HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1892-7-29, Page 2THE BRUSSELS POST. BATTLE OF QUEENSTON HEIGHTS. BY ERNEST CRUIKSHANK. (eoterreum) the else regiment, Capb. jamee Creek's The result a this engegetnent had a very , and John lifeEwen's companies of inspng Influence upon the troops 'th� let Lintioln, William Greek's anti Lewiston, numbers of whom instantly pro. I Nellesothipatifee a the 4th Lineoln, Ap- fessed greet eagernese to cress the river and plegeeth's, Hattie end Durand's companies of the 5th Lineoln, a few troopers of Mot, share the glories of the day, They etill rit's penvinuial dragoons, and the remnants pessessed a sufficient number of boate to n carry over the remainder of the division of the two compaies of the 49th and throe before ten o'elook ; the passage of the of the York militia engaged in the morning, numbering in all rather more than river was now for some time entirely probably nu unopposed, and why theY did net make SOO of all ranks, exclusive of the Indians, better use of their opporimulties has never who oortaiuly did not exceed one hundred. beep eatisfaetorily explained. One officer Ae the enemy's forces appeared to be still of rank (Col. Chrystit) stated that he those- coneiderably more numerous than hie own, and they were busily engaged in fortifying ed the river three times, end that Mayer their position in evideet anticipation of Nirallany went front one side to another no less than five thnes during the day. Po, another dived attack from below, the British commander determined to leave Holoroft's five hours after Brook's death they tvere pra timidly in unmolested possession of the landing, and the heights as well, and Col. Van Rensselaer asserted that as long as the men showed any inelination to oross, the boats were well managed. As it was, con- siderable bodies both of regular troops and militia were brought over with a six -pound field piece, its carriage and tumbrel. Short- ly after seven o'clock Col. Chrystie came Over and assinned the command, but finding himself unable even to dislodge the garrison from the village, he recrossed the river to bring over reinforcements with artillery and inteenching tools. Upon hearing his report of the situation, General Van Rensselaer despatched au order to General Smyth, at Buffalo, to move hia brigade to his support, and sent over an engineer officer to lay out a fortified camp. About no-ne he crossed in person. General Van Rensselaer and Colonel Chrystie ex. &mined the position on the heights and gave dtrections for its immediate forti- fication Engineer officers were set at work and field works traced out. The gun iu the rearm was unspiked and brought to bear upon the village. Colonel Wintield Scott, two guns, supported by a detaohment of infantry, to occupy the village, and prevent the passage of reinforcements while, with the remainder of hie troops,he moved around their flank, ascending the heights in rear of the woods already occupied by the Wiens, and formed a junction with the column advavoing from Chippewa, whioh would in- orease his numerical strength by 150 men. Although this mancenvre would oompel him to make to detour of nearly three miles before engaging, he would atonce escape the enffind- ing fire of the batteries at Lewiston, avoid the steep ascent in the lime of the enemy, render their fieldwerks useleas, and place his men on anequal footing with them on the open and level ground above. Tile Indians redoubled their aetivity as the column approached, keeping, however, well under cover, and thoroughly succeeded in baffling any attempt to harass its ad. vance. Within en hour Sheaffe gained the cleared ground on the right of the woods °coupled by them, extending as far as the portage road, when he beheld Cap. tain Richard. Bullock advancing from Chip - with his own company of the 41st, and the future cuuqueror of Mexico, having ar. Captain Robert Hamilton's and John • rived frora Buffalo during the morning with Rowe's companies of the 2nd Lincoln, a battery of artillery, placed his guns in strengthened for the occasion, like most of the others, by a number of volunteers from position at Lewiston and °reseed the river I the ranks of the sedentary militia. Fore - to take command of the regular troops at Queenston, who were reinforced by detach. ; most among other aged 'nen properly menta of the 6th and 23rd U.S infantry and , eiretrapt front eervice, whom the emergency 2nd and ard artillery. About the same I had impelled to oteize their arms again, was time Brigadier -General William Wadsworth Lieut -Col. Halle Clench, once 00 oflicer in assumed command of the militia brigade, patter's rangers, and then the distriet consisting of portious of Allen's, Bloom's, fudge, who had retired from command of Mead's, and Seranahan's repiments, and ; the lst Lincoln battalion a few years before, kloseley's battalion of riflemen, The me- owing to infirmity. cise number of men belonging to these corps I The combined force, numbering that passed the river, it is now impossible about 930 officers and man, was to ascertain. Estimates by their own Mil- formed for the attack with the lighe com- of the 41st, under Lieut. McIntyre cers 'ranged from one