HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1892-9-2, Page 8mum. THE BRUSSELS POST "Roney on a Stick," To encourage the oonsumption of our Comb and Extraoted Honey, we Will divide the seatioaa Bolts to retail for each. Bring your friends end treat them to a "stick" of Comb Honey. To enoottrage the children also, we will put up little boxes of Extraeted Honey to Bell at 2c. and 3c. Each. Most everybody knows that there are diffetent kinds of Honey, but not every one is aware that there is a difference even in the same kind. All Money when first gathered by the bees cant:tins u, lerge amount of water, but if allowed bo retnain in the hives for some time this will be evaporated by the bees. We use lerge hives so as to give the bees ample time to eliminate this water, thereby giving us homey of a superior quelity. Bring a jar or other vessel with $1 and seoure lbs of our beet extracted which is the purest and best sweet known, G. A. DEA.DHAN, Druggist, Bookseller, fas. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. souTunar; gx.fillisioN W. O. &18. Trains leave Brussels Stetion, North and South, es follows: Gomm Souris. ficaNci NORTH. Mall 7:10 a.m. Mixed 0:45 a.m. liaMress HO man. Mail 5:1818.88. Mixed 8:60 p.m. Express ......0:88 pan. rnral Ct1 kerns. A chiel's among ye to,kin' notes, An' faith he'll prent it. BarTEtlima. Now for the Fall Fairs. AnvEnTmE your Strayed steak. Colmar, meeting next Monday evening. Da. Sseadra, the specialist, will visit Mussels on Saturday, 171h inst. A NEW dry goods store in Brnssels is among the probabilities this Fall. MESSRS. CARDIFF ris MERRY Sold 40 Massey—Harris binders this Summer. Arum buyers have been fairly tumb- ling over one another in this seetion of late. REVD& MRSSRS OnOSsi.,22 ANL, IdmiTra ere expected to visit Brussels sometime this Fall. ANDIrew's shooting gallery was in town this week. Also Mr. Slowcome's muse- um. The later is a wholesale fraud on the public!. Coalmine Jc JOHNSTON of the Brussels • marble works, received a car load of tnarble and stone this week for moms. rants, bases, tee. Tan lawn social announced to be held on J. T. Pepper's grounds on Thursday evening was cancelled owing to the rain and cool waather. Sean felirs were very anxious to do business here the day of the races but Doo Warwick, the Secretary, wouldn't give them an opportunity. Tones= Fair commences next Mon. day. On the 138h and 150h excursion tickets will be issued, when the return fare from Brussels will be 02.60, good Go return ou the 19th. ON 'Friday afternoon of this week Rev. D. Millar, of Knox church, Brussels, will preach in Wingham Presbyterian church at the preparatory service to the corn - =union next Sabbath. THE Clinton Record says :—Dr. Shaw, Leek Kennedy, James Fair and James Beatty drove over to Brussels and wit. nagged the those on Friday. They report a good day and good races. PHILIP AHHNT • has purchased a hand- sotne roadster colt. While driving it on Tuesday evening the animal get frighten- ed ata dog and an away damaging the harness and road cart somewhat. ' Axone the District Deputy High Chief Rangers of the Genadian Order of For. -esters recently appoinbedd by H. 0. R. Towe, of London, are Wm. Blashill, Brussels, and .9.. B. Davidson, Goderioh. Wilton is the show riug for the exhibi. tion of horses going to be got ready on the Agricultural Park? It should be an ratged in the northern portion of the grounds ao that the grand stand oonld be utilized if desired by spectators. ONTAMO STATrage, 1892.—The Queen's Printer has issued the Ontario statutes, 1892, and Tun Poen has reoeived a copy, Four or five hundred pages is usually -considered a large volume, but the present one is 994 pages, the largest ever lathed by the Province. SaoTT & JONES Shipped 3 oars of cattle on Thursday. 35 head were purohased from Samuel Dickson, of Sea. forth. 