HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1892-8-12, Page 8Pr" - slenneelliMOVeareenfeetteregesneen 3 Fl IF FLYS 1 wa HOW to get rid of the ilieS one Way is to U.Se TANGLEFOOT. Thiejg generally known aS sticky fly paper, and &WS its Work Well, It you prefer them We llaVu also Fly Poison Fells or Ely raper which giveS good SatisfaetiOn, HaVe yea ever Used Insect Powder? Many prefer it to anything elSe for removing this disttrher of the peace, viz. Flies. We will In, pleased to supply yoU. G. A. DEADMAN, Druggist, Bookseller, &o. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. SOrritERN EXTENSION W. G. & D. Trains leave Brussels Station, North and South, as follows: Gorge Souva. Gomm !harm. Mail vao a.m. I Mixed 0:45 a.m. Exorees 51:59 a.tu. SOall Oda p.m. faxed 0:50 pm. Sxpress 2:35 pan. Vtons IocaI cto• A. ohiel's among ye takin' notes, An' faith he'll prent it. BiroSsELs mon Friday, 2011I. PouRTH Division Court will be held on Tuesday, 2Br5 inst. MEssES. Truntson an McCracken receiv. ea a car load nf sugar this week. D. HENDERSON has purchased a lot from L. MoNeil on Princess street. A. SaiiklIAN has put up a. telephoue line between his store and residence. A imam of adults in Brussels are wrestling with the muinps this season, REv. S. Josts preached in Walton Presbyterian church last Sabbath morn irg and evening. tdermsr. oollection was taken in St. John's church last Sunday to aid the St. John's sufferers. Tim POsT 18 published a little earlier than ueuat this week owing to Friday being civic holiday. FIUDAY of this week will be the annual Civic holiday Inc Brussels and will be generally observed as such. senARE Steinway piano was placed In the Queen's Hotel, Brussels, last Mon. day, by Scott Bros., of Seaforth. Inn Lawn Tennis club of this place will go to Goderich on Friday and play a, match with the dub of that town. RauSSELS lawyers have decided to close their offices at 4 o'clock each afternoon during the balance of the Summer. LAST Saturday afternoon the mail train irons the East was about 1 hours late owing to have to wait for connections. 50 CENTs, in advance, will seoure TUE POsT for the balance of 1892. Dont bor. mow any more but subscribe for yourself. No RATER NEXT WEEK.—TuE Pon will take its tuid.summer holiday next week consequeutly no paper will be issued from this office. A LAWN social will be held on Thu:sday evening of next week at Wm. Blasbill's Mill street, under the auspices of St, John's church choir. Itsv. W. T. Cr,orr and J. Irwin attend. ed the corner stone laying of the new Episcopalian chnroh in WIngbam on Thorsdity of last week. Ox Tnesday evening there was a bee to put the timbers of the grand stand On the Driving Park together. Dan. Ma. Naughton bossed the job. Ouu friends in the country should re. member that Friday of this week is the civic holiday and to nseqaently the busi. ness places will be closed. stsidort crieket eleven is doing some solid practice at the Park. They expect to play a matola in Goderich on Friday with the juniors of the Co. town. A erring of Brussels has loaded up some oi 1115 early apples, it is said, with croton oil so as to give the light fiegerea youths a genuine surprise party. Seats of the bicyclists from town were the cease of an upset to a rig driven by two Walton ladies, lest Friday, as the boys were returning from Sertforth. No. body was hurt. Tug other day Jno. Robb received cireulars from New York offering to supply him with bogus money on the very best teinal. Mr. Robb was too old a fish to be caught by soh bait however. T. FLETcnnit tieketed the following per C. T. R. hart week.