HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1892-8-5, Page 8FLIES 7irg! How to get rid of the flies ono way iS t� DSO TANGLEFOOT. This is generally known as sticky fly paper, and does its work well. If you prefer them we Ave also Fly Poison Fells or Ply Paper which gives good .satisfaction. Have you ever used I n sect Powder? Many prefer it to anything else for removing this disturber of tbe peace, viz.: Flies. We will be pleased to supply you. G. A. DEADMA.N, Druggist, Bookseller, Leo. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. SOUTHERN EXTENSION W. 0. de 11. Trains leave Brussele Station, North and Beetle, as follows: GOINC4 scoa.n. Gorse Nom is. ....... 7:10 a.111. I Mixed 0;40 a.m. Express 11:0913.311, Mail 0:13 ?Lase 8:00 pan. Express 0:30 p.m. Vo retu5 affeM5. — - A chiel's amang ye takinnotes, An faith he'll prent it. Analisr. BRUssnLS races on Friday 2002 inst. BRUSSELS bicyclists should form a olnb. Scactoe Board meeting this (Friday) ,evening. Ithsw, schools open a week frotu next :Monday. e0 114111)5 are now on the pay roll of Brussels; Flax mill. GEORGE Tn011803 is the possessor ef tile Oliver Wilkes foal. A NUMBER of Brussehtes will go to Sea. forth on Friday to atteud the Bioyele Tournament. A COmmumoAriON relating to the Crook's Aet and ite observence io Brussels is crowded out this week. D. STEWART and Teo. Shaw attended a .district meeting of tbe Sons of Scotland in Wingham on Wednesday. A. BAwTINBEIMER was awarded the con. . tract ot doing the necessary repsles ab the Pablio school by the Trustee Beard. ANOTHER loteresting letter from Thos. Gibson, M. le. P. Wroxeter, was re- ceived too late for this issue. It will ap- pear next week. 11. SnARLEM, of Wingbam, purohased •,1100 worth of butter from our rnerohants lase week. He paid 13e outs per pound. It was shipped eastward. Ir ia said that Thos. leneehtei rode from. Seaforth to Brussels, (16 miles) the other day, on bis bicycle in the fast time of 61 minutes. That's good going. J. D. RONALD disposed of One of his velebrated steam Fire Engines, hose carts mice hose to the corporation of Ileepeler last week. The public) test given was highly enisianory to tbe people. ASK yelIC neighbors if they use Dodds Ilidney P1513 ? They strengthen the nerves, tone the system, and the most stubborn eases of kidney disease yield to their influence. They are espeoially appreciated by the old. Ask your neigh - bora about them. Ar the monthly shoot of the Gun Club Tor the O'Leary silver oup, whioh took .place last Friday evening, at the Driving Park, Jas. Irsvin end Dr. MaNaughton tied. They shot again on Monday when ehe former became possessor of the trophy for the next month by one bird. Tem Acton Free Press has the hind. neSS to Say :—TTLE Bunsen Po n hes .celebrated Its twentieth birthday. It , ta live local journal, finds all the interes• ting news, presents them in attraothee form and gives its readers double thetr ° money's worth every year. Tan POST is ig olean in tone and typography and a credit alike to friend Kerr and the town of 140 which he is the honored Reeve. Jte Oxen upon e. time three men went fish00 - ling. The tout .oreek lay about three e° mfies west of the town. On Striving nese 80 the scams of operation the piscatorial koights separated so as to better engage o the finny tribe. One of the sportsne- gleotect to take the latitude and longitude ) and imagined he was steering due west re° with the sun in his baok in the afternoon. P° He got a few bites, however, but. they were from neoequitoes. Itemenee.—Lasb lilonday foreuoon Fcott, familiarly known cm e Scotty," and Miss Jen, daughter of George Dickson, of Molfillop township, were united ie marriage. The ceremony Was zerfornted at Victoria Cottage, Brussels, by Rev. R. Paul, Mr. and Mrs, South took the noon train for Drayton Where Mr. Scott is employed in building the 'new Methodiet 051031053,eucces5 and happinette attend them along the journey of life, Concemr.