HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1892-9-30, Page 8RONEY VINEGAR, For several years I have been milking a limited quantity of vinegar front out, briney for our own uqs. I have now Pot- fected arlaugarmente for the riumnufsot Lire of if to supply our trade, There IS tie doubt that it is the 111,T,dLT111E,ST of all vinegars. If there is any advant- age - .,,oil Certainly have it in using 11011GY vinegar fit preference to any other. I have been waiting to thoroughly test it before offering it to our customers. 11mv- Ing tried It and found it superior to any- thing we have u,,ed I Dow recommend it. Pickles made with this vin agar do not change color [is with some. Use homey vinegar and have the satisfacti011 Of knowing that yon are baking tlimb which must be the least injurious of all vine- gars� G. A. DEADMA6NI, Druggist, Bookseller, kizo, GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. SOU11HER'i rxTuNslox w. 0. & B. Trains leave Brussels Station, North Rua South, as follows: GonNo SOUTH, GOING NORTH, Mail - 17�..10 Mi 'a 0:45 a.m. EX131-OWL7.7.. tal M I 3�13 P'la. Mixed 8;00 p.m. I Express 9:38 1).M. A ohiel's ammng ye tatin' notes, An' faith he'll proxib it. INDLux Sammer. SATURDAY is Oct. .181. DAYS rapidly shortening. Ai)vznTxsz your fall goods. PROF. SCOTT'S concert Oub. 7th. EAST Huron Fair Oct. 6 and 7 * CorNciL meeting next Monday. TAxr your children to the F air. POTATOES are rotting in some places. Come to the Fair on Thursday and Friday of nexii week. 3NO. RODDIOR shipped a car of sheep to Buffalo last Saturday. VoTuns' List Court in Brussels on Fri. day, Oct. 12, before artage Toms. All "Bay Openings in Brussels next LLIN weak Go and see the new styles. TR� Truant officer is looking up youngsters who do not attend school re. gularly. GRAIN is coming to Brussels market at & lively rate. Out: buyers are paying the hillies,t prices going. I min Directors of East Huron Farmers' Institute will meet at the Queen's Hotel, Brussels, on Friday of next week, at 1 P. in. As addition is being built to the Evaporating Factory here so as to allow another evaporator to be placed in the lanilding. Mr. Mahler is a pusher. IT is reported that Robb. Sample has purchased the residence now occupied by Postmaster Farrow, corner of Queen ana Princess streets, from G. A. Beer, of Beaforth. A RUBBER nozzle was ordered from a Toronto firm for Brussels Fire Brigade. Ib has not come to band yet. There were only two brass nozzles fit for use and consequently three streams of water couianob be thrown hence the purchas- ing of a new one, Biayor,E RAcai.—On Thursday afternoon nexb (the let day of Brussels Fair) a 2 imile handicap bicycle race will take place on the half mile track on the Agricalbur. at Park. The prizes are lat, silver cup valued at 65.00, and 68.00 worth of cabi. met photos by 73. J. Strong ; 2ndt a 02.00 bat ; 3rd, $f.00 worth of Sunbeam photo.% by H. J. Strong. There should be a dozen enbries at least, Go anasee the sport, A DEBATE was on band at the Royal Templars of Temperance Council, Brus. Belo, on Tuesday evening of this week. 'The subject was "Resolved that the 'works of art are more beautiful to the eye than bliose of nature.'- Geo. Rogers Rua Jas. Moore spoke on the affirm;7tive Bad W. H. Karr and D. Hogg looked after the negative. Rev. G. F. Salton, the chairman, -eye decision in favor of the latter. SHEEP KILLING.—Last week Samuel Roggard, Morris, had four sheep killed �y dogs. A watch was set for the Can. rose but no trace of them was found CO. tit early Monday morning when R. Leath. ardale and S. Hoggard espisa two dogs abasing the sheep in the field. They took themselves away in a burry when the men made their appearance but were followed up to Brup.seis where they were treated to some cold lead. The dogs be. longed to Jas. Zelly and Alfred Lowry. Sheep killing dogs are much better Out of the way as the babit is hardly ever broken when once learned. AcTivE AcToN.