HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1892-7-22, Page 8WeIMPONsIzelefeweassgualesegema, PURE PARIS GREEN ONLY 25C. PER LB, To compete with Illegal Dealers and others who may be selling an inferior article of Paris Green I have decided to sell, until fur- ther notiee, OUR BEST PARIS GREEN FOR ONLY 25 Cts, PER LB G. A. DEADMAN, Druggist, Bookseller, sae. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. SOUTHERN ESTE:33810E w. a. & 13. — Tra,ine leave Bruesels• Station, North and South, as follows: Gonsa So oTn, GonmlionTre, Mail 7:10 a.m. 1 Mixee 11:45 a,m. Express 11:50 a.m. Mail .10 p.m, Mixed $:50p.,,, Express NM p.m. ariica1 th jthn, ahiel's anneng ye te,kln' notes, An' faith he'll punt it.. G. A. DnAnniti biayeled to Brumfield on Tuesday. A ismana snapping, turtle was fished out of the river lact Monday, Howe's Woollen factory has electric light when running over time. Sex oars of salt were shipped by the Enterprise Salt Works daring the past week. Two oars of cattle were shipped from Brussels on Wednesday by S. Smith, of Toronto. R. G. Vence:WS residence, Princess street, has undergone 91111008 9 oomplete transformation. Tern windstorm of lasb Friday after- noon did considerable damage to trees, fences and crops in some localities. Two cars of cattle and a oar of sheep were shipped by Messrs. Clegg & Dames, drovers, on Saturday and Monday last. Miss REIVECCA Eames, tetuther in the Methodist Sunday school, pie nicked 4 with her class on Wednesday afternoon 191 Tolls grove. Ian of passengers this week via 0. P. R. ticketed by J. T. Pepper :—Mise AZ • nee Ross, Cypress River, Man. ; Ilriah Noradden, Soo, Ont. ; Frank Vanstone, Deloraine, Man. A.. J. 111.90con, agent for the "Rudge" bicyole, lias disposed of machines to Mists Annie Roes and Thos. Kneebtel. He also tides one himself. This makes 18 wheel e in town now. A Coueley sold a Brantford to J. Sanderson, of Wroxeter, this week, -DELAY 28 DANGER0139.—W1e0 the kici• nays are oat of order delay is dangerous. Any disease may follow and become so well established that months of suffering will follow. A. gentle tonics like Dodri's Kidney Pills is damp: aceeptable to the kidneys and preterite them from disease. They are kidney. food. IN a discussion betweee two well knovsn gent'emen in Bruseele, last Mon- day, as to whether Ethel or Cranbrook APRs the nearer to the centre of Grey township a Oounty atlas was called into requisition and careful measurement taken. It AVIS food that Ethel had the .advantage by an eighth of a The oentre is 8 point on the boundary be- tween Thos. Moore's farm on the 9811 eon., and Jno. Lindsay's on the 811. Tine display made by the polar lights er aurora borealis in the heavens On Saturday night was one of the grenciest and moat brilliant ever Bee here. An im- mense arch spanned the sky near to the zenith, while behind it darted variously eolored and changing mellow lights that shat columnar rape far southward, at the end of whiffle sheets of faint ligbs flashed with electrical rapidity and in dazzling fashion, Lovers of the heaven's wonders sat up far into Sunday tnorning watehing the play a the lights. THE BRUSSELS POST T11141311118 are being %eked by the Board for repairs to Breseels 110009, the smite to he received in 20th hist, THE Direetors of 13meeele D Pak purpose erecting s grand sta season, preparatory to holdieg the on Friday, Aug, 26811, T. Ronecnen rode 51. mile": on this week ou his bias's:le. W. went to Lietowel (21 miles) last day evening on his in two hour NELSoN GRUEN! has purchased "bike" and rides it like a proles There is nothieg more common in eels just now than bioyeles except' [Ileums. Rem Meech Aliseionexy Soda tend holding CI lawn soda' on Tu evenieg of next week at the resicien D. C. Roes. A pleasant time may paged, A New hemlock floor will he pet o centre