HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1892-7-29, Page 8JEig
..fuLy 20, 1892
•euestraeriost. ,......ennelintermanatte SaleennialentEMeraManiligagelearnsomEruffisagegemeggereettenalleneg====E7rallEM
!tete Mise Agure RUM tho Welded
elamutioniet ou let Way meeting,
el a lam Berndt gave the SitIvetion A rmy
a oall on TIt motley evening or Int week,
.1 ens W1l.REB, cavern*, maker, hag
imam ed "Nudge" bieyele fr,in Alex.
HOW to get ria of the One will °miff the PulPit or
Way l't to lltie in the abeenee of the pastor.
Ten: has been a rushing trade done
TANGLEFOOT• in binding twine Ude week, Cords ttf
Ilea leme peeetiteed from Itineeels dead
j). .j• forget tile Conn t in the Town
Hall tine (,"ridity) evening. (3.7.t1 the
plait of reserved settles it Pcpper's drug
A oliAND staii,1 to ace.,Inmodate /..00
people will be put up on the Bruesele
Driving Park at one, eo at to be ready
for the Tacos on August tilith.
Toe electrie light had to be shnt off on
Monday night, at JO o'olock owing to the
electrical ourreit being too stroug. Two
or three letups were burned out.
Ie mite Mil& ;12'1.00 a heed to take
eattle from Braegele to the ad Country
niarket. i;.1iI.(id i()lice tee stetunship
ra 0. Cattle buyers inn risks,
Jeeee. DoTLE has given judgment in
favor of sues Jackson, blaelismith, of
13ruseels, in connection with the snit ovee
note given for a patent right foe a
_ LAST Stmday Thos. Knecht:31 and T.
Retledge wheeled to the Co. town and
sniffed Lake Huron h,eezes for a few
hours before returning. They rode about
70 miles.
A Boxier, steamer was ehipped to
Ilespeler last Friday aud an exhibition
of Be powera was given on Saturday.
Messrs, Ronald, Parsons and Melsom
were there.
Tune is a propoetil on foot to have a
day of spurt iti J3russels during the Fall
to include bagel:all and football metelies,
bicycle races and, perhaps, a short pea.
grain of athletic sporte.
A roor nALL Mateh between a team
from the Ronald foundry and one from
the tith line of Morris was pheyed on the
Park last Satmelity evening. There wae
lots of fun. Brussels won by 3 to 0.
Pr is sail that the property in connec,
thin with the Vanstone estate, incinding
roller tnill, stores, dwelling and read
estate, will be offered for sale shortly by
public auction at the instance of the
LionTnini burned out it number of tele-
phone wiree at the central alive in Pep-
per's (len store, last Sunday morning.
The electric light wirealso got a shaking
up, the light in J. T. Roes' grocery ann.
ing to grief, Telograeli and telephone
poles were badly ablvered.
ImpouTANT To AbeTroxanits,—It appears
from it recent legal decision that when
an auctioneer is employed to sell farm
stock or other goods, he makes a careful
search in the proper offices to And cut if
any one has a chattel mortgage or
other lien or claire against the same,
otherwise he will be held liable to any
one who may have eueli it claim and
whose rights are interfered nth. He
virtually guarantees the title to all goods ,
gold by him. This is pretty hard on I
the auctioneers.
Annerneelow.—Laat Tuesday tifternoon
McFadden, IV. j. jAhnston and 11.11.
Hays met at the Queen's Tfotel Brue.
selg, as arbitrators in the case of T.
Manders, Geo. Easom and G. Green.
slerle who asked a trensferrance from the
Union ealioel section at Walton to Bar.
rie's school on the Gt line of Morris.
The trustees of Walton proteited and
after the evidence WaS taken and care.
fully considered it was decided that 111r.
Meowing remain where he ie but that
Blessee. Easom's and Greenslada'a lots
be attached to Barrie's ag they are con-
siderably nearer there than Walton, U.
McFadden ocoupied the chair.
0-1(2EN Goons Mee Nennen.--One of
the aeveral ',green goods" gauge in New
York which have been flooding this Bu-
tton of the country with circulars offor•
ang counterfeit money for sale has just
been broken up by the New York police,
who made a raid on their headquarters
and found thousands of oirenlars and in.
structions to ”agenta" which were scat-
tered broadcast through the States and
Canada, A memorandum book disoover-
ed showed that this particular firm lute
made profits 0181,650 during April em its
proprietors, Residents of Brussels who
got circulars were puzzled hoe thole
names and addresses were obtained by
the New York orooks. The fact that the
eopies of the latest reel:arena° books igeued
by Bradetreet's and R. G. Dunn & 00'S.
mercantile agencies were found in the
room, will clear up the me stery.