thousand to sixteen PallY hundrtd. Some companies of militia were represented by officers without men ; others by men without officers, while a few were almost or quite complete. The sound of a heavy cannonade from the mouth of the river excited the worst appre- hensions in the minds of the little band Unit continued to occupy Queenston village, tin. til they were reassui ed by the arrival of Captain Derenzy with several eompanies of the 41st and militia, a detactitment of Royal Artillery with two field guns under Captain Holoroft, and a party of Indians led by Cap- tain John Norton and Lieut. John Brant. Stragglers from the fleid whom these rein- forcements encountered on the road, report- ed that Dennis' entire command had been cut to pieces, and that five thonsand men had landed. Aecordingly they had advanc- ed much of the distance at the double, and when they reached Queenston they were out of breath ancl quite exhausted. Linder these circumstances et would have been folly to attempt the recovery of the heights, where the numbers of the enemy could- have been seen momentarily increasing, but Holcroft promptly planted his guns on the high ground below the village, and endeavored to interrupt the passage of the river. • Small parties of the enemy had entered the upper part of the village, where they plundered some of the houses, but they made no effort to occupy it in force. After a few shote, finding that his pieces tvere too far as'. y to reach their boats, Holcroft again limbtred up, and, guided by Captain Archibald Hamilton, to whom every inch of ground was familiar from boyhood, dashed boldly across the travine and through the village until he reached Hamil- ton% houee, where he took up a position within the courtyard partly sheltered by the mine of the wall. Derenzy at once supported him with a compauy of the 41st, ancl his fire soon became effective, although and the two companies of the 49th, still commanded by the dauntless Dennis, on the left of the line next the Indians, eupported by a small battalion of militia, under Lieeta Col. T, Butler. The centre and right wing were composed of the five remaining com- panies of the 4Ist, having in support the rest of the militia under LieutrOol. Thomas • Clarke. The two small field -pieces, drawn by men with drag ropes, preceded the advanoe of the line, which was necessarily deliberate. The number of combatants actually array- ed against them at that moment cannot be exactly stated, bat could hardly have been less than nine hundred, of whom more than half were regulars, Like the British, the force was made up of detachments from many different battalions. Its ranks had been much diminished by desertions since the Indians had renewed the fight, numbers of men stealing down to the river and lurking there in the hope of finding means of escape. Perceiving that Sheaffewas preparing for it decisive attack upon his position,andprobab. ly having no desire to grace hii triumph as a prisoner, General Van Rensselaer deter. mined to return to Lewiston, with the lin- gering hope of enlisting a reinforcement from the large body of militia still congre- gated there. He had scarcely entered his boat, when the ekulkers at the landing crowded into it in such numbers, that it was in actual danger of being swamped by their weight, and pushed off heedless alike of his threats and entreaties. His departure left Colonel Smith in cam - mend, having under him Colonel Olaystie and Brigadier-Ueneral Wadsworth. Sheaffe's movement obliged him to abandon his uncompleted fieldworks, and take up a new position on the croun of the heights, where a slight barricade was hastily ex. temporized with fence -rails, logs, and brushwood, with the left flank reeting on 1 he lost several of his best men. A few the edge of the cliff, and the riflemen on the spherical ease -shot drove away the enemy's other, facing the Inchans from among the rfflemeu, and he then engaged the batteries opposite, firiug also, when an opportunity offered, at boats on the river. The battery on Lewiston Heights was still out of range, but the guns at the landing were three times silenced, and a SCOW, Wed at least two other boats, sunk in the act of crossing. Such was the pre- cision of his fire, that from that time for- ward very few men succeeded in messing the river. In the meantime Scott had thrown out pickets to the edge of the woods on the left of his position, and the Indians were detached in that direction to drive them in and annoy their working parties. This was accomplished in fine style, as their approaoh through the woods was undetected, and the American outposte were surprised and com- pletely touted with considerable loss. A large body of infantry then advanced to re- pel them and the Indians instantly ran to the woods again, whence they kept np00 - incessant fire, accompanied with ahrill whoops. The suddenness of the attar* and the character of the assailante produc- ed a genuine panic, which extended itself even to Lewistoe, where a militia company on the plat of entering tbe boats abruptly halted and refused to prothed. Norton con- tinued to skirmish with and annoy their outposts, and although several tines at. tacked, always