HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1892-9-30, Page 66 1 1W . , THE BRUSSELS POST. __ i_.)'1 -,v1'. :30, 1892, 1 1 I.- _ - ... - I I - _-_-1______-_ ­ .- _-_____­ ­ - i � — ___ __. without loss or delay� through the boart of TO PREVENT OHOLERA. gina as low its $10 patch. Ire mr,00 110 IlBXS OF INTEREST. . WHY 11 TAT " WORE THE V,0 . .... ......... y1sto?u,,,.,,ry land tire fierce heAt. Tire — LATE FOREIGN NEWS. onnocal"Illeat of tile f4oh liallong Ilia follow . i students, Perfectly allito osts, if they havo blue -_ clian". Ir 1". ailon is fl�mlliltvly trying; 1411000 .11cletill" Of 1110 1100vinclat Board _ it i,3 refloated front Kent that mould is eyes, Ire noArly till deal. I if ever you go to Nalloburgh, undoubted- but GO well had the t 3 beat) fliallogod ol-11"alill-A Quarantine or Nply V4)rR I I i , ly you -will climb n, long, steep street to the to . I 16prevaling alliolig tire hop plantations, and P, Squirrels have seriously injured tile Crops l'i that they marohod into landahar in good StAil—.1least, .P.4 io ii)o waicen rile the The oyformiglest main in the now British S Prevention Grillo srourge. Co -it old ; tile Considerable decrease in tile cruil I-% 091WIlt- in many parts of Oregon. I captlo ; tulkl there you may see a very Intel,- House , anuous is 22 yoro sitting thing which, is not inantiona;i ill tile Condition after it Single day"I I -est. oldest, 'I) 0, I Oil. Brolvors, holvevor, if L-0111111011 1-01 � XilgliBli troops held the "' v L The nulls on arapittolud fingers contlai. A small body of . A spealat meeting of the Provincial iioal'd Ili London a rat oloverly opeumil a black- is to lie tellst0d, PILY little attention to the guida-books, city, �%ncl tile Afghan ariny bly before it'. of Health was hold Lite other day fit Toroll- bird's c, .81, ,nably to least oil the ))felt I yloiseltudes q tile ornis of hopa, Tile at. no to grow. - gvowiti,g stiia,nger such day, It Nvas Plain to to consider Illeaellrea which should be see I birl ilow ,away Anti tile door telation is ino3bly divertwil to Chemical Col According to tile consus j,,:,t ,ompletod, As yea stand upon tile Klug's Butim' ,,,a po I looking down over the beautiful city, drop allat t is A a atu arruy inuat be disperser], Letter, for tile prevention of the Importation Lt. C I)* 11 1801(JOI1,001) � it r - unable to bluotions, no doubt more or lose Injurious, Itlin has It POlialatioll Of�- - � your eyes upon a little triangular bit of tile "Liglish firms were to mallitub, their and spread of Asiatic oholara, it) tile Pro%'- Closed. This time tire rab wto About Livoixty letters trey out of I freat, reek' just outside (lie wo'll you tire an Ili. which are now Good as -Lop substitutes.,, Re I power tit sksis, face, There wore present :—Dr. Cassidy IT ET , -apes ripened Henry George's Standard, just SUSPOnd- every million seat throng the post-offico, Gaining or). you will be surprised Lo fill( It was at the close of a long day's weary (0II&i,,ut,), Dr. Norman Allen, of"I ovallto - Nearly 1200 branches of Ica I a tiny garden upon this narrow Ooign of van. , I , on the great vine at Hampton ,ad, once had p. Circulation of between 1550,- Acompans., wb1oh insuresolotbing,jabrios, I . . ""' before Candabar. The cantion brad Dr lYlaodoriald, of Hamilton - Dr, Kitchen, J "a scope" � Victoria. 000 and 75,000 but it steadily slink in air- micifura ag brat motlis has been organized, i ' tage. t ,�j ... d,..- the night had fallen at last— of St. Gant a a slid Dr, Vaux, of Break. Court. They were seat to Queen I I It is full of bright flowers, yet it is no 1. III. .,I. Ight, welcome alike to victor ,ill,. A ratter It Dr This vine is tire largest in England, and is culation d raring the last thoe years of its A ward Ili tile Halineanarin Ifoapit I J tale al cocived fro] Ill a spe is for tile exclusive use of 10Y -ra eta' a was I pick sas all, It garden, for behind the LION%,(. ' in .... y Bryce, secretary of the Provincial Board Oj about 125 years old. existence save for a short Lima who � ran al On hich covers tire I eva at present absent, oil tile Recruiting got 1, women. row of modest gravestones, brown Lord v cillisher' W ,,as, tit, who is govints in England have no ird effort was made to obtuill. new SUIC a borrorgofabatale,fl.1d. Thowearysoldi � gray, With an lasor. ption upon each. re-entered the aity, now secure in hold ilg it CholeraCommisaion, The letter is dated., longer it monopoly of towards for obtaining sorlbors. Oddly enough, however, it osulica The thirty two teeth in tile mouth Of Thestonesarefar too small to record human ,all d, worn with tire toll of the day, Stick at New York, ratia begins b g soldiers, By air order just issued, nearer paying its way during tire last your John MoDarby of Salmon Falls, Mesa,, are a at once that they must tf calling atten- youral � . virbuest and you so down to rest. tion to Gbe inefficiency of Is Grosse Tale any person, Civilian or, soldier, who brings than starry time since its brief Season of all ,]cable teeth. . be put there in lionor of it race which cut'- a beyond tile Walls lay early prosperity, Its circulation like that Ili the United Sta,tes tboro are about 46, - not =k for itself. So (hey a t,ear,ct,b,e� m4rk Out on tire plaint