HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1892-8-12, Page 5AUG. 12, 1.892 TIIE BRUSSELS POST
r - r i roota..r..r
•n14 J. H. Boirnes, baker, and A. B. George
rti ne • 1 i for r[du t't '
have nit tad paG is r oo c t I
�1i�tl,lct ;�ictvl;;,£ al p 1,
D7ie V l• iia.
Morris Council will meet next Monday.
Aries Lizzie Maunders is home from
Raspboreleeare e very plentiful crop
this aimsen.
Mies Saab is home .from an extended
;sib to Michigan.
The beet horses in the Provinoe will
take part in the Brussels rime on Friday
Aug. 20th as the raeee take plaoo im.
mediately after St. Marys and Listo-
Apple buyers are oanvaeeing this town.
ship and oontraoting for fruit. The ap.
pie, pear and plum crop will yieldbounbi.
fully this year. Tho prices offered are
50 oeuts for Full apples and $1.00 per
barrel for Winter fruit.
1VXolePewee- th.
Geo. Molise has engaged to teach
school for the remainder of the year.
The school le in the vioiniby of Millbank.
James Belden, who for some tirne has
been learning tailoring in \gingham, is
home for a couple of weeks to help his
father and brothers with the harvest.
Marvin Howe has gone to Southampton
where he will remain for a few weeks.
'Pte has been very poorly for a long time
and thinks a visit by the lake will do
him good.
On Saturday afternoon about 40 men
assembled at the farm of J. McLeod to
assist in the raising of a straw horse.
Quite a number of young ladies were also
presenb to prepare the evening meal.
Mies Sophia Symonds returned from
Toronto on Friday.
Mrs. Hugh MoTavish and wife, of De.
broit, formerly of this town, are here at
At the lest regular meeting of our
eounoil, in reference to granting the
fourth hotel license, they decided to have
the census talon again before moving any
further in the matter.
Blyth Show will be held on the 11th
and 12th of October this year. It was
pub down at first for the 7th and 8th but
as Brussels' show comes on the same day
it was thought wise to change the date.
At the last meeting of the Y. P. 0, A.
Trinity church, the following officers
were elected for the ensuing term :—Miss
Mary Bell, President ; Miss Flora Web -
son, V. 0. President ; Mise Annie Walk.
er, Secretary ; Mies Barbie Higley,
a be leery and 00am:don:my bueineea,
Following le bho list of auaaoeeful can-
didate; at the repent entrance vitamin.
abion iii uonuoction with the Lietewel
High eahool : Boys—John Baker,
Samuel Boyd, Ohao. Briship, Goo, Clem.
enshaw, Chas. Douglas, John Ford, Wm,
Fribobly, Gavin Fleming, Wilbert Hantil.
bon, Earl Uay, Geo. Love, Austin Loree,
James Large, Damian Melfeazie, Wilbert
McDowell, Pugin Roy, Wm, Tllomneon,
Wm, Vaughan. Girls ---Annie Ballard,
Bertha Downey, .Ella Farrell, Ella
Griffith, Lanab Hutchison, Maggio
Hamilton, Lizzie Huggins, Heater Jiok.
ling, Mildred Little, Lizzie McFarlane,
Mary Mo0ourb, Nettie Pelton, Annie
Priest, Agnes Shearer, Pearl Sproul,
Edith Simmone, Minnie Torrance, Edith
Jaeloon, Thirby.six paesed in all, seven -
been of whom are from the Listowel
Publio school,
J. Meilclejohn, blaoksmith, of Moles•
worth, spent Sunday at the family reel -
dente in Morris.
A large number of our citizens intend
taking in the big excursion to Goderiah
on August 12th.
Quarterly services were held in the
Methodist church in the forenoon last
':hs anneal fall show of the Gast We -
smash Agrioultural Sooieby will be held
at Belgrave on Oob. 4th and 501).
John L. Geddes had his bead severely
out by a kiok from n vioioue horse which
he was shoeing on Saturday.
? t3fiaorL11.
The following are the names of the
successful competitors at the bicycle
tournament held at Seaforth on August
5th :—One mile green race -1, J. Living-
ston, Seaforth ; 2, A. Rudolph, Waliear•
ton. Time, 8.05 1.4. Half -mile open
race, two in three -1,W. Hyslop, Toren.
to ; 2, W. M. Carman, Toronto, Best
time, 1, 21. 1.2, Two•mile, county oham-
pionship-1, G. Baldwin, Seaforth ; 2, J.
