HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1892-8-26, Page 66
nun Wall DEVI!, FISH,
ATTly Kellatera that Inhabit the Floeida
Sholl. IllataiterN Eslfrevienee—A
Ong Octopus that 4.114eIced isoat and
'Endangered the i. arcs or Iti; °velment:4,
The octopus is quite plentiful at this time
athang the shores and in the bays, Inlets, and
tivers of Florida. A. very pretty member
'Of the speoies, called the argo, is certainly
a most lovely mature, deapite Its ugly na•
tI103 and unattrective form, foe it is a inass
'of silver aloud spots, with fine dottings of
Vow) color, the beauty of the the beast"
beingiurther heightened by a broad bana
,saf uLtramorine blue, which, crossing the
amok, insensibly fades away beneath a
'<sharp, shell-like ridge, which fauns the
The true ootopus is a repulsive, clanger-
arna thing, with two ugly, movable eyes, and
!he is armed with eight long feelers, eaoh
"feeler provided with 120 suckers, by means
'of which the creature grays and holds its
Vrey while in the act of devouring. In
"Florida the natives call the octopus a " sea
laat," while on the gulf coast as far as Texas
4118 generally known as a "dam -cracker."
NA. full grown octopus weighs as much as 500
Vounds, although It is now generally known
that the young at the time of birth iore no
larger than a common flea.
Seim queer adventures have happened to
3shermen in Forida waters with this strange
Inhabitant of the deep—especially on the
gulf side of the Peninsular State—bat as
the parties concerned were, for the tnost
Vett, uneducated men, or rather plain fish.
airmen, who were more interested in a good
match then in the needs of science, the ro-
und of their experiences has not generally
learnt made known, and so many strange
tales of adventure have been lost.
The following extraordinary commence
'recently happened to a Mr. Beale, who was
teatmlung for shells among the rocks of the
I,•Bonin Islauds. Mr. Beale says : "I was
' 'leeking shells, which had just been left by
the receding title, when I was =eh aston.
iished to see at my feet a most unusual look-
lng animal crawling toword the surf, which
kind only just left it.
had uever seen one like it under such
'circumstances before. It was creeping on
lts eight legs, whieh, from their soft and
"flexible nature, bent considerably under ths
' 'weight of its body, so that it was lifted by
the efforts of ita tentacles only a. small dis-
tance from the rocks. It appeared moll
alarmed at seeing me, and made every ef-
fort to escape, while I was not ntuch in the
411nn00 to endeevor to capture so ugly a
vreature, whose appearance excited a feeling
vf disgust not uumingled with fear.
allowever, I endeavored to prevent its
!escape by pressing on one of its legs with
ray foot, but although I made use of consid-
erable force for that purpose its strength
'was so great that it several times quickly_
liberated that member in spite of all that I
mould do.
'I now laidheld of one of the tentacles
With my hand, and held it fiernly, so that
the limb appeared as if it would be torn
tender by our united strength.
gave apowerful jerk, wishing to dis.
;engage it from the rock to which it clung
al forcibly by its suckers, Which it effect -
resisted, But the moment after the
tapparently enraged animal lifted is head,
'With its eyes projeoting from the middle of
Its body, and, letting go its hold an the
took, suddenly sprang upon my arm, whicli
al had previously bared to my shoulder for
the purpose of thrusting it into the holes of
the rocks to discover shells, and olung with
toil its suckers to it with a great power, en-
deavoring to get its mouth in a position to
'bite. A sensation of horror pervaded my
'whole frame when I found this monster ana
trial had 'affixed itself so firmly upon rny
"Its cold, slimy grasp was extremely
ticketing, and I tmmediately called aloud
to the Captain of our boat, who was also
"'searching for shells at some distance, to
"tome to my relief.
, "He quickly arrived, and toking me
'down to the boat, during which time I was
'employed in keeping the head away from
any hand, quickly released me by destroying
'my tormentor with the boat knife, when I
diseageged it by portions at a time. This
tainted measured across its expanded arm
-tOicout four feet, while its body was not bis
ger than a large ;stenciled hand."
Here was their stook in trade positively
endangered with a prospect of a toad loss,
and they wore apparently ignoble to rescue
it. -
They tried to harpoon the creoture by
making several easto with a smell Were.
ment of the kind which happened to be in
the boat, but the water woe too deep and
the reeistance so great that all efforts in
that direction were thua rendered futile.
" Let's give a strong, pull ell together,"
staid one, '4 and perhaps we'll break his
They gave their united strengt 1 tn the
task, but tho octopua, with three feelers on
Ole poles and five on the rooky bottom,
sieves: gave the slighteat indicotion that he
was to be vanquished in this way. All at
once, however, and while pulling with might
and main, the monster suddenly of Ms own
free will, released his hold of the poles
which sent the men tumbling back into the
boat, where they lay for a few seconds
Bumbling about in laughable confusiou.
