HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1892-7-29, Page 1fi iseisarifir, 1111ffrn' 1.1,76;,[4.1rn.1,12:1{MVAS.1,717,:rufinsmomvaregmetanuranfirsnisamsn.firfixanovioa4;1;r2umm.rwatwfivnargarrwIrontfis..firmauraavuoarouwavox---.7annfinnufiravartfivtia ogur.c"..fin.firmnofirasum.fidmacImaifiasamra L,n,ArFXfi=i, ol20. BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, JULY 29, 1892 Number 3. Vume Gilt; Ill:LEIN CORNER. To tbe Safer ot Imo Pee. DEM DAD pleased to hear of the movement being nommenced by the Di. rooters of the Meotionics' rosette° Inc tho eetablielimenb of a night school, but tide ie not the only imprevement that ceu be made in that title. In order to insure the (Maned as welt fie tho general ;volfere of the Lee tete I think it is high. ly neceseary that the Institute be brought more coospiononely before the pablia by giving them all the advantages that a so - dirty al its kiud can give. Whet is there to attend etrengere ooming to town to our Reeding Boom 1 A person might be a, oonsiderable length of time amongst us and not know even that we have is fireehanioe' Institute, in fact I met a young man jut the oder clay who hod resided here nearly a year before he knew Mot we possessed a public library. By way of improvement I wonld suggest :- 1. That the first flat of some bnilding on the Mate steed be seemed Inc the storing of eur library ; 2. That an ottraetive sign be hung out ; 3, That a supply of the leadiug daily and weekly pitpere, firstmlass magaziaes, rte., be kept on file ; 4. That our library be open a portion of each week day for the benefit of members. Hoping that Mose euggeetions will re• eeive 1 kindly oonsideratim et the hands oE the Directors I will subscribe my - telt. Petruovemese. Breeds, July 20, '92. LE IVDU EX tll LN ITION The successful candidates at the bupe- ig as confirmed by the Department of Education aro as fol. lows :— Carsrme—Outiningliern, Lizzie, No. 8, IIelett ; Jeffrey, Auna B., No. 8, Hallett ; MoGregor. M. A.., No. 2, Tuokersnlith ; Murray, Annie, No. 2, Taoism:smith ; VanBridger, Nellie, No. 8, Hullett ; Whickten, John W. 130.3/led, WtileflAll,—Alisloy, Fred. ; Cumming, Bella ; Cumming, Lizzie; Oornyn Adam; Dinsley, Norma, ; Deane, Ella ; Hanna, George ; Seekson, Winne ; McTavish, Robert ; Strathdie, Henry ; Watson, Lucinda, ; Johnston, Etta ; all of Wing. liana EXVIIIIL—BNOICS, Vblliim; Cave, Min nie ; Clarke, Wm, ; McCallum, Elsie ; Aleraul, Katie ; Shapton, E. J. ; Trove. thick, Lida, tib of Exetee. Zenieu.—Consitt, Annie, No. 7, Stan. ley ; Gies, San, Zurich, Manitoba Blections. The Manitoba electione Satarday re. gutted in the return of Premier Gretna way's government to. powoe by about, bit Seine =ford), as in the lait House. The reeve indioate the election of 21 Government supportere, 13 Opposition, 1 Independent, with Dauphin to hear Iran, it will likely °loot an Opposition• hit In the laid House the strength of the Oppositioa was 11 in a House of 38, two Eivatti having boon added by the 11 , - distribution Aot. The eole i43110 of the campaign yeas the question of National vs. Statemided eohools. The earpiece of the election were the defeat of two Mi- not Ministers, Messrs, Smart and lero Lem and the defeat of Messrs, Roblin and Hegel, the two Opposition leaders. Hoe. Will, SIDESIlt Wee °ppm(' In Bran- don by Mn. Macdonald, it popuiar young lawyer, and Mr. MuLean, member with- out portfolio, hacl against him a strong man in Mr. Frame, Another feature was the defeat of sto many old members, ten falling by the wayside. In the Win. nipeg divisions Meilen. Cameron, Mc- Millian and MoIntyre, the Govenment candidates, were all eleotecl by sweeping majorities, and in Pottage la Prairie Hon. R. Watson, who resiguod his seat in the Commons to accept a poaition as Mitiister of Pablio Works under Green- way, was elected by 105 inajority. The Oppoetion canted flYe nate fertilely held by the Government, and the Govern- ment eaptared four beats from the Op. position. The new