HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1892-8-5, Page 1telita;nnunziox Volume 20. 101.1111.{11(r011.11•011L.Sil Entrance Examination. - At the moot Entranee Examination 812 candidates wrote at Seaforth, Olin - on, Wingharn, Wroxeter and Brussels. Of these 180 purled. No ohange woe made by the Educational Department, The Board of Examiners for Seaforth eompleted its work on Willy 15th end the Clinton Board on July 20th ; however, owing to a deportmental regulation, the results could not be published until con - Armed by the Educational Departinent. All the candidates were notified early in the week as to their name or failure. The popers were very satisfactory thie year, none being either too difficult or too easy. We give the =tee of the swamis- ful candidates below. ()LINTON. . a nAtill. SOrniOn. Gime. Ayers, Etta Holmesville Aitkin, Minnie Clinton Bean, Bertha Clinton Brown, Nellie Clieton Chrysler, Florenee.. Benefield Ferguson, Clara Clinton Rerr, 'Vine Henan Kennedy, A. B No. 6, Stanley Lane, Ethel. No. 8, Tuokersmith McLean, II No. 10, Tuokersmith McLean, Millie Blyth McGowan, M No. 10, ID. Watvanosh Murray, Belle, Clinton McCorvie, Annie Clinton Nicol, Maggie Blyth Powell, Susie Clinton Pratt, Alice Clinton Rowed, L..Union 6, Flnllett 818. Waw. Rowed, B -Union 6, Hulled & E. Waw. Robb, May (Minton Shepherd, Bindle Clinton Stanbury, Rata Bayfield Taylor, L. M.. No. 3, Tuckeramith Wilson, B. 13, .Union 5, Hallett & E. W. Wiltsie, Maud Clinton eon, Andrews, Rufus Clinton Aikenhead, L No. 2, Tualtersmith Blair, David No. 2, Tuckersmith Brown, Charles No. 8, Morris Brown, Robert Union 6, Hullett Barrett, John Blyth Brigham, L No. 8, Buffett Courtin, A. No. 9, Goderich Cassidy, D No. • 6, Hallett Foster, Oscar No. 8, Goderin Hamilton, 13. W No. 4, Hulleht Heiress, Aldie Clinton Jewett, John No. 0, Stanley Jervis, Oliver No. 5, Goderin Belly, Myles No. 1, Morris Retehen, Charles Benefield MoRay, J. F No. 2, Tuokersmith Miller, W. 13 No. 4, Goderin Osborne, Alfred Gorrie Peakett, S. L ' Gerrie Ross, Fred Clinton Walker, Tilos Olinton Whitley, Leonard.. No. 8, Monett Mignon. eons Aikens, Sidney Wingham Anderson, M No. 13, E. Wee/anon Code, Maud No. 1, Morris Chisholm, Alba Wingham Clark, Edith Wingham Clegg, El No. 5, Morris Dawson, Annie Wingham Flouty, Maud Wingham Green, Florence Wingham Griffin, Stell Wingliam labister, Nina No. 7, Morris Ireland, Minnie Wingham Kent, Mabel Wingham McAllister, Lillie No. 4, Grey eleTavirih, 0 Wingham Nixon, Flora.. Bluevale Pearson, Bella Wingham Ralph, Laura ..No. . 9, Turnberry Ross. Kerb& Wingbaon Strathdee, Edna Wingliano Steakhouse, H. ...No. 6, II Wawanosh BOYS. Bluevale ThIlleY, Was Bisbee, Lawson Wingham Bre,clwain, E. W Wingheon Bradwin, Fred Wingham Bray, Win Wingham Brenner, T No. 9, Tarnberry Clark, Guy L Wingham Fergnson, W No. 1, Howiok Sillies, John Ne. 5, Morris Hesston, John W Winglatm Hodgson, R. L Wingloara IdeDonagh, Geo Winghlum McDonald, A Roe, W. 11 No.Wingham 7, Morris Ross, Charles Wingham Soott, T No. 2, Amick Stewart, John Winghain Shushan, G. Y No. 5, Hallett SEACOnsii. EllnLe. Armetrong, 13 No, 4, Stanley Brooke, E. A Sertforth Cardoso, Nettie Seaforth -Carlin, 35. .8 No, 1, MoKillop Coates, A No. 8, ilicKillop Oinnontom 13 No, 7, Tnekersmith Delaoey, May No. 5, adoKillop Denoreaux, 13 No. 1, lidoXillop Davidson, L Seaforth Fowler, Maud Seaforth Fairley, Aggoe Seaforth Flanagan, Mary.... .... . .... Eleaforth Gray, Lillie D.. Senior Os Hennith, B No. 7, Tuoltersonith Lamb, M. aCollegiate Institute ElaoGregor, Ten No. 1, Hallett MatiolleY, C. ...... -No8, Totoltersmith Permit, IC,. ..... ...No. 8, Tuokeramith Veteren, Bella &Worth Pickard, Guest° Sertforth Roodolph, 0 No. 8, Tuckerernith Story, fil. 13 No. 0, MoKillop Story, Clam A No, 2, Moltillop Turner, Ida El Seaforth Whitely, Florence &Muth 1Veigle, A No, 8, McRillop Mire. Aberhart, W No. 8, Tuolioremith Carnbell, 1'. D No, 6, Monett Clarkston, P Seaforth Chesney, George Seater% Colbert, Albert &gerbil Denim), Wm. W Seafuth DR/ken, j. 19 870. 