HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1892-7-29, Page 4New Advertisements.
Flice--G. A. Deadman,
Farm fur sale—Mrs, Walker.
Salesmen Wanted—J, W. illaokay.
aibe 6l`t155e1S A'St,u
J'RIL)AY, JULY 29, 1892.
Tns Greenway Government has been
sustained at the polls and will continue
to do business at tdlo old stand. The
Separate schools question was the battle
UNCLE SAx is quite warm on the re.
taliation bugbear. If he sees fit to close
the Sault Ste. Marie canal to Canadian
vessels, by imposing heavy tolls, he may
be naught on the same game at the Wel-
land and Laohine canals. This is not iu
trio however,
theinterests of either countries, a '
and if Canada bas not done the fair
thing with the United States she should
make it right et once. The interlaoiug
of railways and the shipping interests of
the two countries demand an equable anti
peacable adjustment. August 1st is
stated as the date when President Har-
rison has the option of interfering with
Cauadittn traaio passing through or over
his poseessions.
Tau new criminal law consolidation
bill, among other things, deals with bet•
ting in the following terms :*-
Every one is guilty of an indictable
offense and liable to one year's imprison-
ment and to a fine not exceeding one
thousand dollars, who
(a) Uses or knowingly allows any part
of any premises under his control to be
used for the purpose of recording or
registering any bet or wager, or selling
any pool ; or
(b) Keeps, exhibits or employs, or
knowingly allows to be kept, exhibited
or employed, in any part of any premises
under his control, any device or appar-
atus for the purpose of recording any bet
or wager, or selling any pool ; or
(e) Becomes the custodian or deposi-
tory of any money, property or valuable
thing staked, wagered or pledged ; or
(d) Records or registers any bet or
wager, or sells any pool upon the result
(i) Of any political or municipal eleo-
(ni) Of any race
(iii) Of any contest or trial of shill or
endurance of eau or beast.
The provisions of this seotion shall not
extend to any person by reason of his be-
coming the custodian nr depository of
any money, property or valuable thing
staked, to be paid to the winner of any
lawful race, or to bets between individ-
uals, or made on the acs course of an in-
corporated association daring the actual
progress of a race meeting.
As a sequel to the Honeateed trouble
oyer the loolt•out of workmen and the
conflict between them and the Pinkerton
polies Manager Frick was sbot anti
stabbed by a Jew who was "divinely" in• •
spired to remove Mt. Frick. A soldier,
named Tame, shouted when he heard of
the attempted assassination and was
brought to hook for it after the following
fashion :—For 30 minutes he was sus•
psuded by the thumbs, being unconscious
when taken down, his uniforms was re-
moved and a suit of oast off clothing sub-
stituted, one side of his head was shaved
after which he was drummed out of camp.
It would appear bit !toms is very re.
speotably connected and there may be
some trouble over the affair. 11 this is a
sample of martial hew as administered in
"the land of the free and the home of the
brave" we beg to suggest that the Spanish
Inquisition be resurrected, with its
thumb screws, rack, Lto, If some of the
high strung gentry who are oeoasionelly
pitchforked into position were compelled
to take a dose of their own medicine
euoh scenes of barbarity and the dark
ages as the one mentioned above would
not ocoor very frequently. There are
many ways of pnuishing an offender with-
out resorting to the worstkind of torture
and the fellow who gave the instructions
should have his mouth sewed up with
red hot wire as a mark of the "eetoon"
in which he is held.
LAST Saturday the electors of Mani.
toba, by a majority of three to one, de-
clared at thells that they y favor the
prohibition of the manufacture and Bale
of intoxicating liquors within the Prey.
iuoe. This plebisoite should and doubt.
lase will convince the Legislature cleated
that the Province is ready for prohibi-
tion, There are yet some doubts, how-
ever, whether or not a Provincial Legis.
lature has the to right motet a
1, as prohibi-
tory law to apply to the whole of the
munioipafitios under he jurisdiotion. It
is true that it has been auricled by sever-
al judges in Ontario that the provincial
law enabling mnnieipalities to enact
pruhibitiou by local option bylaws is
valid, and it is reasonable that if tiro
Province can grant power to enc mtuli01.
polity to abolish the sale of intoxicants
as a beverage within its bounds It
coact that e. prohibitory law shall bo ap-
plied to the whole of the Proviso. The
liquor men having resolved to test the
validity or the Ontario Local Option Aot
in a higher court, it is probable that the
Manitoba Government may delay the
enacting of a prohibitory law till the
legal question is entirely cleared up.