—MIss Charlotte Davin of Ethel, to Fargo, Dakota; E. W. Mrisom, to Campbellton, New Bruns. wick ;e 3, McDougall, to Sault Ste Marie and Mrs. liaskins to Detroit. A Inc a silver sugar howl took place on Monday evening on the Driving Pork betweeu members of Brussels Gun Club, Jas. T. Ross was the winner. fie and Dr. SlaNaughton tied at 13 birds but in the shoot off Mr, Ross got 1310 the Drs. 1 and consequently mune into possession of the silverware. Wm se DANL./MY disease 01 11)0 soelp that oauses falling of the hair, fading of the bair, in fact, death of the hair. It irritates the scalp and causes stales and eozematio oruptions—prodnees baldnosti. Bear in mind that Anti- Dollar:1ff removes Daudruff with three applications—utops falling and restores fading, hair to its original color. Sold by druggists at 75 ceetti per Little. DEATIls.—Word was roc lved hero last Monday of the nnexpec ed &mane 01 Bassett Hamilton, from syntll-pox, at Grintna, Man,, on the let of Auguet. He waa the second mos of Mrs. Sanmel Fralielt (formerly tare. Hamilton) and Wafi a very promising young man or 10 years of ags.—It is also reported that Mrs. W. J. Halliday, of Calgary, sue- cumbed to the fetal scourge—m-1%11.0x.— but particalars are not to band at time of writing..—There was a rumour in Brussels last Week to the afoot that ;Tao. 13, Armstrong, of Buffalo, son of Wm, Armstrong, a well•knoWn forrint resident of Brussels, had died, The report has not been corroborated to yet. THE BRUSSELS POST _ Inext Monday and in cities, towns en villages two weeks later. Tun ainliveettry nerving 01 8119 Met Sabbath school of thie place will be held on Sunday, Sept. 4th. Ts (40m:um.— The exoursion train leaves 13russels at 8:10 a. in, on Priday, iii,toad of 8::311 as first Stated. FALL gooda are beginniug to show lip at the dry goods stores. Look out for their advertisemente in the near Wore. Tnitt Vartatre litoperty in Brussels am auction, ttt the American llotel, Brue• selsr, on Thursday, Sept. tith,:at 2 o'clock P. in. ALWAYS read the advertisemente 111 you:: lecal paper. They just show what live business men are about, and every one who has to do trading will liud that it pays to tra.le with those who tise. SUNDIER races on Brusaels Driving Park on Friday, 20111 inst. There 0,18 four events on the program a-2:50 trot or pace ; Open run, ; Open trot or pima ; and 2..3n SlalliOn trotting race. 2 p. m, is the hour of commencement. SANITARY INsencTon BROknYeOT has been looking after water closets, &c. this week, The Board of Health will show neither fear nor favor their work as the sani- tary condition of Brussels is of vital Ms. pertain° to every resident. A. intaromsr, service having reference to the death of the late Eva Batetinheimer was hold in the Methodist church last Sabbath evening. Rev. Mr. Salton's text was Isaiah 10111 chapter and 7th verse. The pulpit was draped in black. A num. bar of flowering plants were also on the pnlpit platform. Appropriate musical selections were rendered by the choir. L.ttas Seems—Although she weather was on the eool side %pleasant time was enjoyed. at the lawn sooial at Thos. Maxwell's, John street, on Thursday evening of twit week. Uriah McFadden ocampied the chair and by his customary good humour added to the interest of the prograin. The following ladies and gentlemen contributed musical 08100' 11005 :—Aliss Smith, Alin Hill, Mies Bella Smith, the Misses Campbell, W. M. and Mrs. Sinclair, Dr. Cavanagh, Jae. Jones, D. MoDonald, end T. A. Hawkins. Lorne Maxwell gave a reci- tation in good style. Refreshments were rtt the call of those attending. TJpwards of 217.00 were the receipts of the evening whieb go to the choir fund of St. John's churoh. ESIVOIrra LEAeuE.—The following ofil• ears were elected in connection with the Epworth League of the Methodist chetah, Brussels, last Monday even. ing :— Hon. President, Rev. G. Salton ; President, Gauley ; Secretary, Miss F. E. Kerr ; Treasurer, H, J. Morden ; Vioe Pres. Social Department, Dr. Cavanagh; Tice Pres. Literary Department, Go. Rogers ; Vice Pres. Religious Dept., Miss E. E. Kerr; 'Vice Pres. Christian Endeavor, Miss AL Afoore. The active or associate member's pledge have been put in operation iu the League and a term of energetic work is anticipated. M. etings held every Mon• day evening at 8 o'clock. A sone cure for email pos.