eluded hie antagonists by plunging into the woode, where they dared not follow. Numbers of the American militia, deeerted their nom - pantos, and attempted te regain their own ehore, and thenceforth their forth tontinued to dimitish, In addition to the serious annoyanee and loss inflicted upon the enemy by this movement, direct commeni- cation was again opened with the garrison ot Chippewa, Lipon reaching 4deenstort, Derenzy had at once eent it message to General Sheaffe, describing the sithatioe of affairs, and the latter soon afterwards arrived and assumed etemmand. He lost no time in ordering every man that could be aparecl from tho garrieone of Vert George and Chippewa, to pin him without delay, By tWo o'olook the tietaehments foto the former post had alt arrived, leaving it occupied only by a fee' men of the Royal Artillery told the Lincoln militia, and those of Chippewa, were known to be rephily approathing. The faro already aesenibled wedded of Ileicroft's cleleolitnent of Royal Artillery With two six.pourdora, 00 squad of Swayze's provincial artil lery With tteta three.pouriders, under Lieut, Crowther, five ooropaidea of brush -huts, formerly theumed by the 49th light company. The gun in the redan could not be made to bear in this direction, and his solitary tieltl-piece was therefore plant. ed in front of the °entre of the line, near the sight of the present mcnument. While wailing the attack, Scott received a message from Van Renese- laer, stating that he had been unable to in- duce a single regiment, or even a company, to advance to his relief, but forwarding a supply of ammunition and assuring him, that if he felt unable to maintain his peel. tion, beats would be sent to remove the troops, and the artillery would cover his retreat, Upon Van Rensselaer's arrival on his own shore he found a few men at the landing, whom lie sent over, and then, ac- companied by members of his staff and " old Judge Peck," grotesquely equipped for war in a huge cooked hat and long sword, rode through the cantonments, exhorting the groups of lounging soldiers they met there on every hand te nffike an effort to rescue their comrades from their perilous situp.. tion, but without produoing the slightest effect. Scott's men were already profoundly die. couraged at being celled upon to fight an- other action, and evinced a diseouraging propensity to stray away from their ranks, which he endettvored to check by instruo- ling the sergeants to shoot those who should attempt to leave their posts without orders. The tainted wee begun by the advance of the 41st, width fired a single volley, and then charged with fixed bayonets upon the riflemen on the right of the American line, who, being nnprovided with woapone to resiat this form of attack, gave way In great confusion, leaving its flank expoaed, On witnessing the =these of this movement, Sheaffe, gave the signal for a general ad. vance. The entire line raised the Indian warwhoop and charged with great fury, The gun was taken and the position carried al. most without resistance, and the entire body of Ameritan troops forced swiftly back eon the river, the Britlah /Me by the advanoo of the wings gradually assuming the form of a- oreeeent, and overlapping them on both fianka Some of the fugitives, bray. Ing the fire of the gum in the village, ran down the hill towards the landing ; A few took shelter in it home where they Wore taken ; Stott himself, end a number of °there, ecrembled down the /deep bank to the weterse edge in the hope of finding the promised boate;,Wittlaworth and Chrystie, with more than three hundred of. licers and men, surrendered en the ',Dirge of the oliff. bfeartwhile the fire of floicroft's artillery bad rendered the passage of the river so dangerous, that the boatmen positively re- fused to undertake it and dispersed. de no boats were waiting to receive them, it few desperate man plunged into the river and attempted to switn aerose, of whom some perished ; the retneinder tried to secrete themselves among the rooks and thifflrets ulong the shore. The Indians lined the cliffs above, or perched thinner:1ms in the trees whooping lucese Andy, arid firing at the fegitives whenever an opportunity offer- ed. Under these circumstauces Scott was glad to raise a white flag in the hope of preserving the lives of the rest of his com- mand. For a few minutes, even after this was done, the Indians continued to shoot down or tomahawk the unresisting crowd, either not observing or disregarding this token of submission, until it is said that Sheaffe grew so indignant at their misoon duct, that he dashed his hat and sword on the ground, and threatened that he would resign the command if they were not at once restrained._ When this was accomplished, 390 officers and men surrendered there, Some yet evaded discovery, and forty were brought in next day, swelling the entire number of prisoners taken to an aggregate of 959, among whom there were one general, six colonels, three majora, seventeen cop. tains and thirty-six subalterns. The loss in killed and wounded cannot be exactly staced on either aide. The Brit- ish official return is missing, but it is told to have footed up a total of only sixteen killed