HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1892-9-16, Page 6HOUSEHOLD,
.At the Baby's Bedtime.
Th le is baby's. bedtime
My little one comee 10 3110
in her enowy little nIghterown,
And kneels down et my knee,
And 1 1 aney a sweetehiel-augel.
Ix for a thee my gue,t,
As elm saye her little prayer over
With bet hande upon her breast,
Now I IV ine," she whispers,
In low voice, "down to eleep ;
I pray the Lord,"—and the blue oyes
Half olose,—"my 10311 10 keel/.
111 Kliould die"- 0113 I the shiver
Al my heart; —" oefore 1 wake,
Imlay the Lord," and the eyelids
Droop low,—" my. soul to take,'
Then I lift up the 111110 000, clasping
Dor close to iny loving heart,
And give her warm, good -night eisses
Till the eloeed lisle brenk apart
Al the letwee do, folding a flower,
And the violets of her eyes
Look up in their drewsy fashion,
And emile at me, angel.wise.
"Deed -night," elle whispers me sof 1.10
And sleepily, with a kiss,
That lingers with ine in slumber,
And stirs my been with bliss,
Ae I think of the little one, dreaming
With her head against my breast,
TM my heart is as full of rapture
As her dreaming is of rest.
—tEbon E. Rexford.
Implicit Obedienee.
It is frequently the case that a mother
`will pass ever the disobedience of her child,
if no unpleasant consequences are the re-
sult, but let It involve work or trouble for
herself, and immediately she becomes
For inationce. A. mother is tired and with.
es to lie down and rest in the afternoon, but
ler little girl is uneasy when left alone, and
it is almost impossible for her to do so,
The child is Raying with some water that
she 1108 1)0011 told not to go near,
Perhaps she will net get her dress wet
this time, 0311 11 will keep her quiet, the
mother thinks, as she goes into her room.
If the little one succeeds in keeping her
clothes dry, nothing will be said about it,
but if she comes in with her dress wet and
muddy, she will be punished.
The child may not understand her
mother's inconsiston cy, be tinstinctively she
will feel it, will affect her chareater, far she
has learned this lesson—that it is only un-
successful disobedience which is punished.
Implict obedience, lovingly enforced, and
" eternal vigilance" is the price that every
mother must pay if she strives for some-
thing beyond the physical welfare of her
Preteotthe Ohildren.
If I pierce the young leaf of the shoot of
a plant with the tieeet needle, the prick
forms a knot which grows with the leaf,
becotnes harder and harder, and prevents
it from obteicing, its perfectly cemplete
form. Something similar takes place after
-wounds which touch the undergone of the
human soul and Injure the heart -leaves of
its being.
Theo efore you mnst keep holy the being
of the child ; protect it from every touch
of the velgar. A gesture, a look, a somel,
is often sufficient to infliet weft wounds.
The child's soul Is more tender than the
finest or tenderest plant.
It would have been far different with
humanity if every individual in it had been
protected in that tenderest age as befitted
the human souls which holds within itself
tho divine spark.
Tested Receipts.
Dior STEW. —Boil four pounds of lean
lamb till done, 121 0110111 twe quarts of water,
salted. Skim it out and keep it hot, lone,
ing the liquor in the kettle. Into this put
one quart of onions and oee large turnip cut
into slices, and halved. Pepper to taste.
Boil ten or fifteen minutes, and add six or
eight medium large potatoes pared and ent
lengthwise into halves. Lay some dump-
lings on top of these, taking c :re the liquor
does not boil over them, as they are to be
steamed through. When the vegetables
• are done remove them from the liquor, put-
ting them into separate dishes, ready for
the table. Thicken the liquor left in the
kettle, which makes a delicious gravy. Beef
can be used instead of Iamb, if preferred.
POTATO ROLL.—Pat One cup of cold,
mashed potatoes into a sauce -pan, add one-
quarter of a cup of milk and a palatable
seasoning of salt and pepper, a tablespoon
of chopped parsley, and two well -beaten
eggs. Mix thoroughly, take from the fire,
beat until light. Put one tablespoon of
butter in a frying -pan, when hot put in the
potatoes, spread evenly over the pan, cook
elowly until& golden browu. Roll like ome-
let and serve smoking hot.
VEGETABLE TURKEL—Bread, one pound,
butter, one.fourth pound, nut meats, one-
fourth to half pound, one egg, seasoning and
sage to taste. Either mash the nuts in a
mortar or chop fine, then put bread, butter
and egg into a chopping bowl, pour on the
boiling water and chop fine, seamen to taste
and mix thoroughly. Butter a pudding -pan,
cover the butter with bread crumbs ; put
in the mixture, and bake an hour or unoil
well done,
half peck green tomateee sliced (unpeoled),
021e pint sugar, one and one-half pints vine.
gar, one tablespoon cinnamon, one table.
spoon whole allspice, handful whole cloves,
little nutmeg and dry mustard, two or
three small green peppers, three large
onions. Boil onehalf hour, or till tender.
