HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1892-9-2, Page 4exesiotesseerraereeeinseaseamourews THE BRUSSELS POST SrrT. 2, 1892 Aummommaus New Advertisements, Local—Thos, Eolly. Exoyreiou—eb. Medical—Dr, Similar. Locale—Alex. S tri Lohen, Notioe—D. Breckenridge. Brussels Marble Works—J. J. John- ston, FRIDAY, SEPT. 2, 1892. A NEW election is on the tapis in the Northwest, a want of confidence motion having upset the Government. Many people oonfuse this with the Manitoba Legislature in which Thos. Greenway, formerly of Huron Co., is the leader, but it is hardly neoeeaery to state that they are two separate and distinct legislative bodies. WE will not regret the day when cus- tom will decree that the publio exhibi. tion of the dead on funeral occasions is no longer thought prudent. There is a morbid curiosity en the part of many to gaze upon the faces of the dead that should not be satisfied. After the im- mediate relatives and friends have taken their farewell look the casket would be closed if we had our way. EON. W. E. GLAnsTONE and his newly appointed cabinet are safely secured in their respective positions after having asked their constituents for re-elootion subsequent to their elevation to office. Mr. Gladetone's health is good, consider- ing his increasing years and he hopes to beable to present a bill of fere to the coming parliament that will, if carried out, redress many grievances now exist. ing in the Old Land. THE POST is still, of the opinion that an effort should be made to have additional mail facilities ,for Brussels by utilizing the noon train running East and the night train going West. 0. petition large. ly signed by the business men of this place and backed up by a similar effort by the other towns and villages along the ,line of the W. G. & B. railway should go a long way in influencing the Postmaster General to grant this request. It will be remembered that energetio efforts were talked of some time ago in reference to this proposal but it soon died out. What has Kincardine, Ripley, Luoknow, Wingham, Atwood, and Listowel to say about it ? Perth County. St. Marys rate of taxation is 14 mills. Stratford fall raoes meeting Sept. 18th and 14th. Purses, $1,575. The election trial of J. Pridbam, M. P., for South Perth, will take place on the Salt inst. ab Stratford. St. Marys lowu council has appointed 0. S. Rumsey to the vacancy in the Collegiate Institute Board caused by the death of R. Box. The Blanshard Agricultural Society has a membership of 250 this year ; the Stephen & Ueborue Society has upwards of 500 on its books, Blanshard council will ask the electors to pronounce on the advisability of doing away with the statute labor, and having all road improvements made under the direct supervision of the Council. By-laws for levying the rates for the current year ware passed by Elam Coun- oil as follows :—Co. rate 8 mills ; Town- ship rate 4 mills ; debenture By-law rate 8/10 mills and St. and H. R. R. rate 2/10 mills on the dollar. The directors of the Elma Fair have resolved on having an old fashioned fair this year, pure and simple. There are to be none of the outside attractions, bub all efforts are to be directed to obtaining a complete eexhibit of the products of the farm. While hitching a horse to his new bind- er Wm. Bird, 12th con., Elms, met with a very serious accident. The horse be- came afraid and baoking up kinked Mr. Hird on the right side with great force. Three of his ribs were broken in two sep- arate places and some ribs crushed from the bank bone. The St. Marys Argus bad an ear of oorn left at their office whioh is a pecu- liarity. It is a good sample of corn and op on the t is a cluster of well formed peas and oats. The corn grew alongside a field of peas and oats and all being in a the same time it le supposed flower t , the grafting or fertilizing process has been added by the wind or bees. A brother who was staying with Mr. Hurst, 12th con., Elms, mat with a very painful aocideut recently. While Bleep. ing a large clock (beetle) entered his ear, causing intense suffering. Owing to the insect being deeply in the ear and having a very tight hold, it was impossible to re- move it by the imperfect light of the lamp. The doctor put some drugs in the ear to kill the insect, whioh had the de. sired effect and as soon as daylight came it was easily removed. John Marks happened with an acci- dent in Livingstone's flax mill, Milbank. It seems that in a souffle with