of the iron bridge over the land, at 33russele. Amen!' Bros. hay 0o. Engineer Ainsley was in on Tuesday seeing about it. Messes, flentree & KUM= noel mu Wed of Massey binders on lefo 'Pen of them were taken away the day by farmers who had pnroh This San is doing a big business year. WE regret to bear that James, e soti of R. W. Tuck., Shelburne, die Wednesday of inflammation of bowels. Ire was a bright youth o years of age. Min Took, of Bre attended the funeral. Owina to the inability of W. R. W to Bathed ohurele, through nervous tration, a telephone lime conneets villa dumb and his residenee, on street, so that he can hear a goodly tion of the services on Sabbath. THE Philosophy of church goi vill be the topic of Rev. G. F. Salt discourse next Sabbath morning and he evening "Is the Sabbath iu per These discourses are in connection Ile series of sermons on the Ten 0 roandments, the Fourth being to onsideration now. AN EDITOR is Tecenim.—A. ware as issued on Monday for the apprel ion of Editor Mitchell, of the Gode bar, on a, charge of crimierel libelling Cameron. The warrant was ies y Horace Horton, J. P., and served he bailiff, the latter, however, dia ail the editor, but took the acous wn bail bo 099000 68 11 a, in. on T ay when he applied for an adjourntn o consult his solicitor. The magistr ranted the application, after Mr, ow, who had dissented on amount of at being able to be present ab the p mad poetponement, had given idenoe and also M. 0. Cameron. T se came up again Wednesday 04 10 CLAY PIGEONS.—A very aiosely code shooting metch took plaoe on t riving Park in this town, on Wedn ay afternoon, between the Seaforth ub and the home team. Excel' ork was done and victory hung in t lance until the le,st shot was fired. Coleman, Seaford', was the offic feree, W. Grewar pulled the traps a Dodds and A., Consley kept Hie sco iich was as follows :— Bilesseni. 89400110g. Irwin 11 Stark T. Ross 12 Anderson . liton -.11 Turner . llantyne 8 Beatty 0, Ross • 18 Grieve Dames ................0 301001118y ..... Sinclair 11 DocNs ........ ..... Hewitt ........ Roach 5011961 Obrietianity is holly opposed on all side's echoel by them. Mr, Esolloo is a short tithes 986 1110(9, dark o enpleximed, with etraight black hair and moustache. Ilie wife and family are in Persia, A eolloetion wise taken 89 81.19 dose of the meeting to help defray the expenses the ledurer at college. In the Christian Endeavor meeting Mr. Beehoo :make few words to the young people advising them th be coneistent, pra: aid Ohrietiatie. He do. livered ie leduee in Knox Munch on Thureday evening of this weelc, MUSIC NE011381k0 N.3011101 :—Dar- win says : "Neither the enjoyment uor the update, of prodnoing musical notee are facilities of the least tilled use to man in referee:se to hie ordinary habite of life." Physiologically he may be oared, but as soon as niere rudimentary notions •ate left:, and existence becomes life, his statement ie completely false. Indeed musio is, as this philosopher elsewhere says, bound up in daily life, mul a neme. site' of exi.tenee. Of its n0081111089 in daily life there Can be no question. What would religious, services be with- out organs and einging ? What would armies be wi,hout hands If 10 nsio 30088 31 lexery would people 'motet so meek time find money on it ? It is not to obtain mere ear -enjoyment ; it is be. cause 18 10 a nemesity to satisfy certain regnirements of the mind. It enters in- to the chemistry of the mind as ealt does into the chemistry of tile body. Here and there you will nieet with a person Who says, "1100833 eat salt—I do nut re. quire it." Well, you are sorry for him, There is evidently something wrong in his physioal constitution. So when any. one assumes a tone of lofty superiority and boasts that he knows nothing about mnsie, and pretends not to be able to distinguish one trine from another, you may either accept his statement with some reserve or conclude that there is something wrong in 1119 physioal or mental raddled, and recommend an aurist—Airrilea SULLIVAN. alit the riving na this 111008 e day Bright 688033- 38 1133AV aloud. Brus. ng the y in. ealay cm of be ex n the Malt. e the tosvn ved a inlay. 