The Brussels Post, 1892-7-29, Page 5JULY 29, 1802 )CarrsC: Flax pulling is Here, Atwood wants a photographer. Jno. 1Suox, of Pilot Mound is visiting in this vicinity. Sept. Ilth is the date fixed for the Engle=h church Thanksgiving service, J. IL itleBaiu is sttpplylnl the pulpit of Rov. A. Henderson, M. A., while he is away for his holidays. Lash week J. W. Ward and J. L. Wilson, of Atwood, played football with the Marlboros,' of Listowel, at Se0fortb and Mitoholl. 0:31 th. Mrs. N. H. Young and family loft hero on Tuesday on a visit t0 Grimsby. The ehurehes were not vary well at- tended on Sanctity owing to the excessive heat. John Freeman, of Buffalo, is in town th000days. He is the same old two and sixpence. It is rumored that in 011 likelihood our baud will play in tiro park in future every Friday eveuiog during rho sumuler menthe, 'The Women's Guild of Trinity church hold a imolai at the rosideuco of James Coulter, Morris, on Tuesday evening, In the afternoon of the same day the Sunday (wheel ohildren held their annual pie.nio at the same place. A numerously signed petition is in circulation and will be presented shortly to our tvoithy town daddies asking them to rssoind the by-law only allowing three hotel lionises, and to give tis the fourth, as they feel satisfied that there ba pope• lotion enough for it. At the Grand Lodge A. F. & A. M. meeting held 111 London, R. AV. Bro. J. A, Morton, of tide town, was Bloated Deputy District Grand Muter for this ceche 1, Ab the meeting of Minerva ]1)noainp- wont, 1. 0. 0. 1'., the following ol'fioers were installed :--0. P„ John Dodds ; S. W„ John Groves • 11, P., Thos. Elliott ; Soribe, John Sheffield ; Treae.,11, Lllfobb, At a meeting of Maitland Lodge, I, 0. 0. i'„ the following officers were instal- led :—P, G„ T. Elliott ; N. 0., John Groves ; V. G., John Sheffield ; R. S., Geo, Tervib ; 1'. S„ Wm. Johns ; Treas., W, F. Brol(onshire. Alex, Galbraith, of this town, is to be °ongratulated Upon being the gold. medalist of the Chatham Business Ool. lege for the term just closed. Mr. G. has been retained as matbemabioal master of the institution, and those in authority have done well in scouring his services. 13111 ovule - Complaints vule.Complaints are hoard of Fall wheat being badly rusted in some places. Rev. A. Y. Hartley attended Lbs ad• jourued meeting of Maitland Presbytery at Luckuow on Tuesday. The parsonage at Ripley was gladden. ed a few clays ago by the arrival of a little daughter. We wish the young lady the compliments of the Beason. Rev. I. 13. Wallwin, B. A., of Stratford, was here last Tuesday attending the femoral of the late Jenne Beeman. He is liking the °lassie city first-class. Jno. Farrow and Chau, Herbert hays purchased the 'Nixon flouring mill and the latter will run it. Mr. farrow backed Nixon and to hie sorrow was lett in the "soup." Igonfry rt Burry plotters are daily on the war lath, The fall wheat is receiving the atten- tion of the farmers at present. It is an excellent 0r„p. Ja0Ob Iiallofer is engaged in burn. ing a kill of briolc this week. Mrs. Campbell, who las been reported ill, is not improving as rapidly as her frfeuds would desire. Robert Campbell, of Boissevain Man., wn0 was visiting 1 his larenle and other friends, returned to his home last wank. An occident that might have resulted more seriously happened on the farm of Thee. Stevenson, 1011) eon., Grey, on Friday of last week. While Mr. Steven- son and his hired man were engaged taking in the last load of hay the horses became frightened and ran away. Mr. S. in attempting to stop them was thrown down and tramped upon, beside ran over by the waggon, resulting in the breasting of his jaw, a large seals) would and being badly bruised about the brunet but under the care of Dr. Cale he is cluing as well as could be expceted. tci:tlorltl>. The Huron foot ball club dafealed the 'Marlboros' of Listowel, quite easily on Thursday afternoon of last wook by a 00005 of -I to 0. The horns team played a tvonder101 combination game cud the visional were outplayed all round. 