P. Rooney his hand got caught in the thresher roll- er's, drawing the arm in to the shoulder's but owing to some of the belts being stop. ped. The arm Was badly bruised but strange to say none of the bones were broken. Messrs. Livingstone, it seems, cannot get hands enough around here to do their work and had to get in some Indians to work at the flax pulling. John Weik, a resident of Rostock, re- turning from Stratford on Friday night called at Alex. Schrenk's hotel and de- manded liquor. It was refused hien, whereupon he became very wrathy and started to smash things promiscuously. The landlord ejected him forcibly, and admonished him with foot and fist in doing so. Welk, after breaking several windows, went to his home and returned With a Winchester rilie, and began to riddle the hotel. He pumped sixteen shots into the buildingand then retired to the woods. lie as not been seen eines. Fortunately, no ono was injured, The Stratford Herald says :—Tito business of J. H. Pyper & Go. has been disooutinued in bile city, and Mr. and Mrs, Pyper return to Seaforth this week, where Mr, Pyper will enter into business in partnership with his old employer, J. e r. dr . M Donnan, in the y goods bueiuee Pyper and lady have made many warm friends in Stratford during the year they spent here, and their departure is re- gretted, espeoially in Methodist and tem- perance oiroles, where they actively assisted. A distressing accident 000urred at the residence of Wm, Davidson, Carlingford, about 10 o'clock Tuesday morning. Dire. Davidson, a lady of 81 years, was stand. mg in the dining room near the open ostler door talking to her brother, when bis attention was attracted elsewhere for a time. Hearing some peouliar noise he turned around and was horrified to find that his sieter bad fallen down cellar. The old lady had evidently been seized with a fainting spell. In the fall she fractured her skull. A doctor was Galled, but life was extinct before he arrived. She died without regaining oonseiousuese in about an hour and a half after the accident. Several boys between the ages of five and seven years while playing with matches in the village of Shakespeare, on Monday morning, started a conflag- ration which for a time threatened to destroy almost the entire village. The fire started iu the hay loft of a stable owned by George Forbes, which was soon consumed, together with an adjoin- ing furniture store, also owned by Mr. Forbes. A stable owned by P. O'Rourke was the 'text to go, and another across the street owned by Mies Susan Yaggie soon followed. By this time all the villagers had turned out, and were mak- ing strenuous efforts to save the adjoining dwelling houses, but, as there was no fire apparatus of any kind in the village, they were seriously handicapped in their efforts. The residence of John A. Omar was entirely consumed, and several others took fire but were finally saved. Mr. O'Ronke's stable was insured in the Queen's, and Mr. Orerar had a policy for $600 in the Perth Mutual. Mr. Forbes is the heaviest loser, as be had no insurance. The boys say that the three-year.old son of Mr. Forbes was directly responsible for the fire. They heard him crying in the hay loft, and on going to him found him sitting on a burning bundle of hay, whioh had been ignited by some matches be held in his hand. They galled for help and an elder son of Mr. Forbes came to his relief, and saved the little fellow unhurt. Gelnerttl Nowte. The deaths from cholera in Persia eo far number 85,000. It is rumored in Vera Ortiz that obolera exists in Habana, Mexico. A soldier affected with Asiatic oh olera bas been found in the German capitel. Seven men were crushed to death by a cave-in at a coal pit at Swansea, Wales, lash week. The youngest man in the new British House of Commons is 22 years old ; the oldest, 00. M. Belloio, a Paris banker, has almond - ed, leaving liabilities amounting to 1,- 000,000 francs. Perhaps the most happily named man in England is Mr. Thankful Joy, a Hampshire cricketer. It is oalaulated that 85,000,000 has been sent to the United States from Mexico in payment for grain imported. Thomas Neill, alias Dr.' Cream, the Canadian, has been committed for trial in London for murder and blaokmail. A.11 the men of the Lackawanna Rail. road Company who went on strike in Buffalo have secured their own positions. Sixteen persons have oommitted suicide at Trieste while laboring under mental derangement brought on by excessive beat. Several Welsh