HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1892-8-5, Page 5110 AUrr. 5, 1892 vas i3Iu opt*xt I ct, At the recent Eobramoo Examination the following Bluovale pupils petted :-- Flora Nixon and Wm, Bailey. 131nevale will be largely represented et the extrusion to Godorieh next Irriday. Train leaven here at 8:48 it, in. The fares are 76e. for adults and 400, for ()Wittman. net nLi." n Honfrynitee will have an opportunity do holiday trip to Goderioh on the Sunday school excursion next Friday, the 12th. Train leaves here at 8 o'uloolt. A ticket only wets 00 cents for an adult and 46o. for ollilclrsn. A steamboat, row and sail boats, braes Band, the. are the attraol ions in addition to the natural beauties of Goleeioh and surroundings. .A i;wooel. Atwood Fair on Sept. 29th. Our new Dr. has gob nicely settled. Public schools reopen on the 15th Inst, Flax pulling gives employment to a large number in this looality. R. S. Pelton and J. Ward drove to Brussels last Friday to bear Miss Agnee Knox recite,. The English ohurola received 980.00 from the Perth Mubnal for the damage done the building by a flash of lightning. Rev. W. H. Harvey, B. A., of Hespeler, was presented with a very due minister's bible by the Young People's Society of Guelph. l3eigrave. John Soandrebt is having his house neatly painted. Mrs. M. Clark, of Chicago, is visiting friends in this vicinity. J. Anderson, of Philadelphia, is visit. ing under the parental roof, Miss Bellows, of Goderioh, is the guest of the Misses Holliday this week. Sunday school excursion, per special train, to Goderioh, on Friday of next week. Train leaves Belgrave at 9:16 o'- clock, Return fare is G0 Dents for grown folks and 80 cents for youngsters. A big crowd went frotn here last year and the pleasant experiment will likely be repented on Friday. Crast><brook. Most of the boys are away those days with the flax pulling gang. Mr. L'shoo, a native of Persia, and student at Knox College,Toronto, preach- ed in Knox church last Sunday evening to a large congregation. Sunday school excursion to Goderioh on Friday of next week. Train leaves I3ruesele at 8:80 a. m. Pare for adults 80 oente, obildren 40 dente. J. J. Mitchell, carriage builder, is sell- ing an improved pea harvester that seems to take the oake, every time. Re must have put out about a or load last week. With such a pea 1arve8ter as this and the self binder farmers can now take off the crop with ease and dispatch. Topeylegryturvy, the drover, alias A, 0. Dames, has purchased a bicycle and can go it with the beet of them. Ile will now be able to travel over a large section of country at much lass expense than with horse and rig and the farmers from whom he buys stook will expect to reap the benefit of tliia by receiving en11an0ed mews. Wing lsattau- A new sidewalk has been plttoed from Martin's barber shop to Griffin's Grooery. R. Tennant, of this place, hoe dis- posed of his livery bneiness to George Swarbe, of Clinton. The buildings at the C. P. R. have re- ceived a fresh eoa6 of paint, whioh adds greatly to Choir appearance. An effort is being put forth to organize an Epworth League in connection with the Methodist ohuroh of this town. Chas. Hay, of Listowel, has excepted a position in the salt block cooper shop and will remove hie family to town shortly. J. A. Moody, of St. Thomas, nae pur- chased the Wingham Woollen Mille, from Mr. Armstrong and taken posses- sion. Mr. Hopkirk, Post Office Iuepector of Stratford, was in town a few days last week and was waited on by the movers in theetition to have the post office moved and by the movers in the petition to havb it remain where it is. After some disciis- 8ion on the matter, Mr. Hopkirk said he would lay the matter, before the Post Office Department for their consideration. About three o'clock on Tuesday after 110011 of last week fire broke out in the new bank of Hamilton, caused by the explosion of a coal oil stove whioh was being used for heating oil. The fire did considerable damage in the fist flight, but the two top flights are nob at all dam- agek. About every pane of glass in the first flat was (racked by the heat. The loss is estimated at 91,500 ; insured in the Phoenix. �V alto n. Some of our residents took in.,sthe Sooteh eonoert in termini's on Friday of last week. Sunday School Excursion to Goderioh next Friday. Train leave Brussels ob 8:80 a. 1n. Return fare 80 manta for adults and 40 for children. 