HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1892-9-16, Page 1uctousymumillivaatmuouswamiicipacas" vocuiamok.aawnnaraniczna,utp=msmassmirneantna.vamsrawitaniniimminiurtr.criattn;xxonveccemssiancsonaukawnaemiummouwww.m.reen.rwagAi...r.......r................-.-.....crrneo.....-;nr,,s-sorawarwrnMmatitsum Vol. 20, No. 10. BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 1802 Wtaxpasexamsrucanaromemaumuaraeaux......snanmalgumvasaamanar..ampasenanaanunnomotumesnu-sam tamairatussameamalratumwanucrommoursaaniffite ile....1314MITOIWZMIX11.112.4r*I Huron A tiglienn Church Workers niiI filind113' Soiling Cenvantion. Although the final arrangements for the chureh tvorkers and Sunday aohool convention for the (Lome of Huron, bo be held at Stratford on the llth and 12th of October, ore etill inoomplete, enough luto already been done to provide a program that is cortoin to be both at. tractive and interesting. Among the contibutors to the discussion of lay work in its various coots will, we are given to understond, be Dr, L. H. Davidson, Q, 0., of Montreal, ono of the secretaries of the provincial synod, and an old and enthusiastie church worker. The coon. all of the Brotherhood of St. Andrew will be represented by a gentleman of ability, who will particularly address himself lo the claims of the (hurrah on her young mon. A. 11. Dymond will discuss the duties of the Lay Repro. sentative and how he does (or does not) perform them. The Rev. G. 13. Sage, pastor of St. George's, London West, will read a paper entitled "The Church and 11er Young People," dealing eapeoially with the subject of parochial associa- tions. On the Sunday school side of the conveution's labors will, it is hoped, be ELE address by the Hon. S. H. Blake, Q. C. The Rev. Alfred Brown, B. A., will apeak on "The Sunday School and the Churah," while the theme of the Rev. J. 0. Garrett, of St. Mark's, NM- gara, will be "The Sunday School in Relation to the Family and Church." The Rev, A.. D. Dewdney will supple- ment these papers by one on "The Necessity of Home 00.operation with Sunday School Work." A most interes- ting feature of the proasefflugs will be an illustrated address on "The Model Teacher," by Soarer Golden, of Kings. vine, a veteran SabbeAla sohool teacher of forty years' standing, the discussion on which, will be led by Miss S. Brown, of Brantford. Several other well-known workers in the diocese have promised to open the disoussiono on the topim pre. seated, The Biehop of Huron, who will presicle at the sittingo of the convention, will preach at the service to be bold in St. Jamaschurch on the evening of the llth, and 11 1180, WEI believe, been sug- gested that the tise of lay help in con. neotion with the service of the churoh should be exemplified by the assistance of two or three laymen being invited on that occasion. The G. T. R. and 0. P. R. oornpanies have offered the usual reduced rates—a fare anda third for round trip. The Rev. G. R. Beamish, B. A.., of Stratford, is ehairman aud secretary of the loom' hospitality oom. mibtee, and it is desirable that the names of intending visitors should 130 sent to hini without delay. DEATH OF JAS. TROD', EX --M. P. James Trow, ex. Itt. P., the weil known exasiberal whip, breathed his last in To. ronto on Saturday morning. His death was very midden, although not altogether unlooked for, as for many years past he had been afflicted with heart trouble. Mr. Trow arrived in Toronto from his Stratford home on Friday and was pay- ing his son, Dr. Trow, of 57 Carlton st., a visit. He iutended while there to un. dergo a course of treatment by some of the leading oat, doctors. On Saturday morning he boarded a Carlton streeV car, but before he had ridden many minutes he wae stricken with acute heart failure. The dying man was aarried to Dr. Trow's residence and the best medi. oal aid summoned, but without avail. In an hour and a half he expired. The remains were conveyed to Stratford on the 11:30 train Saturday night. Mrs. Trow survives her husband. He also left behind him four sons—Dr. Ohorles Trow and Edward Trow, barrister, of Toronto; James and Thos. Trow, farm - 010 in the vielnity of Stratford, and one unmarried daughter. As a politician Mr. Trow was widely known. His was for many years past a