By.and-bye, the example of the Maui.
Mira Governnnotrt can, with propriety
Land positive advautage to the people of
thio Proviee, he f.'llawed by the Govern•
meet of Ontario, A plsbleoite on this
question in Ontario would allow as
strong a preponderance its laver of pro•
hibition as has been brought out in
How absurd it is to compare—the ex.
peneeeinourred by oandiclotos at elec-
tions in the United Kingdom with the
amounts spent in snob contests in Can-
ada. In England the ofli.oial election ex-
penses, which in Canada are defrayed by
the government, have to be borne by the
candidates. Those who pretend that
money raised in America or elsewhere to
help the IIome Rulers in British elec-
tions is spent in "bribery" simply betray
their own ignorance. An eleobion con•
test for the British House of Commons
costs ou the average about $12,000 for
ordinary election expenses, and this SUM
ninet be borne by the candidates equally.
Though Mr. Blake had practically a
walk over in South Longford, those who
put him in nomination bad to put up
about 50,000 to meet his share of the
election costs and a like amount had to
be deposited on behalf of his opponent.
One of the first measures that the in-
coming Gladstone governmeub will pass
will be ono snaking the government boar
the °fadel expenses of eleotioa ooutaste.
The existing arrangemeut was devised in
former days with a view of keeping poor
men out of parliament.—Fres Press,
Huron CoUlltSr.
Gerrie Foresters will erect a [Tall.
Aug. 5th is Clinton's Civic holiday,
Goderioh gave 5100 to St. John's
B. S. Cools, of Pordwiob, had a narrow
escape from sunstroke.
Lightning set fire to hay in Alex.
Strong's field near Gerrie.
Clinton cricket olab is to have a yew
crease. This is good news.
Geo. Blair and wife have gone ou a
three months' trip t0 the Old Country.
J. W. Hunter, Mb con. Ashfield, has
a baby one year old that weighs 34,
The apple rlealeas of the county esti.
mate that the yield here will be 150,000
Fordwich Mesons opened their new
hall on the ovenieg of rho 38th, with a
gaud festival.
Cantelou Bros., Clinton, made the
first shiptnent of apples from this sec-
tion last week
Daring the mouths of May and June,
278 hooks wore changed in the Corrie
Mechanics' Institute.
The employees of the Clinton Organ
Factory hold an exeuesiot to Kincardine
on the lath of Aug.
0200,000 have been pall Ont for cattle
this season to formers iu the vicinity
tributary to Clinton.
There is some tulle of the formation of
a bugle band at Clinton in oouneotion
with Co. D. 33rd Battalion.
A. P. Gundry, of Ayltner, has beau en.
gaged as Science and Commercial Blaster
for Clinton Collegiate Instituto.
7. L. Doherty left Clinton this week
for Independence, Iowa, with the trotters
Young 8ydusy and Lou, Edeell.
The Voters' Lists for the village of
Exeter for the year 1892 shows that the
aggregate number of voters is 5115.
Some cowardly demons in human
form pelted the front of the Gorrie
1'idette office with ben fruit in a decayed
An excursion of church choirs between
Galt and Stratford and as far up as Sea•
forth was run to Coderich on Friday,
the 22nd,
Geo. Middleton, Luolcnow, has grow-
ing in his garden corn that measures
from the root to the tip of the leaf 72
inches high.
A collection, amounting to about 012,
was taken up in the Methodist church,
Gorrie, in aid of the sufferers from the
St. John's fire.
During the half year ending June 30th
last, there Were registered with tbo town
clerk, St. Marys, 25 births, 1) marriages
and 13 deaths.
It is moro than probable that a law
snit will be instituted against Luoknow
for the alleged damages to the stallion
"Garfield" by hie owner Mr. Roe, of
• A deputation of Seafortb'e Aldermen
visited Exeter for the purpose of inspeob'
ing the town hall and ascertaining the
best imitable plans for rho erection of a
hall in the above town,
The Clinton New Era says :—The
county of Huron is not generally behind
the times, but in retaining the statute
labor system it perpetuates that which
oanuot be abolished too soon.
Richard Graham, of Atwood, has
taken possession of the Commercial ho.
tel, Wroxeter, the late laudlord, Mr.
Cameron, having rented the Grand
Central, in which to keep a boarding
The will of the late John G, Holmes
of Toronto, was filed for the exoouter.