20 two.year.old steers were weigh. ed out of the number and sealed 26,550 pounds, an average of 1,327. The price was 44o. for this lot. EvEHYPOnv going to Toronto during the Industrial Exhibition should visit the Cyclorama of the "Battle of Gettytharg," and see the Stereoptioan views on the "Life of Christ" with leotures daily at 11. it. m., Sp, m, end 80. 10 Admission to all 26 oents, children 10 cents. Next South•West oother of Front and York streets. TITS Winglutm District, meeting will be held in the Methodist church, Brussels, ort Tuesday afternoon of next week. In the evening a public meeting will be held. net. W. F. Campbell, Ph. B., of Blyth, will deliver an address on "How to eon - duct a prayer meeting," Rev. Meagre, Pring, of Bluevale •, Dyke, of Belgrave, and McLachlan, M. A.., of Teeswater, will also speak on phases of tbe same • subject, Rev, S. Sellery, B. D., will preside. • On 1 Mo. Nast.—The editor of the Gerrie Vidette in reportidg the reeent foot -ball match exouses t flair alub in tho following "fishy" style :—Dueing the first half time our boys had to face it blazing sun besides kiaking up hill and against a stiff breeze. And it 88183 during • the first half time that Breese/a soared, after which our boys seemed to pick • themselves together aed go to work, but were enable to get the ball through the strong defenee 181 011818 Opponents. When hall time was tidied the sun was just disappearing in the west and as the son Went down the breeze followed suit, so that when the claba ehanged ends the Brnseels boys hta neither anti nor wind to nontOnd With. Bursas:Ls Public school rempened las Kende), with Principal Shaw, Miss Braden and the Misses Abreham in their respeztive departments, DAN. Mclastaurroa disposed of a 2 -yes - o14 colt, sued by ''ScoUttud's Farewell, to Alex. Strachan, of this town, for $75 10 is a promising animal, NIPXT Sunday afternoOn at 2:30 o'clock Rev. W. T. Oluff will preaoh the annual sermon to the Canadian Order of For• esters in St. John's cherub. Tan seil cloth cover lest from 11100or• mick's (tendon) oonfeationery we,gon, and advertised in Tun Pon, was foand by Sae, AfeDonald, north of Walton, who returned 10 00 its owner. A couitLe of communications have been received at TM* POST Publishing 1.10nse this week without signatures and eon sequently do not appear. We must know who the writers are In every ease, THIO hoodlum element wee out on a obarivaring exeursion on Monday night. 11 they have no respect for themselves they should have a little for the towns- people. The ringleaders should be given O lesson even if it cost the pupils Q10 apiece. 111ELvaan ahureh Chriatian Ilndeevor young people had a pio-nio on hand last Tuesday afternoon bub the heavy rain pronounced the Benediation rather early and consequently interrupted an enjoy- able program. A. social was held in the evening at the manse. E.. GOMM of London township, out for Robb. Dreaney, in one day, 18 aoree of oats. He out it with one team on a Frost ta Wood, single canvas binder, and never missed tying a bundle. Mn. Guest wants to hoar from some one who etti beat this record. J. J. Gilpin, Brussels, is the local agent for these maohinee. SLIM Au McPusoson favored (9) Brue- sels this week with his presence. He is a well eduomted Sootehman and a olever sign writer but whiskey knocks him out almost every day and oonsequently he occupied the "spare bed" in the look -up three nights. Constable Broadfoot started him off for the Imaknow Cale. donian games on Thursday a. m. Tan Atwood Bee asks :—Would it not be a good and profiteble scheme for the Ronald Foundry, Brussels, to establish a bieyole repair shop now that there are so many wheels in the Huron tract ? As it is there is no repair shop nearer than Brantford or Toronto, which is a great inconvenience to wheelmen in this northwestern part of Ontario. Such a shop at Brussels would, we believe pay well. THERE are more oases of sickness and death from diseesed kidneys than from all other diseases combined. It is your own fault if you allow your kidneys to remain in an unhealthy condition when the cure is at hand. Dodd's Kidney Pills are guaranteed to ours the worst cases. Ib costs but little to give them a trial. They are for sale by all druggists and dealers or by mail on receipt of 50 cis. or 6 boxes for $2.50. Write for book called Kidney Talk. Oran Praisons.