quarantine. Dr. Bryce, however, goes on � a onitable recruit for enlistment will be re. tire ,b, many a stalwart form led it, the Maolcon, to say :-11 If ship% arriving within tile ilext munorated. of most propagandist organs, wits widely 000 oil wells, the daily output of which is ag�placo of good dogs 9, in thell, C Nveek do not pass cholera tip tire St. Law- Owing to tire oontinviodspreadofiglandere is tartan, their, the distinctive dress ocatterect, not only fit the United States, I 30,000 barrels, revision have, and each is the memorial of a z -,nd Highlanders, It is a beautiful ratios and I do not aea how they can with in London special measures have beemadopt- but !it E ngbind and Australia. Its annual Only native or naturalized citizens Live ' sit) f the T_ a blue and green plaid ( ' Itted to work oil tile streets of New . Jul life. G , Grosse I With file whit tile ft�tiou both at quarsutine station &lid at all to stamp cut the disease, which is the deficit was mot by it few Nvealthy mail who ' There are eight or ton of thesestones, shar.dKv. Goo,,ge'.tl,e,,,,y,,,,,dil,.,,b.(,,,ip Velaulmd, W .,, and each one has its story ; but read lines, which become conspicuous whG11 it is Quebec for delaying all suspects there, most serious outbreak for many you're. The tile to tile 1 tion list was kept alivo by the efforts of a a -ht- kiltell, there ought to be Spread of the diseese is attributed A (log imprisoned in a, school-houso near first inscription on tile Stone in the rig - When the boys are 1110VIng", Said an NO FURTHER DANOR11 public horse troughs, and an order )log been few hundred enthusiastic Single ttixers. Shamokin, Pet., became hungry, end do- � hand coverer. It runs as follows a old Highlander, "they seem to be passing this season, if the Dominion Govarnment issued to close them for a period of two A tunnel, the longest in the world, has voured ail 018 map. � IN MEMORY or heecliessthrouglitheliilitsiioiv-fall." Read- I been pr;GJ,eoted and bogni), practically, to the Supplement the action of the rea c ant Of months, by,which time it is hoped that the r ij A little store fit Philaclolphin has this I 11 PAT " less of danger, they had pressed on fates by a twenty days'quaran. epidemic w 11 be stamped out. unde I supersede the famous 8 froub; and thatis why So Illanylay Out under tile 'lite road over Ptlloiell' mountain constructed by ign beside the door : 11 Until, oil, wood, wisial FOLLwigal' TiiE 72ND. RInfrLANDERS the stars, tine of ininin rantshi son the 't. Lawrence. Abouta twenty years ago tire Miritirg Napoleon. 'Into I I Route of tile Simplon" is milk und other nations." FOR TEN YEARS IN PEACE AND WAR And where was Put ? The question was 'Ilia will rearicall stop instal ration this Park Eacate, of 461 acres, fit the Horucastle thirty-eight miles in Is gth ; the tunnel A yew tree sold to be three thousand � DIED going ,,round parriong those who laid seen season, land till the frost comes,t to 't. Law. district of Lincolnshire, was mortgaged for ,,.ill be a trille lose than toolve miles and it yours ol,.I, Is still flourishing in a cemetery I Meg I If this is not X14,000, and tile other clay it was purchas- STIL Wirton argon carried off the field after braving rattan route will be safe." hal The wagon road is 6,502 feet above it Darley Dale, England. I 888. death again and again to keep the colors done, the letter goes oil to say, a large num- ad by Mr. Robert Vyner, of Garatilly, for Serif - To this scanty record'I shall add flying. -An Afghan's knife had pierced his bar of Russian Jews and other immigrants 96000. In 1885 tile property was Sold Is) level, is twenty-five to thirty feet wide, To, escape froin it supposed 0110171Y, a Ono right arm, and a bullet had will come through Quebec, Lab the St. I-aw. the inortgmgees to the late owner for x3000. Crosses Oil bridges, land passes through frightened ostrich can travel at the rate of Several tunnels, It takes ciglib or little twonty-five miles an hour. chapter of a most stirring life. , torn Ilia right Fleet street, ill the heart of London, has hours to ovoss the in tain by the warlon ave I , I .Ila i, own hand cruel]), ; yet he had held tit a fill In rence, and this, together with the iminigLa. is- Neatly worked darns Land patches It To begin tit the beginnin vise!like tion from the United States by way Of been visited by a plague of tin), but 9,eirisi road ; the tunnel calloun tha� 11 Pat" like some otherteroes, hail no the Wounded blind with tile Bir6abs and Niagara Falls, will subject On- tent Rod variations mosquitoes. It is be traversed fit three- boon tlisoovored fit the cloths used in Swath- Be,tisfactory family tree, Judging from his strength ofedesperation, and out his way ev- quil,rtors of an hour. The power to run the R?r,lr it.in oil, which was to be seen as the through tit ranks of tile ellemy with his tario to considerable clangor. Dr. Bryce ad tha" they were of the Algerine variety tie, ,. fight the workings, Land ventilate the ingsome of tire Egyptian inumainles. . .a advises that a Staff of inspectors be planed and that they were imported with "osparto tunnel to be derived regal the river INI - The land fit Germany devoted to tile pro - 1. Military Rachibitionia Edinburgh left hand