The Brussels Post, 1892-9-30, Page 7I I .I - I � I I - I . . I I 11 I . I I IC .__ . I I . .. - . I � . I -1 .. . I � . - . . . . I . . I � I . 1. . I 1-1- , .Z- - w .. ...... � _', , _
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SEPT. 30, 1892. . THE BRUSSELS P 0 ST. 1 7
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labove all, notaloppy. `I�Ioyomubeqluotl, . The Popular Polit.jolan. AGRICULTURAL . barrow, wl,,,,I,e,i uni, aml dompoll OPOIX A I A G'sett'Frozen, Lake,
oliveniout, for aartingoll'to spread upon .
HOUSEHOLD. flavorod. with Union, ol seasoned sillijil lap �lllloi,do%v)%RLI"tLvtltivillo'stlioblqyiiodomb — SgraRS lend. The woodworg is 0,11 well
will] salt and pepper; which last wo thinK faller y1t I I IP1111. On tile read front Irkutsk to Machin, the
Mother's Room. best, beumm the ineat on the bromaL of mut- WhollhoAtaxts lit & talkill' other folks Ill apt to Higher Appreciation of Red O'o.ver as a will I L, I lie 01dacoo Empire, 14
O bi bile sweetest flavored of All motion quit— towashild, tbowAsh being "Blqfificrillon I L.,1,,,SJo,.itown q I frozen for 11no cocatis,
uling reverently enter, where alovIng pros. b Pears Mcs 00 mouth ol lik'n wasn't malle for Fertilizer. lifierally, so that Ail the ormakH %nil orevicea B k.1, it I. , I
core Ivalts, outs. within, 01FIO hap$ tit are filled ., mail It ally drops of whitewaab it) bile year. rdr, J, M, Price, In 11 Vroin
Not fat, away treat 110%vonly fields, wtbilopon, After dinineewtis ovsr, Iva returned tile Bul,jom'o ftrgify'lint down And gothor in their Although many farmers, �er a fall on the floor (ground) no barm is done, the Artie Opean to tile Yellow 80a", 131
golden glltoH; T of them, are abil profoundly _wbitowash is v�ry clolinging. The only th" its origin is undoubtedly volcanic. To
Troad lightly, hours are proolou4 )love on thN " JOf4 Ov" " part DO tile Pot '4'101 tile I's- Ilo'll falliLtsi-ou down oil tartir, or he'll talk you groac "I'jol'it , I fricues ati(I value of poll I I
gaoirlhl� 1101), ground. malodor of the broth, jost long enough to down oil I ox, 1�1r,,,,-,.raul. �("I.::L,Iolipv woo( work not whilGwashod Is tile roost "o"o,lus twelve thousand square miles,And
Dear .. , at-, it is grAtifyin,g to those I
, ltooin� whoro pationt love and reho4t I b —having firsb carefully removed all And prove tile pact, inan pays lone All—and that IN washed In boilicy hot water, , has art Average depilli. of over five thousand
?11,O,�1-11`ll`<R`ravo Abound. bone mild interransonlav tlssuo� It wits thei I Chem's about tho fact. I who have long beat) advocating its chdrivi .P'Vaem-fter drying, I's dronaho With hero- foot. The cold is so terrible but lvben &
Religion law or pollbloH, prize flghtln'or base. And media, to porcolve that it 18 11 marching Sons hurricane Stirs the waters bile waves often ,
Speaksoftly, (Ol'tillpletLslll)ttoiiofis.liou)4noyc!r Put through that handiest Of All kitchen, ball— oil " like 44 John Brown's body," on( oil and returned to its place. It Lbe .
hero lie board, utensils, Lite 11 eomblued. frult-pross And po- J OR' tech J 1 stood' roost poles are thereafter droucherl with 11,11074 Ito wave$, ralne'luing In hummocks
No tabo."lasher," tile enriched broth So,, Away ,eta MiLp lip a little and bo'll post you'liout, -1 kerosene once it month, pains being taken above the Surface. At tile time of 6he
thought of strife, no Angry voice, no bitter, , 11 talking Its way to its true XII'l rightful
burning word PLOT lit public catlination. Tito higher however, the cold bad
Be uttered 'noath tile healing whignt of trust, !,n, one bowl, wid tile memil pressed firmly And Lite cornicalost fellor over tilted back a class Ili scientific and InILUtical agriculture to liuve Lite oil penetrate the oracks mild "thor's crosal"g,
and hope mail police 1 to another, from Ni lience it will slip out olliel. crevices about the pole supportst there will ma"f"D the earth asleep, and the lee was ,
�!r r ailly smooth. He had thirty I)IIIOS to
- ovor 1110thor's 1100m, and root Nyben wanted !it perfect Slicing condition, Arid twdc a allow tobacker kinder like lie illdn really good farming In u1bloll clover culture ,,a suoil all expemaiv Oil Live oil the golidified lee,
Which hover It Ili thoroughly persuaded i'llab there I$ no be Ile trouble wIt.b. bile r -Inites, which
without oureenall. A a post in most bon -
A oupful of riol, belled fit the broth will h keer. Owing ,,, the warv.1l... transparency of
Be gentle whom In Mcther's Room, for here make a tootlillonno entree for the next Ilia- T """ where tile follar's Atron'th lays- -he's cc does not playa proinfilon t part. Our beat houses. tit. water, ,he 1 -y %,here the
common MID and plain : agricultural journal$ devote large space, as presented evot
true gentleness nor' There ain't no dodo aboutold Jap, you bot;oll, be Tito nest -boxes are emptied, thorough] .
