HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1892-9-16, Page 5•rrt� SEPT. 10, 1892 THE BRUSSELS POST r>weeinee ernreen vjaltasrr ¢ : Rargart OMPTC:Ri059MINOttaIrrOC ALICIPISP Cil";C.0 Il _CCU$, A,tWooel. t Aline dlmea AyorO, of IIamll oo , has been visiting her mother and Bieber. dm. Porterfield, oon. 14, Elmo, has solei his farm to Mr. Krugal for $8600.00, J. A. Fullerton has gone to Toronto, where he will attend the Bneinea9 College, O. Wood, eater, of London, glee boon employed by R. M. Ballantyne, merohanb tailor. The Canadian Order of Forettors have secured the earvloes of bhe Cosgrove family to hold a concert in the hall on the night of the fair. Tho Cosgrove family was in the villago the night of the fair last year and left a good impression on the people of Atwood and the surrounding country, so a rare treat is expeoteci. (7rxtAtte roollO. A load of flax hands go from here every day to Brussels to assist in flax spreading M the fields for Livingston Bros, They drive home cash night. Next Sabbath communion will be ob- served at Knox ohnroh, Rev. A. Y. Hart. ley, of Bluovalo, ie expeohed to assist in the preparabol•y sondem on Friday and Saturday. Wednesday morning, early, the family of Alex. McNair were awakened by some person attempting to gain admission bo their house. A child was lowered from one of the upetair windows by a quilt and he ran to the hotel and gave the alarm. Tho burglar, or whoever he was took the hint and dooalnp011. Mr, Mc• Nair is the township Treasurer but does not keep muah boodle on hand. A load- ed shot gun would have a moving effect on prowling night hawks, I.Asitow t+l. A. plate glass front has been put in Sanderson ce Preuter's harness shop. Henry Marko, of Wallace, was fined $20 and costs for keeping liquors for sale in nnliceueed premises. A file of $5 and costs was imposed on the lad Gibson, who struck Mr. \Ven- anger,baker, in the fano with a Daae. Another led also 11001 to pay a small fine for annoying b110 baker. At the meeting of L. 0. L. No. 870, in the Orange Hall on Friday evening, the members of the lodge presented Bro. W. Spears with a hand(some gold pin, em• blematin of the order, and an address, in recognition of his services its secretary of the 12th of July oelebration oommitteo. While the engine of the late Hess Bros. CO's factory wag being battled to the station on Monday of last week with four horses and a pair of trnoks, Um axle of the trucks gave way and let the massive engine down on 1110 Wallace street bridge, smashing through some of tho planks, and breaking some of the small rods of the engine. It was loaded up again next day with the assistance of a hoist and taken to the station without further mis- lutp. Go- e v. Bliss Annie Smith is visiting at Coda - rich, J. J. Ball is tasting in the sights at the Industrial Fair this week. Mies Nellie Bralwoll, of Clifford, ie visiting old friends 10 this locality. \Vm. Smith and John Hollinger are seeing the sights in Toronto this week. App's packers are o1 their rounds and barrels of fruit may be seen in many orchards. Albert Frayne has opened a betehor shop in the village of Gerrie and will maize his hone there. Daniel Sbewert, (salesman for the Morris tt Grey cheese factory, sold the August melte, last week, for ton cents per pounce. A. Ashton, who has been running n tailor shop of his own in Molesworth for some time, is about to give 0p business on 00count of ill health. The lightning last Sunday night killed two 2 -year-old steers belonging to John Savage. The animals were in a field and were found about 20 feet apart Monday morning, A bolt of lightning plowed a deep hole under a stone after having done its deadly workon one of the steers. Last Monday Hugh MoKinnon was kicked in the face by one of his mares and had his nose broken. It was a mir- aculous escape from instant death as the beast was shod and kicked viciously a number of times. Mr. McKinnon was so close to her, however, when he received the blow that comparatively little dam- age wa0 done. It was a close call. CHANGES IN FART' PaorEwrr.—Thomas Davidson, 11th con., has purchased the Delgatty farm, 12th con., containing 100 acres, paying the sum of $4,000 for it.