330,1110 med, this iciest d on the f 14 see/e, ilson pros - Mill por• on's 11?"138 with o'n• lder ant 1811 81011 M. ued by not ed's 000. ent ate tir• his TO - his be a, et. ho 88' 00 eat he T. ial ncl re 10 rE/ 11 11 11 11 ev oa 81 ed ol be 01. re J. wl 3. s. Dr Joe D. A. W. Total 01 Total 02 Baoh man had 15 shots. Starkoefor the visitors, broke all the birds and Irwin and Hewitt only missed one each. R. Wed was unable to get to the match henne the more of Bright, 11 birds, is not oounted either, Ointe—The people of this oommunity were greatly and sadly surprised last Fri- day evening to bear of the sudden and unexpected death of Mrs. George Avery, William street, Brussels. The cause of her demise was heart failure. Aboub two years ago alie had a light Wake of per alysis and she had never been really strong after it, yet on the day of her de cease she was able to sit up and eat her dinner. 11108. Avery's maiden name was' Lucy Seat and her birthplace wae 13everly, Leeds Co., Oni., the date being Dec 24, 1828, In 1848 she was united in marriage to her now bereft partne and after residing in that locality for ar time they removed to Grey township in 1869 where they lived until Deoember 1888 when they bourne citizens of Brus- sels. The subject of this notice was t highly respected by all who knew and the family is deeply sympathized in their unlooked for bereavement. Avery and 9 children are living —George, of Relispell, Montana ; Thos. Shia's, Albert T., and John Fort Ransom, Dakota; Mrs. Don. Campbell, of Grey township; Mrs. ee Wilbee, Mimes Lucy A. and Emil and William B., of Bruseele. The ral, on Sunday afternoon, was large. tended. Rev. G. F. Salton minded - service. moo her with Mr. visc FLU, SHOW 338.109 —01110 South Huron Mrs. Agricultural Society win hold their fall je, show this year at Seaford], on Tuesday 8,1d and Wednesday, October 4 and 5. The gees M., fune ly at ed th Zaet Huron Agrieultural Society will hold their show at Brussels, on Thursday and Friday, October 6 and 7. The ' Stephen and 'Osborne show will be at • Exeter, on Monday end Tuesday, Sep. Umber 25 and 27. The Clinton show will be held on Wednesday, Thursday , and Friday, September 21, 22 and 2:1, The Goderith show will be hold on Wedneeclay, Thursday and Friday, Sep. Umber 28, 29 and BO. The Western at London, frorn September 15 to 24, The 1 Industrial at Toronto, from September 1180 17. I GRAND CONCERT.— Oa Frith.), evening of next week, 20th inst., a coneert will be given in the Town Hall, Brussels, when the followieg well known talent 10111 be present :—Mise Agnes Knox, elocutionist, Toronto ; Miss Kate Strong, Mount For- est, and Prof. Scott, Wingbam, soloiste. I The program is a fine one and ohmic' degw a big house. The Wingbeen Times , sive ;—"Prof. Seott's concert, given in the Town Han, on Monday evening lad, was the event of the season. There was a large audience—the largest ever as• wedded in the hall, and those taking part Regained thernselthe in a manner way eatiefactory to the audience, Miss Agnes Knox fully 03188811,81 Iler reputa- tion as an elocutionist. She is tall mid stately, has a very pleasing appearancia the Bp and is posseseed of e good 0010e. Her ohurol ',Saunders IVIeGlashan's Courtehip," Wae the lea 0maeterpiece, and was well received, as no pub in feat were all her numbers, she being 70 he,t, given several reealls. Mies Kate O. college Strong luny 80018108d the enviable eputation ehe has inede in Winghatn, and 30543several Heed encored, Prof, BootI 59308 0010081 nem ere in good voice. Tim Prot is entitled le the thanke 0(1 81(0 are no pee* of Wingharo for furniehing such . the eye au enjoyable entertainment, rulers Feou Pnrane.