2110 safe in 0, IV, 1'apot's book s'ore was burglnrieed on Mondry night and the thieves were rewarded with the small sure of $10, made up of postage stamps. coppers and small silver. They also entered the preuli+es of Jaul(5„n Bros„ nest door, and took one silver and two gold watches, also a 1110O,chan„1 pipe, the p. izes which were on exhibition iu their Window for the bicycle tonroament to be held here on An5ust lith. This will be quite 0 heavy loss to the Tonrnameut Committee, but the stolen prizes have been replaced with other watohes. Strong suspicions are entertained as to the guilty parties. Bonn Buzz Dese.—One by one the pioneers of Heron are yowling to their rews.rd. On Monday Hugh Bell, fur the last few years residing in Soaforth, 01.10- oumb'd. The immediate cense was an abscess. is was aged 110 years x011 leaves a widow and six of a grown up family to mourn his demise. Only two of the ohildren reside in Huron, John in Lon• desbero and William at Blyth. Bell Bros., recently of Oliuton, are sons of the decease(!. The remains were re- moved to Londesboro on Tuesday and the funeral took plane from the residence of John Bell on Wednesday to Biyth nt 111 a. in. The late Hugh Bell was a man of worth and a prominent figure in the early settlement of this section About 50 years ago he Omlgra1ed from Ireland, and finally settled in the township of Hu;lebt. He harried Miss Fahy about 43 years ago and even sons mod two daughters were born to theta, three of whom aro dead. He was active in the building of the Grand Trunk Railway through Cliotos sootion and a prominent figure 011 the Winghaln grovel road work. About seven years ago he removed to Soaforth and epeut his 305lildes years there. 1L-3e131"31.lv&0. \V. Fothergill has returned from Mich. Dr, 1'. illcCasey has been visiting un- der the parental roof. We were visited by a heavy rain storm early Sunday morning. Mrs. Clegg, of Brandon, (Manitoba, arrived here on Saturday. W. Beogoogb is Having a neat iron fence plaoed in front of his residence. Fall wheat harvest has commenced in this vicinity. All crops promise a goo.! yield. A slumber of binders have been un- loaded at this station for the coming har- vest. Messrs. Hunter and Hughes conducted service at the Methodist church on Sun- day evening. John Wighbman has purchased the property of Walter Smith, about two milds south of this place. Rev. S-tevenson, of 111oleswol•th, premis- ed Sunday morning aid evening in the Presbyterian ohurcb, the pastor, Mr. Law, preaching at Molesworth. W. J. Scott, who has been working for John L. Geddes, blacksmith, has pur- chased a shop in Langeide, where he will commence business in the near (inure. 10V iu; ; 11u isa. Incandescent lights are corning to the front. Prof. Brush, the horse sduoator, was in town enlightening the darkness of 010118(0 of Horse flesh. The proposed union pie -etc to have been gismo by the St, Helens and Wing• ham temperance lodges hoe beau post- poned till atter harvest. Word was received in town on Thurso day of last week to the effect that .II, W. 0. Meyer, of this plass, 'Was lying very i11 at Calgary, N. W. T. The new English chnrch that is being erected in Olio place is progressing repidl7, The signer stone is to b0 laid on Thursday of next week. The Orange and Oddfellows lodges formed in prooessio1 