HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1892-7-15, Page 5JULY 15, 1892 1;)15tri.ct TILE BRUSSELS POST ASP. aF jd�.'ilk9r+r.9�9�vrlhlTlS`W�Cr a!<3rorJ®e-JAam2r2rA°FraH.Iem2!rdt'YcnR^n• 43^r.,w ztSrL^".9tc,r.,.'17.t4'Er -Pgi yaaa:'� Q7t•stalbrosolK. Township Council will convene have n0xt Mornay. 0. A. Shiolc presented Tins Poor with some magniliooub specimens of now po- tatoes loot weelc, They wore ahead of anything we have aeon this season. Tor \VnrrienwN Plat 1Ienvnetrnt.—'Tlhis ie the simplest, strongest and most con- venient IIarveubor ever offered to the publio. It oan be attached bo any knower without drilling rho bar and can bo had on Shortest notice. Every machine warranted. Give me a call before buying skew hero. J. J. M1TCRjLL, net, Oranbrook, 13eIR.: [,vat. Jas. Niool returned from Hamilton on Friday. Ed, Wriglltnlan has returned from Manitoba. Dr. Godfrey had a valnablo robe stolen from his office window on Saturday night. Farmers are jubilant over line weather Ritmo the 0ommeneem0Ib of the haying ePa000. An immense crowd from Belgrave and vicinity took iu the Kineardino demon. libation on Taeeday. Rov. air. Huguos, of Wingham, preauh- e1 a sermon to the Orangemen in Trinity uhuroh on Sunday. Rov, Jo1111 ROBE, of Brussels, proaohed in rho Presbyterian ohnrch on Sunday, the pastor, Rev. Mir. Law, preaching in Wroxeter. 11,twoovL. We are anxiously looking for the long talked of telephone oonneetiou with Listowel. The Saturday oxuursiono to Listowel are playing out. People in this locality find out they can do ns well at home. R. S. Pelton, the sporting editor of the Boe, has purchased a Safety bioyole. R. S. should have got a two floated. wheel as it would be handier. Dr. Hamilton, of Atwood, has sold hie practice to Dr. 8. Cowan, formerly of IIarriston, and will take a trip to some of the large hospitals prior to resuming pra0bloo in a large place. The Dr. has practioed in Elmo, township upwards of ton years and has hada most extensive practice. Geo. Korb, the mail currier botwoeu Atwood and Mitchell, happened with an accident on Tuesday of last week. He was returning from Mitchell and under- took to pass a rig on the road when his horse became frightened and jumped in- to the ditch, up -string the rig and dragging Mr. Kart 10 considerable dis- tanuo along the road. Beyond a few bruises and scratches Mr. Korb is all right, but has no desire to repeat the ex- periment. 4Vtaltoll. Improvements have been made at 111e Methodist personae iu the shape of to new gate, ;;ravel and fen,•iug. Rev, lir. Sanderson proaell.a at the Bethel ,di0(0ll last S1nd.ty wade; He was pastor Of that 011111•ch at 0110 time. A large gathering of Orangeman took place on Smelly afternoon at St. George's church when Go?. W. T. Oluff preached a ratifiable discourse based on let Peter 2nd chapter and 17111 verse, "1-lonor all men. Love the brotherhood, Fear God. Honor the Kiug.' L tat Sunday evening the Orangemen and True Blues of Winthrop and local- ity crowded the Methodist church to overflowing to hear rho annual sermon preached by Rev. MIs. Ottewell, of Wal ton, The reverend gentllnan took for his text Matt. 23rd chapter and Oth verso and gave a moo1 suitable and profitable discourse. Tho pic•nie of the Mlothoclist Sabbath school was held on Thursday afternoon of lust week in M eDonald's grove. A tiptop time was enjoyed by all. Throe oplendul recitittions were given by Misses Swallow, Barrow and Harney. Mush was supplied by the choir and Willie Neal rendered a solo in good style. Hvintrts.w.