tinplate manufacturers have olosed their works. Sixty establish. ments are now olosed, and 10,000 bands are idle. The French Governmenb has ordered that all Russian Jews arriving at Mar. seilles be sent to the lazaretto and have their clothes burned. New York health officials found four more oases of smallpox in that pity Sat- urday, but all are in houses where the disease had already appeared. The hop harvest in central New York is now in full blest. Pickers are Beane, and prices have advanced. The quality is good, but the crop is not heavy. At the next meeting of. the Masonic Grand Lodge the Prince of Wales will move a grant of £500 to the Lord Mayor's fund for the St. John's fire sufferers. Nearly 1,200 bunohes of grapes ripened this season on the great vine at Hampton Court. They were sent to Queen Victoria. This vine is the largest in England, and is about 126 years old. Sixt -one of the miners sa Deed to have lost their lives in the Bridge End colliery. Wales, were rescued Saturday. They had escaped the flames through be- ing buried in a recess. Robber heels. to facilitate marching, are to be attached to the shoes worn by French soldiers. We should think it a bad feature to make it easy for the eel. diem to take to their heels. Mrs. Edward MoManteman, of Salt Springs, Cumberland, N. S., has given birth to triplets, two boys and a girl. This is the third time in succession that this lady has thus distinguished herself. Frances E. Willard, of 0bioago, press. dent of the World's and National Women's Christian Temperance Union, accompanied by Mise Anna Gordon, her secretary, have sailed for England. They go as the guests of Lady Henry Somerset. Mrs. Peter Lamerouo, who lives near the West End bridge, Chicopee, Mass., wee awakened by the soreama of her 0 - months -old child, and rushing to the cradle found a huge gray wharf rat tear. ing the flesh from the child's body and limbo. She had some difficulty in driving the creature off. The book of the child's head sons sooi3od, and there were several other wounds. Gilbert G. Rice accidentally intruded on one of the secret meetings of the striking miners in Tennessee. The miners suspeoted that he was a spy, bind him to a freight oar and set the oar go- ing down grade, Bice was dragged at fearful velocity, and in rounding a curve he was swung out so that the rope oaughb a telegraph pole and Wound itself round it. The rope broke and Rise's Life was saved, though the awful experience has reduced bis weight 80 pounds and turned his Bair gray. branch florists are cultivating a plant whioh bears a flower that is white in the morning, red at noon, Rnd blue at night. A woman has been sentenced in Paris to penal servitude for life for Milling bier husband by pouring kerosene on bis elothing K K and f nitin it. Several autograph lettere of Luther and Melanotllon have been discovered in the library of an obscure flown in the Prus- sian province of Saxony. A Frenoh Prince aduertissa that ha de - elms to Bell his title and arms, "the whole guaranteed by authentic parch- ments of the reign of Henry IV," Great Britain has rsoeived an invitation from bhp United States Government to take part in the naval parade in April next in connection with the Columbus celebration, and has aooepted it. The artilioial manufacture of wild men is said by a well-known English doobor to be carried on in China as a regular trade. First a youth is kid- napped, then bit by bit be is flayed alive and the akin of a dog or a bear is grafted pieoe by piece upon him. His vocal chords are next destroyed by the notion of cl.areoal to make him dumb, and the double purpose of oauaing "etiolation" of the skin and utter degradation of the mental faculties is effeoted by keeping him immured in a perfectly black hole for a number of years. Ie faot, by treat- ing him like a brute for a sufficiently long time he is made into one. At last he is exhibited to the entirely orednlots Chinese as a wild man of the woods, and his possessors reap a rich harvesb. The priests, it seems, are adepts at the art. When a kidnapper, however, is caught by the people he is torn to pieces, and when the authorities get him they tor- ture him and promptly behead him. DR. SINCiAIR M. D., M. A., C. P. S. 0., M. 0. P. S. M. TORONTO9 Specialist for the treatment of all Chronic Diseases, Private Diseases, Diseases of the Brain and Nerve. Diseases of the Heart and Lungs, And Diseases of Women positively Treated successfully. Jonathan