Heareeeare—Ou Wedeesday, July 20111,
at 8:30 a. nt 11. Fleming's house was
thronged with friends from Menford,
Markham and other plans, who bad
come to attend the marriage ceremony of
Mrs. Fleming's only daughter Mary to
Sohn Hargreaves, of Toronto. Bliss Har-
greaves aoted as bridees maid while P.
Sinalede, of Ching°, brother of the bride,
supported the groom, Archie Sinclair
plying the bride away. Rev. A, Corbett
patformed the ceremony sharp on time,
after whioh the guests sat down to it
sumptuous repast. This being finished
Ohs gra= brieliy thanked the guests for
their company, inviting them to call on
him and his bride at any time in their
new hotne, which was the gross -number
on St. Pittrlsk street, Toronto. The
couple toolc the 10:45 train for their
home. The presents were many, hand-
some and ontly.
Men Wenn Ges Nevelt DIE. —The Al.
Weed Bee says i—Tuto RansaeLS Pon'
entered upon its 20th volume last week.
TIM POST lin enjoyed greet prosperity
under Bro. Kerr'S management and Is to-
day one of the reelly good nowspapere of
Ontario end ie richly deserving of the
liberal support it reeeiree.—The Clinton
New Era, remarks :.—Tme BretiSsErA{ POST
of last week entered upon its 200h volume
and announces that its Wetness is in a
better shape than ever. This is as it
shotild be for 'line Poor is it clean, well.
conducted and newey paper, etliind with
fainting, houesty and ability. As an ad
mate of local Interein 10 =mite even
better support thee the liberal patronage
it gets.—The Seaforth .ffacpositor says 1 --
Last week Tim Bnuesees Pose entered
upon its 20th volume. Sine its eatab.
nehmen it has made rapid strides Red
has now lumina one of the leading
jonenale of the county. We hope Tint
Pose and Bro. &ter well make much/mite
MSS and be much more sucoeseful in the
next, 20 yeers,—Tms Bnuastee Pose, to
live, eleern and enterprising uowspapee,
has just entre ed upon Its twentieth
volume. Bro. Kerr heel mado a grand
senates of the POST, and hie many friends
of the preas with hina greeter pros,.
perity.—Beporter, Nineardine,
the :Methodist eltureh here next Sebbeth
This is generally known as sticky
fly pflper, fOtiti does its work Wel
If yort prefer thein We /MVO a lao
Fly Poison P'elts
or Fly Phper wliieli giVeS gOcki
SatiStaeti011. liot vo you 0N'OP llS011
Insect Powder?
Many prefer it to anything else
for roaming this disturb:iv of thi,
; W P 1 „.
P1er,S0 to supply yOU.
Druggist, Bookeeller, &o.
Trains lean, Brussels Station, North
etoiNO SorTEr. Elotga Norte. i
end South, as follows;
Exerees eutio ann. Ntail
7:10 eau. I Mixed Me ant, ,
Mixed 4:1:4 p in, I
site p.m. Exprin,s . . 0,3s p.m.
---- — - - — - I
7/fP a ra I liitto5 Wtem%. 1
, _
A ohiel's ameng ye takin' notes,
An' faith he'll prent it.
Nexe leIonclity will be the let of Aug.
CorNelt meeting next Monday evening.
FLAN puffing began iu this tonality last
D. MenreliTON did a good ja,b in
replankiug the bridee.
W. JEWITT shipped a me or cattle to
the Eestern market on Thursday.
Tool RETEEDes has been tickling tl,e
palates of the residents with harvest
Comm:eon IlleCitererne is going be pnt
Otto incandesoent light in the 'Teehiye"
W. M SINot.ua 10 now tieing coal in.
stead of wood as fuel in conoection with
the electric light.
So:simony is going to get into trouble
for trotting their horses over the iron
bridge continuously.
WAnD FAMED), took in the Listowel—
Seaforth foot hall match at the latter
town on Thursday of last week.
Miss Exox, 'Miss Strong end Prof.