oonstituencies, Avon- dale and Deloraine, were both mired by the Oppoeition. In Morris Major Mul- vey, a Ceeservatite and grand master of the Orangemen, was the Greenway San - dictate, bat was began by tut small ma- jority. The following are detailed re. turns by consetnenoies Avondale—b. II. Heaney, Opposition, is elected by aboub 100 inejority over Elerriott, Government. Beautiful Plains—S. II. Devideon, Op- position, elected by 16 majority over J. Crawford, old Liberal member. Birtle-0. J. Mickle, Government, re- elected by a largo majority over Power, Opposition. Power loses his deposit. Brandon City—W. A. Macdonald, Op- position, retuned by 14 majority over Hon. James Smart, Provincial Secretary. Carillion—Close fight between T. A. Bernier and 01- Jerome, both Opposition. Cypress—A, Deig Government, sleeted by 8 over E. J. Woc:d, the old Opposition member. Dennis—S. F. Frame, Opposition, de. feated Hon. McLean, member of Cabinet, by 34 majority. Deloraine—T. H. Kellett, Opposition, .eleeted by 27 majority over Se Benton, Government. Dauphin—Not heard from. Barrows, Government, and Campbell, Opposition, are the candidate, Emerson—Dr. McFadden, Opposition, elected by 14 majority OVer James Thom- son, the olcl member. Killarney—Finlay Young, the popular Goverumeet whip, eleoted by about 200 rnajurity over Geo. lotwreneo, Opposition. Kildonan—Very olose between N. 10. Hegel, Opposition, and J. S. Bird, eov- ernment, Tho latter secured a majority o111. Lakeside- -Dr, Rutherford, Govern- ment, elected by 150 majority over W. Wlacte, Opposition. Lansdowne—E. S. Dickson, the old Government member, elected by 80 ma- jority over W. H. Helliwell. La Verandyre—LoGiundiere, Opposi- tion, elected over Gagnon and Pare, both Opposition Lorne—R, 0. O'Malley, Oppositiou, by acolamatiou. Mennen—Be Ironsides, Government, elected by 50 majority over S. Hustonthe old Oppoeieion member. Minned osa—R. H. Myers, Government, ;sleeted by 68 majority over Dr. Roche, Opposition. Morden—S. H. Duncan, Government, eleeted by 46 majority over R. P. Roble, the Opp.osition leader. Morris—A. F. Martin, Opposition, °looted over Woe Mulvey, Governmeut, by about 100. Mountain—Premier Greenway eleoted by 100 majority over II. Rogers, eOppoei- tiono, Ndont_ It. P. Lyons, Opposition, elected by 92 majority over S. J. Thotn;p- son, the old member. Notth Brandon—Attorney-General Sit - ton re-eleoted over T. E. GreanWood, Op- posibion, by stnell miejority. Portage la, Prairie—Hon. R, Watson, Minister of Public+ Werke, eleoted by 108 nejority over W. J. Cooper, Oppositioo. Itookwood—Spealcer Jackson, Ruther- feed, Opposition, Rosenteldt—E. Wonkier, Govenment, red/looted by 21 majoriby over C. Penner, Opposition, Shineland—V. Winkler, Governraent, emoted over N. Bowman Opposition. Buesell—J. Visher,Independent, by ao. clanuttiote. Saskatehowan—D. hioNaught, Govern. met, °looted by a good majority eve A. CMOs, Opposition. $t. Andrew's—F. W. Oololoegh, Gov- ernment, leads by 85, but there are sev- eral northeen points yet to here from. St. Bonifacie-3. Prenclergrasb, Oppoei. eon, eleeted by 7 majority over 11, Mari. on, also Opposition. Souris—A. M. Campbell, Government, no -elected by 08 over Beatton,Opposition. South Brandon—H. C. Graham, Gtv- ocuonisob cs elooted by 225 own A. Reid, Opposition. Springfield—T. Smith, Goyernment, re eleoted over it. S. Conlrlin, Oopoei. tion. Turtle Mountain —John /fettle, Gov- arnment, 11..0100;6cl by 50 initjovity ove Dr. Soholiner, Opposition. Westibonne—T. L. Morton, Govern- ment, by amilernation, Winnipeg, Center—Hon, D; Previneite Treasurer, rodolooted by 644 over John Wintam, Opposition, who loses his depoelt. Winnipeg, Nouth—P. C. Molnlyife, Government, elected by 814 majority over 0, II. Campbell, Opposition. Winnipeg, South—J. D. Ortincefon Gor. The 1iD:10111e Grand Lodge. Grand Lodge was opened in the Opera House, London, at 2 p. in., on July 21e, by M. W. Bro. J. Ross Roborts on, Grand blaster. P0. Mestere Welke m. Murray, Spry, Robertson and Moffatt