Busoharb,Listowel, says :— °After spending all my money and property to 120 purpose on Medical men, for what they termed a hopeless ase of consumption, Dr. Sinclair cured me." Mrs. Mary Furlong Woodhouse, says "When all othere failed, Dr. Sinclair cured me of fits." W. McDonald, Lakefleld, says :—Dr. Sin- clair cured me of Catarrh." Geo. Rowed, Blyth, says 1—"Dr. Sinclair cured me of heart disease and dropsy, when all others failed" Diseases of private nature brought on by folly Dr. Sinclair oerbainly cures. CONSULTATION FREE. DR. SINCLAIR will be at the AMERICAN HOTEL, BRUSSELS, ON -- Saturday, Sepi. 17, '92. Auction Sale Valuable Mills, Stores, Resi- dences c Farm Property. IN THE TOwNaHIP OF GAMY AND IN THE VIL- LAGE OF BRUSSELS. Under and by virtue of the powers of sale contained m a certain mortgage, n rwhioh mortgage will l reduced the public of rule, , t will bo produced for sale by pnthe Vlbbngn, at x,o Ano RIOAN HOTEL in the Village of Brussels, on THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 8,'02, at the hour of 2 0'51000 p. m., by Finlay S. Scott, Esq., Auctioneer, the following prop- erties, namsly .— Parcel No. 1.—All that property situate partly iu the Village of Brussels, and pertly in the township of Grey, ou whioh is oreotad the frame grist mill mud saw mill, known as the National Mi110, Owned by the late Wil- liam Vanetono, together with rho mill dam, water power and all other privileges used in oonnestion with the same, with the right of flooding the lands adjoining the Maitland river, and more particularly described in the said mortgage from William Vanetono to the mortgagees, whioh lands form part of Lots Noe, 1, 2 Jt 5 in the. 10th oonoeSelon of the Township of Grey and part of Lot No. 2 in the 11th oonoessfou of the said Township of Grey. The National Mills aro said bo be fitted up with the latest description of machin cry for manufacturing Patent Process Flour, with a sapaoity of 70 bum: els per day. The water power is also said to be supplemented with a 70 b, p. engine and 10D h. p, steel boiler, all of which could be put in repair at a moder- ate outlay. The saw mill adjoinsthe grist mill and is supplied with power from the same process. Parcel No. 2, That certain farm property situate in the said Village of Brussels and in the Township of Grey, being parts of Lots No,. 1, 2 0 5la the 10th Concession, and Lot No, 2 I the 11th 0onaesston of the said town- ship of Grey, more particularly described in the said mortgage. o0ntaieing in all about thirty-five acres, oeoucied by Mr. George Thomson, tenant, at $00.00 for the season. Parcel No. 0.—Lots 107 & 108 and part of Lot 150 in the said Village of Briton's, situ- ated aimosb dtrsobly opposite the mill pro. perby. There are said bo bo ereobad 0n these lots, three frame housoe and a frame barn and stable occupied by tetania lot a rental t 7.0 amounting to !47.00 100 month. Parcel No, 9,—Part of Lot 105 fronting on Turuberrystreet in the said Village of Brus- sels, on whioh is mooted the Vanetoue Block confuting of two brink stores with plate glees fronto. Due of the shores is oesanb ab present, and the other ono has been divided into a Law Oflice occupied by W.5. Sin - glair, and a Jewelry store, occupied by Jas, Jona. The second storey is fitted tip for offices and a Lodge room and is ooagplod, Parcel No, 0.—Lot 003, corner of Flora St., on whioh there Is said to be erected a frame dwelling house, formerly osoupiod by Mr, W F. Vanetoue, Timms our SALE; Too per cent, of the put- these money to be paid in sash on the day of sale to the Vendor's solioitore, and sulk- ciont with such deposit, to make up ono - third of rho purchase money, to bo paid within thirty flays thereafter; the halftime to be secured by a grab mortgage outhe , proporty,pmyable iu flue years, with iubor- esb lit Soyan 0r 00ub, boli -yearly, Tho property will bo moron for sale in separate parcels, and alibi id to a Ussery° Bid 50 bo oath panel, The purchaser Will be required to accept the property subs cot to touauofeo. Further bar.ns and oouditfoue made kuowu on day of sale. P50lurthor partlouare .%14.b, ly bo, tis.Auo• tfonoer, orbic W. M. Slnsimir, Lsq.,Barrletor, or bo ANORSIW oou00,0li5 EerieBrussels. 51±1010, MACDOINALD, DAVIDSON do PATNA SON, 18 Toronto 80„ Toren to, Vendor's Solicitors. 