HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1892-8-5, Page 4TIIE BRUSSELS POST
New Advertisements.
Local -G. T. R.
Looal---Thos. Kelly.
Strayed -M. Mullin.
Photos -0. E. Perry,
Brussels Races -P. Soott.
Harvest Exoursicns-0, P. R.
Excursion to Goderich-G. T. R.
Property for Sale -Aire, Jno. Sinelair.
Bargains During August -Irwin sb Mc.
FRIDAY, AUG. 5, 1892.
Tao Reports of the magnificent Crop
now being harvested in Ontario are
cheerful and are more satisfactory, inas-
much ae they can be received without the
misgivings with whioh similar reports
from Manitoba and the Northwest Terri-
toriee are received. When Ontario has
begun to reap her harvest the reports in
regard to it are pretty certain to be sub.
etantially correct. Frosts and wet
weather do not shrivel the actual yield up
to one.tbird or one fifth of the estimates.
To bear that the barns will not hold one-
half of the wheat crop ie like a tale from
the good old times. Ontario's crops are
still by far the moat important of all the
orgps of the Provinces of Canada, and
upon her prosperity, more than that of
any other single province, or perhaps of
any other two Provinces, depends the
prosperity of the Dominion. Should
good crops be reaped in Manitoba and
the other provinces also the very real de•
pression which has existed for some time
will be lightened and business should im-
prove rapidly as this will have been the
second year of good crops in Ontario.
Now that Gladstone is again at the
head of affairs in Great Britain, a general
clamor is raised for the immediate reali-
zation of a long list of radical reforms.
The Grand Old Man is, however, a suffi-
ciently Wiee Old Man to know that the
span of years yet remaining to him eau.
not possibly suffice for the accomplish-
ment of more than one or two of these
great measures and that the Home Rule
question must first be carried safely over
the turbulent river before he can think of
undertaking anything else. He has al-
ready plainly said this in reply to the
babel of voices. And ho is fully aware
that the Home Rule job is one which
will require all hie skill and strength.
The Conservatives and Liberal -Unionists
announce in advance that they intend
greasing the pole upon which the old
statesman must cross the ebreann, and be
quite understands that after he has safe-
ly crossed, the precious bantling will go
right into the jaws of the House of
Lords lion. Mr. Gladstone intimates to
their Lordships that be will not regard
the rejection of his Bill by the Upper
House as necessarily calling for another
appeal to the country. He will simply
re-enact the measure and send it up
again, to be iu all probability onoe more
rejected. When this operation has been
repeated often enough to arouse the
dander of the country, he will then die -
solve Parliament, and go to the people
on the issue of "mending or ending" the
hereditary chamber. Before it oomee
to that pass, it is likely the Lords will
COMM to the conclusion that discretion is
the better part of valor. The days of
privilege in the old laud are about num-
bered and not only Home Rule but all
other "crying issues" now in agitation
are destined to pass into law before very
long. -Toronto Grip.
Tao question of Separate versus Nation.
al schools in Manitoba is a topic of
considerable interost, The Privy Coon -
Oil bps decided in favor of the Local
Government in their proposal to abolish
the Separate schools and Premier Green.
way may be depended upon to stand by
his guns. What action the Dominion
Parliament will take iu the case re•
mains to be seen. The following is the
gist of the case to the present as given
in a cable despatch: -Important judge
mente were delivered by the Imperial
Privy Council Saturday morning in oon.
neaten with the Manitoba school ques-
tion. There were two appeale to be de-
cided -the city of Winnipeg v. Barrett,
involving the status of Roman Catholic
separate tohools, and city of Winnipeg v.
Logan, involving the right of members of
the Church of England to separate
denominational schools. The appeals
were allowed with oasts. This means
that the Legislature of Manitoba is eua-
tained and that separate soboole must
Legislature ab d
go. When the Legl
separate sohoole a teat ease was submit-
ted to the Supreme Court at Ottawa.