—The monthly shoot of Brussels Gun Club was held on Monday evening at the Driving Park, nine mem- bers competing. The following is the score :—D. 0. Ross, 14; Joe: Milian- tyne, 14; Dr. McNaughton, 13 ; Jas. Irwin, 12; W. M. Sinclair, 12 ; 1. T. Ross, 10 ; Jno. Hewitt, 10; R. Watt, 9 ; A. C. Domes, 8. The first two mention- ed gentlemeu shot three additional birds each intending to break the tie, failing in this they tried 8 more when Mr. Ross won by one bird making 20 out of poseible 21 and Mr. Ballantyne 19 out of 21. Mr. Irwin has the best average yet, however, and is closely followed by Mr. Hewitt, As a number of matches have yet to be shot It is hard to say who may be the holder of the silver tankard given by Mr. O'Leary. OBIT.—Brnsselites were sadly surprieed this week on hearing of the unexpected decease of Miss Margaret Wilson, Bieber to Mrs. Inc,. Skene, of this place. She died at her home at Streetuville on Satur- day le,st at 10. m., aged 52 years. Miss Wilson had some throat trouble and had gone to a Toronto speoialist who operated upon her but she gradually failed until the end came. She was here about 9 weeks ago and had been ill for about 7 weeks. Mrs. Skane went to her on Bator - day. The funeral took place on Tuesday. The subloot of this brief notioe was kind beerted, Christian lady who ettjoyed the esteem of all who knew her. This is the second death in the family in the past 2 mouths, a brother dying as the result of a runaway accident on July 12th. SUPDEN DEATR.—The Bruce Herald, Walkerton, dated Aug. 1st, says :—"We regret to have to record the death of Clara, only daughter of H. B. McKay, which occurred shortly before noon on Tuesday. The cause of death was soar. let fever of a malignant type. On Mon- day a teaspoonful of carbolic acid was acoidentally spilt, slightly burning her hands and mouth, but none of it was swallowed, and it had no connection whatever with her death. Clara was a bright, intelligent eland and will be, much missed among her schoolmates and companions with whom she 8808 0 uni. versal favorite. On amount of the infeo• Nous nature of the disectee the funeral rsterday morning was private. The ymptaby of the community goes out to the parents thus suddenly bereaved of their only daughter." The subject of this notice Wail a, niece of Mrs. J. S. Smith, of Brussele, MsexemnutsL.—Last Saturday afternoon Robb. Watson, a gipsy, bailing 10088 88800 Guelph, Dan. McDonald and Wm. Mooney, teeth brought before Messrs. MoCrae, Shaw and Kerr, 3. P's., in the council ohamber, for engaging in 0 big raoket in the Revere House on Friday night. After hearing the evidence of Constable Broadfoot, Kenzie Scott, J. CI, Tuck and the persons arrested, the meg- istrates imposed the following lines :— Wateon, 48.66; McDonald and Mooney, $8.40 each with an alternative of 15 days in gait in each case. The rdw wag said to hove started with Sam, Gray, another piney, and he sought proteetion from Watson. The letter was badly abused by blows end Melte and a physician had to be celled to ettend him. Grey has so far eluded arrest, Rowdyism will nob be tolerated in Brussels and the sooner pee. ple eettle down to this fact the bettor for themselves, It is hinted that the License Commissioners will be asked, by the Deo. pie north of the river, to (meet the license at the Revere House if better order is not maintained, Jag. Carter, of Morrie, wee lined OM, by the Reeve, for threatening to assault Constable Broadfoot while this oMcer wag attempt. ing to break np the fight. A few °theta had a dose 0,11 teem appearing oleo, for having to do with the rOW, t ' fiesinsx school annivereerye serviees wi 1 be held in the Methodist church next Sabbath, ReV, Mr. Sal- ton will preach au objeot lesson sermon to the ohildren at 10:30 ; " instead of the regular Sabbath salmi a . platform meeting will be held, the pro, gratu to consist of musette,' aeleotioes, readings, and addresses from T. MeGilli- c0adY. of Torento, and ethers. The pastor will talk to the parents at the evening eervice. Pour's Pannell:taunt Pencil/der.