Hnth roig supreme, mild hero is known the tit in their editorial ,Ilia correspondence Swo
t What more can yout desire for five cents. nary ffralo I pil out mild whitowmalied, thafeed-trougK ppearance of polished orystal,and Although
goes ling, Hwoot Impros; __ Thoy'looto him to council anditnover turned columns to a discussion of this subject. The and dust-boxee o1canod mild whitewashed, 0 undon b tot] ly groat thickness, was so color.
OfdeN,otioitiLbtliocritdlo,(ttattioft[LnrtLnaGiie , passing over space. it
. 111,; head, Country Gentleman, decidedly the best of All I IRS that it was like .
tomb, . Why Your Bodies Sets Awry. Anadidn't make no difForanco what anybody ,these journals on the Continent of North d eight to ton wheel barrow loads of fresh, gave me quite all uncanny feeling at first
Makinf, of WIR a world of bliss In restful lit; soreened gravel put fit each pan, and thab
� thor'sItoolli. - He disdan% dross no floor, nor rag out lit fancy house is clean and sweet. With thiswovk hitil the bloolt abyss beneath. This feeling ,
, ,Said one woman to another, anent her America, if not in the world, )lea contained to look eve]' the Hills of the %]edge down
Be thoughtful )let's of word and dead where now gown : I I It inueb be ))switched. I cub 33U CIO Iles, i great deal of late in regard to red clover, I
_ mild fitted It myself by a pattern that in just b big %Ico In council meetin' is It terror to L much indeed, that even a brief oondon. �voll and thoroughly done once a year there however, Irmilually changed to one of fascin'
nflectlan deep holds Sway, his t000,
Whore a Mother's Prayers for her door ones perfect, and see, the back seam crawls to- sation of what lilts been said would onourn. "' lie trouble with 0'odors " and smells, pro. Stion, tiI at last I found ib diffloalb to
have utterance each do),; ward the left )lip, mod the side forms are tie's for the poro man every time; and In tile her and overcrowd our limited space. vided the droppings are ta2en care of every
Where pleftilinIs long with wayward ones day (or three times a week.) Our method withdraw my gaze (real tile Awful deptlio,
heartfelt pride lip I-Olibly tying to climb to my armpits. )list cainpaip, There is, however, one phase of the recent with noblilng but this sheet of crystal be.
mingle w1b I I .11.1.1 Ire .
For noblo deads. Where stricken hoarts are ureyou &Ili quite desperate over such Stumped old argon county through the clover discussions, which is altogether too Solarium 'I' ,he droppings is simple and
manifestations of textile total depravit Sunshine and the rain, . . "" 'g to. I twoen me and eternity.
soothod and toars aro dried, Y' And halt, the banner upward from a-trallin' In important to be ignored in a newspaper . Y be. D nebas below the roost polo About half -way across I stopped to make
I. . pa�
From the looks, anybody would say I cub ' the dus� which aima to give the pith ,and giat of the And Dw I _ad. of two boards toil inches wide a Sketch and take som photographs. Ir,
Where'or we tire, whore'or we roam, whether the thing onb on Friday." And out looso on monopolies and ouss'd And agricultural wisdom that is afloat in tile acre .1'. fee, I ling ; along the edges and Was no easy matter, for tells ice was so Slip.
oil land or sea; 11 You did worse," said the other, eying ouss'd And, ouss'd I 88 the ends of this a Strip of furring (I
. Reflected buck in memory's glass, howpleasant lle'd toll some funny story ever'now and theH, world of to -day, I cannot better state it x ;3 stuff) is called, the furring serving tile pory that in spite of illy felt snow -boots I ,
118 to Soo the garment critically. 4s You out each than by quoting a racerib communication could hardly stand. .
Thatrooni where all thab'sdoar In Iffolstiursed 11 - ,you know, double purpose of abiffening the roost -plat -
to hurt and lite in. piece so the bliveads run the wronj way. Tol, blame it I lb was botter'n a Jack -o -lantern which appeared in tile excellent journal Tile lake was marvallously still, yet the
Oh I earth hm- not a charm more dear than " What difference does it make low they showl form (its tile droppings -pan is called) and re- silence was occasionally broken by curious
that ofMothav's Room. run 91, Anti above mentioned, and is as follows : 11 The taining tile droppings till scraped toxetber
I'd go ftirdor ylt to -day, to hear old Jap use and value of clover to enrich the land . Sounds, he though big going were being
— " I&II the difference betwixt a perfect fit Than ien to shovel offnito thewheelbarrow, noth- . :
[Clark W, Bryan. I, Y.bleh-toned orator 'at ever stumped for other crops, its use and value as an fired at some JiLtle distance. 'They were i
__ and bile thing of wrinkles mild puckers you it AD, agent to increase the growth of grain crops, er advantage of the "'ri furring along
have on. Let me bell you a secret I learn- the edge is that I, .a .... pnotfa step for the caused by the cracking of the ice here and
Autumn, laokets. IVY, that air blame Sap Miller, with his keen are generally recognized, and by many Are fowls when going to roost. WIthout It the there. I was told that in some parts of .
will ad from a London dre6maker. In cutting tile lake there were huge fissures throligla
It is Still rather early to predict ,.,(,a sarcastic file, properly appreciated ; but only a few have fo,vlo tire likely to walk about oil the plot. which toll water could be seen, F or this ' '
st out a bodice, always Shane each part so that; got liters friends than any candidate 'at a " realizing sense," to use it Alethodisb
style of garment will be most popular for the woof throads will go -as straight around ovarrun. form, getting the stickly droppings upon to
Don't matter what his views is, when he Rba ca is in using Agents to increase the growth with them ; having that edge to stop upon, arney by daylight.
