HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1892-8-12, Page 4ri TILE BRUSSELS POST
New Advertisements.
Fly Poison --J. T. Pepper.
Cow Strayed—Robe. Barr.
Fresh Arrivals—T. Rutledge.
Farm for Sale—E. McNamara,
Western Pair ---Thos. A, Browne.
Apples Wanted --Richard Williams.
Legal Card—Cameron, Holt S Holmes.
County Puods to Loan—Wm Relines.
Cbe Nru55e 5 rust,
FRIDAY, AUG. 12, 3.292-
337 the census statistics recently pub-
lished in Ireland it is shown that Metho.
diets and Jews are the only religious
bodies that increased during the decade
ending with 1801. The Catholics show a
deorease of 411,140, or 10.4 per cent.
since 1881 ; Protestant Episcopalians
have decreased 38,7.4 or 0.4 per cent. ;
Presbyterians have declined by 24,047, or
0.1 per cent. There are at the present
time 05,285 Methodists in Ireland—an
increase on the ten years of 0,800, or 18.1
per cent ; while the Jews have advanced
from 472 to 1,708.
Tx is announced that the Government
has decided to abolish the rebate of eigh-
teen cents a ton on grain shipped by the
St. Lawreuoe canals to Montreal, and to
give equal treatment to Canadian and
American vessels using the Welland Canal.
whether bound to Canadian or Amerioan
ports. This means that grain passing
westward through the Welland Canal,
whether a Canadian or American vessel,
no matter whither bound, will pay a toll
of twenty Dents a ton, and having paid
that toll will be allowed to pass through
the St. Lawrence canals free.
Tun Ottawa Free Press says :—Not
long ago it was announced that a steam•
ship line was to be placed upon the route
between Montreal and the West India
Islands, for the purpose of supplying
Canada with tropical fruits. Now the
promoters of the scheme say they will
make Boston the terminus of their line
unless the Dominion government grants
them a big subsidy. It seems that all
those eo•cafled "patriotic" enterprises are
merely so many schemes for bleeding the
Dominion treasury. If the promoters of
a steamship company can scare Mr. Fos-
ter into giving them a subsidy by threats
of course they are not to be blamed for
taking advantage of their opportunities.
Business is busioess. The people to
blame are the members of parliament
who tolerate each systematic black-
mailing of the public treasury.
Bs his entry into the British Parlia-
ment iron, Edward Blake has been made
better known to the world at large than
in all his previous experience. His
name is now found in almost every
British and United States paper publish-
ed, and many and varied are the specula-
tions regarding his future. It seems to
be the fate of Canadian statesmen to be
little known outside our own territory.
The London Standard was wont to speak
of Sir Thomas Macdonald ; and a few
years ago when a prominent lawyer of
Toronto, spent his holidays in a large
inland Ohio oity, he found the only
Canadian whose fame was known and
recognized by the leading men of the
place was Edward Hannan, the obampion
oarsman. Mr. Blake will probably a.
ohieve a more extended fame as a mem.
ber of the British Parliament for one
year than would go to him if he were
Primo Minister of Canada for 20 years.
One cause of this lies in the fact that
the Dominion is only a colony, a state of
affairs which keeps our leading states.
man in the background in nearly all
matters relating to international affairs,
Gonera 1 Ne WS.
Smallpox has appeared in Westohester,
Six thousand Australian miners are on
Boll worms are destroying the cotton
in Texas.
The late Cyrus Field left an estato of
John Morley is spoken of as the new
Irish Secretary.
A financial panic is feared in India
owing to the depreciation of silver.
It is expected that Arohbisbop Ireland
of St. Paul will shortly be made a oar.
It is rumored that another revolution•
is being organised to secure Cuban inch.
Hugh O'Donnell, the leader of the
Homestead sttikere, is reported to be in
A locomotive was derailed by a boll
near Inddanopolis on Friday of last week
and the engineer kiiled.
Right Hon. Arthur Wellesley hat been
elected speaker of the Imperial Com-
Mr. Gladstone received a wildly enthus.
fasts° welcome en his appearance in the
House of Commons.
The Carnegie officials under arrest in
Connection with the recent Homestead
tragedy have been released under bail
bonds of $10,000 each.
Governor Burke, of North Dakota, has
issued a proclamation declaring absolute
quarantine against Manitoba on account
of smallpox in that province.