were pre. sent, Ws° Deputy Grand Gibson, Senior Warden Sutherland and Junior Warden Mingay. Addresses oE welcome were received from the Meyer and corporation, aul Iran the Masons of. Leedom Grand Matte Robertson made a nutb elequent and able address, praotieally re• tiring from the choir, and constnemor• Ming his term of °thee by a further munificent gift of money to the Toronto Sick Children's Hospital, Several emenclmenbe to the constitution wore passed. Bro. Malcolm Gibbs113l141 temperance amendment was badly beaten, The sutn of $1,000 was voted the St. John's sufferere. The election of District Deputy Grand Masters were banded in as follows, and confirmed by the Grand Master :— No. 1—It. W. Bro, H. Je11,11odney. 2 " " Dr. A. E. Harvey, Wyoming. 3 " " " Alex. 0. ID es, St. Thomas. 4 1 1" Joseph Beek, Gordo - rich. 5 • " •• ano. A. Morton, Wing. ham. 6 .1 W. 13. Wolit Simooe. 7 1 " 11 Alfred Taylor, Galt. 8 " " 11. L. Gnun, Ebamib- ton. 9 0 " Charles Pye, Clarke - burg. 10 " " S. M. Garner, Thum nendville. 11 '• " 0 Harry A. Collins, To. ronto. 12 " " " W. J. Robeetson, Port Hope. 15 " " Dr. Thoruton, Clouse. con 14 " " " George Sommerville, Kingston. 15 " " " C. W. Bullook, Lynn. 10 " " 1 R. A. Klook, Materna. 17 " " " W. H. Hearst, Sault St. Marie. 18 '• •• " Irmo Huber, Broce• bridge, The ballot for Grand Master resulted in the elootion of Hon. J. M. Ctibson of Hamilton almost unanimonely. 3, ROSS Robertson definitely declined re election iu tear of Mr. Gibson. Toronto, Hamilton and Ottawa Were nomidated as the plain for next meeting of Grand Lodge. Ottawa was selected. R. W, Beo. W. B, Whits, Q.O. of Pem- broke, was °looted D. 0. Me by a large majority. J. W. Berke °Hendon, woe elected Gland Soule 'Wardell ; Grand Jill11017 NVarden, George Ingle, of Owen Sound ; Binh Mem, oE Hamilton, Gerund Trude:ire ; J. J. Mason, of Hamilton, Grand Seeretriey ; Aev, J. 11. rairlie, of Aletiforcl, Gremd Chaplain. element, ro (dented by 1 19 majority over Sprarine, Opponition. Womtlande -Hugh Ann -aroma Oppod• ten, by acedamittion. A. vote of the electere of the Province on tee queedon of the prohibitive of the gale of intexineting 'ignore was aleo taken. Prohibition carried by ell over- wholinhig majority in the city and Previttoo. In Winnipeg the vote wm Ilb011t WO lan. bit favor of prohibitiou. In 1?ortago itt Prairie the figure were 710 for and 188 agitinet. The roulette are incomptute. Grey Council Meeting% Cenral mot at Zimmer's Hetet, Grata brook, on ;July 18111, pursuant to adjonrn. mom, members all present, reeve in the elute, minutes of last meeting were read and peeled. Wilboun MoKelvev and Themes Stevenson each made application Lor leave to file a requisition under the Ditchee and Watercourses Aot 1883. The clerk was instructed to notify ell parties interceded to attend lleXt meeting of council when a hearing will be given them in reference to the matter. Junes Clamming -I applied for gradiag to be does on boundary Grey mai Elmo., at lob 35, son. 11. Moved by Wm. 13rown, sersoncl• ed by Edward Bryan that the sum of 920.00 be granted, provided the Elmo uounell grant an equal sem. Curled. LPPlication of Matthew Morrison Me gravelling on gravel red at Walton vi!. lege. Moved by Wm. Brown, emended fly Thos. Ennis that the sum of 95.00 be granted provided the Morris email grant aut equivnlent. Carried. Janes Mc- Nair served the council with a wribten notice stating that he required the tap cleain at lot 23, con. 113 cleaned out, be- tween government drains NOS. 1 and 2. Moved by Thomas Ennis, seoonded by Win, Brown that the oleric be instructed to notify the engineer Ito go on and ex- amine the locality and report at next meeting of council on the necessary work to be done and the cost thereof. Car- ried. There were four 'headers in for the Silver Corners drain node by-law Na. 23, all being too high it was moved by Walter Oliver, seconded by Edward Bryan that uew tenders be asked for, for next meeting of counoil. Carried. Moved by Wolter Oliver, seeonded by Thos. Ennis thab the reeve and treasurer be authorised to borrow of Rebel Spence the sum of 9800.00 for township purpose lentil taxes are paid. Carried. The fol. lowing amounts were presented and ordered to be paid, viz. : —W. H. Kerr, part payment printing contract, 925,0); Wm. Spenoe, going read taking pound - keepers declarations, 94.00 ; John Hollin- ger, gravel, 910.80 ; Michael Mullin, gravel, 912.66 ; -Miehael Mullin, keeping Wm. Mullin, an iucligent, 8 months, $21.