familiar figure at Ottawa. In the capacity of Liberal whip he had to do with the leading par- liamentarians of the day. In 1872 he begat) his public oareer, being then eleot. ad to repregent Perth in the House of Commons. He continued to represent the constituency until last session, when the courts unseated him for bribery by his agents. In the bye election James Pridham, Conservative, was returned. Mr. Trow petitioned against his oppon- ent'e election. Only on Thursday of last week was the petition disoniasecl. The remains of the deceased arrived at Strat. ford from Toronto at 8 o'clock Sunday morning in charge of hie 000, Dr. Trow and A. E. Trow. They were mot by a "delegation of the Ohy Council and prominent °gizmo, headed by the Mayor, and conveyed to the family reoldenoe, the Grange. The body lay in stats Sun- day afternoon and was viewed by hun- dreds of deceased's old Mende and polit ical associatcs. La the different Strat- ford churehes reference was made to the loss the city and country had suotninecl In his death, owl the flags an the publio buildings were at halfanast. Dr. Trow received the fol owing message from Hon. Wilfrid Laurier, leader of the Liberal party :—Please accept fot, yourself, your mother and family the expresgion of my deep byrnpothy in the sad berm's°. ntent which deprived you of a fother and 10e of &very dear friend." The funeral took place on Tuesday at 1 p, in. to Avoodale cemetery, Stratford, The Stratford Herold gaya of tho do. (matted t•—"He was esgentially a relf.matde man, and hie memory is entitled to ro- -sped owing to the illustrations he f ornish • ed to the yoonger generation 02 11)0 value of the glialitios of Met, cool:ego and perseverance which he possegadd in on stagnant degree. From lending in this country a poor boy of 16, he leavog be. hind him at dying on estale valued at between $800,000 and 3400,000. In South Perth alone he owned nineteen forme, Mr. Trow's poblie experience hog been long and varied, lie began life in Ogg aouttry in 1842 as & school teacher, Elt the school on lot 21, con. 2 of North East. hope, known as 13011e sohboi house, at which time there Wag , but one ether school in the township. He followed the nailing of 1 teacher foe ten yearn. Be- coming assemor and afterwards olerk of the townallip, he won publio esteem and aonfidence to so large a degree that his election to the reeveship followed in 1851, which poeition 110 1)0111 for 21 years, in. eluding the office of warden of the county of Perth in 1870. During his long term of munioipal offiee of 31 yearo he was re. 01ea1ed to the position every anamecling year by aoulainotion, and also held eon- tinuously during all those yearg the chairmanship of the !inane° ontomittee of the county council, m municipal reoord of which there 01111 be few parallels." UP118POIS 8015001 Hoard. The regular meeting of the Brussel» Sehool Board mot in the council chamber last Friday evening. Members present, T. Pleteher, T. Far- row, A. Hunter, A, McKelvey, R. L. Taylor. CM motion of T. Farrow, T. Fletcher took the chair. Minutes of the last three meetings tre read and passed. The following amounts wen read ;— A.. Bawbinheimer, contraet for repair- ing sohool, 356.00, extras, 1112,10—$118.10; T. Ballantyne, whitewashing and repair- ing, 316.00 11. James, extra work in cleaning rooms, 31.50. Moved by A.. Hunter, seconded by R. L. Taylor that the foregoing amounts be paid. Me. Bawlinheimer to produee vouchers for the lumber and shingles. Carried. Moved by R. L. Taylor seoonded by A.. Hunter that the Seoretary be author. ized to borrow the sum of $1020 from the Standard Bank for three months to pay exiating note, ealarics and accounts. Carried. Moved by T. Farrow, seeondecl by A., MoKelvey that all the teachers be notifi. ed that their present agreements are to win at the and of the present year, (1892). Carried. The Board then adjourned. Canadian Newts.. Grimsby Park has been closed for the season. Grave.robbers have been at work in the Hamilton ceinetery. Another natural gas well has been struck near Right/en, Ont. Dr. Ridley, the oldest practitioner in Belleville, died there Tuesday, aged 67. Mra. Mackenzie, widow of the late Eton. Alexander Mackenzie, is seriously 111. The Grand Central Hotel, Riclgetown, was