Autumn weal, Waist it$ the belt tape (loss. That puts the t revival-niesting Phrase, of the profit ther their feet, out] then daribing the roost pole joason it Is always advisable to make the
The difference between autunin and sum. warp, perpendicular and gives almost A per- thosalne to you.
!ner jackets is to be seen both in color And Theyallus coincide with your'n, the same as of—to enrich tile land for—this clover." top at once from that to roost pole. 6 We reached Moti(slikoya, on the opposite I
two Find bwo. X_ "a
feet bias oil the seam in tile book, Look at The writer then goes on to debail Ills a �flmy�s here, in four hours and a halt af6r leav- -
in cut. Probably the most popular gar, your baok form. You You can't coke Issue with hIm-cratlenabbhey . strip of furring is a profitable invest- ing Liesilvenitz, tile horses having done the
out them, did you haln't nos rise - periments for the past fifteen years, as the men .
ment this summer lilts boon a jackob with not, out of any piece that wits big enough ? Ili to down him, so you better no t I We clean the droppings from this
, and all continence- platform everyday, or three times a week, w I two stogiiages of a few minutes each.
open revere rol ling from top to bottom , with In each the threads run differently In startin' t result of which he ties become convinced hole distance of over thirty miles with
not the smallest indication of a button or ways lint Lite right one. Tlig bast way's Jos'to listen, like Your humble that tile beat ties to which other fertilizers as is most convenient. When uleaned but on Y .
servant does, n
A girl wearing " Then fit fitting you gave no thought to Andjes 'Cc] code JumMilleris, thaboat manever clover rather than grass -and clover for plaster should be sprin there, as they see tied as fresh when we
Other means of fastening. can be put is to grow grass mild clover- tkree times a week %little dryloamorla d It was evi ently tan easy bit of work for
one of these jackets has ajaunty air, but as Symmetry or proportion. Like these dies . s- was., green manuring AS much as for meadow and kled upon the drop- drew tip !it the post -yard as when they starto I
it leaves the throat and the cliest exposed it makers, Ili line, you took in your seams Ili pings on the mornings that cleaning is not .
I cannot be worn late in the season. Surn. ake -Names Whitcomb BUY. pasture. done, mild after the platform is cleaned, a ad in the morning.
any way bbab promised be in a smooth, - This is hitting the right nail on the head, couple of bandfuls of loam or dry land-plas.
mer jackets have beer, made of white cloth, tighb fit. Ili consequence your back forms A Reverie. and driving it straight home. We want ter is Sprinkled over a Domestic Measuremont3,
0 Oflighb and medium colors, Black And are =lmn inch wide fit the armhole. Ili &all Platform. This,
dark shades will roapp�ar as the cooler I, w d Tito Autumn tints agalti havocrept more gross farming. We do not raise too it will be noted is very much like washing Soft butter the size of an egg weighs one
ice they tire as wide there as Whore surrinior beauty lately'slopt, mu.,h grain, but we take too much land with
weather of autumn sets Ili. , the dishes after each meal, or making tip Ounce,
fit the waist line. The Swell of bust and 'Ihon nature, whil0in tintra she sighed which to do it. We want to calbivate
__ Robediuln brightness as it (lied. Lite beds each morning, and by this simple Four teaspoonfuls are equal to one t%ble.
shoulderb is accommodato,I by the back and striallor areas, and raise bigger crops to the method our houses are kept clean auds,,pat spoonful.
Sine�lo Beds. front figures. Crimson and?,,cllow, gold And green
Londtheir br ght colors to the Hoene, acre. The way to do it is to enrich our tbabealth of out, fowls and a liberal egg' One pint of coffee "A" Sugar weighs
"INIhen stuff is oub on the cross you While high above the bright, blue sky land with manure and clover, improve our
If these were more,l) unierous than they should be careful to have a true bias around Forms art unclouded canopy. yield - Promoted. twelve ounces.
.(Ire, a great triany peop a would be better off. grass lands, multiply our stock, enlarge our It is easy if one has the will to do. One Pint of best brown sugar walghe
tile waist and up the fronts mild the back it bho western horizon linng-heaps, raise the randrest, heaviest thirteen ounces.
