HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1892-9-23, Page 5r terve SEPT, 23, 1892 TaliznalstriTaiallaTWOlis ii., l'.st:l"GCtYe o. + .Lirato W e1. Tangible evidence of the oonbinued pop• ularity of Rev, Jas. Livingstone Was given m few eveninge ago by the Board of the Listowel Methodist church increasing his salary from 81,000 to 91,100 with a free parsonage, L, Bolton, P. L. S., and party arrived home a low days ago from Algoma after about six weeks absence on a surveying expedition. Walton. Chas. Sege keeps poorly. 25 Dents secures Tan Pose until 1893. Rev, D. Forrest will preach in Melville ohuroh, Bruseele, next Sunday evening, .8. large number from this Emotion will Fair store 0x t ra eels air as exhibitors attend the B 1 e mud -sightseers. J. D. Campbell, a former resident of this locality and who is living in the 'p. S., has prebend a farm and will beoome a tiller of the soil. 131 vt.1o. Will Emigh was in Buffalo on business last week. Miss Clara Mason is visiting in Clin- ton at present. Mrs. R. Howard spent Sunday in Wingham with friends. Rev. T. I7. 'Higley intends moving hie family into the English parsonage bhis week, A large representation of Blythites are taking in the Western Fair in London this week. Our large staff of compere are working night and day to supply the demand for apple barrels. Oa Friday our band gave a few solea• tious of the market square to the delight of the citizens. Mice Kate Ooloton'e many friends will be glair to hoar that she le fast reoover- ing from a serious illness. Our apple buyers are shipping large 900nt•itiea of fruit from this etetion to the Old Country these clays. L+:t1re1. 25 cents gets Tno POST until 1893. Miss Spence is visiting at Port Elgin. The visitors to Toronto have returned. Mies Bartleman paid us a visit last week. 11, F. McAllister and D. Milne aro away at London. The contractors for the stone work on the new Hall have finished, Mise Ball, of Brussels, has organized a large music class in this village. J. 0. Heffernan is expected home from Muskoka about the end of this month. London .Exhibition has the call this week and quite a few from this place aro going. Thera will be no preaching services in the Presbyterian ohuroh here for the next Iwo Sundays as the pastor is away. Reeve Milne is in Muskoka on a busi- ness trip. He and J. C. Ileffernan have purchased 10,000 sores of timber lands in that section and will operate there next wi nter. b' ealortlr• TITS Wtivan.—Tho fall moot of the Seaforth Cycle Club was held on Friday 01 last week on Rooreatiou Park. Results :— One mile novice -1, 0. H. White, London ; 2, J. F. White, London ; 3, A. Ashton, Aurora. Other starters, J. 0. Abell, Seaforth ; J. Raid, Aurora. Time, 3.00 1-5, llalf•milo ; olub ; in heats, 2 in 8-1, W. Shaw ; 2, D. Clark ; 3, P. Ooultas. Time, 2-02 1.2. One mite ; open -1, P. W. Doll, To. ronto ; 2, R. McFarlane, Stratford ; 3, T. MoOartby, Stratford. Other starters, G. Baldwin, J. Livingstone, Seaforth ; H. Daville, Aurora. One mile ; olub-1, G. Baldwin'; 2, A. C. Winters ; 8, J. 0. Abell. Time, 8.12. Two-mile lap raoe--1, T. B. Maoarihy, Stratford, 20 points ; 2, H. Daville, 15 points ; 3, F. W. Doll, 14 points. Time, 6.07. One mile ; 8 -minute 0la0s--1, M. Lloyd, Aurora ; 2, G. Baldwin, Seaforth ; 3, R. R. Mol:'arlane, Stratford, Two mile team road race -1, Aurora,68 pointe ; 2, London, 49 ; Seaforth, 47 ; Stratford, 44. The road raoe Was for teams of five men from clubs west of Tn. routo. Hamilton and Toronto clubs barred. Moleetworth. (Received too late for last week.) 25 (tante aeoures Tun POST until 1893. A number from this vicinity have gond to the Loudon Fair. Pia-nios, garden parties and box socials seem to be the order of the day. Mist' I. Steels, of Newbridge, spent Saturday and Sunday with her relatives in this vicinity. The Fall wheat is growing very fast owing to the abundant moisture in the coil and the summer fellows are present• ing. a green appearance. Mr. and Mrs. James' Murray left for Mitchell on Saturday when they will spend a few days visiting , old aogneint- anoee from the lower province. A very large