HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1892-7-22, Page 4New Advertisements. Loottls—B, Gerry. Excursion—O. P. R. Logals—I, C. Rieharda, Strayed—Luke Speiran, Rencwaior—J. M. McLeod. Voters' Liet—Wm. Spann. Farm for Sale—Adam Scott. Hay ou Shares—Adatn Soott, Houses to Let—Thos. Norton, cbe rustle pat, FRIDAY, Jt.T.1,17 22, 1892. VOTING on Canada Temperance Aet in the County of Drummond will take plane on August 18. Dr. P. A.. Berard, of Drummondville, is the returning offioer. How, EDwAnD Bistast's majority in South Longfurd wne upwards of 2,000. It is said Lord Salisbury will not likely resign, although beaten at the polls, but will meet Parliament in August and be voted out of power. The idea of this course is to be/Hellen. W. E. Gladstone as much as possible. "Tuts County ()mini] has, says the Exeter Times fooled away a lot more time this year in investigating and dis- cuesing the Poor House scheme and at last decided to couple a vote with the municipal elections." The statement of a lot of time being fooled away in disous• sing the House of Refuge scheme is wide of the mark as the question was not be. fore the Council ten minutes, The resolution was carried without a dissent- ing voles. It is probable that Lord Stanley will place his resignation in Lord Salisbury's hands before the British Premier leaves office. This is not mere conjecture, but the belief of those attached to the Gover- nor -General's office. His Excellency has been engaged during the past week in putting things in order in his offioe on Parliament Hill, a thiug be has not done since he took office over four years ago. His term Imola expire next spring, and he would only be anticipating his retire - meet by about nine months. Lurd Stanley is known to enjoy his present office very little and to have accepted it with reluctance. To ibis latter fact his Excellency himself has publicly testified. Many Canadians will rejoioe when the present incumbent of the office is replaced by a live statesman—oue who will do something else than vegetate and fish. In all probability, Lord Aberdeen can have the GovernorGeneralship if he chooses to bake it, but be may prefer to go back to Ireland, where, while be was Viceroy, lis endeared himself to the people, who gave many proofs of their af- fection for the noble lord and his good wife before they left the island. Tiro Direotors of the Mechanics' In. stitute here are anxious apparently to make the institution not only ornamental but useful and for this purpose are talk- ing of the advisability of forming even- ing classes in connection with the Edu- cational Department uf the Province. It is scarcely necessary to mention the vast advantages such classes would be to the teachers, artisans, mechanics and young people—aye and older people too— of our village. The certificates gained are accepted in every case, we believe, instead of examinations on the same sub jests fur teacher's certificates. The art certifirtatee enable the holders to teach in Meolutnics' Institutes, High schools; or Art schools and are everywhere taken by foremen in foundries, machine shops, ao., as evidence of superior knowledge in the branches in which the certificates were obtained. The six subjects which may be taught in such evening classes are the following :— (1.) English History and Cotnposition. (2.) Arithmetic, Writing and Book. keeping. (B.) Drawing, 'minding 15 subjects in 3 courses, viz :—(A) Primary Course— (a) Freehand, (b) Model, (c) Geometry, (0) Perspective red Memory Drawing ; (B) Advanced Course—(a) Drawing front flowers, (b) Outline from cast, (o) Shading from flat, (d) Shading from the round, (e) Ornamental design ; (C) Me- chanical Curse—(a) Advanced Perspec- tive, (b) Advanced Geometry, (o) Mach- ine Drawing, (0) Building Construction, (e) Industrial Design. (4.) Scienoe Cotirae, Chemietry. (En) " " Physics. " " Botany. The