When one is tired, sick, cross, restless, out. seams. Another tilling, ifyou want your 1�1011601snoon desocrid tile Autumn sun, =of clover we can� and plough them . __ One quart of sifted flouc (well heaped)
of -sorts lie or she ought to Sleep alone and gown to Sit Smooth Over the shoulders, be. Tito sky above Is flowing briflit ither geeen or lit a state of doo 3 , , Kindness to Cows. Nvaighs 0110 pound.
a Witlieverylitloo allangingIght-
not communicate by proximity tile maladies &re basting it up Stir Those bright cloud-lialls by An , gels DrDd ith,
The brute creabures when as much its you can half way from the neok May guard the robinq-rooni of God whether heavy or light. Mr. Crosby, a correspondent of the Xil,
that Affect him. etch. each front piec as be$; esuita soil Nve are dealing w a Two teacupfuls (level) of granulated
sick go away by themselves till they .lie or to the armhole, and hold tile back full to Who voils tits glorious modesty gional Sitiek2nan, writes I A cow customer sugar weigh one pound. . . .
grent many human beings have I those that Never mind the With light even angolsmay not �ee. can be raised without fertilizers ; and be- ) weigh one pound.
get over their troubles, and this insfinot. it it for tile game distance. On any fair land, a decent crop of clover drove here to see a calf thatwe were raising at, Two teacupfuls of soft batter (well paok.
ap arent pucker. - Presshig will banish it 'Whab wondrous shapon are pictured here for him , the calf is out of it Jersey cow that
An Whatformsa Door and disappear. cause of this, also because of a prevalent One and one-third pints of powdered
eve ib are best it indulged in it, not to tile C give you an easy seam that I sold him last year. Ile brought his wife
elf will ling Now lands mO3 oceans we can't trace- idea that it I. not necessary or profitable to an sugar weigh one pound.
t ght0st (]agree of neglect, however. Left the curve of the shoulder almost as 0, Man'S WRY Alight WO fancy lilts M Place. d all his child ran with him, and that fact,
otheinselves, they can composotheirinter. Comb (loss." No wondor that the rod man dreams Apply manure to a macure crop, it is very I log that he is a One phlb theaped) of granulated sugar
maldissensions,reoovertlieiL-lostoqtiilibriutn, That tepee flros reflect tho;o beants; seldom that land seeded to clover is fertil. .nm sorry to say, indica weighs fourteen ounces.
That the groat Almniton Is found ized. Occe, c who lilts Two tablespoonfuls of powdered Sugar or
- you learn chat, too, from the London cut- Within blimthapty hunting ground; . S, few grains of common sense more than was that when thQy went into the barriyard flour weigh one ounce,
and get back their habitual rate of " vibra. "I see," amid the other. "Tell me, did sionally, some forms city Ilion, But what I was ageing to say
tion" , whereas, if continually disturbed, ter 9" Thab recall from I ungor. toll and pain, Ilia neighb . ors will buy a few hundred where the cows wero-they having just been Two teacupfuls (well beeped) of coffee
and " crossed," and interrupted, they are Ybeothor nodded yes, adding after A,te"foob froodorn lie Shalt gain, milked-Dhey remarked, " Holy teme Your " A" gar we . h nd.
a long time in fletting back to the normal. are lie may either roam or reAt minds of psura mild scatter them on his il one poll .
in" In either pleasing, pleased and blest, P Twisnand one., tell teacupfuls (level) of the ,
minute I "And she spoke as one lie%,' g . , green cows are." Ib alw�.Lys seems to astonish
WItere two c ii1drenin a familymust share clover pate, , the result being P, dark
the gains room, in a great many cases they authority, for she was forewoman at Ellse'e, . everybody who comes here to find the cows
and enjoyed the Privilege of sticking pin I to rn my aching eyes away color to the leaves, and a most luxuriant so gentle. I told the man that Jersey cows best brown suga.r vveigh one pcund.
wGuldbe better off to here two single beds in the princess o Wales a 8 Front yon cloud -curtained coach of clay, V�rfo p , were noted for their gen Lioness, but lie said One tt,blespoonful twell beeped) gremulat.
gp 16 they seem ho some like "buttering
rather than one wide do able bell. rid limit the cluch' Light, mystic, drearily, undefined- ig,11 but I have no doubt whatever, ad coffee I I A" or best brown sugar equals
Yon grgeous lines blent and refined that his brother, who wast hero from the
( It I once ounce.-[ Reprinted by request. �
a with those we hole, if it needed taking in, she either Sag Broot a ovor forest, fleld anti dell West, reported that the), wirg vicious, .
shareagreat many thiim� We can esses in the kingdom. Ili fitting an arm. - that a general, judicious use of fertilizers on
love, but solitude clings . ,is from birth to the forms higher onthe back or Chun dell Aslingarin lonblitobid.farowell. clover sown for manurial purposies,would be
The river It a I% silver thread 0 1
, a come into the world alone, we of them, bottom its dvance, the .
death. IV A gg I no of tile best and most q9tAble 4 ,�� �j lig-but I doubt, i it -then they car- The Rom Fly.
most go out of it alone, acid we live In it well as top. nil You Flows gently o'er ice Stoney bad; in agriouiltural improvement. lis6lal' al -4 owned by vicious men, for I never I .
alone, in a o9rtain important sense, and to could not ba. ve bribed or coaxed or bullied And no w'tls hidden from tile sliclib Tile forbilimrs beat adapted to clover are knew Jersey cow that waa uoll amenable An Otta,w% despatch SAYS 1 -Mr- Sallies
gab and heepeur 11 bearint, we must some. list- into catting the frouts to hem, as you, 'Mong hills whose crests are bathed In light; to kill' treatment. In fact, all the dairy, Fletcher, eutomologiab Of the experimental
It It windsalong the vordant plate; breeds Are gentle ; they have had gentleness farra, is at present enl5god. in pvepari,m a
times be left alone, have done, Now twining out to view again cheap, and fit many cases to be had simply
gooll that lye "Instead, she curved bile edge to your Myown dear Maitland loan no'er for tile haulage. This is conspicuously the ,
should be. He who has his bed to himself figure and finished It with the nembestoffac. Forget thoo while I breach the air; case with wood ashes, which, even in tile bred into them., bulletin on thehorn lit which, &Door 1131.
may be essentially Alone form portion of tile I, Too soon'mong Strangers I inust roam leaohed state, is a great fertilizer for the red I believe everl Dow gets I have ever made to poonlar belief, 19 illing many catiTo...