While it was still pending the oity of
Winnipeg endeavored to collect teems for
the public schools, but Barrett refueeci to
pay the taxes unless a fair proportion
were applied to separate schools. Judge
ICillrt of Queeolded en's Bench ofanst him, 1
thed eo did
JudnThe ase was then appealed die.
the Supreme Court. While the appeal
was pending the time for disallowance
arrived. The Government deolinsd to
endoree the urge of the power of disallow-
ance, bet agreed to pay the costa of the
appeal. The Supreme Court, however,
allowed the appeal, and thus decided
against the Legtslature and in favor of
separate schools. When the ChULOk of
England people in Manitoba heated of
Ochs decision they contended that they
Mee had a right to separate eehoole and
resolved to ask Inc thorn. Mr. Lown,
ane of their members, took action similar
to that of Mr, Barrett, that is to say, he
objected to the levying of 'a rate upon
Church of England people for public
schools. The Manitoba judge, following
the decision of the Supreme Court, grant-
ed the appiioablou, and allowed en appeal
to be taken to the Privy Colwell at onoe,
so that this ease and Barrett's might be
argued together.
Perth °aunty".
The steamer pity of Stratford has been
sold to A, J. Abraham, of London, and
was shipped there,
Rev. John Ridley, of Galt, has declined
the offer of the rectorship of St. James'
thumb, Stratford.
Five former residents of Stratford have
been returned as supporters of the Green.
way Government, Man.
The Mitchell Sporting Association
have decided to hold their annual fall
races on Friday, August loth.
8,000 square feet of granoliphio walk
is being put down on Queen street, St.
Marys. It costs 20 cents a square foot.
The death of Mrs. Daly, Stratford,
widow of the late T. M. Daly, for many
years M. P. for North Perth, is annouoed.
A. number of Stratford milkman have
adopted a new system of delivering milk
in bottles which is an improvement ou
old style.
Angus Campbell, of Fallartou, bas
been appointed to the position on the
Mitchell High school staff formerly held
by Mr. Smith.
By the upsetting of a lantern in the
stable belonging to Mrs. T. 13. Guest, St.
Marys, the building was destroyed by fire
On Tuesday evening of last week.
The wrecks of the two l000motivea
that crashed into each other at Merriton
recently were brought to the shops at
Stratford. It required eight ears to
parry the remains.
Capt. W. Oaven Mosorip,of Sb. Mary's,
has attended a course of insbruotion at
the Military Sohool, London, and has
passed all necessary examinations and
secured a first olass certificate.
During the storm on Sunday morning
of last week, John Leadman, of the 9bb
oon. of Bast Nissouri, had 4 cows and 1
steer electrocuted. The corner post of
his barn was also split into splinters.
Mayor Cull and Reeve Hord, of Mit-
chell, started oat to ask subscriptions on
a Saturday for the St. John's, Newfound-
land, sufferers. As a result of their ef.
forts the handsome sum of $154.50 was
sent off.
A young man named Frank Venetians
met with a painful aooident at Tune's
pop works, Stratford. A soda water
bottle which lie was filling burst and s
pieoe of glass was driven with great force
against his forehead inflicting a painful
gash directly over the eye.
John Skinner, a youth about 14 years
of age, met with a serious aooident lett
week at Mr. Pegler's tileyard, Blanshard.
While assisting to clean the mill his
right hand came in contact with the
machinery amusing the loss of three
fingers and part of the thumb.
An alarming epidemio of hog obolera
has broken out at the Avonbank cheese
factory among the pigsbeing fed there
and owned by 0, 1. White of St. Marys.
A Motherwell aorrespoudent states that
200 have died, entailing a serious loss
upon the owner. From Morton's cheese
factory in Blandford, Osford county, 170
out of 200 hogs have died from the epi.
demic. The hog industry is so intimate•
ly connected with dairying that out-
breaks of this kind are 5001005 matters.