Livingston, Seafortb. Time, 0,24 1-2
Two mule,
open-1, W. M. Carman, To.
rento ; 2, D. Naemith, Toronto. Time,
5.50. Otto mile, local -1, J. Livingston,
Seafortb; 2, A. 0. Winters, Seaforah.
Time, 3.00 1.2. One mile, open -1, W.
M, Carman, Toronto ; 2, W. Hesiop, To-
ronto. Time, 2.53. Five mile, open -1,
Dr. Robertson, Stratford ; 2, D. Nesmith,
Toronto. Time, 15.00 1.2. One mile,
oonsolation-1, J. McCarthy, Stratford ;
2, S. E. Gibbons, Toronto. Time, 2.50.
Mrs. Turnbull is visiting her daughter
near Teeewabar.
Mrs. 0ttewsll and family will visit
relatives at Wiarton.
Miss Sadie edoCreighb, of \gingham,
is visiting at R. Fergttsons.
Misses Annie and Jennie McDougall
are visiting at Ripley and Laoknow,
Mise Florence Blasbill, of Brussels,
was visiting Miss Hannah Ingram this
Misses Lizzie Smith and Janie Pergu.
son were visiting friends near Lucknow
last week.
Mrs. E. Smith, of Seaforth, spent Sun.
day with her sister, Mrs. George Smith,
who hes been seriously ill.
Mr. Metier, of Blyth, has leased the
Royal Hotel here from J. Weiss and will
take possession in a few weeks.
The MOOS at Brussels on Friday 25tH
will draw quite a number from this lo.
entity. We Bear that tiptop horses are
to be there.
Louis McDonald has purohased the
carriage business of the late John Dorsey,
of Seaforth. Mr. McDonald will remove
to Seafortb.
f, -Rev. D. Forrest continuos to improve,
though not so quickly as his many
friends could wish. We hope soon to see
him in the pulpit again.
Miss Gracie Pollard returned to her
position near Brandon, Manitoba, last
week. She has been enjoying a visit at
her home for some time.
Last Sunday the regular quarterly
meeting was held in the Methodist
ohurah here. The pastor was granted
two weeks holidays by the Board.
Loeb Sabbath Rev. Samuel Jones, of
Brussels, preaohed manning and evening
for Rev. D. Forrest in the Presbyterian
ou is gave The old g tan b n two
vigorous gospel discourses.
Wo will tvager a small amount with
our Ethel friend that the Brussels
butcher wasn't in Ethel last Sunday.
He was right "in it" in Walton that
day. We would warn rho Ethel girls to
Two ladies were ditched by their horse
getting frightened by bioyales last Fri.
day. Other aaoidents have also ocarirred
from the same cause. Wheelmen should
exercise great motion on the Highway as
other people have rights as well as they.
Leap year epieocles are not very
numerate, but we had one in Walton,
last Tuesday evening, when two young
ladies from a neighboring burg Dame
with a horse and rig and parried off one
of our most promising young men to a
garden party. He now sporte a ring.
Dr. Woo has been appointod to the
position of medical 1 alth officer for the
townehip that afliao being rendered
Vacant by the departure of Dr, Hamilton,
A. J5, Pelton, brother of the editor of
The Bee, and well known here, having
aucosesfully passed the requisite exams,
in oonneobiou with the Ontario Business
College, Belleville, has received his
Prof, W. A. Brush, horse edrteator and
veterinary dentist, with hie four trained
horses, give an exhibition under can•
vacs, near N, Coghlin's hotel, on Wed.
uosday evening at 7:30 o'clock, and on
Tbuasdayy aftornoou gave lessons on
A fine lot of fat hogs wore shipped re.
aonbly from Atwood station, One lot of
41 bogs, weighing 11,305 lbs„ purobaeed
for White Bros., of Mitohell, by George
Pearce, and another lot of 00 hogs,
weighing 18,430 lbs., were purohased by
Bawtlnheimer & Heffernan, of Grey ; in
all 101 bogs, weighing 24,825 lbs„ making
at 5 ciente per pound over $1,200 paid out
to farmers. The average weight was
about 200 lbs., one brought in by Hem.
pill weighed 600 lbs., and one of John
Little's 375 lbs„ while quite a number
touchedthe 300'merk,
The following are the officers of the
Atwood branch of bhe Epworth League
for the present term :—Pion. Pres., Rev.