Direotore of the Institute are not very sanguine of obtaining competent teachers for all these subjects but they are anidous to find out ab an early date whether there is sufficient enthusiasm in loWn to Warrant them in going on with the neoespary work of organizatioa. Will all who are willing to join one or more of these sinews under the following conditions please band in their names to Too Post Publishing House. Write name and addrese on a slip of paper with the subjeot or subjeots eelented, as early as eonvenient. The following are the conditions :-1, Classes to commence in November and close in April. 2. Pupils will bo expected to attend at least 20 times out of a possible 25 or 28 leesone and to sit for Government examination at otos° of term. 8. The east will probably bo three dollars to each (toured, Iwo dollare Of Whieh will be returned to pupil upon completing '20 leesons a sitting for examination. 4. Any numb of subjeots under Come 0 may be tak if the teacher is satisfied that the pu is competent to study them. 5, bronze medal and a silver medal will offered by the Art Department for eft eiency in the Art Course. There is reason why both may not be won by o village next year. MERIT BRINGS SUCCESS. Confidence in Yourgelr Inspires Con donee In 0 ihers. The purchaser regards the price who he is buying but the quality when he in possession. 1 oannot be informed b or get the local news frout the editor o this paper if 1 don't buy his paper. It published to supply the demaecl lb or ated—by its own merits; it will stand o fall. These aro trite facts whish every body admits. Apply them here. Thr and a half years ago I stated in thee columns that my System Renovate would advertise itself wherever intro duoed.—by its own merits it would stan or fall. It hart been well tested by the standard all over this country and in bb Milted States as well. As no one ea take it without being benefltted by it, an being antidote (preventative) there woul be less sickness among us if taken in time By its use your system is strengthened 1 resist diseage, clears thecomplesion, puri flea the blood, giving tone and action the heart, liver and kidneys. It ba therefore stood the test, advertised Heel and supplied me with many exoellen testimonials, unsolicited, of cures affecte when others failed, meet of thern serion and hopeless casee. Such are the oases generally get. Let this speak for itself The medicines are pare, good and ex pensive—skilled labor and considerabt time are required in their manufacture I get two of the principal ingredient used direot from England, because then are not to be obtained heve,nor yet in th States, in their purity, therefore I cone° afford to flood the country with adver tieements and give yon value for you money. "The liquid prepared is of itself,' (says an indepeudentphysioiam) "a Met olass medioine and better than anything I know of to sustain the reputation your Renovator." If this can be said o the vehicle (the liquid) what mast Ib product be—bat altogether a new medi cine obtained by a special process o manufacture. There are no miraoulous mires in our day—there are means used to effeot a oure ; these I use with sucoess and in that I am well rewarded. The following are a few of the many testimonials I might quote, and no doubt some of the parties speaking are known to the readers of this paper. These are not miraculous cures, but the result of muse and effect—the right remedy in the needed place—hence the cure Mr. Ralson, Bruce says : "My brother was sick for a long time, the doctors here could not make out what was his disease. He took your Renovator and now he is better." Olenclining, Mioh. says ; "The doutore here had no hopes of my wife. She took the Renovator two moths. Now she is well." Mrs. McDonald, Ainberly, was told that she had a cancer or some foreign growth in her stomach. For