--A. large and appreciative audience assembled In the Brussele Town Hall on Friday evening of lost week to • enjoy the program arecunged by Prof. Bth ooof Wingham. The vocal S010011311$partook largely 01 1118 810115511 charaoter, Alisa Strong, oe ft. Forest, singing "The land ce the teal," eCaller Herrin" end eLowee Sorrow." Prof. Scott gam the "13oatswain's Story," The village Blacksmith" and "The Tar's) Farewell," and along with Min Stre Is, the duets, :sere Banks and Brees," :Inn tingtowor" and "The Crookit I: ...vbee." Both vocalists weee etrangere Brunch) but they acquitted themselves in an excellent manner, One of the mese enjoyable -features of the evening was the part taken by Miss Ages) Knox, elocutionist, In her four seleotions she eaptivated the AtUdience and Wail rapturously encored, "McGlaehtell'e Courtship," provoked Mars of laughter. Mies Knox will al- ways be 378500100 at Brassie. Prof, Booth closervee thanks for preseeting this 31131510101 and literary erne to the people of this town and ibis to be hoped Ile evill derive reverene enough out of it to Weise hire to foster efs again, Haltom) Caereerrox, Geotge Irwin, Dun. can Stewert 811)1 1)010. Nutt, pupils of Brustels Public Retool, successfully pass- ud Cue Lutraoca examilitti ANNVAL nountion to Cockle:toll on Fri- ths), of next week, leth inst., return faro 800841(8 for adult» and 40 eents for thin. ren, Train leaves Bruseels at 8:30 a. in, Tire regular mutrterly meeting will be held in the Methodist elatroh, Brussels, next Sabbath morning. Fellowehip meeting at 9:30 o'clook. The pastor will 133100.051.Duncan 111c5fmrAn received a cheque for 315.00 Sus week, sick benefits, from the Royal Tempters of Temperance. Tide organintion very prompt in its settlements. CUT, 101411117 and Lieut. Keeler Were 8131040137here on Satdey and Sunday and took part in the Army serving.), Lieut. Keeler 15 15111t5 a, 1331151010.11, 131(3.710(5 both 310111401and banjo. LAsT w,ek Stewart Bros., of Grey tossiship, were delivering 001120 cattle to W. jewitt, buyer, One of the animals got over heated and made things lively for 0, 5,1030 well its 1111147 actions. It lay down 1111.1 35310 Unable 10 get and wall removed to a pasture tisld 1341311 after a few days had elapeed it wae taken home. LAME SlinnIENT.—Imati Monday eight cars of live stook were shipped from Brussels to the Eastern markets. Mes sre. Scott se Jones hall 4 oars of cattle, Messrs. Clegg se Dtunes 3 sews and Messrs. Beevtinheimer &Heffernan 1 ear of hogs. 11 18 stated by patties who are supposed to know that about $8,000 sees paid out by 030 buyers on Monday. Ouly a portion of the cattle were weigh. ed as a good share was purchased by the head. Here is a liet of those weighed :— Colin McArthur, 0(50313110,35 hoed, 47,460 ponnds McDonald, Morris, 23 head, 80,1180 pounds ; E, Olen, Morris, 14 head, 11e820 (40114108; Arch. Hislop, Grey, 8 head, 9,770 pounds. This section is taking first rank for stook raising. I. 0. 0, F.—The following officers were elected for the current term in con - notion with Court Maitland, Brussels, Independent Order of Foresters, No. 609 :— Malcolm Black, 0. le. E. W. lefelsom, V. C. 11. 8. Wilton, P. C. R. John Currie, 7. B. R. G. \lucent, S. B. A. L. Stewart, J. W. A. McDougall, S. W. Charles Remit, Chaplain. Jai:mph Ballantyne, Treasurer. .A. Cousley, Financial Secretary. R. W. Ross, Recording Secretary. W. Graham, Physician. J. T. Pepper, 0. D. II. C. R., is the re- preseutative to the Iligh Court 3711 1011 meets at Barrie next week. TEE SALT AMC/ATM:I WI133.