HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1892-8-12, Page 1.gpasot•••gxoczi;i...n.s...sam...naram.gracputz.e...ousgromatirwromornesae...12.4,..12).M. NA41./...141C.(41,60.17.WM41/...,...114,64.4.11...1111.403MA6141.....,1.1001211.2111.,71.11RIMOTINIMPIMPVIIrda...11M1 4.44141
Vol. 20. No. 8, BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, AUGUST 12, 1892
Major•General Herbert and the Millie
ter of Militia hove completed their in•
epootion of the Kingston fortilicatione,
W. J. L. itleleity, of Ontriggville, hoe
boon appointed comity Crown Attorney
for Duiterin, In place of Elgin Myers.
John Chapman, of Thornhill, ia believ-
ed to have been murdered in a drunken
quarrel on elonduy night of lad week,
three•yearmItt daughter of William
Kane, of Ottawa, swallowed a toy "jacie"
on Saturday and wet ohoalted to detail.
A. Kingeton hotel keeper hos dtivell
an electrieel e.pparatth to warn people of
the presence of the licenee inspector on
S an daye.
A. yraing an of Gilbert Gagne, of Hull,
died on Friday of le.at week of blood.
poisoning, the result of an injury to his
foot the previous day.
The Toronto police have decided to
form a mutuel benefit association, the
leading feature ot which will be a $1,000
gront in case of death.
F. Stewart Dickey, on of Bangor
Dickey, and brother of A., R. Dickey, le,
P. for Cumberland, glob and killed him-
self at Halifax on Saturday night.
Alberti Parker, aged 20, of Graven -
burst, was arrested itt Toronto for ab•
ducting Mary Lemay, aged 14, the
daughter.of a farmer in the township of
The mastiff Lion, whith was confined
in an empty store at Toronto for 40 days
without food or water, but Which was
thought to be recovering from the effects,
hag enocumbed.
The °raiser Constance arrived at Que.
boo last week with 102 cases of brandy
and six barrels of whiskey, which was
oaptured at Isle aux Condres, the smug-
glers' stronghold.
John Teovlin, of St. Marys, is lying
seriously ill in the hoepital at Brantford.
He received a sunstroke while on a visit
to St. Marys about three weeks ago and
brain fever resulted.
The firm of Pattullo & Coe proprietors
of the Sentinel•Review, Woodstock, has
been disaolved. A. Laidlaw has with.
drown, and the business in future will be
conducted by A. Pattullo.
Samuel Armstrong, of St. Thome,
has brought an action for $1,000 for slan-
der against hie next door neighbor, E.
Bennett, undertaker, who, it i alleged,
(Merged Armstrong with stealing his
The Street Railway servith 1,0
the new station has been opened and in
e-onnection therewith the Street Railway
Compan.y will inaugurate a new de-
parture ni the shape of a baggage celiac -
tion and delivery service.
Chas. Creighton, of the Leamington
Post, wheeled to Woodstook the other
day. He left Leamington at 0 o'clock in
the morning, and reached there between
8 and 9 at night. The distance is 145
miles. This is remarkably fast riding.
T. W, Crothers, barrieter of St.
Thomas, haa Mitered an notion against
the village of Port Stanley, °teeming
$900 damages for injuries sustained by
Mrs. Mary Mahoney, through a defective
sidewalk on Oolbourne street in that
Isom Stenebaugh drove into a abed in
Scotland, Ont., on Thursday night oi
last week, and in jumping from his rig
°aright his ohin on a meat hook fastened
to the side of the shed. IIe woe able to
lift himself off, but is in a precarious
oondibion, Ile has since died.
At a meeting in Toronto log week of
druggists from all parts of Ontario a
provincial plearmthenbitial oast:elation
woe formed. It was decided to vecom-
mend some changes in the Ontario
Pharmacy Ad, relating chiefly to the
sale medioinee by uolicensed
The editor of the Port Dover Maple
Leaf has a cordwood stick in his offioe
thot has grown several brauchee 00 00
this stunner, one of which is 2 ft. 3 in.
long, and still growing vigorously. Be
feels glad about it for if things go on this
way be wont need. to buy so mutat wood
mixt winter, Money wouldn't buy that
cordwood stick.