011 Friday overlies and marched to the cemetery to d000rate the groyne of their brothsre. Mrs, Dickson, wife of J. Dieltson, treasurer, and hoe 11ia00, Miss Winnie Jaakaon, left for the home of tine Inas( fu Manitoba on Monday, 18tht net. Wm. ttoberbeon, for many years it real• dent et Wingham, loft nn Tuesday of last week foe Naito, where ho expecte to se- ems: employment. He was Secretary of the 001001 board and President of the W11157atn1 Reform Association. A number of people representing the Methodist oilarm11 olloir, orobestra and oongregation 0,s•outbled at the toeidonee of. 3, A. Morton the other evening and 110850111513 him wish an address and a beautiful Garfield rocking 0ltair, oo0ling something over $20, a5 av aoknowlodg. moot of his 5orvioa5 a5 leader of 1110 aht,roh choir. THE BRUSSELS POST a woaltened oondibion that ahs fell a prey precarione oonditi'n. Two little dough. to quiet( consumption and despite all tern, aged 4 years, and )3 months, re. that could be done oho gsadnally failed until death closed her eyes. Tho de. ceased was porfeotly rosigued, trnot- iag implicitly iu her Saviour and con- veresd freely of the approaching ollange her deceased partner about 5 years ago. from this to a better world. OnTueoday ; Her home was Mosley Lake, Ont,. The afternoon the funeral took plane and sot- subject of this brief notion enjoyed the withstanding the busy season eighty-five highest eetosin of all who knew her and she died as she lived in the happy 0011e0i- ou5ness of a personal acquaintaocu with the Saviour of mankind. The funeral will heave her late rseidenoe on Saturday afternoon at 1;30 o'clock, servloo at 1 p. 01, Interment at Braosele cemetery, eplpecLivsly, aro left to the tender 001'0 of thole gratuities -wits hero, Hire. Sinop. son's =Wen 111000waa ObrisLeua Bartle - man and site was united in marriage to conveyances were counted in the process - slot', Rev, J. tiV, Pring, of Blnoval5, and Rev. I. B, Wallwiu, B, A„ of Stratford, conducted a suitable eorvlee at the home otter whioh the interment wee made at Bluevale cemetery. Next Sabbath atter- noon the funeral sermon will be preaob• ed at Ebenemar ebur011 by the pastor, Rev. Mn, Pring. Mr. and Mrs, Beeman and family are deeply sympathised with 111 their sorrow. -.When we all gather home in the morning A6 the sound of the great jubilee, We'll meet with the friends gone be. fore us What a gathering that will be." Li,r(.ow(1]. Joseph Ainley met with a slight but painful accident in the factory by Having solve heavy lumber fall on his foot, Wm. McKeever, grocer and stock dealer, c0utempletes taking a trip to the Old Land about the let of August. Mr. Dolga, late assistant teacher in the Listowel High school, has been se- lected as first assishaut toaaher in the West Torouto Junction High school at a salary of $1,000 per auuu01. Mayor Bruce together with his wife and family left on Toosday of last week for the West. \l0. Brune will proceed to British Oulnmbia and Mr's. Bruoe and family will remain i11 Winnipeg visiting friends. They will be absent for a few weeks. A clog fight took place in front of S.M. Smith's jewelry store recently in which Earl Kidd's hound was ono of the interest• ere clogs. Earl tied to make peace by throwing a stone ab the other flog, but instead of striking the dog the stone went through a 11 pane of glass. An alarm of fire was sounded on Mon- day of last week the cane of which was a volume of smolte seen issuing from the furniture factory. The refuse in the dust pipe had in some way become ignit- ed and createdquite a smoke ;bot as the fire was confined to the metal pipes it was extinguished almost its soon as ob• served, and without doing any damage. 