0013 COTTON ROOT COM POUND. A repent discovery by an old physietaq, Suocessful- ly maul mootbiybY thous- . andtams.s of tams. 1s the only perfoobly safe and reliable medicine disoov- °red, Beware of unprincipled druggists wli° offer interior medicines in place of is, Ask for Qoo10 0 OowTON 1tooT (IoorODND, take no eubstitubo; or iu0les° 2,1 and 9 three -cent Oonada postage stamps lu letter, and we will send, sealed, by return mail, Full seal- ed particulars 10 plain envelope, to ladles only, 2 stamps. Address Pond 2.110 Cow pnny No, 5 Fisher Block, 121 Woodward ave., Detroit, Mich. 1. -Sold in Brussels by J. T. PEPPER', G, A. DHADMAN and all responsible druggists everywhere, IIILOII'S CONSUMVI PSI MON This GREAT COUGH CURE, this successful CONSUMPTION OURS, is without a parallel in the history of medi- oine. All druggists are authorized to sell it on a positive guarantee, a test that no other ours can successfully stand. If you have a sough, Sore Throat or Bronchitis, use it, for ib will cure you. If your child has the Croup, or Whooping Cough, use it promptly, and relief is sure. If you dread that insidious disease CONSUMP- TION, DON'T FAIL to use i6, it will cure you or oosb nothing. Ask your Druggist for SHILOH'S CURE, Prios 10o., 50o. and $1.00 If your lungs are sore or back lame,use Shiloh's Porous Plaster. 26o, G. T1 R, EX llRSIUKS TO Industrial Fair TORONTO, September 6 to 16. .Return Tickets from Brussels to Toronto, $3.50. Excursion days, Sept. 18 and 15, Return Fare, $2.60. All Tickets valid to return until September 19th. Manitoba Excursions Sept. 0th to Points Advertised at Cur- rent Rates. ' For Tickets going and returning via G. T. and 0. P. Rys. pall on T. FLETCHER, TOWN TICKET AGENT. A11 Baggage cheoked through wibhout ohang° of ohmic. FRESH ARRIVALS —AT THE— S18P Re1aiirau1 BANANAS, PEACHES, PLUMS, LEMONS. CABBAGE, CUOUMBERS, TOMATOES, WATERMELONS, CORN, CANDIES, NUTS, FRESH CREAMS. Do You Know That C. E. Perry makes as fine photos. as aro made in the Conn ty? That he Finishes an photos. on the new permanent aristo paper ? That ho Can't be beat on family and other groups ? That he Copies and enlarges old pictures to any size ? That his Cabinet Photos, are excep- ticnally fine ? That his Baby Photos. are unequall- ed, and if you want a first-class, finely finished photo. you can't coo better than call on C. E. PERRY Next to American Hotel, Brussels. +;SOME HEAD LINES! To male room for New Goods we will sell for the next Two Weeks Dress Goods au 5c., 8c.,10c., & 15c. worth double the price asked. Flannelettes from 6c. per yd. up. Towelings fr6m 5c. per yd. up. Bargains in Corsets. Art Muslins from 5c, up, -Bargains in Shirts & Cottonades. BARCAUS IN READYADE CLOTH INC8 See our $4.50 Suits. Special Bargains in Boots and Shoes before Opening our Fall Goods. Our New Dress Goods, Mantlia gs and E eadymade Mantles, just in, are Extra Value. & MAIN. LOOK 1 LOOK! LOOK! HARVE J. STRONG, THE POTJCRAPHER, Having added new Scenery to his Gallery is now in a position to turn out work that is second to none. A look at his photos. will convince you that they are first-class. The public are invited to call up and inspect work in gallery. Pietzires Copied and also JnlarjecZ to ani, size • in Crayon at reasonable Prices. It Specialty made of Sot -door Views.. You cannot mistake the place, W. W. Burgess' old stand over Standard Bank. H_ J. srTRUNGr. 3 APPLICATIONS,,THOROUGNLY REMOVES • DANDRUFF Restores Fading hair to Its IlegOA"DRUFF D. L. OAVEN. original color. [ Totems 7•Dondru Pnseo rtoo Agent, C. P.R., anye, Ann•Dnndruipiaoporpootromovero[Don. Stops lalling of halt. dnnr Ito notion re morvCllons—ln mY own Coen Keeps the S0Otp clean. dal ivi1i tlonnnot only to joVIEitipiA Cze,,,ivo dandren noonnu[lndo0 set tteppod Makes batt soft sndptloble prolog or aho front. rondo lino"add Pdn2lon" promotes Growth. GUARANTEED -lingt,darlattingrowt I SOLD BY G. A. DEADMAN, Bliussnb s. MoLEO D'S System Renovator \ AND OTHER TESTED REMEDIES SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE. For Impure, Weak and Impoverished Blood, Dyspepsia, Sloeplessnese, Palpate. tion of the Heart, Liver Complaint, Neer. algia, Loss of Memory, Bronchitis, Con. sumption, Gall Stones, Jaundice, Kidney and Urinary Diseases, St. Vitus' Dance, Female Irregularities and General De. bility, LABORATORY GOOERICH, ONTL J. M. MoLEOD, Prop. and llianufaoturer. Sold by J. T. PEPPER, Druggist, Brussels. This is the way with the B. & C. comet: if you want ease and shapeliness,' you buy it—but you don't keep it unless you like it. 'After two or three weeks' wear, you can return it and have your money. roe SALE DV S'iIoAOHAN, r