- 00 ; James MoNair, gravelling on side read 4, con. 11, 916.00 ; Charles Alder- son, gravelling ab lot 16, eon. 12, 524.15; Wm. Bird, gravelling at lot 9, con. 13, 517.40 ; Wm. Milne, lumber ince for cub vette, 99.60 ; Janes McNair, for wire fence, lot 20, side road 4, con. 14, 97.20 ; John White, shovelling gravel, 92.00 ; Robert Ransom, culvert lob 27 and ditch lot 28, 0011. 8, $5.25 ; Seibert Soott, break - Mg stones at side road 3, oon. 12, 95.00 ; Gabriel Neable, gravelling at lot 132, con. 12, 95.00 ; Thomas Beacham gravel, 917.00; Wilson Emig, gravelling at lot 27, con. 12, 925,00 ; Robert Rae, gravel, 90.80; Bobert Dooket, gravel, 915,00 ; Wm. P.ollard, shovelling gravel, 91,00; Wm. McKelvey, gravel, 97.60; James McNair, gravelling at lot 21, son. 16, 915.00; Richard Al000k, envoi, 929.88; Thos. Al000k, ditch at lot 7, con. 10,916.- 50 George Hanley, geavelling on side road 6, con. 13, 96.40 ; Geo. McKay Minna for culverts, con. 16, $1,00 ; Chas. Querengesser, gravelling on side road 5, con. 14, townships share, $45.00 ; Charles Dahms, luaebe for oulverts and bridges, $10.84 ; WM. Mitchell, shovelling gravel, 97.50 ; tutb51 Spillott, shovelling gravel, 00,00 ; Donald MoDonald, shovel. ling geavel, 98.00; Chas. Hudson, oul. vets at lot 20, non, 5, 94.00 ; John 1?ol- look, gravel, culvert and graveling oross- way at side road 1, eon. 1, 920.20' Ames Oakley, gravel, 9e.16 ; Luke Speiran, gravelling at lot 25, con. 11 95.00 ; Goo. Hodge, gravel, 99.06 ; James Cololough, gravel, 99,48 '• Robb. Blair, gravel, 90.96 ; John Howard, culvert on side road 5, con. 14, 51.00; Siebert Samieeon, balance of oontraot for new bridge at lob 10, eon, 12, 9244 00. The council then adjourn- ed to nee again at Btu:toner Hotel, Ethel, on Monday, the let day of August, when trustees estimate; MIL be reoeived. War. &WOE, Cleric. Afellillipt1,1 11 Vie in Therie will lie levied at the ride of 28 mille on the dollar. Mice Mamie Beane, of it. ROWIL11. itt the DelifietIllee l)f a yoling beer free. from Alnekolca. Arrangements are being made Inc it grand. Conservative picdtio at Potreo. on September let. Coal has been advanced to 1313 pen ton bit Hamilton, with the peeped of a farther advanoe on Aug. 1. Ryan, of the Suimpiiiie Boat Club, Toronto, won the atiossingle soull race et Saratoga on Wedneeday. St, Thomas weed 111ce to have au alt - trio railway through tint place, connee• ing London and Port Stanley. The Tomtit° Board of Trade St. John's relief fund olosed leak Sal Imlay, the sob' soriptions moulding to 910,055. Seven hundred excursioniste going to the Northrnest froin the eaetern provin- ces arrived at Winnipeg on Friday. A showman is oudeavoring to engage the Indian band on the Mohawk reserve to play at the World's Fair at Chicago. Sir Donald Smith entertained the Canadian Bisley team to dinner Ed the Metropole hotel in Lenilon on Wednes- day. Robb. G. Dalton, Q. C., master in ohamber of the High Court of Justice, died at his residence in Toronto, Sunday at the age of 74. Another detachment cd 40 men of B Battery, Qiiehoo, has been oat to assist in suppressing the whiskey smugglers of the lower Sb. Lawrenee. A. burglar attempted to meke appro- priations at Beaohville etation a few nights ego, but 'notelet was bally pum- melled by the night operator. Arnold Reid we struck by lightning and inetantly killed while going from the barn to the house 011 Wednesday on the 5th oon. of Dawn township. Adam Conklin, a farmer near Tiptoe - grove, Ont., dropped dead on a load of hay which he