— Pretty Polly Perry persistently propoeed practising phonography. Polly'e parents peremptorily prohibited Polly'a pursuing phonographic paths, poseibly presuming phonography poor policy. Persevering Polly proceeded pulverising parents' per. suasions periodically, promptly parehas. ing phonographie preoeptors' procipeotus- es. Poor Polly, perfectly puzzled, pro - (seeds patiently pursuing pretty promises. Polly's Puritenioal parent propose punish, ing Polly publiely, provided Polly per- sistently prefers phonetic pabulom. Pre' gently Polly procures ;Phonographic pam ph I ete, poluting Prey icleneewa rd , presaging peculiar, pedant, perspicons phonographic phases, Polly's pinmoney, plus prosperous Invents' promised pit - times, pays professor's perquisites. Penunious parents, prophesying prospeo. live poorhouse, protestingly permit Polly'e plan. Polly punotiliously practi. see practical phonography. Polly's paintaking perseverance pleatees precep- tor. Presently preceptor procures Polly pleasant, paying position. Polly provides parents' pie, puddiug, pastry. Prudent Polly's pulohritude, punctuality, 0iquan. ay pleaies pompous proprietor. Pro- prietor petitions Polly's preference. Polly philosophically presents proprietor pretty pink palm. Proprietor politely panifies Polly's parents' pangs. Papa, pardons Polly. Papa, proceeding post- haste, procures pious perish pastor. Portly preacher pronounoes patient pair partners. Parson presents pair paroh• meet. Proprietor pays pastor. Pair proceed; praise providence, plus phono- graphy, princely pageaut preceding. Practical phonography, patiently pritoti. sed, proves palpably profitable. BRUSSELS RAOEB.—Brussals Driving Park Association held their annual meet- ing here on Friday August 26011, the weather and brook, considering rain all day Thursday, was in very good eon- dition, although a trifle heavy. The at- tendance was large and the races the best ever held in Brussels. One very noticeable feature was that all fakirs were prohibited from the gronnds. The following WaS the program and result am trot ; purse, 8100. Wolter G., ch. g., Ssvartz, Wing. (80181 1 2 1 1 Nimrod, b. (1,, R. S. Welles, Harris- tm 1 4 3 Fanny az., b. M., T. Hetherington, Cedar Springs 2 2 8 S.:a:loon, b. g., J. N. Perdue, Blyth5 4 2 4 Miss Garfield, b. m., B. Roe, Wing - 4 die Time -2:411, 2:01,2:451. Free -for -1; purse 8250. Rosa 13., eh w., T. Hetherington, Cedar Springs 1 8 1 Bay Fly, b. na.„ J. Johnston, Petrolea2 1 2 Tlme-41:851, 2:881,2:348. Stallion trot ; puree, 8150. Prohibition, b. 11.18. Crosby, Sarnia 1 1 1 O88:110e, b. h. R. Wilson, Seaforth 2 2 Prod Archer, b. h., W. Plnkney, Sea -0 3 45 forth Time -2:401, 2:46, 2:839. Open run ; purse $100 ; 3 mile. Topsy 13 .Beattie Broth, Wingnam 1 1 St, George, oh. g., Black, Shelborne2 Earner, b. h., T. Gundry, Goderich 5 3 Time -1:804, In the 8rd heat of the 2.50 thee there was a oollieion between the sulkeys of Nimrod and Fanny M., the former corn. ing to grief. It was thought that Bay Fly wee being pulled in the open race so iu the 3rd heat a new driver was put on who brought the mare in ahead. The judges were Thos. Bell, of Wingham ; Thos. Lamella, Seaforth ; and P. Seed, Brave's. Time keepers, George Whitley and J. Ward, of Seaferth. 