Fortunately they had retained hold of their
poles and soon regained a standing post -
tion, not much the worse for their sudden
They were about to regime businees and
go on with their sponge sounding when all
of a sudden something struck the bottom of
the boat a terrible whack which nearly up.
set the frail craft and plaoed the cocupants
once more hors de combat.
It was the octopus again. He had risen
against the bottom of the boat with an awful
thump and was now holding on to it with a
grim clutch that boded no good to the three
"Great Scott !" said Duuham„ the oars.
man, " that blasted devil fish is after us
again, and this tine Pll break Ms crust or
give up sponging for good."
Just then a horrible -looking feeler reaoh-
ed insinuatingly up over one side of the
boat, and, clasping the centreboord well
with a scoroof suckers, gettled into position.
Another feeler began advancing over the op.
visite side of the hoot, when Denham, seiz-
ing a hatchet, with one sharp, quick blow
severed the first anchor, burying the blade
of the hatchet deep into the gunwale of the
ILL:stoutly feeler No. 2 was withdrewn,
and an unpleasant commotion beneath told
that the octopus was liable to capsize things
unless something was done quickly.
" Rots° the sail and haul lo the anchor
and we'll scale that fellow or I'm no pro-
phet," shouted Dunham. Up went the sail
end in eame the author, but the load un-
derneath acteti as a drag, and little or no
advantage resulted from the tactics. For
some reason the =attire now loosened Ms
hold, and was about leaving for safer parts
when Dunham grasped the harpoon and era attributes of human character. It is an
launahed it with full force strutgbt into the unwarranted belittling of woman's capacity
soft, gristly body of the monster. to even remotely suggest that oho can be
A second later the boat was rushing along uarrowed to twice loving. Women and
at a fearful rate seaward, these -11, by reason
of the light wind, having no effect whatever
on this new propulsive power. The strain
was something awful. The harpoon was
fastened by a long line to one of the wooden
seats, which was not particularly secure,
and this was rather a fortunate thing, for,
as Dunham was about to cut the rope and
tut n the fellow free, a powerful jerk on the
line tore out the seat and away it went
trailing through the water after the devil-
fish at the rate of &bent a mile a miente,
The men watched their late enemy and
his tow as long Is he vemoined in sight, and
then paddled book to their former work,
which had been so strangely interrupted.
According to their account the fish mea-
sured twenty.five feet across from tip to Up
and is estimated to have weighed nearly
half a ton.
Yachting Dresses. •
THE BRUSSELS POST. AuuusT 19 1802.
" They tell no, professor, that you, have
mastered all Um modern tongues," Pro-
fessor—" All but two—my wifo's and her
Mose Schatunborg—" Vleh you love der
moat, 'key, mo or your nimbler 1" lkey—
You, fodder, by MON bit tervonty per.
" Yon took this picture yourself. Tell
me what do you photographers 1100 a black
cloth for 1" " Itt order to make my eaalera
Mrs. De Style--" How do you menage
to get your servanta to wear caps ? Mine
wout. Mrs. Do Fashiou—" I inre a
poliamman to admire them."
A women always carries her purse in her
hand so that ocher women will aeo it. A
man carries his in his inside It." so that
his wife will not get onto it."
" Love is blind," which is why he always
seeks the seclusion of the darkest corner of
the piazza in preference to the painful light
of the front parlor ort warm evenings in the
She blushed as she read the address
Sweetly her pulses thrill ;
It was from an old, old (lame;
Just a two -months -old gas bill.
The summer girl should be quite stout,
To sport in ocean spray;
So first make sure' beyond a doubt,
That you- 8.10 builtthat way.
Two youngladies were talking the other
day about a third, who had just become
engaged to a widower who plays the cornet
and has four children. "What could be
worse," exclaimed one, "than four children
and a cornet a" "Nothing," said the other,
"excepting, perhaps, six children and a
"Decline a man " the teacher oried.
The midden ooloved red.
"Decline a. man'?" the puail sighed,
"1 oan't—I won't 1" she said.
Mrs. Toropkins—"When my husband
stays out at night I refuse to give hint amy
breakfast 1" Mrs. Smith—"That may do
for Mr. Tompkins, but it wouldn't punish
my Jim a bit. When he stays out all night
he (leen% want any breakfast,"
ii.OUSEHOLD, white eugar, two oven cupa of flour, two
teaspooufuls of cram of tartar, one tea,
spoonful of oho ; thee add one cup otsweet
Twilight. milk and one egg. 'Bake in a round. pan
01 the time wine tired eyelids softly eloso , when done place epon tt plote ready for the
moniory's picture misty grow fond Mar. table inalsteam untll soft, Servo with sauce,
red SAVOS.--One agg, ono teacnix of sugar beat -
When soon through tears that ()loud the eyes 00 .0 ,, ,. „ 0 1 , ,101t 0c hall.
and fall, 1, vowel. , aim IL oup i i
While half unnoneeloualy wo itst for some ing water. Flexor to Mete.