9800 worth of live hogs were shipped from here this weak. They were fed at the cheese faotory yard. Messrs. Baw- tinheimor & Heffernan were the pur- ehasere. Mr. Beirnes, the proprietor of the Ar- lington house, Fordwioh, formerly of Walton, happened with an accident a few days ago which might have proved very eeriou0. He was working in Mr. Dick's sate -mill, Fordwioh, and while trying to take a slab away from the largo ciremlar eau had his finger and thumb badly oat, Mu000w Reeratr,—On Wodneeduy of last week T. A. Hawkins' 110010 pupils gave a radial in the Foresters' Hall hare. Although the weather was uncomfortably warm quite a number of parents and friends of the pupils name to hear then) perform. The following are the names of 6lroe0 who took part in 6h8 program :— Maggie and Eva Campbell, 361111 a Forbes, Susan Metria, Kate Ewen, Wil- li( and Fronk Neal, Mrs. I. Willie, Liz' ole and Georgia Stnitli, Mary McNair, Dora Kenny, Jennie Wiliiatnson, Mary Reborteen, Bella Telfer, Flora Clark, 3achcel mud Mary Stewart, Marion Hig• gins, Addie 5509010, Toole Wales, Mary Wilteie, Flory McPadzoan and Maggio Hyslop. After the 1:ooital Mr, Perry, of Brn00018, took a photo of 6110 016100, A Kipper correspondent writes : — Tllere was a very pretty wadding in our village last Wednesday afternoon, The lutpppy (ample, wore Rev, A, MoKibbin, 810111061186 ininWee, at Pine River, Bethel (Arena, and Mise Lizzie Meliio, of Rippon. The bride was given away, by Jae, Mutton, Forest, and the marriage ooremeny performed by Rovs. J. 16. f1ow611 8I. A,,, and Rev, H. Irvine. Miss Grotto. Mollie supported the bride, and Rev. A. II, Graham, of Fullerton, a881068d the bridegroom. The bride and bridesmaid were dressed In cream slash - mere with flowing trains and looked (harming, The following were poets : Rev. E, A. Fear and Mrs. Fear, Mrs, (Rev.) H. Irvine and Rev. G. McKinley, The happy couple loft on the evening train dor their home, amidst showers of rice, old shoes and good wishes, Mies Melife hes been organist, Sunday school 68aoher and (lass leader in the Metho- dist 0hnreh, and will be greatly missed. 1Slo tL. Mr. St 911000), of Canton, Ohio, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. T. W. Scott, at present. Rev. Mr. Campbell, of the Methodist Church, has been granted a monad; vasa. tion, His pulpit will be °coupled by other ministers in his absence. A large number from 331y611 will take in the Exouraion to G0deri011 next Friday. The return fare is only 50 for adobe and 26 cents for children. Tile heavy winds of last Spring tore off a large portion of the tiowork of the spire of the English Church ; the tin. smiths wore at work lash week re.plaoing it with new material. Our Council has laid down a good supply of gravel on prinoipal streets during the past week. Attention paid to sidewalks should bo done a6 once se they are in a very dangerous ouodi.tion and might cause accident and trouble if they are allowed to remain in this state much longer. Morris. Mies Maggie Mahone, of Wingham, spent a few days of this week with Mrs. Wm. Bray. Fall wheat harvest is now over and the bum of the thresher will soon be heard as of yore. A large number in this looality will visit Goderioh next Friday with the Sun. day school excursion. A number of young people in Sunshine locality talk of visiting Goderioh on the Sunday school excursion to enjoy a day's outing at the lake. Miss Mary Proudfoot, who has been visiting for ammo time with Mrs. Q. An- derson, returned to her home, near Win- terburo, on Saturday of last week. Mrs. Jas. Ireland left on Wednesday of this week on a visit to her sister, Mrs. R. Cousins, in Michigan. She was ao. oompanied by her sister, Miss Clara Mo- Veigh, of Seaforth. Maudie, the littlethree-year-olddaugh- ter of Geo. Henderson, 8rd lino, received a severe kick on the face the other day while playing with a young colt in the pasture field. She is recovering nicely. On T11ureday evening of last week, the clothes line of Mrs. Joe, Styles, 4111 line, was visited by some party, or parties. who appropriated unto themselves a handsome crochet quilt which Mee. Styles