HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1892-9-30, Page 1110.13.101itimals!os.soilaigatub.anuasnaiLlouraz.......nesorsmstuatknuaurinauumawalmalaqogallamtuse.....2..a...........{wriniawarmallasaragaarat.e,... remv r....,....ansvofl awn tateran.avanaumiraliiploAse.7;..R!.!...?....54... Vol, 20. No. 12, BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 1E392 W. H. KERR, Prop, Presbytery of Maitland. Presbyl:ory of Blaitlana met in Wing - ham, September 13th, Rev. D. Forrest, moderator, in the chair, Rev. J. MoNebb, oink. MOUS' 001TIMISSIOU5 Were reeeiv- ed and the roll was made up for the year. The Rev. X. L. Murray, M. A., has been appointee convener of the Presby- tery's Dome Mission Committee hinted of Rev. John Ross, B. A.., resigned. An adjourned meeting of the Preeby- tery was appointed to be held in Ashfield 'antral on 201h inet., at 2 p ni., for the induction 01 9110 Rev. John Rose, Messrs. MoLean and Bain were ap- pointed to audit the treasurer's books and report at next regular meeting. The olerk was ingrained to give the Rev. Duncan Davison a Probyterian certifinte in ecaordanoe with his request. D. A. McKenzie, B. A., and Robert F. Cameron, etudents, having performed the regnired exeroises satisfactorily were certified to the gonna of the colleges of Montreal and Knox respectively. B. A.. McKenzie presented a written report of hie labors in Langside during the suramer. The report was received as very satisfactory. The supply of Langside for the winter IC left in the hands of the moderator of session. The Presbytery commends to all the congregations together with all their organizations for Christian work, the Plan of temperance organization, by the general assembly. The temperance committee is instmot. ed to memorialize the pnblio school in- spectors within the bandit to have a temperance fhanual eystematically used in all the schools under their jurndic. tion. All sessions are enjoined to make ar- rangements for holding missionary meet- ings and report at the next meeting. A oommunication from the Home Mission committee read. It asks for $1100 for Home missions and $500 for augment- ation font this Presbytery. Congre- gations aro commended to exercise liberality in behalf of these funds. The Presbytery renewed its former ap- plication in behalf of aid -renewing congregations. The next regular meeting of Presbytery will be heir! at Wingliam on the sewed Tuesday in December 89 11:15 tt, rn. Jon MCNABB, Clark. Thirty Days To Live! SAM MURRAY'S DEATH SENTENCE Cam- roUTED—iVOAT EVERYONE IN GRAVENRUILSTO TALKINE eitAVENTWAST, Sept. 21, --The many friends of Sam Murray will be delighted to learn that he is himself again, and that after undergoing intense suffering, suoh as few have experienced. Sam, as every- one knowe, is a railroader, or rather was up to the time, two years ago, when he net with an acoident while engaged in °opting oars. One hand was °oohed and he lost several fingers. This was on September 17111, 1890. For five months and a half the poor fellow was laid off work, but his old friends did not desert him, and many were the kind enquiries sent from all along the line as 90 how he WAS getting along. .19.9 last Sam thought he was able to work and was pit to brake on a passenger train and ran on the Plea - ford Mail fat about a month. He was next ahanged to the Muskoka mixed and 'after a. ehort time was transferred to a way freight between Gravenhurst and North Bay, but be failed steadily, like o man in ooneumption, lost flesh every day. From nearly 200 pounds he went down to 140. On June 19911 lent year he ,finistied one of his usual runs and that same evening when taking a walk with a lady he fell on the sidewalk, where he lay as if dead. The young lady gave the alarm and Sam was carried to a aootor'e office. The doctor sued he hod an attach of AO= 000111 PATIOUE and that if he Wag ever able to work again it would only be by taking the utmost; care of himself. But be recovered to a oertoeu extent and then had mother attack while taking tu row on the lake. Then the spelle came upon him with greater frequency, and while they lasted he lost all oonsoiousness. One doctor gave him thirty doys to live, while another told him he believed he would haVe sixty days in which to