and sixty-nine wounded. The two companies of the 49th are stated to have lost three sergeants and 39 men alone, nine of whom were killed. Two men of the 41st and a gunner of the Royal Artillery were also killed. It is doubtful whether the casualties among the militia and Indians were inoluded in this return, Two Cayuga chiefs mid three warriors, whose names have been preserved, were killed, mud Norton and eight others wounded. Although this loss was insignificant in point of numbers, the death of Gen. Brook crag felt to be an almost irreparable blow, and by many of his opponents was thundered to have fully compensated for their defeat. Lieut. -Col. McDonnell seems to have been the only other British officer killed, and none but Captains Dennis and Williams appear to have been wounded. No complete return of casualties was at- tempted by the Americans, probably owing to the immediate dispersal of a large portion of their militia, A week after t ie battle, Van Rensselaer stated officially that it would be impossible to furnish an exact re- turn, but estimated the number of killed at sixty, and of wounded at one hundred and seventy. It was but natural that he should attempt to minimize his losses, and accord- ingly we find others inelined to believe them very much greater. Leasing and 3. L. Thompson, neither of whom would be prone to exaggeration in this respect,agree in plac- ing the number of killed at ninety, but diminish the number of wounded. Content. porary accounts generally put both still higher. Colonel Mead, prisoner, estimated the killed and drowned at one hundred, and the wounded at twiee that number, while Colonel Bloom, who was wounded but es. cared capture, thought that a hundred were drowned alone, and three hundred killed and wounded. An eye -witness, whose letter was published in the Bos- ton ishsssanger, stated that 1,600 Americans were engaged, of whom 900 were regulars, and that the number of killed was variously estimated from 150 up to 400. A letter in the Ontario Repository, alto from an eye-witness,computedthekillingandmiss. ing at 250, while still another in the Geneva Gazette raised the number to 800. But a British officer writing from Fort George on the 17th of October, fairly distanced all °there by the conjecture that 500 of their men must have perished in the action, or in the river, relating in support of his opinion that one boat was seen to sink with about fifty men, while two others, each having as many on board,did not bring more than half a dozen ashore alive in either of them. There eau be no doubt that the loss of the vanquished was severe, A single company of the 13th lost thirty tnen in killed or wouaded, and four oat of five captains of that regiment engaged were disabled by wounds. Three captains and three salami, terns were killed, and besides those who were taken prisoners, two colonels,four cap- tains, and five subalterns were wouncled. There were one hundred and twenty wound- ed offlecre and men among 11 e prisoners, thirty of whom died. The ho pi al at Nia- garo was filled, and the remainuer sheltered in the court house and churches. One hun- dred and forty others had been removed be- fore the surrender,to Lewistou,and of these, not less than one hundred are reported to have been buried within a month, many of them dying from flesh wounds throagh in- suffleient care. Van Reusselaer's failure was complete and disastrous. He had lost all his hese officers, and the flower of his emotes, and the entire division engaged was practically rendered incapable of resuming operations in the field. Ten days afterwards he aban- doned the struggle in despair, by throwing up the command. His successor, General Smyth, reported that he found his force diminished by more them two thousand men in consequence ef the defeat, half this loss having been caused by desertion. Several of the militia, regiments had to be aotually disbanded in consequence, and the men still remaining in camp allowed to return to their homes. A letter written from Man- lius, N. Y., on the 3rd nf Noveinber, states that "the militia oorps on the lines have dwindled, and are dwindling to mere skele. tons,some of the companies COntaining a less number of privates than officers. The rffle oorps from OW county ie reduced by dolt. ness,prieoners, etc., to less than the oomple. ment of a company, and Major Mosely in tionsequenee has returned home." They literally deserted by hundreds, and the two brigades of Generals Miller and Wadsworth were consolidated into a single regiment. Besides the field-pieee already mentioned, and about a thousand stand of small arms, the colors of one of the New York regiments wore taken. In November thia trophy waa displayed in the courtyard of the Castle of St. Louis at Quebec, band was thee described by the Mercury ;—" It le made of blue or purple colored changeable hill about a yard e.nd 0 half Evan, with the unlit of the United States on the side and those of New York on the other, both aurrounded by it eirele of stars," tTRE ENO]. Life Assurance, Mr.a McGinty—Did vie gay Denny's loife was MI, insured? Kra. O'Re,ffety—Naw, inde,de. befra, bleGinty—lbedad, an' him e, wet/kit' on th' rooks wid th' blaaths