The Brussels Post, 1892-9-30, Page 10SUPPLEMENT TO TIIE BRUSSELS P OST
G. 03101'111 11Te,Wt3. Delegates of the People's party in
Wyoming have voted 27 to 19 in favor of
Il I d•eo,ruries are beim merle fusion with the Democrats.
I., 1'55 i, s. tray. 1 J Dobbin past er of a chnreh
'1h,o tem crop iu many parts of China at Wou rust t, 1! icit., hes been 1, we -envied
has been a failure. ins we and w111 be omit to li.dainht o
1n opiaanilo of malignant diphtheria ttsyl+tm.
I ; et ei.ev !Liven, (n,ln. 1 ,t cum wire me l,•r,, l her bother td
l il.•,ge ld iary in the 11,0nostead riot at r.,,..t.,,haa:, lmlao.l. will have her
f h a: r ter oel trne bills in lti'1 cavus. ri;M 1111 mut on, ba b: he,41ei ate! her
The hundredth anniversary of the first burly burned•
republic, of Prance was uelebrato.l bast The livery men of (lu 1 n have formed
w, •dt, a treat .Leet Moil lit _.t 0. ,1.4y for
All .Atlantic 931-t1 in (1 LInoLI have uarrmges during the 1Vorld'e fair dedi•
bt m eklsed tabsulutely ere a ..potro.utiul. croon parade,
„uu--st cholera. -lee l \r ail 1 -.1,I, ,.1„ l:: - no:u•
at 2' mrteeu persons woro hill. -1 ntrig'tt ,S'euml t (-1., hots fonr sous who are said
45551 three suverely hurt to a u.uhoad to have been born on ilia Hama day of the
1 t 1V mit,. tUl to
m estlt i
odd o et
Benjamin Dawson, Lmtdon's oldest
resident, fell from to window at the reel•
donee of his son, l,iont-Col M. 1). Dew- ,
son, ut that city, Saturday morning, and
received injuries from whieli he died.
The (tilt Reformer a,yn -beer a Hovel
way of it to .Ilio' thre neli the country,
1 olohtyL • wit nf. t'+t cussed 1hra,nrh
t ,to '1l 1+ d 1t• m e'uin��, t tkea the cake.
Th,. war rale a Lir% 'lo and the husband
mu, also but he had a contrivance fixed
in front by wheel two children rode ou
1,:e meddle, 5, ;Lit lout. They attracted
quite a little bit of attention: They
clime from the dile-Mien of Brantford
tient tnl,hvd the1Lao tit. bridge, taking
the train for the north.
Mee. ,hurt, (lrim:own, of 57 Major et.,
un a u , 1 - Toronto, will never forget her visit to
Cracow, Mottle ths 1e'
Mr. 4
It ntt', til 1
elected Niagarat^a FalknnSaturd
ay. Acen1
boiled. fwd the 1a little muriatic t filo 1 uti t 1[ ins, tf C rnnnona nn or1 by her two d1u1 liters and trey. %r.
u,t.l is added as •a cholera a prvtentive. Htnth 1 u.1.1 f rim_ 111r. Neville Ramsay she came ever with the Pa n-
Johustun of Minneapolis evade a mile Con,tery ntt0 „•110.1 votes. 1'resbytyoiaan ee, nrsion and about three
en hie bi•'yclo at Leleomp,li5 in 1,;11 3•:i. 'rhe 501)5 0n of Ls :,:aIle bounty, 111., are a'chlult in the afternoon the party started
The best previous record wnc 2.04 1.11. 01,1Nila9loony tart• the per 1us' of paving sees the 1 umll'tiHittll bridge from the
Belle llantlin and limiest George tete exneteme of -nee Met or 700 w,nitl"l American to the ('luuadtan Hide on foot.