was driving to Ids ben on Wednesday morning. Heart disease. A company has been incorporated with a oapital of 9000,000 for the purpose of manufacturing rolling stock for railways. The chief place of businees will be in Toronto. A St. John, N. B., merchant. W. R. May, has been decoyed across the line to illastporb, Me„ and arrested on a charge of smuggling. He was take to Boston for trial. A collision oeourred on the Bay of Quinte railway, near Belleville station, on Fridey of last week, when three per. SODS vvere killed ontright and many more injured, several fatally. The people of Brantford on Friday of last week voted a 979,000 bonne to the Toronto, Hamilton and Brantford Rail- way Company, to be paid upon the com• pletion of the road. to Totonto. Mayor lefcCunow, of Moncton, N. B., has mysteriously dieappearecl. 10 15 fear- ed that be has either been lost in the dense woods in met with foul play. Searching parties were hunting for him. The Grand Trunk and Chicago and Grand Trunk railway companies have just issued the annual order to employees to be vacoinated. As the cotnpanies transport thousands of emigrants it is thought best to take egg precaution. It is stated that the Prime of Wale will visit Canada next year and make a trip to the Pacifist ooast over the Camadi- an'Paoilic railway, visiting the Chicago fair en route. When in Quebec his royal highness will open the new hotel on the terrace. One of the large Vete glass windows of Pouook Bros.' store, on Dundee street, London, was broken into fragments on Friday morning. The boy was cleaning the window when by some unaccountable meows be fell with full force against the window, making a oomplete smash of it. Fortunately the boy received no injury beyond a fright. The glass wos insured. 9 Lilo ie shorter in the valleys and low- lands than among the hills and moun- tains. Of every hunched baby girls that aro ban in Obina about thirty ere p0110 death. There are 800 mountains in the 'United States, each exceeding 10,000 feet in height. Kansas has font oities ito which the vote of tho women is bargee thee that of the Men. There ale 40„OW oil wells la the U. El, and thee daily output is ,150,000 boreele. 0:1 seudiaii NONV1i4. Hog cholera has broken out in North Oxford. Nora Scotian crops are euffering from drought. The warrioe worm is destroying pas- tures in Brant county. The Northwest Assembly haa been called to meet August 2nd. Kingston wane an elevator reliable of holdinghalf a million bushels. Nomination for the Commie in Oht. contine will take place on August The Preis town Genoa hes wanted 9100 to tho relief of the St. John's stiffer. el% The MoOlary works, London, shut down on Tuesday owing to tho intone het severe thunderstorm pessed over Southern Ontario Friday, causing heavy "AlnalgOey. ear-olcl boy nomad Hoopoe, lie- ing nee Weed Lome, was drowned at Eagle while fishing Mlle/ J. Rehton, living, thee miles Iran Bidgetown, Wee killed by lightning Friday While talking through a telephone. The bodies of the three employees of the Vette/art Hotel, Kingsville, WhO Mee drowned en July 15th, have boon recover. ed. A. monster piomio, under the teepees of the Variotits national and secret so - &eerie of Hamilton, will be held on Aug. 20th at Dundee) park. The prooeede ivill be soot to the St, John'e flee suffer - Thii jr.q1 crop i ilitmet a complete failure this you in Blanenteel townehip on fuming of the remelt exerimier; raing. Chas. Holmes, the fent laborer who wits tinder iodic:tomtit for the mate of Benjamin IXubtutrd n follmv-laborertt Goary'e farm, London township, a year ago, dial at Tendon on Saturday. If. was out on bail, and aS his health wee elnetered, it we known that he could never have been broaght t, tee. One of the Menu...ions of Stretford in the Presbyterian Clab, which not daily (Sanclaye mooted) in the Royal Hotel block. Two members awn a quorum and the ineetinge never adjourn while eny two members are present. The qualifications for memberehip are The oandidato mut be