—In the case of the Oanadian Salt Aesooiation vs. the People's A.ssociation, of 3311100310155,the former heve got final judgment, by consent, in their favor. The partioulers briefly are that the managers of the People's Salt Aesoeiation, who are mem. bers of the Cauadlan Salt Association, wished to withdraw before the expiration of the Woe they had agreed upon. The Canedian Salt Association, on the ground that they were not a emblem within the meaning of the Act, applied for an in- junction to 31505,1-4010 them from withdraw- ing. The wetter mime Up at Osgoode Hall last week, Mr. Garrow appearing for the plaintiffs, and the People's Salt As- sociation withdrew their defence entire- ly. Tun LAW Os EMMA'S: AginALS.—The laws of Ontario provide that a person taking up any astray stook shall give notice) of allots taking up by publishing a notice three 118308 10 a weekly newspaper, if one is published within the section where the astray WWI taken up, and if the property is not °ailed for within three weeks after the first insertion of the notice the finder shall go to the justice of the peace and take oath to the finding and advertising. If the property is not claimed within one year and should nob exceed 650 in value it tben belongs to the party taking the Seam up. If over 350 it shall be advertised by the justice and sold, and the exceed of all expeeses shall be paid over to the county treasurer. Any person taking up any estray 8110 ueglecting to cause the same to be adver- tised and appraised shall be liable to a fine of 320. The estrayal applies to any other personal property which may be Sound in like Innen. DIM—The spirit of Eva Bemtinheim. took its flight on Thursday morning this week. Ber death was not tine*. 3ted as she has been in a sinking eon.. tion for some time. Consumption, re. lting from on attack of la grippe in 411)9.137 1890, was the cause of her de- an. For the past six weeks she had en confined to her bed. 33139. was the coed daughter of A.. 13awtinheimer, of -easels, and was born in the County of xford. She was a thorough going riatian young woman, a willing work- in the 11(508108 vineyard and always dy to add her testitnouy bo the saving wer of the religion she enjoyed For a number of years she taught a class 111 the Methodist Sebbeth school with groat neeptence, reluctantly reaigning her position owing to her failiug health. During her illness else cheered many a person who called to see her by her 513101)9 (5131133 in the wisdom of God and the nearness of the Seviour to lies There was no struggle at the /oat but quieely and pettoefully she passed tile bourne from wheime eo traveller eeterne. Her age was 24 years, 2 months and 16 days. The funeral will loess her father's reeidenee, Elizabeth street, on Saturday at 8;30 o'clock foe 13ruseels cemetery. The sorrowing relatives are deeply sympathised with, Why do we mourn departing friends, Or shake at death's alarma ? 'Tie 111 1110 voice that Josue Gentle, To call them to Ms arms. Avon, 8UNsT110Ell.--The heated term is here end people oeght not to neon themselves needlessly to danger from sunstroke or heat prostration, two very different conditions of 1110 eystent. In heat exhamition, which ie eausecl by physioist exertion and exposure to a high teinnetatlne, the sueface of the body le cool, the pulse Weak and mind, and the teinpornisee below norm!. In Knell castle pending the arrival of it physician, stimulants should ba given freely, and the hot half: be steed. In sunstruke, which is brought about by dime expos, ure to the power of the QM, there is a pain in the bead, a faeling of bailee t, great heat of the skin, at full mid rapid pale% and 0, very hieh tempetetere. The patient thouId be taken to a plexus where shade and eir sot be obtained, dripped to the waist end laid he a reeutn• bent posttio». Cold watee (lee water) THE BRUSSELS POST Would be poured Upon the heed, chest and writhe until oonattionenese return», Dos ehould be applied to the head and the body rubeed with it, 005, 11 tee aktn be cold no lac, should he applied. When predicable the pabiene shoeld be put In a bath tub et 70 degrees to retinae the temperature. As