till the colors were safe. in 1889, 1 should say lie came of many Many bed aeon him fall at the head of at Niagara Falls, and also that measures be a 000 it duction of grains used in the Ine,unfaebure crass," of which paper is made in tile Lon- The corT is estimated at about $1,240, aroa families. There is a dispute about hi�padi- the line, faint from lois of blood and agony. taken to place. in the hands of tile public Zion mills. mile. . of beer, would support50,000,000 people, but tie one danien that lie had a great The Colonel himself, it is said, had gone It ,o proper regulations with respect to the treat. In one consignment recently a feather I Much merriment is caused by a now fad Y.011011of bulldog blood, and an equal part of his bedside, had expressed anxiety for his ment of tile disease. one- dealer in London received 6000 birds of p&r' When We Come to Ourselve3, in Crisfield, Md. When at gill is 1-00-11Y an- — 4 1 lug. Though not Wholly it 11 61ne-blood," life, and muttered something of '" in the ' adise, 350,000 birds of various kinds from gaged, list, intended takes her out riding in I both despatches. " McPherson, if lie lived, ge led in the octor's letI., followed, mad ng a baby carriage. S, was allied to the aristocracy on ad th resolution was carried :— the East Inclins, and 400,000 huromi 11 And when lie came to himself, he said a Sides. I t hope for the V. 0. 'h following real- birds. In three months anothor dealer bill, How inany hired servants of my father' The oysters of Puget Soulid are the barg- His early lifeis also wrapped in mystery- "for be sure, he bad given Ilia right hand " tit in view of tire action of tile ported 356,39S birds from tire East Indies. I have bread enouqli and to spurs, and I pars ("It known. Some of them are two feet in d never be used deal, of the United States. who hits issued , he was a tull-grown dog when lie followed to !'is country ; it wOul Sir William Fraser has resigned Ilia ap- ' is with hangar. ' diameter, and with the shell, weigh as much the boys in from parade one bright morning, again. But no one said much of theit just an orderestablishing aquarantine oftwenty pointment as Deputy -Keeper of tile Records ' Luko xv., 17. as sixty Pounds each, ked then. days of vessels Carrying immigrants, so its ,t Edinburgh, and lie retires oil a pension of , There is moris meaning in that one phrase, -at is Allen and no subsecittent inquiry ever miloo After this story had been told briefl,� and to prevent the introduction of cholera, in to E400 a year. He was one of tire most of. 11 When he Caine to himself," than many A big patron of the shoo mark the sealed book of his puppyhoon. ja the ports of the United States, thereby de- � Id fully ex- Millon Browning, of Huntingdon, W. Va. J1 That is (61most it pity, fair he must have without comment, as becomes a. Sol Jet to our ficient public officials in Scobland. Sir ' closely printed volumes 001, He has led six brides to the altar, and is been a whisolve, affiectionite, puppy, fall Of tale, the question was repeated coneeviring fleeting the Streets of immigration - William is to be succeeded by Tile. Matthew pound; for that one bi-ief phrase expresses the father of sixty-seven children. tricks and wiles. His bright face shows Pot- Re had been seen at intervals through sbores, and also seeing the unprepared coil I algatone, who has for Several years held Ilia sad condition of thousands it, every I dition of tivl rv� t islinian has secured a patent for this. I never amw a counteivince, human or the dity up to the time his master was an 1 per till t post in the Register House tit a ieration. Tire prodigal left his fablier's An Magi canine, more open oralert. firstwouncled. Their all trace or him was THE QUARANTINE STATION Edinburgh. Care a foolish dreamer. He (lid not know artificial Inalia-rubber. It is coiilposed of � The soldiers christened him 11 Pat" diroot. lost. at Grosse Isle and other Canadiin ports, A retriever dog, belonging to a Visitor at how profoundly wise it was &lid is to be Uralic, gain, benzine, resin oil, pact ])Ito. [and ,, He must havo boon trampled Ile death, the Provincial Board of Health of Ontario, 0 . ossessea the elasticity and durability I ly, froin a humorous twinkle in his eyes the pejor Wee beast, " they &aid. lion. the lbilinisior of Agricul- "a of tile Edinburgh hotels, went mad oil gliorallt of many thing . And in the wild man, V a big comical little month ' of the it tural. rabber. a certain twist of lilroll= ILI. delights of unbridled folly lie cast himself. A freak of nature, a largo tree, which which they thought like the colonel's body. The night passed. The morning came, t.r., to urge nioat strongly Oil tile the 15th, and bit its master and tin abtet and when the surgeon went upon his esrly Government of tire Dominion of Odnada the ant at the Dick Veterinary College, to Was that roysterer o I tile midnight revels possesses the charaoteristiosof a plate and ail .servant, who bore his name, This man was -egula. which it had been taken for treatment, the same being that a little while ago Was Oak, may be seen near AShburithaun, Alass. I , I ' red, and consequently EL round, he found by the side of the brave advissbility of issuing inilliediate