Scott will give an A 1 proems= on Fri-
day evening at the Town Ball, Brrnsele.
Tim beat during this w. ek has been
very intense, The thermometer has
been cantering around in the nineties all
Bressees Fall ranee on Friday, Atig,
2Gth. Tile Aseociation is Offering large
purees. A local bicycle race for e, giver
medal will alto take pine on the same
Oe Wednesday of this week Ivan, soil
of Robt. Johnston, of Cochrane ,2 John.
ston, fell on same eharp stones while
playing and had a severe cut indicted on
his head.
A eAltlitS party will be held at the rest -
dance of The, Maxwell, Joha street, ou
Thursdey evening of next week, under
Otto megaton of St, John's oburoh. A
good program will be presented.
Ax adjourned meeting of Maitlend
Presbytery was held at Luoknow on
Tuesday of this week. There wore pees.
ent from this locedity Rev. J. Botts, B.
A.., Rev. D. Millar, Rev. D. B. McRae
and Alex. Stewart and T. Straeltan,
LADIES appreciate Anti -Dandruff from
Otto fact thet it not only thoroughly re.
moves Dandruff with three applications,
but atops falling of the hoer, restoree
fading hair to its original color, and
mitkeS it soft and pliable without leering
any indioation of a dressing being used.
Clair as crystal, clean to 'lee, it is a
valuable toilet preparttiorn
WE understand that the extmination
papers of this year Inc teaoher's ogrtill.
cans were not a lair twit of the os,ncli.
date's knowledge, The junior Leaving
erithmetio and Algebra tampers were
espernelly unfair. A great deal of emu -
leant has consequently been the r esult,
°envoi., we hope the examiners will
deal leniently with the papers, end tease
Otto candidates wilt come out with a )
better showing then they at present
Syne Wantign SIONS.—When flies 1,
sting sharply and ants may be seen mak-
ing haste with their tiny berdens ; when
the donkeys btay unusually, and the
cows cluster in corners of the fields before
milking time ; whe» the pige piok up
straws and carry them about with lively
intense, as if they had some business
with Oa m, or wished to learn if etraws
really do show the way the wind blows r
when the dog is heavy with sleep, and the
oat seems poseessed to waeh her facie,
then look Inc rain.
ta Knox. CHURCH LAWN Somere—On Tuce•
dey evening an enjoyable social was held
on the beautiful grounde of D. a Ross,
in aid of the funds of the Ladies' Mis-
sionary Asnoiatioil of Ithox Mitten.
There wee a large attendance and social.
ly and financially the meeting was a
great sucoess, The verandah and lawn
wen profusely lit up and looked beau-
tiful. The oornpany, previous to listen-
ing to the program, amused themselves
in oonveusation and parlor and out -door
games, The program, whieh was it line
orie, wee deservedly well received as in
every inetanee the piece, wore admirably
exeouted. Et was as f lows :—Soto, A.
Sinew.; instrumentie ,nusio, Mies e;ed
Mr, Taylor ; reeitatin, Mieo Bots
due% Missee Campbell ; solo, Miss Tay.
lor ; recitation, Mise L. Stem:than ; in.
etrnmental masio, Messrs. Ballantyne
aud lOLsCcdl; trio, Misses and Kr, Amos;
solo, A.. Straelinn inetrumental music,
Miee and Mr. Taylor ; due% Misses
Ames ; eel°, Miss Taylor inetrnmental
musio, Messrs. Ballantyne anti MeGall.
;I Bev. D. pastor, in behalf of the
Aseociation thanked Me. and Mrs, ROSS
for the we of the lawn, the friends
present and the singers Ond instebment.
abets for the exeellent program pm.
Tun Seaforth Expositor in speaking of 1
The Seaforili marl:Arnett Wo183 delighted
shooting matell of Met week remarks tee I S .71.IND,.41?,.D BeINE OR a.d sYdDf.4,
7,.:',".1=`..6.9:3Z...-:r.'.,:,=-X.7=PARS CPFE1
wi,h the hoepitable manner in whicl • . ti ' • oi 11 1.L.4
thee were treated hy the Brunele friend
and hope to have en opportunity of re
netting the hospitality at tan distant day.
P1(st-ii, Pt7silints,--A. McGraw has dis
i .