U. S. Fisher ; Pres„ R. 13. Hamilton ;
Vice -President, Miss Ida MoBain ; See.,
Ghee. Stewart ; Treas., A. MoBain ;
Board of Management, Misses Fox,
H&wkehew, Parker, Chalionger and Mes-
srs, Shauuon and Ward ; Ohrietiau
Work Com., the pasber and Misses
Ayres and Adams ; Lookout Com. ; Mis•
see Hawkshaw, MoBain, Fox, Switzer
and Messrs. Ward, Stewart and MoBain ;
Literary and Social Com., Misses Adams,
M. Graham, Fox, B. Graham and Mes-
srs. Hamilton and ward ; Ushers, D.
Graham and W. Marshall ; editors of
the "Lantern," Miss Ida ALARMand J.
W. Ward.
J. T. Mitohell, who formerly ran the
Videtta in town, is managing editor on
the Petrolia Topio:
A. H. Musgrove is to be oongratnlated
on the results of the entrance examin.
atfous as 28 out of the 27 that tried have
A large number of the employees of
the Union fnobory presented Geo. Mo.
Tavish with an address and presentation,
consisting of a silver water pitcher and
cups, prior to his departure from town
to Listowel, where he intends opening a
retail furniture establishment.
The corner stone of St. Pant's Bpis.
copal church, a building ab present in
process of erection in \gingham, was laid
on Thursday of last week with the usual
formalities. Among the clergymen pres-
ent from a distance wore Revs. R. Craig,
Rural Doan, Clinton ; W. T. Cluff, Bros.
sols ; T. E. Higley, Blyth ; W. F.
Brownlee, Gerrie ; \V. J. Connor, Look.
now ; A. 11, hall, Bervie, and L. W.
Diel, Hohnesviils. The attendance of
citizens and visitors from the surround•
ing oountry was large. The stone, in.
closing in a tin case a Bible, several
ourrenb coins, a statement reepeobing the
church, and copies of the tooal and lead-
ing papers, having bean "well and truly"
laid by Crowell Willson, ox -M. P., an
address was read by E. L. Dickinson,
barrister, and bhe engraved silver trowel
inseparable from such mansions, was
presented to the former on behalf of the
Ladies' Guild. A sumptuous repast in
the evening followed by an exceedingly
enjoyable sooial at the parsonage, termiu•
aced a most pleasant and auspicious
event. The new ohnrob, an elegant,
semi.gotbio brick struabure, designed by
Messrs. Strickland tC Symons, of Toron-
to, under oontract of 11. Herr, of Wing -
0 will,when
10 0
and costing U
Wing -
ham, u $ ,
completed, be undoubtedly onof 4110
moat elegant planes of worship in this
part of the country.
L.lceltoev el.
Obvie holiday on the 24th.
Forty telophoues in town now.
The "Standard" is holidaying this
Prof, Brush, the bores educator, was
here for two daye this week.
Mee. J. D. Laing, of this town, last a
gold watch in the new aetnetery,
Geo. McTavish, of Wiugham, is open-
ing a new furniture store in the Camp-
bell block.
J. E, Carson and wifo and Mrs, Fowler
are taking a holicltty trip to Old Orchard
The Finishers of the Furniture Com.
parry surprised one of thou number,
Jamee Patterson, by calling hits into a
room and presenting him with a hand,
some gold chain and locket. rte is tom.
ing town,
Cyrus Husking, widely known in On.
tario as the Canadial representative of
the Chloago Itorsetntn has severed his
oonnootion with (hob journal and moo:.
el a similar position with the ownons of
Clerk's Horse Review, a Chicago paper.
Miss &f. Sahildrobii, daughter of 0.
Sobildeobh, was badly injured recently
While walking along the street. When
near Thotnpson's oorner hoe feet were
suddenly knocked from under her by 'a
large hound, that was Chasing another
dog, and she fell on her book on the
oodar block eroesing (ler spine was ea
Severely injured that elm hat been Iain
up Since, bot is now, we twtateetand, te-
eovoring from the shook.