—The fol. /owing paragraph was clipped from a British paper printed aboat twenty years ;—An effectual remedy for small. pox ia said to have been recently found by a surgeon of the British army in Chine. The mode of treatment is as follows :—When the proceeding fever is 58 118 height, and just before the eruption appears the ohest is rubbed with aroton oil and barbaric ointment. This causes the whole of the eruption to appear on that part of the body, to a relief of the rest. It also secures a full and complete eruption, and thus prevents the disease from atteeking the interual organs. This is now the established mode of treatment in the English army in China, and is re. garded as a perfect cure. The f :Hewing recipe is &leo given :—Salphate of eine, 1 gr. ; fax glove (digitals,) 1 gr. ; tea- spoonful of sugar. Alis with two tea• spoonfuls of water. When thoroeghly mixed. add four ounces of water. Take a teaspoonful every hour. The disease will disappear in twelve hours. leor a child, smeller doses according to age. For a preventive take a teaspoonful be. fore mob tneal. Children less quantity acOording to age. TUE Aress Onot.—M. H. Peterson, fret exporter, Colborne, writes :—It ia perhaps a little early to give am &aortae estimate of the apple crop for the present season, bat feom whet I have seen going through the couotry, and reports received • from different sections, the follotving is as accurate an estunate as eau be furnish- ed up to date :—Nova Scotia, has a 20 per sent. larger crop than last year. Ontario Nils 10 per cent, mere than last year, but the apples are not of so good a quality, many being spotted. The New Engleind States will have a larger orop with a better quality than last year. New York will have frotn encl.:platter to three.eighthe of it mop, and in nine fetv espeoial seetions, an average prop. Obio will have a light orop, while Michigan will have froca one.quarter to three. eighths of a orop. Southern Minnie will have a few apples, but nothing like an average orop, and Missouti will probably not have over three-eighths of a crop, while the crop in Kansas and Nebraska will prohnbly be light. However, I would advise shippers 0 the nnoertainty in estimating the orop at this season of the year, as each week reporta oome in show. ing a variance in certain seutions. 11 would remind ehippers that Meeers. James Adam, Son & (lo., of Liverpool, have agents at Montreal, Portland, Bos, ton and New York, who look after eon. signments, some erne, and see Nod shipments go aboard eatliest steamships it best loeation. I shall 20103511 reporte, and gladly give shippers sueh information at any time ae ie at my command, People We Know. --- Atlas E. E. Rare is visiting at Durham. G. P. Seholfielcl, is away for his hell. days, 3. (1, Slone was OR the sick Het last ok iffoGuiee has been ill with the Mumps. Mrs, B. Gerry Was in Wingliam last St1,1noalianY' Wynn hag bon laid up with pleurisy, Ex.Warden Beck was in town last Saturday, ScnosiLs in rural distriete will rempen II, Dennie and Iferbie spent Sunday a at Goat:rich. T. Vleteher and family epent Sunday in Lucknow. Adam NoOti Wa0 ili Toronto foe few dive last week. Mrs. George Thomson eras visiting in Galt this week. Mrs. Nightingale and children ore vielt• ing at Mitchell. George MeLeren is «way at Alltston 011 a holiday entitle, -1, of Cooketown, ie visitieg Alin Dolly Slatty, Alin 30110% of Seaforth, is visiting relatives in town. Win. Ross and wife wore is Galt for a few days this week. Harry ti Set:forth, was in town last Saterday. Arise Ilutty, of Toronto, i the gnest Of Miss Hattie Rogers, Alin Rate Wilson is away On it visit LO London and Stratford. B. Gerry mut wife leave next Tuesday on 5, trip to the Northwest. Mies Mitchell, of Guelph, is visiting at A.. Ilawtinheiiner'e, Brussele. The Misses Davies, of E diet, 1101!o visiting in Brussels this week. 0. Turnbull, of the Stratford Beason, was home last Sanday. 