;weed ;if the Paisley Advneate to J. Lob
AssETH, . . (Seven Minim) Dollars) . 07,000,000
CAPITAL (A.uthorised)
.lye( f,$ in all principal 1041111 in n
Otario, (111, bee, Manitoban, I ' i tea; 1°,°./ 1.; ,
ertson, of Port Elgin. Mr, McGraw in-
$411X,W$10.01 PROXeir. 2E1 Oto• Per
tends golug to the Nellie alope.—Eilitor
Bream), of Calgary, N. W. T., Wan Wave •
Sea 1300 and eoete for HI:ening Leo Polio
Magietrate of nett place.—An manna
Hornet daily paper, En be milled the Sun
is to be Started at Toronto, it he said
Dan, MoGillicuddy, of Cloderich, wil
likely become its chief editorial writer.—
Somebody with more motley than the
know whet to do with it talking of start
ing another newepaper in St, Marys.
That dodge was tried in ;Mitchell ba
failed dieaetrouely,—J. Ross Robert,on
of the Toronto Telegram, who has bee
Grana Mester of the Masonic., body Inc
Several yeart, was asked to accept of
testimonial on retiring from the position
He asked the donors to apply the money
iu purchasing additional ems Inc tit
d. Home at Ifenlait'm Wand, T.,
route, of which be was the fouuder
Robertson hat a hie, unselfish heart.—
The Gerrie quill drivers of the Vidette
and Gazette are slinging mud at each
other these weeks. Le bad linsiness.—
Editor Hawkins, of the Lietowel Stand
ard, is Collectoe of Customs, and Editor
Climbs, of the Banner, ie License in.
greeter. The lines have fallen unto
them la pleasant phi-neg.—Jae. Mitchell,
Of the Goderich Star, will have to stern
hie trial at the Huron Vali Assizes fol.
libelling 111. O. Ourneron.---Dr. Withrow
editor of the Mettiodiet- Magazine, htte
been lately Visiting Egypt met the Holy
Land,—Edweed Ferrer, the leading
editorial writee on the Toronto Globe
severe his connection with Viet journal
on August lst,
A General Banking Bushing Traneacted, Partnere' Notee Dinounted.
Drafte Jostled and Collection made on all polote,
Intereet allowed on deportits of 81.00 and upwards from date cif depoeit to date of
wi thdra wad and compounded half yeti rly,
Every facility afforded Customers living at a distance.
Transftet a General Banking Business. Drafts Bought and Sold on
all points in Canada, United -States and. Great Britain.
V.WatTS RatIlt7 ORI'dar,Eawr.
Interest Allowed on Ono Della and Upwards at Currant Rates. Iutereet Com.
ponetled Twice a Year, Doing Added to the Prhicipal at tion end of the Month,' of
' October aud April, Br cola] Arrangements made for Time Deposite.
We effort to write liana ranee in old English or Canadian Companies, or in Mo.
um Companies as Wily be desired.,
Business Locals,
Eintnv day is Baby Day at Perry's.
Fiume groups a epeetulty at Perry's
Sternums and Mikado panels at Perry's
Fon the hest cabinet photos go to
H. J. &mega finishes all his work by
the new process.
Tneens and valises, good assortment
very cheap at IL Dennis.'
Go to Stengel and have your photos
finished in the latest styles.
Tire retnaindee of my baby carriages
at oOst. I. 0. Richards.
H. J. Senna (photographer) puts an
extra finish on all hie photos.
Ate photos printed ou the new per-
manent aristo paper et Perry's.
Tarsus and valises very cheap, A
good stook always on hand.
I. 0. Richards.
gun' arrived ano range of Baby oat,
Magee which will be sold at reasonable
rates. H. Dennis.
ComFORTABLE brick house for sale or to
rout in Brussels, Apply to Ferguson &
Halliday, merchants.
Hoz you it set of our extra value ?HAIG
silver single harness, at fifteen dollars
I. G. Richards.
Wicm-Diticaue axe. Dammxe.—George
Birt has all the neeessitey machitiory for
cliggIng and annul wells and Is prepar-
ed to attend to all week entrusted to hina
in a wily that will insure satisfaotion.
Wells cleaned out and put in proper
slier& Terme reasonable, Rosidenoe
snood eoor north of the bridge, west
side of Turnberry et., Brussels. 84-03
00omiANn & jonesecer, marble manu-
facturers, are now taking orders Inc
spring delivery in their line. As hereto-
fore all workmanship and orders trusted
to their tiara wIll be put up in the meet
epproved style and satiefention guaran-
teed in every case. Anybody requiring
Anything in tbeir line of trade it would
be wall for them to see their designs and
prices before making their purchases
Shop opposite Queen s hotel stables,
etook company with a capital of 81100.