weeks she sould not retain anything on her stom- ach ; her ease was hopeless. Immedi- ately on taking the Renovator she was relieved and in about four weeks drove into Goderich to thank me in person for saving her life. Miss Mallough, Lucknow, thinks her ease almost a miraculous one. The Renovator in three months made nob a cbauge that her friends did not know her after her recovery. Dlr. McLean, Egremont, writes : "For years I was not well and could not do any work. I took your Renovator—two big bottles—and now I work, team and do the work on the farm as well as ever. Lots in this township took your medi• clues and are known to be better." Miss McKay, Sydenham, writes : "For 15 years I suffered severely from inflam- matory rheumatism—pained and crip- pled ; lately X could not turn about and bad to be nursed. I took your medicines, Protien Resurgam and System Renovator and applied E, A.. McLennan's Liniment. got rid of all pain right away ; joints re yet stiff, but I am able to go about nd do a little work. My brother you ured of the pain in his side; he is as w rell as ever now, All those who got medicines from you, when here, got otter." Mr. Tebutt, from California, writes his ratitude for the good the Renovator and pecific Ours Save done his wife. The welling in the limbs has disappeared nd now she is beginning to build up gain. Mr. and Mrs. Dorman, Brussels, writes Your Renovator oared ne both ; others ailed to cure our dyspepsia, Now we hank you," Mrs, Snowden, Stanley, says : "The 6 atients took to you got quite well and re likely to continue well," Mrs, Harrison, Glarnmis, says ; "We ave several of the best testimonials liv- ig around here. The Renovator has one well with them. Their faces show Renovator sells well."Mrs. Mrs. Gilohrist, Tiverton, writes ranch m o the sae effect, Names are too num- rens to mention in this space. Mra, Jotham, Detrolt,writes ',I never ob anything to do me any good until I ok your medicines. have sent several Windsor in Search for It there. Mies °Lean, of Tiverton, is here and days to thinks had you not caned Tiver- o when she was so ill, her case then, ,to years ago, was serious—her kidneys nd liver,e,nd dirtiness in the bead would ave killed het, She is strong and ealthy ever einoe she took the Renews - r, She thinks there to nothing equal it. A gentleman in Grey eounty 00. mmended the Renovator aft a ours fur e jealousy fever among the doctors. hen an article is good the public should now it." blise Anderson, Ashfield, writes nscienee would accuse me if I did nob auk you for curing me. X was afraid would be lame for life." 91ro, MoKay, Lomat:He, writes ; "Your ediolne attract me of the severe pains in y foot. X eat and sleep well now." Mies Awdry, Toronto, writes t—"I ok the Renovator and Specific (Jure d X am wonderfully improved. I tem anything that acmes before me and 1 ep well," Robt, Dunlop, Kineardine, writes ?or tout' yeere wast obliged to crawl nd or 001 pil A be to 110r a a c g 13 ft $1 a h it d it g to to AI al to bo a h 11 tO to 00bitt kt co th 01 00 to an ert ole T II E BRTJSSELS POST z.....g.2=3.2=spmgaimmsimmEnlaT.smagiugua The E.T.C.ORSFT enmPANY JULY 22, 1892 ill Em Morin!. DON'T MISS THEM! PARASOLS. /Special -Value in all Lines at 45c., 55c., 75c , $1.00 $1.25, $1.50, $1.75 an,d $2.00, worth 05e, 75c., $1 00, $1.40. $1.75, $2.25, $2.50 and $3,00. TIES. 15 Dozen Four in Hand Ties at 25c. eaCh, regular priee 50c. All new goods just passed into stock this week, SHIRTINGS. In these lines or,r prices are always the lowest. We are selling the best 80 in. Shirtings at 11c. while other merchants aro advertising the best goods at 12i.c. DRESS GOODS. Great Bargains in all lines. See our Black Henriettas at 42c , 68cand b5c,, regular price 60c., 85c. and $1.00, and the largest assortment in town to choose from. PRINTS. 