11, Leatherdale mid wife were visi ting at Galt for a few days this week, Conductor McDonald, of the 0. P. R., was visiting in Bruesels thie week. Harold Creighton will take a position in Gillies & Smith's private bank. Warren Russell, of L'Yeter, was in Brussels for a few cia3s last week. 0. R. Veneto°, of Southampton, has gone to Manitoba on a business trip. Miss A.unie Rivers was visiting at Teeswater and Walkerton last week. AL Brent, of Newcastle, is re/ieving G. P. Sehollield, at the Staederd Bank, Juo. Hogartht of Kincardine, was visit. log his brother in Brussels this week. Mrs, Brownlee and daughter, of Glen. eoe, are vitiiting at Postmaster Farrosv's, Alines Alice and Evelyn ThrilbUil, Of AlwoOd, were visiting in town last week, Mrs. 300. McDouagh and children, of Eineardine, are visiting Mrs. 3. T. Oook, Mrs, J. Irwin and ehildren were visit. Mg relatives and friends ab Atwood this week. Thos. Kew, of Whiteohurch, and B. Avery, of Winglutru, were m town on Sunday. II. Brodie wife and grandchild, of De• troit, were visiting relatives in Brussele this week. Misses Lily amyl Addie Vanstone are home from Southampton and Tilsonburg, respeetively. ]Jr. mud Mrs. Anderson, of Mitchell, were renewing old friendships in Bras - sola this week. Mrs. Salem Armstrong and son, of Leavenworth, Min. ,are visiting Robert Armstrong and family. Mies Olive and Master Garfield Van - stone spent part of their vacatiou vvith relatives at Southampton. Alias Tillie Kneehtel and Misses Dora and Myrtle Nott leave this week on a visit to Robt. Nott in Ohio. Herbert j. Strong, of Toronto, spent a few days with his brother, Ss a., photo. grapher, Brussels, last week. Mrs. Haskins, of Missouri, U. S., was visiting her sister, Airs. Ed. Dunford. They had not met for 19 years before. Miss Jennie Wilson has accepted a inillinery situation at Port Elgin and will go there iu the coarse of a few weeks. Wm. Mann, wife and son, of Minne• dose, formerly of Brussels, is visiting at A. Bruce's. Mrs. Mann is a daughter of Air. Bruce, Jno. Harris left for his home, near St. Mary's, on Monday, to try his hand at farming for a time owing to the Innen of his father. T. A.. Milieu:Alin has been engaged as principal of the Brueelleld sane] and will commence bio duties next Monday. He is a good teacher, James Gallagher, who has been en- gaged in Gillies & Smith's private bank here, assisting A. Cousley, has gone to his home as Luoknow. Miss Anna Gordon, of Orangeville, Miss Susie Varooe, Amaranth, and Miss Edna Gordon, of Wingham, are visiting at Victoria Cottage, Princess street 2. Putlend and family will remove to liineardine tvhere Mr. Publand will go into the livery business. A few removals of this kind will tell seriously on our population. J. T. and Mrs. Pepper are away at Barrie, Orillia and other points. Mr. Pepper Is representing Brussels Court of the Independent Order of Foresters at the fornier place. 1Dudiey Holmes, of Gotterioh, has be. come a member of the legal firin of Cameron & Holt. His many old friends in Brussels are pleased to know of his noose and wish hint continued prosper- • y. R. M. Dickson is away ab Wiliam: at- tending the Grand Lodge of the Inde- pendent Order of Odd Fellow& Ho tvill visit relatives at Oleveland h.:fore he returns, taking the boat from Detroit. 