settle his earthly affairs. This was anything but gleasant item, and yet Sam's cheery smile never forsook him. He belongs to the Brotherhood of Railway Ttainneen, and of course reeeived his siok benefit from the G. T. R. At letet four doctors gave sworn ortificatee that he would never be able to resume his antes an a treininan. The Grand Trunk railway paid him off, and the Intim= Branch to which he belonged gave him half the amount os his life humane on mount of total disability, The Grand Truulc doctors made several examinabions ond the oompany gave him tumoral panes to Toronto to donut with epeoialists. At last be received 0. ortifie cote doting that his blood wtus diseased tend blot he should never attempt to do Rey work. Like Job, he woo ooverod With boils. Sam's positioe is a peoulitte one. In the hob 911008, the cloisters who ought to know any that he is unable to work and never will bo. Their oortitioates to that effect aro now being considered- by the supteme authorities of the Brotherhood, and unless Sam declines to accept his ineurtmee they will have to pay him. but on the other hand he is looking for work, fund says he le as Well en ever he was. His explanation of his stelaen recovery is the tolk of the totem os web as of his comrades of the end. For months he mild not sleep on beck or sine neul had to ton what little test he got by lying on Lis stomach. One day imme ono them 19 litble book eallea RibNISS MILK IMO Ilia deer, an hie Wife after merlins/ it persuaded her hina band to try to box of Dodd's Kidney Me agreed simply 90 1918050 her, but With- 'Ir.;..MWa3;1.rAinxaWA;.1xxnaOmv.00uL'tirmursfisoaa:e.iprsisavoxaIsaaimsvaooattomaPa7*F.r......;M....M.MM;-.............;;.....r.a•gkoLngsmwrtoamggznuornansswasvrscpaaair A. Yokohama paper nye a young man in Bungo provinee, japan, slew his wife to secure her liver, with which to ore his mother's failing eyesight. Near Riohmond, Ind., in a row over the teacher of a rehool, William Ethane, member of the School Board, ana Eli Walker, deputy sheriff,were killed. The highest priced piano in the United Mates belongs to the Alorquand family of Now York city. It was designed and painted by Ahne 'Petiole and cost $40,- 000. It bas only been 81. years since the first tomatoes were introduced ieto America. The original plant was celti- rated as a vegetable curiosity at Salem, Mass. Tim smallest reprosentetives of the sheep epeoies are the tiny "Bretons," unives of Breton, France, When full poem they are not much larger than rabbits. In honor of the birth of his daughter the German Emperor will pardon all femele prisoners serving terms for firsb offering committed while in distress or in Ate of anger. A five. months'.old hoining pigeon, liberated in New York, overed the die. tanoe to Cambridge, Washington County, 165 ilee, in the phenomenal Bine of seven hours. "Gentleman" Jim Corbett was refused quarters at one of the prineipal Albany, N. Y., hotels on Saturday. It was not because of Mr. Corbett's personnel, but besause of the distasteful crowd such a man attracts. Pars. W. N. Jameson, (formerly Miss Gertie Dimsdale) wife of the pastor of Fort Rouge ninth, Winnipeg, in the abseuce of her hesband on Sunday pretethed to the congregation, and preach- edT'."1111.*-Vineent, an employee in an im. plernent house, at Kansas city, Mo., wan killed last Saturday by what was sup- posed to be accidental contract with an electric wire in the house when he wan employed. The Coroner held an in. quest Monday and found that two other employeee attemptedjto play ix practical joke upon the unfortunate man by at. taohing the electric light wire to a piece of machinery which he handled. When he placed his hand upon bhe machinery he fell from the shook. In leaving Walker's paper mill, Barn. side , Conn., by a windotv, Saturday night, Michael Lawyer slipped from the window sill and fell into a vat of aolution of oda ash. The window °toed after him, and on one heard his cries. San. day morning his body was found in the vat. The vat is of boiler iron, ten feet deep, and contoined four feet of the liquid. It was imponible for Lawler to get out unassisted, and he slowly 'perish. ed from the poison of the solution, which ate his skin and portions of flesh. Some Australlian blacks, who