There will be a piomic of Walpole
Island Indians on Belle Isle, on August
113011, when the whole tribe will have a
holiday in the park, bringing with them
200 canoes, two native bands of sixteen
pieoes to make things merry, and various
other acciessories. There will be sports
of all kinds, such as cameo times, a game
of laorosse, foot races, bow and arrow
coutests mud a war donee on tho seine
The other evening Maud Doan and
Nellie Sullivan were walking along the
bank of a °anal at the adenine: Windsoc,
,when a snake darted across thole path,
frightening bobh so badly that they pimp.
ed to one side, and, missing their footing,
fell into the camel. Miss Sullivan roue to
the surfitoo and was rescued, but little
Maud Dean, whose age was 14 yeere,
never appeared until some time otter,
wheu her body was recovered,
Samuel Corbett, living near Oro Ste,
tion, went to Barrie to attend the funeral
of his little granclebild. He took dinner
in the home of his daughter whose °hied
had died, mid after, on big oomplaining
of a pain in the head, was taken by a son
to tho office of Dr. W. A., Ross, intending
to join the procession on the way west.
ward bo the cemetery. 13nt the funetol
cortege had tharooly novered a quarter of
O mile when 0 messenger hem the physi-
cian threw the already saddened group
into intense grief by the announcement
blita the aged grandfather had died in
the dodoes offith, The deceased was
between 00 and 70 years of age.
On Saturday about noon Sir rtiohned
Cartwright, the bost.knowe Liberal polio
tioian in Canada, loft Kingston in a skiff
to now to his thrtntry home on the honks
of the St Itevrenee a few miles down.
Whon thunding Poin6 levecloriek he was
caught in a terrific 5000111 which was on.
thimparded by hail and torrents of rain,
His boat was Ottptlizscl and Sir Riehard
thrown one The thoident was witnethed
by men of .iA" battery, and Melee Drury
and Captain Gouda hueeled to the
rescue, Sir Maimed clung to the Meth.
turned bont tenaciously and was in the
water ME an hottr, the storm beating
fiercely &bent him. Although a very
strong man, when resoited ho was corm
piggy exhausted.
To tho Editor at Tau Powr,
Diem wish to call the attentiou
of the Vomits Inspector to the feat that
the Crook's Aot is nob observed in Bruin
seis in the followilig partioalars t -.-.Tho
hotel bars ars not 01000d at 11 0'01OOlt p,
m. Night] after night liquor is sold up
to midnight, it not litter. The law re -
spotting sals to minore Is not adhered to
and I'm sorey to say immelimes mere
boys get intoxicated, Liquor is sold on
Sunday both by tho bottle and glass.
Gambling devises are run et certain
places and disorderly conduct and swear-
ing permitted. If the Inspeotor wants bo
prove the correctness of these abatements
let him drop into town some night or on
rt Sunday and see for himself. The
Crook's Act and the regulations of the
License Board are explioit aud those who
violate them should suffer the conse-
quences. The little soene enacted on the
greet the Friday after the oonoert was a
disgrnce to any town.
Yours respootfully,
Weise Up.
ire the Editor otTne Vose.
A recent notice in TIM Pose ee the
Fall Exhibition of the East Huron &
Grey Branch Agricultural Society caused
me to idly glance over the Prize List of
last year in order to ascertain whether
there was any likelihood of replenishing
my holiday drained purse with a few of
the munifioent cash prizes likely to be
offered. Will you, Mr, Editor, allow me
to make a few suegostions to the Moue
and Directors re the Fine Art Depart-
ment for 1802. rine—Lot it bo under-
stood that the work exhibited must be
the work of the exhibitor. Suppose I
have a portrait, the work of roister, or
a lendscape from the brush of 13Ialte, or
O figure painted by Miller, have 1 a right
to place these in competition with work
of our Brussels' artists ? If I do will it
enetheage art in the village and neighbor-
hood 7 Yet 3. noticed last yeer a plume,
the exhibitor or which I do not know,
but the exhibitor was certainly not the
painter for I Ain personally acquainted
with the artist who was probably never
In Bressels or the vicinity. Second,—
Encoureige work from nature and life.