—E, 0. Eschoo, a Persian sundent of Knox college, Toronto, with a view of returning to hie native country as IA missionary, delivered an address in Melville °hero'', Brussels, laet Sunday evening, the building being well filled. After devotions,' exercises Rev, J. Ross introdeoed the speaker. Mr. 01001108spoke very well for a man who has vary lately learned the English language, and wart guile entertaining. Ilis conversion wale due to the efforts of Presbyterian mieeionaries, W110 have five stations in Pereia. 0118 01 the nine-encl.'', half mil- lions of his countrymen there axe in all about 2,000 Christiana the balances being followers of Confucius, 010118308(1906 and Fire•worshippere, flo gave all intermit. 1315 amounts of the habits of the Persians, showing that the women there are little better them slaves, although there are 700 women e•nci girls who earl read through the instructions of Min Fiek, who spent 25 years in that country, countrymen know nothing of the telegraph, telephone, newspapers, or rail- roitdd and but little of the ivorld's history, In addition to the Presbyterian mi-sion iscopahan did Rotten Catholio les Intro established themselves, tot being the pioneer. There are lie schools in Persia. From 60 to km students are now attending preparatory to entering the iniu atty. Thee is but one doctor for 8 million people and be has a private hospi. tal cat:ebbs of acoommodating 26 BIM people at a time, 50 native raissionari w engaged in telling the story of es. As the Sfoliammodans are the and hold all the 011411 positions People 1-2:_e 1Know. Mrs. Salton is visiting in Godetich Miss Edna Dennis is visiting at II il ton. Mies Kate Ferguson is home for Vacation. Miss Edith Eastman is home for holidays. Miss Clara Meadows is home f London on a vieit. Miss Alma Brooks, of Exeter, is vi ing Miss Mlle Hunter. Mee. J. Landesboro' was visiting M R. Leathardale thio week. Mrs. Thedford and son, of Toronto, visiting at J. A.. Creighton's. Dr. Kneelitel and wife, of Ripley, w visiting in Brussels this week. Willie McLennan, of London, is vi ing his grandmother in Brussels. Mrs. (Dr.) MoNaughton was in S fotth for a few days on a Vida, EL 13. Sala, who has been in Toro for some time, is here on a visit. Mil, Frank LeBon has gone to 01.1 ham to visit her mother who is ill. Principal Shaw and wife were visiti at Seaforth and Clinton last week. Misses Jennie and Kate Wilson a home for their vacation from Guelph. Wm. Tait was taken seriously ill Wednesday but is somewhat better no Mrs. Winger and daughter, of Ayt were visiting Mies Blakeman this we Miss Maggie Smith, milliner at Bly is makiug a holiday visit ab her ho here. Tom Hindes, Wm. ;lames and Ale McDougall rusticated 111 Kinearditie SulelnidsasYFee, of Arran, Ireland, and 211 Cross, of Peel, were visiting Mrs. Bre last week. W. W. Bergess is at Seaforth th week 680158185 80., Bauslouge, photograpi er, of that town. Miss Dolly Shaw and Miss jenn Green are 813111105 0, holiday vieit to S Mary's and locality. Miss Maggie Burgess hes gone 011 Visit bo relatives and friends in Palma. 88031, Toronto and Orono. Frank Strecton ie home from Toront for a brief visit. 