preeet111013, looseellt. tine and light clothing should be 370211, tee cold drinks and alcohol beverages thould 130 13.7011150, sleeping Nome should be well ventilated, and food should be sparingly eatem. Avoid worry and lose 0(5 (4341)130314 aud above all keep cool. People We Know. -- Mrs. James 015101 13 visiting at routo, ?MSS Tulin° Sample is visiting Wingham. Mtn Violet Clue, of Soafot'th 10 vi ing Mrs. P. Scott. Jno. Downing was io 00de31011 10 few clays this week, Miss Kate Sellars, of Walton, 119.5 5, visiting at A. Hunter's. F. S. Scott WaS on the siolclist week with the mnmps, Miss Jennie Gibson, of Clinteu, is vi itig Miss Kate Cormaelr. Rev, 111tHarrison, fo Melbourne, in town on Wednesday. Chas. Partite and sister, of Delew are visitingethe Rogers'. Mrs. Thos. Ille,yoreft is EtWay 01 holiday visit to Woodstook. Mrs, R. N. Barrett and Vera are vi Mg at Dundee and Hamilton. Mee. 33131055 and thildren, of lIamilt are visiting at A.. Mulholland's, Miss Mabel Hayoroft was visiting Geo. Fulton's, Harriston, last week. W. heolierricher, of Ridgetown, visiting relatives in Brussels this we Mrs. Johnston and thildren, of Buff: are visiting at Robb. Armstrong's. M Johnston is his daughter. Walter Bergen, photographer, taken a situation at Sarnia and went the border town this week. D. McKenzie, wife and Russell we visiting relatives and friends at Dt gaunon, Kineardiue and Ripley. Mrs. Robt. Blank, of Wroxeter, w visiting her mother last week. 11 Black was in town also on Frichty. Will. Shand, of Toronto, a son of J Shand's, a former well known resident this town, is holidaying in Brussels. KIK. R. G. Wilma and Frank to Miss Elsie Palette are visiting rehttiv and friends at Woodstook and Tavistoo leIrs. Duncan Meatillan fell the oth day and severely injured her spine. is to be hoped no permanent will result. AI. G. Schneider and wife, of Duran Mich., are making a visit in Breese They were both residents of this plaoe years ago.n, R. S. Peltoof the Atwood Bee, a Joseph Ward, of the same burg, were town Ian Friday Inning to hear 5411 Knox recite. S. Leppard, wife and son, of Toront are making a holiday visit at Walt Jackson's. Miss Elsie Jaolcsen cam home with them. Mr. Black and bride, of Melbourn spent a, portion of their honeymoon i Brussels. Mrs. Black is a nein of elr Thos. Kelly's and a sister of Miss Edit Eastmemee We are pleased to notice that E. W Bruce, of Toronto, has been appointe Mathematical master in the Oollegiat Institute, Harbord street, at a goo eatery. The above young gentleman is son of A. Brace's, Brussels, and deserve great creeit for his energy. We wis him oontinued prosperity. W. Nightingale has gone on a prospect ts m ing trip to Winnipeg. He sails fre Owen Sound by the local steamer of tit C. P. 11. among the 30,000 islands o the Georgian Bay, north of the grea Manitouliu Island, 000811011119 abouttw days in a delightful voyage to Sault 81 Marie. then changes to the large 0 P. 11. steamer and proceeds across th I Brother to the sea" to Fort Willia and thence via rail to Winnipeg. Jame Calder, Grey, has also gone to Balder Man., via the laBEst ke. Both were hete by 0, T. Pepper, 0.13. It Agent. To. at sib. 1113 elm Ss le 810,s551- 073115 1 • Business Locals, Even day is Baby Day at Perry's. name grouts a specialty at Perry's Flogenaits and elikeelo panels at Perry's Fon the best eabinet photos go to Perry's. H, J. Senoxa finishes all his work by the new process. Tnexas and valises, good assortment, very 0118813 131 111. Dennis.' Go to Strongee and have you photos finished in the latest styles. TEE remainder of my baby carriages at coat. I. 0. Richards, H. J. &nose (photographer) puts an °etre, finish on all his photos. ALL photos printed on the new per- manent nista paper at Perry's. TRUNKS and valises very °heap. A good stook always 011 hand. L C. Rielaarris Jun aerived a fine range of Baby ova, leaps which