—On the return trip frorn Toronto recently the Editor of Tun POST Stopped off at Aoton, Oil so torpris- Ing village between Guelph and Bramp- ton, Ili Halton Co. H, P. Moore, the energetic editor and proprietor of the Free Press, drove tie around the place, allowing us the park, beautifully located on tile banks of Fairy lake, the well mr. ranged aryd nicely kept cemetery, Jaige tanneries, glove factory, new school, &a. 'The industries named employ hundreds of hands and as a result of steady Work, at remunerative wages, many of the Sul. ployses have built comfortable homes far themselves. If there is any apparent want in Acton.1t appears to be a Jack of uniformity oil Compactness Ili the busi. ness places, Mr. Moore purposes setting a good example by creating a brick print. Ing cffloo uexb year. We had the ploig. ul'a of meat�ng Rev. Josnph Edge, the populal Methodist Pat.$ � l, formerly of Clinton, and Dr� Uren, it isiaGin of Frank Uren, artist of St. Cathm. I ties, a forinot! resident of Brussels. A naticeft 0 Feature in Action is tile Satisfactory 'nit"' nor Ili wbich tile inuch discussed and "alleged," too, now by law is enforced. We 8aw, perhaps, an acre of o,ilkbilgoa, bel3ts, tarullm, &a., grolviog wilIhout tbo slightest plotection area "a the.il in tile wity of fence and at, a number of thd residonnos the front barricades have been dispensed with, After being boapitably Entertained by Mr. and Vrs, Moore Nye took ilia a p. In brain for Gailpli on ilia kornewmid trip: Tits Band played oil the street last lm=�evening, AT, Brusselites aitelidel We At. wo. -A F,,ir on Tharoklay. AUCTION sales 01-0 oropping up. THE 1"'ST Publishing House is the plao. to get Your bills. R61) the Supplement to THE POST it 0 weak. Mee also "Why Pai. Wore 0.", oil page 13. AT the Whigham Fair on Wednesday James Walker, Carriage nickel, Of Brno - sets took lat prize for single top buggy, SAuA LORD BAmicy, ilia Sifted Boston 010011HOHISt, Will appear 141 Brussels On Vviday evening, Oat, 14th, Partioulars later. Eximar of entire stook oil Thuesday afternoon of next week tit East Ilibrou F� I Fair. Ablo bicycle races oil the half itinio break, Don't forget, EASTIluron-presentathe largest prize list in Hilton County. The entries are telling in, Solid you 'a &long to 1116 Sea. retary, D. Stewart, Brussels, UNLESS that's is less PrOfamlt31 In fl, Oar-' tain quarter of the town ilia magistrates will be asked be impose a fine. A man cannot swear its Illuch m,; lie lilies it) a Civilized Country. DR, CAYAmou has renloved his Dental parlor from Dr. Grabarn's block to apartments over A. R. Smith's dry goods store. Entrance at hall nexb door north of Hr. Smith's store. CmioEET.-Oli Monday P, orioliell match was played at Senforth between the home team and the Brasliels club. The game was closely contested, the fit -at innings standing 33 to 36. Seaforth won by 5 wickets. The individual scores were low. Jas. Rose, A. Currie, Dr. MoNaughton rind A. Cousloy, regular players in Brus. sels eleven, were unable to accompany the team so new players had to be subsbibut. ed. Tile visibor; were hospitably enter. balned and enjoyed the match. Rev. W. T. Cluff, 3). 0. Ross and the Coleman Bros. were the only plavers who secured double figure;. M I. Rc6 did sorne fine bowling for Brussels and the Coleman's and McLennan did likewise for Semforbb. Soore was as follows :- BRUSSELS. lob INNINGS. 2ad Ixxixos, Denurs, b McLennan a Coleman .................. 8 b & a VoLuilian 0 Rev, ClItUbbMaRommall 18 b 1-1. 0, Coltrama I Rov.salto Lux b E * O.Ooleman 2 D.C. Hoss, a Coleman 0 b &1 0 COICIUM11.1.15 ScholDeld,b & - 0010- b T. Ctiloulan a a n4salli 1 8 Hut, run out ............... 