Then. atom; which etrotch attend look eold and I BATT:. it P vont so, —Mix a lumping oup of
unapokoa word.
blank, sager with two tablespoonf ale of eon
While tiby, starch, beat this wall into e0)11 egga ; add
me luta eaftenal morn in team gone
And totalled the decary earns with heaven's , 0:1e quart of sweet milk, two tablespoonfuls
own light— ' of butter and one teaspoonful of lemon et.
0', then 'col, bank; with longing !!obbi'lg tract, bake 15 miuntea. Serve with orearn.
A Woman's Love.
Somebody bas proposed the question,
"can a woman love twice with the same in-
tensity 1"
The innocence and freahness that dwells
In the heart of the proposer of that query
are among the most beautiful and transpar-
Ur. Seales experience was with a rather
%mall specimen, but, as a rule, the average
Is about twenty feet from tips of feelers,
'and, as remarked, in some cases the weight
tans as bigh as 500 pounds, Nicholas Myers,
Sahing in Punta Gorda Bay, in October last,
;caught an oolopus which, when stretched
vat, measured from end to end of logs &bout
!se= feet and turned the scales at 100
'pounds. When taken into the boat alive it
teited everything within reach—the seats,
the coffee pot, the oars, and everything else
at could lay its feelers on.
Myers finally stabbed it between the eyes
tnd that euded the circus. But the most
taemarkable story of all comes from Punta
Reasa, near Sauibel Island, which was the
;experience of the crew of the May Bell, a
'email sponging schooner plying along the
moast between Cedar Keys and Key West.
'Tha "sighter" had his barrel down, "spot-
ting sponge," as they say, and with his
'sponge hook was carefully feeling along th
4aoltom, wheo he felt a grasp of seizure, so
to speak, not a pull or jerk, but a simple
grip -like clutch which no shaking, hauling,
aur pulling could remove, The barrel men -
tamed is really a largemized bucket with a
glass bottom, and the slighter pushing this
down as far as Ile can, places Ins hear with -
In the openieg anti, looking downward, seeks
ler the sponge ae the boat is propelled slow.
ly along,. Another man holds a -long slender
!pole, having a powerful knife-like hook
-attached to the end, and, coming to a
'fungus growth, be inserts the hook beneath
the same, tears the sponge loose and heals
it onboard.
Three men were on the boat. One was
towing, the second sighting, and the third
had the manipulation of the hooking op.
'Iterates, The lighter had made a "spot"
tad the poleman had inserted his hook
A. new deign for serge yachting gowns
has a bodice smoothly fitted, like to cuirass,
from the throat to the waist, then curving
out on the hips, and evenly all around.
This plain bodice is bonded across with row
ofter row of red or blue braid edged with
gilt—a very effective trimmieg on a white
serge cuirass. A short Figaro jacket ot the'
white serge covers the top of this corsage,
and extends only two or three inches below
the armholes. It is cut in sharp vandyke
points, and bordered with four rows of the
braid. The sleeves are one extremely large
puff to the elbow, then are close below, and
nearly ;covered with rows of braid. The
round skirt escapes the floor, midis border-
ed to match the jacket. A sailor cap of
white serge is banded with the braid.
Royal middy suits for yachting are of
blue or white oloth of very light weight
made with a little jacket reaching only to
Ole waist and open in front, with tapering
evera and a square collar. Bright gold and
Plies, lands clasp hands which now they I PI.AI:e Rion Pirourna—One quart of
never toilet, milk, one-half cup of rice, onehalf cap of
Tam lips press lips, which wore long since
estranged. sugar' a little salt. Balce in a slow oven,
Thom soulmeta sold, 119 010 rammerI ground, atirriug occamionally, noel you wish a crest
Then we forgot that tinio and absence
Then, shattered dreams, lost alms and buried
Como trooping, forth tram graves we thought
fast sealed;
Wo live, wall eatok drawn breath, the do:d
to form. Islam with nutmeg.
If Ite Horan laminators.— Woke mare
of tartar biscuits; end steam them oue half
hour. Add water and sugar to conn
;hed ber-
ries eat it to boiling and !serve it as sauce ;
sea e oei0, quiekly made and very g ood.