000, nith the head office at Stratford, for
tbe purpose of manufacturing these
patent motors for Canada, or giving
. power to others to manufacture them
under a royalty, or otherwise as may be
deemed best. The applicants for the
charter will be ; R. Whitelaw, foundry -
man. Woodstock ; J. B. Perry, president
Canada Mineral Wool Company, Toren-
, to ; J. W. Scott, banker, Listowol ; A. 0.
Blowat, banker (of William Mowat &
Son), Stratford ; S. S. Fuller, viee.preei-
gent Blitish Mortgage Loan Company,
Stratford ; D. W. either, inventor, Wood-
stock (late of Stratford). The motor is
Otto inveetion of D. W. Carter, who per.
feoted his device while residing in Strat-
ford. Mr. Whitelaw lute an order to
furnish a Carter paten motor of 10
horse pewee to be ready Inc the Toronto
Induetrial Exhibition with ell the neces-
sary attachments for indicating the
power gained by this valuable Mention,
mtease .
Recumen.—In Elena, on July 20th, the
wife of Mr. Hugh Richmond, of a
SHARD.—In Ethel, on June Nth, the wife
of Mr. W. J. Sharp of it daughter.
Con:cm—In Wingham, on July 18th,
the wile of Mr. Robb. Cornyn of a
IWCE.—In Brussels, on July 2701h, the
wife of Mr. Robb. Bruce, Toronto, of
a datighter.
Warx.—In Brussels on July 270, the
wife of Mr. Robt. Wait of it daugh-
AmignsoN.—In Cearthroolt, on July Illth,
the wife of Mr. William Alderson of
a Son.
DINO5LAN.—In Stratford, on July 12t11,
Otto wife of Mr, W. 0, Dingman,
editor of the Herald, of a daughter.
Coorn—At the Methodist Parsonage, Rip•
lay, on July 22mi, the wife of Rev.
Joseph S. Cook, M. A., of a claugh.
Perth Coturty.
Stratford is agitating for a street rail -
WA y.
Mitchell has sent 5151.50 in titivate
contributions to St. John's.
Hey is all harvested ha Blanshard. It
will average three tone to the acre.
South Perth fall exhibition will be
held in St. Marys Sept. 27t1t and 281h.
George Hyde, of Shakespeare, was a
judge or cattle (beef breeds) at the 1Thtni•
total, Fair, at Winnipeg,
St. Mary's council hen renewed the
oontrecet with the electric light company
Inc a term of five years.
Friday some one entered the residence
of Geo. Weavere, bricklayer, Stratford,
during the absence of Mrs. Weaver, and
stole 824 in money therefrom.
There is likely to be considerable
thrashing done during harvest title year
in Blaushard 00 ancient of Igo much barn.
room being taken up with the hay:
D. Shine, Milverton, has been invited
by the Dominion Government to prepare
an exhibit of hie grain males for exhi.
bition at the World's Fair in. Chicago,
The crops of Elm township were never
better in the memory 01 0110 oldoet inhab,
Bent, especially the hay crop, whiola will
average two tons to the acre in moot
So fow pegged at the late examinations
that the menngernent of the Mitchell
publio sohool board have decided to
make no promotion ee the opening of
the next turn.
The Masonic Laps of Stratford con-
template holding a monstee exenreion to
Port Dover on tite 81e1 of August. The
proeeede are to be donated to the oity
hospital. Low rates will be Mumma and
as the objeot is it most lauciabre ono it
will donbtlees be very largely patronized
by the oitizens of Stratford.
What came very nearly proving a very
'lotions aceicliont oocurred the other day
at All. Sinkins' house, St. Mary'll.
While IL Whitworth and alr, S. wore
mowing hay near the house a Stile two.
year-old daughter belonging to the latter
gentleman earne out of the honse and ran
np behind mo, wnieworth (Otto had not
observed her) mid was etruck with the
back of the scythe just above the eye
and 'moulted clown. Fortunately the
little girl was not hurt frirther than a
slight bruise.
An Important invention /or giving in-
creased power to machinery, for whioh
Worth; hen been applied for in Canada,
Otto 'United States and foreign conntries,
hog been for some weeks tinder trial at It.