0 b T. Coleman I MoBatki, b Mlir,ornmix 0 b n. C. Coleman 7 Grower, b AloLounan 0 run out ............ ... 0 Houderson,b Coleman a Hays ..................... 3 b&cT.Colo-.. 2 Tantes, 0 Watson 0 mahout ............... I Irwin, not out. 2 b & 0 Coloinan.., 0 Extras ..................... 2 Extras 2 Total ........... ...... 88 Total so Grand Total ............ ....................... 7a SEAFORTH. IstIl,xisoa. gad INsIxog, Pullobard, b Ross 4 b Rose .......... 4 Bob arba, b Boas ............ 3 It Ross ........... 4 gays. Ill Dennis, e Ross 0 b Ross ............... 4 T. Oolurnan, b Dennis, a Irwin .................. 0 111 Dennis 13 B.C. Coleman, b Ross iA bDumls.0 Olaff 3 McLennan, It Douris A not not,. .......... 8 Beattie, b Rose ............ .1 not orlb 2 Drowar b Ross ............ 0 Edsall, b S&HOU ............ 2 Watson, not out Freeman Varb.l. .. b ... 8 ' mit - a - It - , ..' a ' it Extras ........ .... 2 Extra$ 3 Total To tal 87 Grw.WTaZf .......... . . ........................... 73 [CONTINUED ON FIRST PAGE.] Business Locals. El vzny day is Baby Day at Perry's. FAhim,Y groups a specialty at Parryls. TEE best XXX vinegar at Straellan's. SuNREAxs and Mikado panels ab Parryls. FOR the bash cabinet photos go to Perry's. THE -Mineola" road Cali is a dandy. Jas. Walker handles it. H. J. STRONG (phollographer) pubs an extra finish on all his photos. jt=printed on the new per - paper at Perrvls. BooTs slid oboes that will keep you busy wearing them out, at Straollan's. PATTEENS given away free. See adver. tisainent on other side of this paper. A, Stranban. DO' NT fail to See JAS. Walker's fine aisplay of buggies, carts, &o., at El met, Huron Fair, Dull Fall stock is arriving daily and is being Slaughtered along with all other lines. W. Nightingale. WE are slaughtering boots and shoes all Prices that it will pay your pocket to 880. W. Nightingale. Evillry line I carry is being marked down at a price that will knock out any opposition. W. Nightingale, &THIS week we site running off a lot of while dress shirts at 25 cents each. IV. Nightingale, OUR milliner, Miss Phillips, is now on band and will execute any orders re. quirea before our Opening bakes place. W Nightingale. A UxrynnsAL B11AUTiriiNt.-Harmless, effective and agreeable, Ayer's Hair 'Vigor lies taken high rank among toilet articles. This pteparation causes thic, weak hair to become abundant, strong and healthy and restores gray hair to its original color, . IN an age of fraud and adulteration it is certainly gratifying bo know that such extensively used preparation as Ayer's Sarsapmr1ila may be implicitly reliei upon, Ili never varies either in quality, appearance or clifelot, but is always up to the standard. Oun grand City Millinery Opening will take place on Thursday, Viliday and Saturday, Oct. Obb, Ull and &b. Uur Stock this Fleasork will be large and Corn - gists. Special Paris fashion ]lots and Onnots diroob from France will be on view in our show rooms this season. W. Nightingale. RHEMIATI-I CUREI, 1.1i A DAY. -South American Rhovinatio Care foil Rhount%. tiara and Neuvalgia, radically Cures Ili I to 8 days. Its notion upon tile System is rerrimtkaWki and raysterious, It removes at once tho Cause and the disomse jon- I I - I . 8 r8 age groatly nefits. '1 5 cents. Warranted by G, A. Doadnian. muccA I-Villkinson, of Brownsvalloy, Ind., says I-111 bad been in a distressed condition for three years from Nor- voranoss, Weakness of the Stomach, -11 paia and Indigestion until nly ho'.111ptbowarigone. lbouglit one bobtloof South American Norvine, which done me more good than any 650 worth of doctor - Ing I liver did Ili my life. I would Ravine every ViOdkly POVS011 to Use this Valuable and lovely romady.11 A trial bottle will 3onvInoo you, Warranted by G. A. Doadman. TITE BRUSSELS POST SrPT, 30, 1892 CONFORTAII1,11, brick