—On Monday of this week the nuptial bow was tied, ab the resi• 1 •1 illo> be. , ichnrd Pollard, flu C demos of R 1. tweet. Heber Hogarth,h, of Exeter, and r .Mise Phalbe Reinhart, of 11 h[toclptt•oh, by Rev. T. 0. Sanderson, of Stirton, as - slated by Rev, Wm. Otbewell. The bridesmaid was Miss Lon, Pollard, of London, and the groomsman Dr, 1I1tr- risen, of Detroit, After the wedding breakfast the wedding party drove to Seaforth where Mfr. and Mrs, Hogarth took train for Su:atoga whore they will spend part of their honeymoon. The gifts bo the bride bespoke the esteem in which 0110 Di held. The oongratuhttioos of a largo circle of friends go with the happy couple. The Listowel Standard says of a former C: reyite : - 0. P. Bisbnp, assistant teacher In the Listowel laugh suhocl, left for his ' 11001e fu Beaohvillo on Saturday. Ile will not return after the holidays es he has resigllea his position. Mr. Bishop Is considered an excellent heather, and, 1101. withstanding the disedvaubagee wltiolt he labored under while horn, owing to the trouble in the school, has, wo under. stand, done good work. We trust that hie li flee trill be oast in pleasanter piacre wheresoever his talents may be employs el In the future. Gorat a.. Township council will moot ab Cran• brook on Monday of next weak. Mr, and Mrs. Harrison, of Kim:at:dine, were visiting at R. K. MoDouald's, Obh eon., this week. Elias Dioksou's new barn, 11th oe1,, teas raised on Wednesday. The work was done by baokle. Uriah Mclradden jr. has gone to Rath Sto. Marie whore he will study law in his brother's office. IIs i5 a good student and should make his meek in the legal profession. Last Saturday pea vines %veto pulled in Abram Bishop's field, lob 14, eon. 3, that measured four fent in 'length, They are of the Mummy variety. Tho growth is something wonderful. Tho money lost by Mrs. Daman Liv- ingston, amotint044 be $17 00 has never turned up. Her 5010,n0i0115 led her to have a search warrant issued on a board• er but tllo Will has 1101 yot ,lade its am paaranoo. No good will collie to any fu• dividend who would bake from the needy a hat they have hontebly earned and lir gently require. 01000 01000,--011ver Smith's gro70 was 1h0 Doone of a happy lot of people last Friday afternoon when the Sabbath 0611001 in 00une011011 with Roe's ohuroll and the friends of the saline gathered to- gether. Amusements tvor0 provided in the shape of swinge, hall, ctto. and in ad• 1itieh a 10051001 and literary program was presented Ire follows 1—Music by the choir ; solo by Mlies Melissa, Ames ; in• struinental by alias Newcombe; recite. tions by Subis Pearson, Nellie Patterson and Allis Shaw ; and addresses by S. Antes and Ibov, Mr, Newcombe. Joseph Bap art, superintendent, mutinied the 011010. An culoyable time was put in, Morriss. Peter Oantelon is home from Manitoba. Mfrs. Willie Jaokson has gone on a visit to Drayton. The improvements aro completed at Button's sobool house. It is said that in Dome places in the township rust le striking the Fall wheat. We hope the damage will be light, Jackson Bros. arrived home from the West on Saturday. They have not the "fever" nearly as had as many who visit that country and there is very little probability of then removing from Mor- rie for a gOocl while yet. The residents of Frank MoOuboheon sr., 0th sou., has been veneered with betels and a brick addition emoted. Robb, Nioholl's residence, on the same line, has also been veneered. Watson Ainley, of BOassils, had Ole 0on1ra01 and pushed the work through in good style. An interesting Sunday salmi service was held in the Methodist church, Sum shine, last Sabbath morning. After de. 0Otional exeroisee