I do not notice a eingla prize for a sketch
from life or a sketch from nature. Xt
would be better to discoarage mere
"copying" than to overlook so important
O branch as this. What "orb" is there
after all in slavishly following line after
line and daub upon daub the work of
another ? Let our village areiate "pose"
for ono nother, or go with palette and
brush a mile or two down our lovely
river or at least array a fetv fruits and
copy them it would do them a thousand
fold more good than "murdering" some
real pieae of art by "copying" it. Then
let our dilatant Directors encourrtgo the
same by offering some token of appreola-
don foe it. Third,—Ethourage meohan.
Mal and industrial drawing. Why not
have some smell prizes for "objecb" draw-
ing, machine drawing, neat and accurate
geometrioal work? There seems nothing
to encourage arb in boys except it be the
one item of "pencil drawing" but what
that includes goodness alone knows. If
a boy developes a love for his penoil and
compasses there is hope that some day
he will be something more than what the
majority of our boys seem to be—street
loungers and idlers. This I believe is
one of the most important branches of
work of the Direotors, cultivate at along
this line, and there will be something to
show for it in years to corno. Jug item
agine, overlooking an important branch
like this, and wilfully encouraging aid.
ing and abetting such barbarous trash as
splu tter, sphetter, sputter or is it "spat-
ter,' work ? Any man or committee of
men who seeks to perpetuate such orude
and childish work oughb to be "jugged"
for treason against good taste and civili-
zation. "Bleeletonised Leaves"—"hand
work" is not one whit better. Away
with Buell tresh and give a little encour-
agement for our bops and girls to pram.
tioe that whith is useful as well as
artistio. rourth,—Cating the Diregors
be a little more explicit as to what is r0.
quirect oder the various terms, e g
I bave heard that oven the judges last
year were puzzled as to where to draw
the line between "painting on pottery"
and "painting on plaquee" whilst there
was no place whatever for an oil painting
unless it was either a portrait or a land-
scape, leonie scenes, figures &o. &o., in
the teeth ehut out of competition entire-
ly. I tvotild here suggeet that in
future every exhibitor be requested to ab -
tub a label to hie or her work indicating
tinder what head or cloth it be examined.
X had mnah more to add but 3. am afraid,
Mr. Editor, that my "few suggestione"
are already too lengthy for your vain.
able space."
Mrs, Isabella Sharp, of Chinguaeoesy
townthp, County of Peel, has been
awarded the Queen's bounty of $15,Whith
it is customary to bestow upon the
mother of triplets. Mee. Sheep gave
bath to three boys an Fob. 190111o.st.
Fire brolee out about 0 o'clock on Mon-
day morning in the house of Roberti
Young, lot 35, con. 5, Greenook, near
Kinloas P. 0., which in a Short time eon -
seined the building. Ib is supposed to
have caught near tho voof !tom the stove
pipe. Thebuthling being home bathed
lively. Unfortunately two of Mr. Young'e
sone, aged 14 and 10, who were sleeping
upstairs, were overpoweeed by tho denim
end perished before assistathe (mulct
reath them.
The Sutton Herold volittee the follow-
ing 1—One day leg week a lambee pile
rnystericerely ()might are on the preemie%
of John L. elotvard,andit was extingnieh-
ed by 0 few paths of water.. Shortly atter,
the flee began in the same place, when it
was °heaved to hove its ovigin from the
reflection of the sun's eity's Dem the
eonveit bottom Of a steamer whioh was
lying in skinning position ageing the
liaise, The bottom of the oteether being
very bright. the rays were strong onottgh
th cense fire.
A Trip Through England.
The morning after arriving in London
I took tho Great Northern and wont to
Cambridge about Hix miles distant, Both
ford being only 25 miles from which
plata I would hove gone if the train had
lel/owed me. The 60 miles is through a
beautiful °pantry, the thenery being
what may be called pnroly English and
OS ono Approaches Cambridge it ie some-
what flat. In oldsn times it wins whet
was °ailed the fen coentrY but it le now
in 0, high state of cultivation and fully
up to the standard of the Lothians or the
Merge. At almost every station there
seemed to be train loads of manure being
unloaded into wagons whioli no doubt
bed come by early trains from London.