Oil Willimin street, Brussels, for salo, Also tile frame resideneo north of tho Nortork Terrace. Appl ' to W. 13, Jhvitsox. ....... Me, Apt. 4, '02, D�k),�,.,,Aj,rnibh & 00, : 's,—Antl Dandroff is ovi- dently giving Satisfaction. I have sold ativat half of the gro4d I bought hom you oil the 28rd of Jan. last, I use it fit my own family and like it well. ('all r000m. mend Ili to all who tire troubled with dandruff, Yours truly, THOS. 8TnvnNRox, Tur, Toronto "okly 1;mplre has Ila. duced a prorulani for its new subscrigars I his autumn whioll really calls for special oomplinient. The proprietors of that paper have prepared it handsome picture of the Cousilrvative rnoriil'bors of Parliament, Well arranged, executed in thOlilleOttYPOOfpllOtOgraVtll'B,E6lld Print. ad oil excellent paper for framing, No premium given away with newspapers this year equals it. Tile whole picture is large slid when Set off by the tasteful oak frame, which is so fashionable now- adays, Will make a Yory handsome adorn. Intent to the home. In the Contra are tile members of the Ombinet, while group- ed around them are their supporters fit the House. The pictures of Cabinet Ministers are large Ili size and every one is an excellent likeness. In the Contra the photo of the Premier is by far the beat Sir John Abbob has ever had, while that of Sir John Thompson, the famous leader of the House of Commons, who is represented standing with his ]land rest. Ing upon the table, an attitude lie often assumes while addressing the House, is literally it speaking likeness. Thophotoa oftheindividual membovs are capital; theyttrenot small and unrecognizable requiring a microsoope for identification: but the Conservatives of every county returning a Conservativii will,in this group, vossesa an excellent likeness of their member, As a Work of arb this group picture takes high rank ; as all ao. ceptab!e addition to the Conservative houses of the land it will be pretb sure to Hr to circulate from Vaumouvor ahfax, The picture, to give an exitob idea of its importance, monsures B feet, 0 inches 2 feet, 4 inches. On the marg. It is a 001 - venient key, giving the names of evil y member with unnibers corresponding to the numbers on the photograph. BRAY. -In Morris, on the 17th Irish,, the Wife of Mr. Win. Bray of a daughter. LiTTI,E-Ammus.-In Elms, on Tuesday, Sept. 20th, at the residence of the bride's father, by Rev. J. B. Fisher, Mr. Michael Little to Miss Fanny, eldest daughter of Mr. Goo. Adams, all of L, line. B.A.ItRux- IvisoN.-On Sept. 21st, at the residence of the bride's parents, Kip. ton., by Rev. R. 0. Henders, of don, assisted by Rev. E, A. F ear, of Nile, Rev. R. H. Barnhill of Tiverton, to Miss Fanny, daughter of Mr. Ivison. ==M=% LOVnLL.-In Buffalo, N. Y., on Sept. 18th, the beloved wife of Win. Lovell, formerly of Elnks,, aged 22 years, 8 months and 13 days. GOVENLOOK.—In MaKilloo, on Sept. 17613, Janet Louis&, wife of Robert Goven. I Oak, aged 50 years and 6 roontins. IIIURIID 11: OCT. 18ru.—Farril stock and irkxpl.xxx.�l be lot 8, con, 8, Grey. tiale without reserve, uommences Fit 1 0' Clock sharp. Jas. Coats, Prop. Gen. Kirkby, Allot. Fall Wheat ........... 62 66 Spring Wheat .......... 60 05 Barley .................. so 40 Peas .............. 55 56 Onto ........... 1. ....... 26 27 Blither, tubs and rolls .... 10 17 Eggs per dozen .......... 12 00 Flour per barrel "­ a 60 4 00 Potatoes ........... 85 00 Hay per ton ............ 5 00 6 00 Salt per IIIII., 1 00 05 Hideo trimmed .......... si. I Hides tough ............. 3 Sheep skins, each ........ 60 1 00 Lamb skins each ........ 65 00 Apples per harrel ........ 1 1 00 1 50 Wool .................... 17 18 Pork ...... .... .......... 0 00 00 Toronto Sept. 28.—Wlie&b, No. 2, spring 68c. to 65o. ; white, goo. to 67o. ; red winter, 66c. to 67c. ; goose, 58a. to "a ara. uo. to goo. ; No. 2, BIG: ic'80&�;'No. 8. 