110 intends goiog t Port 80.89113133 in the near future. Miss Hattie Thompson, of Londe and Mies Edna Hugh's'', of Winghtsi IV8r8 visiting at Geo. Rogers' last week. Mrs. Roderick Ross has bean danger ously ill this week. Her mother cam from Listowel on Wednesday afternoon W. F. Vanetoue left Brussels las Tuesdey on a business trip to Alanitoba He will return in the course of a month Lest Saterday J. P. MeOrae saile from Montreal for the Old Country o the Allan line steamer "Sardinian." Mr MoClrae is uniting business end plena in this trip. m Polies constable Walker and Ada Weaer, of Toronto, were visiting thei brother, James Walker, carriage maker Brussels, this week, Ino. Anderson and three children, of Sutton, were aim Mr Walker's guests for a few days. On Wealleerley 3101.311 Hargreaves, of Toronto, formerly of Brussels, and Mies Sinclair, of Paisley, were united in mar- tiage in the latter place. Mr. Hargreaves many Mende in and around Bruesela wish himself and bride many years of happiness. W. F. Stewart', of Durham, formal y of Brussels was in town on Thurs• day of this week. Tie sive his residence a80(1mill hal a dose oell from lightning Wed Friday. Mrs. Stetvart's arm was partly paralyzed for a time by the eleotrio current, 13 uSineSs LocalS. her her rom sit. re. are ere sit' ea. 3190 at. ng re On w. on, 011. 31100110 day is Baby Day at Perry's. PAIIILT 580090 a sped:city at Peery's. Blume= and Mikado panels al, Perry's. Pon the best cabinet photos go to Peery's, 00013 old potatoes 28e per bag at Mo. 0090128318. IC J. STRONG finishes all his work by the new process. Tina temitinder of my baby earriages 5.4 Mete I. C, It101181(18, PoUr3 Paria Green 211 cede 9 pound for potato bugs, 33. Gerry. Scum cloors $1.50 eaols ; patent sawn window(' 45o each at 13, Gerry% Ate, photos printed on the meg per, manent made paper at Perry's. Awe arrived a. fine range of Baby car riages which will be sold at reasonable rates. 81. Dennis, 000/80824I3011 brick house for reale or to tent in Brussels, Apply to Ferguson & methhants. Hem you a set of out extra vitlno silver single harness, at fifteen dollars ? I. 0. Diehards, SZIND,1147) RINK OF C1AX4D4, =30T.A.0017-.1112X-60E17:3 1.10711. HEAP OFFICE, - TORONTO, ABSETti, - (Seven Millie', Dollen) - $7,000,000 CAPITAL (Authori(3ed) • • - $2,000,000 453333018884 all principal points 871 Ontario, Quaint., Manitoba, United States (8 Plittland. ORMSE.148 A. General Banking Bodeen Transuded, Farmers' Notes Discounted, Drafts Issned and Colleotions made on all points:, SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT. Interest allowed on deposits of 51.00 and upwards from date of deposit to dad° of withdrawal and compounded half yearly. SPHOIAL ATTENTION OWEN TO THE COLLECT/ON ON FARMERS' SARN 8021.10, Every facility afforded Customers living at a distanoe. G. P, SCHOLFIBLD, MANACIRIt• MI.11,11122FAL GILLIES & MITE, BE tJ S S b..] LI Transact a General Banking Business. Drafts Bought and Sold on all points in Canada, United. States and Great Britain, FARMERS' NOTES DISCOUNTED, SALE NOTES AND MORTGAGES A SPECIALTY, &PINGS° Baavx DR.P.ISAYNXT. intermit Allowed on One Dialer and Upwards at Current Bates. Interest Com. pounded Twice a Year, Being Added to the Principal at the end of the Months of October and .April. Special Arrangements made for Time Deposits. We effect to write Ineuxt,11grltitiil,2rZalConiptuales, or le Mut.t04iks1rlxi. AGUNTS FOR 0413008. 413» UNITED STATES : T180 CANADIAN BANK OF COMMEROE. Go to Stroug's and have your photos finished in the latest styles. Timm and valises, good assortment, very cheap at H. Dennis.' H. J. STRONG (photographer) puts au extra finish on all his photos. BINDER twine at 9 cents a pound at B. Gerry's. This twine will go as far as any of the manilla twine. Teungs and valises very ()heap. A good stock always on hand. I. 0. Richards. Axe man or number of men buyi ng from 500 to 1,000 lbs, will be allowed a discount on any brand of twine. B. Gerry. WELL -Diadem AND Dailmnea.