Cambridge is situated on tho Ceam whioh
runs so slowly that the short time I was
there it was not possible to be Sure whioh
way it went but it acids greatly to the
therm of the place. The principal mil -
loges ore built at a slight diatnnoe from
Da baths. The vieta of bridges (whioh
seemingly each college has) one after the
other spanning the groom with their
maseive stone arohes, one of there called
"The Bridge of Sighs" from its supposed
likeness to that of Venice, have alios of.
foot. The college buildings seem like
palaoes, every one different from another,
with their smooth lawns sloping gently
down to their bridges and making the
landscape one may say perfect. On the
opposite side the grounds are laid out in
small peke or gardeus, their stone walls
in many oases green with ivy and here
and there trees with most luxuriant
foliage add fresh beauty to the eye,
There were many boat; moored along the
banks of the quiet river tvhith is the
training ground for those who take part
in the annual contest on the Thames be-
tween the picked crows of the two uni-
versities. Mr, Maogregor, of Rob Roy
canoe fame, got his expertnethe with the
paddle on the river. Triuiby College is
perhaps the most famous of them all and
has tho most students—generolly bout
700. Its buildings are on both sides of
Trinity street but the main part of it in
quadrangular form is on the North side
and the entrance near the West side by
what is called the King's Gateway. The
court or square is 330x270 feet and the
Cambridge folks boast that it is 1000
square feet larger than "Tom Quad,"
Wolsey's great court at Oxford. The
buildings are not to say high and are
somewhat plain but solid and substantial.
Looking diagonally throes the square to
your left on the Eecoad story you are
shown the two windows of the rooms oc-
cupied by Byron when a student ; be-
tween you and these windows there hi in
the metre of the square an elaborate
fountain oalled Neville's fountain which
was built by a greet master of the col-
lege of that name. 13y a somewhat re-
markable coincidence it is said that up
one flight of stairs leading out of this
court there lived hi succession Newton,
Lythurst, Maoaulay, Thaokeray Ten'
09 son and a great many more of Eng-
land's great men whom the oollege claim
a.s its students. The chapel and library
are open to the public, tbe latter taking
up one of the lesser sides of the court
Beneath is a plena or colonnade open
into the court, the wall above and door
is supported by several rows of strong
clone columns and between the rows the
stone flags are worn hollow by the feet
of students. The entrance to the
/ibrary is by a stairway, the steps of
which are blaok marble liued with cedar.
The hall is 190 feet long and 40 wide, the
door is of black and white marble and
°aunties covered with glass run along
each side in \Olga are a vast variety of
rare curiosities. The room is divided in-
to 30 compartments each well lighted,
one side looking to the river and the '
other to the court. Several of the book-
cases are adorned by carving done, we
were told, by the odebrated °wryer Gib:
bons and the designs by Wren. The
librarian, or his assistant it might be,
has his desk close to the entranoe and he
was ready to answer and explain very
ogreeably. By the stair is exhibited
Ramon altars and inscriptions found in
England. Strangers hove no aocess to
tho books, the counters cutting off all
communication with the bookcases.
The librarian said that there are no
printed ontalogues but he pointed to sev-
eral ponderous volumes, perhaps 22 or 24
iuches long, 15 wide and_ 4 think and very
heavily bound whore the lid of books
were recorded. The ourigibies in the
glass ooses had ineoriptions stating what
they were. Among them were several
hooka in manuscript, beautifully tvriblien
and bound, and an early edition of Mil-
ton's Paradise Loot, price three halt
pence when pigged but valued now at
21;000 ; near by Hee his autograph list
of dramatis pergonal for his first idea, of
that poem. Thought not a Trinity oollege
man the poot studied at one of the other
colleges not for from it. 1 was surprised
to find whet is fetid to be one of the
three originals of bhe Scottish oovenant,
There are averal Caxtons and a good
Shakespeare series and nearly at the far
end from where we enter is Newton's
mathematical iustruments overlooked by
an exquisite statue of Byrn by Thor.
walthen. The poet's admirers wished it
planed in Westminster Abbey but liko
that of Thackeroy 131 more recent days
was denied odmittance boonmee of their
too setirib utteeances of royal peewit -
meth. The statue repreeents the poet's
foot resting on a broken column, his left
hand holding Child° Harold and his
right holding a penoll to hie chin in an at-
titude oE Chirp meditation. Not far from
the Statue Byron's first loath to his mother
is soon, written ha ovary round, school boy
hnmd anci the oomposition and penman-
ship quite commonplace looking. Close
at band ia D. Papal Indulgonoe and all
along the MUMS are a greet variety of
thine, enoient and modern. The total
number of hooka ie given as 100,000 of
whioh 2 per cent aro in manuscript. 3.
next visited Kings and thou& not as
large or os wealthy ma Trinity yet it has
a hum 00 it's own which is increased be.
enthe of its chapel, The College wee
founded by Henry VL, being ethoolitted
with Eton which he also founded, The
chapel is toed by its edmithee to he the
last great triumph of Englieh gothic art.