70a. to 71o. regular ; No. 1, 57o. to 58c. Barley, No. 1, 512o' to 54o. ; No. 2, d80. to 49c. ; No. a extra 480. ; No. 3, 380. to 89o, Re", No. 2: 580. to GOO. Oets, No. 1, floo. to BIG Corn, 66j. to 57o. Flour, extra, $8,00 abraight roller, $3.20 to $8.50, TORONTO, SEPT. 28.—Cabble—Tbere W069 a light run of Cattle to -day and tioll rutiaL demand for exporters. I 'The only buyer oil the market for fab exporters was Hr. Eakins, Rnd lie qt1ote% the markob as vor troy bad He gays that private cables Ill Britain report the market no do. moralized, The higheab quotations here For falloy fat cattle was put at 4c. with mosli of the Sales made at figures con. gl4erably below this. For once drovers ind dealers Boom to agree as to ilia poor 31orta of the fat exporb cattle markah, As k general rule, they differ me much &is half a Cunt. Milob cow8 and spriagors.— Only 8 milch Cows and 1.1 springers Wered, and those Bold well. Backward �pvingerz find a good demand for export, Nice young Cows were pickea up smartly. Mr. Cook boughlb throe fine ones, v6verag. Ing about 1,100 pounds each, For &87loo par head. Sheep and lambs.—Th'e,shaep brads is dull, Nothing done Ili export. Fewer lambs offered, but the tone re- 'naills weak. Bubebous'sheep, foboh from ­ 0 , .50 per Pact, oordill I to quality, 'T Ile laillbo I'm Bill r , Rt 'eon) 02.60 1114-1.60 pet, hand, a I: Ing to weight .Ind Condition. I 'lie 'a as a Bill better local derman . EMST Bui,rAi,o, N. Y,, SEPT, 28,—Cat- blo­Six care oil sale, The InNeket ruled slow and up to noon only th fall load end % few piecos had changed hands ab full, easy 15motern markets lowVowlayla value ;I llhe�p and lamobu.—Fairly liberal 9upply of sale stookel In the polls to -day, L15 loads of Canada lambs mild 10 loads oi Rortborn "I'll, mud lambs. The market wag there .1,1P. and foil lambs prices ad at fall, strong yostoidzy% value$ to 8.'TkdXDdB,D B,11NK OF Cl,4XID.I. 107CL HEAD OFFICE - TORONTO, ASSE,TH, (Bevqll million Dollars) V,000,000 CAPITAL (Autborizea) ou),000,000 all. A Genoral Banking Business Transaotod, 11armers' Notes Discounted. Drafts Issued slid Collections made oil all pointo, SAVINGS BANK DFPARTMENT. Interest allowed on do itsof$1.00 and upwards front datoofdopoolttodatoof "q0thdrawal and compounded half yearly. SPECIAL ATTENTION OWEN TO TITS COLMI.CTION 01' F.011111IS' SALE NOTRA. B very facility afforded Customers living ab it aiRtanoo. 0. P, SCHOLFIELD, MANAORR. GILLIES 8c 0XITZ,, 33ANXE381 :B 1Z U S Transact a General Banking Bus 0.11 points ink Canada, Units FARMERS' NOTES DISCOUNTE BALE NOTI sar.rwas ARWN-A Interest Allowed on One Dollar and pounded Twice a Year, Being Added to I October and April. Special Arrangement We eireet ill 'wrue Insurance Ili old ]it 11111 VOINIX)VIO& AozxTs Foil CANADA AND UNITED STAT shade stronger. The bulk of good cana- das sold at 40, a few lots of choice Cana - ass at Wig, Rua a fanny dock at 66.15 ; fair by pound native lambs sold all 55.70; no good weight native lankills in the parts; tw loads fat Western feed sheep, 141, to 116 lbs., sold at 62 to ",25 ; but few sheep on sale, but the feeling is easier for Sheep than for the last few days. The Eastern market quoted steadily at yester. day's prices. vall She" itilit tes. I-lowickatFordwich, Out. I. South Huron at Beaforth, Oct. 4-5. North Brunt at Paris, Oat - 5 Rinloss at LuoknDw, Oat. 415'. Wrometer, Oct. 4.5. East Wawaxiosh at Belgrave, Oct. 4-5. East Huron at Brnssels, Oct. 0-7. Clinton, Oct. 6-7. South Wabarloo at Galt, Oct. 0.7. Morris Branch at Blyth, Oct, 11-12. THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. MUSKOKA SHINGLES FOR Palo at J. & P. AMENT'S, ll.tf Brussels, -DRIVATE FUNDS TO LOAN Ilia br be I Ah a I .0,rdir, �`Rp`lellauln"'ya`b P"birolaIRI-Pall fall. Ing RouGO'Brussals.if -DLACK ASH WANTED.