destroyed at an early hour Tuescloy morning. Charles Anna& proprietor of the Halifox Chronicle, died Tuesday in Lon. don, Eng. - The Oity Omnil of Londou, Ont., has authorized the purchase of a site for a cholera hospital. Justice Street received the white kid gloves at Own Sound, Tuesday, on the opening of the Pall Assizes. Engineer Newman has submitted his plans for draining Pelee Island. He es• timates the cost at 322,500. Eleven 0010 02 pilgrims p10000 through Watertown, N. J., on their way to St. Anne'de Beaupre, Quebec,. A. war of pude between the bakers of Windsor, has brought the price of bread down from do to 4o per loaf, T. G. Davy, London, has had nearly 1,000 boards painted weaning trespassers off of his big preserve at Newbury. A. boy named Ernest Day was fatally shot while playing with 0 gun at Brant. ford. He did not know it was loaded. Anderson Veney, a colored barber, liv- ing in Amherstburg, murdered his wife Sunday night. Jealousy wag the muse. A. Victoria, B. C. despatch says more hay and grain will come down from the Fraser river valley this year than ever before. The benchers of the Law Society Tues. day refused the application of Miss Clara B. Martin for permission to enter as a student.a.t-law. Right Rev. T. 0'11 -Money, auxiliary bishop of the Roman Catholic provinoe of Torouto, tiled Friday morning. Lie was in his 6711) year. D. Porter, Pd. P. P. of North Bruoe, hos returned from his visit to the South. ern States for his health, and is nsuoli improved by the trip, Two eagles were shot recently at Grovecz- end, Elgin oounty, by John P. Hunt, Of London. One was rt, "baldhead" and the other gray, moll measuring from tip to tip of wing 6 feet 10 inches. Dr, D, A.. O'Sullivan, Q. 0., of Toron- to died Tuesday at Poneta,nguishoue at Hie early age of 45. Canoda ham lost the servioes of a man eminent in the law, who promised to reach the higheat pin- nacle in his profession. Napoleon Wells, who kidnapped his ehild In Detroit last week, hag not yet been found. Mrs. Sterling, of Toronto, mother of the child, is in Detroit, and soya she will follow hoe first husbaod to regain posseasion of the 011110. Hereafter the 0. P. It. steamships on the Lake Superior line will make three tripe per week instead of two. Iligh boat merles 1,600 lions each trip, and tho throe votasels contribute about 111,000 to the Unitod Slates treasury per week. Three mastiff dogs got into the poultry yard of James Arthur, jt',, next door to The Lorne Avenue Sohool, London, the other night and killed nearly fifty of his faucy bred fowl, Mr, Arthur managed to capture the marauders, and induoecl the OWE017 to poy for the stook. A number of the birds had been entered for the West- ern Fair, Jas, B. Lundy was tried at the amazes tg Brampton, ou Tuesday last, for the murclee of his wife, Olomentina, ittApeil last, While hio wife wag entertaining vigitors ab the Lundy residence, the Brampton Hone, Lundy °oiled his wife to the kitchen, and fired three revolver shots; at her, all the bullets taking effect and death being almost iostontoneous, The evidence was oenclusive of the mur. dot, but the jury retort:1°cl a vet:diet of manslatighter, and the judge reprimanded them for their leniency. Lundy woo gentermed to 20 years in Kingston, peni- tentiary. Lundy la 45 years of age. kingaton Canton of Odafellowo ovill Mice part in the drill eompetition at the World's Fair, On the Aylmer half•nille troth Friday Gold Ring, the Canadian stallion, trotted a mile in 2.14. Ed. aleKnosyn, Winnipeg's ltea.vy• weight pugilist, lost his galoon and all hie wealth on Sullivan, Arthur Conklin, of Kingsville, took carbolic noirl by mistake, but prompt rneasoreg aavect his life, Mrs. Joseph Cantina', of Montreal, used coal oil in her kitchen fire one even- ing and was blamed to death. In the Springfield district near Winni- peg, the taxmen realized 35 bushels of wheat to the acre, all 01 01001 quality. The St. Thomas Oily Oennoil has in- structed the police to enforce the law pro- hibiting the sale of tobacect to minors. John Henry Heard, aged 25, fell from his biayele on Xing street, Toronto, in front of an electric oar and was killed. The C. P. R. has giveo notioe of its intention to withdraw from the Trans. Oontinental Association on January 1. The Columbia, river oontains trout with large red spots on their bodies. They nave boon named "Dolly Vorden" trout. A. letter received at Ottawa from Man. cheater England, says there is a stead. ily increasing demand there for Canadian butter. 