!covered their own doable team trotting land girls dnrieg a visit to the World's When more than half way Iaer0e8 Mrs.
record from 2.18 to 2.1:1 et Providence, Pair. Grinmson, in stepping from the carriage
I, Kitty fanny, 't9'11 .12, and Ilerbert drive to the raised fout•walk at the elite,
"Judge" Short, La ler or a notorious Yaney, tweet 1a1, "ane t1 a fearful death stumbled and fell throntih an opening in
band of cattle thieves in North Dakota, at Warsaw, Minn., hnnday. it is sup' the side of the bridge but luckily struck
hoe been captured and lynched near pe=ed they were killed by a panther nue of the guys, which are thirty feet
Fargo, and co, l of his bawl hnvu been ( which mousitesi seem 1, ucnuta'8 circus m apart. The guy rebonnded and threw
killed. week ago. They were passing through a her back on the iron girder ten feet be -
The whalitte b u9c Cape hero 1'ieuon wooded region ,o-,nnpaunied by a dog, l.nv the flooring of the bridge. Te ibis
of New Bedford, Mass., has been seized The dog must have aroused the panther situ clung nearly 900 feet above the water.
by onicere of a Russian man-of-war on as all three were found dead at noon. Rev, lir, Ramsay climbed over the side
a sealing schooner for whaling in the The boy was Mlle 1 by a blow from the and slid down on one of the upright
Okhotsk Sea. animal's paw, and the girl was bitten in sections and reaohed Mrs. Grimason jest
Squire Allison, of Fairplay, Wis., the nock. Tbo panther was afturwarde in time to support her from falling off,
known as the 'Marrying squire' for rune. killed. . for her strength was failing fast. He
way couples, died Hast week, aged 54
years. It is assorted that during the
least 15 years he married 500 (maples, all
of them being in baste. He has been
known to marry couples that inet him on
rho med.
In some of the big restaurants of
Russia there is a big pool of water in
which various kinds of fish swim about.
A patron of the restaurant who desires
8eh goes to the pool, points out the parti-
cular one he wishes and in an instant the
waiter has captured it with a dip -net and
sent it to the chef.
A bold raid was made Saturday after-
noon on the bank at Dexter, Kansas,
Two masked men entered the bank and
wttb drawn pistols commanded the cash•
ler to hand oxer what money there was
in the cash drawer and safe. The cash-
ier handed the robbers 83,000. They
made their escape.
There is a woman in Rey West, Fla.,
not yet 10 years, who is a great -grand.
mother. She is a Cnbau and her name
is Cortessio. When but 13 years old her
first child was born—a daughter. Ween
34 years old this daughter gave birth to
a daughter, and the batter has discounted
the performauoe of her arm:store by be-
coming the mother of a lusty son at the
tender age of 12. She is married to a
cigarmekor, and the son has been named
in honor of President Harrison.
Thursday of last week at 4:50 p. m.,
Garfield and Len Van Arnnsm, aged
respectively 11 end 15 years, left their
home, about one toile north of Greg,
Lewis County, to go to their greed.
father's. ;hey crossed Black River in a
boat, and on their return to the Grigg
side, on the McDonnell farm, Garfield
accidentally shot his brother with a 22.
calibre revolver which they had. Leo
obtained possession of the revolver and
shot his brother, anb then both boyo com-
mitted suioide by jumped into the river.
A note left by Leo reads as follows :—
"Garfield shot me accidentally and 1 shot
Garfield. I am sorry. You will find us
both in the river, opposite here." The
bodies were recovered from about six
feet of water, and an inquest was being
held by Coroner Iienuift Friday after-
noon. The boys were sous of A. M. Van
Arnam, a highly reepeoted citizen. Mrs.
Van Amara wss seriously ill at the time.
A boom in Jerusalem 1 A missionary
in Palestine writes to a Chionee friend
that since the completion of the railroad
irom Jaffa into the city of Jerusalem over
800 buildings—residences, hotels and
business houses.—leave been erected.
Real estate agents are swarming into the homes.
sacred city, and there is a lite and bustle enormous
An cheese
old ofet d was as shipped
p s
all abouOttawa t that is strange indeed. The From
week, where it will be used ander the
directions of Prof. Robertson, Dominion
Dairy ormmiseioner for manufacturing
the monster Canadisn cheese intended
for the Chicago World's Fair. The
mould was made by A. Fleck of the
Valoan foundry. It stands 7 feet high
and is 9 feet in diameter. In order to
make the oheeee, arrangements are being
made for securing the milk of seven
hundred cows. The weight of the cheese
when made will be something fabulous,
running into thousands of pounds. This
triumph of dairy work will form a por-
tion of the Experimental farm's exhibit
at Chicago.