orowd attended the slim Band on Friday evening. The pro• gram was well tilted out and a very pleasant time was indulged in, Geo. McKee returned from Orosshill on Friday evening in order that he might take ie the big time on Saturday. He Will return on Wednesday mottling.. Most of our young people are going to attend the box social to be hold at the residence of Danoan McDonald of the 2nd 000eoesion of Grey, on Friday even. ing. ISSLissie18. Barr spent Saturday and Sunday, with her mother on the farm, She 1s learning the dreoa•making in Palmerston lout like"' to visit her parental domicile and take in any un- usual big time that happens to transpire: On Saturday at very large orOWtl as. mumbled in Mr. Robertson's grodo to spend the day. Dinn01 was prepared about one o'clook after which the pro. gram was proco001001 with, Mr.•Fowler he• ing ()looted 011a102nan. The mouth organ band did excellently, as in feet dial all whose 114111 OS wale of the program. Mian J. Maguire won much applatt88 owing to her talent as a violinist, also Mies M. Taylou ae a vooaliot. Quito o number att0uded frog Listowel, come from Trowbridge And others from Morrie. batik, The swinge wore Rept busy for the goatee part of the day and were not eeiit up too bleb, thea preventing ao• ehlente, TIIE BRUSSELS POST uadndeneramtearimemeamera0=artertax=serenuniem Wo are pleased to announce that Mrs, Wtn. McArter, 7th lino, W110 was sarieuly 111 Het week, is uonvaloesing and her many friends bop soon to hoar of her complete recovery, IlrtuiNrAr..—The homo of Emmanuel and Mrs, Olvar, 1111 con., was, on Tues. day lout, Sep. 20th., 1130 score of tt very pleasant event, being the marriage of their daughter Ella to W. W. Logan, an enterprising young merahaob from Tup. pervi110; Ont. There were guoete present Iron Mitoboll, Bluseels, Auburn and other places, besides theeo of the im• mediate neighborhood, most of whom 06810 aged, or at any rate, married people, Tho bride was tastily and beautifully dressed in mauve silk and bore in her band a very fragrant and pretty baguet of flowers. She Was given away by her uncle, Mr. Campbell, cf Mitohell. The interesting ceremony was performed by Rev: J. W. Pring, of Bluovalo. A num• ben of valuable, useful and beautiful presents were given the bride. The happy couple left the family residence about 3:30 o'olook to patch the 4:00 train at Belgrave en route for London, where they will spend a little time at the Western Fair, when0e they will go to Tapporvillo, their future hone. They were followed by a ebowor of rico and the hast wishes of all present for a happy and prosperous future. Tno Pour extends to this young couple our heartiest °engem. tulations and well wishes uud though Morris has lost one of its most aateem• able and fair daughters, yet we will not complain knowing that the young man who carried her away is worthy of all respect and esteem. Morris' loss will be Tupperville's gain. A.VW O (l. A now rirosemaiting eetabliehmeet 10 1'own. Miss Jennie Harvey is laid up with a mild typo of typhoid fever. J. A. Roe, Atwood's veterinary sur - goon, WELs mar'r'ied last Wednesday to one of Morningbot'a fair ones, Miss Aggie Loobhoad spent a fow days with aoquamtan000 lu liarriston and Palmerston, taking in the sponte and pia• nie in Palmerston, given in aid of the sufferer's of St. Johne. W. 12, Humphrey', of Newry, has pun• ohaeed John Pride'e house and lot, ad• joining the school and occupied by Sam• uol Forrest. It is a good property, the house being nearly new. Thorn is also a good stable Oh the lot.. The Bee aayo ;—A county oonelable re. moved Jobn Cranston to jail on Wednes- day morning for again violating the in. junction recently issued against him by the courbe by nob tatting down the forme ouclosing 0ortain streets. We expected this would be the result Of Mr. Cranston's foolhardiness in putting the law of the land to open defiance. The Wingham Tilnes oaye :—II. Me. Bahl, of Atwood, was a transient visitor in town on Saturday last. Mr. Mel3ain has been taking charge of tbo work of Rev. W. Leech, Londesboro', during his absence on a holiday. Mr. MoBain is a clever young man, and will taste a high stand among tho Methodist clergy when he completes his oollege course. 