-- S. t:- S. Love, 18111 eon., disposed of his prop- erty, near Walton to his neighbor, Mr. Bennett, for 162,700 and has bought the Engel Bros. 100 acre farm on the 12th con. Price $3,050. The Engel boys have not yob decided where they will lo- ea1e. Walton. Mrs. E. Hogarth, of Hamilton, is visit- ing ab R. Pollard'e. Wm, Campbell, of Gravenhurst, ie visiting relativee here. What about au open Oonuoil of the R. T. of T. before very long. Rev. W. Obtewelt and family have re. terned home from their visit. Blioe Annie Harper, of Blenheim, is visiting Miss Hannah Ingram. Misses Lizzie and Jennie MoDougall use visiting friends at Kippen. Miss B. MoKibbin has Bono to visit her sister, Mrs, Smith, of Unionville. Mrs. Waugh and children, of Tees - water, are visiting at Mrs.'Turnbull's. Mee. (Dr.) Gardiner and children, of London, are visiting at Alex. Gardiner's. Eli Pollard has gone to Mauietique. Ho was ticketed by T. Fletcher, Brussels. We are pleased to notice that Rev. D. Forrest is able to get about again after his long siege from 00101108. Mrs, Geo. Pethiok and ohildron, of Seatorbh, who have boon visiting Here for some \seeks returned home Friday. Rev. W. Torrance, of Goderioh, has boon quite ill again and had to have his work supplied for several Sabbaths, W. I1. Humphries Mies Maggie John. 01on, Mrs. W. M. Smith and son and others are away at the Toronto Fair. The people of the Methodist ohueoh purpose holding an entertainment in Cho near future, Tho proceeds will be for the S. S, fund, Wrn. Kerney hoe been ongago1 a0 Prineip01 of our ptiblio school for Ibo next 1} years at $873 per annum. 115156 Pirkby, theassistanb teaoiiee, has been ro.nu„ng3d or next year at $210.' The W. 111, S. of Duff's 0har011 mot on Priday,'Jnd rout., at the 10011101106 of A. Gardiner. There was a very large at. Mitchum. In the evening the following literary and mueaal programtam was r °01101. oil :—Opening hymn, byeom lauy • road. 1 6 l ing Maty Gardiner ; song, Flora 'Camp. boll , reading, Jas. Me1'adzoai 1 (Mott, Llzzio Smith and Lizzie McDougall ; reading, Mho D. Me.liibbin ; solo, Mise Grace (30minill ; speech, A, Gardiner ; dealt, Misses Annie and Aggie Mo0nlle ; instrumental musio,lbLrs. (Dr.) Gardiner; speech, David Campbell ; doubt, Misses Mary and Mario Wiltzia ; epeeoh, Mrs. (President) Campbell ; °losing hymn. Prooeeds amounted to 161.45. IYteneryxe, Threshing is 01 the go at present. John daeoaden has his eider mill in full blast, W, P. Fraser, of Stratton!, spent a few days among friends hero last week, Mrs. Percy White, of Port Elgin, is visiting at Mrs. T. hall's thio week. Silver Corners cheese factory Bold the August make of cheese for 10e. per pound, The recent heavy rains have swollen the Maitland so that boating may be more frequently indulged in. \Vm. Bawbinheimer went down to To- ronto on Monday of this week with a oar load of fat stook. Ho reports the mar- kets very (11111. J. L. i1ToCrea has gone on a two weeks prospecting tour through the counties of Perth and Waterloo, locating timber for the British market. 11 V111.q-1e2.1.1111. George McTavish, formerly of the Union Forniture factory, gave the °m• ployoes of the factory a treat at R. Hill's restaurant. Geo. McKenzie will, in all probability, erect another briolc blook on Josephine street next season on the property adjoin- ing the markeb square. Rev. John Scott, M. A., of St. Mary's, President of the Gnelph Conference, preached the Educational sermons last Sunday in the Wingham Methodist church. Stanton Agnew, of Wingham, has gone to Evanston, III., where he purposes studying with the idea of beooming a preacher. For some time past he has been acting as loader in the Methodist church choir, in which oapao#ty he will be misoed. J. L. Coutts, of St. Thomas, has sold through S. Youhill, Real Estate Agent, of Wingham, Lot No. 8, Centre street west, to Dr, Macdonald, M. P., on which the dooter contemplates moving his pre. sent dwelling house to make room for a block of hriok stores to be erected in the near fnt0re. Prof. Scott has engaged the following professionals to take pert in his concert, to be field in the town ball on Sept. 28113:.