will be sold ab reasonable rates. H. Donnie, Couroneenrea brick bonus for sale or to rent in Brussels. Apply to Fergueon dr Halliday, merchants. RIPE 3301110005 ate DOW offered fot sale by Thos. Kelly, pardoner, Brussels. They are beauties, Order early. li/ons you a Sot Of on extra value Melds silver single harness, at fifteen dollars 9 I. 0. Rithards. THE annual exeureion to Grimsby Park and Niagara Palls will be on Sat- urday, 30g11e1 13111, The fwe is the lowest, (32.00) the them the longest) mad (110 5131055311083 the best ever offered. See bills and ask G. T. 11, agents. Weise -Dream AND Datetaxre—George Dirt hes all the necessary mathinevy for digging end (Jahn smile 9.31101 15 prepar- ed to attend to all work entrusted to him in a way that will inallto satisfaetion, Well), donned out and put in proper share. Terme reasonable. Residence:: adeOnd door north of the bridge, west aide of Turnborry st,, Bruseale. 81.5,5 The edithe of the Luoltnow Sentinel le vaunting this week by taking a hoii. The Strathroy Knitting leastory ana, 11141119.11 Catliolie thumb were destroyed by fire on Tuesday night, LOSS 3120,- 000. Menet eteployees were injured, In Auetralie thereat° eaterpillare from eix inthee to a loot long and when a :young lady lin one 0(5 1110401 drop on her bath hair the aye something in a sewn). octave voice with a oalliope attathment meg mite it, • 2T,IND,41eD i34XJ OF (1e1X.ID„1, 777l,W,.0.,=====TE HEAD OFFICE, - TORONTO. ASSETS, • (Seven Miltion DoBare) CAPITAL (A.utherized) • 37,000,000 32,000,000 0f,lC('O 111 erfi principal paint in (Thla 9nelit 1', (11(11111141, 1.011115 S111101 P../19/(10(1. reaVeYS.RkiT NMI:WM A General Banking Beelines Transacted, Farmers' Notes Discoun ed. Drafts healed and Colleotione nunte on all points, SAMOS BANK DEPARTMENT. Interest allowed on deposits of e1.00 and upwards from date of clepoeit to date of withdrawal mid compounded half yearly. SPECIAL ATrENTION OIVEN TO THE COLLIWTION FAurn1115' SALE Nunes Every faoility afforded Customers living at a distanee. G. I'. SOUOLPIELD, MAN.konn. 41.4.1440=OGISMIGV(.1=TA, . 7,,E1.92110.1.1.1.nol.rrna. GILLIES SMITE, 13AINTICESS, F3 EI T.T88:01-JE3, Transact a General Banking Business. Drafts Bought and Sold on all points in Canada, United States and Great Britain. FA RAM RS' NOTES DISCOHNTED. SALE NOTES AND MORTGAGES A SPECIALTY, eartwas' Rama' 0.47Paffvfmerr. Interest Allowed on One Dollar tend 'Upwards at Current Rates. Interest Com. pounded Twice a Year, 13e131155 Added to the Principal 0.5, 1(10 end Of the Montle of October and April. SpeCial Arrangemente made for Time Deposita we caret lc write Insp:<AT:.,184,,ri,:,,r71:4Companies, or In lizi1.xr,ii,,,s,,,,;:b:2. AGRI= E011 CANADA AND UNITED SKATES THE CANADIAN BANE OP C011111111011. Iyi..lrJIC121=GILISSMIIIMSFIONVfl'XCNIEVIZINIIVSt Huron County. Gerrie Weft° is holidaying this week. Willie Bradnoch, con. 6, Howlek, fell off a fence and broke his arm. Sas. Ireland, of Wroxeter, is having new boiler and engine put in his oat- meal mill. Mr. Dulmage, of Lakelet, has gone to Manitoulin Island to spend the hot days on the lake. Jno. Hamilton, U. Sandereon and Alex. Gibson, of Wroxeter, have totems. ed from England. St. Themes Journal ,7ays :—.The man who fools with M. C. Cameron forgets tbat buzz -saws are dangerous The new briok sehool house in section No. 18 is nearing completion. Mr. Dioks, of Fordwich, is the contractor. A. Allamgardener,Presented the Exeter Advoeate with a tomato that measured 16 inehes in circumference and weighed one pound and a half. A. B. Morrow, 33.33., olassioal master of the Clinton Collegiate Destitute, has been appointed to a similar position in Winnipeg Collegiate at a salary of 51,200. Wm. Stinson, Gerrie, returned from England on Tuesday of Ian week. lie says the trip was very cold and large foe. burgs were often seen on the homeward voyage.omp Olathes bave been