4165 was taken at the gate ae admissions. W. H. McCracken and T. Rutledge had refresh - talent stands on the grounds during the afternoon. Brussels Band discoursed musical seleotions. Wingham, Listowel and Seeforth sent large delegations and the other towns and villages in the County were also well represented. Business Locals. Bounty day is Baby Day at Perry's. Maas: groups a specialty at Perry's. SUNBEAM and Mikado panels at Perry's. GOOD farrner's lard for sale at Straoh- en's. Fon the best cabinet photos go to Perry's. H. J. STRONG finishee all his work by the new process. Go to Strong's and have your photos finished in the latest styles. TRH remainder of my baby earriagee at cost I. O. Richards. H. 3. STRONG (photographer) puts an extra finish on all his photos. photos printed on the new per- manent exist° paper at Perry's. TRUNKS and valises very oheap. A good stook always on had. I. C. Riohards. Loon out for bargains in Fall goods wbiall are now daily arriving at Alex. 86m:than's. Hides you a set of our extra value tilekle diver single harness, at fifteen dollars ? L 0. Riohards. Tousmone.—Persons wanting ripe To- matoes by the bushel should send in th sir order at once. First come, first served. Taos. KELLY. Wilta our megnifloient range and as. sortment of Fall goods we expeot to please all our old customers and many new ones, Alex. Straohan, WeIS,DIGOING AND Darbtoe.—Cleorge Bid has all the necessary machinery for digging and drillin wells and is prem. ed to attend to all work entrusted to him 118 5, way that will insure satisfaction, Wells °loomed out and put in proper allege, Terms reasonable. Residence emend floor north of the bridge, weist aide of Turnberry st., Brunets. 84.01 extern.' N °WM,. jane Calsebread bolds the London re. aord in the matter of the number of lar. raignments foe being drunk and disorderly. She has reeently made hen 0001h ap- pen ranee in the police court, A Franoh 'loyalty in the tvay of a thne• piece is a floral elook, the long hat& of which sweep above twelve flOwer bode, each bed being different from all the others 181 0118 color and variety of flower. The hencla are moved by subterranean me. 1 chanism, IST4NDJ1?.D BANE OF c4x4D4, =sT,,a..0:31.-TCXX02130 10972. HEAD OFFICE, - TORONTO. ASSETS, - (Seven Million Dollars) • 47,000,000 CAPITAL (Authorized) • 42,000,000 Agrneiro in all principal pinta in Ontario, Quebec, Manitoba, Vatted Slates & Bnytanci. ONG7562M8 A General Banking Business Transacted. Farmers' Notes Discounted. Drafts Issued and Colleetions made on all points. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT, Interest allowed on deposits of 41.00 and upwards from date of deposit to date of withdrawal and compounded half yearly. SHRT/AL ATTENTION GIVEN TO THE OOTA,NOTMS 010 Palginnue SAM1 NOTES. EFOIY facility afforded Customers living at a distance. G. P. SCHOLPIELD, ManAmat. monexanUirlsIMOMS2 copmfaa.001 MIMS & SMITE, BAITICERS, ][3..&,T.Tss Transact a General Banking Business. Drafts Bought and Sold on all points in Canada, United States and Great Britain. FARMERS' NOTES DISCOUNTED. SALE NOTES AND MORTGAGES A SPECIALTY. &MAWS Banc DEPORretWxr. Interest Allowed on One Dollar and Upwards at Current Rates. Interest Com- pounded Twice a Year, Being Added to the Principal at the end of the Menthe of October and April. Special Arrangements made for Time Deposita, We effect to write 111fillralllee 118 Ohl 1E11010. or Califillliall COMPIIIIIeS, or In Dol- ma companies Its may be *desired. AGENTS FOR CANADA. AND UNITED STATES TIM CANADIAN BANK OF OOSIESSME. • CCRIMI An eel that is ordinary in all respects except that is has a skin of a "beautiful golden color," has been added to the collection in the London Zoological Gar- den. In London a rat cleverely opened a bleak -bird's cage presumably to feast on the bird seed. The bird flew away and the door closed. This time the rat was unable to open it. In a recent address before the Chicago Electric Club it was stated that within a, year there will be in operation five elec. trio locomotives of from 700 to 1,200 hor se.power, and weighing from 46 to 80 tons. Such machines will haul trains of 450 tons at 30 miles per bour up a grade of 26 feet to the mile'and when operated at a voltage about double tha,t now lifted on trolley roads, will develop high aimed service. Newton (Conn.) farmers are very muoh worried over the crazy antics of their cattle, caused by a small, black fly which is new to that section. The cattle con- gregate in groups and rub each other's backs just behind the shoulder. Sudden- ly the pain and stings beootne so intense that the whole herd will gallop off, atral. ing about the lot, and unless the fences are of a good height will jump them and go off.