We can in glens jars. It has been used in
our family a number of years, and always
BLAOKRERRY PIMA—Seven pounds of
fruit, five pounds white sugar, one pint of
best vinegar, and 000k until the bermes are
done. Skim out the berries, boil the juice
until thick as good eyrup, pour over berries
cover and keep in cool, not cold, place.
These will keep a long time, and need not
be sealed up, as they will keep without.
31 aspberry jam Neill keep, toe„ if waked
thoroughly in common earthen jars, simply
covering to keep free from dust
Whenflattery 15 unstumessful, 131 (0 but the
atilt of the flatterer.
TOMATO CIIIITNEY. —Cub up and peel
twelve large tomatoes, six omens <bopped
fine, one cup vineger, One cup sugar, hand
fel raisins °hopped ine, salt to taste, one
half teaspoon cayenne, one.half teaspoon
white pepper, Boil one hour and a half,
bottle or put in stone jar.
M. T teed, e, counthyrnanein Parisfor a few
days recently, stood in the Roo de Richelieu
in a pouring rain protected only by his
Umbrella. He inquired of M. Bezuchel
the way to the Chateau d'Eau. That gen-
tlemen, 'cello had no umbrella, thereupon
volunteered to guide the aouttryman part
'way to his destinatiom but instead of te,k•
ing him in the right direction he led him a
Mile in a directly oppoeite courao, sharing
his umbrella, and then hold him to retrace
hie step and keep right on 3111311 110 reach.
ed the Chateau d'Eati, Then M. Totard
idapped the Parieiali'e fade. He was as.
keeted for assault, but was =elated, and
the wily Perielan had to pey the costs.
;Arlin; on Minute riesik for 'eine Inly4.
Deepatches reeeived at Qeeenstown from
Mexiea, state that. two insu,
oue a Russian fine nannal olumscn, the
other a native of the Gilbert Wands, who
heve arrived at that place, deelare they are
the yule survivors of close on (oar hundred
perSons who were lost in the Pacific by the
capsizing of 10 brig named the 111111115,while on IL voyage from the Ilithert Islands
to lieuito, Mexico, aml they were cast
ashore on the meat of Mexico, two 'mitered
miles above Mittman/11a, after beving spent
eixteen days of terrible sufferiug in 001111111.
boat, being kept alive for nine Liars by eat.
ing the flesh of another passenger who had
died of hunger and exposure atter the fourth
day. The brig according to the narrative
of the two inen, was conveying about four
bemired Gilbert blenders, consisting of
men, women, and thildren, who were en-
gaged by a New York lawyer named
Leavitt to lebour on the coffee plantations
on the west coast of Mexico, and when the
vessel got to within 200 miles of the Alexi-
e0(1 000,83 0130 was struck by a cyclone and
°enema The boat in whieh Johansen
claimed to have made ins escape was on th
top of the deer:house, and floated off when
the brig cepsized. Four other men and a
woman, all Gilbert Islanders, olimmel in
with him. They had neither food nor
water and 'only two oars. When day
light came the brig was out of sight.
On the fourth day the woman died, 031(1 1310
tneu were forced to eut portions of her
body to keep them alive. For the first few
days after leaving the brig it blew a gale,
and the 111511 heel all they could do to pre.
vent the boat from being swamped. Several
heavy showers fell but did them little good,
as what fell in the limit or was might in
their clothing WILS mixed 101 311 the salt sprey
that, constantly flew over them. Then the
sun came out, and beat down on the 1)21(00'
(01)0(0 castaways wIth tropreal force, and
they suffered terrible tortures from thirst.
I One of the islanders drank salt water, went
I mad on the tenth day, mud finally plunged
1010 (310 sea. Four days later another is-
lander died, end the ttvo survivors threw
him overboaid. That night it rained hard,
and the suffering men caught enough water
I to quench their thirst, and the nexb day
1 Oat was loft, of the body of the woman
was thrown overboard. On the morning of
Uotober 20th—sixtee0 davs after leaving
the ill-fated brig—the boat was cast ashen,
and more dead than alive, the two men
crawled out of her and lay down on the
beach. They were subsequently carried to
the huts of some lishernieu near by. Them
limbs being all sovollen in a terrible man-
ner, it, WaS the end of June before they were
I able to walk.
How To Be Beautiful.
" Every woman becomes cherming, and a
power In society, when she cultivates a
plea•ing manner, a musieal voice, a.nd her
own individuality.
This was the welecnne message brought
by Mrs, Annie Jenness-Miller to the ladies
of alimeapolis, in her talks on "Drees for
Health and Beauty," and " The Charm of
Her oven appearance justifies the confi-
dence t he people place in her ability to talk on
these snlomuts. Her rouud, graceful, well -
poised body, was mice thin, angular, round-
shouldered and bony. The metamorphosis
has been accomplished by proper dress, food,
and physicel vulture.