—George Birt has all the neoeseary maohthery for digging and deillin wells and is prepar- ed to attend to all work entrusted to him in a way that will insure eatiefaobion. Wells cleaned out and put in proper cameo, Terms reasonable. Residence mooed door north of the bridge, 'west aide of Tanberry et., Brussel& 34-tf COCHRANE & JOHNSTON, marble manu- facturers, are now taking orders for spring delivery in their line. As hereto- fore all workmanship and orders trusted to their eare will be put up in the most approved etyte and satisfaotion guaran- teed in every case. Anybody requiring anything in their line of trade it would be well foe them to see their designs and prices before, making their purchases, Shop opposite Queen's hotel stables. Hensall has another saw mill, flax mill and extensive stave fuotory well under way for completion. Rod. Paxton, banker of Otterville, and formerly of Imoknow, sent 625 as his subscription to the fund for the relief of the sufferers from the St. John't fire. .8. horse belonging to Alton McLeod dropped into a well at Luoknow and had to be removed by the aid of a windlaes. The animal was very little the worse of the accident. Rev. Mr. McDonald, of Detroit, and formerly of Ashfield, while visiting VMS presented with a beautiful gold.headed cane by the young people of his former charge in Ashileld, 230138.=4. WIDIF.LER.—In Brussels, on July 12611, the wife of Mr. John Wheeler of a 8011. MAsoze.—In Winglaam, on 9811 lust., the wife of Mr. Geo. 'Mason of a daugh- ter. D0,831313000 —In Ela, on July 8rd, the wife of Mr. James Danbrook of a 80n. IKetos.—In Atwood, on july 14811, the Wife of Mr. John Knox of a daugh- ter. Malizeiron.—In Mina, on July let, the wife of Mr. Henry MoNichol of a daughter. Fonnee.--In alma, on July 109.11, the wife 09 10133. J. W. Forbes of a daugh- ter. evc.a.massminees, Moonn—MoGevne—At the residence of the bride's patents, Grey township, by Rev, D, Forrest, on July 20011 Mr. William Moore, of Toronto, to Miss Mary MeGavin, 3:22751S2. TROJC.—In Shelburne, on the 2oth James, eldest son of R. 117, Tuck, aged 14 years. Avnitv.—in Benesels, on July 16811, Limy, beloved wife of George Avery, aged 68 years, 6 ixionths Lula 20 days, 09M38.T.TZ/01311T.413 zer.a.ceerm. Fall Wheah Spring Wheat Barley Peas Ode Butter, tubs and rolls.... Eggs por dozen Flour per barrel Potatoes Hay per to» Ilides per lb SeAt per bbl., Sheep skins, each., . Lamb skins eaoh Apples per 'mere' Wool ...... . .... • 72 78 70 71 85 00 67 00 27 28 12 18 0 00 459) 9100 12 00 1100 00 8 00 100 05 60 100 65 00 100 1211 17 18 . _ THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. FIRST tile eloinithes tools ter 8410 099 great CLASS SET OF bargain. Cidl end et prim) 4, al, 6 01{41 & Breseele, T)ItIVATE FUNDS TO LOAN etimn0tilatiVNyug6Y4 ate. og flottse,15ruesolo.0 FIFT AY ON SHARES,—THE IJN• AY timesaver/a 40809 01 beaver meadow hay that he wants out, at 02200, on shame or 2-1 1 lot 15, eon, 4, Morris, other wis40.13111,01psiyaautToTn,oe lo FTOUSES TO LET.—THOSE Oommodious houses in the Terrace 00 Turnberry street &renew offered at great- ly reduced rents, There fee supply Of soft water, and bard water from an ever-floWina spring. Apply to 2.2 THOS, NORTON. TAKE NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the unpaid 0110808 due the Brussels Driviim Park Asso- ciation have been placed in W, B. Dickson's hands for collection at once. Persons in- tereeted are asked to govern themselves ea- "jVkAIIWICE, P. SCOTT, 1-2 See rotary. President MBE WHITEMAN PEA HAR- TESTER.—Come and Bee the White- man Pea Harvester betere buying elsewhere ac it possesses advautages over all other, It can be attached to any mower without drilling the bar and eau be had on shortest notice. Call and tree for yourselves. D. EWAN, Agent, Brussels, 20 RE W ARD.— STRAYED or stolen from the premlees of the Undersigned, Lot 27, Con. 14, (8rey, ou ably Btb, 0 bead of 2 year old cattle 38 steers and 1 b eller), Four uf them are spotted rod and white and the other five red. A reward of 020 will be paid tor their recovery. LITHE SPERM:4 2,4 Alonorieff P. 0, REAL ESTATE. roArois FOR BALB.