Thos, Holmes. The property amounted
to nearly 518,000, and is said behave been
the result of the promising young barris-
ter's three years' practice,
Workmen began excavating for bhe
foundation of a school house on the
grounds of the Trivitt ivlem,rial church,
Exeter. lb is the intention to continue
the work as speedily as possible so as to
have both buildings oomph-tetttbishill,
Mrs. Thomas Powell, ono of bhs oldest
and most eeteemed residents of Tarn.
berry, died on July 22nd of heart dieoass.
The old Iady had just prepared dinner,
when elm was Been to throw up her hande
and fall basic, On being lifted up it was
Toted that life was extinct.
Mrs, Jae. Carlisle, of lfensall, is the
proud possessor of a handeono fusohia
Which stands over 81j feet high. She
also iris a curiosity in rho shape of a
geranium which tnsaeuree 7 it. 71,i inches
from top to bottom and cot0tins blade
and roses.
TI o excursion trains to ItIAnitoba lust
week carried away quite a number of
Gorrioites, among the number being Jas.
Leech, ;no. Keine, jr, Alex, King, Chas.
Donley and Wm, Oliphant tr., and Mrs.
Jos. Stinson and Mrs, Eli Seymour, the
former going to visit her daughter, and
the latter to join her heel:and, wito
trent to the Northwest a Caw months ago.
'R:.V'.SSSu.r. +•,•� ae:pa--.anazamm-m,ya.g.,= l4LEC3'-'1"SLe�"aIw�11,"iLR,`.1i`('ret"z,,,xry:,leP.a - a.;9.�AfES*:'N-t"S'^•t: r.tu'PicY.?95.7aH.TS
A. 8. hardy, of Clinton, is trying to
start a pittuo fanbory at Iiingeton.
Oo Wedussday evening of lash week et
the close orrhe clsy's work, the employees
of the Goderiolt (Egan Go, proceeded in a
body to the office and predated U. R.
Menzies, the former manager and late
superintendent of the factory, with it
handsome gold•beaded onue, accompanied
by en address,
James Henderson, of tbelth ooncssslon
of McKillop, met with a very ser1ous no.
oMenu a few days ago. 130 was assisting
in loading has, when bhs horses gave a
sudden start pausing him to lose his
Wand and fall to the ground. Ile was
completely paralyzed as a result of the
fall and diad a week after the aooident.
He had reached the advanoed age of 7(1
years, but he was still remarkably hale
and hearty, and hitt for this unfortunate
accident bade fair to reach a euoh great.
er age. He was a native of licxborouglt•
shire, Scotland, and same to this country
and settled on the farm iu Moliillop
about 51 years ago, and on which he re-
sided oonbiuuously until his death. He
was the seooud eldest of four brothsre,
viz. : John, James, Andrew and William.
They all occupied adjoining faring, and
were among the 1I
otspts of the dist riot.
Hie wife cried about twenty - years ago.
Ile had a family of ten ohildren, six of
whom are still surviving. He was a
quiet, industrious, holiest man, and was
mach and deservedly esteemed in the
community where he bad lived for over
half a ceutiry. Ilie deaeh removes an-
other houored landmark of this district.
A man down in Georgia has built a
number of houses which are occupied by
widows free of rent.
The villages of Mosul'', Coon„ and
Rio Vista, Cat„ were wiped oat by lire
on Friday of lass week.
A boy near Grand Rapids, Midi., is
raising oriokete by thousands acid sells
them to anglers for bait.
Five thousand women are engaged in
the retail liquor buttress in Chicago.
Ab San Francisco Tuesday night
George Dawson, of Australia, whipped
Needham, of St. Pant, Mine., in 2J
It is stated that among every 1,000
bachelors there are 38 criminals, among
the married men the ratio is only eigh-
teen per thousand.
In the tiute of henry VII. parliament
passed a law which declared that on and
after that date pins should not be sold for
more than Os. 81. per 1,000.
Aaron Strickland, an Indiana man,was
bitten by a copperhead snake, and the
snake died within au hour. Aaron was
drunk and it is supposed the liquot in his
system poieonect the snake.
Russia has recently celebrated the
900th anniversary of the foundation of
the first obristiau bishopric ill Volhynin,
under the reign of St. Vladimir.
Dake Max of Bavaria has a peculiar
success to boast of. Ile has travelled
around tbo world incoguitoy without
ones having his identity diecovorad.
A Pbiladell bia funeral team did ser-
vice at wedding a few days ago and the
dozing driver allowed the ]gorse to carry
the bridal couple into the cemetery.