Whitelaw's foundry at Woodstock, the
result being so satisfactory that was
dectidecl al a, meeting held at. Mr. White -
law's office to IDA onee organize a Joint
HARalleAVES—SINELAIn.—At the residence
of the bride'e mother, Paisley, on
Wedunday, 20th July, Miss Mary,
only daughter of the late Peter
Sinclair, to Mr. John Hargreaves, of
the arm of Hargreaves Bros. drug-
gists, Toronto.
MeEnnux—Meren.—tit the residence of
Otto bride's father, Hippen, on July
20111, by Rev. J. B. Howell, M. A.., of
Goderioh, assisted by Rev. H. Irvin,
of Xippen, Rev. Arohibald
bin, of Pine River, to Miss Lizzie
Metes, of Kippen.
LOWIET.—DI Listowel, ou the 18th inst.,
Stephen Lowry, aged 72 years,
months and 3 days.
RUDGE.—In Delgrave, cm the 17th inst„
Jane Budge, aged 92 years, 3 months.
Bo'emx.--In Morris, on July 25th,
Jennie, daughter of Ddwarci and
Mary, Bosnian, aged 1/5 years.
DexectAw.—In Grey, on July 271h, Mar.
garet, beloved wife of joltu Duke.
lew, aged 6'7 years.
Simrsou.—In Ethel, on Thursday, July
28111, Christena, relict of the late
Thomas P. Simpson, aged 29 years,
0 mouths ancl 10 days.
Fall Wheat ....... ...... 72
Spring Wheat 70
Barley 85
Peas V
Oen 27
Butter, tube and rolls..,
Eggs per dozen 85
Flour per barrel e 50
Potation 80
flay per ton 5 00
Hides per lb 8
Salt per bbl., retail.— 1 00
Sheep skins, each GO
Lamb skin eaoh 65
Applee pee barrel 1 00
Wool 17
5 00
0 00
1 00
1 20
cionunotons aonses 3,0 the Terrace
oti Turnberry street ore now offet•od at gent.
ly roducod reali. Thom is a supply Int soft
yam, and Intra water from els overtio wing
wins, 10010 10
84 1117(00, NOILTON.
Vnerrnt.--conte and Bee tbe White-
man Pea Ilalvester before bnyieg (demean
as ft ponesnes ailvernagee over all others,
11. csn be rittnebee to any mown without
ttrlllbng the her end 0011 be had ou shortobb
goLium Mtn awl roo foryogrAolvan.
n, EWAN,
Agent, Brussels.
-S.. on farm security, Partioulars may be
obtained by applying at TUE POST Publish-
ing Llonse, Brussels.
or stolen from the premises of
the undersigned, Lot 27, Con. 14, Grey, ou
July 8011, 9 head 000 year old male 38 steers
and 1 holler). Four uf them ore 00)00101 10,1
and white end the obttei'fivo roa. A taW1.1.2a
of 820 will bo paid for their recovery.
2-4 Moneri en' P. O.
Salesmen Wanted,
We require immediately, gond energetic
m en to sell our 10e11 known and Boilable
Nursery Stool:, grown at Ilaple Grove Nur-
series, Waterloo,N, 11.
We have a whie-sproad Canadian reputa-
tion second to no other drill of over 25 years,
and thousands of testimonials( from well
pleased /nitrous, Reproof of the go i,nlnst,oss
of our steak now in bearing. Hardy Iron-
clad Varieties fur northern localities. Pigh.
est Commission (law. or Salary if ineferred.
Outfit Free. We guarantee our stook. For
terms apply at 0000 10
. eLtoKAT,
General Manager,
00m St. Thomas, Out,
1. nittunonvan has several good Farms le,
sale and to rent, easy torms, in Townships
of Morris and Grey, S. SO UTT. Brussels,
,) Being South half Lot 27, con. 6, Morris,
100 acres, nearly all cleared . Goa buildings,
flue voting burley orchard. immediate pos-
session. Nagy Terms. Apply to
Solicitor, 100.,13russols.
. _
FARM toil B&Lri, OR TO
rierr.—Tho subscriber oirers his 100
acre farm, tooth half lel 15, con, 4, Of orris,
tor solo. About DO acres cleared and Nacres
of the balsams good bush. It would make a
splendid stook farm as there is abundance
of water. Frame house, bulk barn and
other neuessary buildings, If not sold it
will bo oircivati to rout. For particulars ap-
ply to
2-01 ADAM SCOTT, Proprietor.