W. H. Kerr, of Brae - sets, spoke to the pupils and Rev. R. Paul gave an exoellent address to teach• et•0 and parents. H. E. Burkholder is the Superintendent of the school aotl a good work is being done. Tho school meets regularly every Sabbath afteru0on. i•V istl g l e st us. Inglis d Co„ of the Woollen mill here, have assigned to J. A. Morton. The Juvenile Temperance Lodge has been olosed till school re -opens. The Sohool Board is advertising iu the Toronto papers for three tenohers. Work on St. Paul's new church will be pushed ahead, Contraetor Kerr has the job. John Coact, of Neepawa, Man„ former- ly a resident of Wiogham, is visiting his many friends In town and 0001011y. Sixty-six pupils wrote at the recent Entrance examination held hero. 27 of them were pupils of Wingham school. Prof, Scott, choir leader of the Presby- terian church, is preparing a cantata, entitled "Britain and Hor Daughters." One hnudred voioos are required. Bettie Bros. running mare, Topsy 13, took lireb-money in the running race at Hanover, on the 1st of July, Letter B taking 500ond in the three Inimlbe trot. The Postmaster General has written to say that the petitions relative to the re- moval of the post-ollioe from its present location to the Town Hall or thereabouts had been reoeived and he had referred the same to Inspector i-fnpkirk, of Strat- ford, who would look into it. That the oflios should be more ventrally loeate1 io granted by almost everybody turd the sooner 1t is moved. the boater for all eon• 00rned. 1 -elect s/OA'-IN 1, lt, T. Kemp 11.00 reeigtud as Chief of the Niru Brigade ac -1 Juseeh Wilsa.l has been appointed. The Listowel Baud have adopted a 111100001 in the p0 son of "l.'rofessah" Barber, the flute specialist. Gh' int oharob have 0015'OuciO I a boule- vard in front of their lot whioh will add greatly to the appearance of the corner. Tho. Male has a cnocmbor grown fn the open air tv111011 measures '14 inches in length and 7i inches around the centre. The Institute festival in the rink on Monday night passed off very S1100e-s• fully, the receipts being $40.00 and profits $30.00. Mrs. John Burton, Mrs. Jacob Large and Mrs. S. McKee went to New York city to attend the Christian Endeavor Convention. The Listowel Gra Co. have purchased 300 cords of four foot hardwood in the neighborhood of alddlnty, whioh was de- livered by rail. As Jo eph Bonnett and all apprentice, o EdwardrEdward0. l Tompkins, lcius d wore engaged making „ solder one day last tveok, a portion of the m tag flew up in the fan of young Tamp. kine, burning his eye very badly. Au effort is boiug made to establish a Musical Society in Listowel, similar to the Berlin Musical Society. The objoot of the sooieby i0 to encourage and pro. mOteinstrumeatal nlltei0, cad more 00• p50ially to form and maintain a Brass Bandl Tho in5nrau05 oompauiea hall their inspectors and valuators at 100010 last week on the Hay Bros. hill property and their claim has been praubically settled. On the mill and elevator buildings, machinery and stook of grain and Flour the insnrlttl51 is paid in full, 00 ailmen.