I Both persons bitten have been sent for working fit Ilia fabliert field? Had the -a fall oil one �� greac favorite with the rank vintl file, color-sergean t's bed, a small brindle of mad- Lions enforcing a quarantine of twenty days � always good"Cato dy-white substance, emitting low moans. against all vesse!s carrying immigrants to treatment to tire Pasteur Institute, Paris. guileless lad so soon changed into tlie pro. Ili the fall of tire yertr pino but Give d a ame and there is no I fame bacchatua? This was only one case of side, and acorns oil the other. telling r'. LON.'t'reoigh't, he'rZy attain. He stooped to examine it, when Jam called Canadian ports." It was further decided The chateau of Urville, Where Emperor many millions. Malay a lad, clean of hand Ali old wedding tvas recently witnessed , voice � 'overnmeut the Williainis to spend the middle of September at Bolivar, Mo. The principals wave Col. I I I L out eagerly fit a shaken I to urge upon the Out%rio G and ,,car Pitt the older married a widow who tend- I his is t and tongue, has gone ferth from ed bar High Street,and left the service soon 11 It is Pat, Sir ; he is badly hurt, I think. advisa,hility of placing sanitftrY inspector-% was bought threeyears ago, but this will be that's hotise to face the Shia an i temp. Torvalli, the Texas giant, who stands 7 feet �1 after his namesake joined the Wild. TbW Beirgood enough to look tit him first. I at NiagariZ Falls and other ports, and the his first visit. It is near Metz, amd was so- tations of tire preal; city, and fit a, very 8 inches in his moccasins, and Miss Hend. airounismirce heigilitened the value of Pat we Id not lose him for my other hand. But following resolution was passed -11 That c Laired. with a vie Ar to political elleut in little time folly land dissipation have clone otte, Mority, the famous midget, whose the younger. He )seems thus more highly for him I'd be Gut yonder on the ground, we recommend the Government of On- Lrraine. Itis rather large, unimpressive Ili their work, wid the eye bas lost its bright- height is only 22 inches. 11 Don't let him suffer, sir—'twas lie saved Ilia 1 tario to pass an ordcr�in-Couuotl authoriz. ftrehitecture, and not luxurious. It ciost hand (is for seventeen years al front his francied resemblance to the I I ress and the trembles, the fair brow Prolonged sloop la Cisecom rade. flag. I'll tell you just tne way of it when ing the appointment of sanitary inspectors $4g,00la. has been plowed deep with awful furrows. over -powered the facilities of Mr, Haines, � Pat had at first no one master. He was you've time to stop 96 bit." whose office it shall be to board all trains Who is this lad? His another would of Quincy, Minn. His ,only periods hi yarters Meanwhile the skilful doctor bad found I and steamboats, ebo., passing from the State The Dublin United Trades Council and of wakefulness during all hot time were a general favorite, and took p t a Labor League held a meeting and Tamssed & not know him, or if site did the knowledge now with one friend, now wilt1h .In"o er, t the broken bones, Card, sternly bidding, of Nev., York into the Provii,ce of Ontario, resolution unanimously requesting Air. i would break her heart, Who is he? Sure� two weeks last July, two months in 1889, bis own caprice. In this way lie studied McPherson not to speak again, set an in order that they may.take such stems as lynothimselfl Not the bright, true -heart- and some few hours each day for eighteen I splintered poor Pat's broken paw in short may prevent the imp rtation of ch;[Gra Gladstone to appoint Lord Aberdeen Vice. a .82. men pact life from various point- of view. roy of Ireland. Various speakers affirmed it follow he was. He has lost himself. months in 1881 rt of order, while the faithful animal bore it as into this province." Facts in life often Indlie our shrewdest A gooril blacksmith of Quebec, named I . ; The soldiers in garrison devoted Spa that the reign of Lord and Lady Aberdeen irs. � their idle time to1eviching Pat to fetch and heroically as only a do6 can, licking the The board then took into consideration hilosophy. He is himself, yet not himself. r, red Allard, lias discovered the long In f at Dablin Castle (luring the last Liberal I late and to go through simple ,, blistering hands gratefully and fervently tile best means of preventing the spread o' Government was conducive to the prosper- M wakes often to wonder ivlio slid whab lost art of hardening Copper. A ballet fired 1 :ir,ry,.,,,;G1,-i1I. t the close. the disease. The importance *of checking analwhere lie is? And fit these moments at a thin about of hardened copper at a. dis- � In the a, part of 1878 there Was There was also a wound intlieside,—anl the ilarrhoaa, which is nearly always it fare. Jay of Ireland and met with the approval of of end despair, he droNvns all that is left of francs of forty ymrds, was scattered ill. a I I arty , this also, the runner of clotera, was emphasized by Dr. the people. thousand fragments, and auo'�Iler was Com. i ,I � trouble ,.t,ivea. England and Afghanistan U91Y Out, OlOtt0d and stiff, himself in a deeper and daeker draught, and the British forces in that port of the humaine surgeon hastily dressed, Cassidy. "Boil