11 10 said that people from 'Vermont are to settle three townships in the Prince Albert Diotriot, N. W. T. The new exodus is still booming. Wm. Sleigh, of Jersey City, was thrown from his horse at the Toronto Exhibition grounds on Monday and died in two hours frona fratature of the skull. John Currie, o foreman of the chair factory of Hay ca Oo. in Woodstook, died on Fridaymorning of loot week from a blow received from a board thrown by a oiroular saw in the faetory. Levi Boughton, of Paris, bad two brothers and a sister who, Op to a short time ago, were all living, and whose mg. gregate ages, including his own, was $74 years, or 1112 average of 980 years each. Two Harriston men jumped into the Maitland river the other clay after a sup- posed little girl floating down the stream. When one of the heroes reaohed the drowning objeot it was found to be a large wax doll. At Guelph on Thursday of last week George 0. Oreelinon, B. S. A., professor of biology at the 'Mississippi Agricultural College, Starkville, Miss., was married to Ada, eldest daughter of President Mills. of the Ontario Agricultural College. The groom is a brother of W. °reign:gm, barrister, and Alexander Oreelman, of the Imperial Bank, Toronto. Mr. Montagne, brother of Dr. Mon- tague, 111. P. for Haldimand county, who resides on lot 3, con. 12, E. Niesouri, built the largest and moat costly barn that is in the county of Oxford this year. It ia rooted with slate and from the foundation to the top it is eomplete in all its requirements. The total costs of the building was in the neighborhood of 33,000. This year the big barn is fall and there are stacks out. Mr. Mon- tague ie a good farmer, last year he raised 1,700 bushels of wheat, and this year ho expects to have a thousand. Emma Williams, daughter of Joseph Williams, a well-known contractor of Winnipeg, committed suioide 'on Saber. day because of her lover's desertion. She had been engaged for some time to a young man about Winnipeg and their marriage was to have token plasm short- ly. Tsvo or three days ago Miss Wil- liams' lover left for unknown parts (England 11 10 thought) without gaying farewell, and her betrayal so preyed on the young woman's mind that- after re- tiring she took poison and Sunday zoom- ing was found a oorpse on her bedroom Boor. The Law Society Examinotions for Trinity term, 1892, resulted thus :- 0st11-1 M. A. Everts, 2 A. Bicknell, 3 W. J. Young, 4 W. D. Card, 6 3.13. Hal- liwell, 6 A. EL 0. Leitch, 7 at, 4.. Mo. Laughlin, 8 A. E. Overell, passed with. ont an oral ; W. E. Gaudy, J. A. littevey, A. A. Robertg, L. MoOarthy, A. T.Ilsobb, passed with an oral. Certificate of fi1. neo --The following gentlemen have been reported by the examiners as having paased this examination :-1 3. F. Keith, 9 C. St. 0. Leath, 11 W. D. Card, 4 T. S. Murphy, 5 A. Bicknell, 6 W.-13, Gandy, 7 A. J. J. Thibadertu, 8 G. A. Sayer, 9 J.13. Ferguson, 10 J. A. Harvey, 11 L. AftiOarthy. A.nderaon Taney, a oolored barber of Ageherstburg, nnaudered his wife Sonde.), night, tinging her throat with a penknife, and then tried to mioide, bob MP caught ond looked rip before he had done more than scratch his own throat two or three Cates. They had been married eleven yams, and he wag ingonely joaloug, which led to many quorrelo, in thislost of which Wieder was done. Both wore of respect- ablol colored fainilieg, At the inquest held Monday night the luey found that Idle deceased came to her death by a, wound ill her throat, said wound being nausea by Anderson Veney. Ooroner 13e11 then committed the prisoner to Sandwich jail to stand his trial. John Waddell, ot Erarriston, who stone time ago invented and patented a ballot - lam hag now invented a "ooiv-catch- er'' to be mod on street oars. It is simply a rallee a about half the diongter of the wheel of the oar. It is placed parallel to the 0100 111 front of the wheels and just high onongh to cleae the povement. It is made to revolve in the flame manner att the broom of it street sweoper,by the friction of a trolley wheel. tilf worse