The Brussels Post, 1892-10-7, Page 4TIIE BRUSSELS POST
New Advertisements.
Crop Report O, 1', R.
Locals—Dr, J. C. Ayer.
Locals --G A. Deadman.
Locals—W. Nightingale.
Wall Paper—J, T. Pepper.
For Sala G. A. Deadman.
Auction Salo --R. 11. Conine.
Given Away—Weekly Empire.
Crowbar Lost—Thos, Newsome.
Furniture Mr Sale—N, B. Dieltsen.
't be 3.6nts5eis ra5t,
FRIDAY, OCT. 7, 1899,.
Tam New York Matins! Life Ineuranoo
company hes donated $40,000 he assist in
warding off the cholera, The money will
be useful, but the gift cannot be looked
upon aeon entirely unselfish one.
Tux Toronto assessors make the popu-
lation of that city 109,009, a decrease of
1,652 since last year, and the assessment
6151,913,322.—a decrease of 61,080,614.
All is nob gold that glitters even in the
great (ween city.
TEE Toronto News says :—Io Canada
the net federal debt alone represents
close upon fifty dollars for every man,
woman and child in the Dominion, end
in Toronto another ninety dollars at
least meat be added for municipal end
school indebtedness, In this city, there•
fore, the total public debt is almost five
times greater per capita than it is in the
United States.
Toe "Iron Hall" Inearanee Society is
hardly cold in its grave before the fact is
announced that the "Fraternal Guardi-
ans" have also turned np their toes and
are go more, Both of thesis institutions
were born in the United States but had
extended their business to this Province
and es a resnit not a few Canuoks were
badly sold. The sooner level headed
people come to understand that they
must pay a fair price for their life in.
suran0e to have it stand the test the
same as in any other business transac-
tion the sooner the promoters of these
mushroom institutions will have to seek
other employment and not fatten on the
gullability of avaricious people.
Tao County of Northumberland in
New Brunswick has, by a oonsiderable
majority, refused to re establish the rum•
sellers iu her midst by repealing the
Soots Act. It is all nonsense to suppose
that the Scott Act, even when not
thoroughly enforced, does not diminish
liquor drinking and selling ; if it did not
does anyone suppose that the liquor
manufacturer and seller would spend
large sums of money iu trying to defeat
it everywhere? The Scott Act does hot
prevent all liquor selling, but neither do
other laws altogether prevent murder,
theft and other crimes, but they do die -
countenance and do prevent them, in a
greater or lose degree, and they do help
to make them hateful, as they should be
in the eight of all law-abiding people,
A COMPARIsoN of the reports of the Bur-
eau of Industries for the years 1888 and
1801 shows what rapid progress the farm-
ers of this province are making in the
production of stook. During the interval
that elapsed between the years named
the number of horses in Ontario inoreas-
ed by 118,526 ; the number of harued
matte by 160,761, and the number of
hogs by 249,589, while the total value of
all live stock in the province jumped up
nearly eight and a half million dollars.
Itis pleasing to note, too, that the corn -
forts and conveniences of the agrioultur.
19ts havebeen
largely added to during
the sameperiod,oas is shown byan in -
am w
crease of 97,128,012 in the value of impls-
ments and nearly twenty-eight and a
quarter millions in that of farm build -
Inge. What is more satisfactory than
all, however, is that these increases in
stook, farm buildings and implements
were not purchased by borrowed money,
the proof of which statement as found in
the feat that iu 1890, one of the lean
years the loan companies doing business
in the peovinoe received back from bor-
rowers nearly two million dollars more
than they loaned out.
Soatn interesting facts are contained
in the latest bulletin issued from the
oases office and which dams with vital
statistics covering the last decade. We
are told, for instance that there were
only 135,848 births in Canada during the
past ten yeats, as against 238,847 during
the previous ton, and this, although the
population in the latter period was some
half millson greater than in the previous
one. This would seem to show that there
is, after all, some ground for the state-
ment that the exodus is not alone re•
sponsible for the slow increase in the
number of people in rho Dominion, The
greatest number of births, is proportion
to population, occurred, as might natural-
ly be expected, in Quebec, the birth rate
pen thousand in that Province being 80.-
86. The next highest was 10 Manitoba -
82.58. Ontario with 24.50 to every
thousand people, was third from the
bottom. Prince Edward Island and
British Colombia were the lowest. That
Ontario is a healthy province is shown
by tato statement that our death late was
but 11.80 per thousand. Only in Mani-
toba and the Northwest is there a better
showing 1111110 this, and the particularly
low rate there ie due to the feet that so
large a proportion of the population of
the West is made np of new arrivals in
the prime of life. In 1881, when the
0o editions were more equal, Ontario had
the lowest death rate of any pert of the
Dominion, One of the most curious
foots brought ant by those returns is
that mortality is 100011 greater among
Cabello than Protestants. Even in
Ontario there were 14 deaths per thous,
and among Catholics as ngainet 10.8
among Proleslante, and in Quebec the
rate was 20.1 as against 10.8. Divided 5e•
cording to denominations the Methodists
give the lowest death rate of all, 10.4 per
thousand—a, particularly ourioue oirou)n•
stance since Methodists are popularly
supposed to be always peculiarly pre-
pared for the great change.