131ttoval fee. Jas. Timmins was in Toronto last week. A number from this locality are attend- ing the Western Fair. Rev. 3. W. Pring and wife were vieit• ing at Palmerston last week. Send along 25 canal and we will for- ward you Tan Pose from now till New Years, Jamas Nicholson, who was recently stricken with paralysis, still lien in a pre- carious oondition. There 1$ no percepti- ble change for the better. We aro pleased to hear that D. J. Hartley has passed ab the recent exemin- atioue in Manitoba and taken a 3rd elan certificate. He is engaged in teaching in Beanoejonr. W. 0. Hartley also took a first "A" and is now attending the Nor- mal in Winnipeg. A post mortem examination of the remains of Mrs. W. A. Leech of Detroit, formerly of Bluevale, and analysis of the stomach, proves conclusively that de• ceased mane to her death from strych- nine. The case is a mysterious one as there was 00 poison about the premises that site oonlci have taken by mistake, and her domestio life was extremely happy and she had no enemies so far as known. The annual Harvest Home in 0ounec• tion with the Methodist church here will be held on Sunday and Monday, Oot. 2nd and 3rd. Rev. 0. E. Stafford, of Toron- to, will preach on Sabbath and on the folio,ving evening a hot supper will be given after which addresses from the fol• lowing gentlemen are expected :—Rev. S. Sollery, B. D., Wingham ; A. Y. Hartley, Bluevale ; 0, E. Stafford, whose subjeot tllbit worts more will be "Tho 1 0 1 than it o coats," and Josiae Groan, of Gerrie. Music by the ohnreh choir. Bluovalo takes no second place for rousing gather• lugs and this will bo no exception to the rule. 1.110 x• 1• io1. 23 cents secures Tug Pose to 1808. Nelson Love and wife are homo on a visit from Manitoba. Adam Sootb has moved back to this township from Hensall. Thos. Bone, 8rd line, spent last week at the Toronto Exhibition. Miss Alioe Bailey, of Detroit, is visit. lug her parents, on the 4th line. Miss 0. Knight, of Blyth, spent Sun- day under the parental roof on the 8611 eon. Thos. Maunders and wife were visiting old friends in the vicinity of Toronto last week. Wm. Sholdioe, sr., of the fbh line, was renewing acquaintances in Tnokeremibh last week. Mrs. Heard disposed of her 50 more farm on the river bank to her neighbor, Mr. Oook, for 91,000. Wm. Modell and Wm. Marshall, 8th con., were visiting a few days last week at Iolyrood, Bruoe Go. James Cloakey jr., who ruptured a blood vassal some weeps ago, 10 ebill poor - 1y but gradually improving. Wm. Stubbs, who has been ill with in. flammatlon of the bowels, is improving nicely now and is able to be up. Miss Belle Irwin, of Brussels, return- ed home last week after having spent a few weeks rusticating at Wm. Sholdioo's. It ie said the wedding outfit of one of our fair daughters is being prepared in Brussels. The nuptial day is not far distant. The Board of Health should get a hustle on then. and ptovent as far as possible the spread of that emerge— diphtheria. Edwin, son of Joseph Webster, has been dangerously ill from the effects of being etruok in the eye by an apple thrown by another boy. On Thursday of last week as litre. John Angus was hurrying from the cellar bo avoid the rain she slipped and fell sprain- ing Duo of her ankles badly, W0 regret to bear of the seeiou0 illness of Mies Robeaoa Jackson, of Drayton, a former resldout of this vicinity, bub we hope that site will soon reeov81. The emotio11 sale of farm stook ab Geo. Kirkby's on Friday was well attended. 20 head of 2•ycar•old steers were sold, the majority of thorn bringing over 930 per head. A natural anrioaity is growing in John Angus' garden in the shape of an egg bplant. It is a vine not unlike a 0uotun. ee with fruit on it the shape of hen's eggo, airs. A. Jaok0on arrive 1 homo from Detroit last Saturday where she had boom attending the funeral of her daugh- ter, Mrs. W. A. Leach. She brought her little grandson with her, Dntn.