Ir go, with a fly for hooks or buttons. Slid has been b along by the gentleness of Thii A�lr, Fletcher explairI4 to utterly Ire- - ' .
twenty-fouT hours, may1ravolifiriselftollim- kept me Standing, Slowly turning like a Aforfrom thoo anilmyloved home, clover plant. Messrs. Lawes and Gilborb, ( r
0 hair,dresser's dummy, three dreadful .hours A spot 69 dear as thou to Ilia, and many others, especially a whole host of in the field, stable or yard I take my custom" character have reeLlied. him be has not beent.,
self, and adjust )its internal mechanism -Z Home of lily Youth! there no'cr can be German experimenters, heve shown that the cows. 14o matter whether the a we a e possible, Although tuany reports of thiw% �
his ,own Hatitfaction. For a great many woes but in return I got a gown as allay " if I D hall And now with manv a creeping shade, potash salts are the best stimulants for or, a man or a ivomaii, right Among them, allm to verily or,. .J.�I. cnm where Ill. faab * _'
and ills, solitude is a balm -what we call grown on me, to say nothing of the wisdom Night's tall is o'er bite Ili ridscaps laid; clover, cabliageand other leguminous plan DR. find while the woinen are a little bit scary � of death from the fly as actually occurrect ' -
solitude-f,or when alone the immaterial that hits been oozing out for your benefit Andby orgoothing touch caress'd at first I soon sionvinoe them thab there is The little pest Ayes introduced into AmerionA
asserts itself, the actual fades, the realis these last tan minutes. " Xt.turo retires to needed rest, Prof. Stover tells of some "clover sick "
prosimb with us. On thodow-ladenoclorous air lands near Edinburgh, Scotland, to which not the slightest danger, The last womp about five years ago from the, South I Off'
__ . In harmony beyond coinpare, potash Salts were applied, the result being customer I had were a silk droad, and 10110 Europe by imported stock, ana it iw f0unru
Overwrought Chil&ieri's Emotions. six O's I The manysounds of eve arise splendid crops of alover. The iminners on 6110 was at first afraid of tile cows she Soo,, on cattle in Canada along the border All 00,
And float in vespers toward the sic lea, these lands also noticed that the clover was found the 4 - from Windsor to Ilontreal. This is the
Physicians are protesting against bile un. Last winter we heard Dr. Theodore L. And as I wand my homeward Nvnv. y were gentle, rid let them Dies. wa,
natural emotional development of girls -by Onyler, of Brooklyn, Y.Y., deliver a lea. To seek now strength for a now day, no longer thrown out of the ground during toraroma her,sothabilled some trouble -�r however, Ili which it has --been
first y,. ' 11ansial although in certD4
*ertahi home influences. Let them alone ture to young mail, Ili which lie gathered ATY goal driliksin tile beauty given the winter months, as was apt to be tile to prevent them from chowing her dress, noticed in - ri qJ
I '-,uI8tmteSithasprevmiQto,-
]let lie lied to say under six heads, email To raise our thoughts from earth to hoaven, case before potash was used, "doubtless," u lt a Dow. Now, if My cows were the Now En i .
Tito Eternal Artlatof It all 0 foot for the,
-and their Sympathetic feeling will be Monte IV guys Prof. Stover, I'll 8whiledlendg' showed signs of being cross I could a greater or feh�� a..- ,in Ilia bulletin Will$.
,enotigh at tire worst ; bat give them stimu. begsionallit a six Dilings, AtDouds lily lowest whisporod call � ecause the plants now P -b fivo�.'
,a 'id � with the letter 0. Th
Ills, and thab excessive, 'bring tberh out on lab young men ought to possess Cal Is Ina His child and leads me on, foat a better developed system of roots be. nob sell them to the olue of people I goder- Years. Mr. Fletcher, . Well tVe fly-'
;all possible occasions, out.of season and un and cultivate are : Conviction, (,'core And so will loOd till life Is (lone. re the frost sets in." The land back of a sell to-poople NvIlO went family Suggest, certain remedies by W
. go, This sweet September afternoon, cows
-called for, and there Stands over these Cleanliness, Conscience', 00110811trati011, and Has boon to me a vory boon, ,Rye Beach, in New Hampshire, lilts long a make ets of them, So, if for 110 other may be got rid of, and it is ea�, 'n bial that ,
reason, N., 4%04t
Consecration. We have scarcely ever heard Flooding illy weary hoarbvvith liFbb, been manured with, sea -woods -plants that In& te y, r cows gentle, because ib , .,
tion of womanhood, physical and mental - , a brighter or more valuable talk, and we Nature, my conifortar I Good nig it, are specialty rich in potash -and on this Pays in del are. It also pays in other ways, delay as certainly the� are losers by tb'v' '
Is one of the greatesb dangers to the pat - I farmers should try those remedies w -
B wish Nye could reproduce It for our readers. loan Who has gentle cows is very apt existenge of the fly in Usnada, The clu e
- -_ er. I
An unclue sensibility of the contras of emo [83, Eleanor Allen. laud clover grows naturally and spon mile -
f ,ir t for tile _
tional feeling can be maintained only at tile ut this our space will not permit, and we ously, perpetuating itself and remaining to be a gentle man, for lie must learn to tity of milk Nvliiell a CONV would give ,when � .