Dress, according to Mrs. Miller, is the
prineipal means for the physical, moral, and
121003 01 elevation of mankind, which is un-
attainable while the mothers ot the race go
about their work in oorsets, petticonts, and
bands. The healthiest inan dreesed in wo-
man's clothing and compelled to do his or-
dinary work would not live ten years.
The dress she advocases combines physi-
cal comfort, with the highest artistic beets
ty. There are no corsets, 110 bands about
the waist, no petticoats. Over a union
undergarment of wool may be worn another
garment, reaching from theshoulders to the
ankles, by those who require the extra
warmth, or consider it necessary. Then
comes the divided skirt, which la always
fastened to a waist, and is short enough to
require no lif ting on the street or when go.
ing up and down stairs. It provides warmth
and comfort, without; the disagreeable
weight, winding and dragging down, that
characterize the ordinary petticoat.
The dress is always made on it gown form
supporting the weight from the shoulders.
Among the dresses shown'was a beautiful
one recommended for achool girls, home
wear, etc., made Mother Hubbard style,
with several rows of shirring at the waist,
neck, and above the elbow in the sleeve.
This may be made of India silk, Henrietta,
Albatross, or nun's veiling, at a compare -
Seely small cost. Mrs. Miller likes this
dress particularly, because, In ib all the ex-
ercises necessary for vital physical develop.
ment can be taken.
A stylish walking dress, made with a
long basque, vest front, and boll street to
the skirt, which cleared the ground, by the
way, took away any fear of her street dress
attracting attention. It was the dress of
the ordinary fashionable woman, with the
exception thee it WU immeasurably more
comfortable. The walking akirt was made
on the usual foundation, and supported
from the shoulders. The tightfitting
basque was separate from the skirt, and
had bones in the front, gussets and side
back seams, The dress was !minified with
o pocket, as Mrs. Miller thinks much of
the inequality of the eexes rests ort the ques-
tion of pockets.
Her artistic dresses were beautiful and
allowed a thorough knowledge of the laws
of beauty, in following the lines of the
body. Bet the neat, tailorenade, rainy.
day dress, was the admiration of every
business woman present. This dress was
made of navy•blue waterproofherge,. prin•
cess shape, with the ham fully three mohes
above the shee.top, Buttoned gaiters of
the sante material 05 the dress, reaching
from the rubber overshoe to the knee, were
worn with it.
Mrs. Miller has worn this costume for
five years, on the streets of the principal
eities of America, and has never heard a
disparaging remark, or low joke, about her
appearance; and has juetly concluded that
the American women ean dress com-
fortably and sensibly if they Choose to
do em with the approval of all sensible
men. This same, short, close -fitting dress,
with all the f ulness in the back, would
be the ealvation of many a tired houtoe.
keeper, whose duties require her pre -
Bence up steers and down so many.' times
through the day.
The infant wardrobe shown was 0, great
impotent font Ori baby clothes in general,
It consisted of three pithea : 11 lotioleev•
edell•wool shirt, long onough to cover the
feet, woven in one pitied ; over thie an all.
Wool overshirt, eveven in the same way, but
a trifle longer, without gloves and cutlow
in the nook, The tinge, a trifle longer than
the others wag made of 53113101110Warth ma-
terial. Tlie diaper was of abeorbent Jersey
oloth, fitted with a poet at the Waist; In
the back, There Were to long cloehes, no
betide about the 310,103. The child t.sioca
dem front the first to &eider ibo treteeles,
THE. B11'0'8E3E148 POST. SEPT. 10, 1 802,'
In caring for tha body, the 14etet...1i oX.
liorted Mothers to see that their children
were wall.hol u, as that WM the first tight
of every 11 ronall tieing, anti rested with the
mother. To nocomplieli title, she intest
olothe the body so that every muscle new
haVe perfettt, freedoM, attend to her diet,
and keep her th ough t lif ted above the tl read
of motherhood In joyful anticipation of 31)0
future companionship of her children, 8110
urges the tiso 111 3)18 daily sponge - bath, ae•
companied Nvith considetable friction, the
suu-bath, ate, In bathing uso plenty of
pure vegetable oil soap every del on the en.
tore body, using a flannel wash -ref% and
teeter et a temperature of 8.3 0 or 000, dry
mg the body thorotighly With a Tarkish
water should be used oe the face by
thick-skinned Nvomen only. Using hot
water at night and cold in the morning, in-
variably helped thick -skins and ruiiied thin.
skins. The baby's bath for the first year
and it half ahould he kept at (3 temperatere
of 90*.
The proper care of the hair does not
necessitate washing oftener than once in
two or three months, but it does require
daily, careful brushin with a clean brush,
and wiping the 1113t11ra1 moisture from the
scalp and hair as often as once a week, with
a dry towel. For a wash for the head use
the white of an egg, mettle soap and hot,
tepid and cold water, drying thoroughly.