a one would require % roller be- fore and behind. The two rollerwould of necessity make soma addition to the weight of the 080, while their rotation GELURO 1 consicloroble drain upon the povor of the tooter, The rollarg are attempted to Morose their offloiency ond ova another questionable tea -tote of the "ootohee," It will be aeen that the momentum of tho ridge al the bottom of tbe roller must be greeter than of the ordinary otationary fonder. V the fandee now used i11 noel{ 11 inan's alma, What ohainaci Will he stolid if bit with o rapidly revolving eollee 7 Mr. Woddell'a scheme 111 not yet perfected and these dotage moy.bo remedied. RIOZIP.fltUr .7.1.1,17ausamzuwvarsotram.tc- am'oesmrsapisiiMeisoti Gotten -all N wig. A °tethers washing conteat wag a novel attraetion a1 --a colored ohurala planie at Unole Haan has 8,066,813 dwellings, Switserland has a 000.year-old lititel• Still there is no cholera in Now York city. A, otme of elialera is reported at Tokio, Japan. 21 10 now °Mimed that fast trains are safer Mtn slow ones. The Irish cricketers were defeated at Boston by four wiekets, .A. Brooklyn [actress named Brown spells her name Broughne. The Detroit Exposition this year yield- ed a profit on nearly 310,000. °Snapper" Gigrioon, the well-kuown jockey, won 380,000 on Corbett. The Bank of England requires sixty folio ledgers for its daily amounts. New Mexico is now enjoying the first rainy season it has had for four years. John 0, Whittier, the Quaker poet, died at Hampton Falls, N. LE, last week. There are 800 bath house0 in Tokio, japan, in which a both eon be had for 1 cent. The British Home Seeratary has declined to release Mrs. Maybrick from prison. The depression in the linen trade has mused two large failures ,in that trade at Belfast. The German Emperor has deoided to enter his yacht Meteor for the Almeria& Otto in 1893. Last Friday at St. Paul, Minn., Jay. paoad a mile in a wind and rain storm in 2.09. All the mills at Menominee, Mich., are Wooed, the 1,500 bonds having gone on strike for higher wages, Emperor William has said it was by no means improbable that he would pay a visit to the World's Fair. The amount of Austria's purchases of gold ainee the odoptioo of the new cur- reney reform law m 37,000,000. The late Geo. Wm. Curtio, of New York, left an estate valued at 360,000, which was bequeathed to his widow. Herr Sohukler, of Stuttgart, Germany, a tourist in the Alps, and his guide were both killed by falliug over a preeipice. Prof. Barnard of Lick Observatory has added a fifth satellite to the four satel- lites of Jupiter, discovered by Gallileo in 1610. Incessant rains have spoiled the hor- vest in the west of Ireland. Potatoes arebighted and great distress is inevi- table.A. A. Zimmerman rode his bicycle two nines in 4.37 2 5 at Springfield, Mass.,. cutting down the world's record by eleven seconds. A despatch from Shanghai says a Euro- pean missionary and a number of native Christians have been 0100080100 iu the Province of Shensi. Charles colored, and Edward McCarthy, Cinoinnati murderers, were exeoutecl at the Ohio penitentiary in Columbus on Friday. John Brooks, of Stamford, Conn. whose wife eloped while he was in gaol for forgery, shot himself after murdering the woman and her ohild. An Illinois paper says :—Por "two thousand car -loads of oats gone East,'' ILE stated in our last week's issue, please read 'oats' instead of oats. Thomas Rooney, of Plymouth, Pa,, having lost all his money and property in the result of the Sullivan•Corbett fight committed guieide by taking poison. Mrs. A. jack, of Farmington, Ill., was taken with a severe oeughing spell some time ago, and a lump was ejected which is reported to have been a mass of coml. mo0 pins. According to the last census returns England possesses no fewer than 76,000 ooachusen and grooms, 56,250 male in. door servants and 1,230,000 female in- door servants. The Neue Freie Presso, of Vienna,. re - pogo that a Now York woman named Jame Armstrong, 28 years of age, has committed suioide at M0131100, where she had loot 3250,000 by gambling ten days. 85x business houses were set on fire by overcharged electrio wires during a storm at Bloomington, on Sunday night. When water was tbrovvn on the fire the firemen holding the hose were knocked