ao' thinge, Shave, Moike has his Mite insured, or, be. dad, many's the toime he'd been kilt long ago. Th' other day a blaeth wint off before bob knowed it, an' divil a sehratch did lie pit. Leif° biennia:3e is a fano inatitution, and prevents many a leddy bate a widdy before her Witte, DEATH OF 'CMG 11SIRT. The eitist Powerful Native suttee 10 Central, ASPien mem it YAeleni End. The other day this cablegram was receiv- ed in Europe ; " Meld Into been killed." No particulars have yet come as to the manlier of his taking off. MOO was the most iinportant ruler in Central Ahem, Of humble origin, he became the absolute ruler of a large territory, and at last (men eurpassed the famous Meaty, Yamvo in the extent of his power. Four rifles were the foundation of Msiri's greatnese. When he was a boy be lived 100 miles east of Lake Tanganyika in Unyanembe, where his father, Kalasa, wasa trader in eapper. The fame of the copper mines in Katanga, far southwest of Tan- ganyika, near the Congo's head waters, had spread far over Africa, and native tradere went hundrecle of miles' to procure the use. ful metal. Kuala tnade trequent trips to Katanga, and on one theaslon instead of leading his little expedition himself lie sent hisyoung son Wei, in hie place. The young chief had possessed himself of four guns, and when he arrived In Katanga lie found the old ruler of the country at war with the powerful chief to the north of him, who was invading the country. Meg. CAME TO TRH RESOUU of his father's friend. The invading enemy had never before heard of firearms. They were appalled when they heard the thuuder- one report of the rifles. After a few shots they took flight and never etopped till they were safely out of Katanga, Of course, the old chief was very much pleased with Mahe, who had thus delivered him and his people out, of the bends of their enemies. He gave him large presents of ivory, and when he took his departure for home urged him to return to Katanga as noon as possible. The next year Maki, wishing to seize every advantage he could derive trent the old chief's friendship,started again for Katauga with his wife and chit. dren and as many friends as he eould induce to accompany him. He found the old chief getting very feeble. He promised that he would not leave hint, hue would remain in tile country to receive the chieftainship which had been promised to him. In a short time the old chief, perceiving that his end was near, gave up to idsiri the shell which answers to the European crown, and installed lofsiri as King. alsiri at onee began to show himself a Week Napoleou. He put every one to death WI,J opposed him, carried on aggressive warfare in all the countries around tum,and even defied the powerful chief Kasembe east of him, whose name has been on the maps of Central Africa ever since that region has been known. Mahe went on add- ing COUNTRY AVM. COUNTRY to his possessions. One element in his won. derful success was his shrewdness and far- sightedness. He and his people ',a.t1 never obtained guns and powder and other arti- cles of war except front the east coast. Thua he seemed to be dependent for his very existence upon the friendship of the tribes east of him. He had heard the vagu- est rumors that there was a west coast, and he thoroughly believed that this would prove to be true, and thought be might find in this direction an ample supply of war stores. He therefore started out a °mad& erable force of his men to the westward It was really a native African exploring ex. pedition, and it was completely successiul in its search for trade and traders. The hews of its coming reached the famous Portuguese tracier, Silva Porto, who at once equipped a trading earavan, and sent it east to Meirkwho was supplied with pow. der, guns, and cloth in exchange for ivory. Now that he had opened trade with the west coast, Msiri was able to declare his in- dependence of all eastern tribes, and be carried on his aggressions until he control- led a ierger extent of country than any other Central African potentate. Of late years most of ehe southeastern pert of the Congo Free State has been in- cluded in Garenganze, as Msiri's territory is known. A number of years ago the young English missionary Arnot was far west as Bailundu, when some porters arrived with a number of letters from Msiri. They were written it year before, in a wretched sort of Porta. guese, probably by some half.taught black, and contained an earnest appeal that white men should go to Garenganze. Arnot LOOKED WITH. AMAZBAIENT on this piece of rude, welltravelled paper. Of course it was only as traders that Maid had expected to receive white people in his conntry. But Arnot decided to go there as a missionary. He carried out his purpose, and Garenganze lies ever trance been thoupieol by missionaries, and more recently by stations of the Congo Free State. Arnot said tint the piece mud quiet that reigned in Msiri's large coun try was remat k - able. The King was sharp end severe in his governmetit and was greatly feared, though he did not use torture or cruelty as a means of punishment. Executions, how- ever, were common, but death was inflicted in a most expeditious manner. Arnot de- scribed the