The drat stuae wag laid he tho King In
1410 %bent the beginning of the War of
the Roses and, no doubt owing to that
sanguinary contlict, the stone work was
not completed tintil 1515. The building
sostni narrow for its length being 40
feet wide and NO feeb long. Ingide It is
divided by In partition about the middle
where the orgon bo placed but I dont
rectoffect whether the division is parried
up to the roof or not. The roof la vault,-
oti Without any support inside by colemnd
or buttreathe but corded up all in stone
in aeveral compartments each keyed at
ft central point with a pendent keystone
said to be a ton 10 weight. The Stone
roof is coveted by a timber one firmly
consbructed and so far are they apart
that there 18 room for a man to walk up-
right between them. The walls are sup-
ported by towers at each corner and
eleven massive buttresses between them
on each side, We are apb to boast of the
aohievements of the nineteenth century
hut after exnmining such a stone strum
tura as this we must oonfese that men
once knew bettor how to build than now.
The painted windows are magnificent,
the upper lights showing Old Testament
subjecas and the lower ones marked off
from the upper by stone sills Now
Testamenb ones on the prinoiple of
type and anti -type. As we walked
through the chapel we were informed
that there would be a service at 5 o'clock
and tvhich takes plaoe every day at that
hour. It is said that Milton's noble
passage was Inspired from his attending
service ab this chapel though he studied
at a different college.
"Bub let my feet never fail
To walk the etudious cloister's pole,
And love the high embowed roof,
With runtique pillars messy proof,
And dotted windows richly dight
Casting a dim religious light.
There let the pealing orgen blow
To the full voiced choir below,
In service high and anthems clear,
As may with sweetness through mine
Dissolve me into ecstasies,
And bring all heaven before mine
As it wanted Bolus time to the hour we
betook ourselves elsewhere and on re-
turning rather late found the screen in
the centre of the chapel closed by heavy
curtains of a orimson color so olose that
the light of the candles could not be
seen. We sat in the outer part along
with some five or six persons more in
the dim twilight and listened to tbe ser-
vice, nearly all musical, as it rang
through the building, at times so loud
and over -powering that you felt a
trembling sensation and then dying
away so that it could soaroely be heard.
Newnhani College for women is a abort
distatme from King's on the other side of
the river. It is a new, garish looking
building of red Meek, more like s cotton
factory, with its windows monotonously
regular, when compared with the magni-
ficent piles in which their brothers for
generations have resided and studied.
Newnham college ia not so famous as its
prerleoessor, Girton but it has the ad-
vantage of being at least a mile nearer
the town and oontsequently more con-
venient Inc athending leatures and exam-
inations to which the etudents of both
institutions are now admitted. The
University of Osznbridge may be des-
cribed as oompeising seventeen inde-
pendent corporations—the oollegee, the
oldest Peterhouse, founded in 1257, the
youngest Downing chartered hi 1800, and.
other three inebitutions called hostels but
virtually colleges there being in attend'
anee in 3890 a little over these thousand
students. The gross inoorne of the seven-
teen is 4805,000 sterling, Trinity having
of that over 280,000, St. John 243,000 and
King's 285,000 ond the balance unequal.
by divided among the other fourteen.
Religious tests for professors and students
were abolished some time ago. The
stadenbs, of whom I saw very few it be-
ing vaoation, wear gowns and ihe ignore
morear board cap, the latter being Beet
worn in the reign of George I. taking the
place of a round, silk -lined one.
Tiros. Gemmel,
Wroxger, Aug. 1, '92.
Cala a ex Pere wee.
Firebugs are at work in Edmonton. .
Alliston had a $1,000 fire OU Saturday
Fetiches promitse it poor orop in the
Nittgara district.
Mrs. William McCormack has jest died
at Brookville, aged 94.