-00 Thursday the bright seven year old Dom of Arthur Shaw, 8rd nom, died of diphtheria. The funeral took' place on Friday and was largely attend. ed. T110 parents are deeply syrptbized with. There are a couple of other oases of diphtheria reported in the ooltnnnnity.. A memorial 80rvi0e was bold in Sun• spino ohuroh last Sabbath afternoon bearing on the decease of the late Fannie Stubbo. The pastor gave an admirable diecanr00 10 a largo atidfonme. Wee - I old and lldiee Wilkineon rendered the snood dnott "Almost Henn" very feei. ingly. Wingeht'n. Tho Salvation Army band wore out serenading some of the citizens of the town last week, J. 33, Cummings bad has his house and shop on Victoria street painted, which add greatly to the appearance of the Dam, Proef, Scott has arranged to hold another contort on the evening of Wed- n€qday, Sept, 28th, the last date of the Wingham fall fair. The case against Harry Garbutt, of Wingham, having been settled out of court, ho (Garbutt) has returned to Wingham and been cordially received. Who says our electric lights are 00 good ? 13y the reflection of one of the aro lights in a looking•glase a Wingham• ire might have been seen shaving himself, seated in the garden about 200 yards away, on Saturday evening last. He says he had a splendid shave too.—Advance. The TinIGe says :—The party who en. tared D. McKinley's hon pen one night last week and exohauged a very poor drake for Mr. McKinley's drake, had better roturn the same at once as he is pretty well known and if he does not re. turn it at once will be prooeouted accord- ing to law. Another of Wingham's pioneers has gond to his long homo in the person of John Mellon, who deported this life on Thursday last. Deceased had been suffer. ing for about three years from a cancer, which started in his lip and gradually eat 11s way over the lower portion of his face and throat, causing death, a happy release from his blain and misery. He had been a resident of Wingham for about thirty years, He leaves a wife to =urn his demise. THE COOK'S BEST FRIEND LARGEST SALE IN CANADA. FRESH ARRIVALS —AT THE— Star Restaililait BANANAS, PEACHES, PLUMS, LEMONS. CABBAGE, CUCUMBERS, TOMATOES, WATERMELONS, CORN, CANDIES, NUTS, FRESII CREAMS. 001'0 COTTON 100T COM P01131). A 800ont discovery by an uld 1,11ytlioimu. 8ua0oesful- ly 1100,1 monthly by thous- ands of Lenora. 10 the only perfootly safe and reliable medicine diseov- ermn, Beware of unpt•ineiplod druggists who offer Inferior medicines In 1,100 0 03 11810. Ask for (lspk'a COTTON ROOT Oomi'DANn, take no substitute; or Melono 51 and 4 bhreo-eont Canada postage stamps in letter, and we will sena sealed, by return mail, Full seal. ed particulars in plain envelope, to ladies only, 3 stamps, Address Pond Ldly emit, puny, No. 8 Fisher block, 131 Woodward ave., Detroit, Mob. sold It1Brussels by T. T. PEPPER, O. A. UF1ADAIAN and all responsible druggists everywhere. SEILOITS CONSUMPTION CUBE.if ale This GREAT COUGH CURE, rile suooessfnl CONSUMPTION CURD+, is without a parallel in the history of medi- cine. All druggists are authorized to sell it on a positive guarantee, a test that no other cure Dau successfully stand. If you have a Cough, Sore Throat or Bronchitis, nee it, for it will cure you. If your child has the Croup, or Whooping Cough, use it promptly, and relief is sure. If you dread that insidious disease CONSUMP- TION, DON'T NAIL to use it, it will Duro you or cost nothing. Ask your Druggist for SHILOH'S CUBE, Price 100., 50o. and $1.00 If your lungs are sore or back lame,use Shiloh's Porous Plaster. 26c. LES a i-5�•1 ,t�5,, L 4 €3 ^azy. Qp iw�7�ld' A Atli 111 SO THE LAST EXCURSIONS to OXBOW .. .. 9528 00 DELORAINE .. z 28 00 MOOSOMIN .. .. a 28 00 BINSOAI2'L'lI .. .. b 29 00 NESBITT .. HW 28 00 REGINA .. .. .. C 30 00 MOOSEJAW.. .• .. 80 00 YORKTON .. 80 00 CALGARY 35 00 PRINCE ALBERT .. 