were imported for ahow purposes and are de. tained at San Francisco, are wonder. fully clever with the boomerang. One of their most interesting performences is the throwing of the boomerang so as to deeeribe the figure eight. One line cross. es the other as quick as a flash, and the boomerang goes whistling through space and finally comes back, atter having pro. oeeded many yards. Its movements are faster than that of a flying fish, and it strikes at the end of its journey with nil - means force. Near Koberbrunte in Silesia, is a re. Umlaut:As lake whioh ecientifie men do not yet undestand. There is a hollow neer the town oontaining about 2,600 acres, and at intervals of nearly thirty yearn 11 10 converted into a loke. For a short time the bottom of the hollow is almost perfect dry. Then water begins to ooze through the hills that wall it in, berate through the bottom of the hollow, and grodually berme a lake. At present the hollow is about half full of water, and the level of the lake is still rising. In a abort bime, bowever, 19 10 expected to re- ceae again, and in the eourse of the next twelve years or so the hollew will pro- bably be water less for a time. No phenomenon exactly like this is known in any other part of the world. Hamburg, compelled to build a tem. penny railway to its oeneetety to pro. vide sufficieet transportation for the bodies of its oholera-killed citizens, is a spectaele and a warning to the world. Like matte; Continental cities Hamburg gave a great deal of attention to her ap• pearanoe. More thought and effort was spent upon beantiful fund picturesque street effects, upon smooth pavements and the breadth of new streets, upon 0L. 08018109111 surfaces, than upon drainage and general sanitary conditions, which, indeed, were almost ne.glooted. To push bode and to rapidly increase he coin. meroe Hamburg made every effort, while little or no poles were taken to secure a plentiful supply of wholesome water. Ito eanitary conditions being on a par with that of Oriental eitio, it hits, like thent, been devastated by a plague. It is doubtful now that the choler& wan Me. ported into Hamburg. It seems more preboble thab the outbreak Wee oansod by the opening op of certain old drain and Gowen which hail long bon closed. A midget baby is attracting great at- tention near Peebles, Ohio, and people for mileti around aro ealliug upon the father end mother of this wonderful prodigy, according to the New York Re- corder. When asked if she would place it on exhibition the mother emphationly eakt ; 99 15 the smallest mita ellen home the greittoat attention of all my ohliaren and will novo enter it museum With moi'' consent." Mrs. August Bald. win, who lives near Plum Run station, is the lady who hos given birth to the eniellest child over born in that country. It weighs only one ponna and nine ounos and is now ten dive old and ia fairly healthy. The prospects are that ili will live and grow to =Amity. The mother of the child in a etrong, holthy womate weighing 145 pounds, and the bent: is of the oraintry sizo, Ile is a manta yoting fariner, The child won mall doll °taboo, and a fieger ring will go en in stem tip to the shouldet with the greeted OASIS, It lies on the poltn of a 1100011e hand without any trouble. The atilt kas a full heed of dark only hair and Mtn lustily, out any expectation of getting relief. Strange to say, tbe pills did relieve him and he took several boxes of them, the result being that to clay he ie as well as ever he wee, Seen nye he cannot under• stand it and don't ore, however, seeing thud; he knows the pills have cured him and he is able onoo again to work for Itie little family.—Gravenhurst Benner, • cenoral NowK. The experiment a sending California fruit 90 England has proved it failure. 