0,1 Tuesday of last week seven oar loads of cheese were shipped from Lis- towel station for the British market, veined at nearly $13,500. Fon oars, 1100 boxes, were shipped by F. H. War- rington, and three oars, 053 boxes, by T. Ballantyne & Sone. On the same day three oars were shipped at Atwood, mak- ing in all about $20,000 worth of cheese shipped in one day from the factories fn this immediate neighborhood. A New Yorker has made a clock from 84,000 pieces of wood, comprising over 300 varieties. For sixteen years he has had sailors bringing him rare woods from every quarter of the globe. Comparisonlof the results of the sun- shine recorder at Greenwich, England, for fourteen years shows that thr 113110ub the year the average daily amount of sunshine is little more than three hours, Private Funds to Loan. E20,000 .Have been placed in my hutncls for Investment on real estate, LOWEST RATE OF II'1TESEST. No C'onr,nmission. Borrowers 0x11 Have 108115 com- pleted in Three Days if title satisfactory. W. M. SINCLAIIt, Solicitor, Brussels. —.. o C4 -3-0,,V. s.Aral¢010. Commit meeting at Barton's Hotel, Rnbv t,btten,1 fl, of 130 010 o, is Ethyl, next Monday. vi.;itiu5 in Walton. E. J. MoArthsr hoe 0 ewa that present- .Hiss 1f. Millen, 01 Winthrop, is visit- ed bila with a lamb on Friday of last Mende in Walton. Berry psuking is all the r.Lls and near- Mlss 1,10Intos1,, of T'c•ontn, 1s 010111,5 lyeveryoneis"illit." Ler cousin, "Mrs. 1.. J. leo1ltbur, 0th Misses Flora and Mineie MoDunal1 cull• ,,pont Snada/ in Sadorth, James Shaw has disposed of his 100 lira. .toad. Thome :11, 01 17111511101, acre farm, being lot 12, Don. 1:i, to John apart timidity at 'T. D1c1 bbiu's• Harris, of the same Line, for elle sum of Mrs. Sed there and 1••0 daughter, Mies $1,200. Maggio, of Seaford1, aro sieitiug at \Vm. Mn'. Donald Ross left Brussels on Neal's. Monday for Solsgirth, Manitoba. She Miss Bella Meiiibbin, who has been at Mae ticketed by J. T. Popper, Brnasels. Pins River for some rhino, refereed borne Last Saturday William Ziegler our lost 1VCm11. 011150d the 100 more farm of Henry Fry - The Kincardine Review of Jnly 15th, foga1, of Stratford, for the sum of $2, - in speaking of the Orange celebration 500 cash. This property is lot .17, eon. says :—A. 0(0oial prime Ma given for the 13. Mr. Zeigler grim possession on April best banner. Walton canoe in for this lab, 1803. This makes 103 sores now prize. Their banner 15 a beautiful one owned by him in Grey. indeed and a splendid sample of the OEM—Early Wsduesday morning needlework of Walton ladies. Margaret, the beloved wife of John Last Sunday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock Dnlcelaw, con. 12, departed this life aged Rev, J. Ross, of Brussels, preached in O7 yearn, The deceased took Ell with 1n - the Presbyterian churoh in this plane 67 yeortion of the bowels 011 the 18th. and next Sabbath Rev. D. Minae, of This woe checked but on Sunday a stroke Brussels, will ofiioiate at the same loony of paralysis effected her ]oft aide and a Rev. Mr. Forrest has been laid aside for oo0mld shock followed on Monday and stent five weeks with soiatboa. He is she rapidly failed until death released improving somewhat but is stili eons- her from all trouble, Abs. Dukebtw wag polled to use orntches. born in the Co. of Wioklow, Ireland, and Wsnnixco Bszzs.