A man palming himself off as a Ontho-
lio priest from St, John's church, Strat-
ford, selected a set of ohairs at 0. Sarin.
dere & Son's £ornibnre store, Sarnia, last
Monday handing a bogus check as pay-
ment. Mr. Sanders suspected nothing
wrong and returned $20 in change. The
worthlessness of the cheek was discover.
ed and the chairs stopped in transit to
Stratford. The acme Marty played the
tame game in Windsor, only this time
he represented himself as from Guelph.
The Stratford Beacon says :-That the
course of true love never did run smooth
received another illustration at the court
Wednesday. Margaret Walker, a young
girl whose home is to Berlin, was charged
with obtaining money under false pre-
tences, the complainant being John Var•
ner, of this city. Varner and the girl
were engaged to be married and during
their courtship be gave her sums of
money -on one occasion $40 -besides
buying her various articles of clothing.
For some reason the wedding did not
001110 off and instead of a day of rejoicing
Dame a day of reckoning. Varner blam-
edMiss Welker for breaking bhe engage-
ment and resorted to the police court to
reoover possession of his money. Miss
Walker agreed to return the $6 hat she
was wearing, also some dresses and -
saddest of all -the wedding ring.
Edward Lye & Sons, of Toronto, have
placed one of their celebrated pipe organs
in the First Presbyterian church at Sb.
Marys, which adds greatly to the hand.
soma appearance of the interior of that
edifice. The instrument is sixteen feet
wide, about twenty-five feet high, and
contains 1,004 pipes, the largest of which
is fifteen feet long and nine inches in
diameter, the smallest being about the
size of a lead penoil. The case is of
polished hard wood and is surmounted
by thirty-nine beautiful speaking pipes.
The instrument has two mentals of fifty
eight notes eaoh end a pedal organ of
twenty-seven notes. 'There ars six stops
on the great organ, nine on the swell
organ and two on toe pedal. The voic.
ing of tine instrument is of first quality
being of a powerful, bright tone and the
ROB; stops of the swell are particularly
sweet and delicate. The total cost of the
organ will be about $2,000,
the rash •
'o of t P
An adjourned meeting y
tory of Stratford was held on Tuesday,
July 26, in Knox Church St. Mary's, for
the ordination of Rev. W. 1d. Grant, oon
of Rev. A. Grant, of St. Mary's, This
young gentleman is going out at mission•
cry to Ronan, China. In the morning
he passed a very creditable examination
before the Presbytery. The ordination
services in the afternoon were oondnebed
by Rev. R. Hamilton, who preached. from
Isaiah, xlix., 8. ROY. A. Grant asked
the usual questions and offered the
ordination prayer, after which Rev. Dr.
MoDouald, of Seaforth, addressed the
newly -ordained minister as to hie work,
and Hamilton Cassels, of Toronto, in the
name of the foreign mission committee
presented him with a Bible. ROY. Mr,
Tully, of Mitchell, then addressed the
congregation. At the eine of the service
Mr, Grant teooived many expressions of
hearty, interest in himself and the work
to which he devotes his life. 110 leaver
for Obina in a few weeps. Ray. Mr,
Gatild, reoently ordained by tete Presby
Wry of London, sails in the same fillip to
joie Dr. Mackey in tine missions in For-
, mesa.
Lehr#,o eve to 1.
L. Bolton 1'. L. S., and party of five,
left for Spanish !fiver on Saturday. Mr,
Bolton is going to lay out some new
townships and expecte to be away for
earn: months,
The firm of J, ak J. Livingston have
taken fully 800 tons of hay off 98 sores,
being an average of over three tons to
the Imre. This wee all secured within
eight days, and is 10 exoellenb condition.
The 1ltgh School Board have engaged
W, A. Phillips, B. A., late teacher in St.