Ring as "a thorough gentleman." "1 have no suspicion of his friendship," he wrote, "He most carefully avoids asking anything of me, and oll his family do the same." Meiri had many minor chiefs at all the great centres of population. It is a peed - lark of Msiri's country that women have an importance there which is not conceded to them in most parts of Africa, Each of the minor chiefs was supposed to have some relative married to Main, and these wives of the King were really their "friends at court," through whom all communications with the king were carried out. The King also employed these women as officers of state, end independent districts were some- times aseigned to them to be governed by themselves. Msiri's capital has for years been a great trading point, Traders can be fund there from as far north as Uganda and as far east as Lake Tanganyika, the went coast, and all through the basin of the Zambesi. Copper, salt, iron, and slaves are the ohief articles of commerce, In exchange for thee° Msfri accumulated an immense stock of flint -look guns, powder, cloth, and beide, besides many other curious things brought by na. tive and Arab tradere. Every once in a while Maid would give a great entertain- ment at which he would open his stores end exhibit his treasures,displaying with pecul- iar pleasure it most remarkable thollection of tinned meats, music boxes, concertinas, guile and pistols, all kinds of opera glasses,suien- tifie instruments, generally mit of order, trinkets of every description, watches and fetvelry, as well al lots of east.off clothing, Maki WM the lett of the really powerful rulers of equatorial Africa west of Tenon/ ytka, It is probable thitt his etiocessor will not have any/thing like hie power. , The ociuntry will be divided amoog tho either- dinate °hide, an arrangemettt that will please the Congo Free Sbote witbebn much prefers small unimportant native Govern moots other than large and powerful kings, who can, if they desire, give the Stete much JULY 29, 1892 bre tibia. The old King'e career is an illus. traion of the feet that even the native African in the depthe of his own barbarous country eau rise to positions of importance, opulence, and power, The Oare of Infante. Tho blethers' Club of Seaview had DAM. Dr. Scapulae to .give them a series of talks on the eere of infents. They met at the houses of the different membeee for an hour 00100 It week, The ;loath began by stating that, while it may be true that all women are not des- tined to be mothers, yet every woman should know something of the care of infants. When you prepare the clothing of the little infant, see to it that most of the gar- ments are made of soft woollen materials. Do not make the mistake of providing for the personal appearance of the little strang- er, but consider health and suiety of the first importance. Laces and linen may be as white as snow, bat by no means suitable as under-elething for the delicate infant. I think, said the doctor, that most mothers forget that warmth is necessary. This Is espeeially important during the first fortnight of its existence. Its advent into the world exposee it to cold draughts and chilly atmosphere, and it is wiee to exert extra precautions for its pro- tection ; therefore, warm, woollen clothing is required. A broad band of the softest woollen is of the first importance. After the infant, has received its first bath—and this should always be given in some warm pleasant room, free front draughts, and preferably before an open fire, the care of the stump of the cord ehould have special attention. It is well to have this eaffifully wrapped in a pieee of soft, old linen handkerchief. Some ointment is always needed. The best, in tny experience, is the Semites disin- fecting ointment, which has a plorteant, wholesome odor. Glycoboron ointn.eat, is also good. Ilits should be put on generoas- ly, all about the attachment and about the cord iteelf. In the case of a delicate infant, or one born before its thole, the bath should be given with the greatest caution. It_ is best to use it baby's oommon bath- tub, and not a. wash -basin, as is so often ern- ploved. The water shoal(' be at 93.5' Valirenheit—blood heat. It is important to remove all the cheesy matter which is found upon the body, Dna especially in the folds of the skin. Some reliable soap should be used freely. Be careful to thoroughly wash the head, removing every particle about the hair, Many oases of cliseaeed scalp, which con- tinue to defy treatment for months, have their origin iu the neglect of this precaution After the bath, anoint the body from head to foot with warm sweet or olive oil ; this meet be put or generously, but gently with the palm of the hand. The oil is important, not only in protectieg the del- ieate skin from contact with the clothing, but it also tends to maintain an agreeable warm temperature, and is also highly nutritious. This first bath will answer Inc the first. Iwo or three days ; after that the daily sponge -bath is generally advisable. As soon as poseible after its bath, the babe should be placed close to its mother to renive the warmth from her own body. This is important, as no amount of clothing oan supply