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The Brussels Post, 1892-9-30, Page 4
4 IVevv Advertisements, TIIE BRUSSELS POST The accident to 6110 eisptrip road ma. N ERV E VERVE BEANS are a ollipef at Windsor Sunda is more now discover bhab ourn tite iSl.l'T. 30, 1802 i parted on by soma CR the ahloet judges of The �. Loaals d> C. Ayer. y the prpduoe markets. exhibits will come in every oonoeivablq form and will serious than at first supposed, Tile )i hWin burat out one of the generators k k g+ wnrot easoo of Nervous Do- B 1=A N S Uittty Losb Vigor and 1 alt• lug nTnnhooa rentor a the Locals—Jae. Walker. represent every local peculiarity Of the and tot's things tip in general ripe em- waaknesa of body of miuil Looals—W, B, Dickson, Locals---IV. Nightingale. Hogg. industry, Thus valuable comparisons be inetitated and ideas dieeominatad ployocs all left bbe buildingm a hurry, J. W. Ortne, of the Lonon and Lucia stage hno, to pub ion elaotric ®" or the errors of excesses of Youth, Thlstlatnedy absolutotYY oures thewill e •A mese,babluate casae when lollvo. "�°furniture--•Favid MILLINERY9 Locals. -G, A. Deadman. oR far-reaching effoob, This kind Cf Ddu• proposes vehicle oto the road in 6110 Spring, IC Alexisbavofaliadesw old b roliovo. soul by�/rw®LES dru gists at 61 par' paekago, at• Rix for 8a, or l by mail on xooalpt of price by address. Fall Goods -A. R. Smith. VOteW List Court ---I`, S. Scott. Cordwood wanted—T. T. Coleman. Callon should be the aim of all our fair a managers; Free Press. be propelled on the storage system, He exl)eptg tp paVBr 6110 diet0.no0 betiveeI, the two places -seventeen miles -£u lose son ing Tux JADraa MINYTOINA Oo„ Teroate, out, Wribefor tamphlob, Sold in Brussels by G. A. llI7 UttAft, �.t E 8 0 •q, 0 Honey V1110gaC^G. A. Deadman, Notice to Creditors --R. H. Collins, Evisnr enter ricin and pro receive p g g two hours, Barry Friday morning Clarence Not. _ __ _ _ y AL 1 Boots and Shoes -Irwin & Moltain. farmer in Bast Huron should support tingltam, of Ridgetown, was awakened Millinery Opening -Mrs. E. Rogers, the Riding Fair next weep at Brussels, by some one trying to take hie pante r - Help it by becoming a wembor and an from tinder his pillow. Mr. Nubtingham sprang oub of batt and grappled with the �' LJ \tlY 'I �Y ctS� ` CL'Xj-C N 1.11551 l5 195 `, ELI exhibitor, The results of practical am. parimente in stook, grain, roots, S;o., as Intruder, who broke away and ran from the house, followed by Mr. Nobtingham BAKINCGo and see Mrs. E. Rogers' Brilliant C�1S1)1ay 0f exhibited at these Faire is to the Certain who again o&ugllb him as he was gstbiug Mi11iI1G'1'y ivlliCll will be ShOWll 011 r FRIDAY, SEPT. 30, 1892. advantage of every wide &vvakq tiller of over the fence and choked Lim pito sub• mlegion, The fellow threatened to shoot the soil. By casting ill your l06 with the Society you bosoms interested in its but his captor was game, and though clothed only in his night eitirt marched , p¢1 !q qq r� q �9 rf {,yy q da h°6t„b ssao , rSaay Wna S� t t14rh�e^aay PAoatnisio i. i objects and talk it up thereby .likely in. hum dawn town and to bbe hoose of Chief THE COOKS BEST FRIEND e✓ ' Ftt>.tb tl'Rd0 whit 6110 World. your neighbors t0 do I11C0Cglge. Tompkins, who was aroused and the butglaxaria was soon behind the bars. At LARGEST SALE IM C'.ANt1b4. - .lot r - � �q 7 -, a Tho interO11aug0 of o inions re arding The in a p g his trial before 1 M. McKinley he gave gave '--"-— _ y . ' L. G. I)XV&nDINs, M, P. for L'Isleb, bas the exhibits is not unprofitable for the his name As D. McLennan and his home resigned his seat in the House of Com, man whose mobto is "Forward," Past Ireland, He was committed to Ohabham aL fn da This being the Only Millinery display in Brussels mons to acts t the clerkship of the ne• p p Q Huron Agricultural Society ehanid have isfl to stand his trial at the coming asThe where all the latest novelties can be seen we invite j bet legislative assembly, He is the At least 000 members and one of the best agricultural editor