1 Alin vietn by willo ered for s(1le, by public Business Locals. Even day is Baby Day at Perry's. 54)10,0 groups a specialty ab Perry's. SIINIINAUS and Mikado panels at Perry's. Fos the best cabinet photos go to Perry's. et, J. Sjanoso finishes all his work by the new process, TRUNas and valises, good essorimicest, very cheap at 11. Dennis,' Go to Strong'e anti have yont photos finiehed in the latest styles. Tne remainder of my baby carriages at cost. I. 0. Richards, H. 3, STRONG (photographer) puts an eXtra, thliell on all his photo& Arm photos printed on the new prr• mount exist° paper at Perry's, ".VRUNES aud valises very cheap. A good stook always on hand. I. 0. Rieharde. Jusy iilrriverl a line range or Baby OM, riagoe Whiat will be sold at terminable Wes. 11. Dennis, COSIEORT,1111,2 briak 1101100 for sale or to rent in Brueeele, Apply to Ferguson dc Halliday, merehaets. Itms Tomatoes are now offered for sale by Thee. &fly, gardener, Bruno's. They are beauties. Order early. HAVE, you it Set Of our extra value Merle silver single harness, at fifteen dollen 7 I, C. Riehards. Tire annual exoursion to Grimeby Park and Niagara Valls will be on Sat- urday, August 13811, The faro is the loweet, (49.00) the time the longest aud the program the best over offered. See bilis and ask 0, T. lt, agents. D 13,4,71eIC OF a (1 NI1D.4 7i:32.,. ,T.,=X=1.:,' I HEAD OFFICE, - TORONTO. i ASSETS, • (Seven Million Dollare) 67,000,000 • • CAPITAL (Authorized) - - 92,000,000 : ;II an pr heeiral point, in Ontsrin, Ole I.,e, 31tIllrt.lba , l'iiii.'il States .0 Englund, atetWaTIC.1:49' 1?t.b.21171(.. A General Banking Business Trans:Leta Farmers' Notes Mu:Minted, Drafte lsened and Collections madeon all pointr, SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT. Interest allo.ved 011 depoeits of 6 1.00 and upwards from date of deposit to date Of withdrawal 0.11d compounded ball yearly, SPNIAL ATTRNTIoN 010010 7,1 me Cot/X.010N or FARminue SALE NoTas. Beery facility afforded Cutorners living al a distance. 0, P. SOLIOLFIELD, MANAGER. saarteantimkt"..9.21121201,257.M.M42.1.14x.21.11.7a1 Vett=1.11.1CMDISLIMMISCCLIMCNIMIOSIMARTM:11021460.1ftrenS40, G/LIZES& MXTMAZIEERS -F3 E IT BSIfl DS, Transact a General Banking Business. Drafts Bought and Sold on oll points in Canada, United States and Great Britain. PAnnEas. NOTES DISCOUNTED. SALE NOTES AND MORTGAGES A. SPECIALTY. St.2 Naa'Npaszwkwr. Interest Allowed on One Dollar and Upwards at Current: Rates, Interest Com. pounded Twice a Year, Being Added to the Principal at the end of the Months of October and April. Special Arraugements made for Time Deposits. 'We erect to write Insurance Ilk old English or Caundlan Companies, or in Mut- ual Companies 010 luny be desired, AaENTS Fon CAN,,AD,A AND 'UNITED STATES: TDB CANADIAN BANE OF 00:1131eBan. 10.10141t211.112.2133. .171S=471=2:12.712.1,,..7MCVMACM WETZ-DiaorNO AND Dnurasse.—George Birt has all the necessary machinery fOr digging and drillin wells and is prepar• ed to Attend to all work entrusted to him in a way that will insure satisfaction. Wells cleaned out s.nd put in proper shape. Terms reasonable. Residence &mond door north of the bridge, west side of Turnberry st., Brussels. 34-11 Many hundred prominent citizens, graduates and undergraduates of Toronto University, attended the funeral of the late President, Sir Daniel 1Vilson, at To. ronto, Monday. Rev. Canon Sweeney conductecl the services at the oluirch and grave. By request made by Sir Daniel, Dr, John Hoskin, Thomas G. Hudgins, Prof. Hutton and Prof. R. Wright acted as pall -bearers, BE. 0. Mowat and Chancellor Mulock being the other two. The remains were interred in St. James cemetery. csomma Wiconne.—In London, On July Oth, the wife of Mr. T. El. Webber, formerly of Brussels, of a eon. 24..6.11.R,SMUD. STF,vENs—VANsTONE.-011 the 4.111 inst., at the Ontario 86. Methodist parson- age, Clinton, by the Rev. W. Smyth, Air. Samuel W. Stevens to Min Min. ole Vaustooe, both of Colborne, Out. Aim000k—Nonais.—At the residence of the bride's sister, Mrs. J. T. Wren, on the 8rd inst., by Rev. J. S. Hen- derson, Mr, Alexander Murdock, of Hensel), It Mis$ Mottle Norris, of Steam. WEBREU.