'Up to Saturday there were 185,640 deaths from cholera in the Pension Em- pire. California has a little girl who hits nine fiugere on one hand and eight toes on the opposite foot, There are said to be 1,142 patent role. dies for cholera in the list at the United. States patent offioe. Immigrante have been stealing a march on the officiate at Detroit by rowing across the river in small boats. .A. Baltimore despatch tolls of ft shower of peas accompanying a rainstorm there on Sunday. At St. Joeepb, Mo. in a fib of jealousy John Bingham on Monday out his wife's throat from ear to ear and was jailed. The hardest known wood is said to be oocus wood. It turns the edge of an ax, however well tempered, ib is olaimed. There is a village on the Norihern Pacifio railroad which has 54 inhabitants and two churches, both Preabyteriau. Twelve towns in China have been in- undated and many lives loot by the Efoang-Ho river overflowing ite bane. A gambling den at Thompson,N, D., was desbroyed by fire Sunday night and two men wore burned to death. A locomotive boiler exploded near Birmiggleana, Ala„ on Monday, killing one man aud seriously injuring two others. John Griffin won the prize fight with James Lynch al Ceoney Island, N. Y., ou Blonaay night. The latter was knocked out in the AM round. In Brooklyn, 119.39,, on Monday, a brick house was blown down by the storm, kill. ing two boys. A falling tree struck and fatally injured a contractor named Lar- kin. Register clerlc R. W. Raven, of the Ire. migratiou baron in New York, has boon auspended from duty by Col. Weber on a charge of furnishing neap labor to manufactorers whose employees are on strike or to non-union shops. The bogus "Lord Bereoford" will love to go back from Albany to Georgia to serve 10 years for forgery, the hoboes corpus proceedings at the New York state capital having been distnissed. The Irish language is dying out. Ten years ago 64,000 people spoke Irish only. In 1891 there were 38,000. Le 1881 there were 835,000 who could speak Irish and English, and last year there vrere only 642,000. The highest plan in the world regular. ly tubs:lilted is the Buddhist of Elaine, in Thibet, which is 16,000 feet above sea level. The highest inhabited place in the Americas Is at Galera, Peru, 15,635 feet above the sea level. Elm John 0. Roorbaoh, of Mystic, Conn., has a oopy of the prayer book prined in the Mohawk language for Rev. John Oglivie, assistant minister of Trinity church, New York, in 1769. Only 20 copiee were printed. Mrs. Rothe* it is said, has received an offer of 04,000 for the book frorn the British museum. A.n Abilene (Han.) man recenbly adver- tised that he would like to buy a second- hand lawn mower, and to address "B L" postoffiee. He received one answer that streak him favorably, and, otter corns. pending some time, hunted the party up and found it to be his wife, who was trying to sell him their old one. A pest of frogs has come upon Little Falls, Minn. For days the streets and sidewalks have been covered with them, so that it is almost impossible to keep from stepping on them. A. train on the Little Falls and Dakota road was delayed two hours on account of them. The froge are ao thiok on the tock that hun- dreds are crushed and the rails become slippery. The reptiles ate ell hopping ip torth.westerly direction. Housekeeping gamete oeem to flourish on the other aide of the sea. The Swedish saboole may be called the pion- eers, one of these supporting it restaurant for about one hundred people, In France this beanch of study is to a degree con- trolled by the state, and the aim is to teach ghee 19 self.supporting woupation. London has 94 model kitchen, attended by neatly 20,000 pupile, who prepare food for sale. Germany has the greatest num- ber of these schools, with protiol ours. ea, including melting, ironing, peeking, the cleaning of Dome, etc. Notwithstanding the protestations of the Mormon leaden, more eepeoielly those of the Alberto colony, thab poly. gamy ie no longer practioed ite Utah, the annual report of the connuiseioners ap- pointed by the United States government to watch the progene of events in that territory deoleres that polygamy is still (ended on by the Mormons, and anode for tient offing) Mee become nominees. In Liao past year 156 Cane ramie to the janicial knowledge of the 93111106 Steen courts, in 83 of which indictments were found ; 60 oonviotione resulted, and 115 oom tui Under nomination Alfred Honslow, otio of the most wealthy eitizens of ilar, risville, Mich, beam down ancl contused to a most bridol murder committed by MAI 209 StralthrOy, 019., ten years ago. Ilenellea WAS P. lumbermen itt Stratlivoy and became involved iulinanial nobles. His partner, Itiehord Drake, found feult with his conduot and Ono