—A pleasant event ins, Me ueolt, came to Canada when 15 years of age tonh plaoo e't .Kippen 00 Wedeesdny, along with hes sister, the late MISS. Isaac July 'Seth, when t1(0 Rev. Archibald Mo- Gray, and located near Perth. In 1844 Kibbin, of Pine River, was united in she woe united in marriage to her now marriage to Alis° Limsie Mollie. The bereft parbuer and they settled in Morn - wedding took place at the residence 01 inguen townohlp, Perth Co„ where they the bride's father, the 05remony being lived for seven years moving from there performed by Rev. J. E. Howell, M. A., to tLe 12th sou. of Grey in 1851, where of Goderioh, assisted by Rev. H. Irvin, of they tools up the form upon whioh they Kippen. We wish Mn. 31loKibbiu and have continued to reside up to the pres- bride long life and prosperity. ant. Mrs. Dnkelaw was a member of the 11'Iethodist 0hurah for many years l.Qors-les. and cried in the full assurnnoe of it gtori. A deughtor of Mr. Hardy's, 5111 line, ons resarreobion. She was a kind 11eac•t• has: been an still is seriously ill. ed body and Was ever ready to teed a Mrs. Jno. Boyne and children, of helping hand to those who required it. Hamilton are visiting ab Donald Our- Eight ohildren raja living. The funeral 1 de's. Mies Elise. Currie is home also. , took place on 'Thursday evening', t le 0. Rev. Andrew Soobb, of Saginaw, Mioh„ termenb being mads ab Oraobrook mute - formerly of Morris, will (resell in Sen• 1007. shine on Thursday evening, Aug. 411), ob 7:30 o'clock. Last Sunday morning a log building belonging to Oboe. Howlett was Amok by lightning and burned to the ground. Nine sheep were killed at the same time. On the 12th of July 111. F. Emhnry, of this township, lost his purse in 1iinoar- dino. It contained $80. There is a very small drones of him ever hearing of it again. Last Saturday while Louie A"instrong was playing in his father's barn 8rd line, he stumbled and fell breaking his left men. A physician was called and the disabled member pub fu splints. The 4113 line base ballists are not 5a6i5- fied with the result of their recent motels with the 0011 liners and aro willing to enter an01hsr 00nle51 after - harvest, ab Brussels, when the (11)00 will be purely local players. Tho Seaforbh Expositor of lost week says :—Donald itleKe 1mio obtained the highest nnmbov of. (novice of th tee who wrote at the Entrance Examination held at Soaforth recently. Be made 5311 marks. This entitles hon to a 501101nr- ship or froo tuition at the Soaforth Col- legiate Inetibute for the next year. We congratulate 000 young friend and we hops he will continuo as 110 hits begin, and that this is only the commencement of his triumphs. G0513 14os1s,---7`hc planation (loath visited the residence of Edward 130sman, 21d lino, at 2 o'clock last Monday morn- ing and beckoned away the spirit of hie cla.tg11tee Jennie, a very (ro1015ing girl of hi years. Loot winter sho bad a bad attack of la grippe and it loft her in such LCI thea. :(110 abutments for the now bridge are about ready. Reeve Milne ie enlarginglois barna. W. Fogel has the job. Mee. Sharp sr. is away ab St. Thomism on a visit to relatives. Township Counoil will be hold here on Monday of next week. Conrad Neable hes gone' to Mauiboba on a pleasure trip for n low w051ce. Billingsgate university could find aompetenb tutors by oohing to Ethel. Wo thought that the Drns•els bntober had made a mislitice in tic day of his trip to this 1o,vn as we saw him driving through here one Sunday evening, but on second look 1100 uo1ioed that it was his buggy ho had and not lois butehor cart. We wont give ib away. One of our young ,non, being of on ambitions Mature, has started to learn the bakery business in Brussels after regular working home and holidays. Ile has token IL few iusoo le already and Mobiles be will like It fairly wolf. Bob ought to du well in the bakery business hors, EA'r11113111) 351'0 Rssr.