of the St. CO XTBU I? T1s. every lady to pay us a visit on our opening days to look j - second Conservative member of parlia- means to accomplish this Is for every Thomas Times attended the Western at the lovely goods which Will then be shown. We get went to withdraw from federal politics member to secure anotber between now Fair and gives his impressions of the Ex- hibition in a thoughtful column and a PG1�ri"F�S bd dJ .6U ■ no Pattern Bonnets and Hats in Toronto,all one g00(1S ` to aceebt a local government; ointment g pp and the Fair. Tile Directors hays ib in half. "Of amusements there was no are made up on thepremises by our popular and talent - within the past few days, Mr. Skinner, their power to aid largely in this work lack. The agricultural bass trot' was This GREAT COUGA CURB, this ed MilllllOY, MISS G1I t'Z' 11. of St. John, being the other. and should allow no opportunity to go by had daily. Trained ponies, balloon ae successful CONSUMPTION OURS, is Tan British Government has just ad• unimproved, "Get a hustle on fe a Censiong, musical oats, & Punch and Judy show, the palace of illusions, baud per- without a parallel in the hlstory of medi. Cine. All druggists are authorized to sell been the redauthoritiespothat m cruiser has been to from tits Pacific good sailing order. Fair on Thursday An Friday of nest week. formances and fireworks, made u quite p q a round of atbractians ; besides whioll it on s, positive guarantee, a tesb that no p g other cure call successfully stand, if you D R E S G^ f D S. 90.s'Y ordered proceed station at once to Vladiovstook, Russia, _ ., C7ana<lian Xewst, there were thimble rigging and catch• penny tomfooleries which would have have a Cough, Sore Throat or Bronchitis, use it, for it will cure you. If your child. 'I to investigato the seizure of British Charles Edgeworth, of Sandwich west, been better exolu.ied altogether. These things Are schools of gambling, They has the Croup, or Whooping Cough, use ft. promptly, and relief is sure. IE you Our stock of Dress Goods is note very large and Nye Columbia sealers of Copper Island by shot a wolf three miles from town on 'hot create in the young mind a desire to get dread that insidious disease CONSUMP• have all the New Styles f01' 6110 SeaB0i1 and flatter our- cruisers sad to render any assis. Tuesday morning, the first ane seen in something for nothing. 16 is a mournful TION, Doa''r nAu, to use it, it will ours S01v08 w0 can suit any ladys taste both as regards color tanee necessary for the relief of the the seized sealers still in the this county for 25 ,years. He made An affidavit before Olerk Lusted, relating the study in human nature to watch the. simple Country swain investing Itis five you or cost nothing. Ask your Druggist for SHILOH'S CURB, Price 108., 50o. Or style. We have all the leading colors and trimmings Crows of custody of the Russians, foots of the shooting, and was paid the Conte that he may try his luck, which in and 41.00 If your Itings are sore or back t0 match. Recollect we hold the largest stock of Dress 1 Government bounty of 410. Oil oases out of 100 goes back on him. If 'try, lame,use Shiloh's Porous Plaster, 250. G00(18, both black and Colored, in Brussels, and a8 a Tar, a look for Manitoba was never Three hundred pilgrims from Lanark, Oct., and adjacent counties reached be is plucky he willtry again,' until he has spent all his poolcet money, and `- - matter of course can show you it much larger variety to so bright as ib is today. An abundant Montreal on Tuesday, travelling in thin• has nothing left With which to buy a hI<®��� r t ® LOAN.80lOCt from. crop has been,barvested in excellent eon- teen special oars of the 0, P. R., on their little treat of some kind for the girl he dition and immigrants are pouring into in what way to the Shrine of Ste. Anne de Beau- pre, This is stated to be the largest loves best. The fellows who run these contemptible sideshows are of the lowest tribe blacklegs, be _ Any Amountof Money to Loan 1 the province a steady stream. is