your ice, boil everything Three sailors named Madigau, Hickey, Happy for litan, if any circumstances should pletely flattened. � , � vovIdiveraincreased. Among the regiments Pat recovered fast. He was soon limping it eat," Said Dr. Allen, "it is tile beat slid ScanIsn were Turrat to death at Linter. ever lead to tile recovery at his lost identi. A righting occupan b of the sea was hooked " � sent to India was the 72nd Highlanders. tab6tab,stid Was fully wall, and probably he 81' - cholera must come directly or iok early oil the morning of the 166h, The ty. The wandering prodigal found in the by a Pordstid fisherman. It proved to be When you think of the difficultiea and forgotten his part fit the great do),, before ' inforeoRtlild 'throu It olution of the water mail wers employed on st river boat trading swine hc went into the fields to fend, much aswordflah, Tholish, feeling thelinesback- � dangoi,eattendiiigc6jotirnevtoAfglianistan, hishistoryu,na told tohis fellow heroes. Supply." fter a lengthy discussion UPOD on the Shannoll, and whilst they 'Vero better companionship than the scenes of oil, made a dart for the bottom of the boat, yo will wonder tl-at Pv,t .did Dot hesitate And this was the story t this subject the following resolution was asleep some barrels of parrafin oil became guy JoStivii,V hard furnished, The blessed in which tile fisherman was Soared, drove ILI aricul depart. The mattor was fully explain- 11113'em, hearing the colors in his left hand, carriecl:­' In consideration of the daliger Ignited, through, it is Supposed, tire Cabin lary of ares6oiation, to which we owe so award through it, ,,Lnd severely wounded the I ed to him by the color -sergeant, Jam INIC. d with Ilia bayonet well advanced in Ills to be apprehended from Asiatic cholera ille fireplace. The vessel Was burnt totliewat- inuoh, Carried him back to )its father's fields, man's foot, Pherson, the night before the troops march. rigb L, was struck by a ball which tore off Committee oil Epidemics be instructed to or's edge. Irwoke fit him the old dead slumbering self; '1_ -?!T.__ pri oat, bat the dog only winked in a know- two of his fingers, and compelled him to revise our former direction in arise of Asia- The other night; a brutal outrage was per. and lie 11 Came to himself." Poor wanderer I A Royal Grace. � ling witay, and wagged his brief tail wibh drop Ilia weapon. (,)nick as thought lie tie cholera, and to prepare a I,&mpIlIet am. patented at Coolaching, whon a cow, the Waking thus, lie %vita half way home i And I � arraphasis,asiftosay: "Imccepttliesitua. forced the staff of colors upon the wounded bodying instructions for its trestment mail property of a IMrs. O'Sullivan, was hough. when he come to himself he wits mosb wori- Christ crowns the humble. No grace is It on and mean to do any part." He kept Slump, and seized the sword of a fallen - its prevention, and to have ad, and had its bill lighters. drotialy amazed ; and lie begun to think, I ,v. - . - regulations for I out off by moon more roya, than humiliL When his dis tile promise to the letter. crumay in It h left hand. . the same printed and distributed freely to The reason assigued for tile commission Or The farin lads on hisfather's farm had brand ciples were contending about pre-sininenoo, Pat grew in favor constantly during this He was not quick enough, however. An Ithe people of Ontario." the outrage is that Mrs. O'Sulli,van the enough auritospars,ruld here lteivaerm Jesus coiled a little child, placed him I gge , I latlo immense Afghan, seeing his defenceless Dr. Allen then introduced the subject of owner of tire animal, had purchased bay homeless, hungry I The story of tire proalgall among riiem and Sold : 11 Verily I condition, had leaped upon him and lifted I the abolition of ivy pits, 12,000 of which, from a neighboring boycotted farm. u I 1"! Aidbanwar. Hewt6spresenbatdiplon b meetings, assisted in planning the details is being TOp0&tP.E1 Ill a, thousand places every Ito you, except ye be converted and I � of the Campaign when the days of diplomacy his terrible knife for the fatal blow, when he said, existexinToronto. The sewage In Bellavista, near Portiel, asinall colony hour. The awful price men pay for iolly come as little children, ya sball not enter were over, shared the disaomforts of the Pait's teeth closed decisively upon tile calf question was of the greatest,IMPO"L"ce, a .8 into the kingdom of Heaven ? Whosoever , includes move than twenty rople who or is wholly astounding I Heart's bartar of hi underground huts, and prepared to mar It of the Asiatic's log. and shotild be treated at once 3, tire near,], more that, go years 01 L elf as this little a Tire sudden, sharp pain so unnerved the He advised the building of air intercepting aged 106, Nvbo still al, healed by a farmer birthright for anierd is ropemtedevery hour, therefore shrill humble hinis . upon Candallar when a hostile advance rks fit the fields. Ono of the most distinguished mail fit ]Mug. child the sairao is the greatest in the king. � nPy that city had become inevitable, man thEd he inissed his ithri, and the owing- truck sewer, and gold lie thought tile intro. They are all Relives awnd have lived with larval to -day, earning &n income