A mortar charged with dynamite was
exptedod on Sunday near St. Atfonso's
ahurob in Rome during a religions fete,
Eleven persona wore killed and 32 others
A train load of gold bars valued at
020,000,000 is on the way from San
Francisco to Now York. The ears
bristle with muskets and no ono is allow-
ed to approach the train,
Jacob Claus,lof Detroit, aged 82, was
granted a divorce from his wife, aged 79,
last Monday, They wore harried 14
years ago, but the bride tired of the
groom soon after the honeymoon. llo
WW1 eo feeble he had to be parried tato
the witness box and s0 deaf the lawyers
used ear trumpets. His wife laughed so
heartily over the result of 1110 trial that
she fell from her crutches to the court
room floor. She said their married life
had been a complete fizzle.
A freak of nature has some to light in
the county jail at Fort Worth, Texas,
His name is Jessie Leo, aged 18. Turn
'the boy's face so that a strong light may
shine foto his eyes and a phenomenon
is seen. Around the pupils of the eyes
in the irris are the 20 letters of the
alphabet, arranged symetrioally. There
are 13 letters in each eye, those up to
"M" being in the left eye and the re-
maining ones in the right. His father
and 4 brothers are similarly effeotsd.
Mr, Garner, 5115 enthusiast upon the
subject of a monkey language, has gone
to Edinburgh to read a paper before the
meeting of the British Association for the
Advancement of Science. He will en.
cleaver to oonvinee the grave and learned
members of the association that he has
solved, or is on the point of solving, the
problem of monkey epeeolhh. Afterward
he will go to Africa to study our alleged
Simian ancestors in their native soil.
Ile will visit the Congo country first, and
later penetrate to the interior.
The Australian apple shippers pack
their apples in boxes which oontain
about forty pounds weight of fruit.
These sell in the London market at very
handsome figures, being proportionately
about double the price received by Nova
00otia31 apple•growers. This difference
in value is certainly not due to the qual-
ity of the fruit, and is due, accordiug to
the Canadian Gazette, to the more con-
venient size of the package. If this be
true, our apple growers should not be
slow in taking advantage of the more
marketable package.
A Washington despatch says :—The
secretary of the treasury has written
Senator McMillan, of Michigan, declining
to allow horses to be brought over from
Canada to Detroit or Port Huron for
racing or exposition purposes unless a
bond is given that they shall be returned
to Canada within six months, or the duty
paid on them. For some time these
horses have been brought over witout a
bond, and treasury agent who investigat-
ed reported that the practice resulted in
many irregularitiee, by which horses were
brought over to Detroit and Port Huron
ostensibly for show purposes and never
returned. No bond was taken to compel
their reborn, Now, however, Secretary
Foster will insist upon the strict letter
of the Mo'Siuley Iaw, which requires a
Dining is not in Japan the serious bus-
iness it is in England. The Japanese do
not meet to eat, but eat because they have
met, and conversation and amusement
form the principal part of a banquet.
Conversation need not be held only with
your neighbors, for if a man wishes to
speak to a friend in another part of the
room he quietly slips the paper panel be.
hind him, passes into the verandah, en-
ters the room again, and sits down on
the floor before his friend. Exchanging
cups is the chief oeremony at a Japanese
dinner. Sake—a spirit made from rice,
resembling dry cherry—is drank hob out
of the tiny lacquer and gold cups through-
out dinner ; and the mnsmes, whc sit on
their heels in the open space of the floor,
patiently watch for every opportunity to
fill your pup with sake. When a gentle-
man would esohange cups --which is
equivalent to drinking your health—he
sits down in front of you and begs the
honor. You empty your cup into a bowl
of water, have it filled with sake, drink,
wash it again, and hand it to your friend ;
he raises it to his forehead, bows, has it
filled and drinks. As this ceremony has
to be gone through with a great many
times, drinking is often a mere pretenoe.
Eating is, however, but a small part of
the entertainment. We must he amused,
and to amuse is the business of the
geishas, the licensed singing and dancing
girls who are attached to every tea house.
But the singers at a Japanese dinner only
take the part of a chorus in a Greek play,
and they sing the story which dancing
girls represent or suggest by a series of
gestures or postures.• The danoers are
splendidly dressed, and their movements
are so interesting, so unlike anything
seen in Europe, that we watch them with
a curious sense of plsa5ure. -Tho Table.