b content ourselves with merely giving A Barefooted Boy on the Green. in the land year after year. govern his own tern or before )I a can touch I in good health is red need fully one-half by
elenee of soundhoalth of body And mind. mu3 all he worry and annoyance to which the 11 I I
he ill -tending influences are often soon the ]leads of Lite discourse mild with urging In the home of Illy Youth, where the brig -lit Among other lessons deducible from big cows to govern twirs.
in the household, The girl is housed closely 11 young people. Dr. Onylor di(I $Dallas or childhood, this, is the (]Lily of carefully Saving and ap. ________----*� puts her, while iLt the same time the anien y
"he'll Upon a Likiijubilant angols. a rapturous throng, . Oa
she has few outdoor sports and those tire well to ID -9 in with Conviction. Nobody is Care ill -Way and valley &net plyin to the land all the wood ashes pro. MURDER WILL OUT, will not bitter.
not interesting, and her dress is alimitation lik-1, I. .,I ,,Vt,;,-,-lr,,in0- "r -in - . duce oil the farm, Wood ashes tire the .
oomplish ninch, if anything, ill 'no�,""'Ic I T
to her freedom. Such restrictions fo )ter this world who is doubtful And fearing. by sunliglib and song, beat and cheapest potmosio fortilizer, mild so -_ �
liberty, andeonstant reterenco to tile fact What young people need Ili Starting out is With a bovy of boyhood's belovod ones Sur- many g9od uses can be found for them that A Strolikiroy Hall Cour".4es ills ci,inic Killed by Leeohes, ' . I
earnest conviction as to bruth and dut rounded A ]terrible Story comes to tile Lnined from �
that her sex dellies her this or that employ. Whose 1001;4 likenly own had a silvery sheen ibis it am and a shante to Nvasto them, or After Ten YeAtirs-1110 Hilled Ills Part- Vallombrosa, ,
mant or pleasure, tend to make a child Self- Than, of course, they will require Cour ga' I gazed on the $done whose horIzon once bound! next door to give them Away. So highly nor. " IHVton)s Paradise " as it .
a A HmMerville, Mich., despatch says I -
conscious And emotionally over -active. Then to live up to their convictions. To make my ad 0 are they app)ceoiated by tile farmers and Ile$ been called, a favourite summer resorlI :
a Ili the family discipline ofben appeals to their lives correspondwith their convictions Nvotraldildvedr the roll-cal's of service lied gardeners off the United S beItes that they are Upon examination Alfred in the A n
Houshaw, one of Ago Ina$ for the residents in F1 - �
t9it the most wealthy citizens here, broke down ence. in ng the ininates of the Hotelor �
e emobional natures of children, with till- they must be clean in conduct, life, mild Or I bad Thus's soroorles seen. regularly imported by them all theway from do
happy results in the way of mental core. heart. They cannot, do this without oulti. Canada. Tons upon tons are annually sent and confessed to a, brutal murder committed Is, Savoie there was bile Commendatore Gi-
voting Conscience, Of course, too, if they ,&.It tile lionle-calls and JOY -bells and music and across tile lines in the face mild teeth of du by by him atSbrathroy, 0.11m, tali years ago, ordani, Director-Generid of Mines in tits I .
mobion And harmful unrest. Children to- would be successful, either Ili business Or That brinimad o'er lifo*s Spring.thito with andfreight charges, E, Very number of the Renshaw was it lumberman in Strathroy, Ministry of Agriculture and Commerce, On : ,
quire an even atmosphere for the mind as d became involved fit firmuoial troubles, the evening of the l4th of July lie went out .,
wall its the body. professional life, Lbey must not wasba f1eir lovo luld delight Counl?7/ Gentleman and other leading jour. &It
efforts upon a half dozen objects, ball inusb Game th,fingaild Bill 9, In purified glory, rmla in'the United States contains advertise- His partner, Richard Drake, foundfaulb for a . walk, and,, being known to suffor frong,
irls, bliere ,lice zaphYr-lin red health Ilia friends were ,,cry
Upon children, andespecia,11Y � %arno songs in tile nil with ills conduct, and coonighbiumquar I IIIIP�l a w
are often made undue claims for Ee demon. learn the lesson ofConcenbr;4iou, Consco , lit; ments of -' Canada Ashes," to the condign I
ra" And the songs brought tile slegars, with br glib offire, .
stration of their affections, It is said by a tion to God Add his cause will crown tile blooming facos- disgrace and great loss Of those foolish Pao- Hanshaw stabbed him to cleatli Ili the ,is, anxIOU hall, after the lapso of some hours
va- UlifoLtorodlivfanor, untrainniollod IiX art- ple who are "killing the goose tbat lays the looked the body Ili tile safe, and flod, Tell I
whole at octure. Without Much consoc 111OW 111011101-yalinge'to their forms all their made by a number of domestics providedi
physioian, after full observation, thab the r he did ling return. A prolonged search Was
stimulation of the nmobions among children Lion ive live Ili Vale. I golden egg." days later the body )Yes disoovered, ball no . I
is conclusive, nob only to disease of bile It acers -_ -a bouttomban-
We earneably bag tile young people who longy'lia ovealod from their boavenly plea. ol tie could be foun d tothe murdorer. Large wltl� hinLeVIIS, anti they we, it I
es_ dell it its fruitless when one o
I till this papsn, to remember tbew at-., O's rewnrils were offered, bub nothing, come of . I them heard
Spine, but also to dental owries. He gays: "' -a thein into char. They canto at the call ofilly heart. Oleau Up.the Poultry House. bliern. Six months ago it soil of Drake offer. fooble morbn ocatinq froin it pit at tile foot .