Hootch for eeveral generations back ; he met he Presby- terian of the old school and h tnti be reels to play checkers, Tbe St. ',Marys Journal riegrots to learn theta mysterious epidemic has broken out among the hogs owned by 0. J. White, of that town, W111011 are being fed at the Avonbank cheesefactory. A num- ber of eta hogs have died from the die. ease entailing a les upon their towns. man. A government inspector who visit. ed the scene deolared that it was not bog cholera and several vets are melting investigations. The somalled Retaliatory Bill orient by the American Congress provides that after August 1, whenever the President shall be satisfied that the passage through any lock or canal conneoted with the navagation of the St. Lavvrenoe River, the great lakes or waterways con. fleeting them, or any vessels oE the United States, or of cargoes or passen- gers in trausit to any pert of the Coiled State, is prohibited or made difficult or burdensome by the impositioa of tolls whioh he shell deem to be reoiprooally unjust or unreasonable, it shall be his duty to suspend by proclamation, for such time and to such extent, including absolute prohibition, as he shall deem just, the right of free passage through the St. Mary's Palls Canal, so fe as it re- lates to vessels owned by the subjeote of the Government so disoriminating against tbe oitizens, pelts or vessels of the United States, or to any cargoes, portions of cargoes, or passengers in transit to the ports of the Government making snide discrimination, whether carried in vessele of the United States or of other nations. The bill provides also that during etch suspension toll shall be levied upon freight not to exceed 92 per ton, and upon passengers not to exceed $5 per head. No tolls are to be levied upon vessels bound to American lake ports. the power thus vested in the president could be made to work great annoyance and considerable loss, as all the passen- ger -carrying steamers in the Canadian eervioe between Lakes Superior and Hurou pass through the Soo, and by far the largest proportion of the tonnage of Canadian ownership passing through the canal is employed in pessenger trans- portation, and the business is lucrative, espeoially in A.ugne and September. Canada cvill have quite a oironit of bioyale fixtures next month as follows :— Seaforth, ribli August; Hamilton, 8th August ; Toeonto, 13th and 15th August •, Sarnia, 17th August •, Newmarket, 24th August ; Montreal, 27110 August. King- ston also talks of having another meet, which if held about September 3rd,would be in line. Mrs, Joel Mame received a oall last week from three of her auntie namely :— Aire. Michael Moyer, Berlin, aged 81; Mrs. Bernabas Devitt, of NVaterlon, aged 80 ; Mrs. Isaac Eby, of Berlin, aged 78, blie letter is also an aunt of oat respeoted towneman Andrew Eby ; the trio are all hale and limey and WO hope they may live to enjoy many suet visits,—Gait Reporter. B. B. Osier, Q. 0., was quite weathy at the G. T. R. station in Londoa the other day when Samuel Grigg put a tract in his hand. Ile anoused Me. Grigg .of going around like a religious orauk In- sulting people. Mr. Grigg was veil netteh surpreed that the noted pleader should talcs offenos et sash It thing, and quietly assured him that his intentions Were the very opposite to insulting any- body. During the severe thumlorstorm which passed over Port Elgin on Monday even- ing the betels on the farm of Donald Mo. Lachlin, Arran township, Welle struck by lightning and totally deeroyed cvith alt the hay and farm implements. No in. ent•anois, Also the bens of Alex. Camp. bell were strholr and burned to the ground. 