made by several parties who have bad ea:lesion to visit the banks of the river Aux Seeable, west of Exeter, Snit frogs have been caught in large numbers of late and the refuse part thrown in a heap upon the ground. They say the stench arising therefrom is beyond endurance. Alex. Bossenberry, of Zurich, who was arrested some time ago for living in adultery with Mrs, Clara Wilson, of the same place, was taken before Judge Vance in the Circuit Ocent at Port Huron where he pleaded guilty to the charge and was sentenced to two years at hard labor in the State Prison at Jackson. When sentence was pronounced be wept like a child A. citizen of Lackner/ informed the Sentinel thee he intended pounding every cow he found running at large in the vil. lage after 7 oi 'cloole n the evening. He says that his garden was destroyed by these animals and he intends in future that those parties who are eponging pasturage from the corporation and their ueighbors will have an opportunity of paying for it. =01R,S2. Mcleitevre.—In Grey, on July the 8th, the wife of Mr. Wm. McKelvey, of a 5011. CuTT.—In Grey, on July 24113, the wife of Mr, Sames Outt, of a daughter. ser...a.mmeamen, Scoee—Densou.--,On August let, at Viotoria Cottage, Brussels, by Rev. R. Paul, Mr. William Scott, of Brue. sets, to Min Jane Dickson, of Mc- Killop. anIZ1e1X). Delve/transmute—In Brussels, on Angus the 41h, Eva, snood thetighter of A. Bawtinheimer, aged 24 yens, 2 months and 16 days. 2elme307'3710=10..s a‘c..A...pc=mprsei. Fall Wheat *** 871 077013 Spring Wheat 2177 028° 13i4atele y Oats08 5301(013, 10138 and 110118.„ .. 12 18 leggs per dozen 8e. 00 Flom) per barrel 4 50 3 00 6 00 6 00 if' oat ya 1 vo eo 80 00 rto e n Bides per lb 3 00 San per bbl., rebell1 00 05 Sheep skins, each.. ... , 60 1 00 Lamb thine each," (35 00 Apples per barrel 1 00 1 25 Woel 17 10 _ THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. QT BAYED F11,011 THE 2HEM- 1.13 xt,us of the undersigned, lob 12, con, 8, Grey, on or 0)0111 Juno 11111, 9.31,115 and tw Jambe. The 037/101' Will b13a011f1,lly VCOON 1131Y 51130)3081 (513 Unit Will load to their is. °every, 4.1 M, MULLIN, D.EOPERTY FOR SALE.—TIiE .L u aereign ad oilers her propeetsele nthee north or Amnia, ter Bele on liberal terms, There is one core Of land epee which there are two 11011585, stable 9.00 0.383010 orchard. The oleos ie conveniently looted ou the gravel road. Woe Nether particulure an to price, torMS, dzo,, meet to eftlea, .1NO. 91370M3113., PrInceSS St., Brea Sela DRIVATE FUNDS TO LOAN ..JL on farm security. Particulars may be obtained by applying 81 30040 POST P ubll sh • Lig Douse, Bronchi. f20 REWARD.— STRA.YED Or Stolen from 5115 51315511005 of the undersigned, Lot 27, 0 on. 14, Grey, on July 8111, 0 head of 2 year ota cattle (S steers mud 1 heifer). Four et them are spotted red and 3711110 13011 the 0511531 0y5 red. A reward of 532037111 be paid for their ree0vory. LOEB 82E1oA104 N Aionorieff P. 0. Salesmen Wanted. We require immediately, good energetic in on to sell our well known and Reliable Narsery Stook, grown at Maple Grove Nur- series, Waterloo, 114.7, We bave 0.370150-55713)01 Canadian repute - tion seeond to 110 011101' Man 01100359 00 years, and thousands of testimonials from well pletteed patrons, 115 31)100! of the genuineness of our stook now in bearing. Hardy Iron- clad Varieties for northern localities, nigh-. est Comm linden paid or Salary 11 13311151318:1. put& Pros. We guarantee our stock. For terms apply at 01305 10 J. W. MAORAY. General Manager, 3.3m St, Thomas, Ont, REAL ESTATE, 1TIARMS FOR SALE.—THE UN: tf'rer rE'hr""1"1god 7V°awnn"lifiorea oeIeei,esytrm.of lIorria and Grey. rg.S3011,Brulscff. 87•81. CIHOTOE FARM FOR SALE.- 1.--) Being South half Lot 27, con. IL Almri a 100 acres, nearly all eleared. Good buildings, ilne young bearing orobard, 'immediate pos. session. Easy Tonds. Apply to W. . SIN CLAIR, bf- Solicitor, ,Vo.,11russels. VARM FOR SALE OR TO TO:atm.