TIE plans of Canada's quarters et the
World's Fair have just bean presented to
the direolor-geueral. In general dimen-
sions the building will be 80x65 feet, in.
eluding the broad veranda that will sur-
round it on three sides, Entering the
broad vestibule in front, a reception ball,
89x39 feet, will be provided for guests ;
to the left is a suite of offces for the
ecmmissioners ; beyond that a oorridor
divides the floor in Greek cross fashion,
and still beyond are the rooms eat aside
for the Ontario Provincial representa-
tives. On the other side of the main
hall are Quebec's rooms. Opposite the
main entrance, at the extrema of the
main hall, is a stairway that leads to the
upper floor. On this floor Manitoba and
British Columbia have their quarters,
the other rooms being reserved for com-
mittee meetings. The whole house will
be built of native material and finished
in Canadian wood. It will be a com-
mandiug struoture.
Mise Maty Straohau is visiting at St.
Janie; 6,fcDonald has returned from
visiting his brothers in Michigan.
Seaforth and Brussels fairs claim the
attention of most everybody this week.
Grey °ounotl will meet at McDonald's
hotel, Cranbrook, on Wednesday, 12th
Miss Lizzie Moore, of the 8th line of
Morris, was the guest of Mise M. Smillie
on Saturday.
Potato digging has been in order for
some days. A. very good crop is what
people all say.
Jno. Ritchie and Miss Janet Riobie, of
Cranbrook, spent Sunday with relatives
on the 17th con.
Cootie are said to be numerous in the
country, and many limiting parties are
organized nightly.
Alfred Williamson, 10th con„ purposes
removing to Michigan. He has announc-
ed an auction sale for the 19th of this
The Morris se Grey Cheese Factory has
sold 100 buses of their September make
to an Ingersoll buyer for 101 Dents per
Anthony MoDonald, who had Lis leg
broken at Wroxeter Presbyterian ehurob,
is improving nicely although still a
prisoner at home.
Mrs. R. Sweeney and children, of
Saeluaw, Mich., and Miss Bessie Robert-
son, are enjoying It visit at their old
home on the 911c con.
This week Wm. Bsharrill and family
left for Algoma where they intend mak•
ing their home. They took the boat at
Owen Sound. We wish them success.
Duncan MoArtimr, 18th con., has re•
turned fron visiting relatives in London
and vicinity. Duncan looks greatly re•
freshed and has evidently spent a very
enjoyable time when away.
A Court of Canadian Order of Forse.
ters was instituted at Jamestown last
Tuesday evening. Chief Banger For-
rest is the presiding 0111310. W. Blashiil,
of Brussels, D. D. H. C. B., initiated the
It 15 said that about 75 men are em-
ployed throughout the township peeking
apples for the different buyers. Con-
siderable dissatisfaction was oaussd in
some quarters owing to prices nob being
up o W wasgby
t hat bargained for Boma of
the agents.
HERITAGE—DEACON.—A wedding took
place Thursday of last week at the home
of Geo. Deacon, "Ashwood Cottage"
Garfield avenue, South London, when his
daughter Annie was united in the holy
bonds of matrimony to John Heritage, of
London West. The ceremony was per-
formed by Rev. Charlet! Deacon, brother
of the bride, assisted by Rev. W. Godwin,
of London West, Miss Annie Cooper, of
London. was bridesmaid, and Charles
Copeland, groomsman. The bride and
bridesmaid were tastefully attired in
°ream cashmere and satin, and both
looked charming. After the ceremony a
large number of friends and relatives of
the conbraoting parties partook of a sump •
Mous repast. Air. and Mrs. Heritage
will take up their residence at "Woodbine
Cottage," Wharnoliffe road,London town-
ship. The groom was e, residenb of this
township for several years. His old
friends here with him and his bride
many years of happiness.