5 horsos were burned to death, and 8 binders and all the farm implemente e were cleetroyed. No in- BUtnn(10. A 'Parente oorrespendent sopa :--Per- haps you will not believe this story, bit 11 is true. The incidents metered Salur. dey on ft eell going to the Yonge street docks =end on tha game Empress 01 India, A lady got on the opt leadiog a pug dog, a pattionlarly large animal oE the kind. She wiped ite pews carefully with a white silk homdkerehief, spree the leentIcerohief on her lleoes and let the dog lie in her lap. When she rose to leave the oar the handkerchief was soiled and covered with holes. The Empress had got erase 10 the Port and the dog Was in a huery, Nelms, to meet ite train, It tugged at ite ohnin and bile laity said reprovingly "Jest welt, dear, OH mamma, gee hoe glovee on." • PERSONA L P.1 ICA O RA PIES. A. Brune to back from hIrtnitoba. F. 8, Scott WAS ill Toronto leet week. Hared Creightin littedayed in Wier - ton. A. J. Lowicla c,f Tiverton, was in town title week. Fred. Brooke, of Exeter, waa in town on Huntley, Miss Minnie Moore to vieffing relatives at Stretford. Mrs, Harry James ill visiting relatives at Shelburne. Wm. Jewett was away to Afontreal with stock Met weok. 1111se Rine Hunter is visiting relatives be the Queen city. Lorne Hunter end George Henry are home from Buffalo. George Cardiff is able to get about now although still weak. Mrs. L. C. Holding, of Stratford, is visiting in Brussele. Wm, Hewitt, wife and daughter spent Sunday in Seaforth. Miss Minnie Shaw is home from South- ampton Inc her holidays. thigh Stewart, of Stretford, was elat- ing in Brussels last week. Mies Myrtle Hammett, of Seafortb, is visiting Miss Hannah Hewitt. Miss Clara Creighton ishome from her millinery situation at Chesloy. Russell and Rog. Fletcher Sunday ad with their grandparents at Ludlam NV. Nightingale talks of seeing the Northwest before the Stunmer is over. NValker Ard, of Bluevalo, was visiting Ward Penny for a few days this week. Miss Nellie Cerlisle has retarned to town after a visit to her home at Hen - sail. Airs. A. Brown and children, of Allem Craig, aro visiting Mrs. McKay, John street. Master Chester Pugh, of Blnevale, is visiting his grandparents, Rev. R. Paul and wife. Miss Lottle Clarrlon, of Toronto, is visiting her sister, aim J. T. Pepper, of Brussels. D. D, Wilson o,nd wife, of Seaforth, were visiting in Brussels on Thursday of this weelc. Miss Edith Good, of Seaforth, is spending a portion of her holidays in Brussels. The Mieliee Rose, daughters of Dr. Ross, Clifford, are visiting at Dr. Mo. Kelvey's. Alas. Longman, of Lietowel, was visit- ing relatives arai friends in Brussels for a " few weeks. Mies Arty Brett and Miss Maggie Lati- mer, of Seaforth, are visiting Mrs. (Dr.) MoNaughton. Miss V. Brown and Miss Mamie Smith, of London, have been visiting at R. L. Taylor's, George Hogarth, of the G. T. 11., and wife, have gone to Denver, Colorado, on a nolilay Willie, Lizzie and Peel Leatherdafe a,re enjoying a holiday visit with their aunt near Seatorth. Mrs, Fred. Kennedy and ohildren, of TheMeSE011a. WeVe vieiting at Postmaster Farrows this week. Miss Bella MoBain and Miss Maggie Stewert were visiting Mrs. John Peleon in Atwood last week. Rev. G. 1'. Salton is rusticating at Goderich. Ile went by the overland route Monday morning. Ge e seal N eengese. Gerrieny bas 385 military bends. Mount Etna has again grown violent. The eruption of Etna ie increasing in violence. Cholera, is said to bee broken out in Roumania,. In Tennessee there is a, 15.year-old girl preacher. There are 7,500,000 young men in the United States. A. crisis is threatened in the Lanca- shire ootton trade. Cosmetics oast the fain Americans 902,000,000 a year. Forty nine per cent. of the days in London are said to be wet. In Kansas they call members of the people's party "populists." Wine clarifiers in France use more than 80,000,000 eggs a year. A. hive of 5,000 bees will procluoe about 50 pounds of honey annually. San Franoiso had a silent shook of earthquake Tuesday morning. The cense of Chicago, just oompleted, gives toted population 1,428,318. The Ohilean Oongress has adjourned, owing to the iefluenza epidemic. The great St. Paul's Oathedral, in London, was built from taxes levied on COM. More than 26,000 persons have boon divorced in the state of Conneetiout since 1860. The total Irish