. The reputa-
tion of the firm guarantees excellence
and nniformiby in the medierne, and the
world's experience for nearly half a
century has fully demonstrated its value.
IP you want a bargain in any line of
Dry Goode, Groceries, Boots and Shoes,
Ready Made Oluthing, Hats, Cape, Mil.
linery, &o„ the are slaughtering the
entire stook of Goods at wholesale
ENGLISH Spavin Liniment removes all
hard, soft or calloused Lampe and Blem-
ishes from horses, Blood Spavin, Garbo,
Splints, Ring Bone, Sweeney, Stifles,
Sprains, Sore and Swollen Throat,
Coughs, etc, Save 360 by use of one
bottle. Warranted by G. A. Deadman.
Thane can be no health for either mind
or body so long as the blood is vitiated.
Clense the vital ourrent from all irnpnri.
ties by the use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla.
This medicine recruits the wasted
energies, strengthens the nerves, and re•
Stores health to the debilitated system.
A WormenrUL AL,IrANAO.—The publish•
ors of the Montreal Deily and Weekly
Star are getting out a magnificent alma•
nae to be known as the Star Almanac,
saki to be the finest almanac in the
world, containing nearly four hundred
pages, with colored maps. It is looked
forward to with groat interest.
Uwe aoid in the blood is the cause of
nearly all disease, it visits every part of
the body and is liable to fasten disease
on any organ ; the duty of the kidueye is
to extract wastes from the blood ; a oold
will stop title action, a pain in the bank
follows, and union relief is obtained,
permanent inability of the 181485ys to
perform their funotimts followe, which
may terminate in liver complaint, dye.
pepsin, blood disease, dropsy, diabetes or
Bright's disease. Dodd's Kidney Pills
afnfet the kidneye to natural Worii, and
cure all 0ompliiinls and results arising
from same.
iineimoio—In Atwood, on Sept. 24th, the
Wife of Mr, W. R. 8r0kine, of Bel -
grave, of a daughter.
ILIcMAnrrg.—In Brussels, on Sept,. 8098,
the wife of Mr, Duncan McMartin
of te daughter.
AMENo.—In Ben:tole, on Sept. 2491,
the wif0 of Mr. Philip Atuent of a'
a.9 IX1)a,IE.1) 134 WE Deo,
.'�—,r '1'•�•73,7� ::S 17= 1973.
ASSli1S, . - (Seven Million 1)ollare) $7,000,000
CAPITAL (Authorized) - • $2,000,000
.lprneteein °f1 prinafpcl points in Ontario, nurber,Man ilubd, f'ttlted Staten 15.Enuluful,
Ozer/warms. Reuxem.
A General Banning Business 1'l'luwacted, Farmers' Notes Discounted,
Drafte Reined and Colleotione made on all points.
Interest allowed on deposits of 31.00 and upwards from date of deposit to date of
Withdrawal and contpoended half yearly.
Every facility afforded Cneto mors living at a dfsta10e.
a,Ka _ .. ...... ....,...... _ e,a.
BE -2t U ss...ai,s,
Transact a General Banking Business. Drafts Bought and Sold on
all points in Canada, United States and Great Britain.
Interest Allowed on One Dollar and Upwards at Current Rates. Interest Oom.
pounded Twice a Year, Doing Added to the Principal at the and of the Months of
October and April. Special Arrangements made for Time Deposita.
lire effect. 10 W*'lle Insurance In old English or Canadian Companies, or In Mint.
nal Companies aS may be desired.
06.01.21237.7693111W 610132.117011319.=91.1.0,4
RYAN—MARTIN.—In Atwood, oil Sept.
27011, at the Methodist parsonage,
by the Rev. J. S. Fisher, Mr. 0. L.
Ryan to Mise Mary Martin, both of
London, Ont.
J AMIEMON.- VODnEN.—At the Methodist
pareonage, Atwood, on Sept. 28th,
by Rev. J. S. Fisher, Mr. John
Jamieson, of Ethel, to Miss Mary
Vodden, of Grey.
HEnI''Aefi—DEAaoN.—At the residence of
the bride's father, Garfield avenue,
South London, Sept. 200h, by Rev.
Chas. Deacon, brother of the bride,
assisted by Bev. Wm. Godwin, Mr.
3. B. I3eritage, to Miss Annie, dough.
ter of Mr. Geo. Deacon, all of Lon-
Trr10No—SNELr,;—At the residence of the
bride's father, Turnberry, on Sept.