18, Hullett Flanagan, John No, 6, Hullett Henderson, A Seaforth Hoffman, N., L..... .... . ..... Seafood& Irwin, J. H..... . . .. . .... No, 1, Ilellobt ummuia-mosiiosir-monosolourir- Latimer, Edward Lawrence, F. ti Lennon, P. 13 McLennan, Ft MeLenna, T. A McDowell, G. 0 Woodley, A. 35 BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, Seoforth No, 4, IYIelCillop No. 1, MeKillop Collegiate Institute Collegiate Institute No. 2, AloKillop Bertforth riftllerfeLe. nore. Bryans, William Oanleron, J. A. Creighton, II. W Brussels Davideon, j D No. 0, Mahlon Oreensides, Wm No. 11, Grey Irwin, George . Brueeels Laird, T No, 11, Grey MoKenzie, Donald Brownie 31oI5wen, T. wr No. 10, Morrie 11.1cHwen, James No. 10, Morris Parker, I. C No. 6, Morris Stewart, D 13ruseels 00005. McArthur, L No. 11, Morris Mitchell, E No. 8, Morris MeLanohlin, S No. 3, Grey Madsen, A. A No, 3, Morris Nott, Dora Bruasele Stevenson, I No, 4, Grey & Wallace Smillie, Aggie... ....... ..No. 1,0, Morris Spence, Laura No. 11, Grey Watson, IV No. 6, hIorris Young, DI No. 11, Grey Yaill, A. E No. 3, Morris WilonTna Allen, 13. E Wroxeter Doig, L. N Henry, G Wroseter Lteibein, A No. 7, Howlett McGrath, Eve No. 7, Howlett Mainesi, E No. 182 E. & T. Wilson, B. 5 No. o, Hotviek Bennett, J. W No. 4, Howin Deaohman, R No. 5, Efowick Douglas, A. No. 1,3'. & G. Miller, II No. 1, T. & G. Mitchell, A. No. 4, Grey & Wallace McMaster, Cecil Wroxeter Rae, George II Wroveter ,Rae, Robert J ' Wroxeter Thompson, .A No, 13, H. & T. Thompson, S. M Wroxeter Weir, D. L No. 13, li, & T. several estimates mint in by school trustees/ far tile current year. Coned then adjourned to meet again at Ere - Donald's IIotel, Cranbrook, at the all of the Reeve. Wm. Senna, Clerk. Ca antsclitun N OWN. Fifteen thousand immigrants hays NO. 4, Grey settled in Manitoba this year. No. 9, hicKillop Comity Orown Attorney 13ticlgerow died on Sunday at Booffelo, aged 60. Monahan & Clo.'s bucket shop in Mon- treal is said to have closed its doors. Ma. Mary Warren, of Hamilton, is 109 years of age and is still in fairly good health. A 12.year-old boy named Bromley was drowned on Monday in Ellis' mill pond at Castleton, Ont. Joseplo Silverthorn, a briokleyer, nged 22, was drowned while bathing at Owen Sound on Saturday. Up to date the C. P. It. Company have sold 3952,000 worth of land in the North - wet eine January let. A. grand lodge of the Ancient Order of United Workmen will be instituted at Winnipeg 012 Aug. 24t1s. A well-known restaurant keeper, of Ottawa, waa presented on Monday last with his twenty-third child, The interments in the Toronto mune. teries during July, 1892, were 96 len than daring the same month in 1891. The Hamilton Herald wants a repro. No. 10, Howl,* eentation from that city in the Canadian chorus at the World's Fair in Chicago. Police Officer Steadman was fatal/y shot by a robber in Menton, N. B., on Monday. He secured his man however. C. 13. Keenleyside, B. A., of London, hes been elected to the °hair of science in the Wesleyan Ladies' College at Hain. ton. Wilhiscn Trugart, aged 38, colored, and Daniel Sullivan, aged 32, were found drowned in Toronto bay last Friday afternoon. Signor D'Auria, of the Toronto Oen. servatory of Music, caught a ma4kinonge weighing 42 pounds in the bay of Quinte the other day. A warrant latts,been issued in Goderich for the arrest of W. F. Maelean, M. I'. charging him with criminal libel on M. O. Cameron, ex M. 2. Six houses on Florence street, in the northwest section of Toronto, collapsed Saturday evening, but the inmates mora - callously escaped serious injury. While riding on a separator at the Winnipeg Industrial Fair on Saturday afternoon a 7.year-old by fell off and was °rushed to death by the wheels, which passed over him. Sarnuel Longman, of °riffle, who had Dr. Anderson, of Toronto on the Police tIouo:t on a oharge of taking 3200 from him by false pretenees, is now being sued by the medical man for 310,000 damages, . Reports from ranches in the North- west state that the bulk of the earplug stook has been sold for the British Columbia