—In London, on July 21st, in. fent son of T. El. and Nora Webber, aged 12 days. HARTLToN.—.A.t Graetna, Man., on 1s8, Eseott Hamilton, formerly of Brussels, aged 19 years. 797-46 aare.A.meamazmws. Fall Wheat 70 73 Spring Wheat „ . ...... 08 70 Barley 85 40 Peas... . 58 59 Oats 27 28 Butter, tube and rolls.— 13 14 Eggs per dozen fii 00 Flour per barrel 4 60 5 00 Potatoes GO 00 Hay per bon 6 oo 6 00 Hides per lb 8 00 Salt per bbl., retail— 1 00 06 Shoop skim, each ..... 80 1 00 Lamb skins each 135 00 18813100 per hag 50 00 Wool 17 18 THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. 1TRAYED FROM THE PREM. 1...) Has of no undersigned, lot 12, 0011.3,Grey, ou or about June 15th, it ewe and two Iambs. The owner will thankfully receive any information that will load to their re. 00001 7. 4 111, MULLIN. A PPLAS WANTED.—TIIE IJN. Desfaskts,1) 18 prepared to contract Sam' a large quantity of hall and Winter Ap- ples. Highest isiarket prleo. For further particalais apply to RICHARD wnzIAMS, 5.11 Brussels. . - C1 OW STRAYED FROM THE cremiss• 01 the undersigned, lot 21, con. 9, Grey, on or about Saturday, July 80 She is mall, red in color with White star on forehead, and was giving milk. Any infor- mation loading to her reoovery will be thankfully received. 11,013T. BARR, 5-tf label .- 1 20 RE 'WARD.— STRA.YED or stolen !rani the promises of the undersigned, Lot 27, C 011. 14, en* an ,Tuly 8811, 0 head of 2 re or old cattle Men and /Adieu!). Fount thoM are spotted rod mud white mia the other Ave rod, A reWard al e20 will bo pain for their reeovery, LURE SPERAIN, Afenerieff P. 0, 2.1 1311 OPERTY FOR SALE.—THE at- undersigned °floral= property,li mblse north of Di tissels.for sale eu liberal terms. There is eve am of lend npop 15(11011 81)010 Iwo Ewe houses, stable and a anal! orchard. 'Elio oboe le conveniently located on the gravel road, For finisher partionlare as to price, terms, VC., apply to MRS, JNO. SINCLAIR, Princess St., Brussels, riOUNTY VUNDS TO LOAN, On 110 Elealtrity of Cultfi- ekted Panne. In. tercet six per 0018 1, payable animellY. Aoy portion 05 580 principal may be maid at any tinie the borrower wiiihelt All eXpensefi paid by the County. 14o person except the County Audi tor alfewed to Soo =AMOS or to knoW to whom money is loaned. Ap. 1)1 W, 9101.411581 4bM 0 aaor3oh, And. 8;00.00, il' reagulier, DRIVATE FUNDS TO LOAN 1 on farm security. Partionlars ineY be obtained by applying at THIE POST Publish- ing Roo se, Brussels. Salesmen Wanted. We require immediately, good onergetio men to soil our well known alai /tellable Nursery Stook, grown at Maple Grove Nur. sarios Waterloo, N. Y. 135 have a wide.sproad Canadian mato. tion soeon4 to no °there= of over 25 years, and thousands of testimonials from won pleased patrons , as proof 01 8(50 genuineness of our stock now in hearing. Hardy Iron - Mail Varieties for northern localities. High- est Commission paid or Sal an, If preferred. Outfit Free. Wo guarantee our stook. Por terms app(yObOass to 3. W. MACKAY, G amoral Manager, 1.511.1 St. 'Thomas, Out. REAL ESTATE. 1S1ARMS FOR SALE.—THE UN- DAUSIGN15D laas several good FOr1.118 I or sale and to rent, easy terms, in Townships ef Morris arid Grey, 2' 8. SCOTT , Brussels. (-1110IGE FARIII FOR SALE.— r..) Being South hall Lot 27, eon. 0, Moimis, 100 acres, nearly all °leered . Good buildings, 13115 500115 bearing orchard. Immediate p05, 8554(5011, Easy Terms. Apply to W. /11.SIell2LAIR, 01- Sehafter, leo., Brussels. IZIARkt FOR SALE 03 TO Baum—The subsoriber offers lals 100 nem farm, south half lot 15, DOM 4, Morris, for sale, About BO mires cleared and 20 acres of tbe bahmso good busb. It would wake 0 stook farm as there is abundance of water. Frame house, bank barn aud other neueissary buildiugs. If not sold it will be offered to mot. Por partioulars ap ply to 2-01 ADAIII SCOTT, Proprietor. QtZ3EFARM F03SALE.00 200ai:IfmDl1°08.1 and 12, con10, GroyoOrea 000ile. 120 acres are oleared oud the balance well thu- bored. Btiliclings Arstelass. Orchard, well, dse, Banal house within 40 rods, Posses- sion given at onee if desired. For further portico/ors its to price, terms, die. apply to MRS. WALRElt, 8.10 Roseville 10,0. or NELSON BRICKER, on farm. 14 ARM 1 02e SALE.