200 A,,P,,en,;Ltill) tritelAaRfin.m1P0bReinSgAioLtE.
and 12, con. 16, Grey, 10 0101100 for side. 120
soros aro cleared end tbo balance well tim-
bered. Beilaings nest -class. Orchard, well,
dm, School house within 40 roils. Posses-
sion given at once if desired, For further
particulars us to price, terms, &c. apply to
AIRS. wAraizit,
9-01 Roseville 0.1).
or NELSON' BRICKER, on foam.
1. Mims for sale bite north
east quarto rot lot, 28, coneeSeion 6, Morris,
County of Ituron , containing 60 acres, The
Islnl Is 00 tint emtlity and in a high state of
cultivation, well Mooed and tinder -drained,
15 Mores cleared. New frame house, 8 rooms,
uiOIk hou%e with concrete walls, 2 won't,
good barna and shod, orobara, oto, Eight
acres of fall wheat. This desirable property
aajoinS the oorporation of 13russols. Suit.
able tun, will be given . Title 11573001,
saarns GRIEVE, Owner,
136. Sonterth 10.0.
Blunts tete 11 and 32, con. 12, Township
of Grey, County of Hilton, containing 200
mires, the property of the lute John Robert-
son. 160 mores cleared and free from ob.
strinstions, 15 aores hush, mixed timber,
balance partly cleared. Soil °lay loam,
mostly rolling. Ifeneed with straight rail
fences and watered by two wells and a
spriug privilege. Commo nions dwelling
hones, wi,th largo Woodshed attached and
an excollaut cellar under house, Two levee
barn, atone ntebling end melee outbutia.
tugs, ewe good bootleg ()rebel:Cie, orna-
mental types and small fruits, 44 nano
from Brussels, o, lively town on the G. T.
convonieut to school, ohurches and post
Milo°. This property Des welt, Is m drat -
elms grain ancl stook farm and should bo
soon by intending ptire,b agora es 1011 cffer.
ad at a bargain, For further pitrticalars
apply to MRS, JNO, ROBERT SON,
017 IMlhmbor, ROBERTSON, on
the premien, cm by letter to Ormabroolr P.
0, 1104
Voters' List, 1892,
lltruumns'aert 000101 TOWNsltlr tot' Cictno,
0013811700 HUliON.
Notiee lo hereby egyee Ghee I have trona -
mated Or IN -livered to the Parsons mezrtoe.
ea in sootitlis 5 and 0 of bbe Ontario Voters'
List Ace, NW, the copies required by said
scalene to be trnetnrilttea or di:Item:6d of
the list, ntade ptirgatEnb to mild Aot, of all
persons ap8earing by the last revised As
sessin one Roll of the said unieipality to be
atititleeito vote 111 the said eteniettedity at
Elootio_ps ler Members of Oho Legislative
Assail:05)y cud at M1110°11,0 Elections ; and
that said itei Wes girt noted up at 101)1 00100
at Mimi, oat the 20011 day of July, 1000, and
and renrgisc there for 11181)001AM),
meetem die united linen to 0E101111110 Olio
0115 1110, sotO. if emy oloissions or any other
0005)10 0)10 Wind therein, to tako Immediate
proceedings to have the said errors oOrrect-
all aocordieg tO law.
Clerk of Gray Twit,
Dated an 311,1101,2100 day of jitly, 592. ,
Peiver'o Drug 8tore,
a Solicitor and Cony eyeliner. Wince-
tious tondo. Otlice—Vanstomes meek, Itrue•
eels. 214110
UT 101. grjuvAeItRtu'rer No to ry Pnb•
110, itte, B Jiloolt, 1 do or north
of Popper's Drug Store, Private Funds to
(Late WW1 GarrOIS 0, Protalfoot, Cede.
digt,) liarr,stors, Solicitors, Conveyailoots,
(to, Offiees—brussols and &Worth, Bras.