Thomas Collegiate Institute and a form-
er student of our own High Sohool. For
the 2nd asaiatant J. W. Treleaven, B. A„
of Luoknow, has been engaged.
Rev. J. F, Parke, inoumbenb of Oltrisb
°beroh, and family left on Monday of
lamb week for s few week's holidays.
They are visiting some of the rev, gentle-
man's old parishioners in Obio. During
Mr. Parke's absence the pulpit of Christ
church will be supplied, services to be
held as usual.
The Banner says :-Tho attention of
the Board of Health is called to bhe
creek back of bhe stares on Main street.
Itis simply a disgrace to the town to
have such a filthy plane. If bhe members
of the Board will pall at the Banner
office we will open our bank door and let
them have a few sniffs of the balmy air
without charge. We would advise them
to Dome abort noon, jest before they go
to dinner ; they will save a meal that
da After a lengthy disanesion at a special
council meeting the town deoided to ao-
oept from Mr. Boeebaok the sum of $6,-
000, payable forthwith as settlement of
their claim in full. This offer was ao-
oepted by Mr. Bosebaok, who wrote baok
saying it world take till about the mid-
dle of September to get bhe money out of
000re and agreeing to send up the money
then. The town's reply was that they
would in that case require interest from
the 20% of July. In this settlement each
side pays their own onus.
St. Mary's driving park aseooiation
anndunae a two days race meeting to be
held at the driving park there on Monday
and Tuesday, Aug. 15 and 10. There will
be three events each day and purses ag.
gregating $1,000 are offered for competi•
tion. Entries close Aug. 11th.
William Verity, Robert Verity, Wm.
Verity, all of Exeter ; Hart Massey, of
Toronto, and Edmund W. H. VanAllen
of Brantford, are asking to be incor-
porated ae the. Verity Plow Company,
limited, with Brantford as the ohief
place of business, and a capital stock of
Ontario Mutual Life.
Assurance in force Jan'ye92,014,084,807
New business written in 1801 2,004,950
Increase over 1890 846,800
Cash income for 1897. .. 547,620
Increase over 1890 57,620
Liberal Conditions of Policies.
Cash and Paid-up values guaranteed on
00013 policy.
All dividends belongto and sae paid only
to policy holders.
Premiums payable during tho month in
which they fall 00e.
Pol1Otesare inoontestabletwo years from
elate of issue.
No restriction on travel, residence or oo-
Lapsed policies may be revived within six
months after lapse.
Death claims paid at onoo on oompletiou
of claim papers.
Dislriot Agent, Ethel.
AUG. 5, 1892
Bargains in Dress Goods,
All Summer Goods at and below cost.
Bargains in :Prints,
12 ,e. goods for 10e., 10c. goods for 8c , Sc. goods for 6c.
Bargains in Corsets,
A new lot of Crompton $1.00 to sell at 650.
Bargains in Flannelettes,
From 6c. per yard up.
Bargains in Embroideries and Flouncings,
Only a few lengths left.
Bargains in Towels,
A 86 in. Linen Towel for 10c.
Bargains in Towelings,
Bargains in Hosiery,
We start them at 5c. per yard.
Black or Colored Bose at 10c, per pair.
Bargains in Men's Furnishings,
White Dress Shirts 75c., Ties 15c., Braces 15c.
Bargains in Beadymade Clothing,
Mens' Serge Suits $4.00, Black Worsted $11 00.
Bargaiu.s in Boots and Shoes,
Look over our stock before you buy.
Bargains in Everything
If you want Bargains,
U SS E LS System i O ,ovator
Friday, Aug. 26, 1892.
Program :
2:50 Trot or Pace, Purse, - $160
Open Trot or Pace, 250
Stallion Ran trotters only, purse, $150.
$50 extra will be added for fastest heat
below 2:80 in this race.
Open Run, ii mile heats, 2 in 8, • 0100
A. Local Bicycle Raoe, for a Valuable
Silver Medal, will also take plane on
the the above date.