The attempt to sink on artesian well
OeIoraine, Mom, has failed,
A petition has been filed against the
rattan of John Bryson, el. 1, for Pontiac.
holm Williams wag thrown at tho
Regina recce last week ancl badly bruised.
The nailmakevie strike at Montreal is
ended, and the men have returned to
Breoltiug wheel aro 00.1.1Siug thouble iu
the 00318108 01 the trolley oath in Handl.
Mr. Brake has been Gloated on the elan.
acing Oommittee of the Nationalist
Petro'ea mammies prohibiting the Sal.
vation Avnly from holding meetinga on
.its streets,
Hon. MrePendergast has been bloated
it St. Boniface on the caging vote of tho
returning officer.
The body of Mita Meggie Stevens, who
woe drowned ob Wineiton on the 27141
bee been r000vorod.
Ro.00nnte in Eiekwond and Dauphin
have resulted in tho seating of the Gov -
eminent condidatee,
Already E. E. Sheppard is spoken of
0.0 the Conservative notnithe lov Mayor
of London next January.
Croesloy and Mutat axe mooted to
towing revived sovvices in Springfield
about the middle of Augast.
Sedges Tait and Rouellier have boon
gazetted to investigate the °barges
agaiust Sir Adolphe Calton,
Former Unica Cooney, of °roma°
township, has had three valuable cows
poitionect in the paetuto field. Rye °Imp
sontaining Doyle goon was foned in tho
Aoki. No oleo.
tmar.J.uoaktdmkrzk..... sauguloa
W, H. KER IR, Prop.
Huron Oouzuty,
Poem help le seethe around Dungan.
A oar load ef nuteldnery for the new
flax mill lit Hensall has arrived.
The Exeter Advocate and the Gerrie
Gazette ere holidaying this week,
T. (). Bruce, of Clinton, Inte in hie gar.
den a atolls of corn 9 ft. '2111, high.
The dates for holding the Huron Cen.
teal Fair at Clinton are Oct. Gth and 7th.
Joe, Hudson, of Ilillsgeeen, extracted
between 400 and 500 pounda of honey in
one day.
Mr. )Soyce, of Crediton, bas sold Ins
hotel property to Mr. Hill, the former
Sotheran, Fordwieb, lost a vela -
able mare, the anitnal having been struok
by lighbning.
Henry Holdfold, of Howlak, thinned
80 rows of turnip for Jas. A. Edgar In
less than four days.
The oounty rote regnired from
Clinton this yeer is $894.02, somewhat
more than last year.
Armitage & Short boxed 175 calm of
oheese in twO boom and ten minutee for
the Centralitt factory.
Clinton council has wisely decided to
take a test vote on the House of Refuge
question matt January.
judgingby the large number of baby
carriages n use at Goderith the popul-
ation is on the increase.
A by-law was passed prohibiting tbe
"running of blot/dos or other vehicles"
on the Bidwell( et Clinton.
A now street has been opened front the
oatmeal milIs to the London road, Hen -
sale The right of way was given free
The hotel building, sheds and stables
at Holmesville, owned by Arthur Knox
and occupied by Nude & 800, were des-
broyed by fire this week.
Spooled oolleotions were taken up at
both morning and evening services in the
Trivitt Memorial °Muth, Exeter, on Sun-
day in aid of the sufferers in St. John,
Alex. Johnston, of Howick, brought to
1e. Mahood, Fordwith, some monster
hen's eggs. roue of them measured Six
and Weighed an average of 4 on. eaoh,
or four to the lb.
A sad &cadent befell Mrs. Rooney, of
Millbank, who while overlooking her
baking fell on the red hot stove during a
fainting spell. She wag badly burned
about the neck and face.
The many friends of D. McNanght,
formerly of Seaforth, will be pleased to
learn that he was eleoted member for the
load legislature representing, Saskatthe.
wan district, Manitoba.
Thos, Gibson, Fordwich, happened
wibb a bad misfortune. He wee about
to unload a load of hay when by some
means he missed his footing end fell to
the barn -floor. Two ribs were broken.
eaa the regular meeting of the MolKil.
lop Insuranee Go. 117 new policies were
passed. It was decided that the next
meeting of the directors should be held
in the Grand Union Hotel, Clinton, on
Friday, Aug, 26011.