night it a fennel Iienelow stabbed him to death in the office, looked the body in a tote and fled. Ten days lane the body Wan di8. oovered, but no clue Weld be found.to Lim annaorer. Late° rewords were offered, but nothing aitme of them, Six months ago a, son a Drake offested two local detectithe $1,000 if they should eaptere hie father's tnuederer. The men adopt. and after along ohne throngle New York, Mexico, San lorenoirem, °hinge and Michigan, they finally located Hen - dote, Perth Clonnty. Wm, Mayo, St. Marys, has bon ay - pointed net= house officer, 75 gueste attended o farewell sapper tendered Dr, Irving, of Kirkton. J. 33. Stephens has retired from the firm of publishere of the Stratford Bea. oon, leaving William O'Beirne in sole control. St Mary is to have on addition to its already large member of medical mon in the person of Dr. Irving, formerly of Ki Hellen . W. II. Gilmer, lath eon. Elmo, des. patched an Owl with his carbine on Fri- day night. His owlehip measured across the wing 4i feet. IS, E. Harvey, Elmo, returned to To. ronto last week, where he will enter upon the last year of his medical corn at Toronto University. John Molloy, the young man who shot himaelf at Sandusky, Ohio, last week, the result of a love affair, was a former resident of Stratford. Wm. Climie, Listowel, license inspec- tor for the north riding of the county, has appointed John Carey to look after his business in Stratford. The firm of O'Bierne & Stephen, pub. lishets of the Stratford Beaune, has been dissolved. air, O'Bierne will con. duet the paper in the future. The Quarterly Board of the Listowel Methodist church have increased the salary of the pastor, Rev, J. Livingstone, from $1,000 to $1,100 per yen.. A. goose belonging to James P. Porter, lot 15, oon. 5, Bleu., has got the omens slightly mixed, and surprised the gander by laying three large eggs recently. Turnkey Gerrie, of the Stratford jail, has been suspenaed by Sheriff Hassle pending an investigation by Dr. Chamber- lain, inspeotorof prisons, lute the two recent escapes from jail. It appears that bhe late Mr. Trow, of Stratford, left no will, and his large tonne, estimated at $800,000, will be divided among the widow, four sons and a daughter. The Ontario Government's share will amount to about 9116,000. A. number of fanners in Elma have beau moll annoyed with doge worrying sheep, Thos. Jickling had a number of his sheep worried. He shot one dog caught in the act and killed another in a aerofoil. The dogs belonged to farmers. Inspector Stark, of Toronto, has re- ceived a letter from St. Mary's asking for information concerning Mrs. Mary Ann Rowland, Her son died suddenly in the North.west, leaving an ineuranee polioy for $1,500, which is payable to hie mother. At a special meeting in Stratford of the British Mortgage Loan Company a reso- lution was passed expressive of deep re- gret at the death of the President, the late Mr. Trow. Hon. Speaker Batten- tyne was unanimously elected President in Dlr. Trow's stead. An inquen held by Dr. Rankin, Cor• oner, of Stratford, on the body of the late James Sanderebn, the brakeman who was killed at Millbank on Saturday night, resulted in a verdict of acoidental death. Much sympathy is expressed by railway mee and others with the aged and crippled mether of donned. Mrs. 13. Scanlan„Stratford, has reoeiv. ea news of the death of her en, John J. Scanlan, in Brooklyn, N. Y. Deem- ed was for manyyears a teacher in the i Separate school n Stratford, and after- wards was mail °lark on the Port Dover branch, and between London and Niagara, Falls. He left Stratford abort seven years ago. .Alittle ohild of Peter Duoldow's of the 12911 oon. Elms, was playing with a copper and swallowed it. The father ran in and tried to remove it, but oould not. A doctor had to chloroform the ohild, but could not find the ooiu, and emoted - ed it must have passed into the stomach. The following wills heve been recently entered for probate at Stratford :—Alre, Sarah dun Benne, St. Marys, 02,775 ; Mrs, Marion Jarvis, Stratford, $4,5001; Alex. McKay, Stratford, 01,265 '• Thos. ' M ' Porter, sr., Ste arys 65,048 ; HenrY Metcal f, Mitchell, 914,860; Leonard Sohi- enbein, Wallace, $848. The Stratford Conon has received a letter ftem Barrieter