market, and less will go for- ward to the old country this year than usual. Miss Stella Lee, of the Mt. Pleass,at road, near Brantford, claims to have the -highest record in strawberry piokimg this season, Sloe picked 270 boxes in one day, but she subsequently beat that when she picked 308 baskets from 6:45 a. m. to 6:80 p. rn„ taking moo hone at noon. The strawberries plaited were of medium size and not very plentiful on the vines. Some wretch went Sunday night to a field where two horses belonging to Mr. O'Brien, in whoso stable the great St, Johns fire started, and cut the animals' tongues out. This erne' act is supposed to have been prompted by a spirit of re. valise for losses by the °conflagration, The utmost indignation prevails and a liberal reward has been offered for the scoundrel's arrest. .A. tangled white matte dragging at tloe °cowcatcher of his engine caueed Driver Albert Hudson, of the Winnipeg express, to atop his train just as it had crossed the bridge and was pulling into the sta. tion, at Egansville, Renfrew Co. The driver, Condeetor 'Wright, and a train hand got out with lanterns and found the train had !Arun and mangled a man out of all resemblance to human form, Somewhere among the tattered olothiug upon the body there was Sound an order frorn the Klooh Lumber Go., to it store. keeper in Ottawa, (Renting the merohant to give "the bearer, Peter Martin," a poor of pants. The Premier oE Ontario will, on the 81st of October next, complete his twen- tieth year in office as head of the Ontario Government. Tin is a lotoger period of servin than can be plaoed to the credit of any Prime Minister in any part of the British Empire. The Dundee Bonnet suggests in this connection that nubile appreciation of Sir Oliver's labore and worth should be fittingly expressed on the owning anniversary. The suggeation is a good one. Conservatives and -Liber- als con alike join iu showing honer to ono whose tenure of office is unrivalled in the history of constitutional govern - merit, and against whose administration no terious cheep can be laid to.clay. Charlie Stepheson forwarded Monday to Elr. Rennedy at OeIllia 3600, This Wee to show that Ise 'numb Mosinee, and wan desirous of meeting Jake Gudrun, the famous miller, who challenged hion a, few clays ego. If the race can be ar. raeged, and there appeals to be little donbt that it tvill be arranged, Gaudin: and Stepheson will row betsveen the 12th And 17th of August. The nun has not yet boon decided upon, but there are only three ovnters thought of. They are To- ronto Bay, Burlington and Lithe Cinch. tithing. If Stepheeon gocoa to Orillia he ovill receive expense money, and if Gaud - aur comes to 'Potent° he will be similar. ly dealt with. Burlington Beach Of course, ovould he neutral water. 'The rase will be over a three mile aurae with turn. Artioles of agreenvait are expect. od to be signed within a week. This thould be a greet event; es "Ake" and the rinsbeallen aro both in eplendiel form, O'Clontior and several other friende of Stepheson ere at the book of loitn, and whether he eau beat the Couniehing soldier er not it will be au exciting Orme. anilo 01l, Brussels Council. The monthly meeting of the Council was held on Monday evening, all Nos members present. In the absenee of F. 03. Scott, Clerk, through Ulnas, Council- lor Ross acted as clerk. Minutes of last meeting read and pass- ed. The following accounts were present- ed :-- Zno. Broadfoot, salary, $ 27 00 Mrs. Meadows, " 15 00 Mrs. Z. Blastoff', charity, 4 00 W. Scott. street improvement, 1 26 J. R. Smith, 30 shade traria, 7 50 John Grewar, 15 shade trees, 8 75 *Moved by Geo. Thomson, seconded by W. H. MeOranen that the above act, onto be paid excepting the two latter and that they be laid over. Carried. A communication was read froni-Dr. T. G. Holum, Detroit, relative to a re. omission of his personal property tax, having sold his property and removed. Laid over for future oonsideration. The Committee appointed to visit the cemetery, in connection with a proposal from the 'Trustee Board