satisfactory in connection pilgrimage so far from Ontario, It is said that in a Burford Church, a of and should never allowed to set their demoralizing money on Farm or village Pro. Mantles and Mantle Cloths, particularly with Ibis immigration is that hundreds few Sundays ago, there was shown a traps inside the precincts of a roepsotable Fair." art at party of the now settlers formerly lived in startling example of the effect an eloquent preacher can produce on the minds of his 6 & 6J Per Cent., Pearly. We have also just to hand a very choice lot of the Michigan and the Dakotas, bearers. The minister was enlarging on most Fashionable mantles imported direct from Ger- Tats mine ownersofeAlgom& would like the subject of the flood (see Genesis), and, while graphically describing the torrents Money to Loan, Straight Locus with privilege of mall and a ,rel' large assortment of Mantle Cloths y y g to have that district erected into a i of rain, an old lady in the front pow her -- repaying when required. lvhich 1V0 make Up t0 OTC10r. Miss Moore, as usual, hoe separate province. Ill oaten, it is as big solemnly rose and put up cotton charge of this department and any work entrusted to as the rest of Ontario, but there are umbrella, A railroad engineer has formulated a Money to Loan on Farm ,Pro- Apply t0 her Will be sure to be properly done. single counties in Ontario which contain novel scheme for the entertainment of World's Fair visitors, Chicago. He party art at A. Hunter- , Recollect our Opening Days and give n8 a call 60 ! far more inhabitants than are yet gather- ed in all Algoma, and the district, which pro. poses be build a mile track within an LO T'P EST R,RTRS S. Divi8ion Court Clerk, Brussels. that you can compare our Styles and Rrorkmauship is a mountainous one, is not likely to be amphitheatre And by procuring disabled engines and care, have a genuine railroad -- _ with other stores. thickly settled when its mines cause to draw population, as is the case in I�Tavttda eoldsion of two trains going at full speed. To matte it realistic he will have the engineer and fireman jump just, time private and Con? pan Funds. Private Funds to Loan. s ' ; which, though in the flush of its growth to save their lives. He says he can give DICKSON,2� B. � � �UQ ' AIA a it attained the degree of a state, has been relatively, if not absolutely, falling off e, performance for 4500. During a terrific storm which visited Solicitor, &C., phi Have been 171aC0(1 in my hands j ever since. Toeswater Snnday afternoon two woman, BRUSSELS, ONT. for investment on reel estate, Mrs. byli felderMule and Mrs. Wigle, ware struck by lightning while sitting At the —� LOWEST RATE OF INTEREST r � A Nuamzx of the schools in Ontario are windows of their homes. The houses NO Commission, arranging for a Christopher Columbus are situated near together an Clinton ■ celebration ou lveduesday, Oot. 12th, as street, south of tits 0. P, R. station. This point is traversed by the wires of Borrowers can have loans cOm- caed by the Minister of E;luCation• indite We tthat same School Boards have the Great at North-western Telephone Company an the Bell Telephone Conn.® pleted ill Three Days if title satisfactory. for half holiday for the All the wires and in the 9 arranged a pupils, a program of sports to be given, with or parry. poles vicinity are wrecked, but no other da. W. M. SINCLAIR, without a few addresses on the discover Y of this continent, or recitations by the age Was done to property. The two ladies were very badly shaken up and it will take some time before —DI;AL>JR, IN-- ,5'Ol'tC2t09', i3)'1LSSClS. S. children. Brussels school, and the sec- tions adjoining, might units and have a recovery will be complete. The Toronto World pokes fun at the s balf day's celebration of this five burr• death Columbus. A foot ulbra•loyalists of Brampton :—The litho- graph used in advertising Brampton's FURNITURE, i e p e RUBBE RE. tat S anniversary of hall match and a few athletic games for the boys with club swinging, swings, ev,, fall fair was purchased in the United States. The store And stripes appear in the picture, And because of this fact a large �lU}ly�p Qrn• Picture e &G Frames, i for the girls would fl)1 the bili nicely. number of residents of Peel are making glittering and resonant jackasses L 9 tom° L A T Tan Montreal Witness ea y s with a gdod deal of,foros:•—those who testify of themselves. In filet the sensitive patriotism of some of the people was so badly hurt that theyhiesed and yelled At d,.