A horrible murder was committed
at Celina, a town near Cleveland,
Ohio, Friday, which in point of atrocity
is almost unparalleled In the annals of
crime. Ballenbacgh Bros. own a thresh-
ing machine and were ab work on the
Henry Sohalernk farm, near cabers the
terrible affair. occurred. John Shryhook
and Frank Day, who have been on bad
terms fox some time, were both employed
on the maohine, the former feeding it,
while the latter was engaged in cutting
the bands with which the wheat was tied.
Everything progressed nicely, the two
speaking very little to each other. This
coldness was noticed by several, but no
further attention was paid to it. By
accident Shrybook missed a sheaf of
wheat and the knife struck Day on the
hand, inflicting a bad wound. Shryhook
begged his pardon, but Day did nob Jock
at it that way, and grew very insulting,
even going as far as threatening to throw
Shryhook into the maobine if he did it
again. Nothing was thought of the re-
mark until Shryhook again cut Day's
band ; whether intentionally or accident-
ally is nob known and never will be. En.
raged beyond control Day parried his
threat into execution, and, grabbing
Shryhook by the waist, threw him head
forward into the machine, and then
jumped to the ground and attempted to
escape. But his fiendish nab did sob pass
unnoticed, as it was aeon by the engineer
who immediately brought the machinery
to a standstill and oollared Day in time
to prevent his getting away. By hard
work the mutilated remains of Silty-
iltyhock were extracted from the machine,
and the sight was a sickening one. The
body was mangled and torn completely
into shreds and was unrecognizable.
This horrible piece of butchery spread
consternation among the rest of the party
and it guiciciy disbanded. Day at once
gave himself up to the authorities, Tre-
mendous exoitement prevailed around
Celina, as both parties were well known.
Henry Shryhook, a brother of the Mur -
dared man, arrived upon the some a little
later and raved like a maniac. Procuring
a pitchfork he wont over to where Day
was, and, with a curse, plunged it into
his body 01 roe times, causing ;natant
In the Grand Circuit rapes at Buffalo,
Saturday the event of the day was the
race between Direat and liar Pointer,
It was so faraknown fact that Diroob will
want spine week's more work before he is
at concert pitch, that Tial Pointer was
always a strong favorite for the match,
The first heat with pointer on the inside
was the only real contest, Direct hang-
ing close in the real of the Buffalo geld.
ing and being near to him as the wire
was passed in 2:10. In the next Gears
let out a link just bbo show what Hal pan
do with the new sulky, Direct was
beaten three langths as Goers and Point-
er flashed under the wire in 2108}, the
fastest mile ever paced in harness on a
regulation track. It Lowers Pointer's
one and a half seconds and also still
further reduce, the track rsoord, which
Robert J. shifted Saturday.
14E111,11 13 1A115 are a
new discovery that [Sure the
worst oases of Nervous Be-
bility,Losb Vigor and Pail.
lug afanhood; restores the
weakness of body or mind
or Ube errors of excesses of
youth. Tile n medy absolutely cures the
starershavehave fail d oven to rhen elieve. Solll other i by
druggists. at 81 ver package, or six for 8s, or
sent by wail en receipt of price by address-
i_JAose '111momn 00. Toronto, Ont.
Write for pamphlet, Sold in Brussels by
Cr, A. DEAD11AN.
Money to Loan,
Money to Loan on Farm Pro-
perty at
Private and Company Funds.
Solicitors, circ.,
Any Amount of Money to Loan
on Farm or Village Pro-
perty at
6 & 6i Per Cent., Yearly.
Straight Loans with privilege of
repaying when required.
Apply to
A. Hunter,
Division, Court Clerk, Brussels,
Private Funds to Loan.
Have been placed in my hands
for Investment on real estate.
No Commission.
Borrowers can have loans com-
pleted in Three Days if title
Solicitor, Brussels.
to plain facts about the B. & C.
corset. You can't break the
bones—for one thing. If you
do, within a year, you'll have
your money back. It fits like
a glove. And hear how it's
sold : if you're not satisfied,
after a few weeks' wear, you
can return it and get your
Fon SAL1d 73Y A. ST1tAOTIAN.
S18f He1stFliraii!
I aREA,1ttS,
Aus, 12, 1892
Bargains in Dress Goods,
Bargains in Prinvs,
All Summer Goods at and below cost.