° of about 0400 boiug pail by Hay Bros, for the salvage of grain. They had a force of men busy ab wont saving the damaged wheat whioh they will put on the market et low rattle. Ort the eugiuo the damage is fixed at 0151, aid nothing on the boiler. On the aloe $08.00 A list of the grain destroyed shows a loss of between 112,500 and 08,000 over the iusar. ants. The valuators placed rho value of elevator machinery at $800 on whioh the insurance wee but 11200. On a large 'emeriti]) of material, such as socias, ha reel labe's and linings, lubricating oils, bawl, nails, tools and utensils, there was no in 51100101, ad: ling about $1,800 further to their losses, 50 that the :firm lose between $4,560 and $5,000 over the insurance money. lila oliiee hos been refitted and papered and the firm Etre continuing their grain buying business. They will probably re build the elevator. On the Rink park at Listowel last Fri- day the best game of football over put up in this town was played between the well-known Morons, of Sonfortlh, and the Marlboros, of Listowel, Abinb 8;40 the teams lined no es follows t—Harer8--• Wm, M0Denald, W. Willie, J. d. Olen. nom, 3, W, Livingston, L. nankin, L 3, Stephens, J. Smith, G. .Dewar, Wm. Gowioulook, Ih Cresswell, II. J1ooksoh, llarlburos—Gnat, G, l3ray ; backs, B, Tughtul, J. Gass ; half•bnoks, S. Large, q. Audorson G. &iitolholl ; centro, J, Anderson ; right forwards, A. McLeod, lltltcbineon ; left forwards, A. Dolling. ton, J, W. Ward, Referee, J. Khlloan1, Seaforth. Listowel won the toes an 11 olwtod to hick with the sun slightly in their books. Smith sot the hall in 1310. 110,1 for the EIttrone, but it 0,to quickly tetnrned by tho 'Marlboros' halt -backs, and after a magnificent rush by the for• ward, J. Anderson recovering the ball placed it 10110man the uprights and wee 111e (lest goal for Lis'owol in about eight minutes, 'PI30 Hurons then rushed things lively and for 001110 time the play W011 very even, until by some very [teat pttestug IIctolihls0u seourod the ball end scored emend goal for Listowel, but this goad tuns disallowed by the referee as be. Ing offside, although the opinion of a large int jorib,y of the s••0otat01'o woe that IL was a fair goal, The Hurons now roused up and showed 00015 of their old time o0mbi1ation, whioh puzzled the Lis• towel halves and backs, and Jackson spored first goal for Seaforth, After a short time a e000nd was quickly added by Gowaulook, which completed the snoring for first half time and for the game. Endo were changed and play re. seined, both teams doing some excellent work, Smith scoring for Seaforth. but the referee disallowed, it being off -side. Lis - bowel came very near scoring from sever- al good rushes and corner kioks, but it was nob bo be. The referee gave his de• cisiun as 2 to 1 in favor of Seaforth, hot the Listowel boys think a draw would be nearer the marls. As 1t was the boys feel highly elated in holding their own with 500h crack exponents of the game as the Hurons, of Seaforth, aro known to be. For the Hurons, Smith, Livingetoue, Dewar and Clemhan dial good work, and for the Marlboros, McLeod, Tulghan, Gass, Kellington, Large turd Mitchell distinguished themselves, as did also Bray, the LIM:swot goal.keopsr,who saved many a hot shot by his excellent play. A 2.year-old obild of John 1130(15, Bay field, got hold of a knife and was running across the floor with it when he fell. The blade streets his month and pierced deeply into the roof, causing an ugly gash. NERVE BEANS NERVE 014ANS are a new discovery that enrn the worst cases of Nervous Do- Unity, o- Uilityy Lost Vigor tad Wail- ing Manhood ; restores the weakness of body or ]Hind or the errors ofexeeeses of youth. This Remedy absolutely sores the most obstinate asobo when all other. 