-•"Ib falls to our lot 11115 week to report the dooease of dire, 2, P. Simpson, of 1011151, after a 5onie- what extendoe 91111050 of oo35umptiol, 0.55015(101ed at the lost by (1030105. Dissolution toot) plaoo on 'Thursday morning, 1ho wearied voyager touching the golden shore with a feeling of ealis. fa0tion, after giving expression bo too tesognition of dear ones awaiting iter, IM was thought teat 0110 would not hove outlived her bnsband, who died on Feb, 25111 1802, as her bea1111 was in shall it FREE HARM --AT TH — 25(r(Vl'1lll TI -IIS WEEK. STRAWBERRIES, CUCUM13EPS, TOMATOES, CABBAGE, NEW POTATOES, WATERMELONS, BANANAS, PINE API' LE 7, ORANGES, LEMONS. THOS, F.JFTCH1R, L'r'a.cticali 11''atchin.aker and jeweler. Thanking the public for poet favors and support and wishing still to seoure your patronage, we are opening out Full Lines in 101,38 8ILVI WATCHku. Silver Plated Ware from Established and Reliable Makers fully warranted by us. Clocks of the Latest Designs JEWELRY i (0l Listowel oolen Fan tory. Wsnnls0 Bines, LAD/EO 0E11 RI1(os, B11oocnss, BAnnIxas, &o. C.:3"A1so a Full Lino of Vomits(' and Violin Strings, &o,, in stook. N. ti.—lase Fee of Marriage Licenses. T. Fletcher, - Brussels. (0) Highest Prices Paid °ash or Trader Largest Wool Market in Ontario. Everybody come and see our tremendous big stock in all kinds of woollen goods which we offer at bottuln prices for cash or exchange for wool. NEW AND FBIESHI STOCK. We have never been -so well fitted and equipped for a wool sea- sou'a business as at the present one, and have never felt so coln- plotely confident of our ability to serve you with the best of goods at bottom prices. A specially attractive feature of our now lines of fine Flannels, strictly NEW STYLES, far surpasses any wool season yet. FINE WOOL SCOTCH SKIRTINGS (Something New offered to the trade.) We are the only Woollen Factory in Canada that make this line of goods and offer them for one-half the price you pay in the city of Glasgow. Ti'^7rat would you lila —in the way of a corset? Something that's easy and comfortable—something that clasp , 1',;i figure closely, but yields to every movement? Then, you crani the Pall's Corset. If you find that you don't, after wearing for two or three weeks, you have only to return it and get your money back. 1� Olt 81131(! BY A, S'f11AC1tAN, STOOK IN TRADE. English Worsteds, Fancy Tweeds, Scotch Tweeds, Afeltons and Cloakings, Fine and Coarse Flannels in Dress Goods and Shirtings, Bed Blankets, Horse Blankets, Woollen and Cotton Underwear, Fingering and Stocking Tarns, Cottonydes, Cotton Shirtings, . i- coys, Duck and Gray Cottons. Also a good supply of Stockings, Socks and Knitted �}Goods. r, LT DT We wish to warn the farmers not to be deceived by Shoddy Ped- dlers going through the country selling dishonest goods. We have no peddlers handling our goosis and they can only be bought by cicaling direct at the factory. Zion �YCd]'f1111•;y, sSpin-717/l,y and 0ilanufaetur-i'ns, Tweeds, L+'tznrlels, Blankets, ofr. 'dualling Our numerous customers for their past favor's. would beg to say come and bring your neighbor to see our stock, as you will be lei ;hly pleased to see goods so lots in 91'100. You will rind Its ready to give the most prompt -and careful attention to all. e 6•", r (i her'' tl r+, -1 a aammc�r.>srxrr.,,1'r,.a._._...rrryry - ,:�rausc-:anwxan,:r•••,•o.:rr._ .:sse ty s f ? -d -sso mam WANTS TO GET t -y tl?, Ts �'t, 3 Oa In Exchange for Goods. on naaesaaxisxma..mvosooam The highest !Market Price will be Allowedt we have a Fine ,>_ eeertre .t of Tweeds, Cottons, Flannel , Prints, Cashmeres, Blankets, Sheet- ing, Knitted Goods, Yarns, &o. All Wool left with tis for manufacturing, whether rolls or otherwise, will have our prompt attention, Satisfaction - Guaa.rantoe e .PO.va'a BRUSSELS. 0