down. Simon 1 Ahearn, a loading lawyer, ompitalist and real estate man, of St. Paul, Minn., worth 3300,000, was con. victed of oriminal libel and sentenced, without the option of a fine, to 60 clays iu the °aunty workhouse. While an agent of the State Bank at Durango, Mex., was cionveying 310,000 in gold ooin through the Sierra Madre mountains, accompanied by 50 mounted men, the party was attaoked by brigands and all killed bat one, after 0 desperate fight. The howling clervighes who were brought to New York from Syria, have been deserted by their manager and lett destitute, They gave two performances of a kind to disgust their andienees and prevent any desire for %rehearing. They were brought over under a two yearo' contract, and expected to give exhibitions at Chicago during the Fair, The Amazons of Dahomey are taught to scorn danger and to know no poin. The military untutenvres which form a part of their diseipline aro anything but child'a play. According to Mojoe them woman scramble oval! heaps of thorny brushwood as high ag a house, when they are storming an imaginary town, and the first bloody heroine to remelt the other side is handsomely re. warded by the 'dog. During the street parade of Sella' carous a, mon known as "Animol George" and whose home is thought le be in Columbtlo, 0., was ottacked by a huge tiger, in whose cage he was riding, The beast somarood in fory 89 he bit mid tato his ahrisking victim. • The speotatore, panio.abeiciltou, fled as if pursued by death, tvhile the show.luands rushed to the cage and did everything possible to 100000 the poor man who was being tent to pieces alive. They could moomplisli 0)111105 until the trainer VMS dead, when infuriated boost retired to a, 0011(00. Not a shred of °lathing remained on tho Rattling° man, Ilia head was torn open, the from gone and nearly avory bona fa his body was broken. woAratnNter. Iva., recently. The Itimpretto of Gerniany'o flt dough. ter was born Tuesday morning, nig is Emperor William's seventh child. John Cunningham, of Peekskill, was choked to death at Croton, N, Y., while trying to eat a piece of raw meat, French florists are oultivatIng a plant which bears Ia flower that is white in the morning, red at noon and bine at night. In an encoonter with Evans and Son. tog's gang of robbers near Freon°, Cal., Tueslay, four officem of the law were killed. The proprietors of the paper mills at Holyoke, Blass., talk of shutting down owing to the scarcity of raga doe to the cholera mare. A. woman has been mammal in Paris to penal servitude for life for killing her husband by pouring kerosene on his clothing and igniting it. Owing to the dangers lurking in water in connection with cholera, the people of Hamburg have taken to beer and wine, lime juice and letnonado. Queen Victoria seems to be not espe- Wally friendly to the electric) light. Her private cabins in the royal yacht are the only parts of the vessel not thus lighted. Nearly 1,200 bombes of grapes ripen- ed this season on the great vine at Hamp- ton Court. They were sent to Queen Victoria. This vine is the largest in England and is about 126 yeare old. Mrs. Margart Sheenan and her seven. year.old daughter were burned to death at Stockton, Cal., at midnight. It is supposed the woman dropped a lighted kerosene lamp, which get her olotbing on fire. A. fight occurred in New York on Sat- urday between Isaac Barnett, 24 years old,and Thos. D. Cowes, aged 40, a sprinter. Barnett struck Cowes under the ear with his fist, killing him in' stoutly. The Trades Congreas, in session at Glasgow, last week rejected a motion to promote a bill in Parliament to prevent the importation of foreign labor during strikes. The vote stood 215 against and 204 in its favor. Mra. W. K. Jewitt, daughter of the late E. T. Stewart, of Philadelphia, who by his eloquence during the war raised 31,000 for the Soldier's Christian Com. mission, has started a peouliar "infant industry." It ia the raising of toads. The lady's neighbors have long wondered at the luxuriance and beauty of the plants in her conservatory and garden, but she easily explains it, She says that her attention was first attracted to the toads by the way they gathered around the electric light near her residence in the evening and made war on insects. She