2159, by the Rev. W. F. Brownlee,
Gorrie, Mr. Thos. G. Tipling, of
Clinton, to Miss B. Snell, daughter
of Mr, John Snell.
HOAB,—Irl Atwood, on Sept. 2401, Wm.
Hoar, aged 40 years and a months.
BONE.—ln Morris, on Oot. 3rd, John
Bone, of East Wawauosh, aged 61
MITcnELL.—In Elwa, 011 Sept. 24th,
Simon Mitchell, aged 88 years and
11 months.
THUIt8DAY, OoT. ISi'H. Farm stock and
implemeote, lot 3, cols. 0, Grey. Sale
without reserve, commences at 1 o'clock
sharp. Jas. Coats, Prop. Geo. Kirkby,
WEDNESDAY, CCT, 1218.—Farm etook,
implements, tee. unreserved. Lot 26,
Con. 16, Grey. Sale at 1 p. m. sharp.
Alfred Williamson, Prop, Geo. Kirkby,
TnunenaY, O0T. 27100,—Farm stock,
implements, do., Lot 0, Con. 1, Grey.
Sale unreserved, commences at 1 p. m.
sharp. J. E. Ooombee, Prop. George
Kirkby, Auct.
)13RT73001 L,S S2.a.M.=•STS,
Fall Wheat
Spring Wheat
Butter, tubs and rolls.,
'Eggs per dozen
Flour per barrel
Hay per ton
Salt per bbl.,
Hides trimmed
Hides rough
Sheep skins,saoh..•
Lamb skins eaob
Apples per harrel
62 64
16 60
30 36
65 00
25 26
15 16
12 00
3 50 4 00
86 00
0 00 6 00
100 05
60 1 00
1 00 1 60
17 18
6 00 00
l£VVAA Belo at J. t P. 4111113NT'8,
11-0 Brussels,
on farm security. Particulars may be
obtained by applyfug at THE POST Publish-
ing Rouse, Blusoele,
50105 having Blank Ash timber for sale
by the gore are asked to call on
11.11 Brnasele,
5) bred Cow 4 SS oras old ; 1 Reiter nearly
pure bred ; 11111112 yoare old 113011 Calf 0
mouths old. G, A. DEADMAN,
Draggiet, Brussels.
TwuoN Geo. hh'kby'5 010)115 and Brus-
sels. Has the inhale It, A, stamped on ft,
T be finder will be reWm'ded by leaving it• at
Tem Pen, PnbliebingJlonee Brawls.11.01 13310'0.1310 W SO113.
quantity of bard mrd 0018 ow11w0011
wanted at Brussels firth Works. 91.26 to
02,30 Iner ll801 wfod, loft wood at d, 35.00 to
12.11 Proprietor.
VOTERS' LIST 001319.1.
Notion 1S hereby given that a Court iv111 be
ho1d,1'ursuant to one Vetere' Lists Act,"
by IRS 110,101• the Judge of tate County Court
of the °entity of Sttron at the Town Hall
Brussels, en WEDNESDAY, the 12th day of
October, 3802, at 10 0'010014a, m„ to bear and
determine the several o0lnplainto of errore
133111 omtssloos 1» tho 'Vetere' List of the
Muuleipality of Brussels for 1802, All 11e0•
00114 having Wetness at the Court are ra-
gnir0d to attend at the said time and place.
P. S. SOOTYClerk of said Munielpality,
Dated the 20th slay of Bopt„ 1602,
undersigned oilers her property,11 miles
north of Brussels, for sale on liberal terms.
There ra 0110 sore of land upon which there
are two houses, stable and a small orehard.
Tho place is oonvenieetly located on the
gravel road. For further partioulare as to
prloe, terve, cin., n rt11v to
01168, 3N0.8INOLAIR,
Princess St., Brussels
DEns1ONED bas several good Farce t or
sale and to rout, easy terms, in Townships
of Morris and Grey. 0' S. SOUTT•Brueeels,
Being South ball Lot 27, con, 0, Morris,
100 acres, nearly all cleared. Good buildings,
One young bearing orchard. Immediate pos-
session. Easy Terms, Apply to
tf• Solicitor, Am., Brueeols.