—PER' JU SONS having Black Ash thabor for sale by the tiara are Rated to call an J.d: P. AMENT 11-tf B russets, 9J) GOOD BREEDING E WE, 8 !;./ kJ for sale. May be seen on farm op. Posits Reeve Moontly's. For particulate apply to 30SEPH CLEGG, ll-tf or INDID MaLAUCHLIN. OOaDWOOD WANTED. -ANY %.J arantitv of hard and soft cork1wood want a goals Salt Works. $1.25 to ifl.50F,Or cold for soft wood md $1.80 to $2.60 hard wood, T. COLEMAN, 12-bf Proprietor, A OME BARROW FOR SALH.- .&3- Doyou want one of this beat of bar- rows for lovellug end p ulverizing the soil 2 I have 0110, which, having no use for, will sell cheap. I own get you thousands of to.. olikkkinkendatitoria from those that have and are using them. - G. A. DBADMAN, Druggist & Bookseller,_ 13ROPE RTY FOR SALE.—THE .A_ Undersigned oilers her pro .6 north of BY ussels, f or sale .. 1j8b`mFY't.m. 216.8 There is one more of land Upon which there are two houses, Stable and a small Orabud. The olace Is oolivexillubtly located on the g oval road. For further particulate its to ,price, turns, &0., only to Mus. NO. SINCLAIR, Princess St., Brusgois V OTERS'LIST CO URT. Notice 19 hereby gi�on that it Court will be liald.puranaut to 11 he Voters' Lists Ash," bi� HIS Honor the Judge of the CouLty Court 0 the County a t Huron at the Town Hall, Brussels, on WEDNESDAY, the 12bh day of Ootober, 1802, at 10 o'clock, a, in., to bear and d0tulklilil) file BOVOTal Complaints of arrore End omissions In the VoterW List of the Municipality of Brussels for 1802. All per. sons baying business at the Courb are vs. quirod to m(ItChd at the Said tdlllo and place. F 8 SCOTT Olork of said Municipality. liatea F�o 20th a.y of Sept., 1802, _____REAL ESTATE. *MARMS FOR BALE .—TEE UN - X' monsioxilm, has soynral good Farnia for late call to Tent, easy terms, Ilk Towusbilis It Morris and Gray. Ill S , SOOTT.Brasse a. 87-ty. J-1HOI0B FARM FOR SALE,— ',.) Being South balf Lot 27, con, 0, Mouls, too acres, uparlyallolottred. Good buildings, fibeyouukibouingotolimrit. Iminodlatopoe. 5138910n. raSYllorlag. Applyto W. at. S1154 CLAIR, tf- Solicitor, &.a., livussols. FAUDII FOR SALE­ GO11013DO liudoraigno(l deallas to dispose of [Ila 100 core fiti'lik being Lot 21, Con 7 Groy Idjoluing tile U1101% village ;f , Dthol where fire 61tops, olluie 60, fiellonla. Oil the !arnot is a comfortable dwallishouse, good )milk but, tl�)-Izip orchard, We a and ilec.9- Mr'� OlIblitrilt Inge, 85 acres cleared, bmIaltaki ilia , The land Is in & goo'l state of Oulu- vationandiswollfoutied, Vorprice, torms lad other Ilmrbloulars Apply oil the pl-oullsoa to L. DOBSON , Proprietor Q.bf Uthel P. Ol 200 ACRE FARM FOR SALE. The goo maro farm bolu g lots 11 Ind 32, Con. 10, Grey, is a Iforoa for Sale, 120 101108 are Olontod and tho balance Well thn- �orod Buildings Orchard, wall, kki� 9011001 house Within 40 rolls. Posses RIOD 91V011 at 01100 If dfairOd, Por farals; pailtilmllar$ its to price [I torms, &a. all,) iy be M ts, WALmolt, a4f Bog VIIIII P. 0,, Dr NELSON BRICKER, on farim? S IF, T-1 S, iness. Drafts Bouglit and Sold on cl States and Great Britain. D. S AND MORTGAGES A SPECIALTY. Upwards at Current Rates. Interest Corn - he Principal ab the and of the Alonths of to made for Time Deposits. What at, Collodion Companies, or fit )lilt. as ittay be destred. no THE CANADIAN BANK OF 0051UNICH. ---- ------ F Al TO RENT. --A VALU. AARDLY 141-111, adjoining the Villatit, Of jjtikoi� to rent for a term of years. Thisfrilk coutalith about 130 acres good cleared land, Bull is in food condition, Thero is it good houBoant barn. On tile pronfRoo, Also a comfortable dwelling house in the yllisgo of Utbollifol, sale or to rent. ApSly to 11. XOHN OBER , carriage Maker, Ethel, out. 1�&RlFtf F OR SALE.