Stn illpox at Weep' i0 rapidly dying
oub, and the general anxiety is abating,
The cholera outbreak in Paris has been
traced to Ole drinking of polluted river
Never before has house -boating on the
Thames been carried on so luxuriously
as in the present season.
The dour milling aonaerns of California
have formed a combine, with a capacity
of 00,000 ban els daily.
A disgraceful boll fight took place re.
aenbly at Nuits, Prance, in whioh two
bulls and six horses were killed.
The carrier pigeons that were released
at Windsor Saturday morning arrived at
Toronto the same evening at 7 p. m.
The season thus far in Loudon has
been unusually cold, the temperature
ranging from the forties to the seventies.
James Anderson was burnt to death
near Barrie on Tnosday morning, being
asleep in a burn which was struck by
All the rebarne being now in, it is
shown that the prohibition plebiscite
voted on by the people of klatitobt at
the reoent general elections won carried
by 14,000 majority.
The coutraot for the S b. John, N. 13.,
harbor improvements, amounting to
5132,002, has been awarded to M. & N.
Jeo. and James Cardiff threshed their
Fall wheat last week and had it return of
88 bushels to the sore.
Our sporting men say the program of
races at Brussels on the 27th inst. js a
good one and they intend attending.
James Mann's new house bo replaoe the
one destroyed by lightning ie finished mud
oouupied. He has also put up a large
barn 44x00 foot. Mnrehali Berrison has
also had a barn 80x50 feet pub up. Tired.
Raabe, of Oranbrook, did the work.
Wm. Pollard has a Drop of Egyptian
oats that is a marvel es far as growth
and promise is concerned. A sample
live heads were sent to Tun Pon on
whioh wore counted 107, 100, 119, 120
and 184 grains eespsobively. The heads
average nearly 10 inohes in length.
SOO/AL.—The Ifing's Workers gave a
social et the residence of Ames Mitohell,
1801 con., on Tuesday evening of this
week. Notwithstanding the threatening
rain and the after sbowere there was a
goodly attendunuo and a most enjoyable
bane spent by all. After refreshments
were dispensed bho following program
was presented :—Oponing liytnn, "in His
Pante," by the members of the Sooiety ;
address by the Preeidmit, Mrs. T, Calder;
recitation by T. A, Hawkins ; dttett by
Wm, and Miss Jean Ritohio ; address by
Rev. J, Ross, B. A.; recitation by Mies
Jennie Iiiitoholl ; duett by Misses Lizzie
Calder and Jean Ritchie ; solo by T. A,
Hawkins ; instrumental selection by Mr,
and Miss Rozoll ; eolo by Rev, D. Milli' ;
instrumental by T. A. Hawlcine 1 teener•
tette by Misses Jean and Ida Ritchie and
brothers Wm. and James ; closing hymn,
"Blast be the tis that binds." Soto
financial rsaults wore about $0 which
will go to the furthering of the good Work
being done by the energetic members of
the icing's Workers. Mr, and Mee.
Mitchell veto indefatignablo fn thole el.
Porta to make everybody feel at home,
Tito influence of gatherings of this Kind
wallet bo measured by the peonniary re.
suite along as the blending together of
nationalitiea and oteede in this social
Lvov cannot help brit peeve bend bout l.
The king's workers have set en eta nple
Worthy of eontl1tiun.
Auction -Sale
Valuable Mills, Mills, Stores, Resi-
dences cl Farm Property.
L.caE oe MuneELe.
A recent discovery by en
old physician. Naeoeaslul-
ly used monthly by thous-
ands of LAnilss, Is the
auly perfoetly Rata and
reliable medicine dlsuov.
orad, Beware of unprtnu1p1ed draggbsts wre
offer inferior tnedlcluas in place of this. Ask
for (moo's Oorre1 Rein OettrovNn, Luke 110
substitute; or tuclose 53 and •1 throo.00nb,
Onuuda t,osLage stamps In letter, turd we
letib 5012d, enaloil, by return mull, Buil so,ci-
ed pa•tioulars In plata envelope, ie Indies
only, 2 dumps. Addrees rami Lily Com
pony, No, 2 Pbebor Block, 131 1Voodward
ave„Dotroit, Mob,
1"Sald lu llrussols by J. T. PEPPER, G.