the animal heat required, Very early nursing is to be recommended, The babe needs nothing which its healthy mother cannot afford him, unless it be a few drops of purewater occasionally. Sometimes serious harm has been done by withholdiug water from infants. This plan is not only advantageous for the babe, but for the mother aa well. The best bed is a large iron or brass crib - If the mother prefers one in the form of a bessinette, it should be as arranged, and it. anch a seoura position, that any danger from its tumbling over can be guarded against. During the earlier weeks of infancy a temporary mattress of down or rather soft material should be placed over the hair mattress tvhich is to be the permanent one letTeirwor,, bed covering should be warm but light—one or two blankets and an eider. down quilt make the best covering, Great care should be taken to avoid draughts about the bed. A room with good ventilation end, if possible, an open fireglace and with plenty of sunlight, is what we should seek for. It is it mistake to darken the room as if you were treating it patient with diseased eyes. The light should be eolloned, but not excluded. The air should be kept perfeotly pure, and, as far as possibl ,e thoroughly deodoriz- ed and dishifeeted. No foods or dirty water, contents of slop -basins, etc., should be allowed to remain in the room a moment more than is absolutely necessary. Loud or unneeeesary talking should be prohibited. .9. well-trained nurse will see to lb that quiet and the avoidance of any startling sound shall be carefully attended to. The nursing times must be decided Ivan with regularity. The persons of mother and child meet receive frequent attention to se- cure cleanliness. Front the earliest daya of infancy the habits of regularity can be instituted. The temperature of the room should be maintained at about 70° Fahrenheit. If, through mieforhune, the mother is ill, or suffering from fever, the sick -room is not desirable as it nursery. In our next talk we will eonsider how the baby is to be fed and cared for when,through siekness or from other eauses, the mother is unable to provide for it naturally. --(W. Thornton Parker, M. D. Pun About a Nose Down 0-- is well known as being pro, vided with an enormous handle to his then. Wilma° in the shape of a huge nose. On a recent occasion, when taking up a collection in the thuroh to which he be- longed, as Ile passed through the congrega. tion, every person to whom lie presented the box maned to be possessed by is sudden and uncontrollable desire to laugh, The deacon did not know what to make of it, Re had often paesed the plata round before; but no suoh effects had he witnessed. He was fairly puzzled. The secret, however, eventually leaked out. He had been afflicted a day or two before with a sore on his nasal appendage, and had placed a small piece of sticking - plaster over it, During the morning of the day in question the plaster had dropped off ; a,nd the deacon, seeing it, as he suppooed, on the floor, picked it up and stuck ie on again. But, alas b he pieked up instead one of the pieces of paper which the manufactur. ors Of cotton paste on the end of every tool, and which read : "warranted 200yards." Seth a sign on each a nue was though to upset the gravity of any congregation. Our domestie affeotions aro the :nest utary basis of all good government,---(Dis. rasib A BUKOR ABOUT 1$.10.30000. -- itogioad, Smith, and 'Hely Said le Hay\ agreed te Divide tile (stumpy, A despatch has been received front Paris that is secret, Convention has been eigned by England, Spain, and Italy for the par- tition of Moroom, It was said only a short time ago that Spain and Fromm were much exereised regarding the designs of Great Britain in Nfor0000, The " Repttblique irrenealso," in an aettele on the missiou to Fez of Sir Charles Buan•Sinith, the British Ambassador to Mereeco, recently said that the matter might lead to conflicts, and added : "Europe will do wisely to keep close watch upon Great Britain's policy at Tan. giee. The maintemenee of the European egailibrium imposes upon her the duty of re - sieving the intrigues aud encroachments of a nation which would willingly make Mo. recce &second Egypt. " The Spanish newe- mere detnanded that Spain send war ships to Taugier to watch the course of events there, and considerable anxiety was dis- played by hoth Prance and Spain to par- ticipate in any of the benefits that might accrue from the mission. The cioncessions granted by the Sultan tu Sir Charles Evan. Smith were comparatively unimportant. If the three nations have now decided to partition the country among themselves, it is very evident that their differences of opin- ion have been settled. The Sultan may re - resist this sumtnary disposition of the clo- minion, and it will be an expensive task to subdue the country, 1 articularly if the sav- age hill tribes side with their nominal ruler, against whom for years they have, off and on, been at war." Watering Farm Horses. A graed deal has been said, one time and another, aboat the best time to water horses --before or after ffieding. The horsc'e stomach is very small—holding but about three and a half gallons. Drinking, tte the