, I Ili my lar and to strive to translat
Is practict) among children, I ter, If they will tie so, wo predict for Once these hills were the highest, these fund The poultry house should have At least all Live local detectives $1,000 if theysilould Of a steep itlolfile. A ascent was inade to the 11
a certain t lab scores are literally killed AD beautiful, happy %ndsucoessful car. 'SCILPOS (;Ila fairest. one thorough clearing each year, and if tit otiptLii,eliisfatlier'snitirtlerer, Therrien SO. split, and there the 1111forttiliato gentlemen .
by tliee.xoesai%,eaiiiounttifelljobioliaI excite. them
ears, IS found, still &live, with no injury to
meat which they are forced to eriduro, All ThosO woodlands the Nvolrdosb Ill grotto and droppings tire properly taken of, cleat . cepted, and after it long chaso through XeIv wits
-- glon, Yovk, Mexico 8an Frillicislo 011,0A, bone tit- litab, but - literally beast by a, my. �
this hugging, mild kissing, Mind talking to Theflowors Ili the forn-Avays tile richostand ad lip every day, or three times a weak, tile a I
them is to excite responses of tile same rarest, ..n..Icleaiiingivotilctl)seafay. Visitorato Uiclidgan they finally jouchedlyco'lli( riad, of locohas. " He was lit once removoill.
Ail English Traody. hero. 118 I aw to the hotel, and attended by Dr, Ceser.
emotional nature Ill the o0bild for the Hiltrancingthovision of men! our bail house almost alwa,ys remork upon Paggi, afterwards assisted by Professor del
pleasure Mild gratification f the parents Tito mystery of the heedless And arralessi Now tile 111119 seem so SmOland the landscapes its cleanliness. "Why, holy Oloan 3,011
body of a women found in it sack near Al. so stintod. a Greco, Bub the loss of blood inflicted an &a
and friends," Tito woodlanda by vandal deHlrea Arm doolod, koop it I" I I There's no small here, nail as THE LATEST RIFLE.
___ thorpe, Northamptonshire, Iles been cleared Alas for tile waichil, undrorimb and unlihitod I we find Ili most poultry houses." "Holy __ enfeebled constitution proved legal. and,
. A Breast of Mutton, lip. Tile woman, who was identified *fly a 0, film cliOnT happy iours where afroot on iltsb do you koop Ili go spick-spanns, clean It' are It IS rso4l With saitolcelesm Powder slid in SPite0fassidnOt's Dare mild altill, the Core.
. in Ilted froquontly heard, and it is a rovela,,,ion to ].].lives sueectisral. inandatore died within three da�js of MR.
� place of it chornise, was Annie Prichard, The strong hope and trust of a child I . Somagood practice has recentlybooninado rolling down into the pit, .
Comparatively few hollookospers seem who had been living,wiGh Rao Anderson at the visitors, calling for.h expressions of I
aware of tile value of billat clicapesit of all Northampton, Anderson Was found lobe Than the still out of dream -land carne smiling antpligo and wonderment, whan wo tall thern vith the new magazine rifle, about which
most -outs, tile mutton, broast. In our West. bile assiniml nania, of Andiow IlyloRae, at Inoinlirg; ach unsatisfactory reports wers The late Delta of Hesse made a groat
ern market they inmy bo lied at five cents manager of it warehouse Ili Birmingham, Tito moon helped tho fairies at night in (110 that lye clean tip And whitowash the house NVcmPOn 01 deal of fnes over his court bulls, And. Nvilon.
ilily ,anti was living it double All Lite floNvorS mild the grass-blRdes, tor loye's' liness mild remarkable freedom from Still, In cc I experimental] at the Hythe School e ter one come oft would send around a big �
amob (they are not sold b,y weight), &nil I who lilts It fat dollg but once a year ; all the roall of Ilia clean- circulated a few years ago. Tile gun was am.
doubt if the cost fix any city market watila life. In June ,11iss Prichard had it child. Sakc mlorning orrinibas to pick tip such guests as were too �
exceed tell cents. McRae wits arrostotl And Ilia office was With Pletairvp lit crystallIna balls; odors consists Ili the daily (or three times it Of Ill cotuy, and it was fired with smake- pool, W keep their own carriages. In Darm.
lye have just dined, Oil Then the b'rds sanF thojoy-songs the 11 81*op� week) cloaning lip tile dro�plugs, Mild Spread. ,Log P der, at 06 Oil I Of d1nnaly figures At
r family of six, Oil searched, and In tile fireplace were found Augohi" tmug It theill is a thin combing of land Plaster (or dry I' , I tit Do It 800 Art 8, Stailt it did not follow ( hat because a family �
A most delicious Steil, madd from it single tile belies of a child and the arms of a When niglib Hhadows sheltered each head blam) upon the platforms 'h I till er of lilts was IS per cant,, had Lite right of �reacntmtjnn at court and I
I Dealt) a wing; oder tile roocbg� which spoaka NN -011 for tile now at,,,,, when 0 f Invitations to to oeVeinonfals bhoy wero .