had taken great pains to complete for the Fail exbibi6iou. Strong suspici- ons are entertained as to who the bonds are and if the quilt is not returned in doe time a search warrant will he pro- enred. This township is credited with having the following pupils pass the resent High school entrance examination :—Charles Brown, A. A. Mitaboll and A. E. Yuill, S. S. No. 8 ; Myles Kelly and Maud Code, S. S. No. 1 ; M. Clegg, Jno. Gil- lies, I, C. Parker and M. Watson, S. S. No. 5 ; Nina Iebister and W. R. Roe, S. S. No. 7 ; Donald McKenzie, S. S. No. G ; T. M. and Jas. MaEweu, and Aggie Smillie, S. 5, No. 10; L, MoArthnr, No. 11, G'resr. Mise L. MoLauchlia is visiting in Wingbam. Some of the farmers are threshing al- ready to make room for later grain. A person could hardly believe that lightning would slice up telephone poles as it reoeetly did on the 8th aonoe0sion, on the hest r ' rs I g miles oast of the aver road. Last week John K. Baker, 10th con., lost a valuable mare from sunstroke. The beast was working on the binder when the groat heat overcome it and death soon resulted, Fall wheat is all out and the greater portion of it in the barn. Considerable barley has been out and other Spring grains are maturing fast so that harvest- ing in all its phases is now upon us. • In the list of successful candidates to the High school are the following Grey township pupils :—Lily MoAllieter and Win. Bryans, S. S. No. 4 ; T. Laird, Wni. Greoneidee, L. Stevenson, Laura Spence and 141. Young, No, 11 ; A. Mitchell, No. 4, Grey & Wallace ; Sarah MoLemehlin, No. 8. There will likely he a large turn out to the Sabhalh school exouesion to Goderioh on Friday of next week, 12311 inst. The special train leays8 Elelfryn at 8 ; Ethel at 8:1.0 ; and Brussels at 8:80 o'clock. Return fare is 00o. for adults and 46e. for children from Getifryn ; 860, and 450, from Ethel ; and 80o. and 40o. from Brnssole. The steamboat "City of Windsor,” is engaged to run excursion trips an the lake that day. On Thursday of last week John Mo. Taggart, the genial postmaster of Mon- orieff, mob with an accident out of which he had a most miraculous escape. While unloading hay he pulled the trip rope of the 11ay fork. Tho rope broke and Mr. McTaggart Wa8 instantly prooipitated from the load 20 feet into an empty .mow Striking on hie 01100)ders. As he full backwards he had no opportunity of helping himself in 3110 loaat. Although considerably braised and Stiffened up from the fall he is moving about but has no desire to repeat the a00oba6i0 foot. Tho Listowel Banner says 1—On Mon. day last, among the cattle shipped by Scott Sc 701100, was a cow 90lahas861 from Ily. Coughlin, near Molosworbh, Before the train arrived at Palmerston the door of the oar by some means slid partly open and as the train mune to almost a stand- still, the oow jumped out and the same evening was bath to its old home, Title cow has been itilown to (limb up the stairs loading to the granary. Mr. Coughlin himself is our authority foe this etatement, We are not Sure on Which Side of pclitiee this animal bo. longe,bltt it looks amspioione, TIIE BRUSSELS POST The residence) of Jas. McIntosh, stone matron, eon, 15, was deetroyod by lira early 1Vednoectav mortungof last week. It Amman fire oaught in a partition from the stov0 pine in the summer 111601/011 the previous day whioh was put out 665 was supposed, but about 2 0'010011 next morning tbo inlnat00 were aroused by the. noise of lire and barely )soaped with their lives. None of the contents were saved, Box Socinr„—`''ba box 0001111 held on Thursrltay evening of last week, at the reeldenoo of John S6l'aoltan, was a coin. pieta eu00800. As fifteen cents was all the charge for a box of eatables, big enough for two, the 915.85 netted make a very good showing, taking into considor- etien all the children who were supplied free by baskets brought by the ladies of the Sunday wheel. The following pro- gram was well rendered :—Quartette, The Misses Strachan and Messrs. Strach- an and Frain ; solo, Mise Ames ; duotb, Miens Taylor and Reid ; solo, Miss Bry. ams ; duet`, Misses Rose ; trio, Misses Straaban ; reoitation, Mie, MaQuarrie ; dealt, Misses Strachan ; roolbation, Miss Curpbay ; duett, Miesoe I1oss 1 recitation, Ina Bryane ; solo, Mise