August Striedberg, the Danish poet, is
famous for his hatred of women. This
aversion seems to be uu controllable at
times, and often leads the author into
difficulty. Not long ago he happened to
meet a lady at the house of a friend, and
tatting hold of her. threw her from the
verandah. The poor woman, !who Was
injured, brought suit against the un.
gallant writer. He was condemned to
pay the plaintiff 115 gulden, with 200
gulden as conte of the proceedings. The
race hes caused much talk is Germany.
Casnudiart Nowes.
James Weir, a farmer, Wee killed by a
runaway team at Norway on Monday.
During last week '20,479 barrels of
apples were shipped from Montreal to
Harry Jessup, a Toronto plasterer, has
heen hustled out of Buffalo by Tnepectot
Mrs, Thomas'12and, of Rockwood, Ont.,
was killed by lightning in her own house
on Sunday.
Rev. Hugh Tudor, rector of All Saint
Winnipeg, will resign to go as a mission-
ary to India.
Sir Oliver Mowat will lecture in Iiamil•
ton on Oat. 17th on "Christianity and
some of its Fruits."
A few days ago a couple walked twelve
miles to the village of Springfield for the
purpose of getting married.
James Sanderson, a Grand Trunk
brakemen, fell under a train at Millbank
on Saturday night and was killed.
Andrew Crofton, convicted of bigamy,
was sentenced to eignteen months' im-
prisonment at the Essex Assizes ou Sat.
Sunday night's storm caused much
damage in many parts of Ontario. Many
buildings were struck by lightning and
One evening lately as Mrs, MoDiermid
er., was attempting to get off the O. P.
R. train at the Thameeford station, she
fell, breaking her arm and getting her
wrist slightly dislocated.
Baptiste, the Indian pilot, known by
all tourists who have peened down the
rapids on the St. Lawrence, died a few
days ago, aged 82. He was the first
Indian to run a boat down the rapids.
The employees of D. W. Earn do Co„
Woodstock, bought their supply of coal,
amounting to 800 tono, at the mines in
Pennsylvania. It most 94,82 per ton at
the station, or 95,25 delivered at their
Holy Land will soon be grindironed with
railroads of which Jerusalem will be the
centre. The road from Jaffa to Jerus-
alem, which will he opened for traffic
Sept 21, orosces the valley of Hinnon and
passes within a few hundred yards of the
Pool of Bethesda. Work on the road to
,Joppa is progressing well and the Baron
Botheobild, who intends establishing a
.colony of Jews on the line of this road,
is building 800 houses for their ase.
New York must be in an extremely
.bad sanitary condition. Four more cases
of cholera in widely separated sections of
the city are reported, making about a
dozen cases ill all which have ooeurred
there, and in not one of these was the
victim a recent emigrant. Great Britain,
which is within a few hours of Hamburg
and of all the infected continental cities,
has not had a single case of cholera
among her ownpeople. Only immigrants
have enffeted in Great Britain, whose
.quarantine regulations ere not nearly so
strict as those of the United States. It
Is not improbable that the different
,climates have a good deal to do with the
immunity of the one and the foothold
obtained in the other by cholera. But
the dirty condition of New York and the
neglsot and carelessness of those who are
chatgedwith keeping the etreete clean,
have long been notorious and matter for
constant complaint in the local newel -
papers, The fact that the smallpox has
also broken out, taken in conjunction
with the appearance of the cholera,
shows that the uonrlitione of living in
New York ere anything bub healthy at
During the heavy thunderstorm which
passed over Oxford Mills, Onh., on Sun•
day night about 0:80 o'clock, a large stone
building, owned and occupied by James
Anderson, of Patterson's Corners, was
etruolt by lightning and badly damaged.
The lightniug first struck the west end of
the house, totally demolishing the shim•
ney and gable, then poetising through and
damaging two bedrooms, in which Mr.