A. Dk1ADBIAN and all resuonstble druggists
1 dit:cI Od+I
snocessful CONSUMPTION CUBE, is
without a parallel in the blistery of medi-
cine. All druggists are authorized to sell
it on a positive guarantee, a teat bhab no
other cure can enooessfully stand. If you
have a Cough, Sore Throat or Bronchitis,
use it, for it will cure you. If your child
Late the Croup, or Whooping Cough, use
it promptly, and relief is sure. If you
dread that insidious disease CONSUMP-
TION, DONT 000L to ase it, it will core
you or oosb nothing. Ask your Druggist
for SH.ILOH'S CUBE, Prion 100., 50a
and $1.00 IE your lungs ore sore or hack
lams,use Shiloh's Porous Plaster. 20c.
111 R'l'NF.Y
1 Li31IRT
Under and by virtue of bb a. powers of sale
aoatainOd 1n a ee taiu mortgage, which
mortgage will be produced et rho time of
sale, there will be offered for sole by public
/motion, at the AHIItBTOAN .00r.E0 in the
Village of Brussels, on
at the hour of 2 o'clock p, m„ by Finlay S.
Scott, fled•, Aa0ti0neer, the following prop-
erties, namely
Parcel No. L—Alt that property situate
partly in the Village of Brussels, and Partly
iu the township of, Grey, on which Is erected
the frame grist mill and saw will, known as
the National Miffs, owned by the late
liam Vanstone, together with the mlil dam,
water power and all other privileges used. in
connection with tho same, with the tight of
flooding the lands adjoining the Maitland
river, and more particularly described in the
Bald mortgage from William Vaustono to
the mortgagees, which lands form part of
bots Noe. 1, 2 ¢ 3 in the 10th oovoeaston of
theTowusutp of Grey and part of Lot No. 2
In the 11th ocncessfoa of the said Township
The he Oates Mills aro eotd to be Sited up
with the latest deeertption of machiu my tar
aiancity of 75t, Patent Process Flour, wish a
capacity 0f 76 said
per day. The water
power 1s. also said t0 be espplotel boil with
a 76 i1. p. could
and If71i.51 ebaol boiler, all
of whioh could ho put in repair at atgdor-
m l outlay, ape eaw mill adjoins fro grist
mill and l8 supplied wltti 00001 from 0110
same process.
Parcel No. 2,—That certain farm property
situate in the said Village of Brussels.a011 in
the Township ut Grey, being parts of Lots
No,,1, 3 t 01u the 10011 concession, mutt pot
No, 2 to the llth oance0Bion of the said town.
ship of Grey, moreparticularly described iu
the said mortgag, oeutaiutng iu all about
t111rtysve acres, oouupied by Bar, George
Thomson, tenant, at53.00 for the season.
Paraol No, 8.—Lots 167 168 and part 0f
I, 0150 in the sale Village of Brussels situ.
abed almost directly opposite the mill pro.
party. There are said to be erected 011 these
lets, bores, frame houses and a frame barn
and stable oc0upiad by tenants at arental
amounting to 57,60 per mouth,
Parcel No, 4,—Port of Lob 101 fronting on
'1'urnbewe street in the said Vhlago of Buis.
sets, on Windt is erooted 6110 Van8t0n0 13100k
oonal0ttag of two brlak stores with plate
glean frauto. One of the stone is vacant at
present, and the other ono has been divided
iltte a Law Wilco, ocoupiod by w, Bl, Stn.
oath, mud a Jewelry store, Occupiedby Jas.
Jones. The second storey 10 fitted up ler
+aloes and a Lodge room and ie 000upied,
Parcel No. 1..-140 606 corner of Flora S0„
on whi011 there is 5334• to be Drooled 0, frame
dwellicg house, formerly 0550050 by OCr, W.
F, Vauet0na.
Teanie cit Sena, -10111100 cont, 01 the p110.
Chase money to be paid in o,teh on the day
of Bale t0 the Vendor's solieitor5, mud seta•
dent,tvjtr such deposit, to make up ono-
thirdof bio erections) money, to be paid
u0hht thirtydty5 thereafter; Ole halftime
to bo aeoured 03, a drab mortgage on the
proporby,payable in five years, with inter•
oat ab Seven per cont, hetr•yearly.
The property will be name for sale In
Separate parcels, and subj act to a Stoserve
llld as to oaolt parcel.