G. G. McPherson complaining strongly of the inadequate water pressure 09 the fire which destroy- ed his reeidenee. Ple stated that the serious damage done was wholly due to look of water, and presented a reoard of observations taken to thaw Mutt the Water Supply Company were not fulfil!. ing their contract. At 1;55 o'olook Tumidity afternoon rita aorin of Are was sounded from box No. 5, Stratford, mid the brigade turned oet. The fire proved to be on the old Chas. Duperow estate, Township of Downie, and originated in the barn. The strong west wind Soon oartied the immense blaze to the house, ;situated between that structure and the road, Both buildings, together with all their contents, bonne a prey to the Ileums, thio season's mop be. ing housed in the barn. Michael Reddy, O milkman, VMS living On the premises. Supposed i000ndisry. The Presbytery of Stratfoud at its meeting Tuesday orrenged fot the nag. nation services of KISS JaSSie Duncan, of Stratford, wile is soon to oil for hs e dis- tant field of lebor, Bev. Mu. Hamilton, al Blotheewell, is to preside, Rev. Mr. Leitch, of Knox church, Seratforci, to pooh and 19 10 cuspated that Bev. lie P. McKay, of 2.'oeonto, the secretary of the Foveign Minion Com., will address Mise Duncan and AUL 3601015,01 Toronto, the cogregatiou. These services will be hold oo On. 3111 at 7 p. rn. in Knee church, There vim an animitted 610. cession over the peopoisal filet the Free. bytory thould undertake the eimport of a miesionaty in the foreign field nee and above the preeent oontributione. The matter however was deferted uutil the January mooting and in the meantime the opinion of tho congregation will be aought. Tilsonburg Imo held $25,000 werth of none ana plank wallet in two rots, Grape•growere in the Niagorit Diettiot aro sending immense shipments to the floritime Provineee, PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. SIlos Lottio Smote is vieltiug io Lon- don. Rev. W. T. Cluff visited Detroit this week. Wm, ROSS, of Forgue wee in Bruenis an week, S. W. Laird, of Stratford, wag in town this week. G. A., Hood is back frone his visit to aliolligan, Miss Eliza Roddich is visiting at Walkerton. R. Leatherdaie attended the Goderioh fair this week. Ad, 0. Cortnack has been on the sick list in Winnipeg. Robb. Graham spent a feta days in London last week. John MoBain is renewing old acquaint- ances in Goderieh, Mrs. G. A. Deadman and Mamie are viaiting in Detroit. Capt. Stratton was in London for sev• nal days last week, Mrs, Robb, Black, of Wroxeter, WAS in Brussels on Monday. Thos. Kelly and Thos. Gill were away ab London last week, Miss Mary Ross is attending the Olin. ton Collegiate Institute. Miss Gertie Ramsay, of Chesley, is visiting 11105 Creighton. Mrs. Fred. 'Endes, of Renfrew, is vieiting relatives in town. B. Gerry and wife have returned from an enjoyable trip to the West. Mrs. C. Watt and daughter, a Guelph, are visiting at 3010. MoCxae's. Jas. Blashill and Miss Florence are visiting relatives in Michigan. 0. E. Turnbull, of the Stratford Beacon, was home for Sunday. Mrs, W. H. Willis and son, of Wing - ham, are visiting at B. Gerry's. Rev. 3. L. and ktrs, Kerr were away to Toronto and Brampton thisetveek. Robb. 'V7ileon, wife and son, of Wing - ham, were visiting in town this week. Albert Rivers and wife, of Teeswater, were in town for a few days this week. Mrs. Daniel Lowry is away at Port Huron, called there by the illness of her slater. Miss Lucy Hoare has mute to Brus. sets to assist her sister in the millinery business. Bliss Tillie Kneohtel and Blinn Dora e,nd Myrtle Nett are back from their visit to Ohio. Mrs. Whipple and ber daughters Baste and Viola, of Kincardine, are visiting 5.4 J. J. Gilpin's, H. L. Jackson, jeweller, los been con- fined to the house during tbe past week through illness. Miss Ida Pelton and J. Pelton, of Wingham, were the guns of Mrs. R. G. Wilson this week. Robb. Henderson is taking a well de- served holiday this week and is seeing the sights at Detroit. Wm. Millar took a holiday for a week and visited Flint, Mich., Ohioago, Lon. don and other places. Xre. Massey, of Windsor, has returned home after visiting her sister, Mrs. John Broadfoot, for eeveral days. W. Hart, of the Standard Bank, To' route, has been enjoying a