breast, and havo left for the morrow a bowl worna,11. Detectives discovered that tile Tito boo alprod the nootttir the humming bird It it house-wifo did not )LNIL411 the table and ]it a position to Afford to hire a back to carry ,
o broug A them � 0 kitchen disiliag bull once it nionth, what 1611 -
of pressed momb for lunch and broth for a girl's child was murdered in the house 0- I it is romarnbored that it is a well-ascortain theal to t
rico atew-nob to mention the Crust ofawaab u led by bile victim &till list, paramour, White Lite whito, woven, willow robo-Cassols Accumulation offilth and stanch theiewould 04 fact chat In warfare not more than I per lie pill * moo. .
-tell tile next " Johnny. cl� p , was decapitated, anti the head -hem It Inmy surpriso many observers of Ilia
fat which will shol i's girl were wrought h be, liy,wthslling(LllcldL'�'itigtlieintllox,olllzii. cant. of Lite bullets fired do any darnago ,.
cake 11 or � , ingetbroad-and all this for 11 a " 'It '11. arms, which were aawod off, and To woo, will and welcome tile Spring, ly after each meml, everything is kept clean whatever, III testing the now Afto Against late switchmen's strikein New York State � .
nicklo." The moat was stowed (slowly) Ili Lite baby were taken to, Birmingham and 0 the droam-daye of childhood mo over mild anti sweet, mild the task is comparatively tile old one fived with black gun Powder to learn tlimb there exists fit thab Stato
,ater enough to cover, until go tender cronimted. in MoRao's office, Boin,, unable ended.- ' a statutory body known as tile State
Just u Of tile tivil Tito visionS have vanhiliod, tile froodomH By, the value of the now explosive was Seel) to
that toe bones could be easily slipped, anti Ilk and iim�)`s In this caduab so with Poultry droppings and Lite great advantage I tile Smoke ernitted from Board of Arbitration, Its opecial took Ill I
that g labilloug condition so essential to nice I11011.111ill.'rot'looll fiend haveflod, bb wbbih at. houso-cloaning. Thociroppingan,re bile key Do' It rifle being only about as much as would to arbitrate hat%veon omployers And employ.
I glaced. them in a sack wl th Thoromanoo of woudrotis dolig
ploosed meat wm reached. Tile brothwas lime still dumpoc them Whore they woro tended to.tho situation. If they tire to,lion care of PrO000d frOln the and. of & cigar. Be$ in case.� of disagreement as to wagog� It . �
ti Oil Poured Off MIld thO m0at mIIOWOc1 to found some dm#s.Imtov. Life'Hyalin5a I ations, Is (load: -- was never in eight (luring tile lots unpleafl. I
In, A )roporly (and it is omy if right appliances autaoss. It appears that it call Only not
own in the kettle in its own fab. The I Yob, atilL mid day utlollr and droams of the I ,,a usod) the problem of cleanliness is solv. Val Party (to hod-oavvior)-l' And
. hight-timo, a In while both parties are ploagocl to subluit
grease woo then poured oft and a part of Unused mmohinory grows rusty, so does My hoart, Wor bile yamrsand tholrburder,abo, ad ab once ; Ili feet, that is the problem of tip that bidder I ILI' day 10119 ?" their diffarollem Iu tile strike recent I ly
ad-rollurned to the pot, a little flour bay. unused Infild, bwoon, olowillillossA. do "Ilk",, our, limit ov ti 0 toiluo 01 come
thobroblit-nowsebtled, skindne4mlidstrairt. - 11miyf1l"I, Po .116y,
WIlIbLvit, iiiidkoopttivii[tig,ttf,artotliobrigliL down", closed the railway authorities �oolarea G
boon dredged over Milt inomb to thfokon In R ,liglaild, notwithatandfill that, In One Ofyo tinio 011co a year lit Angust or September the . hall no difibronces with Oral: employees ,
I - the only trouble was that some (Ititslaors,
lith, when r scampered (O thAt w MS life's whole house is oleanod, The dust, eta., is A fmginorlb of the 11 holy cross," which
t�,,�. gravy, Ragalate file quantity of broth own dependency of Malta tile insignian re. ght-blin Swept, down from root, walls mild Partitions - Merle Stuart word during hor imprisonment
0 a Yo4 from tile British Govern A,& to Ivit, tile Ilion they hall just discharged,
of be usoillby t1windividuril tasto as 1, a', 'olitor has lied any Official . retooled boy on the 'green, noo-boxog food-ti,oughs, dustbo'\eg, etc.: and Oil hor way to the scaffold, lilts rdoontly word molostinq tholl, emplofcbs.rTho PS6PIO :
Stews, whether they be liked thick ot!9t,1111i"I's lcllelll�ltll' n., . opatt -ELlowallyn A,Vorrigoft, moved out, and three or four inchoa of bile boon progentoil to the troastity of the Catho, of the Statothi-41c chaBotm Of A bitratioli Is
NVo like ours (I uottoo tbWk or bQQ Olin " I 001151 P11100 tile death OtC0,16raft, "ThoEbrig," Toronto. surfmo of th a gravel shovelled into a NVII601- dv&l of mayolloo. it fatoo and should be dissolved,
I .
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