>^ EX,OURSiONS to ��v Our Stook in alcove lines is now before the Prohibitdon Commission are, the impression that the lithograph, And in one or two instm. Cee tore down the lithographs, If these Special Attention given to OXBOW 428 00 { i complete with all and. we suppose, under people would go to work instead of walk• DELORAINE . N 00 they are enlightening the commission and ing around looking for insults to Canada T� {� p yah}- s� 1 •f 3� Undertaking MOOSOMIN . , c4 28 00 BINSOARTH Tinter Goods. the general public in regard to the pre. valence of drunkenness, the danger of the country and the cause of patriotism would probably be just as well off, A UC,Cr�A.ing .. H 28 00 NESBITT .. W 28 00 moderate drinking, the Character of the society for the repression of stopover patriotism ought to be established in REGINA 80 00 MOOSEJAW.. 8o 00 liquor trade, and its effect upon the country. The fact is that the great Brampton. W. H. Blake appeared before the roaster in chambers at Oagoode HAi1, on i� a� rice+. �n>r�+�aera'-0• YOR$TON 8o 00 CALGARY 85 00 PRINCE ALBERT 35 00 �e are aivina Extra V aloe in these lines majority of the people have already made Saturday morning on a motion n behalf EDMONTON.. .. 40 00 ! c their minds upon these uesbions. p p q What those who testify reveal most of is r of one G. W. Masealles, an Orangeville; public school teacher, who has brought Swale s Block Ta leave all pointe in Ontario ou This Accounts for the fact that Our Sales are Largely their own character. Some exbraordin. notion against Miss Mary Park, of Gar&• frax& foralle breach ) SEPTEMBER 27 , Increasing arq exhibitions of this kind have been ed of promise. Ib g p was sought strike out the fair B R U S S P L S. Return until Nov. 0, 1805. - made. It. is hard to believe that some of the witnesses are such arrant fools as a dnn6's statement of defence, on the n the ground that she had failed to give a OCTOBER 4. September being not only the best MOt1tbli' business We their testimonies would seem to imply. p Y• direct reply bo an important question in the claim, In the argument before the -•z u 1 ^•,•. Fay' crj o u Return until Nov,3,1603, n• have 11aC1 since coming t0 Brussels, but It is away ahead i .One or two seemed absolutely determined waster, Douglas Armour, who appeared "' t Parttea tiChoting from other points should V� of any other 1011th lI1 Boots LY sliest. that the tlommissionoreshottld be soon• for the defendant,entertainedthe court "Aftersvifedr foral:na,.tw.r,tyi } arrange, to arrive in Toronto In time to eon• neat with the 11:20p.m.train onabovodates. ' p elled to write them down as asses, with Choias selections from tits aboAsmeut of claim, In it MaesAlles, who is over fron, ser.fuluaa s:+rm , n Lha Ice nod ,.r trying'varioua,nudic,d eoursus wahrutha;,,.,;,, 1 ba1run to use Ay s Sursapurilin, for lull Information apply to any Ticket Agent of the Canadian kaaltla Ra.iway. A FAin should be so organized as to Orange ideas and stir mem and women to 48 years of age, asked 50 cents for eaob letter to hie former eweetb0art written ;u,u „ won ierful tura was the result. Pine houlos suglced to rester. ino t, health,"--Fiemin in U. C,enmc.r. San J, T. PEPPER, Agent Brussels, We have Mens' Lon Boots from 9 1.25 to 8.50—All good g think for themselves. One fair bas no ab liar request, be wants pay for the time Le lost in wooing, and to snake him 1— as, 3.1 At., Antonio, r. ,.s, __ value. We have WOmOns' Shoes, from the finest Kid to the heaviest ideas in it., having degenerated to a more satisfied