that would dem of Heaven." He is gromtesb who � I ealatinto a bide in the affairs of Put had ing blado fell only upon Jam's uplifted Sent duction of & trunk sower would do a "a"t hardly tiny momt in their diet and drinking keep 200 families in luxury all tile time, is esteems himself least. The humble man no I borne him on to fortune, for he had become w t upon his head. Join rose slowly ana i deal to obviate the danger arisf,ng rons. only Pain water from % cistern. I still knee-deep in ilobb 9.11 the Lima simply is 0110 who compares himself with a I K, while the istiraged Affhan holera. The board paliand 110 fol. A manufacturing concern Ili Brooklyn Ila$ I because of Ilia mad passion for gambling. lofty ideal. He judges himself by divine I attached to the fates and fortunes of a good it" "'iffoult I 0 standards, not by human opirlions, He no- ; master. He was no longer an adventurer, tuvned upon is smaller enemy, who rural., 1 lowing resolution upon this subject;- substituted it large fail for ismokestack, By Btit for thistle might be occupying and i a Conine Bohemian, but the rightful prop. upon his fleBh with the double devotion of a, "The Provincial Board of Health (to- the draught created the smoke, dust and would be occupying one of the most honored Cordiality has it true sense of his weakness, of 4 'a a.( X life dependence, of the poverty of his attain. , arty of the color. argeant, Ilia l'ood friend, pug to his master and a bulldog to Ilia prey, sire% to emphasize (in opinion all lye - gases I earn several f urriaces are dro,wu in to &o,s.itions tire civilized world bas to offer. who had once tried to dissua a him f coin and bent to deal the dog R Mortal blow., pressed, that all privy pits should be abolish. it brick apartment that has it low chimney. final installment of the wages of sin is ments, of the insignificance of any advals- entering the field of glory. With speechless agony, Pat gave one ed in every municipality in tire province, &a Sinall pipes, conveying Water open into the death ;but long, long before Llie final Pay- Legs over his fellows tha,t he may seem to nasle If then began it regards these its a most potent factor fit apartment, and as the Walter escapes It is ment is vautdo the costliest price is levied. have, pornporeness, pretentiousness said tit thought of tlae gfi,clad or Asiatic Chat,,,, end olho, ar, ,,rayed over the allartment by airports or Tile prior, David paid for Bathsheba is thus ,),tp,,I,Lti.n or,, act cousi,lant ,,,Ili lofty was taken ill with a low favor, mail Put was I a 'If'.' ,or, " 'tit i atmos - McPherson 'In a" gl .... Ce t "' 0 , it happened in bills way. th, - I left on guard fit his tent to warn thieving 1. a "G�ilr g�`-gg V .riv. li'life.1'atmearit I fections diseases.11 Steam jets. The dust is laid thereby, &lid expressed: " Then boat ttit-nod my mois- ideals, cannot flourish in a spiriticul. . J Gearing Ins ,I., . 1 natives off the preanises. He performed this to ..Il,i dat-rly. I The board their adjourrierl. whstever gases May be proaant escape by When pbere. the key to knowledge, is 'll t is , far., III, S a', . 'd his lithe body, and i ture into the drought of suninier. " ,In, Ily, and the lonely, homesick way of the chimney. the Prodigal came to himself lie was 061altz- Humility holdgess, makes the life a loving Dez"Od'.111[un his days of activates no the knife inflicted but It. flesh wound. The Mr. W. T. Licaskill, St. Andrews, writes ad: "I, 1, perish with hunger I" Amaze. essential to progn Lamb nurse for comfort. 0, A FEW NEW THINGS- to the Edinburgh Scotsman as follows ;- inent gave place to wisdom; " I will arise turned to his d Co unequal conflict, could have bed but one ministry auto others, glorifies obscurity �t With dogs t6ud men of noble type, the issue had not a flying ballot lodged fit the - - - It may interest some of our readers to know . and go," it was not the roveler of the with dignity slid beauty, and is not puffed . . . heart of the Afghan, who fell, dragging Pat A recent invention is a waterproof white- ,askon, up by tile fickle breath of human fame. He � ro,aess, a inuch the same I they rise into rushing Ilia ptiw 6i the that fit 1884 we discovered here a very banquet hall ; lie wits ruined, for � a ,tb I down with him and a wash, trifying mountain must � olugh the needs of the people about similar passage to thrift found at Selkirk, It derail I The farmer's son was horn again in tha,b climbs tile pt, � tin 0 in. 11 Those who trust us educate us " fall. � A patent has been issued for a look which hurt a psved floor, well-built, walls, and the swine fields, He werib back home to gird himself with tile smooth rush plucked : ;it all tile essentials of life. All this pruised in a moment, Jam, with coil be opened only by a zed key- flagged roof. In the portion explored we . love Land life and a welcome that tire eiaer from the margin of the infinito ocean. All H11 I -ugnobi a . . I �i When Mr. McPherson could once move a, sick he&rt, turned frim his preserver and A Berlin inventor hato invents a in. came across two large chambers, Owing to brother's frown could not englooln. glory is begun fit self-ascrifloo &lid allpower ! walk out in the sun, the dog's joy was un. hurried on, I