The undersigned desires to dispose of
his 100 acre farm being Lot21, Con, 7, they,
adjoining the thriving village of Ethel
where are shops, churches, schonle. On the
farm is a comfortable dwelling -house, good
bank barn, tip-top orchard, wens and neces-
eary outbuildings. 85 acres cleared, b elaoce
bush. The laud is in a goon state of oulti-
vatiou and i5 wen fenced. For price, terms
and other partioulare apply en the premises
to L,a)OBSON,
0.50 Ethel P. 0.
The200 acre farm, being lots 11
and 12, con. 10, Groy, is ollered for sale. 120
acres are cleared and the balance well tim-
bered. Buildings first -Moss. Orchard, well,
&0, School house within 40 rods. Posses-
sion given at Duce if desired, 1l'or further
partioulare as to price, terms, &a apply 110
M118. WALIiElt,
6-0 Roseville P.-0,
or NELSON BRIOIoAR, en farm.
ABLE term, adjoining the village of
Ethel. to rens fora term of years. This faun
contains about 180 acres good cleared laud,
and is in good condition. There is a good
house 0139 barn 0n the promises. Also lr
comfortable dwelling house in the village of
Ethel, for Bale or to rent, Apply to
11.8 3013N 005E11,
Carriage Maker, Ethel, Ont,
0381381633810 offers for sale the north
east gnarterof lot 28, s0000eelon 0, Morris,
County of Huron, oeutaining 60 Mores, The
land le of first quality and In a higb state of
cultiyation, Voll fenced and under -drained,
4e acres °leered, New frame house, 8 rooms,
milk house with oonorete walls, 2 wells,
good barna and ehocl, orchard, ate. Eight
sores of fall wheat. This desirable property
adioiue th a corporation of Bruseels, Suit-
able berm will be given , Title perfect,
34.81108 GRIEVE, Owner,
90- Seater th P. 0,
L Burse 150511 and 12, eon• 18, Township
of Grog Gouty of Enron, containing 200
acres, the property of the late John Itobort-
son. 100 sones 03eared and free from ob.
struotiono, 15 sores bush, mixed timber,
balance partly cleared, 9051 ol0.y loam,
mostly rolling. Fencedwith straight rail
fences and watered by two walla and a
slide's privilege. Commodious dwelling
hotree, with large (9588595,1 attached and
an excellent cellar under house. Two large
barna, atone stabling and other outbuild-
inge. Two good boarlug orchards, orna-
mental trees and small fruits, 41�miles
from Bruesele, a lively town on the l3 1'. R„
convenient to school ohut•obes and Peet
office. Thin property lies well, is a drat -
elm grain and stook farm and ehauld be
soon by intonding purchasers as it Is off°r•
ea at a bargain. Por further particulars
apply to MRS, JNO. or DANIEL ROBERTSON, on
the promises, 01' by letter to Oranbrook P,
O, 80.4
Notice to Creditors,
Poreuaut to See, 00, chap, 110, 10, 9, 0..0857,
notice is hereby nn that 1
ygiv Oat persons hav-
itheng Mai11111 sA or domande agll, des aero , are 8of
qui said Agues before the ctoday o are re-
quired, on S, k, 81 the let day of Novem-
ber, or
der, erJt0 8), (, to scud, by puha. (P, 0.,t 0 .,
theam i N1¢Ax o, Farquhar proper,Ona.,
0110 Agneslttrat(x of the property f the
nail Agnes Campbell, doecaeod, or to the
solicitor for the said Donald
=nee, q, of names,. Ontario, their Christian
=nee, with lull
addresses and 90500113"
tions with fe11 penin amounts proof of their
ureal, statements 0f t any, to au, 91:10 uat-
8100 of the rideilitioe, it any, held by thou,,
all duly lloo ISd by ler given that atter
And nday in further givou that 133908' the
ad -
811,11 lel day 011 November 1003, the Raid ad -
twee strator will proceed to ongri then the
senses of the thereto,
;raid do¢oan¢il among 0110 par-
sons entitled Nroroto, having 103094 onlyen
such olalalooQwhloh u09105 hits then been
g a5 abort: to:introit and the said acim111-
or an or will net be liable for the said aseeOe
pe son part 8110100/ a.0 di0olefintad o to May
person or of hove of whine chic or claim
uo shall not have rooeteod at the fico of
8u00 distribution,
1t. Ii, o0LL1N8,
S¢llcitor for Administrator,
Bated at Exeter Mia 20th day of Soptein.
weenie/. 12
OCT. 7, 1892
ALLLyH�� 1IY�yn�,±,���1,gI e APE
E •` 't
wonderfully 4;�i
. Solicitor and Conveyancer. Callao-•
Mons made, Oliioo—Vanetouo'a Block, 13rue.
sole. 91.3m
• Ooiioitor, Oooveycuour, Notary P1311.