—THE UN. DERSTOWnD ofrers for sale the north east quarto xot lob 28, 001100BRI011 0, Morris County Of Huron, containing 50 acres. Tb6' land 1. of first quality and in a high state of oultiTation, well forcied find truder-droalked, kitiacrosoleared. Newfrainalionce,Sroorns, milk house with concrete %ratio, 2 wulls, goodba,rus and shot[, orobard to. Eight acres of fall wheat. This doslrm'b"lo property adjoins tit a corporation of 11ru.s.10, suit. ablaborn, willbeglyon, 1111tieverteet, .1,1111118 GRIEVlowner 36. 'forth'P. 0. SPLE NDID FARM FOR SALE. 13EXNG lots 11 mud 12, con. 18, Town of Gray. County of Huron, contalming"I& awes, the property of the lato John Robort- son. 150 acres cleared and free from ob- Striations, 15 acres bush, mixed timber, balance partly oleared. Soil stay 10 mostly roiling. Fenced with straight %,If lonces and Watered by two walls and a Bpi -Ing privilege. Commodious dwelling house, with lax -go woodshed &tbachod anti all excellent collar under house. Two lax, barks, whono stitbling and other outbuiX ings. Two good bOarlDf nrchardo. ornm- makital trees and sinal fruits. 4J miles from Brussels, it lively town an the G. T. It., convenient to kellool, churches man post office. This property lies wall, Is a first- class grain and Stock farm and should be NO- DY intending 11=0114881`8 as It is offer. ad at a bargain. For further mirtioulars apply to AlHS.JNO.ROB13 TSON or DANIEL ROBERTSON: on the promises, or by letter to Craubrook P. 0. Notice to Oreditors, Ili wHu mammit or AGNES CANIllrLT., LATE Or IRS TOWNSHIP OF GuHY, IN THE COUNTY OF AURON, WIDOW, DEOSISF.D. Furattruch to goo. Sol obap. 110, R. S. 0.. ISS7. notice Is hereby given tbat all 1) croons hav- ing olailins or demands agatust the estate of sees, a a a to. utre .0 or oforat allot da a Novem. a 1699 to Band, y 1108 mt )w a tADS,to son It ei Image, or It mt 1, ad iiXiettx of lie r I bill amid Miles a I all, a r to the anders tie Bol allot to I onald ill DOE. of lZeter,ollba, I t : riatian n as sitrawnes, acid a a eflorl . 10. 1 a It Im partioulus and proof of thorr Of a at a oubs of accounts and the list- Ure 01 the ShbUrities, If any, held by them, all duly verified by statutory declaration. And notJoe to further given that after the sold lab day of November, 189-2, tile said ad. rainistrator will proceed to distribute the assets of tile amid deceased among the par- sons entitled thereto, having regard only to such claim a of which notice has than been fsi,yrell as above TVuirCd1 and the Said admin- stor will not a ob a for hit a said rLssoto or any part thereof so distrilin Wd to _ POPROXIS of whose OlAt I parlon 01' 'ho, I, ..... 1, be . ton not b avo recaiv.d mt 1, . 1. if such 4istrIbution, it. R, COLLINS, Solicitor for Administrator. Dabod ab Exator this 20th day of flatitern. bor,1602. 14.1.2 Mortgage Sale —or— VALUAM FARM LARN IN MORRIS TOWNSHIP. under mid by Art u a of blin power or sets, which Is lioubmined Ili a cortain indenture at 'noIrtgago, dated 3rd July, 1890kulmao by Josomall So.ott,oftbe township of orrim,mild Willa mortrgo will be producod at the time of sitio, Itire will be offered for t file by public a0attgn, Ali -ilia QUEEN'S HOTEL, lN OLS, on THE VIlk4AGB OF 131tUSS11 SATURDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1892, at one ololook p. Ili., by Mr. Joseph P. Brims, Auctioneer the folloling lands, viz. 1 I .-Thellouthbalvoso Lots NOB.18andloin 111.11y OL allroll, OODIJ41111118 No acres loss. and Val wmterod, Oil lot 101sm lble frattio house andaluflo burn lie stabling boatiabli, vine 01-0 affiliated on onol'of tile lend. a ttpj !Xhoub clitial distance from Will be vo- ilia tenth lor Or IIiN mo molith ) Ila of S"16 10, maid ill I &, PI)I,, I , a' 01, to the 11A lorliql felt"?, 70111 a mystle seal." -13 YRON. Make all ),our Letters so by getting your Note Paper, Envelopes, Tablets and Pads _VR0X_ J. T. PEPPER, Chemist & Bookseller, Brussels. LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. L. TAYLOR, BARRISTER, Sollolborand Conveyancer, oollec. 