Of fourteen firsb'o'ass racers new On
the Atlantic, four are Gorman built, one
bails from Fiance, six from the Clyde,
two from Belfast and ous from the Mer-
The population of the United Kingdon
may roughly be divided into two parts,
one-fifth and four -Haben The one fifth
contains the riot, the fou••atthe contain
the poor.
There are fifty-three telephone com-
panies hi the United States, all belotgiug
virtually to the Bell monopoly. They
have 241 exchanges, 47(1,350 telephones
and 8,405 employees.
A Massaohueetts man bels invented a
recording device for scales. Upon a
roller is placed a piece of paper upon
which a marker records the weighieg of
the soales as desired.
Mrs. F. B. Mapp, of Milledgeville, Ga.,
is reported to have received a diploma
and gold medal from the Inventive So-
ciety of Paris, France, for a bread -raiser
she has invented.
An umbrella company has been incor-
porated with a capital of 08,000,000 and
is to carry on business in all the states
and territories of the United States and
in foreign countries.
It is stated that it is possible to become
a prince in Italy by the payment of 01.3,-
000 in fees end other casts. The title of
a duke may be had for 010,000, and that
of a baron fax 04,000.
An investigator, who lived during two
years in a tomb ab Gizeh, has oollooled
evideuoe to prove that the tools used in
working stoue 4,000 years ago had jewel-
led cutting eclges like modern touts. He
says that the buildere of the pyramids
used solid and Lobular tools, straight and
circular: sates, aid mute other tools stip-
Y 1
posed to be modern. Iu some specimens
of granite a drill had sunk one-tenth of
an inch at each revolution, indicating
that the pressure was at least two tons.
Nothing is known of the material of the
tools. As the diamond was scarce then,
itis probable that ooruidusn was used.
»loans the kid-
neys are in
trouble, Dodd's
Kidney Pills give
prompt relief."
"75 per pent.
0d isease is
'at caused b
disordered lli1-
blight as well
try to have a
healthy city
without sewer-
age, as good
health when the
kidneys are
clogged, they are
410100 +il' &+i 1. "
l , �I 100
r. 1 4. �,.,..
the soavenyers
of,the system.
Delay 1s
dangerous, Neg.
looted kidney
troubles result
Its Bad Blood,
Dyspepsia, Luer
Cent /aIn' an
the Moat dam
uerous of all,
Brights Disease,
Diabetes and
"The above
diseases oa11114*
exist whore
Dodd's Kidney
Pills are used.'
Sold by all dealers or scothy mailon receipt
of price 5c taus, per box or sin for $a,o.
f)r. L. A, Smith S; Co,'1'ormnta, Write icor
book killed Kidney Tallt.
I\'JCtji'i )L)'S
System ` to ,ov for
---ANi; 03111:3 — ----
For Impure, Weak and Impoverished
Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Palpate.
Mon of the heart, Liver Complaint, Neut.
algia, Lose of Memory, I3rouchitis, Con.
sumption, Gall Stones, Jaundice, Kidney
and Urinary Diseases, St, Vitus' Danes,
Female Irregularities Laud General De•
J. 11T. 11cLE O1),
Prop. and Manufacturer.
8 11 by J. '1', PEPPER.
Druggist, I3 needs,
N E R V C NI;IIVP lil•IANS are a
Bvery discovery that cutvl the
(worst cases of Nervous D5 -
,r., t obility ,f, est 'Vigor end Pai1-
plu• nn,ho restores
n, .dh
h , ,the
fort 181er n se 1
weakness of betty o, tried
'''a`'S°""''�'`""" e' 1110 errors Of excesses Of
youth, This Remedy absolutely cures 11,5
moot obstinate cams when all other Ta13A'r-
11501's have (elicit even to relieve. Sold by
druggists at 51 per package, Or six for 55, or
scut ny 13111 Si, reoelpt of price by address -
tug 'Puce Je4its A0EnnQINO Co„ To'outo, Out,
Write for pamphlet. 8012 11, Brussels by
G:, A. 1115A011.1N.
LAi1GEST Ei,t:.':. Irl GAN ADA,
Save Tour Hair
BY a timely use of Ayer's flair Vigor:
This preparation has no equal as a
dressing. It keeps the scalp Olean, cool,
and healthy, and preservos the color,.
fullness, and beauty of the Lair.
"I was rapidly becoming bald and
gray; but after using two or three
bottles of Ayer's hair Vigor my hair
grew think and glossy and the original
color was restored."—Melvin Aldrich,
Canaan Centre, N. H.