Andheitunidore pain still koon, the wounds un -
lameness P0DDINa.-13011 8. oup of Hoe 'n
°broken dreams, in will& wo, blissful, lived, milk until it is very soft, then add two
0 cherished alms, which seemed within our tablespoonfuls of butter, and boil a few
o burgisnpos. which have to ashea turned, minutes longer. Set aside to cool. Beet
Aro tttl the invests 01 1110 bat in the peel three eggs and stir in when the rioe is moder-
Our eyes unclose—the inlets have cleared
away— ately aool. Line a dish with puff paste,and
Stern duty ooldly meets our pleading look •, then put in first a layer of rile then a layer
The graves are closed, tho path lies straight of jam or fruit then another layer of rice
ahead, until the dish is full. Bake in a moderate
Thermal; remains once more a sealed book,
oven about three-quarters of an hour. Serve
—fMary Planner. either hot or cold, but if cold pour a boiled
custard over it,
The Boy's Training in Humanity- DlINDES rUDD1140, —One Clip of sugar, two
One of the most important duties of a eggs, one-half oup of butter, ono cup of
mother is to teach her son kindness to mil- two cups of flour, one teaspoonful of cream
male. No sight in our boasted age of civil- tartor, one-half teaspoonful of soda. Mix
Nation is more painful, and uone more dis• well and steam three hours. Serve with
graceful, than the cruelty practiced by boys 1100 08.000, It may be steamed in a pretty
and I regret to say by menu well upon the tin mould.
helpless animals in blieir power. I refrain nitztemto rre.—One cup of rhubarb chop.
from repeating the harrowitg talea I could ped fine, one egg, one cup of sugor. Mix
toll of torture and abuse unworthy the and hake in one or two crusts as preferred.
rudest savage which I have myself seen on A little powdered cracker may be added if
the streets of a city priding itself upon its 10 10 10 10 baked like a tart, and the white
civIliaation and humanity. Within its of tho egg may be spread on top.
boundaeies dozens of institutions cherish I ATM'S 0100 LEMON rrE.—Two lemons,
and minister to not only the afflicted, but juice and grated rind, six modlum-size ap-
the idle and vicious inembera of the human ples peeled and grated three small cups of
family; and thousands of mothers give their , sugar, four eggs, Bake with untie crust
vary lives to this service while their young ! only.
sons aorow up to ferment the cot, maltreat Hoseveorde PunoiNo. —One-half cup of
Ole dog, and kill end maim every smaller sugar, ono -half cup of butter, one-half pint
creative they con get their hands upon. It of molasses, oue teospeouful of soda, four
is a burning and a oryiog shame upon us sta eggs, one-half coup of milk. Mix the flour
- •
Lord lIo.wke, who brought, a °Hake team
to America, will take a team of amateurs to
India, soiling front England on Oct 14.
Int London pollee court, reeentiaa Lady
Donouglintare was filled 5100 for foiling to
glom notice that her daughter was suffering
with scarlet tom in it lodging house and
for moving her in 0101)111.0 conVeynnea.
Indian newspapers tell of 4 sehool teacher
is Lack Rambla' who Woe attacked by 011011
and lcept the animal at bay with a common
broom until assistance arrived.
The British Govenoinent has empowered
Devoe to levy a tax of a ehilliag per head
upon possengere, to be applied toward the
coot of the new harbor, work upon width
has jest been begun,
love are practically synonymous, al omen s
paseion for conquest breeds in her the habit
of love, wbich she seems able to vary pasha
vories the habit that adorns her person. It
wee that penetrating observer, Colton, the
author of "Loom," who told us that a
woman does not love a man the worse for
having many favorites, if ho deserts them
all for her. Other women conquer like the
Pete -Maus, hot she, like the Romans, not
only makes conquests but retains them,
The aphoristic Rouchefoucauld finds that
women are little touched by friendship be-
cause it is insipid wheal they have once
tasted of love. And has not the broadest.
minded genius that ever wrote of human
experience and passion sung this refrain
0 spirit of love, how quick asd fresh art thou.
That, notwithstanding thy capacity,
1100eiveth as the sea
Go over your list of Women friends and
see how easily you may recall the multitude
of lovers each one has had and bow ardently
she loved every one of thein—till the next
one made his appearance on the scene. Oh,
no, good friend, women's possibilities aro
not confined to a single experience of the
grand passion ; but for the sake of Banta
inent (and so doing obeisance to the idesol
woman) let it be admitted that lova of the
right kind—the kind that veers not with
circumstance, but "stands four square to
all the winds that blow"—aomes but ones
and comae to stay. That was the kind of
love that bore up Herrnione and made hor
greater than her king, and it is the only
kind that will blaze tits the end of daym.