—Miss Lily Evans, Elocutionist, FIonor Graduate S011oo1 of Elocution, Philadelphia ; Blies Maud Stevenson, soprano, London, and James Fax, 011nra0ter humorist, Toronto. Chas. 8obmi111, 0 well known hotel. keeper of Ibunilton, Flied last week arbor a short illness. Deceased was born in Hanover, Gormany, and came to Canada in 1870, residing at Listowel and Wing. ham before settling in. Itamilton. II0 was 43 years of age and respeoted by all who knew him. The funeral took plane at Wingham. Moir 01111. Airs. Mark Cardiff is away at Toronto, Bliss Maggie Laidlaw is visiting at To- ronto. Miss A.nnie Enka, of the 1st con., is at present very ill. Jas. Moore was visiting relatives in Ripley this week. Another girl on the 10 eon. and Johne wears a very becoming smile. J. H. James, of St. Catharines, was visiting at W. Jackson's last week, Who is the man on the 0th line that pastures ilia animals on his neighbors 7 Miss Marion Forrest, of the 2nd eon., who has been ill for some time, is slowly recovering. y. M. Millar, of Bervie, who has been visiting in this vicinity rebnrnod gnome this week. John Lamont, of Thesealon, Algoma, is at present visiting at BIr. King's, on the 101 eon. John Johnston has leased the form of Mrs. Robb. Johnston, 2nd son., for a term of five years. Bowman Bros. lost a good working horee on Thursday morning of last week from indigestion. Miss Josie Marks, of Woodstock, has been visiting at her uncle's, Allan Ram• say's, for some time. Robb. Armstrong, of Sunshine, was renewing aoquainbanoes in the vicinity of Walton nn Saturday. Tho Joe Scott farms will be offered for sale at the Queen's Hotel, Brussels, o1 Saturday, Oct. 8th, ab 1 o'olook p. 111. rl gentleman from Stanley township has purchased the McDougall farm, near Walton, paying the heat sum of ,$5,900 for it. Tho Sunday school anniversary will be held on Sunday afternoon, 2811 into.' at Jaokson'e appointment, 8111 lino. Ad• dreeses will be given by Rev. J. W. 81111. ton, B. A., of Clinton, and W. M. Gray, of Seaforbh, a well known Sunday school worker. Fres.—On Tuesday night of Last weep the barn and stable on Wm. Carter's farm, oast half lot 20, con, 0, were destroyed by fire, together with contents which comprised prop, boggy, farm im- plements, oto. Incendiarism is supposed to be the pause. The loss is covered by insurance in the Howiolt Mutual. On Friday evening last death entered the borne of Nelson Thornton, 10 eon., and carried off the household pot. His little daughter, Lizzie, bad been ailing for a few clays with a (bold but nothing ser10110 was anticipated until Friday morning when a physician was called in bub nothing could be done to relieve her eufferings until death relieved them, Solloor, Rsroax,—Tho following is the report of S. S. No. 9, Morris, for the month of August, based on proficiency, good•oonduct and attendance 3rd Olass—James 100811, Hanna holly, Minnie Bowley, Lillie C1An08n ; Se»ior 2nd Claes—Jennie MoArter, Alice Kirkby, Bella Bewley, Lizzie Riehartleon ; Junior 2nd °lase—Maggie Clonnan, Kate0 Soaele, Ada Searle and Bella McCall, Sara Tay- lor ; Part 2nd Class —Laura Foar, Maggie I1IoCall, 1511a MoArter, David Koine ; Part let Class --Rosy Soarle, Emma Bio. Call, Maggio Taylor, Alex, Farqulraraon ; Peilrlary Class—Raymond Fear, i±elsronoo Hutton Lybo Jackson, Monne Jooksen. AI, cr 1 111','3enobor, I3t':1g„t•94Vt+. Win. Wa1so1 ]las moved luta his new dwelling home, AIr, end hire. Smyth, of Wingham were 113.111 031+1(913, • WATERLOO iowr. Aa ' town on Sunday, 0 hold in home er ra s will 170 10 1 Harvest I of s v Assmnos business fwrit e'nu'y18111 2191,850 the Presbyterian ahuruh of Sunday, Sept, Now business Svritten ill 1501 L 401,060 25111, at 11th o'clock, Lloreaoe over 101110 041,800 Cash 11100m0 for 1801.,,...,, 6.17,120 Increase over ib90 57,1120 Ontario Mutual Life Mr. Ven Norman has dispood of his trotting horse "Little Jim" to some parties from 4lubutn !or it neat figure. Jae, Tyner has sold his saw mill to E. Livingstone. Elam's a hustler and will doubtless make tlilngs lively here the coming winter, The Harvest Home servines w111011 were hold in the Englishohnroh on Wednesday evening wore a grand suaoess financially as well as socially. Revs, Hughes, of Wingham, Higley, of Blyth, and Cluff, of Brussels, took part in the services, The collection amounted to $38.70. 