"Some time ago I lost all my hair in
consequence of measles. After due
waiting, no new growth appealed. I
then used Ayer's Hair Vigor and my
hair grew
TM& and Strong.
It has apparently some to stay. The
Vigor is evidently a greet aid to nature."
—3.8. Williams, Flo'esville, Texas.
"I have used Ayer's Hair Vigor for
the past four or five years and find it a
most satisfactory dressing for the hair,
Ibis all I could desire, being harmless,
causing the hair to retain Its natural
color, and requiring but a small quantity
to render the Bair easy to arrange."—
Mrs, M. A. Bailey, 9 Obarles street,
Haverhill, Mass,
"I have been using Ayer's Hair Vigor
for several years, and believe that it has
caused my hair to retain its natural
color."—Mrs. H. J. Ring, Dealer in
Dry Goods, &c., 73ishopviile, Md.
er9 i ah I� i ar
rnrrAnsn nx
Or. J. C. Ayer & Co„ Lowell, Mass.
Sold by Druggists and Perfumers.
r A recant 'itTeot•ni'y by all
-,;'"e, old phy'siete". Huecnssful-
ly used monthly by thous-
-, ands of L•ti,ws, it Om
ally 11 orfeetly safe and
reliable medicine discov-
ered. liem,rs 00 nnprle0iplyd druggists whe
offer interior mo,tdnes iu plass of this, Ask
for Cnnw's enTTos ltnnT Cnan'ouxn, take no
substitute; or melees $:l end 4 tbreewsnt
Canada postage stnums 311 letter, and We
will send, sealed, by return mall. lull seal.
ed 11,rtiotlnye to plain envelope, lo hullos
oIlly, 2 stamps, Address Pond 521y Cone
Irony. No. E Fisher 1115511, 131 Woodward
ave., Detroit, Miall,
t.'Sold Meads by 5 rr,rr.PPrn 0,
OMAN 1i\N •ted alt n iouslb
A psi to druggists
ever lrlieo.
BRING duo to the presene5 of laic
aoidin the blood, is most effectually
cured by the use of Ayer's Srlrsaps,.
Alla. Bo sureu
yo get Ayer's and no
other, and take it till the poisonous
acid is thoroughly expelled from the
system. We challenge attention to this
"About two years ego, after suffering
for nearly two years from rheumatic
gout, being able to walk out, with groat
discomfort, and having tried varlets
remedies, including mineral waters,
without relief, I saw by an advertise.
ment in a Chicago paper that a man had
been relieved of this distressing com-
plaint, after long suffering, by tatting
Ayer's Sarsaparilla. I then decided to
shako a trial of this medicine, and took
}b regularly for eight months, and am
pleased to state that it has effected a
template cure, I have since had no re-
turn of the disease,"—Mrs. It. Irving
Dodge, 110 West 125th et„ New York.
(One year ago I was taken ill with
inflammatory rheumatism, being cora.
fined to my ]louse six months. I came
Out 0.f the sickness Ver euoh debili-
fated with nonil stem
dlsordarreti in rwryI eommcnecd
using.1tyer'S Sarsaparilla and began to
improve at once, gaining in strength
and soon r000vering my usual hoelth.
1 cannoteay too much in praise of this
well-known medicine,"—Mrs, 1G, A.
Stark, Nashua, N. II,
Ayer's Sari 6n i
015012118D 11
Cir. J O. Ayer & 0o., Lowell, Mats.
meta; els bottles, 35, Worth $5 n bottle,
Money to Loan,
money to Loran on Farm Pro-
perty at
Private and Company Funds.
S'ol;Ci.to1S, (C'C.,
1.i11USSIBLfi, ONT.
Any Amount of Money -to Loan
on Farm or Village Pro-
perty at
6 & 6i Per Cent., Yearly.
Straight Loans with privilege of
repaying when required.
Apply to
A. Hunter,
Division Court Clerk., 'Brussels.
Ontario Mutual Life,
5111.111. 00 010E, . WATERLOO, 00'1.
Assurance in force Jan'y,'02..514,034,807
New business written in 18111 2,004,1100
Increase over 1800 340,800
Cash income for 18111 517,580
Increase over 1800 57,820
Liberal Conditions of Policies,
Cash and Paid-up Values guaranteed on
each policy.
A11 dividends belong 10 Anil ale p,1111 only
to policy holders.
Prerninms payable during the month iu
Which they fall duo, '
Policies are incontestable two ycare from
date of issue.