of the Methodist church to eell the burial grounds, report- ed and after some discussion it was re• solved that no aotion be taken. The Reeve introduced the %nation of the Fire Brigade and its epplianees, and the Commit talked up the advisability of O new fire alarm, another stand for the engine, quarterly prentice for engine and company, ,hu. It was moved by George Thomson, seconded by 4. Grewar that the Chief, Claptain and Secretary of the Fire Brigade be asked to meet the Reeve and W. 13. PeloOraoken at the Town Hall to take an inventory of plant be- longing to Fire Co., fel: use of Council and supply any requisites. Carried. The °enroll then adjourned. Grey Council Meeting. Council met at Burton's Hotel, Ethel, Aug. lst, prorsuant to adjournment. Members were all present, Reeve la the choir, minutes oE last meeting read and approved. Applioation of Alex. Smith and Mined McKee for ditoh on boundary of Grey and Wallace. Moved by Thos. Ennis, seconded by Walter Oliver that Messrs. Milne and Brown be instructed to confer with the Wallace oonneil in reference to the matter. Carried. Lewis Bolton, Township Engineer, repotted having examined the tap drain at lot 23, con. 16, stating thet it would require the stun of fifty oonte pee rod to °leen out said drain so as to make it adequate to carry away all the water flowing into 11. Be -application of Thos. C, Stevenson for leave to filo requisition under the Ditches & Watercourses Act, 1883. After hear. Mg all parties iutorested lb was moved by Walter Oliver, seconded by Thos. lInnis Undo Patrick Nicholson end Pat- rick Bohan's tender of 32,800 for the oonstruotion of municipal drains under By-law No. 28, be noented provided they furnish geed and sufficient seourity for the due completion of the week mood 101)5 satisfactory to the Reeve. Carried. The following accounts won presented and ordered to be paid :-Iolon Hewitt, gravel, 47.70; W. 4. Carter, gravelling et Walton, 320,00 Wm, Spence, Col - luster's roll paper, 32.00 ; John Aineley, plans and speoilications for throe new bridges and inapecting thither, 321.00 ; John °ahem, gravelling on side road 0, eon. 16 and 17, garm; Anthony Ray. maim, repairing the bridge at dranbrook end plank, 387,00, and repairing at lot 11, on. 16, 320,00 ; Refit, Docket, grad- ing at lot 0, eon. 5, 32.80;4Lorenzo Frain, shovelling gravel et Div, 3, con. 8,34,00 ; Thos. Ennis, gravel, 30.00 ; W. Bird, repairing approaoh to Calcler'a bridge, 39.00. By.leAv No. 24 was read and pargood, levying two and two tenth mills ter °county purposes, one atod eight tenth mills for township purposes and eight tendon o$ a mill for general &shoot meow/mint for the ourrent year ; also Sy-lear No, 26 to levy and colloot the mmilhafaS.W.K.Hi.....1.1!Sea?;;;;;14.13,rmestr,,,Wiammnynxicacamatatanuers;xienha....rgneguasunoir;esai FRIDAY, AUGUST 6, 1892 j. T. Mitchell, late foreman of the Parolee, Advertiser, has purchased the Tonle of MO town. A. fanner near Courtlaed, while draw- ing in eight agree of hay, load two run- aways and two upsets. At session of Northweat Legislature next month a raeU.Sure will be introduced to give voting by ballot. Over 31000 worth of damage was done to the der/trio light syetern of Brantford, by the recent thunderstorm. A monster thanksgiving service was held by temperance people oE Winnipeg Sunday night over the overwbelnoing tes- timony in favor et prohibition for that provinee given at the reoent election. A Chinaman did his best to make mincemeat of o fellow -celestial on Tues. day of las& week at Gaelph, with a meat axe. The guilty party is gaoled and the wounded man will likely recover, Nelson R. Butner, official stenograph. er, left for England last week to take the shorthand notes of several Birmingham experts, whose testimony is to be used i in mportant litigation in Canada. George Brister, of London township, sold the first load of this nation's wheat in London on Friday of last week. The wheat weighed 60i lbs. to the bushel, and the yielti was 33 bushels to the epee. Walter Jiloroft, aged 83, an eleotric