1+7.411101. Mi00 Ball, of Bruesels, is organizing a nlueie elites in t11i0 village, Ohuroh of .England service at the usual hour next Sunday morning. While in the villago on M011d03, last Hugh McKinnon received a kick from his horse resulting in a brollen none. Next Sabbath the servioe in the Pree• bytorian ohurah will be held at 3 p, m. instead of 3;30, owing to communion at Cranbrook. Mr. Hatch, artist, of Woodstock, has been visiting at J. 111, D110100' and is leaving several doe specimens of his handiwork behind hien. Quito a number of the Church of Eng- land congregation drove out to Atwood on Sunday last to attend the harvest thanksgiving services of that little town. A great many from this villago and surrounding country tools 131 the (heap exeurslon to Termite on Tuesday morn. big. Had the weather been favorable the orowd would have been larger. The Misses Newcombe left on Tuesday morning for Toronto where they intend spending some months in study. The many friends they have made since coming here will greatly miss them, We are pleased to hear that Dr. Cale has so far recovered from his recent fll- naa0 as to be able to leave fur Toronto. Ile expects to be away about a week. He looked as though ho needed ahauge and rest. The new Township Hall will be a brick structure on a stone foundation. It will be 30x50 feet with 16 foot walls. The material is being got on 1110 ground and work will be pushed at a lively rate so as to havo it completed by Nov. 10. 1BluovflO. Jas. Timmins is erecting a fills briok house. on his farm, near the station. Geo. Ashton, of Fordwich, le supplying the brick. Mr. Pugh hes the mason work to do and Mr. Fininey has charge of the wood work, It will be a great improve- ment to the plaoe. Joseph Leech, who has been spending a few weeks visiting in the Eastern prov• ince, returned on Saturday fart, much improved in health. He reports the harvest 111 001'01 parts much delayed by heavy rains flooding the fields. lie spent a very pleasant time. •v' - in the Presbyter- ian 1(a no se 1 leo There w S ian ohuroh here last Sunday owing to the absence of the pastor, it,v. Ito Hartley, ab Whibee uiroh, where he was assisting Rev. Mr. Geddes in disrensing the sac- rament of the Lord's Supper, hence a large number attended the Methodist ohnroh al nighb. The Mtahodists of Browntown intend making some much-needed improve- ments on their 01100011. A stone faun. dation will be planed under the building which will be veneered next spring. The inside will be °hang, 11 by removing the anoienb looking 301311, t&o., and the walls and ceiling papered. Tho seats will be re -painted and a poroh built. The fixing of the inside is in the hands of the you ng people and they intend to make a good job of it. One of Nelson Thornton's children, a little girl of something over two years old, died on Friday last of diphtheriatic croup. The funeral was 1101c1 o1 Sunday when a large number of friends and ao. quainbances gathered at the house to show their sympathy with the sorrow- sbriolcen parents. Their pester, Rev. J. W. Pring, conducted a short service, making a few appropriate remarks from the words "Is it well with the child? And she answered, It well." A funeral ser. mon Will be p0680he1 in Jo1111eton's 01100011 next Sabbath at 7 o'clock, The wife of Rev. J. M. Hodson, of Belleville, out„ died in Paris, Frunoe, on Mouday, from typhoid fever. James Wyatt and Thomas Gregory reoenbly found near S1. John's a large brown striped snake, 4 foot 0 i00110s in length and 7 Mabee in circumference. Forbybhree small snakes, measuring 1.0 inches in length, were found in the body. yeris a rVigs Makes the hair soft and glossy. " I have used Ayer's Hair Vigor for nearly five years, and 711y hair is moist, glossy, and 111 an excellent stale of Pres. el -ration, I nm forty years old, and have ridden the plains for twenty tivo years." —Wm. Henry Ott, °liar"Mustang Bill," Newcastle, Wyo. Ayer's 1 airVI or Prevents Hair from falling out, "A number of years ago, by recom- mendation of a friend, 5 began to use Ayer's Hair Vigor to stop the hair from falling out and prevent its turning gray. The first effects were most satisfactory. Occasional applications since have kept. my hair thick and of n natural colon"— n. Basham, McKinney, Texas, Ayer's',a rVn or Restores hair after fevers. "Over a year ago I had a Severe fever, and when I recovered my hair began to fall out, and what little remained turned gray. I tried various remedies, but without success, till et last I began to use Ayer's Heir Vigor, and now my hair is growing rapidly and is rescoled to Its original color."