Hair cared for ill this way will not be
troubled with dandruff.
Wrinklee are caused by the tissue not
being nounshed by tisane producing food,
puckering the face in talking and laughing,
ole. Repose of the face and proper food
will bameh wrinkles. Hands are made ugly,
big -veined and red by constant muDion
When there is nothing for the hands to do,
let them remain rot rest.
The careful, serious study of food ele-
ments, with a determination to discover the
food necessary for her own body, with the
proper physical exercises, and proper poise
of the body on the ball of the foot, will
overcome the thinness and bony appearance
of the thin woman and reduce the corpulency
of the fat one. After getting a good basis
of physics.' health, go on and develop your
Indwiduelity and n,entality, living up to
y000 highest ideal and to the best that is
within you, helping every other human
being with whom you come in contact to do
ehe same for himself.
No one, not even the parent, haS any
right to dictate what another's work shall
be. That, must be decided by °gory intl.
virtual for himself, along the line of bus
stroll est, natural inclinations. Parents,
by deliberately crushing out these natural
desires of the children, chatige what might
have been a etrong personality, into a corn-
nionplaee being. -They slieuld study their
children and help them but never try to
turn their natural activities in another
direction. By cultivating her individuality
the pleineet woman adds a more lasting
charin than the most beautiful face can give.
elvery women by working for it may have
that most delightful possession, a melodious
voice. Filet obtain absolute control of the
muscles about the waist, then poising the
body on the ball of the foot, filling the chest
with air, speak with the lips, pitching the
voice into the nasal cavity between the
Siberian V1Ille3'4 rertille AS TIMM: Of
western America.
Siberia, coupled 88 110 name hi with storie
of Russian barbarity, is not the barren
terrilole lend of limitless deserts which
fiction ancl the cl ram have pictured it. The
building et the trans -Siberian railway and.
the extension of Mice along the northern
frontier of China will greatly change the
entire drama, of oiviliza,tion. The railroad
from Vladivostock to the Ural mountains
will bring that great Russian riaval atstion
within fourteen days' journey of Se Peters-
burg, and along this route stations will
rapidly grow into towns and offer oppor-
tunities for new and. striking development -
Russia's enterprise, says the Hartford
Globe, a timulates that of China, not only
as a matter of competitive ambition, but
Lor strategic reasons. The railways 11030
being surveyed and completed within the
celestial empire arc numerous, and to this
end many foreign engineers are employed.
Soldiers and convicts are largely employed
as workmen, thus cheapening the coat of
labor as far as possible. The trans -Siberian
railway extends a length of nearly 5,000
miles, and is expected to cost $200,000,000.
It is divided into six sections, each section
comprising three or more divisions, and
the contract for buildaig is given 'to these,.
thus employing a large number of contract-
ors for limited distances.
Ibis a mistake to suppose that Siberia is
O desert, or a glacier, or a mountain fast-
ness, or ineapuble of being made habitable.
The valleys are level plains, and said to be
as fertile as the western portion of the
United States, and it is not unlike the
wesb in the variety of its resources—in
minerals, timbers and in agricultural facili-
ties. It is a marvelous Wearier°. trov,e of
stoeed.up oppertunities, Its wealth is
practically unlimited. With the advem•
teges of reilroad communication and tele-
graph lines, a vast coentry is added to the
world of civilizaeion. The cultivation of
the land and tee intreduotion of all the
elaborate machinery of enlightened life
will, as scientists depict!, modify the Agent
of the climate, although in Southeru Siberin
even this obstaele does not exit..
Tioe Weed Burgeon
bf the Lubon Medical Company is now Ed
Toronto, Canada, and may be consulted
'either in person or by letter on all ohronie
diseases peculiar to man. Mtn, young, old,
or middle-aged, who find themselves nerve
ous, weak and exhausted, who are broken
down from exaese or overwork, resulting in
many of the following symptoms : Mental
depreseion, premature old age, loss of vital-
ity, loss of memory, bad dreama, dimness of
'sight, palpitation of the heart, emissions,
lack of energy, pain in the kindeya, head-
ache, pimples on the face or body, itchbag
or peculiar sensation about the scrotum,
-creating of the organs, dizziness, specks
before the eyes, twitching of tht muscles,
eye lids and elsewhere,bashfulnese, dimwits
in the urine, loosof willpower, tenderness of
the scalp and spine, weak and lobby muselee,
desire to aleop, /allure to be rested by sleep,
constipation* dullness of hearing, loasof voice,
desire for eolitude, excitability of temper,
sunken eyes surrountledwith LEADEN outeau,
oily looking skin, etc., aro all eymptome of
nervous debility that lead to insanity and
death unless cured, The spring or vital
force having lost its tendon every function
wanes in aoneequence. These who through
abuse committed in egnorance may be per.
manently cured. Send you, address foes
book on all diseases poeuliar -to man.'