strument which measures the 1,000th part the proprietor of the Priory objeoth to lot in humility. : bounded. He leaped and ran round the sick Whynot? Howould have turnecland of a second, the passage be followed along unler Ilia - I left his brother at tire Stern call of duty. French florists are Cultivating a plant The Head Surgeon . arnara like a dog disbmilght, giving the short, garden in the direction of tire Cathedral, I � �uiok yelp of ecstasy which denotes S, full Who"t Scotolinian would not? He felt his which bears a, Rower that is white in the operations had to be stopped, and limve not 6f the Lubon Medical Company to now 1116 Grand Old Yew Trees. I I OlLrb quite as musiotilly as do human Sobs strength obbing fast, the Moment Of Ilia orning, red Sit; iscon and blue at right. since been resumed. Other passages, aroheal 'Toronto, Canada, and may be consulted Tile I Largest part finest yew in Scotland is and gasps. Own fall woe drawing nea,r, and tile flag A Frenchmen hue invented all envelope or hewn out of the solid rock, exist ill this 'either in person or by letter oil all cbroudd sit Bralgends, Ronfrowshire. Ib is of a I Part of this joy may have been upon big must not lie upon the ground. The poor which exposes a, puet 'of the letter to the Old city. I 'disoasespeculisr to mail Man, young, old, Content shape, and being a CoinpueativelY own account, you Say ? Be that as it may, follow sta. gored on Nvith the desperate stanip which makes the postiruIrk. Thus Two beautiful specimens of the Boon . or middle-aged, who fiR4 themselves norv. young tree, Join a most vigorouscoudition. � it touched the rough soldier's heart to the Offbet of a gying mail, &lid reached his Col. the inclostire will beltr official proof of the 01olis, or Sun Dow (Drosera Anglica), Which one, weak and exhausted, who are broken It covers an area of about two hundred and 1 foro darkness fell upon his date on which It was posted. is very rare fit the district, -were found down from excess or overwork, resulting in lifty feet in circumference, and rises to a I apaticir, &lid drawing Ilia coat sleeve acrons crisi's side be 1 7 Ili a now kind of Shears which has boon ; big eyesj 11 to keep out thesun," McPherson a I growing oil the Garre )till, one of the spurs I .any of the following symptoms I Mentell 110ight Of fail' tY feet- TIIO bole's eight feet � YH& thought Pat dcad� Land had,biano to to, ragenlous I. get ard pecimen, and � aregistered a Silent vow to take Pat under , bt 'If I brought oil the market by ran I of the Up.milgie range of hills. The plant depression, promaturri old age, loss of VILL& in lainieter, Thisism 6 0 � � his protection. gret his poor friend during tile n g meolianicirtin. tire cutting bledes are connect. lives on insects. The loo,ves are it beautiful ity, lops of memory, bad dreams, dimness of worthy of a visit by any one %who D,P- I With tie more ado wels Pmb adopted, end suffering which succeeded the battle. But ad by a capsiule, in Which 9, simple levee green, with red hairs and a white Rower, 'eight, r?'litittil,ion of the heart, maissions# reciates b lie sublime beauty of treca, &lid I 11 Tied a collar with his name upon it before at dt4wn Pat, had crawled into his bedside ; movement, on the closing of the instru- and tile phult is always moist even fit the lack o energy, pain fit the kindays, head- finds in the iv presence that " 800billig, com. . the campa broke up. It W063 a broad instill Lind, unable to rosoh the hands lie longed to ment clauses the one blarle to be drawn hottest of weather. A beautiful specimen Calls, pimples on this face or bodyi itching NvIsich Oliver Wendell Chance , ' by the other. The lower cheek then tire, pa"liolullol." " band with a ring in it for the attachment Of cuiress, had lain down upon Jain's gee- under of tile Alpine plant Grates of Parnassus was !or peculiar sensittion about the scrot go a . tly praises. a chair,. Who could ha,ve dreamed what aftents, and givon vent to big affectionate acts as a support, and the upper cheek as also found on tile top of the range. The *pilviting of the orgmiis, dizziness, speaks 1,ellove is also a group of yews, forming a � other thing this ring would hold 7 heart in moans and Lemrs. a knife which severe the object oil thesup- Rower is of m beitubirul white waxy appear- before the eyes, twitching of tile aluscle9i noble avarl no, ne&t tire church at Roseneath, � And now events were hurrying on, %lad How the dog had wrenched himself free, port, I once, till d is seldom found on tile hills of the o on tile Ga reloall. 