Gonernl Newts.
Mrs. Harrison's Health is improving.
Buenos Ayers bas had a 92,200,000 lire.
The yield of winter rye in Bustin will
be medium.
The Detroit Evening Times bas discon-
tinued publication.
Hugo Franz Seashells, the Austrian
statesman, is dead,
A London cable says Bev. Ulnae Spur.
geon is eritloally ill.
The Japanese Government is negoti-
ating a treaty with Nioaragna.
The United States Court at Sitka has
released the steamer Coquiblam,
Stuart Itinill, a Boman Catholio, has
been elected Lord mayor of London.
A lire in Buenos Ayers recently des-
troyed to the value of $2,200,000.
The slave trade in AErioa oontineee on
a largo scale, according to advices from
,john Connelly, a well.known oibisen
and one of the fon nders of baseball at
Nowars, N, 3., deo pped deed last Fri-
Chili will send a man-of.war to the
New York naval demonstration if invited
to do oo
In it fire at Columbus, 0)110, recently,
the Linea 0111 1000110 earl 210 care were
The neighborhood of Hempstead, Tex.,
is drought sbriolten. The ootton gine are
stopped for want 0f water.
Emperor William's ear 1e again very
painful, and 11 is expected he will again
have bo submit to an operation.
The master cotton spinners of Eng-
land bare decided to reduce wages 5 per
cent. and the men threaten to strike.
The military funeral of the late Patrick
S. Gilmore tools plane at New York and
was of the most imposing ebaraoter.
Diphtheria is raging at Baoine, Wis.
The ale ohildron of Peter Heldt all died
within 10 days, The schools are closed,
General Brubaker, leader of the British
Hcnduraa insurrectionists, has been cap-
tured by the Government forces and
Lord Tennyson's M1lness is causing
much anxiety to his relatives. Ile sof•
fere from a complication of influenza and
The Emperor of Germany has con-
ferred the grand cordon of the Order of
the lied Eagle upon the Ahedive of
Egypt. cablegram announces the murder at
sea, near Cape Towu, Africa, of Capt, G.
P. Bucleley and tuffs, of Danvers, Mass„
by sailors.
Turkey is negotiating fora loan of LO,•
000,1100, of which .£'1,000,000 will be spent
in -reconstructing the fortifications along
the Bosphorus.
Welsh newspapers declare that Mr.
Gladstone had invited an eminent Welsh
ecclesiastic to draft a bill disestablishing
the church in Wales.
Chas. Brinton, of Bird.bcro, Pa„•after
being drenched with benzine was set on
fire by an inhuman companion Friday
night and fatally burned.
J. W. Smith, who shot his wife and
cut his child's throat in Colorado on Fri-
day, was lynched the same evening. He
thanked the crowd for doing it.
Preparations are being made in Chili
for the celebration of Columbus day on
October 12, and the Government Las de-
clared that day a public holiday.
Michael Devitt declares that if the
British landlords attempt to aid their
Irish brethren, they will be harassed
with a land league in Great Britain,
A lone highwayman held up a stage
containing a dozen passengers near
Creed°, Cal. After riding all their pock -
@be he forma them to continue their
The first animal convention of the In-
ternational Brotherhood of hail way Traok
Foreman opened at IiansaeCity Monday.
There were 200 delegates present from
the United States and Canada.
E. S. Dann, the banker indicted for
stealing about $500,000, whose trial was
to have started Monday at Buffalo, died
Monday night after 0110 day's illness. It
it alleged to be a ease of suioide.
Chief Inspector Steers, of the New
York police, has been retired ou a pen.
sion of $2,500 a year. Capt. McLaugh-
lin will succeed provided he passes the
necessary examination.
The Cabinet of New South Wales had
a narrow escape from a vote
of want of confidence. Mr. Reid
leader of the Opposition, pro-
posed such a vote, end it was defeated
68 to 04.
Annie °Dort Meger, aged Live, of Cinein
nati, Ohio, fell into a kettle of boiling
catsup which her mother had suspended
over a woad fire on Friday. The 118815
one was literally parboiled and lived but
a few moments after being taken from
the meet.
The U. S. Post Offloe Department will
place the usw return postal card on sale
sally in October. Postmaster General
Wanamaker has approved two designs,
one for domestic and the other for inter-
national service. The work of printing
and distributing the cards is being push-
ed. The message and reply card are
cue piece of cardboard, folded together
and creased in the middle.