—THE (1819000(396 has eeveral good Farme I or Sale end to rent, easy terms, in Townshili' of monis and Grey, 133 S. SCOTT, Brussels, 8741. f1li0I0E FARM FOR SALE.— Being South half Lot 27, come, Marie, 100 acres, nearly al/ cleared, Good but/dings, nne TOunt bearing orchard. Immediate pos- session. Posy Terms, Apply to W. DI, SIel CLAIR, tf- Solicitor, .2o., Brussel& 1,41ARM FOR BALE OR TO RENT.—The subscriber Ohne his 100 acre farm, south halt lot 15, eon, 4, Morris, for sale. About 00 Rom cleated and 01 00008 of the balance good bush. It would make a splendid stook farm es there is abundance of water. Frame house, bank barn and other necessary buildings. If not sold it will be offered to rout. For partioulaas ap- ply to l't! ADAM 80001', Pkoprietor, L.j111,1 FOR SALE.—THE UN- DERSIONIDD offers for sale the north emit quarto r of lot 28, ooneession 6, MOTTO, °minty of Huron, contalnin g 50 aero, The land is of first quality and in a high state of cultivation, well fenced and uuder-drained, 45 acme cleared. New/tame house, 8 rooms, milk house With concrete walls, 2 wells, good barna and shed, orchard, etc, Eight acres of fall wheat. This desirable property adjoins 1110 corporation of Brussels, Suit- able term win be given. Titleperfect, J-tuuns GRIEVE, Owner, 86- &Werth P0. QPLENDID FARM VOR SALE. kJ Bursa lets 11 and 12, 000, 50 Township of Grey, County of Huron, °Obtaining 200 noTee, the property of the late John Robert- son. 150 auras cleared and free from ob- structions, 15 acres bush, mixed timber, balance partly cleared. End clay loam, mostly rolling. Fenced with straight rail femme and watered by two welle and a ep ring PriVilego. CoMmodione dwelling lionee, 'with large Woodshed attached an31 08. extielient cellar under Ileum TNT° large. barns, stouo stabling and other outbuild- ings, •Pwo good bearing orchards, area - Mental true end sinea fruits. miles from Bruesels, a lively fo wit on the G. T. Re convenient to school, oburehee mid poet einem elhie properby lieti well, is a first - elan grain and stock farm and should bo seen by intending puveh mac' as it is dru- m] at a bargain. Por father path:dare 89917 80 011181, SNO.ROBEIVP SON, or DANIEL aosneTsoor, on the premises, or by letter to Cranbrook P. 0, 80-4 Voters' List, 1892, MUNICIPALITY 010 0120 TOWN911/13 OF ORICY, COUNTY OP IiltnlON. Notiee is hereby giVon that 1 have trans- , miffed 08 11013960832 to the perebrie niceition. ed in seetions 5 and 0 of the Ontario Voters' List Am, 1880, the ooples required by geld motions to be tranemitted or delivered of the list, made pliremant to said lot, of all 03030080 11(1330018.3130 by the lest revised As nesernent Roll 01 the said Municipality to be entitled te vote in the mid Uunkapay at Elections for Members of the riegidatIve Amenably conl 89 efunieipal Blootions that thud list was first misted Up 318 010 011106 at E11101,011 the 1091 day of July, 1802, arid and rooming there for iheluurtiuly. niectore are called upon to oRailIino 8110 mid list, and if any ounseions et any other aeon are found therein, to tole immedlato Proeoodings to have the said errors oorreel- ad according to law, WM. 091414011, Clerk of Grey TW0, Dated at Ethe1,9108 My of July,lerel. PARIS CEEJ PURE 25 Cts. Per Pound ---AT Pepper's Drug Store, BRUSSELS. LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. -p L. TAYLOR, BARRISTER, _LIN, solicitor cuo couvoyanoor. Collec- tions made. oinoo—Vanstono'sBiook, Brus. eels. eldies W M. olirN° . t Pub. 110, 0111330—Grialain s 3310011,1 de north of PepperetDrug Store, Private Funds to Loan. nlORSON & IIA.YS, (Late with Garrow acFrondloot, Gods,. 