No restriction on travel, residence or oc-
Lapsed polioios may be revived within 511
months after lapse.
Death Maims paid at once on completion
of claim papers.
District Agent, Ethel,
O. E. PE R RV,
We 1118110 al] of rile following
size photos :—
Mikado Panel very nice, -
Carte de visto,
for 'view's,
Cabinet the old reliable,
Paris Panel the newest,
WO for groups or single figura,
11x14 grand for family groups,
140.7 makes a, fine head and
shonlclel' portrait or group.
Crayons any Size or any other
Style of Portrait.
JULY 20, 1592
This GREAT.' COCC1(5 001011, bhia
successful CONSUMPTION 01711.18, is
without a parallel In the history of nodi.
ciao. All druggists are authorized bo sell
it on a positive guarantee, a test that no
other cure 0021 stomee5fally stand. If you
have a Cough, Sore Throat or Bronchitis,
MG it, for it will cure you. If your child
has the Croup, or Whooping Cough, use
it promptly, and relief is sure, If you
dread that insidious disease OONSUMP•
TION, nog 1' PAM to use 9, it will euro
you or cosh nothing; Ask your Druggist
for SI:1ILOII'S 0111531 Price 10e., 50o.
and 01.00 11 your lungs are sore or back
Jstne,neo Shiloh's Porous Plaster. 25o,
11 Oi't,l 5'llitt Steann,it,ps,
Liverpool (calling at Moville).
PRONE 0'000
STEAMER, ntoNTIMAT, qunst:c a Anl
CIIRCASSIAN.,. July 2 July 3
"MONGOLIAN,. " 0 10
SARDLN I. SN 1l1 17
*NUM1DbAN Zit 21
PA 11151AN.....,sn 31
*010NGOLIA' N1:I 14
SA 11DINIAN" 2n' 21
*NUMI1)IAN " 'i7 " 20
PARISIAN Sept. 3 Sept. 4
C1aCASS1ANin 11
+Carry Cabin passengers only ou the voy-
age 10 Liverpool,
Rates of passage: Cabin frim 513 UP;
Ivtermodiate 850 ; Steerage 1500,
Passengers 1e' the Steauiships "Parisian,"
"Sardinian;' Circassian;" "Numidien" and
'•tifongoliau" leaving Montreal ou 8o2.Sxda]a
leave Toronto by morning 111,5080 an the
Friday morning, aa,lga on board inn eat•
lately ou art ival 01 11,1111 at Montreal in the
The stenmeldps'ParieiltLI, S ardrr,ian, Mon•
gollan nod Nunddiau have the 15leetrtu
Light throughout,
For further particulars as to railroad
rates, berths, &a„ apply to
NET/ YOoE TO LIvertroos,.
Seeping Car
Toronto io'fouiscal,
Toronto to Oita tl't,
'Amu to to Iiingston,
,i3'lis L` N10053' 0:60 1'..31.
Toronto to Old Orchard,
Toroittn to Portland.
7•nesday ens G•,•l/ra]' calm p. n,.
Through the White Mountains
[t a.'s.V1: r xt; arr.
Toronto to Detroit,
Toronto to Chicago,
7,15 8. nr, 11(1,11)'. Except tin nday.
Bao p. ni, .Dally.
Agouti, Brussels.
...s•e-•'"""'"" D. L. CA.VSPf, gostsxso Fading hair to Its
original color.
�:,..."^^•°a"' Toronto, Travelling ?monger Agent, G 1,a,.
Bon: Antl•nnndrultle . e
s _ u nrmetre,in r Steps telling Of i
i 9ve nroan. e h ha r.
Ij;t'miv aia'i,Uratlnn'a not onlrttLomnoiiyian ovad ((cea 190 SRalp Olean.
gt a. ,�,.,EE„ oxre,x :, dnndrt a7shrs sten bat xtorypod Mekcc hair Soft and Flteble
eiev ip�u r e.nlull•..,mikettotMitloarowtttRnftcnaptlM1blelLal Promotes Growth.
THE pit
f„ APH
Having added new Scenery to his Gallery is now in a position to
turn out work that is second to none. A. look at his iahotos.
will convince you that they aro first-class. The public
aro invited to call up and inspect work in gallery.
Picturre,s' Copied. and also Enianle I lIV to size
ori Cr'ayo77r cat reach .enable Prices.
. Specialty m.ado of Out -door Views.
You cannot mistake the plum, W. W. Burgess' old stand
over Standard l3anit,
H. or. JrIi,&,C) "