Effie 0. Harrington and Jeannette
Solar, NEteen•year.oid pupils in the New-
port High school, Covington, Hy., were
severely burned on Saturday. Some
pliospberous had been spread on a piece
of paper preparatory to a lesson in chem-
istry and the girls ignited it. The blaze
which shot np enveloped the hands and
arms of both, setting fire to their clothing
and roasting the flesh to their elbows be-
fore the dances could be extinguished.
The Order of Fraternal Guardians,
Philadglahis, has made an aseignmenb for
the benfitof its creditors,
The Order
0 asset and expects t a
has $800, 00 s, �p o pay
its creditors dollar for dollar. The certi-
ficate holders will geb all they put into
the Order, and non the large surae de-
scribed in the bonds of the Order. There
is one lo3ge of this Order 111 London,
out., with a membership of about forty-
fiveand policies ranging from $1,000 to
Investigation into the action of the
officers of the Olympia Club of New Or-
leans, who voted themselves $6,200 after
the recent fights, has resulted in the
Board of Directors issuing a fine/noise
sbatemeut. The report thews that the
club made a nett profit of $42,640,92 on
the three fights. The total receipts were
$101,557.80 end expenses 958,957,88, Of
this 942,000 weub as purees to the fighters,
and the rest was expended for "various
things.” 4Vheu the contests were pro.
posed there was not a cent in the treas-
One Boston clergyman, at least, is up
to date. Last Sunday he preached on
Whittier in the morning and of the Sul-
liven.0o6et6 fight in the evening. Ib
will now be in order to se each it sermon
on the wickodnoes of bhe papers in report•
lug the fight. The Congregationalist re-
ports another olorgyman who anneuneed
an evening talk on the subject, "Your
Trolley's Off." Another olorgyman re-
cently remarked to his o0ngregatiou
"You press the button, and I do the
rest," And still another Repko of prayer
as touching the electric button, 111i011
rings in heaven.
The native newspapers of Japan are
lamenting the decay of good maniere
among newly educated Japanese girls.
They assert that ander systems of edu-
cation brought from foreign lands the
usages of female life have ono by one
been abandoned, and the modern girl, in
her attempts to imitate foreign manners,
has almost transformed herself into a
Malt. They say that pupils in the M.
mala schools at Tokio of good families
live atone in lodging houses, often walk
unattended in the streets after dark and
groups of five or six of theca may be seen
playing cards at tea houses.
Read the
Janitoba & Northwest
—FOR -
Copies may me had on application to
any Agent of the
Agent, Brussels.
.auctions Sale.
79 1'111. 31ATTEa OF 3110 RSTAYI. 01, AGNES
WIDOW, 0E0928En,
And in the matte' of "The DesOluttou of
lbstabss Act" being obapbsr 105 of The Boyle.
5dStatutes of Out trio (1887) there will be
sold by Publla Auobbts ou
at 2 o'oloek p• 10., at the premises iti the
Township of Grey, by George Iib•kby, nue-
tionse-, (subject 'to the conditions there
produced) the following Valuable property
viz—All that 00010.10 parcel or tract of land
and premises eitnate, Dina and being in the
Township of Grey,iu the County of Huron,
and Province of Otario, containing by ad-
measurement some lluuclred and twenty-
eight (128) acres of laud, be the same more
or less, being composed of Lots numbers
thirteen (18) and fourteen (1.1) in the
eighteenth (18) concession of the said Towu-
ship of Grey, subject to a mortgage thereon
in favor of The British Canadian .Loan and
Inyestmont Company (limited) securing the
re.payment Of three thousand five hundred
Mud eighty four and 0-1C0 dollars (03080,00•
100) and interest as 1n sold mortgage men-
There is a first-class orchard of about 100
bearing trees on the premises which are
otherwise well improved. The buildings
consist of a good louse, largo frame barn
with basement stables, and a good driving
shed. Theproporty will be sold subjset to
the above mentioned mortgage and subject
also to a reserved bid 20 be Axed by the
OMoial Gua•dian.
Twists OF SALE.—Tot pet oSnb of purchase
money on the clay o1 sale and the balance
to be paid into the Canadian Bank of Com.
moree to the joint o00011 of the Oflietal
Guardian and the administrator within 80
days without interest.
Pot further particulars apply to
JOII.NH0SKIN,115Q, Q. C., Oinotal Guar-
dian, Toronto, Out., or to 11, H. COLLINS,
Vendor's Solicitor, 1315151', Out.