Rooks sent free sealed, Heardisease, ths
eympteme of whith are faint epells, purple
numbeeas, palpitation, 'drip beeeeto
hotflushee, nuolo of blood to the head, dull
Pein in the heart with beats etrolog, tepid
and irregular, the Booed heart beatit
quicker then the first, poo to about the breatibl
bone, ete., can positively becurech No mire,
no pay. Send or book. Addrese M. ',I
!.1112il3N5 24 Maodonoll Ave. Teron3140014;
'the mtryttieue ettencrese 0310 1333 In '30313030
nst 3031'330et0 (1130-.1\1133110t, 1882-31335
first 033red station for cm:menial Mem-
deseent lighting was established, aud aro
lighting wee beginning to aseume its proem
form ; yet a Fingle decade 11110 NMI 1 110 IllSO
of eleari o igh and IttiV1(1100 from the
0) 310111111111)11 etage to 1110 very front ranke
of i el est rial enterprises.
The most recent estimete of the capital
invested in the eleetrioal industries In the
United etates is $700,000,000, aed 01 313110
mount $110,000,000 repreeents the proper..
tion which electric lighting anti pewee have
Attained ; $100,000,00010 also the estimated
investment in eleutrical supplies, of which
the eleotric lighting and railway appliances
aonstitate a hvge proportion.
The influence which the Baleen and Thom-
son•Houstou Companies exerted in the de.
velopment of the electrical industry will be
further appreoiated if we eonsider the slow
progress made in this branch of science pre-
vious to 31110 11010 cif their organization. The
telegraph was at that time almost the ouly
important application to which electricity
110(3 110013 adapted, and, although electric
lighting by means of the voltaic arc had
been accomplished by Sir Humphry Davy
as early as I810,by means of a battery of
8000 uells, it was 1101/ until 1867,
when Dr. Siemens announced his in-
vention of the self -exciting d3etamothet any
material progress toward the seience of elec.
trio lighting was made.
At the Paris Exhibition of 1 878 the sys-
tem of electric lighting invented by Jab -
leaked', by means of which several of the
streets of Paris were Hotted by elentricity,
proved an incentive to inventors which re-
sulted in the production of the modern
type of arc lamp, which was in a compara-
tively experimental 030310 01 the One of the
organization of the American Electric Com -
pally of New Britain. The incandescent
lamp had received less attention at the
hands of seientists than the arc lamp when
Edison announced his invention. The divis-
ion of the electric current into small units
had b en a, long-standing problem before
the scientists of that day, but all the ex-
periments previous to Edison's invention
had been in the direction of a filament of
low resistance, which obviously required a
prohibibive amount of copper to condueb
the current for a few lamps, even over
short distances. The inveneion of a high
resistance filament marked the turning
' point in the history of incandescent eleztric
Thus 31(0 500 that the whole of this great
industry has praatically come into existence
within a single decade. The men who have
been =thing history at such 0 rapid rate
have bean so engrossed with the present
and the immediate future that they have
paid little attention to the preservetion of
renords. de., that would not only be of inter-
est but of greet practical 'value to the great
army of young men who have token up the
science of electrics as a fiel I for their life
work. In the work on the Richmond Road
experiments wero Inede with, petimps,
atwenty-five different designs for a trolley.
No memoranda or photographs were pre-
served, and not even Mr. Sprague himself
can tell to -clay just what a half lime of
them were. This is only one instence out
of many where data have been irrevocably
Ioaberau From the North.
It is a eingular fact that although lttet
year enormous fields 01 105 had begun to in-
vade the so-called " steamer lanes ' of the
Atlantic at the opening ot spring, there has
been comparatively little ice this year. The
ice, of course, comes from the edges of the
Arctic regions, from the ice -boiled coasts
of Greenland and Labrador' where huge
bergs, broken from the frontof the glaciers
at the point where they reach the sea, start
on their long journeys boword the south,
driven by the great current which flows
clown from Baffin's Bay into the northern
Atlantic ocean.
Remarkable differences emir in the
seasons of the Arctic regions, so that at oer•
tain Mines, as happened last year, all the
obannels of the Northern seas are filled and
choked with floating ice at the breaking up
of winter ; while at other times the same
channels are compareeively free, and but
little iee is seen along the tracks of tho
trans -atlantic steamers.
itis a most interesting fact that siteilar
vicissitudes evidently occur in the Arctic
and Antarctic regions ot the planet Mars,
The telescope shows that vast fields of snow
exist around the poles of Mars, extending
when it is winter at either of those poles,
and contracting when it is summer there.
I3u31 the polar snows of Mars appear to be
noticeably less extenstve in some winter
stetsons than in others, so that we might
fairly expect to find there, if we could visit
that planet, coeresponding differences in the
amount 01 100 carried toward the equator at
the end at successive winters.