In the ordinary meaning of words, wom-
en are able to transfer their affection—or
Ole fatty that passes for affection—a dozen
times in one season at the seashore. But,
after all, few women know their real genti•
silents until they begin to approach BO. It
is therefore no wonder that the man who
laminated the girl had no such power over
the 'wm
oan whose tastes have ripened,
red broils rming 8 wide galloon are the whose intelleet aspens its rightful dominion
gay trimming. The skirt in slight bIt and. who is able to look beneath the surface
shape is attached tea pointed belt, which ts and see her lover's visage in his mind and
also braided. finrah shirts with two frills
down the front and turnerlover collar are
worn in red, white, c r blue, as most becomes
Ole wearer. A white suit with a red shirt
is wary pretty at sea.
Fifteen Days in an Open Boat;
The British steamer Victoria, has landed
aO Cooktown the captain and ten mon, the
entire crew of the barque Elizabeth, which
was lost at sea. The crew had an unusual
tond trying experience. Tho Elizabeth,
with a curio of elude, was going fuen Syd-
ney, New South Wales, to Rotterdam.
The vessel struck the rooks about 600 miles
from Rockhampton, and remained. All the
vessel's boots were gone, and Mid the ship
broken up at onoo doubtless all the crew
would have been lest. As It was, Oho vessel
remained together, and on the wreck the
crew stayed for seven days. During this
time they constructed a boat out of tbe
bulwarks of the yessel. Just after this boat
was finished, the Elizabeth commenced to
break up, and the shipwreoked men had to
take to their newly made craft for safety.
In this they drifted about sot the will of the
currents, and it was not until fifteen days
had been passed that they were picked up
by the steamer Victoria, which fell in with
the tiny oaf 0 near the Olaromour bland
lightship. The men, from their long expos-
ure and cramped position, naturally suffer-
ed keenly until they wore rescued. Strange
to 00.31, 11000 of the crew are reported to
'when the former uttered a silent ejaculation have loet thee lives,
Which caused his comrades to desist ana ask leans SawlOgs From Canada,
that the matter was. Jriat then he felt
the (hitch or grasp already referred to.
4pewerf ul big devil flea" sold the
ter, ancl he's got one sucker attaehed
your polo."
"Get another hook and see if you can't
tear him loose," stud 0110 other Man.
l. eecond.aole was lowered, but the me
'Meat ittouoliedbottom the devil Salo reached
'oat vvitit another of his long, gender arms,
tea attoalied a sacker to it, which held the
implement tighter than any vice could have
/lone. The oarsmen now lame forward
\till 0, third pole, ancltlowering this in on
'018300 00 prod the reptile, it Wag grasped
iibc Ole °there With a feeler, and hold ao
fierily that no power or lone seemed able
to release it.
The three men looked at each other in
laank annteeneat,
A Washington despatch says i—The
United States coramereial agent, at Waal
boushone, Ontario, recently mood the ques-
tion whether rafts of sawlogs shipped
from Canada tares the lakes to the United
Stoma being exempt Iron, ditty ore subject
to the requiretnents of certified invoices. In
response to the question Acting Secretory
Nettleton has informed the secretary of
State that under the provisions of ;motion a,
of the act of June 10, 1800, no merch0ndis4
exceeding 5100 in value except personoe
baggage can ba admitted to entry withoot
it duly authenticated invoice or a bond for
the prodaetion of such invoices.
Nature lea eomotimes mode a fool ; het a
oexcomb is elways of a man's own tnaking
••—[ Addis on•
It is easily possible for a woman to love
with equal intensity as different periods of
her life, but her loves will be of a radically
different character. Many women imagine
the fatty of the moment to bo the hosting
regard of a life ttme ; and while it is eon-
sutning them they undoubtedly aro as much
in etorneeb, and they suffer as keenly aucl
feel as deeply as if they were really possess-
ed by the imperial sentiment itself. There•
fore, when years go on, and they meet a
mon wile inspires a true, moment and sin-
cere affection, the world wonders at the now
outpour of fooling and the superficial set her
down as fiakle. Girls who think they are
unhappy in Dertoin moods ;nay find comfort
in the &smut= thet
Lore is not love
Willett raters when it alteration finds,
Or bends ovith the remover to remove.
01 No 1 It is an (Ivor -axed mark
That looks on tomposts and 10 110000 shaken.
It, is theater to ovary wandering bark,
Whose worth's unknown, although hIs height
be taken.
Love's nob time's fool, though rosy lips and
Within hie bonding sickle's compass eome.
Love alters not ivith his brief hours and
ffut boars It out oven 00 the edge of doom,
a race in Oh nineteenth century, and es•
pocially upou us as mothers.
No one need say "1 can't help it ! my
boy will do so I" Doubtless he will not obey
when she orders hitn to desist : command,
even punishment, will not eradicate that
brutal inclination, a survival from the dye
when every man's hiond was against his
neighbor. Bit if the mother goes to work
properly she can accomplish even this task.