light man, was instantaneously killed on Friday night of last week at the corner of Bernard avenue and Queen street, Parkdale, while mending a wire. Andrew 5, Ross, brother of Duncan Ross, the well-known athlete, has been appointed chief inspector of the Chicago police force. He was formerly on the Toronto police tome and went to Chicago in 1882, Saturday afternoon Mr. Timis, of Kingston shot a large porcupine on Mr. Sear's farm. It had quills in ite bali over two feet long and before Mr. Tinos fired quills came towards him thick and fast. The Bramptou town council created quite a sensetion in town last week by ordering the shutting off of the water of soon° ninety tvater takers. The toovn treasurer, two of the newspaper' and other prominent citizens had to toe the mark. Hon. T. Chase Grosgrain, Attorney - General of Quebec, has sworn out n. criminal information against Bon. Chas. Le,ngelier, charging him with having ac- cepted a 33,000 bribe in °connection with the provincnal subsidy to the Hereford Railway Company in 1890. The Winnipeg Industrial L'xhibition coined Sitturde,y. It was by far the greatest undertaking of the Mol ever at- tempted in the Canadian Northwest and was an unqualified suotoess. Exhibits were large and representative. Fifty thousand people paid admission. The Toronto World says :-News comes from strange gauters :-A Mont- real man informed the World Monday that 4. W. Bengough, editor and eartoon. int of Grip, had severed his censor:Eon with that Journal. A.n intimate friend of Par. Bengougb's corroborated the statement Monday night, but wucold not give a reason for the change. The World was further informed IrIonday night that Sam Hunter would drew for Grip. A prominent farmer near Arthur had oseasion to visit a creek bottom on his farm, emoompanied by his dog. While walking through the tall grass he sudden. ly earn upon a migrating army of minks and they instantly attacked him with in- credible fercmity, jumping at his theoat, biting his bonds and legs and fairly awarined upon him. His dog was quick. ly compelled to abandon him, and but for the asentanoe rendered by some men in an adjoining hayfield, who were attracted by his cries, be would andoubtedly have been overpowered. A boy armed with a stout club succeeded in killing 20 of the ferocious animals. Quite a commotion was created one morning recently by a stray pig on Thames street, ovhioh bolted into D. White & Clo'a dry goods store. The lady °larks screamed and took refuge in a safe plan, wloile the male clerks, with outoin poles and sundry other weopons, pro- ceeded to evict the intruder, whin was not only a strong and lusty fellow, but of a very native nature as well, being of the kind that can reach under a rail fence and eat the third row of potatoes. After sundry evolutions around the store, rind upsettiug several of the oierks, his hog- k ship Was finally ejeoted, after creating considerable exeitement,-Ingersoll niele. Leonard Whitting, of Brighton, brother of the cheese inspector, James Whittling, of Bellville, has continued to gain in flesh, and is now classed as the biggest mem in Canada. He weighs 560 pounds. The Brighton Ensign give his measurement. Around the shoulder, 5 feet 6 incluse 1 chest, 6 feet 2 inches; ; hips, 6 feet 2 inches;; neck, 1 foot 11 inners ; arm alt shoulder, 2 feet 2 inehee ; arm below elbow, 1. foot 5 inohea ; thigh, 3 feet 11 inches ; calf, 2 feet, His head measurerneut around the temples is 28 inalles. Mr. Whining attends daily to his business and is quite nimble on foot. Ten years ago he did not weigh more than 100 perm& and during the past fow years he has increased in weight rapidly. He is comparatively yoting, under 40 yoars of age, and may yet add an extrafifty or seventy-five pounds to his enormous weight. A. couple of men who Maimed to rep- resent a laege wholeratle eoneern in Toronto sionilite to the Patrons of dostry stores, suceessfully swindled a number of farmers in Nolsori township, They carried samples of groceries, dry goods, eta., and said they were taking orders for