Otto Arctic naviga.tors take advantage of
such open seasons as the prom:Int appears to
be, whenever they can, to penetrate farther
toward the North Pole. It is peelutps for-
tunate for the increase of our knowledge of
the Arctic regions that Lieutenant Peary
and his party, who started for northern
Greenland last year, are now in tha far
North. They may bring back most inter.
eating accounts of the condition of things
there, and perhaps be able to throw some
light upoit the mouse 53 31110 remat kable earl.
ations in the quantity of iceberge and ice.
fields that come floating out of those mys-
terious regions in chflerent seasons.
He Asks Ilelp to Prevent Itiisslan Aggro:A-
aiun in the Pamirs.
The Ameer of Afghanistan has address.
ed a formal request to the Government of
India asking the Government to assist him
in preventing Russian aggression in the
Pamir region, part of which is claimed to
he Afghan territory. Ool. Yanoff, the
Russian commander, eontintles to ocesupy
(ho advanced positith to which he recent-
ly advanced. What is said to principally
alorrn the Ameer is the fact, previously
called attention to by Prof. Vamberyf
thae at Penjdeli, in the neighborhood as
the Djenishitlis, a tribe of tributary vassals
01 1110 Ameer of Afghanietan, the Russians
have established a military poat whence
they actively spread reports of the bless-
ings accruing to those placing themselves
neder the rule of the Czar
Prof. Vambery eharacterized tete rising
of the HaZaraS against the Amami AS serious,
and added that, as the troops of the latter
have already reeewed a thieve check, the
result of the ineurreetion is difficult to for.
tell. He ascribed the eause of the rebellion
to Reagan machinations, 031(1 00011 mention.
ed the probability of the ithourgehts havieg
Wen sweetly farnialted With Russian wefts
pone. Ho predicted elute, should the sit.
tuition assume! 13 really dangerous aspect,
no Other course would remain open to Ad -
&mailman 1(111111 than to seek aseistance
from the Engligh, and it W0111a then rennin
to bo seen in what light Pinola 'Weald t�.
gard England's interferon)°,
Tlia tondmi Stillidgrd eays Stet 0 tliscov-
ay of geld has been made in the
deell Valley, 1% ales, Th,., gold-diggers at
the Gwynfynyild Mine struck 0 vein of
gold -bearing quartz, said to he lout' feet
thick, Speenneus heve been sent to the
essayists In Loudon, and a yield of twelve
melees per ton la declared, The Crown it
is Paid, feratned a small plot near et wyn-
fynythl in VaeaMber 3004 10 a gold.prospect.
ing °emptily with oapital of 311300, and
during the eix num Os coding midsummer
they ere mid to have distributed 310000 as
the limit of their efturts, befog 0, return
of 3119011 per cent, npon their investment.
The Engliali Channel Bridge and Rail-
way Compeny have modified their plains.
A. new route hoe been adopted which will
considerably shorten the distanee. The
number of piers in the proposed bridge will
be reduced from 121 to 72, and the space
increased in size to 400 and 500 metres al-
ternately from one end of the bridge to the
other. The time required for the comple-
tion of the brhlgo would he seven years,
four of which would be °templed by opera -
Mona in the sea. The total cost of construc-
tion and interest till traffic could be opened
is estimated et I:32,000,000.
The exeentive committee of the Unionist
Convention for the provinces of Leinster,
Munster and Connaught have resolved to
issue in book form a report of the proceed-
ings of the great meeting held recently in bile
Leinster Hell. The volume will contain a
list of the executive and general commit-
tees, a co nplete list, of all the delegates, the
full text of the telegrams of sympathy re-
ceived from TJnioniet organizatioes in Great
Britain, the letters read upon the occasion
from the Duke of Abereorn, the Duke of
Devonshire, Professor Tyndall, Mr. Leaky
and others. To each delegate a copy of the
report will be presented.
An old man who occupied a filthy attic
In Germany and lived by begging, handed
his will to the clergyman who was with him
in his last illness. 33130 30111 gave his pos-
sessions, ninety thousand dollars cash, to
the poor family in the same tenement who
had given him food and nursed him, though
themselves in want.
A box- containing a baby was left at a
railway station in Spam. The station agent
urged 13 031011 a switchman, being un willing
to take it himself. The switchman and his
wife pitied the little one so much that they
took 11 1101310. When the woman was mak-
ing the baby ready for the night's rest, she
discovered money enough to pay for its
generous support and thorough education.
Abitration has ended a formidable strike
in England. The Durham Coal -Owners As-
sociaton proposed to reduce wages seven
and a half per Cent, The men struck.
After awhile, it was announced that further
reduction was unavoidable to ten per cent ;
and later to thirteen per cent. Mont
eighty thousand men were in the strike.
After more than two months' loss of thee,
the tremble was referred to the Bishop of
Durham and he decided for ten per cent,
which the men were willing to accept.