Taylor ; reoita. bion, Mise Straolaan; Bolo, Miss Turnbull; recitation, Earnest Frain ; singing, Class. IKICIlso I. H. F. McAllister and D. Badgley are ou the sick list this week. MoAllistor's buildings look gay in the glory of a fresh coat of paint. The Star mills are shipping several oar loads of fine pine from here this week. D. Sproat and others of our village took in the concert at Brussels on Friday last. Mrs. Cale and children have returned from visiting at Wingbam, Seaforth and Mitobell. The item in lash weeks POST should have said Conrad Bernath was away to Manitoba. H. Chapman is d000rating the walls and ceilings of our school ruotns, and certainly not before needed. Miss Davies goes to Minnesota this week for a lengthened vieit to her brother and other Mende in the west. Misses Laura Spenoa and M. Young, T. Laird and Win. Greeusides passed the re. (Jen 11 Entrance, Examination. They wrote at Brussels. Wm. Grant, of Sandridge, Geo. Wilkey and wife, of Harrieton, and Jno. Orioh, wife and daughters, of Seaforth, were visiting Jno. Grant recently. Contractor Lang bas a good gang of mon at work at the bridge and expects to have it passable next Friday of weather holds good and no aecidents happen. Connell mot here on Monday. After concluding a tedious day's business they toured the town inspecting the proposed sites for the Township Hall. The corn. mittee will visit Cranbrook also previous to a final decision. Mr. Behoo, the Persian student, de- livered an interesting address in the Presbyterian church here last Sunday afternoon. A collection for his benefit, amounting to 90.50, woe taken to aid hit) in his college course. Rev. lolr. Newcombe preached a very suitable discourse last Sabbath evening having reference to the decea ct of the late Mrs, Simpson. His text was taken from the hook of Revelation, 7th chapter, 18311 and following verses. Anybody, old or young, nnteres:ed in the formation of evenlug classes on the Government plan art outlined in this paper two weeps ago, please leave thei r names at H. F, MoAtlieter's store with Chas. Stubbs, Secretary of Ethel Mech- anics' Institute. Exoursion to Goderioh on Friday of next week. The special train will leave Ethel station o.6 8:10 a. m., arriving at the lake at 10,45. The steamer, "City of Windsor" will run trips during the day and the Goderioh town Baud will die. course ninsl0 in the afternoon. Return tickets ore is 86 cents for adults and 45 (sets for children. The remains of the late Mrs. T. P. Simpson were followed to the grave on Saturday last by a large concourse of sorrowing friends. Although only a resi- dent of this village a little over five years and a third of that time a oonfirmed fn. valid, the at3ra0ted, by her pleasant manner and goodness of boort, a wide circle of true Mende who deeply mourn her early demise. Ephraim Caber has bought a livery business in Wahtsrton and expects to re• move his family there shortly. We wish him every suc0ese in his new venture, We can recommend him to the people of Walkerton as a young man who knows his business and is willing to attend to it. Jno. Gebel is in Walkerton this week assisting his son to get settled. Some of Ibe residents Had of Ethel are annoyed at Reeve Milne and R. DI 1. worth for moving and building their fences on the road allowance, on property that was bought 80 years ago with Clergy Reserve funds from Alex. Henry and Wm. Sharp, deceased. Part of the oonoession line will be rendered danger- ous to life and limb by narrowing the road as the stoop river hank is less than throe rods from the fence and there is no protection. If the road belongs to the gentlemen who are fenoieg it the Council ehootd purchase a new road for the travelling public. One man at the Nile had seven head of oattle killed by lightning recently. The wheat crop on the whole is the best ever grown in Luoknow section. Complainteare made against the large number of geese that are still wandering through Luoknow. Thee. Hemphill, of Wroxeter, was shooting rats in his storehouse, when the revolver accidently wont off, the ball passing through the fleshy part of hie leg. Lightning 8trmok and horned the barn of John Carter, of rorwioh. The barn was filled with hay which wee all ecu. ecmed. Mr. Carter woo the first settler who