visit in Brus- eels with G. P. Scholfield and H. J. Mon den. Arthur Drewe, of Strathroy, woe in town this week, the first Mine in five years. E. W. Melsom, engineer, has gone to Lethbridge'N. W. T. ,with the new fire engine sent from the Ronald Works, Brussels. Hugh Williams has gone on a holiday visit to Detroit and net, Mich., in the hope of bettering his health which has been poor for some time. 0. Wiiliams, of the Bank of Montreal, Goderioh, and wife walked from the County town to Brussels last Saturday. They returned on Monday. D. S. Aldridge, of Platteville, was in town on Sunday. He is a, son of Wm. Aldridge ond ban been a resident of Plotteville for the past 12 yens. The family of J. T. Cook removed to Winghana this week where Mr, Cook holds a lucrative situation. We wish them success in their new home. Miss Jessie Cook, of Edinburgh, Soot - lend, whose brobher is ce Presbyter. ian minister at Dorchester, near London, Ont., le visiting at Rev. D. Millar's. R. Gauley, who has been in the em- ploy of Masers. Irwin & DIeBain for some time, purposes leaving Brunets. His piece is being taken by Xr. Spence, of Platteville, Mr. Gateley has been a good worker in the Methodist Sunday school and was reoently appointed Presie den of the Bpsvotth League. We are pleased to notioe that at 11, meeting of Sb. Paul's vestry, Clinton, Rev. E. W. Ilunt, of Southampton, was the ohoice as Boomer to Rev. W. Craig. Mr. Hunt is a promising and popular young clergyman and In conjunction with Alm Hnet (formerly Mies Lille 0'• Connor) they would do good work in Clinton. Blre. T. McCullough, of Detroit, was in town for a short stay thie week to see her parents while on her way to the Philadelphia Dental College, where she purposes taking up the full course. Mrs. MeCullough has been reading tip with her Intsband—who hag a large practioe in Detroit—and bee aleo acquired oon- sitletable skill in the practical deport- ment, She tvill have to attend two sere pions before gmatuttiog as 0 D. D. S. Tut] Pose Wiens her every ineeeess. Additional Local News. no/mum) forniture for sale. Apply to Bine. W, 36. Duncan. .Anun mile bioyeie nee was ran on Wednesday eftetimon between T. Rut- ledge ana A. I. McColl for the fun of the thing. The formor won in good time. The wheeling was done on the road north. Jens Wenn, nominee maker, Brus- sele, haa done a large Mistime this year. The hae sold 22 new top buggies ; 25 or 80 road outs; 13 lumber wagons ; 39 pemp witgon ; and 1 broad vim, Mr. Welker 00 a pusher and believes in thoroughly ad. vertising his bueiness. This With gond work behind it does the job every time. APPLE SIIIPMEN're,—DePing alio mason there hen already been thipped 850 bar- rele of Summer apiece reed up. warn of 2,950 barrels Fall and Winter fruit, 3,300 harrele iu all. The output will overrun 10,090 earrels. 1.11; STILL owe eneur.--W, H. Crockett was an exhibitor at the Wing - ham Fair on Tueaday aud Wednesday of this week and as a result he soured 12 let prizes and 0 blue tiolcets. 18 prizes le not a bad titan for the Fair baseness. A. cement man from Grey township lof t his team standing on the Area ha Brussels for hone last Dionne,while he was "bowling" . The Ri eeve nstruoted Constable Broadfon to stable the animals and have them fed. The owner did not like thie interference, but con. aluded to pay the bill. GREAT interest will betaken in a partial eolipse of the stm, which will take place on October 20th, and will be visible throught Canada. At Bruseels the eclipse will begin at noon, standard time, and end at seven minutes before 8 olook p. m. Rather more than sixty per cent, of the solar surto° will be obscured by the moon. The eolipse shonld be observed generally if the sky be clear. Ar.r. Hokoes.—The Ronald Steam Fire Engine Works Lave carried off all the honors this suer at the Western Fair, London. They have nen awarded the gold medal on their display —mini arrow ladder, the city hook and ladder brook, hose, reel, homes and collar, with swinging harness, village steam fire engine, all fitted for horse or hand draft. The finest and most (template exhibit ever offered in competition in Canada. SrEEDRIO Li ME 190120, —NSIS Friday afternoon at the Brunets Fair in addition to the best walking, heavy draught, team, and best lady driver, there will be three trotting events, viz., baggy horse, team race, and o 8 minute race. The purses are good and the owners of speedy. hones vtill have an opportunity of gtving a opeoimen of what they can do on the well kept mile took on the Agricultural Park, There will also be foot raoee for men, girls and boys and a sawing match with crossmut SaWS. MMOIODIST.