Cyrus W. Field, whose name is lamella
through his eminent service in laying the
Atlantic Cable, had many tokens of recogni-
tion. Among them are six large oil paintings
illustrating the laying of the cable, the geld
medal presented lnin by Congress, the gold
box presented by his fellow eitiiens of New
York, and many other tributes. Shortly
before he died, Mr. Field gave the collec-
tion to the Now York Museum, where they
will be objects of great interest as long its
distinguished enterprise for the comfort of
man commands atteutieu.
The Lady Godiva show was revived at
Conventry the other day after a lapse of five
years. Miss Alice Sinclair, from the Royal
Aquarium, London, rode as Lady G'odiva
through the miles of streets and th a proms-
sion, which included half-a!dozen bands of
music and the trade organizations, wits of
greet length. The weather was cold and
damp, but the city was crowded meth
A bust of Wm. Murdoch, the ftwentor o
gas -lighting, contributed to the Wallace
monument of Stirling by the North British
A.esociation of Gas Managers, was unveiled
on July 291h by Lord Kelvin, better knowo
as Sir Wm. Thomson. At, a luncheon which
was given afterwards Lord Kelvin made al-
lusion to the peat contesb that was sup.
posed to be imminent between gas and
electricity. The chairman had said the
gas managers were not afraid, and he, as an
electrician, was not afraid either. Just as
gas had succeeded without snuffing out the
sun, themoon and the planets' 80 130 believed
that electricity would succeedwithout snuf-
fing out gas.
A breach of promise case in which the
metal order of things was reversed, 00(00 3131
before the Haddingtou Sheriff Court the
other day. An Edinburgh man named
William Lenny sued Isabella Burnside, a
dotnestia servant for 31100 dantages for
breach of promise of marriage. The de-
fender admitted the promise of marriage,
and stated that she cancelled the engage-
mont on account of the pursuer's intomper.
ate habits. She tendered a sum of 3110 I Os
Id in full of pursuer's claim, being the
amount alleged to have been expended by
him in furnishing a lionse in the Cowgate of
Edinburgh. The defender has applied to
be admitted to the poor's roll.
A gentleman while fishing near "%Vamp -
bray. Dumfriesshire, hooked a fine Bea
trout. While running the fish to the land.
in plaoe, his line was caught upon some
object in the watee On drawing in the
line, Im found ono of his hooks had got fixed
to a fine otter. The obter at once struck
up stream with the sea trout in tow. Noth-
ing daunted, the fisherman held on to the
otter and after a severe struggle brought
him &there on the gravel bed at the top of
the pool. On attempting to kill the otter,
ib sbowed flight, and ultimately escaped
leaving the angler in possession of the sea,
What must be regarded as a record ice-
berg is reported to have been recently
passed by the bargne "Dumfriesshire " in
tile Indian Ocean. She was going from
Sharpness to Ssrdnoy, New South Wales,
and ou arrival at the latter place reported
having passed three icebergs near the
Orozit group of islets in the Indian Ocean.
The largesb of the floating dengers was a
perfect, leviathan mounting, if: was estintat.
ed, ten miles in length and about 3310 feet
in height. The second liwg est is said to be
about three miles long, ad tho smallest one
Shutting Rei' 13p.
Judge (to prisoner)—" You aro oharged
with having seriously injured your wife by
inolosing her in a folding bed. What have
you to Say for yourself ?"
Prisonee—" Your honor, I wished to soo
3111 WW1 possible to shut her up,"
Bravery we share witls the brtites.
Portitude Nve 011000 With the saints,
Newspaper mivertisom eats Wore unknown
until 1652.
The sultan or lioreeeo Deirrni 3I 1.30 to su
pr, 0,4 1111' .110,1A1.0:35 ThlIgler Unlit
e neon iv lied.
A Tangier cloupatch sae% 1.—Ti e nage.
tietions between the Sultan's olliciels and
the leader 03 1)35 Angliera tribesmen look.
1131 11) the submission of the latter have been
broken ctr by order of the Sullaii, Thc
:Sultan has direeted that 18 grand attak be
mode upon the Anglierai. and to stimulate
his troops he haa offered el foreveruadrir nnnder
they captuw
re, oundu
ed or nwoun
$5 fer every head they bring in thew eamp.
It will readily be seen that the numbew of
prisoners will be smbI, RS the troops will
get double the InOney for 01)011(1 that they
will get for IN prisoner. If the Angheras
live up to their reputation, however, and
there is not the elightest reason to suppose)
that they will not, the Sultan's troops will
heve to work hard for the stuns primmest
them. The Augheras, in their menial.'
retreats, will be able to make a long strug-
gle against any force the Sultan 0011 place
in the field against them, and, knowing the
mounteins as they do, it will not he an easy
task to capture them. Neither will ib be
easy to secutv the heads of those who happen
to be km/a in battle, for it is thought 31183 11
the Angheras cannot carry off the bodies of
their dead they will themselves cut the
heads off to prevent the troops doing so.