= a mad run. The insect is of the nature of the flea in its ability to bite, but it flies instead of jumps. Thousands of them get on one ox or oow and bite until the animal is almost dis- treated. There seems to be no remedy. The eattle keep striking their sides just back of the shoelder blade with their heads and horn,, and 5088etiO3e8 fall exhausted by their efforts to free them- selves from their tormentors. mamas. McBlona.—At Ethel, CM Aug. 8Ist, the wife of Mr. Quintin MoBlain of a daughter. FALLIS—DosoAN.—At Whitechnroh, on Ang. 17th, by Rev. J. Geddes, Mr. Jas. Fallie, of Turnberry, to Miss Phemy Duncan, of London, Ont., formerly of Bluevale. IsTAISMITE—MAODONALD.—On Aug. eatb, at the residence of the bride's father, by Rev. D. Millar, of Brussels, Miss Isabella, daughter of Mn. Peter Mac- donald, Morris, to Mr. David Morri- son Neismith, of Toronto. mman. BuznieeLny.—In Bluevale, on Aug. 22n4, Thomas BillingsleY, aged 63 years. WILSON.—At Streetsvitle, on Aug. 27011, Margaret Wilson, aged 52 years. MoKsx.—At Walkerton, on Aug. 10tb, Clara May, only daughter of IL B. McKay, aged 11 years and 3 months. MaDownbr,,—In Blyth, on lug. 2403, Wm. McDowell, aged 80 years. OMM018.38888=7.48 Fall Wheat Spring Wheat.... ..... Barley ...... Pepe Oats Butter, tabs and rolls Eggs per dozen Flour per barrel Potatoes .. 40 Hay per ton ....... 5 00 Hides per lb 3 Salt per bbl., 1 00 Sheep skins, each ..... 60 Lamb skins eaoh ..... 66 Apples per hag.... ..... 50 Wool 17 65 65 • 36 55 26 14 94 4 50 72 70 40 57 28 15 00 5 00 00 6 00 00 05 1 00 00 00 18 Pall Show Dales. Industrial at Toronto, Sept, 5.17. Montreal Exposition, Sept, 1548. Western at London, Sept. 15.24. °Wren at Teestvater, Sept. 20.21. Wellesley and North Dasthope at Wel. lesley, Sept. 20.21. Pahnerston Hortioulturel, Sept. 26.27. Winghatn, Sept. 27.28. South Perth at St. Merys, Sept, 27-28. Mornington rtt Milverton, Sept. 87-28. Southern at Brantford, Sept, 97.28. Mitchell at Mitchell, Sept. 27 28. Goderich, Sept. 27.29. Northern at Walkerton, Sept. 27-80. North Oxford at Woodstock, Sept. 28.20. North Western at Goderiall, Sept, 28 80, Elmo, at Atwood, Sept. 20. Wilmot at New Hamburg, Sept. 20 -80 - North Perth at Stretford, Sept. 20.80, Hewlett at Foedwich, Oct. 1. South Huron at Settforth, Oct, 4.5. North Brant at Paris, Oot. 4 5. Kinloss at Tateknow, Oot. 4.5, Wroxeter, Oat, 4 5. Best Watvanoah at Belgrette, Oot, 4-5, East Huron at Brussels, Oct. 6.7. Clinton, Oot. 6-7. South Waterloo at Galt, Oct. 6.7. Morris Branch ab Blyth, Oot, 11-12. THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. DRIVATE FUNDS TO LOAN 1, on farm security. Particulars may be obtained by applying at THB POST Publish - lug House, Bruseels. -pRUSSELS MARBLE WORKS. have purchased the above business from Meagre, Cochrane &Johnston and have GPM:anted them managers for ma All ordere win receive prompt attention. J. JOHNSTON, CIOCOIDANII 8: JOHNSTON, Proprieror Managers, Dated Aug. 25,1822. NOTICE.—I WILL NOT BE responsible for any debts ineurred af- ter this date by my wife, Jane Brookeuridge, or [Way other person without iny written or- der. D. BRIICIIENRIDGE, Mollie, August 2010, 1890. 13-2 ACME HARROW FOR SALE.— 00 1800 want 080 0? the best of bar- rows for levelling and pulverizing tho 8081 I have one, ridden, having no use for, will sell obeat I son get you thousands of re• m comon ations from those that have and ere using them, A.. /MADMAN, Druggist & Bookseller. pROPERTY FOR SALE.