goods, whioh would be deliv- erect to buyers at whaler/ale price& 'They noceeded in selling many+ job lots, the farmers giving their notee, ranging in value from 448 to 365, at lour months in payment. The alleged wholesale column would also send along tailors to make rtp the °lathes. The thin hag no antennae, end the viatime have been duped into buying goods Worth lees than half the value 01 1110(9 notee. The men secured Several hundred doliot v vorth of notes in the townelotp of Nelson alone, Number 4, '.ii1111,11111111.1.7l1.1160.1.16119.11111.1111.1...1.12,90.11;3;1161.74 T h Presbyterians throughout Canada, The African is better protected against and more putionlerly of Toronto, are the evil effects of the excessive heat them naively engaged in completing prepare, his white brothers in two ways. The Cons for the Pan-Preabyterian council, texture of hie initial() is exceptionally whiob will hold its session in that city, well adapted to encourage free perspire,. beginning on Sept, alict next. It is ex- pected that there will be ia attendance al least 1,000 delegates, representing the °Minh throughout the world. Rev. Dr. Coven, moderator of the General As- sembly of Ontario, will preeide. Many questions of vital interest to Preaby- tering will be discussed, such as prohi. bibion, the labor queetion, the miontry, and, in all probability, the council will eonsider seriously the advisability of adopting a consensual oreecl,or one which may be agreed upon by all the churches Thio has proved a burning question in the tr. S. where for some time the northern ohuroh has been of the opinion that the adoption of a lose rigid oreed than the Westminster oonfession would be in the interest of religion. It is probable, however, that Calvinism will remain intaet, notwithstanding thnt aer. WTI' words may be eliminated whin to tile unlearned prove confusing. Nine persons, four ladies, a little girl, three white men and an Indian, left Cape Croker Wednesday in a sail boat for Wiarton. A squall struck the boat when within 10 minutes' sail of Wiartou. The sails were all down, bat the boat ovas lifted like an eggshell, and the ballast bowing thifted she went over instantly. John Dane from the east shore heard the sorearns, and weat out with a row boat. When he arrived only two white men and one Indian were left. The names of the drowned are :-George Steven and wife, of Cthealey, Steven's two sleben, of Guelph, Mrs. L. Currie and daughter, of Wiarton-six altogether lost and three saved. Mr. Steven had jourt finished the contract of building a new churn on the Indian reserve, and party left Cape Croker during the after- noon in the large sailboat with a fair wind. They were sailing up the bay wing. and -wing with a light breeze, and in another 15 minutes would have been gaiety landed on the shore. Being the violent appearance of the storm they put down their sail, and turning the boat to the waves prepared to weather the gale. At the first gust of the storm the large boat was picked up and turned complete- ly over. The men who were saved were Sound clinging to the boom, which was the only part of the craft out of the water. John Savage hung on to two of the women until a great wave tore them from him, The two white men saved, John Savage and John Lambie, are both employed with Mr. Steven at Cape Oroker. No bodies hove been recover- ed. Geste:oral eN1.-p4. Philadelphians are fearing a water famine. There was a killing hut in Montana last week. The eruption of Mount Etna shows no sign of abating. Cholera has made its appearance at Galioia and Breslau. Ilio reported that yellow fever has broken out in Senegal. The Bulgarian Government will abolish the press Oeneorship on Aug. 18th. The Orkney and Shetland Islands have aeleoted a supporter of Mr. Gladstone. Twenty thousand men engaged in the building trades have been on strike in New York City. Winzel, the young German who murdered Detective Joyce in Loudon, n2., has been senteneed to death. French Anarchists, convicted of steal. ing dynamite bombs whin were used on May