home frequently does in hot weath- er when working, more than three and a half gallous ot water at a single time, has given Ilse to the assumption by feeders that this water must pass through the stomach into the intestinal canal. The inference has not unnaturally been drawn that this movement of water through the stomach must carry with it into the intestinal tube, grain rations fed before watering and ale° the partly digested food of the stomach. For the purpose of obtaining the facts, Prof. Sanborn took four horses, watering two of them before and two after feeding. Then the order was changed, so that in the second trial the Int previously watered be- fore was now wetered after feeding, and the weight of the animals vras taken before and after Ole feeding, the food given being also weighed. During the first period the lot fed before watering gained 108 pounds, and those fed atter watering 116 poen ds. After reversal of feeding the lots as revers- ed lost la -pounds, for those watered before feeding grain while those watered after feeding grain lost 64. pounds. This period covered 43 days. For the total period of 90 days those fed before watering gained 44 pounds, and those watered before feeding gained 64 pounds. This was in 1388-9. During Ghepasteeason similar experitnents were inade by Prof. Sanborn. Those water- ed after feeding lost 167 lbs., and those wa tered before lust 19.51bs., or those water- ed after feeding lose 42 lbs. more than the others in a period of 168 days. In both cases, the experiments rather favored water- ing before feeding. But when all things were considered, the conclusions were reached that horses watered before feeding grain retained their weight better than when watering after feeding grain ; hones watered before feeding had the better apple - tile or ate the most ; horses watered after fdeding grain, in ratio to the food eaten, seemed to digest it as well as those watered before feeding, In it prior trial there was a small apparent advantage, in favor of feeding after watering, on digestion. It seems advisable to water both before and after feeding, Similar tests wore made to show the ef- feet of feeding ground and unground corn. The coneInsions were reaohed that whole grain was as effective for horses as ground grain and that as ground grain evould have to be from 15 to 29 per oent. more ef- fective than whole grain to make the pro. case profitable, it is not likely to be shown that grinding grain for horses is profitable. 001th-tenting on this experiment, Prof. San- born says Possibly the view that no. ground grain, in the process of slow masti- cation, sutures the greater efflution in the mouth, and thereby a benefie, is nob incor- rect ; or again, that ground grain in the moist stomach tends to peck lute impene- trable masses which non-grindieg obviates. It is quite as probable howevert that the partial bre %king that 11 secures in the mouth is ample to eecure the full action of digestive agents on the food eaten. We know that pure water will at last penetrate to the center of our seeds, end that die - solution soon follows under the action of certain forces that are set in motion in the presence of moisture in eeeds. Shall we assume that the acids, digestive juices and ferments designed Inc the solution of the organic compounds of seeds are inadequate for its intended ends 1 The assumption is a violent one insbeed of being a logical one. If the view that grain should be ground is to find an adequate defense, it would seem that it must /est upon the energy required to perfortn the work of mastication and digestion of whole grain, which grinding relieves the animal system of performing. The time has not arrived for final conclu- sions, or even for sweeping conclusions, on the subject. It would appear that grinding grain for horees is not likely to prove an economical proms, unless it bo to relieve worn teeth. Row We Get Our Teeth. Au eminent dentist is authority for the following : It would take too long to de- scribe the formation of the teeth, but it may interest you to know that the enamel is de- rived in the first place from the epithelium, or soarfskin,While the dentine of which the bulk of the tooth is 'composed, ie derived from the 0111001111 layer below the epithelium. Lime salts are slowly desposited, and the tooth pulp or " nog% " is the last remains of what WA5 once a pulpy mast of the sha of the future tooth, and even the tooth pt; in the old people sometimes gets quite obli- terated by ealeerous deposits. The bidet), two permanent teeth are proceeded by twenty temporary deeidnous or milk teeth. These aro fully erupted at about two to 2 1-2years old, and at about six yean of ago O wonderful propose of abeetption sots in, by which the roots of the temporary teeth are removed bo make room for the advancing pormenent ones, l'he orowns of the former, having no support, become loose and fall away. One would naturally auppose that the advancing permanent tooth mkt a powerful factor in the absorption of lie temporary predeoessor, but we have niany /ads to prove It luts no Militate Whatever; indeed, the interesting phenomena of the eruption and miceession ef teeth are very little ender. need,