—THE • uudereigned oilers her property,li miles north of Brussels, for sale on liberal terms. There is one acre of land upon which there are two !lemma, stable and a small orchard. The place is conveniently locutted ou the gravel road. For further particulars as to priori, tonne, &a., apply to 88118. JNO. SINCLAIR, Princess St., Breese le. COUNTY FUNDS TO LOAN. On the security of Cultivated Farms. In- terest six per cont., payable annually. Any portion of tho principal may be repaid at any time the borrower wishes. 3.11 expenses paid by the County. No person except the County Auditors allowed to see niortgages or to know to whom money 10 loaned. .Ap- ply to WaL HOLMES, Go deride, Aug. 8;92. Co. Treasurer. .REAL ESTATE. 1.71ARMS FOR SALE.—TRE UN- 1- DEMME» has several good Farms 1 or sale and to rent, easy terms, in Townships of Morris and Grey. F 13. SOOTT,Brussels. glHOICE FARM FOR SALE.— Being South half Lot 27, con. 8, Alonle, 100 acres, nearly all cleared. Good buildings, fine young bearing orobard, Immediate pos- session. Basy Terme. Apply to W. M. SIN CLAIR, tf- Sohoitor, Brussels, VARM FOR SALE 011 TO A_ REIM—The subscriber offers his 100 0801 501888, south half lot 15, oou. 4, Ai orris, for sale, About 00 acres cleared and 20 acres of the balance good bush. It wolild make a splendid stook farm as there is abundance of water. Frame house, bank barn and other neoessary buildings, If not sold it will be offered to rent. For particulars ap- ply to 2-12 4.94.88 SCOTT, Proprietor. 52on ACRE FARM FOR SALE. ‘...r The 200 more farm, being lots n and 12, son. 10, Gray, ls offered for sale. 120 acres are cleared and the holmium well tim- bered. Buildings liret-elase. Orchard , well, dm, School house within 40 rode. F OMB - slop given at once if desired. For further partioulere as to price, terms, ‘00, [apply to MRS, WALSER, 2-11 Roseville P 0 or NELSON 21410102018, 00 farm. T.4-1 ARMFOR SALE.—THE UN. • nnastowan offers for sale the north ontlt (parte r of lot 28, cow:melon 6, Morrie, County of Huron, containing 60 acres. The land 15 01 first quality and in a high abate of cultivatitm, well lanced and under -drained, 16 mores els:axed, N ew !ram e house, 8 rooms, milk hones with concrete walls, 2 wells, good. barns end shed, orchard, etc. night mores of fall wheat, This desirable property the corporation of Brussels. Suit. able tern* will be given . Title parte at, JAMBS 881i1E8810, Owner, 86- Sontorth P. 0, QPLENDID FARM FOR SALE. 1,..1 Barna Iota 11 and 12, con. 13, Township Of Grey. County of Huron, containing 200 [Wren, the prOporty of tho late John Robert - Oen, 160 185008 cleared and free from ob. etruotions, 15 acres bush, mixed balanoc partly Owed. Soil clay lOsin, Mostly rolling, Foneed With straight rail fences and watered by two Walla mid a, spring privilege. Oennnedieerc dwelling honse, with largo NVoodshed attached and 8,8 eSeellont collar tinder beim, Two large barns, stone ntebIleg and other ontbaild., lugs. Pam good bearing prelim:dB orna- mental trees end, email fruits, nines from Brrissels, e llysly town on the 20. U.', 11., oonvenient to School, ehurehes and poot °Oleo, Thie prOperty lies Well, Is a first. class grain and stock farm and should be seen by intending purchasers ao it is afar. ed at a bargain. For further particulars MRS. SNO,ROSIilaviorr, D or ANIER L OBIORTSON , On t0191011317)rteoznitteri, or by later to Oraubrook P. o. 50-4 SErT. 2, 1892 TO EILL FLIES --list: — POISON FELTS TANGIENT STICZY PLY Be 81/P8 and get them at Popper's Drug Store, BRUSSELS. LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. RL. TAYLOR, BARRISTER, • Solicitor and Conveyancer, Collec- tions made. Oillee—Vaustone'a /3loolc, Brus- sels. 214m -‘,AT M. SINCLAIR, 09' • Solicitor, Conveyancer, NoturyPub- 114, Am Oilloe—Gre,hum o Block, 1 (icor north of Pepper's Drug Store. Private Funds to Loan. CIAMERON, HOLT & HOLMES, kJ Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public, Goderich, 0 t, nr. 0.05010011,11nQ. 5,, made TIOLT, DUDLEY MILNE& DlOKSON & HAYS, (Late with Garrow Sc Proudfoot, Gods. rteli,) Euratom Solleitors, Conveyancers, Offloes—Tirussols and Seaforth, Brus- sels Office—Up-stairs over Bank. Money to Loam R. S,IZATS. 