vote is reported to stand—Fos home rule, 816,329 ; against, 78,979. If London etreots were put ond to end they would reach from that city to St. Priterriburg. Theo was 13 deaths from en nstroke in Chicago on ALondity and from 25 to 80 prostratione. The oihy of Paris has voted 200,010 hones for the Parisian exhibit at the World's Fair. The revenue collected from lash year's aseente to the top of the Eiffel tower amounted to 9115,000. The total number of matcheo merle yearly throughout; the world repreente a volite of 9185,C00,000. The Guadeloupe bees lay their honey in bledders of wax about as large as a pigeon's egg, and not in combs. It is stated that 40,000,000 of Queen Viotoriale stibjects in India neve know what it is to have enough to eat. The big battle ship Texas will have cost thee Sam 93,000,000 after her guns shall bete been put on board. ?.nei most violent thunde donne in the world eine in French Guiana. The thueder there in an ordinary storm is almost deafening, while peal follows peal in quick sueocesion, The oldesbEnglish °town is the anoint imperial diadem made for (Thas. IL to reptile the ono worn by Edward, the coeforgew, whieh WiLti beoken up mild sold during the evil war. Japanese jugglers are deft smokere. Several of them will Mb beforea curtain and, from the tobacoo smoke Which melee Iran their mouth, will font a succession of readable lettere, Mrs. Adam Sinclair, Mill street, has been seriouey daring the past weelc, but is on the mend now. Miss Core Ferguson, of Teeswater, has been visiting her grandmother and tithe relatives in and around Brussels. Miss Donovan, of Seaforth, Airs. Callan and Alts Erse, Cameron, of Pa- trolea, are visiting Miss O'Leery, at the Queen's Hotel. The Clinton New Era says :—Ws understand that Walter Coats, of Wing - ham, but well known as an old Clintom- en, has leased the pretnises re° ently ce. copied by the late 0. Cruickshank, and will open up the same as a firstmlass restaurant and fruit store. A. Calgary report says :—On Seely 17th another ease was added to the list of smallpox patients in the person of Mrs. W. J. Halliday, wife of a baker, (former- ly of Brussels) corner of Drinkwater and Stephen avenue, and next door to a Chi- nese laundry where the disease started. During Saturday night she gave birbh to a child and the disease spread itself about the some time. She has tiob boon ro. moved, but every pueoautiou bus been taken in this are in other oases. Rev. C. E. Stafford, a former pastor of the Methodist church, Brussels, has been reneveug all at, quitintances during the past week. Ile is on the retired list this year and, with his family, is residing., in Toeonto. Mr. Stafford ',roadbed in the *: Methodist chives here on Sabbath even, .. ing, delivering an eloquentadduces on the text found in II Corinthians, . 5th Chapter aad 20th verse. He expecte' to e take regular work again get next Oonterenoe. Miss Hannah Cook, a, cabin passenger . boond for Toronto, died on board the S. B. Parisian Satorclay Morning just prior to the ship leeching Rimouski. She had been ill on leaving England. Pneumonia ie supposed to have caned death. The bodywas forwarded to Toronto oe iSun. day n charge of her sister, who was also a, passenger on board, Miss Cook was a ciatightee of the late Wm. Cook, Pine Vietv, Vaughan, and resided at No. 7 Wishner road, Toronto. The deceased , lady was a cousin to G. P. Schollield, Standard Bank, Brussels. . "Auburn Villa", Grinieby, was- the, SOMA of a very pleasant, gathering on Wednesday of Met week, when Mise Leda e 0. youngest daughter of themh late It • • Nitin. Hawke, woe meted in marriage tO R. M. Milkweed, of Clifford, forineely of Anneals. The beide and groom are well end favorably known by tt large oirole 01.• feionde and engelutatices. Mr. Melo. • W066. 11/1g been thrice honored with a seat in the OltiTca Connell end is a 100414 offiaial of the Methodist cleureh, The oeremony was perfortned by the Bei. 3, 61. IazIewood, of Dunnville, brother of • • the groom,