The 'Unions of Gerrie and Wroxeter
have received an invitation to play an
exhibition ganae of base ball at Galt, in
tile near future, ageing the creek Chg.
ham team, whittle is shortly to start out
on a Provincial tour.
Harry Beattie, son of jomes Beattie,
of Seoforth, who has been teaching in the
Brantford Collogiote Institute, has given
up the teaohiug profession and has enter-
ed upon a law course with J. M.
Best, Barrister, Seaforth.
Robt Norris, an employee at the Bee -
ter Times office, Was brought before the
J. P. on Wednesday of last week and
mulcted in a fine of $2,00 for aetempting
to leave his employer to attend his sis-
ter's tveciding at Hensel!, without leave
of absence.
The Exeter Milling Co.'s mill store
house and °outage were totally degree,.
ed by fire Tuesatey morning about one
o'olook. Loss about $20,000 ; insured for
aboue$15,000. The origin of the fire is
unknown. The inill was just shut down
at nine o'olock Clondey night for re.
Quite te aerious accident happened to
T. Hemphill, Wroxeter. He was load-
ing some cars at his storehouse, end find-
ing the place over•run with rats he pro-
oured a revolver to frighten them. By
some acnitient he put a bullet into his
thigh which travelled downward about a
foot. The ball was extracted.
It is reported thee notice of a writ on
the email for $2,000 hoe been served on
the Deputy Reeve of Goderich township
by an occupier of a farm on the Bayfield
concession, on noctount of a living tream
of water whith crossed the corner of
snid farm, being turned and oarried an-
other direction.
James Young, of Auburn, while work-
ing around the machinery ill his mill
was caught by a belt and whirled around
te ehaft several times before the machine
ery could be stopped. Lfe tvas very
am:thusly injured, having a bone in one
01 1110 legs fraetured, one arm broken and
hie gladder dislocated.
The preliminary examingion of the,
oriminal libel suit inetibuted by M. C.
Corrigan ageing Maclean, Itl. r.,
of the Toronto World, mine off at Gods.
Koh Tuesday before Horace Horton, J.
P., Joe, Williame, J. P,, Moyer Butler
and J, W. Williams, j. P. J. T. Garrow,
Q. C., appeaxed for the proseaution and
Nicholas Murphy, Q. C., for the defence.
There was a somes of 'managed passages
dements between tile opposing eounsei,
but the examination of W. W. Pox, the
reporter who wrote nri the objeotionable
article, was begun. Mr. Murphy waived
further examination and on the part of
defenee admitted the peblieation, J. A.
E wan, editor of the Toronto Globe, had
boon smnmoned by the proseoution to
prove publication by Me, Mitolean, in the
World newspaper, and was prepared to
tlo so but his testimonywoe not called
for ad
owing to the mission of pnbliaittion
hei Me. Machine. Tho magistrates were
unanimous in the tithiaion to commit Mr,
Maclean to gand Uhl triel at the lint
omnipotent bomb of jutisdiotion, which
tithe place in the coma Teethe, Goderiell,
on Sept. 19111. Bali Was, of thrum,
Perth County.
Sb. Mont Bend cleared 573.05 from a
gerden party,
Tile 103.11abnii II,3sor1or 10 again ver.
tead far sale.
Tho thigle mem Elmo townehip is
altogether too luxuriant,
The Blanthard Agr. Society boa a
meinbership ot 230 this year.
The Fullerton hotel will be sold by
auction on the twelfth of Angina.
Thie season more binder twine has
been sold lu St. Marys them in any pre -
vim year.
Several residents of St. Marys are ar-
ranging for on excursion to the Paoitio
°oast next tumble
A three-year-old child of R. T. Couoh,
of Mitchell, was drowned in the Thames
river on Monday evening at 5 o'clook.
Rev. W. J. McKee', of Toronto Junc-
tion, has been invited to accept the pas-
torate of the Baptist Church at Stmt.
Tbe Mornington agricultural athiety
intend moving their ball to the front of
the grounds, besides making other ex-
teneive improvements.
The Stratford lathosse olub have ar-
ranged to run an excareion to the Falls
on the 17th, the thcasion of their next
match with the Niagaras.
There is n glance yet of the projected
twine factory being built In Stratford, as
planned by the Perth PMX CO., as the
company has now obtained possession of
the mathinery in Boston which the
Yankee combine tried to prevent them
getting. The foolery may yet be erected
this fall.