Admission to Park, 2Ge. • Carrlage8, MO.
extra. laces Callan at 2 p.m.
As these races follow immediately after
Listowel Races some o tf tloer tbest iorsos
-AND 01501110
For Impure, Weak and Impoverished
Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Palpala•
Hon of the Heart, Liver Complaint, Neur-
algia, Loss of Memory, Bronchitis, Con.
sumption, Gall Stones, Jaundice, Kidney
and Urinary Diseases, St. Vitus' Dance,
Female Irregularities and General De-
Prop. and Manufacturer.
Sold by J. T. PEPPER,
Druggist, Boossele.
the country will be here. �0 You, Know
That C. E. Perry makes as
floe photos. as are lnacle in the
County ?
Tliat he
Finishes all photos. on the
new permanent aristo paper ?
That he
Can't he beat on family
and other groups ?
That he
Copies and enlarges old
pictures to any size ?
That has
Cabinet Photos. aro excep-
tionally fine ?
That his
Baby Photos. are unoquall-
od, and if you want a first-class,
finely finished photo. ,you can't
do better than call on
President. Secretary.
Star Retauh1ait
0. E. P E R RY.
Next to American hotel,
Our Bargains are all Wool and a yard wide.
Colne to us this month.
Having added new Scenery to his Gallery is now in a position to
turn out work that is second to none. A look at his photos.
'will convince you that they are.first•class. The public
are invited to call up and inspect work in gallery.
Pictures Copied and also .1f12 icsr°ced to C.1171 size
in Crayon at reasonable -Prices.
A Specialty rude of that -door Views.
You cannot mistake the place, W. W. Burgess' old stand
over Standard Bank.
_ t,r. srrio r '-
A recent discovery by au
old physi0iau. Sneoossful-
ly used monthly by thous-
ands of Lennie, Is the
only perfectly safe and
reliable medicine diesov-
eved. Bowan of unprincipled druggists who
oiler inferior medicines in plaoe of this, Ask
for Coos's 08TTON nowt COMPOUND. take 110
substitute; or Maine 81 and 4 throo.00nt
cauada postage stamps in fetter, and we
will send, sealed, by return mail, Full seal-
ed particulars in plain envelope, to ladies
Orly, 2 stamps, d.aldroas P01141 Lily Coat.
pony, No, s Fisher Bieck, 191 Woodward
avo Debi it Utah.
. o9oldiv Brussels by J. T, PaPPL•'R d".
A, Dl,IADMVMAN and all rosponsnble druggists
CO mIO'15 :MON
successful C'ONSUMP'TION CURE, is
without a parallel in the history of mull.
Gino. All druggists are authorized to sell
it on a poeitive guarantee, a teat that no
other cure eau successfully stand. If you
have a 00ngl1, Sole Throat or Bronahltis,
use it, for ib will sure you, If your child
has the Croup, or Whooping Cough, use
it promptly, and relief is sure. If you
dread that insidious &some CONSt1MP-
TIGN, DON'T t'AIL to nee it, it will onto
you or Octet nothing. Ask your Druggist
for SHILOWS CURE, Price 100., 50o.
and $1.00 If your lunge are sore oe bank
lame,uee Shiiele's Porous Plaeber, 25o,
muosEa 030 00
1IUb4EJ'A{V - t
- $28100
- $35.00
EDMONTON, $10.00,
To leave setpoints lin the Province. of On-
tario at
August A' 16 Return until Soptsmber
August 23 !!cairn00,nto October
2nd, 18u
September 6 1,tcll,"002o6-
Partiee ticketing from other pointe should
t rreng0 to arrive at Toronto in time to oon.
Ubat With the 11:29 p.m, train 0n above dates
VOP f011106ornlabion'apply to any ticket'
agent of the Oanadian Pa0i60 Railway,
Agent, 13reseelt.