—Rev, J. McLachlan, M. A.„ of Teeswater, preached a thoughtful disourse in the Methodist churn here last Sobbath morning on the necessity of having the heart as well as the head educated. In the evening the young people were specially addressed on lessons learned from the ()tweeter of Daniel.— Rev. G. F. Salton will preach next Sun- day on the VIII Commandment. --The Harvest Home Festival on Thursday evening of this week. Report in next issue. Jinx CIICACIL—The sacrament of the Lord's supper will be dispensed in Knox church next Sabbath. The pastor will oonduct the servion forenoon and even- ing. On this (Friday) afternoon, Rev. Thos. Davidson, M. A.., of Wroxeter, will conduct service in Knox church,prepare. i tory to communion.—At the nduction of Rev. John Rose into the Astudeld oharge Rev, Mr. Millar, of Brussels, act• drama the newly inducted minister on the duties of his office, dwelling on the neossity of earnest, diligent and faithful preparation for pulpit ministration ; the important) of pastoral visitation ; sym- pathy with the people in all their varied circumstances and conditions ; the aesirability of varying his subjects, making his ministration instructive, edifying and profitable; to make his thief aim to bring souls to Christ ; to be much in prayer. Pn0F, SCOTT'S CONOEII.T.—On the even- ing of Friday, Oct. 7911, (the last day of the Fall Fair) Prof. Scott, of Wingham, will give a &inert in the Town Hall, Brussels. Tbe Program will be as follows :—Solo, "Old. Madrid," Bliss M. Stevenson ; Reeding, "Wild Zingaralla," Bliss Lily Evans; Solo, "Green Grows the Rushes," Prof. Soott ; Solo, "Flower Girl," Miss M. Stevenson ; Reading, Selected, Mies Lily Evans ; Solo, "Only a Little Scrub," Prof, Scott ; Solo, "Fiddle and I" Miss Maud Stevenson ; Reeding, "The (Theriot Race," Miss Lily Evans; Solo, "Loch Lomond," Prof. Scott; Duet, "A. 13.0.," Pain Steveneon and Prof. Scott; Tableaux of Emotions, Miss Lily Evans; Triumph, Honor, Listening, Abhorrence, Threatening, As- toniehment, Blessing, Anguish, Feith, Rejection, Mourning, Resignation, In- vitation, Pain, Challenge, Defence, Sym- pathy, Disdahe, Admiration, Flattery, Curiosity, Jealously, Determination, Entreaty, Supplionion, Remonstranoe, Vindication, Shame, Justice, Mercy, Suspicion, Appeal, Lamentation, Caution, Ridicule, Boasting, Bashful - nese, Revenge, Awe, Adoration. Remy - ed sects 85 Cents. Plan of Hell at Pep- per's Ong gore. The following press notices speak for thelnselves Fri- day night last, Bliss Lily Ivens, the bmglit young Canadian elocutionist, met with a very encouraging reception in the reading room here. The seating cape. city of the hall Ives overdone, there not being as innell en comfortable standing room when the programme opened, Miss Mons, the Star of the evening, cap. tared the attention of the audience im- mediately on her appettranoe. Her voice is well trained, clear and distitot, her earrittge perfect and her footings very expressive, mut the manner i10 which she haudled the several numbers of the pro. gnomes showed herlo mistress of the art 04 ef000tion, She eppeared to beet vantage in romantic tragedy and limner. ons seleetion.—Motlicine Hat TinleS, Min Stevenson will remember her visit to Collingwood, Nothing cold be more cordial and hearty than the reception she deeervecily rcenived ; her charming per- sonnel ancl engaging manner, and the poseessing of an admirable and well troined voice, gaining at onoo the fever of the audienee. Her solos Wore diffieult pion of voolization and the tone and tretettneut eximirable. She Win wIttnay encored ond pleasantly responded with it favorite ballad, Her otos Wine "Should Ue 'Upbraid" and "Rodes Oslo, brated Air" and noon "Would You." Miss Stevenson will attain a high position in her praesein, and her eouttibutione add interest to any programme en whiok the intey be pleced.—Collingtvood Bulleu tin.