12ic. gooclts for 10c., 10e.. goods for 8e, 8c. goods for Gc.
Bargains in Corsets,
A new lot of Crompton $1.00 to sell at G5c.
Bargains in Flannelettes,
From Go. per yard up.
Bargains in Embroideries and Flounoings,
Only a few lengths left.
Bargains in Towels,
A 36 in. Linen Towel for 10c.
Bargains in filo welings,
Bargains in Hosiery,
We start then at Go. per yard.
Black or Colored hose at 10c, per pair.
Bargains in Men's Furnishings,
White Dress Shirts 75c., Ties 15c., Braces 15c.
Bargains in Readymade Clothing,
Mens' Serge Suits $4.00, Black Worsted $11 00,
Bargains in Boots and Shoes,
Look over our stock before you buy.
Bargains in Everything,
Our Bargains are all Wool and a yard wide.
If you want Bargains,
Come to us this month.
Sept, 151h to 24th, i892.
$2,000 added to the Prize List,
Over $1,500 going to the Horses. Cattle
Sheep, 1.'igs and rotllti'y classes.
Visitors and Exhibitors are promised more
for their money this year than ever before.
Stabling and space allotted on receipt of
Special attraotions will bo of an attractive
and elaborate kind,
Spacial Luuiirslons on nil Itnilsral's.
For Prize List and all information apply to
Capt. .. W. Porto, Pree
Phos. A, Browne. See.
Do You Know
That 0.E. Perry makes as
fine photos. as are made in the
County ?
That he
rinishes all photos. on the
new permanent aristo paper ?
That he
Can't be boat on family
and other groups ?
That he
Copies and enlarges old
pictures to any'size ?
That his
Cabinet Photos. aro excep-
tionally fine ?
That his
Baby Photosare unoquall•
ed, and if you want a first-class,
finely finished photo. you can't
do bettor than call on
0. E. PERRY,
Next to American Hotel,
CI 110 LE!
Having added new Scenery to his Cttllory is now in a position to
turn out work that is second to none. A look at his photos.
will convince you that they are first-class. The public
are invited to call tip and inspect worlf in gallery.
Pictures Copied and also Enlarged to wrai size
i72 a1c o72 at reasonable .Prises.
A Specialty made of Qat-door Views.
You cannot mistake the place, W. W. Burgess' old stand
over Standard Bank.
S --II. t7`- srzlIRJU I r C+_
D. b. CAVEN,
Toronto, Tmvollingu Posaangot Agent, 0.0.13,.
says, Ansl•nandrntfja npertectromovot orD00•
drug—Its notion is rimrvollonn—in „1y 0511 cam
a tow appnenttro,a not only nwroughly romovod
00030000 doiidh 0 accumulation but stopped
Ming of tllo bntr, rondo it me and i lb bio um9
proluoiod a rinlblagrowth,
Restores Fading hslr to its
original color...,
Stops falling of hair.
Keeps the Scalp clean,
Makes hair soft and Pliable
Prommtos Growth.
DEADMAN, Bnussars.
Ontario lYIutual Life,
005.bbls OFFICE., •'b1'A'17llib400, 0tl9'.
Aseuranoo intone Jan'y,'02, .014,084,807
Now business written in 1801 2,004,050
Increase over 1800..,....... 840,800
Cash income for 1801 647 020
Increase over 1890 - 571020
Liberai Conditions of Policies,
°ash and Paid•up Values guaranteed on
nab policy.
A11 dividends belong to and oto paid only
to volley 1101801%
P1'011111.11110 during the month in
whlob tit sy fall duo.
Porkpies aro incontestable two years Promo
date of tesue.
No rosbriotion on travel, rosidenee or on.
Lapsed policies may be revived within els
mouths after lapse.
Death olaimspaid atouoo on completion
of blare papers,
District Agent, Ethel,
System 1h13o,Ldcova,tar
—,1111.1 0091311
For Impure, Weak and Impoverished
Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Palpate,
Hon of the Heart, Livsr Complaint, Neur-
algia, Lees of Memory, Bronchitis, Con-
sumption, Gall Stones, Jaundice, kidney
and Urinary Diseases, St. Vitus' Danes,
Female Irregularities and General De.
J. M.1gtoLEOD,
Prop. and Manufacturer.
Sold by J. T. PEPPER,
Druggieb, Brussels,