—THE UN• ▪ 0111l11101,1110 offers for sale the north cart quarto 001 lob 08, aoneeesion 8, Morris, County ot Huron ,containiu 500 soros. Tho tend 18 01 third finality and in a high state of cultivation, well folioed and Uuder-drained, 45 mores cleared, 24ow frame house, 8 rooms, milk house with concrete walls, 2 wells, gond barns end shod, orcbard, e to, Bight acres of fall wheat. This dosirabio Impel by alpine bus corporation of Brussels. Suit- able tOX1P win be given Titloperfe et. LAMES GRIEVE, Owner, 80. 8008131811P. 0. roAmi FOB SALE.—TIIE UN. 7)13130I0I953I) offorki his valuable farm for gale, being south half of 108 80, eon. 4, Morris. 01 contabst 00 acres. There are two good houses, barn, stable, orchard, well, 840., 011 the premines, DO acres cleared. The farm le well drained and is Mooted ooly IS miles north of 11. russet's on the gravel toad. If not sold pfivately it will be offered by pnb- lie auction en Thursday, September 1s1, at the Central Hotel, Brussele. Reason for soiling, the property is too far away frotn subscriber'shome to work conveniently, Terms and eonditione of side mad° kO0Wkl by applying to E. ateliakialta, or P. 5, SOOTT, Prop., Leadbury, Auet, , Brussels. QPLENDID FARM FOR SALE. mune tote n and 12, 500,13,2'0Wnship of Grey, (Jaunty of Huron, containing 000 ems, the property of the late john Robert- son, 100 mires oleared and ire° from ob. structions, 15 00100 bOeb, mixed timber, balance p*rtly cleared. Soil clay loath, mostly ro Mug. Fenced with :straight rail leant: omit watered by two wells tiall is spring privilege. Commodious dwelling house, with largo woodshed attached and an excellent cellar tinder luniso. Two Inge barna stole stabling and other outbuild- ing& Two good bearing orchards, erne, mental tem and midi fruits, .14 miler; from Brussels' a lively town on the G. 21, 11,,, convenient 50school, churches and post °Mee. 805810proportY lies Well, hi a ilrat• class grata (511(1600010 farm and shoul,0 be soon by i dasiallng mirali ems as it IS Oar, oil at ft bargain, For further parttnniars apply to MRS. 010. BO 131011T SON, or DANIEL ItOSIORTSON, 010 the prinnisee, or by letter to Crauhrook P. O. 50.4 QTOOK FOR THE DAIRY.— • Vol: 1114 eolivenieneo of those Whig at or near Skyth I have made immannuts with Mr. MO, Laidlaw, of North Ralf Lot 7, 0011, 0, Merris, to keep for servin deetog the sareinefivasett ono of (fly ,Tereoy Bulls. The other WI remota At DruSsela as hors- tofere, 0, A. DEADDIAN, Druggist, dm IMPROYED LARGE WHITE YO,RIC, SHIMS BOAR, The mid eosigeorl will koop for sorvieo this present seacen tho ItnproVed Inge white Yorkshire aril "Ronny', on let 00, con. 0, Monis, to Watch a limited number of Sovni 311 Lul flacon, Tenn. $1,00 te be paid at }Arno of Bbirtini0, With the privilege of return. 115 1! neoviseary. Pedigree may be neon up, on iteplitatien. ROBERT NICHOL, 1511 Proptietor, Aua. 12, 1892 16,roresitasowswes=ssummumusoutosi TO IfILL VLS __111111 --- POISON FELTS ----AND_ TAIIRDNOT MICKY livvi Be 81111 and gat th0117 at Pepper's Drug tore, BRUSSELS, LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. -p L. TAYLOR, BARRISTER, 3.38 • olialtor 000l Cony eyancer. Collec- tions made. Oillee—Venstono's Block, BruS• sole. NIV". EJcZaVy-- No tory Pub. Ile , ate, Oince—Grainina s Illook,1 dc a north of _Popper's Drug Store, Private Funds to Loan, ri.A.MERON, HOLT & HOLMES, Barristers, Senators, Notaries Public, Goderlob, Ont. in. 0. olitturion, 1., PHILIP TIOLT, DIFDLIIT 0101,10105. DICKSON & HAYS, (Leto with Darrow (5 