Day have been sentenced to terms in gaol ranging from 5 to 20 years. The Paris Chamber of Commerce has voted 20;000 frames to send a delegate to the Chicago Fair rand has appointed Loun,delet ite representative. The 20 girls in the Central Telephone Exchange at Indianapolis, have gone on strike, because of rules whin they say they are expected to observe but cannot. Mr. Balfour, the Government leader in the 13ritish House of Cointnonfi, has gone to the Lflud of Wight to consult with the Qaeen 10 reference to the speech from the throne. It is very generally agreed among naturalists that the tortoise ia the long. est lived of all animals. Molloy have at- tained the age of 250 years, while one is known to have refined the unparalleled age of 450 years. At a ball given by the Governor of Natal on the Qaeen's birthday, his Ex. °annoy had all the debutantes, about eighteen in number, bronght before him' one by one aftee the first donee end kissed them all. An A.meriorm paper says that a church in the town of Bergen, Norway, is built entirely of paper. It can seat 1,000 people in comfort and bas been rendered waterproof by a solution of cmicklinno, curdled milk and white of egge. The district attorney of New York is considering the niatter of summer/sing certain Anarchistnewspapera whin have approved of the attack on Frick, and urged the members of the organi. nation to murder Carnegie and others. The etcamor Triune* which arrivad at Netv Yoeli on Saturday from Mediter- ranean porta, brought as pitssongere 30 howling Dervish Egyptians, all dressed in their native oosturno, 'They are in- tended for the World'a Fair at °hinge. The gambling tables at Monte Carlo mated their proprietors last year over 45,090,00e. 13aron Omnille Blanco and Prince Audziwill, who purehased the in. tenet of Prince Roland Bonaparte, are now the 1141104AI owners of the concern. One hundred and fifty of the tongs and ballade of Burns are soon to be published in °mob by the editor of a Frage° news. paper. In every instenee the Bohemian translator has preserved the metrical form of the original, a feat of apparently great Orin, The statistics of the eastern house in San Eranoine showi,:. hat the anon of 3750,000 was eollecotel last year as the duty on importations of mouthing opium at that port alone, with tloe tariff of 312 a pound. Tide means an importation Of 62,000 pentode, Hon, and lois natural temperament does lint Incline him to borrow trouble large- iy. The lorgeolt artifieial atone in the world forma the base of the Iitortholdi statute of liberty on Bechoe's island, New York harbor. This immense gone was made from broken trap rook, sand and Ameri- oan cement. Five hundred oar -loads of eand and over 00,010 barrels of clement were used in manufaeturing the monster. The Freneh newepopers tell of a very interesting match that came off in France. Two women in good society challenged earth other to talk fast. Cash was to fixed thee. Rush women tallied three utter as many worda as possible in 1 000sentive hours. One uttered 203,660 words The other wan the match with 296,000 words. There is now on exhibition in Paris a boat whin, ibis said, is as exact a repro - dilation 88 can be made of the caravel whin took Christopher Columbus; to America. Tbe ship floats around in a large basin whose edge ismade to repre- sent the shore of the Wand on which Col- umbus landed, and there are Indian and other aceessories to give realism to the plot/ere. A pantomime representing the landing of Columbus on the shores of the New World is given. Great indignation has been expressed in Pittsburg, Pa„ over the natare of the puniahment inflicted on Private lams, and there is little doubt that action will be taken by bus friends to teat in the courts the right of General Snowden and Colonel Streator to tie a num up by his thumbs and then shave his head and drive him out of camp for exhibiting tho foolishness of a boy and persisting to re- tract 0 remork whin everybody coma - ere thoughtless. Professor Milne, of ItTokio, records a dense storm of yellow dust