sot foot in Howlett township, Jno, McNaughton, of Turnberry, lost a valuable 11111,00 the other day. She was left in the bath feediug o.3 the hay mow and she walked out at the back door, whioh 10 shine distance from the ground, and broke her neck. F. W. Johnston, (formerly of Goderich) junior judge of the i)iabriot Court of Algoma,. has been promoted to be senior judge, sloe his honor Walter MaOras, do. oeaood. When Judge Johnston was ap- pointed junior to Judge MoCrao two or throe years ago the Government's choice was generally applauded throughout wast. ern Ontario, where Mr, Jobnstoo lived, se a most exo411ent one, and hie pro- motion now will doab61e80 he well re. co 1Od and commended. Money to Loan, Money to Loan on farm Pro- perty at LOW EST ti,./.ITL+'S. Private and Company Funds. MCKSCN 86 HAYS, Solicitors, B1w663IL6, ONT, MONEY TO LOAN. Any Amount of Money to Loan on farm or Village Pro- perty at 6 6' 631 Per Cent., Yearly. Straight Loans with privilege of repaying when required. Apply to A. Hunter, Division Court Clerk, Brussels. Private Funds to Loan. E620,C)00 Have been placed in my hands for Investment on real estate. LOWEST RATE OF INTEREST. No Commission. Borrowers can have loans com- pleted in Three Days if title satisf110tory. W. M. SINCL AIR, Solicitor, Brussels. "Backache means the kid- neys are in trouble. Dodd's Kidney Pills gine prompt relief. "75 per cent, o disease is first cussed by disordered kid- neys. Might as well try to haus a healthy city tuithout sewer- age, as good health tuhen the kidneys are (logged, they are the seauengers of the system. "Delay is dangerous. Neg- leoted kidney troubles result in Bad Blood, Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint and the host dan- gerous of all, Brvghts Disease, Diabetes and Dropsy." The aboue diseases cannot exist where Dodd's Kidney Pills are used" Sold by all dealers or sent by eiailon receipt of price so cents. per box or six for $e.ga Dr. L. A. Smith & Co. Toronto. Write, for boots called Kidney Tale T11081 11111THER, Practical W'atclz.n., cslte7'' cb77,cl ch1We1e7'. Thanking the public for past favors and 11 0011e 1 h13Y :still t0 some •t all wishing support d P g P your Pa out Full Linea inware openiug SOLO AND SILKIER WATCHES. Silver Plated Ware from Eetabliohod and Reliable Makers fully warranter) by ns. Clocl>,s of the Latest Designs • JEWELRY I Wnninee Ro.las, L.1nIit8 0091 RINGS, Bitooano0, 13=11Nee, &0. [.Also a Full Line of Vion0Ns and Violin Strings, &c., 1n stook. N. IL—Assayer ut' Marriage Laee11090. T. Fletcher, Brussels. -.9 6 0 ! P011 LAKE HUROI 1 %i• Sunday School Excursion TO.......... The Anneal Sunday School Excursion to Lake Huron will take place to Goderich on F'WAY AUCUST 12, as A Special Train will STATIONS. run as follows; TINS;. RRTORN FARE. 2. PALMERSTON 7.10 A. 01. Adults $1 00 Children 50 GOWANSTOWN 7.25 95 50 LISTOWEL ATWOOD 7.87 95 50 7.50 90 45 HENFRYN 8.00 90 45 ETHEL 8.10 85 45 BRUSSELS 8.80 80 40 BLUEVALE 8.48 75 40 WINGHAM 8.55 05 85 LUCIiNO1V , Pegnlar trains to and 80 40 WHITECHURCH } from Wingham 75 40 BELGRAVE 9.16 60 30 BLYTH 9.40 50 25 LONDESBOPaO' 9.55 45 25 CLINTON 1005 35 20 Arriving at Goderich at 10:45 a. m. It COUe7's the groan —the 13. & C. corset. It is perfect in shape and fit, is boned with Kabo, which will not break nor roll up, and if you are not satisfied, after wearing it two Or three weeks, return it and get your money. Fon S.iale BY A. STr.A01TAN+ Returning, Train will Leave Goderioh at 7:35 P. la., thereby allowing Excursionists nearly Nine Hours at the Lake. The Commodious Steamer "City of Windsor" has been engaged to run Excursion Trips on the Lake during tho day at a Low Fare.. During the Afternoon the Excellent Band of Goderioh will play at the Lake Park and en the Steamer. G. T, BELL, N. J POWER, Ass't Pass. Agent. Gen'l Pass. Agent.,10,0601V41427.11R=.61.1.0 t ue1s !oo1: 4{ arl WANTS TO GET { . X90® POUNDS In Exchange for Goods. The Highest IViarket Price will be Allowed.. We have a rine assortment of Tweeds, Cottons, Flannels, Prints,. Cashmeres, Blankets, Sheet- ing, Knitted Goods, Yarns, &o. Manwameotionorraccumes All Wool left with its for manufacturing, whether rolls or otherwise, will have our prompt attention. Satisfaction - Guaranteed. liOWE BRUSSELS,