thought that they could keep the insects out of her flowers, and made a few experiments. For several evenings she left the plants on the lawn in the glare of the light and was delighted to find that all the inseoto were gone in the morning. She then attracted the toads to her garden by plaoing lights there at night and soon her plants began to grow and flourish, ap they never had before. When winter CaM0 a number of the creatures were captured and brought in. to the conservatory, and platted in a glass case, where they multiplied rapidly. They learned to know their mistress and have now beaome so trained. that they will oome at the col' of her voiee, They are fed daily on live fine ; they will not eat dead ones. Mrs. Jewett takes much pride in her pets. People We Know. Miss Nellie Ross is in Toronto. MiS9 Mary Howe is vieibing in Toronto. Mrs. Dr. Graham is visiting in Toron- to. Miss Jennie Briue, of Seoforth, io iu town. Et. Dennis, wife and eon are visiting at Toronto. Dr. Taylor, of Goderieh, was in town last week. bliss Lizzie Roddiok is visiting at Walkerton. David Shia!, of Galt, was in town on Wednesday. Dan. bleDonald has taken a situation in Wroxeter. Ruby Plum is on the siok list this spook We are sorry to hear. D. Stewart and Nilo. Seli and wife were in Lucknow this week. Mrs, J. S. Smith, Allie and Gordon spent Sunday in Kincardine. Mrs. Brothers and children, of Milton, are visiting relatives in town. Geo. Rogers, jr. is enjoying a holiday visit with relatives at Delaware. Mr. Hogan and wife, of Walkerton, ware visiting friends in town this week. Mrs, Gordon, Mrs. Salton'o mother, is back from a vioit to relatives at Gods - rich. Miss Jennie Otioninghana, of Streets- ville is visiting hoe aunt, Meg. I. G. Skone, Atnie, Lena, and Jas. Grills, of Listo. wet, were visiting at R. Leatherdale's last week. Miss Mira Ramsay, of Bluevale, and Miss Josie Marks, of Woodstock, are visiting in town, • Mrs, J. 3. Gilpin and Mism F. E. Kerr were visiting Mrs. (Dr.) Ferguson, at Blytb, last week. MiSP Minnie Shaw has returned to Poet Elgin to prepare for the ran millinery opening. Mita Addie Vanden° has gone to Tit- o:inborn whore she is employed in the millinery business. Miss Ethel Creighton has gone to Guelph to take bee millinery situation in Williamson's store. J. W. Wotson, of Liatowel, 1180 10 town this week, There most surely be aome magnetic; influence in Brussels. Haney Steurnagal and wife, of 011. mint, WPM visiting their son and daugh- ter.in-law, in Brussels, last week. Miss Green, Mrs, E. C.Rogers' popular i milliner, is bock to town and s bard .at work preparatory to 8 diaplay of Fall goodg. W. Nightingale arriv,ed home from his trip to the WeSt laSt Monday, 110 wont thentigh to Tinter% and enjoyed hig .out- ing voiy num 5. W. 1-I, KERR, Prop, varamegropoomegarsousicantsweanzar,wetstreirstenammagom; George Howe and family ham remov. ed to their Somme residence, Elizabeth street, and Mr. Cliffe haa taken the dwell - will go to the God°. nguwvlargteudolicyrobelikaem' n rioh Fair to Plage the vegetable, What Mae, doesn't know about orden "PUP" is hardly worth bothering about. Miss Constant Gordon, of Wingbam, wag vi (ting at Rev. R. Paul's this week and at the same time relieving Strong, photographer, who ia away at Toronto. Win. Stewart, Queen street, whn paso. ecl the Teachers' examination for a 2nci OIROP certificate, was not allowed te at. tend the Model salient on account of be. ing under age. Miso May, daughter of C. R. Cooper, of Toronto, formerly of Brussels, has eutered into a matrimonial allianee but we have not learned the name of the f"t.Wana.ttaigroom.rda Sd family have become residents of Brussels again, moving back this week from Gerrie. Mr, Laird is en- gaged purchasing cheese for T. Ballau- tyne, Stratford. J. McOrae, who has just returned from a trip to the Old Country, was home for a short visit to his parents this week. Mac, says he had a fine time and he looks just as 12 3)0 did. Mrs. Brent loft Brussels for Buffalo last Friday where she will live with her daughter, Mrs. Reuben Watoon. The Council purchased a Meisel for her and paid the freight on a few honsehold artiohloesa: T Lealherdale, artiat, of Hamilton, brother to R. Leatherdale'of this place, reeeived the 101 prize, 