The boy is a little savage, his tenderness
cannot be counted upon, his sympathy is an
uuknown quantity ; but he is a, bundle of
curiosity, his attention scan be roused—,and
here is the point to attack him. He must
be instructed and interested in the lives of
the lower orders of creatures. To this end
Ole mother must begin with herself. She
must know something of the wonderful facts
of natural history, so that when she finds
that hopeful son of her's mutilating flies,
and teasing the kitten, she can tell him some
curious and entertaining hots the lives of
than in eadmols—show Inhow the fly is de-
veloped, the office it performs, and if possi-
ble, its marvelous beauty under the micros-
The world of life below us is brimming
with wonders, and the chill is fairy hun-
gering for information. He will not throw
stones at a bird whose movements he has
learned. to understand, whose actions he is
entertained by, nor will he crush a.n ant
whose strange and remarkable life history
be knows something of ; he will rather want
to see what it will do. His intelligence must
be aroused and fed, and as he becomes older
his sympathies will grow.
and sugar together, oda the mills, me t te
butter and add to it then the eggs well
Minton, and lastly the molasses with the
soda in it, heating stiff. Bake 20 minutes.
In the days when a man a strength of arrn
and indifference to the sufferings of others
was the only protection to his family, it was
thought that hardness of heart and cruelty
were manly virtues, but the world has moved
a little, and happily we have fallen upon a,
better time. The example of the Christ -life
has not boon utterly without fruit, and the
nobler men are now waking to the fact that
oruelty to animals is not only an outrage
upon the animal, but a thousand times
worse for the man or boy who praotises it.
How a mother professing to model her
life upon that meek and gentle One in Ju-
dea, near 1900 years ago, can permit her
sons to come up like the brutal savages,
who have a far different ideal, is it problem
I am unable to solve.
Much could be said on the rights of the
animal, as fellow-areatures, and cotenants
of the worth ; much also could be brought
forward to prove their usefulness to man-
kind, but passing over these points with
mere mention and putting the case upon
the most selksh grounds—it is a deadly
wrong to the boy to let him indulge in
amity. Every aot of brutality hardens
him, and makes hiin more ready for crimes
against his fellow -mom I will not now
open the question of the value to a boy of
being able to maintain his rights among his
playfellows by " fighting," which by many
is thought to be o.n essential part of a manly
boy's training. This is by no means a set-
tled question, but certainly, Whatever may
be one's opinion on that point, there is nob
o shadow of exouse for Ins being brutal to
Ole unfortunate creatures who ore helpless
in his hands.
A woman wallcing in St. John's Wood,
London, saw on the walk 4 small snake
wearing around its neck a ring studded with
gems, to wIlioh was featened a slender gold
Mole that had another jewelled ring at its
end. She was startled at fink, but she
afterwards recogniaed the bediemoned
reptile as Sara Bernhardt's favorite stege
snake, and metered it to the tragedienne.
An English butcher, fishing in the Grand
Surrey Canal, caught with his hook 511.1line a handbag containing thirty-nine gold
rings and gold and silver coma worth moro
than $100.
The Monteflore memorial prize at Girton
°allege, Cambridge, was won this year by
Mist Edith Emily Read. 11 10 the year's
income from a perinment fund and is worth
about 5320.
Railway officers in Delaware and Mary-
laitti estimate the peach amp of the (=in-
sulomt 400,000 baskets, or about one-sixth
of an average crop. Orchards in middle
and northern Delaware that were ladea
with lusoious fruit last summer are roirly
bare of fruit this ythor, and are marked in
every part with "tho yellows." The Vail -
ere of the crop this year is likely to :be fol-
lowed by the uprooting of mauy thousand
trees. Experts in peach lore are convinced
thab peach grooving is doomed in northern
Delp ware.
Pupils at an English technioal school row-
ed mamas the Channel from Folkestone to
Boulogne „recently in an ordinary four -oar-
ed gelley, covering th51a e distance in hours
end booting the record.
A youngster employer' in the Barnsley
Co-operative Stores, London, stole $50 and
some clothing fitted out himself and an-
other boy with revolvers and sword sticks,
and turned his face and his companion's to.
ward the wilds of Russia. A constable
stopped them adore they were out of the
metropolitan district.
'rho rapid growth of the habit of sobriety
and temperance is one of the characteristics
of the Canadian railway wren, the use of
intoxicants becoming more and ntore the
exception, although it is said to be the rule
in the English seevicc. It was a subject
for comment in son English railway publics...
tion recently that the 11,000 laborers who
were employed in changing the grade of the
Great Western Railway were not allowed
to refresh themselves during working hours
with anything stronger than oatmeal water.