Dated S ep tomb er 20th, 1512. 33.2
Mortgage Sale
Uudor and by virtue of the power of sale,
Is ge, dated 8rd ft certain
1800 armada by
Joepry S 11 l
Joseph mortgage
the township of csli a, the which moetgagr will be predated 0t shy
gime 5f sale, there, will be S5135Id for rule by
SATURDAY, 001013116 8, 1892,
at one o'clock p. in., by Mr. Joseph P. Brine,
Auctioneer, the following lands, vis.:
The South helves of Lots Nos. 18 and 10 in
the 4th concession of the township of Morris,
in the county of Huron, containing 200 noses
mora °r loss.
The bind is a grad clay loam, is woll under -
drained and well watered. Ou lot 10 is a
comiorb,bio 100015 110055 and n largo barn
with stone stabling beneath.
The farms aro situated On one' of the lead -
Mg retitle and about equal distance from
Brussels s 130190100.
The lause
deari area present lensed to Fred.
Brewer, whose term will expire tet April,
1808, but a purchaser will be entitled to go
on and do fall work on the lands immediately.
The lands will be sold suhjeot to the rights
of eaitl tenant, and also eubjoot to a Mort.
gaga 1150500 t0 the Ontario Loan and De-
benture Company, due 1st May, 1808, for
Timms ox Wm.—The purchaser will be re-
quired at the time of sale to pay 5115 tenth
to the Vendor Or hie
SLiiod t money
Soolicitorr,, purchase
the balance .within one mouth
thereafter, without interest.
Further partioulars tiud conditions of sale
the be
may be obtan on ined son 'appllcan
t10u to Mr. F, 0. Scott, at Brussels, or to the
undersigned. F HOLMBST0D,
St10.4 h, Sept. 14, 1000.
Vendor's Solidi tor,
Y -our best remedy for
E-rysipelas, Catarrh
Rheumatism, and
Salt -Rheum, Sore Eyes
A-bscesses, Tumors
R -uniting Sores
Scurvy, Humors, Itch
A-nemia, Indigestion
P-imples, Blotches
A-nd Carbuncles
R-ingworm, Rashes
I-mpure Blood
Languidness, Dropsy
Liver Complaint
A -II cured by
Prepared by Dr, J. C. Ayer & Co„ Lowell, Mass,
Sold by all Druggists, Price $r, six bathos, 90.
Cures others, will cure you
Any Amount of Money to Loan
on Farm or Village Pro-
perty at
6 & 62 Per Cent., Yearly.
Straight Loans with privilege of
repaying when required.
Apply to
A. Hunter,
Division Court Clerk, Brussels.
Private Funds to Loan.
Have been placed in my hands
for Investment on real estate.
No Commission.
Borrowers can have loans COnl-
pletefl in Three Days if title
Solicitor, Brussels.
OCT. 7, 1892
DWI G. Houk,
Picture Frames, &c.
Special Attention given to
Pico•' Moderate.
Smale's Block,
Creli MrRT,A:a .• vSIRYEZ M• 11x11.110
Go 1111)1 see Ars. E. Rogers' Brilliant display of
Millinery which will be shown on
Thursday, Friday aria
Ji e,
This being the only Millinery display in Brussels
where all the latest novelties can bo seen, we invite
every lady to pay us a visit on our opening days to look
at the lovely goods which will then be shown. 1110 get
leo Pattern Bonnets and Hats in Toronto, all our goods
are made up on the premises by our popular and talent-
, ed Milliner, MISS GREEN.
Our stock of Dress Goods is now very large and we
have all the vele Styles for the season and flatter our-
selves we can shit any lady's taste both as regards color
or style. We have all the loading colors and trimmings
to match. Recollect we hold the largest stock of Dress
Goods, both black and colored, iu Brussels, and as a
matter of course eau show you a much larger variety to
select from.
Mantles and Mantle Cloths.
'We have also just to liaucl a Very choice lot of the
most Fashionable Mantles imported direct from Ger-
many and a very largo assortment of Mantle Cloths
which we make up to order. Miss Moore, as usual, has
charge of this department and any work entrusted to
her will be sure to be properly done.
Recollect our Opening Days and give us a call so
that you can compare our Styles and Workmanship
with other stores.
RO G E .i— 6! S n
Having added now Scenery to his Gallery is now in a position to
turn out work that is second to 11019. A look at his photos.
will convince you that they are first-class. The public
are invited to call up and inspect work in gallery.
Pictures Copied orad also Enlarged to any size
ire Crayon at reasonable Prices.
A Specialty made of Out -door Views.
Yon cannot Mistake the place, W. W, Burgess' old stand
over Stn.ndarcl Bank.