Prouelfoot, Godo. rieb,) Barristers, Solicitors, Conveyancers, &o. Oilloos—hrussols and Sotiforth, Brus- sels Oilloe—Upetairs over Walk. Money to Loan, 100,00405, 15.13,011050$ AUCTIONEERS. A RAYMANN, • Auctioneer, as always ready to at. tend sales of formo, farm stook, &a. Terms cheerfully given. Craubrook P. 0. Sales may be arranged at TlIS Poor Publishing House, Brussels. G111ORGE KIRKBY, Licensed Anctioneer, Sales conduct silon reasonable tunas. Perms owl 1 arm stook specialty, Orders left at Tun Pon P ublishiug Hoes°, Bru seals, or untie Walton P. 0.. will receive prompt attention, TTAYING TAKEN 011T LIOEN. A.A.. BD MI an Auctioneer, ram prepared to coudact solos of Karin stock at reasonable prices. -Knowing the standing 01 1100013' 0101) 901005 I am tu a position to sell to good marks and get good seourity Wh011 Boll 00 o -Wit. Satisfaction guaranteed. Give me a call. 02- 51 8.0005151, BUSINESS CARDS. IF H. MoORAOKEN, Issurer of afarriageLicensea. Mae /Allis Granary, Turnborry street, Brussels. -0 N. BARRETT, 1..t.i• Tonsorial Artist. Shop—Next door south 01 4. tf. Maliay it Co's hardivaro store. Ladies' and elaildrens hair cutting a specialty MeNAIR, . Tamer Of Bf 'mine Licenses by appointmem of Lieut, -(3 taverner, Comiuls- sioner, its., Q.B, Conveyancer mud Agent Vire Insuranoe Co. Mee at the Oranbrook Post 00100, ROBERT CUNNINGHAM INSUR,twon, FIRE AND MARINE. GUELPH. iiLEX. HUNTER, Clerk of the Fourth Division Court Co, Enron. Convoyaucier, Notary Public Laud, Loan and Insurance Agent. Funds invested and 00 loan. Collections made, 0111oe In Graham's Block, Brussels, OIL PAINTING, Miss Merles, of Whigham, is prepared to give instruction in oil painting. %arms maybe ascertained at Rise Nellie Ross' store where Flaalpina of work 10087 1)5 seem Miss Merle woUld also take it few more pupils in music, m A. HAWE.INS, . Organist in St. john's Church, Brae - sole, and pupil, in the Art of Teaching, 00 4. W. Thayer, Mos. Doe., 1‘.low York, will give lessons to pupils either at Thee, FarroveS. corner 05 Queen and Frinoess tibs„-or if pre- ferred, at. their own homee. Terms moder- ate. 48. MEDICAL CARDS. WM. F. OALE, M. D., O. M., Member of tbo College of Player:Ilan, and Surgeons of Ontario by examination, Mao and Residence —Male street East, Ethei3Ontario, T A. MoNAUGHTON, M. D. El • C. AL, B. 0.1a, Edinburgh, AL 0. P S. Out. Residence and (ace in Wilson' Block, earner 01 35111 and Turnborry Ste. VETERINARY. T D. WARWIOK, tiv s Honor Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College, le prepared lo treat all diseases of domosbieuted animals in a com- petent Manner. Perim/as' attention paid to veterinary deutietry. Calls promptly at- tended to. °Moe and fuermary—Two doers north of bridge Turnberry st,, Brussels. DENTAL. 1)110 NT X M. CAVANAGH, L. 0.5., D. D. 8., Graduate of the Royal College of Doutal Burge:me, Ontario, and of Toronto Hui - varsity, OPFxoli—Ovet Peppeiors Drlig Store, 13ruSgem,. Voters' List, 1892, MUNICIPALITY 014 711ETOWN131110 010 MORMS, COIDAY OF HURON. MAIO is hereby given that 1 Move intue- mittod or delivered 10 the Persona mention- ed in ignitions ti mid of the Ontario Votete' Mot dor, 1800, the copier: required by said Emotions to be transulated Or delivered of the het, utak. inulanaut 50 said deb, of all parsene appearing by tho last tovitted Arl- ene:rent Hon Of the onAd 111 001011002t851 to be entitled to vete in the Said Munietpal IA: at Illeations for rifeechere of the Logie save aseembly trod at YEaufeipal nlocitione ; hurl that geld list wag Ord postod up at my 011300 Blyth,oli the end cloy of Angust, 1802, and and remains there for invention, Modem tire eallort upon to examine the geld Ifst, and if any ouniedone oe :my other 501000 000 found therein, te take immediate 39001580110330to have the said erten (format - 04 anotclisg to law. WM, MARE, Clerk 01 Movies Dive, Dated 08 Myth ,eua 110.3 01 &iirt,, TS,