with himself for having been Kip. Boys' Long Boots and Misses' and Children's Shoes Of all horae show and a harvest for fakirs of humbugged for over two years he wants 4G0r The nn was dismissed. Catarrh FnPSI� ARRIVALS 8t L08 and )1'1008. Ill Styles y l every kind. Another is full of ideas— its exhibits, the exercises and the speak• log a1T teach intellectual lesson, Cleveland, Grover gleUnite, States &tic Candi• Democratic data for the United Iter Presidency, has just issued Lis letter accepting the ydnught.rsvnanalicmaferncnri „ r rat rel,• rhe phy,r"e"" a 1„d, t help h r my f 1 hall) IU R � OVERSHOES a rich, nomination. It is An important muni• p Pastor remn,m.n ,t ti S,Imnpn II,, I followed his ad,1 i —AT THE— which can be profitably taken borne, A nova] feature of the great food show at feats, addressed nominally r the Dom- mittee appointed to tender him the ,. nr II r and A anths f regular troat nenb r s Pills c , u h tr Sam. .. ,h rastared tnydnnghbrnh We have the celebrated "Granby” make—There al's n0 better in New York Oct. 1, 27, will be the zarieg nomination, but realty to the whole Wall., Licit. Canada, Waiv, ;vr r.:. AA the Market. We have (5) Five Styles of Mons Rubbers, not C011l]t of dairies operated by each dairy cattle people. The chief interest of the letter rs to be found in big declaration in favor � ing Overshoes. (5) Five Styles of Women's Rubbers, as wall as exhibitor. There will be four exhibits OE the American principle of equality of t�,,� �t,❑ e ° a �A i M IDt it � l f c rs Capt,. N s� ' ' ' M1S8C8 Boys and Children's. of Cattle, represonting the Ayrshire, all the people in the eyes of the law, and Guernsey and holstein and Jersey breeds. The milk from these cows will bis rigid adherenoe to tariff reform. The DCrnocratia party, he affirms, have "roe several years, I was trauhlcd t , l 'nlinn+h,arary rh.atnntta,n, Ling s, tat e Un— We have 6110 Cardigan Overshoes in �VOmen s, Misses' 011(1 - be ruff through a machine driven by rte purpose, and l still tariff reform theory to as to ha entirely helplosa, 1 n• th" Inst tw. vanrs, wh.navar I felt ill. ad C f it,, ink.s BANANAS, , Cihildron s sizes. The Stocking in these is now made right to the g g , electric ower to se )arato the cream p 1 mantbe hlaving for objecff t the Y p g I ; nd bnvo not bad, l 116, aI vie• d u," — r, •r, t - t PI;AO)_I>;S, tee, so there is n0 danger of these ripping. g ll from the milk by centrifugal force dev,6 granting of discriminating and unfair E. Ifnnabrough, 1'sik Ran, V., PLUMS ' ' sped in the machine, revolving at a high Government aid be private ventures." p The system of imposing heavy clatfes not fur all 606©Def tAiuc��cr., tfa'� UNIONS. rata speed. The Cream will be Coiled- of ed, cooled and Churned within a few min. necessary for revenue breeds corruption And inflicts injury oil bhe large majority htecsY remedy Is �y A r1 OABBAGB, � { r t� y�'� 7� ,/ 7�1 ,A Buttons Y►' a have, ai .0 7.�Jft0%7, ,L' �i,5'temet- 077 d .U7,�1G tons can, be T utas of separating the whole milk, Sicim of the people: and is, in theex•prosidant18 inion, domdodly Mr. , c3 CUOVUBLRS, , c ste7ved w h wire so t7ve7 0072 t come 0 � � off. milk oream butter and ioe dream will be o p umAmerncan. Cleveland doolareo strongly for freer raw ru, TOMATOES made by the owners of the cattle. Be. sides these electric working dairias, there Materials for manufacturers, for strictor economy in ublio a%pendituroa and for a r p aa r F �;1 WATFRMELONS, 0ORN, when you Wailt Boots & Shoes give us it call. Will be a large display of manufactured a old soldiers Using paid every reasonable caneidetation !n their declining years, CANDIES, batter And cheese, nolloctod for compo• from all parba of the United States, Ile reiterates his views in favor of honest money, whether represented by silver or prq�rnrcd by 17r, J. C. AyarSc Ca„I.ttall tn,°, Sotd by at I)ruggisis, Aprsr ; six buts a, .p;, NUTS,IRWIn it Ntition ` his boll4¢Ejo)n Will be examined and re I by gold. buses others, Will wort~ yossa FR SH OI1 i'AMS.b