—Mrs, A. Collins, Dighton, Mass. Ayr's H irVi or Provont0 hair from turning gray. " My hair was rapidly turning gray and felling out; on° bottle of Ayor's stair Vigor has remedied the trouble, end m hair is now its original color and full. cess." -13, Onkrupe, Cleveland, 0, Prepared b Do,,f. O. Ayer to Oo„Lowell,elass, Sold by Breathier aid 1'erfuulors, Liberal Conditions of Policies. Bash awl Pald-up Values guaranteed on oath pollee. All dividends belong to and ale paid only to polio holders. premiums payable during the 10011111 In wino! they fall duo. Petioles are incontestable two years from date 01 leave, No restriction on travel, residence or oo. onpa1ion, Lapsed petioles may be revived within six months after lapse, Death e1aima paid at owe on completion of ottani papers. J, A. YOUNG, District Agent, Ethel, segemostootattcotreg000sseignstr eattb9psbeniesentermareetweentlemagarencenmi X11 c 1'JE () D' S tyset rnr Renovator ,-'-1$l1 0TRT•I5••^^-- TESTED REMEDIES SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE For Lnpure, Weak and Impoverished Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Palpate - Won of the heart, Livor Complaint, Neur. algia, Loss of Memory, Bronchitis, Con. sumption, Gall Stones, Jaundice, Kidney and Urinary Diseases, St. Vitus' Dance, Female Irregularities and General De- bility. LABORATORY DODEERICII, ONT. J, M. McLEOD, Prop, and Manufacturer. Sold by J. T, PEPPER, Druggist, Brenda. APPLICATIONS,THOROUGNLV REMOVES DANDRUFF ';i,���y m..o•".e""'m,.•..R ly � n.,#' ry• rte”'—" .mss• CM Restores Fading hair to its original color. Stops falling of hair. Keeps the Scalp clean, Matzos hair soft and Pliable Promotes Growth. G19tUILIutlii EED D. L. OATEN. 1 Toronto, TmveltIng ressvngr Ag,ut, 0 A R. Sow Antl•OnndrnlrIo apnrfrotrumovorornnn. 111,11-1011111(0,15 n,orvulloue—quay own glen a row npplbxalu,s not only thoroughly 10,500111 (wings of tho l 5(0 10M1l011u00(1 ,11 p but autl promu,.d 5. villblu growth. SOLD BY G. A. DEADMAN, BRUSSELS. ANTLE N .1.1111101 DO '" Di, '1; ANT A aT BALLLNTYNE � H SUSS -T -11T VE? LTO HAVE JUSTi WHAT TWITIL SUIT YOU, uganowa "THE ARTGARLAND" Is a Leader in Coal Moves and Always gives Satisfaction. wrotareverwerrtamv Wo keep in Cook Stoyc8, "The Tioga," "name Garland," "Bright Idea" and several other makes that Wo re- commend Most highly. Call in. and see our Stoves and got our pricers. BALLANTYNE & WILTON. ,IIYmveu,R,py l➢tKFif� K 9s" INC THE COOK'S BEST FRIEND LARGEST SALE IN CANADA. Money to Loan, Money to Loan on Farm Pro- perty at LOWEST RIITES. Private and Company Funds. DICKSON & NAYS, solicitors, c1c., BRUSSELS, ONT. ii110NE' TO LOAN. Any Amount of Money to Loan on Farm or Village Pro- perty at 6 & 62 Per Cent., Yearly. Straight Loans with privilege of repaying when required. Apply to A. Hunter, Division Court Clerk, Brussels. FRESH ARRIVALS —AT THE— i r `� e8tU111iI u BANANAS, PEACHES, PLUMS, LEMONS. CABBAGE, CUCUMBERS, TOMATOES, WATERMELONS, CORN, CANDIES, NUTS, FRESH CREAMS. Tr/7'c?'; .. .'1.. :.1 0110 \Lay.of 1 C!•.. ;:"J1 t1.. ..,. f„i'_ -.. .'j•:15: bot yields to c' coy movement? Then you want the Bali's Corset. lie you find that you don't, :;_'ter wearing for two or three weeks, you Have only to return it and get your money back, Foul, SALE BY A. S'fRA011AN• THOS. FLETCHER Practical Watchmaker and Je10ele7 Thanking the pnblio for past favors and support and wishing still to secure your patronage, we are opening out Full Lines in GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES. Silver Plated Ware from Established Dud Reliable Makers fully warranted by 0a. Clocks °lac Latest Des i.grt.,s JEWELRY I Wo »°neo RINGS, 500100 GEM HMS, Bn00011Es, EA10INes, Bt°. f •Also ie Pull Line of V1oLINO and Violin Stringe, t1o., in stook. N. t0. —Usurer of Marriage LlceliOe$. T. Fletcher, - Brussels.