11tn02- trleVle have failed oven to relieve. Sold by druggists at Si per package, or six for $5, or sent by mail on receipt of price by address- ing TUB Jetties Msncer113 do., ToruntO, Out. Write for palnphlob, S0111 AI Brussels by G. A. DI1ADMAN. Private Funds to Loan. °.20,000 Have been placed in my hands for Investment on real estate. LOWEST RATE tW INTEREST. No Commission. Borrowers can have loans com- pleted in Three Days if title satisfactory. W. 11. SINCLAIR, ,Solicitor, Brussels, Why Not Do You OWll Thinkin ' ? Bnussers, November Sth,168e, T. II. ilrLao0, eodorlob, Donn 5,11—I ehon1 a Have wriltnu bnfore 110w to let yogi know 1,010I it getting along, I0101 a lot better than Twits; gaining str0ngth every clay. I have a good appetite aud sleep hrh ell. I eau take o frill ,ltututity of the System. Renovator and it does not sioicwt me. My limbo aye all rigbt now; quite smart In that way; swellingall gone. The greet thirst is gone; I drnk no water at night, but 1 tnko a 111115 buttermilk. I am quite straight again. Sen.]. 015 another bottle of your System Renovator, Yours, So„ 3105. 00101(010. 0010111011111 101010'0100 1(07011. Blttlesllr s, February 7111, 1501. 3, 14. Kamen, Gadoriol, 001030 SITC Plfteeu 70 010 ago last Novem- ber I started to doctor grit; I was treated For 11001 ellain, but 1010 vover 1)0]4,011 No auy. At times I sufferahl greatly from my atonlaob; I continued, but I grow w00130. I turned dye 101001 ; limbs and body swelled k iu vbeu You ow the state I wast badly. Y a u y [ went to O odarich -a wore wreck, hardly walil—aullcriu .From Brighouht 0's dis- easo. Jost ono y oar ego last fall I began your Bonov,ttnt and dpeothe Cure. I begau t0 mend in a few clays ; continued tion for throe mouths nearly. Although I was told I could not be cured, it you Saw me now, well and hearty ; eat everything that comes iu the way,. I owe you the praise of saving my ltic. I wits fu a hopeless eoudttiou whom .1 smut 1;o you, in fact no she thought .I would get better. I cannot speak too highly of you and of your modioluo0, For it was tb0101 that 0030,1 me. Words 50511101 express UV thanks to you. i'reoly pa00 my name to 0313000. Yours, Co., JANf1S DUNGAN, SOLD lir J. T. PEPPER, Bt,ussloLs. mi ss ;i_n IS not only a distressing complaint, of 1 itself, but, by causing the blood to become depraved and the system en- feebled, is the parent of innumerable maladies. That Ayor's Sarsaparilla is the best euro for Indigestion, even when complicated with Liver Complaint, is proved by the following testimony from Mrs. Joseph Lake, of Brockway Centre, Mfici1, : — "Liver complaint and indigestion made my lite a burden and came near, ending my existence. For more than four years I suffered untold agony, was reduced almost to a skeleton, and hardly hadstrep4th to drag myself about. All kinds of fond distressed mo and only the nlnat delicate could be dig.gestod at all, Within the time mentioned several phyoiailtns treated mo avitlhoutgil'ieg re- lief. Nothing that I took seemed to 00 any permanent good until T onmmeuce1 the nee of Ayer'5 Sarsnparlila, which bins produced wonderful results, Soon after eonunelcfng to take the 5000: 710' Alla 3 could See au imllrnve1110nt,11 bey condition. My appetite began to return and with it came the ability to digest all the food token, my strength !t 1: 1. Prayed each d tY, and 118011 tL 1 00' menthe of faitlfrd attention to yore' direa lone I found myself a •-,'t 11 wntnan, aide to [attend t til 10:11 spelt 11011 9. The medicine 1 .3 ;;holt rno tt new lease of life." jd`9 qN r(a ?, •• • e11013iRr,D 017 Dr. 4. C. Ayor L> Co, Lowe i, Mass. Price V; six bottles, h1 . Worth 4.3a bottle. DE 1 HE COOKS BEST FRIEND LARGEST SALE IN CANADA. HONEY TO LOAN, Any Amountof Morley to Loan on Farm or Village Pro- perty at 6 & 6,'2 Per Cent., Yearly. Straight Loans with privilege of repaying when required. Apply to A. Hunter, Division Court Clerk, Brussels. Money to Loan, Money to