which sudden- ly covered the deck of a vessel ninety- five miles from Nagasaki, Japan, which is upward of four hundred miles from the coast of China. The dust was so fine that though composed of feldspar, quartz and a few ehreds of pleats, it did not affect the eyes, and load not the deck been covered with it it might have been mistaken for a peculiar yellow fog. Yet 10 seems to have extended for two thous- and miles rood to have Emma from the "loose" plains of Chin. A strange divorce ease was filed at Cincinnati late Saturday night by Mrs. BC R. Owen against A. F. 0. Owen. The Christian and maiden names are omitted to hafile detection. It is said that even the woman's parents are not aware she is a wife, though it is three yesze since she was married. It is whispered that the lady is a "belle" in the swell Olifton suburb, and her pat- ronmie is known to New York's Four Hundred. The wedding occurred one afternoon as a foshionable Eastern water- ing plass, The husband left in fifteen minutes for Denver and never none ban. Five thousonci people at Inver Grove, just south of St. Paul, were the horrified spectators on Monday afternoon of terrible fall to death of Prof. Hobe, the aeronaut. When the balloon reaohed the usual altitude Hobe could be seen tugging at the valve cord, which would not work. Before he could manipulate it the balloon NV 119 at heat 3,000 feet above the earth. In the remoter way he out loose the paraohute ancr shot rapidly earthward, but to the horror of the crowd the parachute did not expand and the unfortunate aeronaut fell like a shot to- ward the ground. 50 great was the force of the fall that he was driven in the soft ground to it depth of 1.0 feet and instant- ly killed. Ib required the work of an hour to reach the body and death had ooeurred long before. The Daily A.nglo-Ameriaan says : Janice Doernsby Walton, of Brooker - numb, Eng., and Henry Adams, of Bel- low's Falls, N. H., met a terrible death on Monda3 while aktempting to reach the highest and largest crater of volume Colima. Both men were engaged in the mining business, and after some banter- ing they decided to settle the question which were the braver, Englishmen or Amerioans, the test being the asoent of thervoloano. They started after many difficulties and encountered many obsta- cles. The vides say that with their re- speetive flags they reached a shelving rook whore a volume of ashes shot frorn the crater hundreds of feet; into the air. Walton and Adams, after ohs ashes had /fallen, were seen by the guides grasping hands, each with flags Hying defiance. This was the last ever seen of the brave adventurers, for the next instant a, and volume of lava Wee vomited, and, reach. ing a height of thousands of feet, de - wended oconcentrionlly in a storm of fire. Walton and Adams perished in the ae- mending fire. The guirlea (swooped and reached Louillot, end told the story of the anent and death. A. sickening sight was witnessed at San Luis Potosi, Mex., on Jilly 29th at a bull fight b,y eleetrie light in tloe new ring mar the city. There were 6,000 persona present, including a number of American incites and gentletnen. Tha =ander, Alberto Limertnra, oyes in the act of giv- ing the third bull a thrust with lois shut sword, when be slipped and fell. The frenzied ball hail him on his horns in a turnout, and Was goring loirn ferociously, whim three of the banderilleros nailed to the redone. They flaunted their sontlet Moltke in front of the bell n nuniber of done without attrecting his attention from the fallen matador. Stairlenly the bull charged npon ono of the banderil. loros, who songht proteation behind a barrier erected for that purrooao, The bull overtook him and eaught him up on the gluten points of his horns, which penetrated entirely through the man's body. The orOWd 'Wee wild With °spite. merit, the MeXifainfl cheering the bull for his grand fighting whiles, and when the bugle sounded the doll for the Man tO 50000oin and lasso the mad animal to be killed the speotabore protested vehemently against anal motion.