88.11.010188011 AUCTIONEERS, A RAYMANN, • Auctioneer, 10 always ready to at- tend sales of farms, farm stook, lta. 1'erni cheerfully given. Cranbrook 20. 0. Sales may bo arranged at Tug Posw Publishing House, Brussels, GEORGE KIRKBY, Licensed Auetioneer. Sales aonduct ed on reasonable terms. Farms mud 1 arm stock a specialty. Orders left at THE POST P ublishing House , Brume's, or sent to Walton P. 0., will receive prompt attention, T_TAVING TAKEN OUT Lb:JEN- A...L. en as an Auctioneer, I am prepared to conduct sales of farm atook at reasonable prices. Knowing the standing of nearly every person I am in a position to sell to good marks and get good security when sold 08 880385. Satisfaction guaranteed. Give me a call. 02- F S. SCOTT, BUSINESS CARDS. MoORAOKEN, Ladies' and childrons hair cutting a specialty south of A. lir. McKay & Co's hardware store. -p N. BARRETT, Tonsorial Artist. Shop—Next door • JIMMY onlattlagepiosuReS. mace at his Grocery, Turnberry Straet, Brussels, A MoNAIR, Issuror of Marriage Lioenses, by appointment of Lieut,-Covernor, Connnis- sioner, Q. B. Conveyetneer and Agent Fire insurance Co. (Mae 00 005 Oraubrook Poet °Moe. ROBERT CUNNINGHAM. 11100050(010, FIRE AND MARINE. GUELPH. A LEX. HUNTER, Clerk of Elio Fourth Division Court Co. Huron. Conveyancer, Notary Public Land, Loan and I/annum Agent. Funds invested and to loan. Collections made. 00105 111 Graham's B look, Brussels, OIL PAINTING, Miss Merles, of Winghara, is prepared to give instruction in oil painting, lorms may be ascertained at alias Nellie Boos' store where sampies of work may be seen. Miss Morle wonld also take 01888 more pupils in music. TA. HAWKINS, • Organist in St. Sohn's Churoli, Drug - eels, and pupil, in the Art of Teaching, 05 4., W. Thayer, Mus.Boo„ Now York, will give leesous to pupils tabor at Thos. Farrow',,, 001110i of Queen and 'Princess Sts., or if pre- ferred, at their 00(0 1150150, Terms moder- ate. ,I0. "MEDICAL CARDS. 'XTry1. F. OALE, OLD., 0.16., Member of the College of Physician, and Surgeons of Ontario by examination, Offloo and Residence — Main street East, thel,Outario. TA. MoNAUGHTON, M. D. . o. M., R. .P., Edinburgh, M.O. P 13, Ont, Residence and office in Wilson' Block, 0081150 01 Mill and Turnberry Sta. VETERINARY. T D. WARWICK, e, • Honor Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College. is prepared to treat all diseases of domesticated animals in a com- petent manner. Particular attention paid to veterinary dentistry. Calls prOmptly at. tended to. Ofibm and Infirmary—Two doors north of bridge Turnberry et., Brussels. DENTAL. 1.MNTIS9C1 M. CAVANAGH, L. D. S., D. D. S., Graduate of the Royal Oollego of Dental Surgeons, Ontario, and of Toronto Uni- versity. Oman—Over Pepper's Drug Store. Brussem, IIERROvIDD LARGE WHITE YORK. SHIRE BOAR. The undersigned will keep for serVioe this IIISSOUS 5000011 6.110 XllIprOVed large white Yorkshire pig "Ready'. on lot 20, 000, 0, Morris, to which a limited number of BOWS will bo taken. Toms $1.00 to be paid at Mule of service, with the privilege of return- ing if necessary, Pedigree may be soon up., on application. 1801(201420 115000010, 1601 Proprieter, Salesmen Wanted.. We require bninediately, good onergetia in an to sell Our well known and Reliable Nursery Shock, grown ab Maple Grove Nur- emtles, Waterloo, 01, Y. We have a Wide -Spread Canadian repute, tent stemma to no other gm of 0951 03 years, and thouoancls of teetinaonlide front Well pleased patrons, [taproot of Ow 0[1111111)5055 of otir stook now in bearing, slimly Iron. clad Varieties for northern I oealitles. Mo. OSt COMMiatiall paid or Salary If preferred. Outfitters°, Wu guarantee our stook. Per tering apply at °e toth J, W, AlAORAY, General. Manager, 13.3m ID, Camas Out.