85 00 EDMONTON , . .. •. J 40 00 (lis leave all pointe in Ontario on SEPTEMBER 27, Return until Nov. 0,1800. OCTOBER 4. Return until Nov, 13,1803. Parties ticketing from other points should arrange to arrive in 'Toronto lu time to cou- u eat with the 11120 p.m, troiu on above dates, For full information app s9y to any Ticket eo - Agent of the Canadian Pad Seaway, J. T. PEPPER, Agouti, Brussels. F r'-,ronchitis "1 never realised the good of a medicine so much as I !MVO in the last fow months, during which time I have suffered intensely from pneumonia, followed by bronchitis. After trying various remedies without benefit, I began the 8130 of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, and the effect has been marvelous, a 011)910 dose relieving ala of choking, and securingn good nights rest"—I. A. Higginbotham, Gen, Store, Long Mountain, Va. Le 'Last Spring I was taken clown with la grippe. At trams I was completely rostr0& (id, rid so difficult 1084 shy breathing tut my breath seomod as if confined in an iron edge. I procured n bottleof. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, and no sooner had I began taking C dm relief followed, I could not believe that the effect wouldhe so rapid,"—W, 01. Williams, Cook City, S. Dalt. Lung Tr=1u1b8e "For more than twenty-five years, I woe n sufferer from lung trouble, attended with Coughing so 100000 at (38105 es to ea000 I10o1Orrh8go, the poroxysma frequently lost- ing three or (our hours. 1 was induced to try Ayers Cherry PecMmi, and after tanning four bottles, was thoroughly cured, I can coufidanty reconn,end this medicine.".•Frant IIolemnn, Clay Centre, lCans, AYER'S Cherry Pectoral Prepared by Dr. 1 C. Ayer C Co., Lowell, Mass. Solis by all brut,t,isis, Tries $r ; six bottles, 5s. Prompt to act, sure to cure OU WAT 1: STOV ALLANTYNE & ',IL H RU ::' J T S, Cl ON HAVE JUST W HAT WILT1 SUIT YOU. "THE ART isARfi.,,.AND71 Is a Leader in Coal Stoves and Always gives Satisfaction. We heel) in Cook SLOVes, "The Tioga," "Home Garland," ''Bright Idea" and sevcrlll other inalces that we re- otlnlnie)id most highly. CI7,1I in and see 0111' St'Oves and get our prices. BALLANTYNE & WILTON. Money to Loan, Money to Loam on Furl n Pro- perty at LO NEST li',f1 TES. Private and Company Funds. W. B5 DICKSON, Solicitor, c0c., BRUSSELS, ONT. HONEY TO LOAN. Any Amount of Money to Loan on Farm or Village Pro- perty at 6 & 61 Per Cent., Yearly. Straight Loans with privilege of repaying when required. Apply to A. Hunter, Division court Clerk, Bruasal,. Private Funds to Loan. $20,000 Have been placed in my hands for Investment on real estate. LOWEST RATE OF INTEREST. No, Commission. Borrowers 61211 have loans com- pleted in Three Days if title satisfactory. N. 121. SINCLAIR, Solicitor, Brussels. Ontario Mutual Life. H50,00 OFFICE, - IVATEIILOO,ONT. Assarauce in force Jan' y,'92..914,934,807 New business written in 1891 2,694,950 Increase over 1890 846,800 Cash income for 1691 547,620 Increase over 1890 57,620 Liberal Conditions of Policies. Cash and Paid-up Values guaranteed on mob policy. A11 dividends belong to and ale paid cul y to policy holders, Premiums payable during the month in which they fall due. Poliales are incontestable two years fro in date of issue. No restriction on travel, residenoe or oc- cupation. Lapsed policies may be revived within six months after lapse, Death shine Paid at muco on completion of claim papers. J, A. YOUNG, District Agent, Ethel. .Oo You K11ow That C.E. Perry mantes as fine photos. as are made in the Country. That lie Finishes all photos. on the new permanent aristo paper That he Can't be beat on family and other groups 2 That he Copies and enlarges old pictures to any size 2 That his Cabinet Photos. are excep- tionally fine 2 That his Baby Photos. are unequall- ed, and if you want a first-class, finely finished photo. you can't do better than call on 0. E. PERRY, Next to American Hotel, Brussels. THOS. I'LETCHER, Practical Watchmaker and Jezveler. Thanking the public for past favors and support and wishing still to Bemire your patronage, we are openieg out Full Linos in GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES. Silver Plated Ware from Eatabliehod and Reliable Malcom fully warranted by us. Clocks of the Latest Designs JEWELRY WannlNo 12)0053, LAIlIpe GEN RINes, Blame/its, EAnitIN00, e00, 1` -$'Alan a Fall Lino of Venire and Violin Strings, . o., in stook, N. It,-188liter Of 3881'r'tng° Ll reuses, T. Pletcher, - Brussels