—The subscriber offers his 302 acre fartu, south halt lot 15, eon, 4, AI orris, for sale. About 00 acres awed and 00,3.03188 of the balance good bush. It would matte a splendid stock farm as there le abundance of water, Frame house 5140,11 b other necessary buildings. If not sold it will be offered to rout. For pontioulara ap- ply to 2-tf ADAM SCOTT, Proprietor. 2011 ACRE FARM FOR SALE. Vio 000 acre farm, being lots D. and 12, con. 10, Grey, is offered for sale 100 acres 0310 010131511 and 1115 11131101109 well tim- bered, Buildings first-class. Orchard , well, 115. School Reuse NvIthiu 40 rods. Poeses- sion given 0.1 0000 if desired. Vol fuither particulars all te price, 181018, 115, aprly to MRS. 1VALRE00, 8-11 Roseville 01.11. or NELSON BRICKER, 030 110101. Ji'3333111F033SALE.—TflJ1 UN - 10,11113011.7131U offers for sale tho north oast quarto o of lot 28, coneeeeion 6, Morris, (Jaunty of FIt131011,310111at1105550 acme. The laud is of first quality 111010 13 high 8131110 00 oultiyation, well fenmid and 45 acres cleared. New from o house, 8 rooms, milk house with oonerete walls, 8 wells, good barns and shod, orchard , eto, Eight acres of fen wheat. %%le desirable property adjoins th e corporation of Bruesola, able tram will be given . Title perfe at, JAMES 6110/E7E, Owner, 86- Sea -forth 01.0. QPLENDID FARM FOR SALE. LJ Tomo lots 11 and 12, 0021,18, Town/Alio of Grey. County of 13nn, rooontaining 200 mores, the pr op erty of the late John It °bort- eon. 150 acres oleared and free from ob structions, 15 mires bush, mixed timbal, halation partly cleared. 8011 ulay loato, mostly rollio g. nomad with straight rail footles and watered by two wells and 13 spring privilege. Commodious dwelling house, with large noothilunl attached and an excellent collar under house, Two large barns, etone Stabling mid other natbeim. legs. Two good bearipg 100131131110, orna- mental trees and small' fruits. .13 miles from Brussels, a lively town on the G. T. E., convenient to school, °bombes ano post Tide property lies well, 15 a 11Vst. eiase grain and stock farm mid should be >eon by intending purchasers as it is oOr cal at 0 bargain. POk fur lelor particulate apply to MRS, JNO, ROBERTSON, or DANIEL nosierosos, 014 the promises, or by letter to Cronin:eel{ P, 0, 38•4 Voters' List, 1892 IVIUNWIPALITY OP THE TOWNSHIP OP 131001118, COMM or 1.11.11303. Notice isbareby given that 1 have trans- mitted or delivered to the poreens Mention- ed in motions 55 and 0 of tue Ontario Voters' List Am, 1800, the oopies 3181301red by said sentient to bo transmitted or delivered of the lid, made pertinent to Said Aut, et 'all persons appearing by the lest revised As m5m0101011 of the said Municipality 10 1,0 entitled to vote in the said. Munioipality at Elections for Membere of the Legislative Assembly and at Munleipal 3illeutions ; and that 001111;st wns dot posted up at my ofgoo Myth on the end clay of August, 180e, and see remains them In Mendelian, ' Modem am celled rum to examine the said list midi f an maniere; or rt00(181 Minn aro Mend t orein, to take immediate prommtlinge to have tho said MOM 000000 - sol a0e011111051 tO WM. CLARK, Clerk 05 0101.518 Vsvp. Dated at lityth,eud del .01 Anee'02. AUG. 5, 1892 wargaz="mra Al 51 Z1.41 F PURE 25 Ch. Per Pound —AT-- Pepper's Drug Store, BRUSSELS. LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. L. TAYLOR, BARRISTER, J. le • Solicitor 1010 Clonveya»cor. Collec- tions made, ofnee—Vaustone's Block, 13rue. scds. 21-11M NAT M. SINOLA.IR, v • Ballot tor, COnvey sneer, Note:17Feb. So, &a, Olgee—Grahalli 0 Illoolc,1 north of Poppees Drug Store, Private rands to Loam D1OKEION & HAYS, (Late with Gamow dt PratultOo(, Godo. rich ,) Barra Mrs, Solieitors, Oonvoyaneere, &o. Ofticee—brussels and Soaforth, Brea - sole 01110e—Up-sta1rs over Bank. Money to Loan, 10. 