A Gres 550111 nib; Tor the Illaelrerel,
A Si, Jona, N. B., despatch sitys ;—The
United States fishermen who are taking
mackerel off the harbor aro keeping out.
side the three mile limit, at loam in the
dloytime. Collector Ruel ordered two cus•
toms officers to watch and to 00100 0.11)' Yan-
kee vessel found fisho inor to have been
fishing within the line. 'A number of Nova
Scotia vessels have arrived and aro doing
well. Two of these are froin Pubnico. Local
fishermen, with their g,asporaux nes, are
getting a good many fish. The school ap-
pears to be making straight for the mouth
of the river. Mackerel are strangers.00 this
part of the bay.
John Wilson, city assessor, is deal. He
has held office nearly 30 yeare. Mr. Wilsun
was a strong anti-confeaerate in 1807, and
finding that Sir Leonard Tilley was to be
elected by acclamation in that year entered
Ole field against him form of a forof protest
Ho formed no committee and asked no one
for support, but received several hundred
Besides the supposed muM
rderer, oncton
has now in jail four tramps or burglars,
whose real character is not well known.
Throe are called sailors and were arrested
in Telco. The fourth, who belongs to the
sante party, was arrested for pointing a re-
volver at Conductor Morgan in Sackelle,
who had undertaken to turn tiiin out of a
railway building. The lock-up is full and is
guarded by polieemen armed with rifles.
Another prisouer is jack Jonah, found with
a large quantity of foreign silver coin in his
possession, similar to that stolen at Chat.
ham. It is thought that this money, 170
pieces in all, was in possession of 'be com•
rade of the man who killed Policeman
Dorchester town was set on fire 111 four
or five p10000 the other morning, but no
damage was done.
At the Circuit Court at Dorchester,Bailey,
a bigamist, was sentenced to two years in
penitentiary. Lewis, for indecent assault on
O child at Moncton, gets six menthe in jail
and aoven lashes.
The coronet's jury at Buotoache to -day
found thtot Copt Daigle, whose death was
announced the other clay, was accidentally
drowned, The finding of barrels and other
paokages ot whisky drifted on the beach
confirms tile suspicion that the lost captain
aud his vessel were engaged in smuggling.
A Onions Oaloulation,
An English scientist has made it colon
lotion about the time it will Wee bo fill the
world with all the people it will hold. The
present population of the globe is about
1,407,000,000, and he estimates that the
maxium of tho inhabitants that can be sus -
tabled on the entire land surface is 5,094,00°-
000, arid that thie figure will bo reached
A.D. 2072.
Ian not think the Proyislenee unkind
That gives the boa blitnlit to this life of ours- ;
Pool outour flowers.
I think hate thews the quality of love,
The wrong dame that somewhere there is
Done the dariceat Filmdom soave to prove
Tito power of light
They aro the 'thorns' W Welly we travel()
Man'ti character often speaks the loudest
when Iris lips aro silent,
No num eon muccassfully 1g1,O 1,11 way
through this world with soft atoms,
Heavy rains hare rendereil the roads to
Caracas impassobla, and the food supply has
given ont. Tho poor people aro starving,
aad the few wealthy families left in the city
are living on half rations.
The plague of mice which has been caus-
ing such widespread disaster in Seeland of
late continees and increases, and a special
commission of the Department of Agricul-
ture is now at work taking evidence in the
matte with a view to devising some effec-
tive remedy. Some interesting points have
been brought out during the progress of
the commission. Quite a number of farmers
attributed the plague of mice to the killing
of the birds of prey and oveasles by the gen-
tleman owners shootiug over the estates,
and by the keepers who killed the weasels
because the weaslas destroyed the game.
One man said the keepers had killed a hun-
dred weasels on his farm and the adjoining
estate. The mice had increased and destroy-
ed the pastures, ancl he had lost 55,000 on
sheep in consequence. His family had lived
on the farm for three centuries. Another
men said that for the same reason his crop
of lambs this year numbered but 333 against
an average of 000 or 700. The situation ia
very serious, and nothing the farmers have
been able to do so far has lessened the
The Beauty of the Matron.
The notion still held by certain, shallow
women that maturity is ugliness is one of
Ole most incoMprellensible pieces of non-
sense of the time, Here 10 10 fair -muddle in
one of our contemporaries complimenting
Mme, Albani on having overoome ltor mat-
ronliness; and on the renewed girlishness of
her appearance. From this I should judge
that women who live on public exhibition
Tao inhumanity of our race is something fear nothieg Bo much as development. If
frightful to think of when ono stops to con. they can only stay all their lives in a lisp.
eider it. Tho boort of anyone possessing ing and glutinous sweetness ana nob grow,
they are satisfied. To get on in appearance,
or in character, or in strength, is a calamity.