'PM purchaser wilt be OeOu'vecl to 505500
the property subject to WW0010100.
L'm.eher WOr.00 and Dondittouacuado k0080
on daof Oslo.
Bar-further�pParticulate ap ply to, the Aum •
theme, or to W. Id. Steele le, 1;00,,13arrister,
or 10 ANDRLIW OOTiSt,ltV, 100,0, 13rueeele.
10111010, HAOIIONAI,O, 1)0010SON ,er
PA7, veso11,
18 Toronto Toronto, Solteitore,
- 28,00
- San
- $35.00
Is'Il1fON'VON, 5,00.00.
To leave all pointe lin 5115 Province of On-
tario 0u
16 Return 0,0111 Oote bar 16,
A LI�(J $t --1852.—
August 23 Retur—n 001,1 18until 50October,
September 6 ROtltra until Nov-
,t'gr 6tr,1562,
Parties ticketing from other points should
arrange to arrive at Toronto in time to con-
nect with the 11c20 p.m. train on above dates,
For full inform often apply to any ttoket
agent of tbo Canadian Pacific Railway,
Agelit, (Brussels.
Practical T'c6te1Lnzcoher
and JelVeler.
Thanking the Inblio for past favors and
support and wishing still to secure
your patronage, we are opening
out Full Lines in
0! F08 LAKE HU0N
Sunday School Excursion
Silver Plated Ware
trona Established and Boilable Makers
fully warranted by us.
Clock's of the
Latest Designs
The Annual Sunday School Excursion to Lake
place to Goderich on
Huron will take
OUST 12, I
A Special Train will run as follows:
PALMERSTON..,......... 7.00 A. 11. Adults $1 00 Children $ 50
GOWANSTOWN ....,.... 7.14 95 50
LISTOWEL 7.25 95 50
ATWOOD 7.38 90 45
HENFRYN 7,45 90 45
ETHEL 7.53 85 45
BRUSSELS 8.10 80 40
BLUEVALE 8.80 75 40
WINGHAM 8.55 65 35
LUCXNOWRegular trains to and. 80 40
WHITEOHURCH } from Wingham 75 40
BELGRAVE 9.10 60 30
BLYTH 9.20 50 25
LONDESBORO' 9.45 45 25
CLINTON 10.05 35 20
WEDDINo Rroes,
LADIES Gem lames,
Timms, &o.
I Also a Full Line of VIOLINS and
Violin Sbrings, &o., in stook.
N. 50.--33aenzer of d/711•rtflira M0010400.
T. Fletcher, Brussels.
Friday, Aug, 26,1802.
1Pr oerreett :
2:50 Trot or Pace, Pulse, • $150
Open Trot or Pace, - 250
Stallion Race trotters only, puerto, 5100.
$00 extrawillltb 2ads race
died fr n thitest (tent
Open Sun, it mile hepta, 2 in 3, • $100
Arriving at Goderich at 10:45 a.
Returning, 'Train will Leave Goclerich at 7:35 P. 1r., thereby
allowing Excursionists nearly Nine Hours at the lake.
The Commodious Steamer "City of Windsor” has been engaged
to run Excursion Trips on the Lake (luring the day at a LOW Fare.
During the Afternoon the Excellent Band of Goderioh will
play at the Lake Park and en the Steamer. •
Ass't Pass. Agent. Gen'l Pass. Ageut.
A Local Bicycle Race, for a Valltnbio
Silver Modal, will also take place on
the the above date.
,illn(� rii. to Mines Cotten alt 3 5),l50•s, 2Tie,
As these tacos follow
immediately iy
Listowel Raoos 501ne of bhe best horses in
tllo country will be Here,
President. Seorotary.
.. o . .•1-1 'CD .1_QJ i... :i J gJ .... , .
'if"tt, tf
�v �tyMill
50,00 POUNDS
In Exchange for Goods.
The Highest l\Iar_{et Price will be Allowed,
We have a Fine Assortment of
Tweeds, Cottons, Flannels., Prints,
Cashmeres, Blankets, Sheet-
ing, Knitted Goods,
Yarns, 84o,
All Wool left with as for manufacturing, whether rolls' or
otherwise, will have our prompt attention.
.�tlnnti:7� ,1
pp.r 9y