50 pieces Cashmere Prints warranted fast colors at 10c. regular price l2ic. 100 pieces best quality, 83 in. Prints, free from starch at 11c, worth 13c. Ladies' German Made Mantles. In order to clear out the balance of our Summer Coats we will sell them at exactly half price, all new garments. MANUFAOTURED BY 12 MA'AM! s, THE E. T. CORSET COMPANY 81-1EREIROOKE, QUE. HOSIERY. See our 18c. Fast Black Hose or 3 pairs for 40c. 3 pairs of our best 50c Cashmere Stock- ings, sizes 8, 9, 9,1 for 12c. each, TWEEDS. 15 ends Black Worsted Pantings at $1.10, regular price price $1.50. 10 ends at $1.25, regular price $1.75. Black Worsted Coat- ings at $1.85, $2.50, $2.85 and $3.25 worth $2.25, $2.90, $3.25 and $8.75. OOTTONADES. In this department you will always find our stock very complete. We call special attention to our lines at 16ic., 19a., 28c. and 25c. 4 call solicited When, we will be pleasecZ to show you our Gnocls and Prices and convince you, where to buy Cheap Dry Goods. ERG iPlighest Price paid for Good Butter. listoommtm. VIRM•1•0 eiaimaratauswq.pps.... on my fours between the lounge and door for fear of falling. I was taken on a bed to G-oderioh to see you. You gave me the first dose then, after my having a fit on the way down. You told me I would never have another. Many call to see me. I tell them who eared me. My case should be known. Give my name to the public, 10111 con., Kincardine town- ship. I continued the Renovator and the Potien Resurgam for three months and I have never bad a fit or anything else to ail me sinoe--now three years since." This Potien Resurgam is specific for cerebral and nervons disorders, epilepsy and kindred diseases. Patented 1891, sold at 51.50 per pint bottle. The Reno- vator, 81.00 and 52.00 per bottle. Speci• fic Cure, 75 cents and 81.50 per bottle. There is no water added to any of these medicines. Call or order, if not kept in stook by your druggist. Laboratory, Goderich, Ont. J. M. MoImon, Manufacturer and Proprietor. Sold in Brussels by Mr. Pepper, Drug. gist. An old man named James Macdonald, aged 08 years, has been re-cotninitted to jail at Stratford for six months as a vagrant, be having no place else to go. He comes from Missouri. The creditors of the insolvent estate of Weir dr Weir, flax dealers, St. Mary's held a meeting the other day and exmpht. ed a compromise of 400, on the dollar. The liabilities aro in the vioinity of 842,- 000 and the assets something like 516,- 000. Sunday afteanoon Robert Hassard,to moulder, during a fit of temporary insan- ity, jumped into Howson's mill pond, Teeswater. On rising the second turns he was caught by Mr. Fulton with a pike pole secured from the neighboring saw mill and hold above the water until asaietanue arrived, De. Gillies was on hand as soon as he was resorted, and ener- gable handling soon revived him, constipaioa, not remedied in season, is liable to become habitual and chronic. Dras- tic purgatives, by weakening the bowels, confirm, rather than cure, the evil. Ayer's Pills, being mild, effective, and strengthening in their aution, are gener- ally reremmended by the faculty as the best of aperients. "Having been subject, for years, to constipation, without being able to dna bench relief, 1 at last tried Ayer's Pills, deem it both a doty and a pleasure to testify that I have derived great ben- efit from their use. For Over two years past I have taken ono of those pills every night before retiring, I would nut willingly bo without them," —G. SY. Bowman, 2(3 Beat Main st,„ Carlisle, Pa. "I have boon taking Ayer's Pills and using them in my tangly eines 1857, and cheerfully recommend them to all in need of a safe but effectual cathartio," —John M. Boggs, Louisville, Ky "Fut eight yoars I was afilleted with constipation, wbieli at last became so toa that (maws count do 00 10018 for 1110. Than 7 began to take Ayer's PIRA, and soon the bowels reoovereil their natural and regular motion, so that now arn ito excellent; now Bryan, TOxitS. " Having need AM's Pine, with good results, X fnily Indotso thorn for the pttr- p19505 for Whieh they are recommended." Connors, M. Centre Bridge, Pa. Ayer0s Pills, inniikaufai nr br. si. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Matt. Bold by all Drugeists and Deelere in Medicine. HONE/ TO LOAN. Any Amount of Money to Loan on Farm or Village Pro- perty at 6 & 6k Per Cent., Yearly. Straight Loans with privilege of repaying when required. Apply to A. Hunter, Division Court Clerk, Brussels. FRESH ARRIVALS —AT THPI— SIar THIS WE FIK. STRAWBERRIES, CUCUMBERS, TOMATOES, CABBAGE, NEW POTATOES, WATERMELONS, BANANAS, PINE APPLES, ORANGES, LEMONS. THROUGH Sleeping Car SERVICE Toronto to Montreal, Toronto to Ottawa, Toronto to Kingston, malt IIIEET F. 5. Toronto to Old Orchard, Toronto to Portland. Tuoininy nvid Itrldthy 8:90 Po tSi Through the White Mountains WE" Cil• Toronto to Dotroit, Toronto to Chicago, tan 5 a, ItNeept Sunday, 05500 5, m. Dui iy. 2, T. PEPPER, Agent, Betteeele, reemaaszranauganDovaseanommu,s,carnanct* t LOOK! LOOK 1 LOOK ARM J. STRONG9 THE PHOTOCHAP 9 Having added new Scenery to his Gallery is now in a position to turn out work that is second to none. A kok at his photos, will convince you that they aro _first-class. The public aro invited to call up and inspect work in gantry. PiChlreS Copied and also Enlarged 10 alty SiZa in, Crayon., at reasonab,'e Prices. A Specialty made of Cut -door View. You cannot mistake the place, W. W. Burgess' old stand over Standard Bank. XIMESSIS91.81114.11.111b1113:16.3.2MliRCISISIIMP.P. STIRJOI\TO--. DUNN'S B A‘ KIN P IWDE THR°E2tcsAPcE,TIEVID 50 Money to Loan, Money to Loan on Farm Pro- perty at LOWEST R.ITES. Private and Company Funds. MUM & NAYS, Solicitors, die., B117113fIEL3, ONT, OOK'S COTTON NOOT COMPOUND. A rocont discovery by au old physiehtn. Suecessful- ly used monthly by theta - ends of rAntun, is the only porfeetly sato and reliable ffiecliolve diaeov. erect. Beware of unprincipled druggists NAM offer inferior mediCines iv plan 00 0055, Ask for Coon% OoritotaltoOT Ootmcroun, take no substitute ; or inclose 81 and 1 throoment Onunda postago stature tu letter, and we Win sone, treated, by return Mail, Pnll Sotol- ef pnrtienters In plain envelope, to ladies only, 2 stamps, Address Pesti lily I'atit• puny, 110, 1 Pleltsr Block, /21 Woodward nye., DotroitMinh. l&—F3old , iitussels by Y.2, Prorrtn, G. A , 1)18A OMAN mid all reenoneible druggists everyWhoro, Iffilti=l4CLIMCMPARA..4179fILTCP9 SEILOES CONSUMPTION CURE. Tbis GREAT COUGH CURE, this successful CONSUMPTION CURE, is without a parallel in bho history of medi. eine. All druggists are authorized to sell ib on a positive guarantee, a test that no other cure can successfully stand. If you have a Cough, Sore Throat or Bronchitis, use it, for it will cure you. If your olaild has the Croup, or Whooping Cough, use it promptly, aud relief is sure. If you dread that insidious disease CONSTIMP- TION, coni PAIL fo use it, it will Onre you or cost nothing, Ask your Druggist for snmos,s CURD, Price 10o., 50o. and 31.00 If your lungs are sore or back lameinse Shiloh's Porous Plaster, 25o, Ontario Mutual Life, ISL'ltl OFFICE, • "WATERLOO, ONT. Assurance in force Jan'y,'02. 414,934,807 Now business written in 1801, 2,604,950 Thermo over 1890 846,800 Cash income for 1801 547,620 Increase over 1880 . 57620 Liberal Conditions of Policies. each and Itald•up Values guaranteed on °nob pallor, All dividends belong to and me paid out y to policy holders, Premiums payable during the month in which they 51011 duo. Poliola aro Incontestable two yeare from elate ot issue. No restriction ciu travel, rooidenoo or cat - pupation, Lapsed poltolee may be revived wattle si x menthe afier lapse, Death (anima paid at etrto 011 eomploblon of °litho IMpOrs. J. A YOUNG, District Agnat, Eula. • it