13 a a ,ge lids and elsewhere,bashfulness, deposits It t ads at far distant the Highlanders wore hurried oil by ithern and made Ilia painful way upon three legs, . ' West of Scotland, the unine, loss of willpower, tenderness of I the Zrand slIv?r firs which are the � to Canailbar. What it all meanb to Pat, said bow lie , had found his moster, no one ned in Time. An En&lish patper of Augusb20 says t Our i tim soalpana spino,weak voriciffitliby museles, ilaorgmeat of Their kind in the kingdom. . . and flow far he approved the matreh to, that could tell. Jern wound up tire title of his War coal supp y is not likely to give out T'lite I desire to steep, taillike to be related by sloop, � I . aw ; but it Is a matter of devotion by reiteration of tire stattement "Did yourmother write this exonse V 00 Soon as'some philosophers predict. t is 0 tipatiou, dullnessafhearing,losp? voice I city, noone kn( . ,,J Pat who had saved the flag ; ' n' excitability of temper, 1. higtory that be was present at thmit battle of that, 16 Wits asks the pretty teachern estimated that ,hap discovery at tile Ashton desire for solitude, . Long-lived People. I , Candithar, and that as a result of big be. and SMill tile ]leave follow, 11 It is himself 9. Yos'm," answers the bad boy. MOSS Colliery, Asliton-tinclur-Lyne, last ounkoncyo ur,oundedwith LEADEN 0113101111, Tito, Norwegiflub &VO averred to battle I � havior there he wore the "V. C." shall Share the V. C. Yon Live 8,11 tOdking of I I Humph I It looks very much like one week of the sorrm known its tile Great Lino I .fly .Okb'F akin, eta., are &'it symptoms of lorigest-livisd people under (110 sua� Tile about, if I ever got back to England to 7our Scrawls," nervous 'In i avera,go duration of life Ill Norway is 48,33 The Victoria Cross is the reward gi by ., will add to tire known a,vailslile store not lity that, lead to insimity and I ,� the Qqoon herself for Tr,olrt valor in 1v)&0t1lLI& facial it, Far four land twenty hours lie Marinate, wrote it j butploase mai'manalshe less ithan fifty million tolls, That Nvill do des,th unless cured. The Spring or �vltvd or the mail, 51,80 for tile women, and 49.77 When t6 soldier IL&S He ad h is life to gave a Strait waste it through Edinburgh stnots, in hall sister Jennie tit one arm crying with a, protty wall for tile rest of the generation, I force having lost its ton4ion a very function I I conirsdo, *I? clone any other heroic deed, lie the ring of his collar there." bumped head, and brotliev Willie in the and byo-and-bye rcobably now stooka.will wunes in consequence. Thoso W110 through ,or both sexes. 1, if the mortality in Nor- , receives, at tile Q upon's own hand, the little And in fact so Ila did, There axe plenty other, with a, out firgOvt &act & lot Of pOwbIg be ))relight to part I. I abuse committed in ignoratic I a may be pet- way,,,sgySnXovwegbin authority,"isl7por cont, inoro fa,votablo, than fit Central &Ila bronze Gross, worth a sixpence possibly, of witnesses who saw this strilligo eight. on her trip, and she was roohing the orftdle The news thlb an E'aglish NrliIA1,11441 fOunrl I InvillentlY cured. Sea(' yout "daress for Westaris Europe, it is greatly due to the which is the highest reward and most to be KAvn V. Tactimsox. with list, knops, said she haid to write with in the course of years several hundred val- I took on 9.11 diseases poculio'r to man. comiltbimtivoly sligilt, inarta,lity amongst our � (logived from this very faott thab it has no __ bee toes," I EoOks sent free Settled, Hoardioeaso, the Vulgate morty Value, In tile evening, Whon a young man called "thentia pictures bertring big signa"Aire is youngest obildrell," The Girl He Woo Looking For. Dot & revelation to those who know the aLymptarns of whioli ave faintopollo, vriale . � � ___"_.1b&._-4pi­­ jt� its tail honor open &like to officer and to see tile pretty teacher, 6bo amid, 11 I am Latin Qtartor of Paris. Bvou fairly cap&- lips, rvrvrnbress,� Palpitation, strip Sets , fv&to around hot, waist; very sorry, He, Pooroliap,brit.1 have Chang- � blood to the basal, aull it would Ila worth While to lathOr if it Pro' a ;, and wrion & man has wonit, hohas H ble artists, and one it, particular now of h0b flusb0s, trigh 01 'Ire letters V� 0. plialoo(I after Ilia Items, (I oat my infild, I shall nevor marry�` f rl�ab sucooss; in Pmris, have ))coil known to failin In the heart with beats Strong, rapf dtioed Ila reward bull tire joy itbriags tile Lie- s "load Ilia ""m � a , ar bei,lb I There flag boon but ona (109 in tile BVItWIL __ Imitate tile works of arinstors %lid Solt Client and l"09111"i'l the soond he, oil to east. � � I � 19mapi,c, wha might have claimed this clis P'�k'y away .116 tif", I ! Cal q (I first, pain about tile Inte"'t � III 'in 0 - I aIr it ..Fp.rt noyn, I - Is .1 -a ) � � 0 Call b , 1116keli'0111,11 th pilloss is not dontingoat upon Sur- , " ban "Llia-al 111-11—olf I It 7 it', the g Be fulling in October 11unian will be to curia bread, 'Phil most consIll llotal re bone, eta., anti positively boaartal, ITO care, n I Unction, I. C I', raso l.king for.. a a III I �,o a lil;2111gs, it is solely it Condition of the The wolitletful Inarall from Co'but to Can- ilaugfiti in two oftho, Panels cralloges, &lid por- ease IM that of la, loan who 8110 0 f 1 y n jgay, Send for book. Address M. V. , ilabitir was Over. More than three hundred Yon may be if you will always haVo & haps be put on the Same footing me German itated the SUP01-60I&I chat'LlOtOriall" Of DO [ heart. � , I ithy false Corot$ Pit prioos [ oNj % Matodonell Ave, Toronto, Ozt . ; mitts bad boon accomplished fit Mean da,ya, good oonacionno, arril. English, Corot, and sold in . . I I . I . I � . I � . . � � . I I I . 11 I . . . � . I . . . I I I . . . . I . . . . .. . . 1. � I I . . I . . . I I . 1-11-- . .1 I I I .... -.1. � 1111.111- -.1----..-_- ­ - I—— 1..1-,, ­­ , , ­ - 1.1-1-- , , " "­__.,.____ - � _1__.._....11 _ _.. __ ...