5.114337. W. E. MONSON AUCTIONEERS, RA.Y MANN, • Anotioneer, is always ready to at. alas of farms, fame etook, &a. Terme cheerfully given. Critubrook 3.0. Soles may be arranged at Tun Pews Publishing ICOU5e, B4155E09. /Z_EORGE KIRKBY, kA Licensed Auctioneer. Sales aoncluot ed on reasonable terms. Farms and farm stook a speeialty. Or dere all ail TITS POST publishing 18o185e,13310eee1e or sent to Walton 0„ receive prompt a:ttention, ITAVING TAKEN OUT LI0EN- A..1. en as an Auctioneer, 11 am prepared 11,conduct eales of farm stook at reasonable prices, 'Knowing the standing of nearly ovary person 111101 in a v0510100 to soli to good marks and got good security when sold on credit. Satisfuntion guaranteed. Giva niel a call. 32- 11 8.50033. BUSINESS CARDS. " VvT H. MoORACKEN, • Isomer of Marriage Licenses. OMee at his Grocery, Vuraborry street, Brussels, N. BARRETT, 1.4.,• Tonsorial Artist Shop—Next door south of A. M. McKay kte Co's hardware atom. Ladies'aud chi/drone hair milting a specialty MoNAIR, • femur of Marriage Lieenees, by aupoiukuent of Lieut, -Governor, Commis- sioner, rho., Q.13. Conveyancer and Agent Fire I1113111141150 00. 0111oe 01 the Oranbrook Post Office. -- ROBERT CUNNINGHAM INSURANCE, FIRE AND MARINE. GUELPH. A LEX. HUNTER, .13._ Clerk of tba Felixth I) Widen Court Co, Elnron, Conveyanoor, Notary Publio Land, Loan end Ineurance Agent. Funds invested mad to loan. Oollootione made. °Mee 111 Graham's Sleek, Brussels. (IIL PAINTING, ) Miss Merles, of Wingbam, is prepared to give instruction in oil painting. %arms may be ascertained at 0t1es/1011)e Dose' store whero samples of work may be seem Mies Mario would also talco a IOW Mere pupils in music. 73 A. HAWKINS, • Organist In St, John's Church, Brus- sels, and pupil, in the Art of Teaching, 031 .0. W. Th ever, blue. lloo„ New York, will give lessons to pupils either at Thos. Sanely's, corner of Queen alma Princees 'Sts., or if pre- ferred, at. their own homes. Terms moder- ate. 40- • MEDICAL CARDS. M. P. CALE, M.D., O. M., Member of the College of Physiolan, and Sueonii of Ontario by examination. 0111ce scud Residence — Alain street East, Ilthel,Ontario, T MoNAUGIITON, M. D. e./ • G. M., L. R. 0.P., Edinburgh, M. O. P S. Ont. Residence and °Moe in Wilson' 13100 1-, earner of mai and Turnberry Ste.' VETERINARY. T D. WARWICK, CPo Honor graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College, is prepared to treat all diseases of domesticated animals in a com- petent manner, Partioular attention paid to Veterinary dentietry, Oalls promptly at- tended to, °Mee and Inilnuary—Two doors north of bridge Turiiberry et., Brussels, DENTAL. . 13 XI T 15144 M. CAVANAGH, L, D. Se D. D. S., Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Ontario, and of %'oronto 000. varsity, OPPIOIL —Over Pepper's Drug Store, Brussels, QT0011 FOR DAIRY. - 1...3 For the aonveniaueo ot those living at or near Blyth have mule arrangenionte with Laidlaw, et North Dalt Lot 7, Oen .9, Morris, bo keep for seeviee during the summer neetell ono of sty jersey Bulls. TtohNox:ther will remain at Brussels as here - G. A, DEADMAN, Drliggiet, TlVIPROVED LA,RGE WHITE YORK- SHIRE BOAR, The lindersigned Will keep for serviee tibia 310110111 000.000 tbe LeproVed large white Yorkshire pig niteady" on lot 20, eon, 0, Morris, (0 311)1511 a, limited ninither of smite 111111 be taken, Tovms 81.00 10 be paid at time of service, with the privilege of Mingl- ing if necsiesary, Pedigree 11 my be soon 0»- 011 L0111114;1, N.101101.„ 151f Proprieter. To Ditch Contractors. Traumas 3110(1,0 roodyed 113 the Mania. p 51 00e0011 of the Wownship of G roy up to Monday, the lot 11317 0! August, 1802, the 13011011005(03) of draine under the Municipal Drainage Act. Plans and Fineehleationn oat bososo ab tlio' lstlece, any tine° after the 8111 day 05 3005', Tim loweee or any tender nob nemstmelly acoopted, WILLIAM MILNE Heave 0201 '311thol k