5010 Oilloo—Up-Mairs over 13ank. Money
to Loan,
11, IL was. 11, 13, /1101E005
- .
la. • AncEieneer, is always ready to at-
tend sales of farms, farm stook, (2e. Terms
cheerfully given. Cranbrook P. O. Sales
may be arrInged at Tag Peer
etonse, Brussels,
Licensed Anotionser, Sales conduct
ed on reasonable terms, Farms and farm
stook a speoialty. (ernes loft at Tent Pose
Publiehi ng tt se,nressols, 00 00110 to Walton
0. 0., will rowdy() present ablaut ion .
.4-1. rs as an Auctioneer, I ain prepared
to conduct miles of farm stock et reasonable
prices, Knowing the standing of nearly
arcrY Person I ant in a position to sell to
13000 marks and got good seourity when sold
on analt. Satisfaction gintraiiteed, Give
1110 100,01. 10. P 0, SOOTT.
Mr. 1-1Ln.aa°
rrloIELI‘i:enaes. Ogles
at his (Tracery, ritruberry street, Brussels,
• Tonsorial Artist. Shop—No8t door
south OA. 01, Moltay& CO'B hardware store.
Laaia s' anti altildrens hair catting a soeclaltr
A_• Issuror of Marriage Llecuses, by
atineintniont of Liont,-(lovernor, Commis.
stoner, erc , 13, Conveyancer and Agent
Fire insurauee Co. 00.1ae at the Crattbrook
Post Oilice.
Clerk of the Fourth Dirt/Sou Court
Co, Huron. Conveyancer, Notary Publio
Land, Loan end Insure nee Agent, Punch;
Invested and to loan, Collections made.
011.1ce in Graham's Block, Brussels,
Miss Merles, of Wingbarn, is prepared
to givo instruction in oil painting, %Brats
luny be ascertained at Miss Nellie Ross' store
whore samples of work 'may be seen. Miss
Mori° would aleo take it few more mils in
rri A. HAWE.INS,
• Organint in St. John's Church, 'Brus-
sels, and pupil, to the Art of Teaching, of A.
W, Thayer, Mus. Doe., Now York, will give
lessons to pupils either at Thos, FIL2TOIrti,
comer of gneen and Pi:Inclose Ste., or if pro.
furred, at. their (mulleins, 'Roma mo0BD.
ate. 46 -
‘V". CALE, 101. D., 0. M.,
Member of the College of Physieian,
and Surgeons of Ontario by ogain(nation.
(Moo and Residence — Mein street East,
Ethel, Ontario.
01 a. M., b. R. C.P„ Edinburgh, 21, 0. P
0.0M. lionalenee and oilleo 10 Wilosti'
Block, oorner of Mill and Turnherry Bts,
Y • Honor Graduate of the Ontario
Veterinary Oollege, is prepared to treat all
diseaseS of domesticated maintain in a nen-
potent manner. Particular attention Paid
to veterinary dentistry, Calls proinifily At-
tended to. Ofgoo and Infirmary—Two doers
north of bridge Tarnb any et., Brussels,
13 /LB N T 1 et.4 UV
M. CAVANAGH, L. D. S., D. D. So
Oracluato of Otto Moyne College of Dental
Burgeons, Ontario, and of Toronto Uni-
versity, 0ve1au—DV01.1*0pper's Drug Store.
K.../ For tbe conyoutenoo of tboao living
all or near Slyth X have mado arrartgomauto
Ur, Robb, talialmv, of North Half Lot
7, (bus, Morris, to keep /or service during
it:foots:7m or season ono of my Jorsoy BralS,
Vie other will remain at 33rmisels as Lina-
ge A. DEADMAN, DreggiSt, eke,
o wdil keep for BorrIto Ede
preaout season the Improved Unit, white
YOrkshire pig °Toady.- on lot 0,1, 000, 0,
atorria, to which m tinirtooI number of sows
will he taken. 7'orms 441.00 to he paid an
thee of Berrie°. with the privilege of totem.
fug If neeessary, Pedigree may be anon u»-
applleation, 12013101101' 000(113010,
ibtf Proprie tor,
To Ditch Contractors.
Teannins *will be received by tbo Mimed.
p31 Council of Sao Township of Groy up to
Monday, the lot day of August, 3.800, ror tho
aonstruction of drains under the Municipal
Drainage Aiit, Plans end epoolfloattolis Oan
1,0 00011 ar the Clerk's Moe, Ethel, any
Mine after tbe 8613 dny of ,Titly, Tho lowest
00any tongee not neeessarity anon toil,
WILMAlif MILNE, Moeve,
024 Ethel P, 0,