Anderson and hie brother were sleeping.
It passed down through a plea hole to the
dining room below, setting fire to the ear -
pet on the floor, and thence to the cellar,
where it splintered five of the sleepers.
There were five persons in the house at
the time of the accident and how they
escaped injury is a mystery, as the light•
nine seemed to pass tbronilh nearly every
part of the house, tearing the plaster and
door casing off the room in which Mr.
Anderson was sleeping. The damage
is fully covered by inenrance in the Com-
meroial Union.[
called for help and Chief of Police Young,
Harry Williams, of the Cliff House, and
Harry Huutly arrived in a few minutes.
A.rope wee procured and Ilnntly went
down and fastened it round the women's
body and she was drawn up. She wee
0)100118010118 and was taken to the Cliff
House for restoration. The effect of the
nervous chock will not leave her for
many a day. She lost her watch, purse
0,1(1 handbag, but the articles were found
below at the edge of the water by the
police, the watnit being smashed to frag-
ments. Had she fallen she would have
struck the bank nr the shallow nater at
the edge. Her two daughters were a1•
most paralyzed with fright over the
thrilling occurrence. The probability of
each an accident has never dawned on
the authorities before and no doubt some-
thing will be done to protect pedestrians
in future.
Do You JCiiow
That C. E. Perry makes as
fine photos. as are made in the
That he
Finishes all photos. on the
new permanent aristo paper
That lfe
Can't be beat ou family
and other groups ?
That lie
Copies and enlarges old
pictures to any size ?
That his
Cabinet Photos. are excep-
tionally fine 2
That his
Baby Photos. are unequall-
ed, and if you want a first-class,
finely finished photo. you can't
do better than call on
Next to American Hotel,
Practical Watchmaker
cared Jeweler.
Thanking the publio for past favors and
support and wishing still to secure
your patronage, we are opening
out Full Lines in
Silver Plated Ware
from Established and Reliable Makers
fully warranted by us.
Clocks of the
Latest Designs
LADIDs Gnat R'INos,
IllAna2Nae, cto.
I 'Also a Fell Line of VIOLINS and
Violin Strings, dm., in stook.
N. B.•-ISeuree of Marriage Licenses.
T. Fletcher, - Brussels.
Sopt, 30, 1802
1 a3t ��
_...- +.n..`"m..t r•N ........ nlP1E
1 To onto. Trade, ru t •I a .r r Allem, 11 (Ia.
8r1 : Antal eanaat 7 f -5 1 ,rot Doom
8i lw-taam• lawln o rt 1, ), 6 d.q oomovol
8 ori IVO th Atmel t mull r Il but rstopped
!Aa w. a 1 rr++lru a i l tel n but stopped.
to , 1r� a,is . I� .r,4..,„1 j 1. Llu 11t
attlu growth,
n t
. f� 1.61 1 Gpromoted,"t
�,1t,,t�lavtJ t�
f'na11 ny (1. A. 1111A11111AN, 1lut' ori.N,
ai.o... auoa+s..... „„mom ..nwnm•,,,,,rs_�nvuxnt.F na_.:xcau¢muurerc:+my.:12.1 e®
Resteres Fading hair to its
orioles! color.
Slops felling el hair,
Keeps the Scalp clean,
Makes bnir soil and Pliable
Prooietne Growth.
11 1Q.0 LOOK 1
`' M
Ilaving added new Scenery to his Gallery is now in a pos•tion to
turn out work that is second to none. A. loots: at his photos.
will convince you that they are first-class. The public
are invited to call up and inspect work in gallery.
Pictures Copied and also Enlarged to r"rz7/ size
in Crayon at reasonable Prices.
A Specialty made of Out -door 'iBWS.
You cannot mistake the place, W. W. Burgess' old stand
over Standard Bank. 0
H_ �. S0I1RO1\TC-_
-RECO-Ss Hiss,
Is a Leader in Coal Stoves and Always gives
We keep in Cook Stoves, "The Tioga," "Horne Garland,"
"Bright Idea" and several other makes that we re-
commend most highly. Call in and sea
our Stoves and get our prices.