Loan on Farm Pro- perty at LOT+yEST Ii'.,1TI S. Private and Company Funds. DICKSON & HAYS, Solicitors, rOt., BRUSSELS, 0517. FRFSH: ARRIVALS —AT THE— Star Restalir-aut THIS WEEK. STRAWBT BRIE S, CUCUMBERS, TOiL TOES, CABBAGE, NEW POTATOES, WATERMELONS, 13ANAN AS, PINE APPLES, 011ANG1?i, 1,is1MON 4. f•dfr 'i rli7li:i-i5e) 1A. ,P 1!i1U 1"`Lbl Practical Watchmaker and Jeweler. Thanking the publio for past favors and support and wishing still to secure your patronage, we are opening out Full Lines in COLD AND SUB WATCHES. Silver Plated Ware from Established and Reliable Makers byP full warrantedu , y Clocksf o• the Latest Designs JEWELRY1 WnDDINo RIses, LADLES G,:11 Rhxas, Bnoocnl:s, 141000I1000, e Also a Full Line of. VIOLINS and Violin Strings, dm., i11 stools. N.D.—Usurer of Marriage tleen5015. T. Fletcher, - Brussels. P T S PHOTOS e'cl E. PERRY, PHOTOG RA PH R, NEXT - RAID -WAN - HOTEL, We intake all of the following size photos ;-•^ S1111ben 1115, Mikado Panel very nice, Carte de vista, i xS fel views' Cabinet the oldreliitblc, Paris Panel the newest, 135110 for groups or single figure; 11x14 grand for family groups, 14x17 makos a fine Head and shoulder portrait or group. Crayons any raze or any other Style of Portrait. 'a:1'.nsr.1awur .T.' aaaa'..,«1.en.r,0tulOO•>*>v ANTE Listowel Woolen lilac bory ('J Highest Prices Paid, Can or Trade, (11) Largest Wool Markel; in Ontario. Everybody come and see our tremendous big stock in all kinds of woollen goods which we offer at bottom prices for cash or exchange for wool. NEW .ANIS FRIiiSIi STOCK. We have never been so well fitted and equipped for a wool sea- son's business as at the present one, and have never felt so com- pletely confident of our ability to serve you with the best of goods at bottom prices, A specially attractive feature of our new lines of fine Flannels, strictly No:av STyrrs, far surpasses any wool season yet. FINE WOOL SCOTCH SKIRTINGS. (Something New offered to the trade.) We are the only Woollen Factory in Canada that make this line of goods and offer thein for one-half the price you pay in the city of Glasgow. STOCK QN TRADE. English Worsteds, Fancy Tweeds, Scotch Tweeds, Meltons and Cloakings, Fine and Coarse Flannels in Dress Goods and Shillings, Bed Blankets, Horse Blankets, Woollen and Cotton Underwear, Fingering and Stocking Yarns, Cottonades, Cotton Shirtiugs, ' in- ceys, Duck aucl Gray Cottons. Also a good supply of Stockings, Socks and Knitted Goods. VTAR)DT11TG. SVe wise] to warn the fanners not to he deceived by Shoddy Ped- dlers going through the country selling dishonest goods. We have: no peddlers handling our goods and they can only be bought by dealing direct at the factory. Boll ear"CZInf, ti5piifni,sy and Manufacturing:, Tweeds, Ielctlanels, Blankets, sic. Thanking our numerous customers for their past favors, would beg to say collie and bring your neighbor to see our stook, asyou will be highly pleased to see goods so low in price. You will fined us ready to give the most prompt and careful attention to all, B. F.r: BROOK & SON. IT V ..i, r a 1 .vsa+�+c.+.-sv.•c��•vn•��,mmoci r <: e sled 4, it 5' �,:. , r 1 ..j .; x. h , , N .,.. •- 1. , 1a •I' ler ''4 1. a v ,a, 4111 • • • • • 'WANTS TO GET 00 POU IDS OF C In Exchange for Goorls, 111e Highest Market Price will be Aline( We have a Pine Assortment of Tweeds, Cottons, .Hann,:?1 Pei its, Cashmeres, Blankets, Sheet- ing, Knitted Goods, Yarns, &o. ,xnair;•remaker..»a.mcmUets.—.ass All Wool loft with us for illdnnfactoring, wltef.iler 1' 111s or otherwise, will have ourprompt attenti•nl, Satisfaction - Guaranteed. BRUSSELS.