40110 Barraters, Solleitors, Couveyanoere, 60. Oilloes—Bruesels mid Seaforth, Bros - eels 011100-111(-staire over Bank, MoneY 80 110388, 18,0,31420, w. Xs. DIOICBON AUCTIONEERS. A RA YMANN, _cx • Auctioneer, 00 alwaya ready to at- tend sales of farms, farm stock, dm. Terms cheerfully given. Oranbrook P. 0. Sales may be arranged at Tun Peer Publishing House, Bruesols. GEORGE :KIRKBY, Licensed Atiationeer. Sales concluot 031 051 reasonable berms. Farms and /arra stook a spooialty. Orders left at Tito POST PubliSh ing House, Brussele,or Bent to Walton P. 0., wilt receive prompt attention, T....TAVING TAKEN OUT LIOEN. 513 88 an Anotioneer, lam prepared to conduct sales of far ro stook at 800e00abl0 prince, 'Knowing the standing of nearly every person I am in a position to 8611 to good Marks and get good Recurity when sold on oredit. Bette/action gunkan toed. Give 1210 0001), se• P 8. sOOTT. BUSINESS CARDS. H. MoORAOKEN, • Insurer of eforriageLiacuses. 0131ce 061115 Grocery, Turnberry street. Brussels, T) N. BARRETT, t, • Tonsorial Artia• Shop—Next door south of A, M. McKay Je Co's hardware store, Ladle sand ohildrens hair au ttine a specialty A ARNAIR, .C3.-• lecturer of Marriage Licenses, by appointment of Lieut, -Governor, Commis- sioner, 3233., Q. B. Conveyancer and Agent Fire Ineurauee Co. Oftlee at the Cranbrook Post Oillee, ROBERT CUNNINGHAM 01E0IL430011, FIRE AND MARINE, GUELPH. ALEX. HUNTER, Clerk of the Fourth 1113319101.1 Court Co. Huron, Conveyancer, Notary Publio Land, Loan tbrut Iaeonoe Ag.n.t. Funds invested aud to loan. Colleottons made, 01.11ce in Graham's Block, 10108504 5, OII, PAINTING-, Ulu Armies, of Winglitun, is prepared to give instruction in oil painting, 100010 may be aseertained at Miss Nellie Boss' etore where samples of Work 1(1043 be Seen. Mies 'worth would also take 301030 more iniplie in 01 0010. rri A. HAWKINS, . °rouble in St. john'e Church, Bros. selikand pupil, in the Art of Teaching, 01 ,0, W. Theeer, mu& Doce New York, will giya lessons 08 pupils either at Thos, Farrow El, corner of Qneou and Princess Sts, or if pre- ferred, at their Olvn lietnee. Tomos moder- ate, 40. MEDICAL CARDS. F. CALE, M.D., 0.M., TV Member of the College of Phystoian, and Surgeons of Ontario by examination. Oillee and Residence —Main street Bast, J.A.. MoNAUGHTO.N, M. D. • C. DLO+, R. C.P., Edinburgh, M. C. P S. Ont. Residence and Wilco Block, corner 01 20111 and Turnberry Ste, VETERINARY. T D. WARWICK, 9/ • Honor Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College, is prepared to treat all diseases of domestioated &ululate in a com- petent manner. Particular attention paid to veterinary dentistry. Calls nrometly at- tended to, Ofeee and Infirmary—Two doors north of bridge Tutnberry et„ Brussels, DENTAL. M JN GC X S M. CAVANAGH, L. D. S., D. D. S., Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Burgeons, Ontario, and of 'Porotito vereity. Oven:al—Over Pepper's Drug Store, 13russeas, STOCK FOR THE DAIRY.- 17or the cionvenienoe ot them nviug 08 01 near letyth 5 have made arraugeinents Wail &fr. Baba Laddlaw, of North Hall Lot 7, Con.% Morrie, to keee for service clueing the 00022(103 9,0880(1 Ono of my annoy Bulls. The other will remain at Brussels DX borc. Wore. 0. A. DBADMAN, Deuggiet,&e, TMPROVED LARGE WHITE YORK, -1-011180nIMIcr8ie0 aleijBg°A33. d koop for melee thie prement season 01 0 12149122ml barge white Yorkshire. pig "Ready'. On lot 20, eon.% Morrie, to Whie11 a 198018032 media of ODIvii Vgll be taken. Terms 51,00 88 110 paid at Mine o f service, With the privilege of return: ing if neeeseary. Pedigree ItlaV be seen up. On aPPlien01011. 11C31ThattP1411,04.01,00r, 100 To Ditch COntractors. Tzeineng will be reectived by the M1111 JO 1- 12 al Council 09 8110 Town:dap 01 Grey up to 11100101ay, the lst day of August, 1002, for the oonstmetion eideeine ender the Municipal Drainage Act. 910100 01010 iineolaoatiOns Can be goon at the 0180103 or000, BMW, any time after the Sth day of July. The loweS 00 807 tender hot gem:learns' 800031 94. WIDLIASI MILNE, lteeve, tg-g Ethel P. 0.