315.00, for the best retouehing on dryplate at the Toronto Ei xhibition. He s a crack hand at the oss bas taken a position in the b neexsg postoffioe here as assistant postmaster. Warcl Farrow, who has go satisfactorily performed this work, will leave shortly for Winnipeg, Man., where be' intends pualung his fortune. James Oliver and family removed to Toronto this week where they purpose making their home. Mr. Oliver has been a oitizen of Brussels for a good many years and while sorry to lose him we heartily wish himself and family many years of happinesa in the Queen oity. Among those who went to Toronto this week from Brussels were D. O. Ross, Harry James, r. S. Scott, EL 3. Strong, J. Ferguson, Geo. Howe, Mrs. Jas. Kerr, Kiss ltland Thompson, W. N. McCrack- en, W. Nightingale, Archie Jackson, Alex. Brom, W. H. Herr, Rev. G. F. Sal. ton and wife, 11. L. Jackson, Thos. Moore, Jos. Walker and wife. ADDITIONAL 1G OCAL NEWS. 1V2.t. G. Ilmesvcra rode from Seaforth to Brussels, a distance of 16 miles, in one hour and ten minutes on his bioyele. That's good riding. NONE of the Vanstone property, offered for sale on Thursday of last week, WU sold. Where bitis were mode they were not up to the reserve figure. SPECIAL ATTEACTIONS.—The following are the speoial attractions at the East Huron Fall Pair, to be hold at Brussel on Thursday and Friday, Oat. 611) and 7th :—Thursday afternoon—Exhibit of entire stock ; bioyele ram—lat prize, cup 35.00 ; 2ud prize, hat, 32,00. Thursday • evening—Selections by Brussels Bond; duetts, violin and organ. Friday after- noon—A wood sawing contest will take place on the show grounds at 1 o'clock 8101.15-181, 32.00; ffial, 31.00. Old man's nue, 100 yards—lst, 32.00; 2nd, hat by D. O. Ross. Girl's ram, 50 yards, under 16 years -1st, 31.00 ; 2nd, Mo. Boy's. raoe'100 yards, under 18 3(e808 - 1st, 31.00 ; 2nd, 500. Best walking team, heavy draught, mile—let, neckyoke by D. Ewan; 2nd, wlaip by I. C. Richards. Best lady driver—lot, 32.00 by R. Leatherdale ; 2nd, $1.00 by Ferguson .1; Halliday. Buggy me, purse 320.00 - 1st, 310.00 ; 2nd, 37.00 ; God, 38.00. Double team ram, purse $20.00 -1st, 31.0.00 2nd, WOO ; 8rd, 32.00 hat by A. R. Smith. 8 Minute ram, purse 330.00 - 1st, 315.00 ; 2n0, 310.00 ; ard, 35.00. Entrance fee for speeding, 5 per cent, of purse. 4 entries, 5 to start. Americon Association rules to govern. Horses eli• gible Sept. 15, 1892. Entrieo dose Oct. 7th at 3 p. iu. Horses distanoing. the field, Dit naoney only, No time men. Mile heats, 9 in 3, in buggy and team races. Iu the team race both horses mush be the property of one man. Brown's wonderful phonograph or talk- ing machine will be on the ground and le a marvel worth going miles to hear. This is the first and only phonograph made in Canada, LAST Tuesday's Toronto Empire in its Fair notes says :—The Ronald Steam Fire Engine Works, as ustml, have atz immense nrowd to see their display in the Main building, oonaistiog of village steam fire engine and hose reel. A large card ttnnottoes that they have entered an engiue for the big test to take place in Halifax next month against the whole world, including English, American and Canadian manufacture. The test decides the sale, Next week they show a full line of fire ap.pliances at the Western Fair, Londot, inolnding 14 city hook and ladder truck sold to Cobourg, ao mita "Arrow" turn -table ladder truck. Coon - others and firemen should not fail tome theae maguificent machines. It is the beat display over shown in Canada. The Globe saye :--The "Ronald" fire engine Was late in arriving at the expositioo, as orders were pressing 01 1(1)0 workg. It is here now, in the mom bnilding, however, and the one on view is a magnifinent village atom engine ; also a light stem. winding hose real, They onnoonce the fact that they are sending an etmine 10 Halifax, N. S., to compote against the woeld—eighteen tandem, reproseating all the English, Amerietui and Canadian builders, Afs London next week they will show & small city extension ladder truolc, gold to Cobourg, olso an magittl "Arrow" lathier. In all, the largest amount of fire applionena over ghown itt Canada. Conn - &Dom, fire objets and firemen generally should not MLitt this tvorking eXhibition, for Rig gore to be of great radical value.