1011SIDIAds. 0111GO—Vallatollo'sIll k 217 Bela. Bros. WM. SINCLAIR, F;olloibor,()OUI'OYILUOor,Notut'yltib- of Popper's Drug Store. Private Funds to Latin. CIAME RON BOLT & HOLMES, N -.J Barristers. solloibors, Notaries Polito, (lodwitill, Out. . W. 0, CAMERON, 4- C,, PUMIP UOLT, DUDLEY HoLions. WB. DICKSON, . Solicitor, Convaymneor, Nobal.;K Public, to. Offloo Over JJPuk, Looltios Blook,lirus..1". AUCTIONEER$, A RAYHANN, ll Auctioneer, to always really to mt. Term a Sales may be arl-tinged mt Tun Pow Publishing House, Brussels, G' E ORGE HIRKBY, Licensed Auctioneer. Sales conduct ell on reasonable terms, Farm 8 mud fuln Stock a gDoofill4y. Orders lath mb Tell Posm 2?'tiblishingErouse,Briisflele,oi-seattoA%,altou P. 0., will receive prompt attention, _rJAVING TAKEN OUT LICE N. JLJL Big as &it Auctioneer, I am propared to "Onduct solos Of farm stock ab roasonablo Prices- UnOlvillg tile standing of nearly ovary porsoij I out in a position to Boll to good marks mud got good soolititywhen sold Oil OrOdit- Satisfaction guaranteed. Give me It call. a2. 10 S. SCOTT. BUSINESS CARDS. W. H. - MoORAOKEN, Isatiroroffsfv,ri-lageLiceiises. offitia otierYsTurrhoriT street, Brussels. RN. BARRETT, 's TOnzOrlalArbJ8t* Shop—Nemb door South ofA. M.McICmy&Co'o hardware store, Laditisland obildrons hair cutting a spocialty A NoNAIR, -L-&-o Issuror of Marriage Licenses, by 11,11POintinailt of Lioutl-0overnor, Collaulls. atonal*, 1:0 r Q _.Bku�..�&. Conveyancer and Agent 0 Oflloe at tho Oranbrook ROBERT CUNNINGHAM- INSURAson, FIRE AND MARINFr. GUELPH. A LEX. RUNT111R, .L-A. Clark of the Fourth Division Court Co. Huron. Conveyancer, Notarj Public Land, Loan bull Insurance Agsu , Funds invested mud to loan. Oollootions made. Office Ili Graham's Block. Brussels. OIL PAINTING, Miss Morlas, of Winflimm, to 91VO 111struotion in of ptantlegil"111.1%.81.1 Maybe aecartflizOd ab MISS Nallio Rose' shore Where soluplOB of work may be soon, Miss Morle would 0,180 take a tow more pupfla in music. Ovgmulab in St, John'R Obureb, Brus. sels, and pu 1, to the Art of TGAIIIIIIII, of A. W.Tlkayer,vus. DOC., New York, wi give lessons to PUP111, either At Thoo,Varrowls, corner of Queen and princess Ste., or it Pro. forred, at their own homes. Torino moder- ate. MEDICAL CARDS. WM. F. CALE, M. D., 0. U., Member of the College olPhysiolarl, and Sul' Office augedonitao3soifcleo.natent—'iobtal)lyn axtrmeeitumbmat', Ethel,O Litario, JA. McNAUGHTON, M. D. - 0. M., L. R. O.P., Edinburgh, M. 0. P S. Ont. Residence and office in Wilson' Block, turner of Mill end Turriberry VETERINARY, T D. WARWICK, ty a Honor Gr&duato of. the Ontario Veterinary College, Is prepared to treat off disomses of domostiamted amlinals Ili a Corn- potomb manner. Particular atticiltdou Paid to vniloringry deubistrL calls Pronlittly at. tandod to, Offloe and ftzraltry—Two doorg north of bridge 'I'milliberry at,, Brussels, DENTAL. 3D lu N ic I ts M. CAVANAGH, L. D. S., D, D� S., Gradvinto of the Royal OolloV of D"tal Surgeons, Ontario and of oronto Uni- varsity. OFFICE-6vor A.R. Smith's Store. Brussels, MPRO'VE D LARGE WIffITE YORK. SHIRD BOAR. 111houridualgicadwIll koop for service bills the Improved largo white lorkshiro JAI;; Illikendy., on lot 213, cou,§, Morvin'tow lahm linlittirl mumbu of Rows ;�ili bo taken. Tonliff $1.00 to be paid mt tl call a I nerviao)'M ill the privilege of return- imilifikOOORaorY, Poltdolgroornaybageau up. 1, Rg, all it ygpfl icablon, NICHOL t Propri4or. Salesmen Wdnted. wokoqvilro 11111116,11mtoly, good oliorqo montosavooftr Well 11-10WIl al)(1 Rl,lJab O1tjgkqNXqftb,*tt&i1le Grove Nor turns tipplyn6onootO J, MAOXAY, Vorldor's sollaltorl wu0notVARlIttger, Id, istiz, 34M Thomas Oall