Considerable alarm again prevails in Tan-
gier, as it is teared the Angheras, whose
territory lies within sight of the city, will
make an attack upon elle place. It was
thought thee the troubles were ended e few
days ago when the Angitern, leaders offered
their submission to the Sultan, but it ap-
pears now that tile latter would agree to
none of the conditions the tribesmen insist-
ed upon, and determined to whip thom
into submission.
An= 114111ed in an Bentosion, 0( 31 Tank at
A despatch from Hamilton says :—Short-
ly before $ o'clock the other night a fright-
ful accident occurred et Freeman's fertiliz-
ing works in Wentwortisstreet. On the
third storey of the braiding was a huge
boiler or tank, used for the purpose of
reducing by steam the eennoins ot horses and
other animals. This tank was attended by
the nightwatehman, Albert Babcock, whose
duty was to look after the building at night
and attend to the steam tank. Last night
he allowed too great a pressure of steam to
accumulate, and the result was disastrous
to himself. The big iron cover of the tank
was blown off, and was driven ageinst the
roof with such force as to leave to jagged
hole in it. The cover fell back into the
The noise of the explosion was hoard
many blocks away and soon attracted a
largo crowd to the spot. Poor Babcock
was found in a, corner of the rosin. He pre-
sentecl a terrible appearance, The top of
his skull was malted in and his brains were
exuding. All arm was broken, his faze WAS
black and Weedy and he WitS terribly scald-
ed by the steam. He was still alive, how-
ever, though unconseione, and the city
nenbulance was hastily sent fop 3381)00011
was conveyed to the City Hospital, where
be died half an hour after his arrival. It
is supposed that at the time the accident
occurred he was acanding in o steepen posh
tiou over the tank, and that the edge of the
cover struck him in the forehead as it flow
up, crushing in his skull and hurling him
into the corner where he was found. There
were safety valves and a steam gauge at.
to the tank and the inference is th
1115 31001 fellew's death was the result of lois
own careleasnees.
Babcock nets 26 years of age. He came
to liamilton front England 18 months ago
and for 10 months had been in the employ
of Mr. Freeman, A year ago he was married
and he became a father a few weeks ago.
Be lived at 185 Shncoe street.
Seasonable II des.
Upon a good gravel road the draft power
required to move a given load is ouly one -
taped as much as required upon a dirt road
in the flame average condition. To make a
good gravel road the earth bed must he well
There is 0 right and a wrong way of using
green crops for manuring. In a light soil,
if plowed under in hot weather, they, have a
tendency to sour the land. Better let them
grow until cooler weather. If you find it
absolutely necessary to plow a green growth
or a heavy sod under at this season, it would
be well toapply a coating of lime immediate-
ly after, to counteract thut eouring tendency.
The best use to which commercial fertilizers
can be put is to prompt the growth of a
renovating crop. If used upon a market
crop the land receives no permanent benefit.
The plant food brought into availability
by thorough enitivation this season does not
expend itself wholly on the present growing
crop, but remains available and effective for
succeeding seasous Ihe reault of the prop-
er cultivation of thatoornfield 1.5 not exhaust-
ed this year, by 01133 31100118. The knowledge
of this fact ehould encourage ono in the of.
fart to till well.
If you think you can afford only
one manure oe thorough tillage for your
crops, give them the tillage, There ift
much latent fertility in the soil which may
be brought) into use by proper cultivation,
As proof of the foregoing, We May (mote
Prof. Roberti, one of our best; authorities,
who says " We clo not half estimate the
value of °tame. There are vast storos of
fertility in our soils, if we Neill only bring
them mot and render them available by
thorough and persistent culture."
One of the important duties of the farmer
at tide special season of the yew is to eon-
stitute homself a weed killer. Not a single
weed upon the farm, nor about the farm, in
the Ian& or roads, thould be permitted to
matore 118 sods,, for then dozens or even
hundreds will aprons up to annoy you and
tu rob the soil where now there is but one.
There are not many weeds that will persist
in living loug if their stooks and leaves are
kept one clown, and fewer yeb that will sur -
vivo if out close to the root now, Take a,day
now and clean them out; thoroughly, It,will
save you many days in the future.
A single experiment in agrioulture rime
not:afford proof ,thab can be received as def-
inite and conclusive, For this reason many
are inclined to doubt the efficacy of the
work of our exporitnent stations. Moat of
the stations have now made choir plans so
as to repeat bhe more bnportanb work year
after year, but in this way it takes a long
time to reach any conclusions. It is an ex-
cellent idea, to arrange to duplicate experi,
ments on different soils and in different
loordities,' ail is now doing in some etatee.
This inoreases the value 01 11310 testimony,
brings it into shape sooner, and, the work
being conducted at various points, NO that
131 18 open to observation by a greater num.
her of farmers, inspires more oonficlence
than 1111(1 (10110 at the statione elone. The
more closely our formers eat be brought
into direct Connection With eXperimelliA
work the more will they appreato nrao.
goal valise. The system of subst. ,01114
BhOUld be extended.