In this extraordinary view of things 15 green
coddling is better 01011 a ripe pippin. Wom-
en who exhibit themselves have only one
standerd of morit—and that is youth. Poor
ereatureS, they do not, know that the pretty
girl ought to become the handsome woni
common sonathility, is wrung w ten o
looks into the foxes of the patient horses
oo the streets, servants to our pleasure,
and treated. SA if they wore machines of
wood and iron for Oho rough usage of mon.
Verily, if we have not some day to atone
for our unmereful treatment of the horse,
there eau be no justice anywhere.
And the dog—melt humble slave I Ono's and never reaches her full splendor tine s e
They 000 not eomprehend the
blood bolls at the memory of the oubrage. is
fad that fixed beauty hos no existence ex -
perpetrated upon that faithful being, 0
Otto wrongs of the cat ab the hands of the
self-styled lord of creation, "little lower
than the angels," as he edema to he, I dare
not trust inyself to speedo, All this it i
iri the power of mothers to colter. It will
be the work of a generating ; not one, nor
ono thousand medicos can do each
one can help, and every boy thet comes to
manhood just and hturtabe, will forwaed
1 800000
oept in death, and eves then only when the
emboliner has pee in his work. The law of
beauty in life is the law of development and
attainment, and the beauty of &matron attd
Ole beauty of is miss differ front each other
0.0 one ear differs from another in glory—
and, curiously enough, the older the eta&
the more beautiful it becomes,
Women who think of nothing but how
they shall stay young are women of chorea.
toeless minds, All thin a cionsidered the
The German. Emperor Warmly Weleolued
Elton Ills &nivel sit Cowes.
A cablegram from Cowes says :—The Em-
peror Willirom, in his yacht, the Kaiseradler,
formerly the Hohenzollern, arrived here at
noon, conveyed by two 13140001 men-of-war,
whieh steamed up the Channel to most him.
He was received by royal selntes from the
ships in the harbor and from the forts
=ore, the Spithead forts being the first to
sound the thunder of welcome. All the
vessels in the harbor and in the Solent were
decked with bunting, and the vast num-
ber of small yachts ovhich at this tima of
Ole year are to be found cruising in the
Isle of Wight waters lent animation to the
Wilhelm could he seen standing on the
bridge in semi -naval uniform when the
vessel entered the Solent, To all appear-
anne he was in command of the yacht, brit
this may have been only a matter of form,
as ho had a Trinity House pilot on board.
On his arrivea at Cowes the palm oast
anchor, and the Emperor, embarking on
booed his gig, was rowed smartly =cam,
Thence he drove in one of the Qtteen's
carriages to Monte Hou' se where his royal
grandmother Was awaitinghim.
In tho evening the Emperor dined with
Otto Queen, the banquet being served in the
now banquet hall, a grand room which has
reently been surnptuouely decorated in
Oriental fashion, The mixt cloy the Ein-
peer was present at the annual lions°
dinner of the Royal Yacht Squadron at
Cowes Castle,
As to the civilizing and humane tenclehey reatest tvotnan w nom grow old
of kindness to animals, some curious and
significont statiscics havo been collected..
tlociottely, and defy Limo with somethipar
atter than enamel 13nt, your woinam who
It has been discovered by scant? among I
is professionally on exhibition hart got to
the oriminol classes, innuotet of prisons and bring to the inmate whet the ublio moat
penitentiories, thot a, 111011 who in hayhood
owns; and cares for animals, very to•eoly be.
0011100 a criminal,
Sea,somble rdddings.
desires. A ncl it is a patent feat lot the mob
would rather look at the pastrytiess of youth
them et the perfection of personality, It is
this pepulsw nostieet Unit makes exhibit:fug
women Marv° themselves, °mune' thorn.
lIttlaslan fnoreruess Avenues Clonal' On a
Couple or Oilit ors.
A Warsaw despatch soys ;—A governess
natnocl alettuseka, employed in the fatnily
of a IttisSiEun high Adel, entered a code in
this city yesterday, approached a table
Whore taro °nieces were sitting, aod, draw-
ing a revolver from the folds of Inn gown,
shot one of 010 10011, Gotowao, through
Oho heart. Before anyone could interfere
oho drow knife, and plunged it in the breast
of the (dhoti office:, Capt. llutolink, inflict-
ing a mortal wound. When arrested the
inurderees aahnly declare' that she 111011
0110 dood in revenge for nape -
eons cost upon her honor by the two eft,
&lib/spoonfuls of tnoloed butter, one oup of their bodies,
but oaraelf. conceit.
Wo 01011 bear to be deprived of everything
selves, prison themselves, restrieb their
COTTMa d'Unrin10,- -Rub together foot'funotione, maven thoir minds and crucify
a• —