One day leg week Wm. Barker, of
Fullerton, was assisting his employer to
takethe binder to the field when the
hones ran away and the binder possed
over Mr. Barker, breaking hie leg and
otherwise seviously bruising him. It is
feared that he will be oompelled to have
the leg taken off.
The next Anglican S. S. Convention
will be held in Trinity church,
The following were sleeted officers for
the ensuing year :—President, Rev. A.
Dowdney, Mitchel ,1 • Vice -President,
Mrs. Robinson, St. Marys • Registrar,
Rev, A, D. DewrIney, Mituhebl; Record-
ing Seeretary, Miss Keen, St. Marys ;
Corresponding Sem, 101155 Cheeseman,
While using the bay fork unloading
grain on Saturday afternoon, David, son
of Wm. Hodgson, lot 5, con. 12, Blom -
shard, received a heavy blow on the fore-
head from part of the thekting which gave
way. Efe was rendered unconsoloue and
remained in that condition for over a
day. The blow broke in the skull and
made an ugly gash in his forehead. The
doctor took out several pieces of bone and
put five stitches in the wound.
There still seems to be considerable
untiertainty regarding the disease which
has broken out among 0. 4. White's hogs
at the Avonbank faotory. Three govern-
ment inspectors and a host of local vets,
have investigated and declared that it is
not hog cholera. A diseased hog was
slaughtered and portions of the remains
were sent to Ottawa to be examined by
experts. The dises.se has abated in a
marked degree during the last week and
comparatively few pigs are dying now.
During the thunder storm of the night
of the 23rd ult. one end ot the house of
Geo. Gale of [fibbed was struck by light-
ning and oompletely demcdished. All
the windows in the house were broken by
the shook, and every member of the
household for a time were stunned and
prostrated. 17hen Mr. Gale recover-
ed conscioneness he was lying ou the
door and thinks he had been knooked out
of bed by the. shook. It is strange there
was no fatality or damage by fire os a
result of the stroke.
A milieu is in oustody at Great Sten -
more, Englinici, on the (Marge of mur-
dering her 10 months -old daughter by
foroing a cork down the child's theme
W. H. Ruby, of the firm of Ruby &
Efilkev, general merchants, who have
been in business at Port Engin for 37
years, was drowned there Monday night.
Not having returned home by midnighb
O party started out, and his body wall
fonnd about five a. m, washed up on the
shore to the west side of the breakwater.
It is supposed he went to the breoltwster
and tripped on the atones in the gib
work and fell into the water. Mr. Ruby
was born in 1830, and came to Port El-
gin from Waterloo oounty 37 years ago.
For yams he had been prominent in
educational affairs, and was a prominent
John Lucas, te negro who is exhibiting
with 13urke's ohms as a, forme king of
the Cannibal Istemds, ran amuok in New
Bratistvielt, Monday during the . throne
parade. During the parade down ()berth
sbreet is is alleged that thine of the boys
threw apples at the ettanibal. This so
enraged the negro that he sprong from
the °thous van on whioh he wite riding
and charged upon the boys. He °aught
John Hithey, and true to his natare, he
bit a piece out of the boys arm. Be
then grasped Jatnea Johnston, another
boy, owl bit him in the nook. The third
and last vietim he bit in the image The
affair created great excitement. Looms
was arrested and committed to jail charg.
ed with mayhem. Mokey, the boywho
was drat bitten, is quite badly injured.
His arm has swollen to twice its natural
size, and blood polsoehig is feared.
BEN. 10. P.m. preaches in the Metho-
dist church next Sunday.
Tut exthesion train to Goderith on
Friday leasee Braseels ab 8t10 a. m,
Fares 80 and 40 cede.
S. Dews and wife, of London,and Mrs.
David Armstrong of Buffalo, are vlsitiog
relittives in Brusselt. kir. Deewe'e health
has not been good of late and he hopes
to eeoruit here.
A anemias matoh for a silver Mittel,
cooler and a silver salb dish and spoon
WRS held on Wednesday thenitig. D. C.
Boss won lat place. S. T, Baso, Dr, Mo.
Naughton and J. Irwin tied foe %xi
plane, Me, lege winning in a them bird
tag th beak the tie,