110,4.0, Office—Graham a Blocii 1 da.ii' north
of Popper's Drug Store. Private Fonds to
Barri/dere, Solicitors, Notaries Public,
Goderloh, Ont,
M, 0. OAMERON, 31. 0., 1'1111Ir MUT,
DUDLEY 180138305,
Solloitor, Conveyancer, Notary
Public &c, Office over Bank, Leolme'e
tend sale • s Auctioneer, farm stook,o reedy Terms
cheerfully given, Oeanbrook P.O. Sales
may bo arranged at Tun POST Publielnug
House, Brussels,
Licensed Auctioneer. Rales conduct
ed on reasonable tortes. Tams and farm
stock a 8Deeialty. Orders left at TRE POST
Publishing Houeo,Brussole, or sentto Walton
P, 0,, will receive prompt attention,
6E 1l9 an Auctioneer, I ant prepared
to conduct Bales of farm stook at reasonable
prides. 'Knowing the standing of nearly
every pers00 Ism in a position to sell 80
good marks and get good security when sold
on credit. Satisfaction guaranteed. Give
nes a call. 82- .Pi S. BOOTY.
athta OrIseuolollamiage Licences. Office
street, Brussels.
.1A,• Tonsorial Artist- Shop—Next door
south of A. M. McNay & Co's hardware store,
Ladle s'and ohildrene hair cutting a specialty
• Ieanror of Marriage Licenses, by
appointment of Lieut, -Governor, Commis-
sioner, Q.B.&e,,Conveyancer and Agent
Fire Insurance Co. Office at the Oranbrook
Post Office,
Clerk of the Fourth Division Court
Co. Huroo. Convoyaneor, Notary Public
Land Loan and Insurance Agent. Funds
invested and to loan. Oollootione made,
Office in Graham's Sleek, Brueaels,
11000 Mortes, of Wingbaln, le prepared
to give instruction in oil paintl,ag, Terms
maybe ascertained at Mies Nellie Boss' store
where samples of work may seen. Miss
Morin would also take a few more pupils in
• Organist in St. John's Church, Brus-
sels, and pupil, in the Art of .Touching of A.
NV. sonsy to pupils Doe.,New
at York,
corner of Queen and Prlucess Ste„ or if pro-
ferred, at their own homes. Terms moder-
ato, 90.
M. F. GALE, M.D., 0. M.,
r lelembor of the College of Physician,
and Surgeons of Ontario by examination,
011iee and Residence—Main street East,
. O. M„L.R,D.P., Edinburgh, M.0, P
S. Out. Residence and office -18 Wilson'
Blook, owner of Mill and Tnrnborry Ste.
5l • Honor Graduate of the Ontario
Veterinary College, is prepared to treat all
diseases of domesticated animals in a com-
petent manner, Partienlar attention paid
t0 veterinary dentistry. Calls promptly at-
tended to, Oilloe and Infirmary—Two doers
north of bridge 7'nrnberry et„ Br'uesole,
M. CAVANAGH, L. 0. S. D. D. S.,
Graduate of the Royal College of Dental
Surgeons, Ontario, mud of Toronto VW..
varsity. Dynan—Over A. R, Smith's Store,
Tim undersigned will keep for sorvtoo this
present mason the Improved Atrge white
110111shireig "heady" on lot 26, eon.0,
Morris, to which a limited number of Solve
will be taken. Perms 51,00 to be. paid at
time of servioo, with the privilege of return-
ing if necessary, Pedigree May be seen up-
on application. ROBERT 0101304,
156f Ploprieter:
Salesmen Wanted.
Wo require immediately, good onorgo
men to sell our well known and Iteliab
Nursery Stools, grown 131 geol. Grove Rex
ne.'iee 1Vatorloa, N, Y,
e (lava wklo•sI ad Canadian repute,.
t tbm•
tinn 800ons to rro othertestimonials
of over 26 yoare.
and thou8aurls of aeStlmanials from will
pleased patrons, es proof of the geuninemeee
of our stook now in bearing Hardy Iron.
orad Variation for northern localities, 31gh.
est Gommlenion paid or' Salary If proferred,
Outdc.roe, We guarantee our stook, Fee
terms apply at 01100 t0
0 enelrO tianriger,
3.em St.. Thomas 'Ont.