HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1892-7-15, Page 44
New Advertisements,
Looals-B, Gerry,
Pea Harvesters -D. Ewan,
Local -W, 11. McC1•aakeu,
Notice -Driving Paris Aesooiation,
Pea Ilarveeter-J. J. Mitchell, Cran.
Qt,bc Nruszek3.ost.
FRIDAY, JULY 15, 1892,
PArteram xe prorogued on Saturday
after a session of four months and a half.
No extra indemnity was paid members.
ROx. W. E. GLADSToxz and hie sup.
porters are winning the any in Britain
and it is said the G. 0. M. will likely
Lave a majority of 40 in the House.
Tun attempt on the part of the Ontario
Government to smash the binder twine
monopoly, hinted at some time ago, has
at last taken definite shape. A factory
for the manufacture of the twine is to be
set up in the Central Prison, the prison•
ers to furnish the labor required. The
machinery has already been bought and
the farmers will soon be able to purchase
a necessary artiole at first cost.
Ix Canada worthy deeds or actions are
recognized by words of commendation,
testireouials, bouquets and the dike but
in Ireland they have a differeut code and
on the program of late have been chunks
of gingerbread, buckets of swill, 811illaleh
matinees, rock picnics, and other novel.
ties. It has been well and truly said that
"an Irishman 1s never at peace except
when at war," Should the present elec-
tion turmoil come to an end without the
untimely death of somebody there will be
abundant cause for gratitude.
IIax• 01109. EDWARD POoLRY, WbO has
been for some time a member of the
British Columbia government, is to suc-
ceed the late Hon. 101111 Robson as pro•
mier of that province. The new premier
is an an Englishman, a lawyer and forty-
seven years old, He filled the position
of registrar of the supreme court of
British Columbia for some years, resign-
ing to outer the legislature as member for
Esquilnault, which constituency he has
represented since 1883. He was speaker
of the assembly from 1837 until 1880, in
whi0h year he became a member of the
Oete of the charges in the election peti-
tion against J. Grieve, M. P , for North
Perth, is that there were many errors in
the Voters' list used and consequently
persons voted who were not entitled to
and vice versa. This is a novel com-
plaint seeing that the whole matter of
revision, &e. is in the h teas: of the Gov-
ernment alvi its warmest supporters.
The Mitchell Recorder says :--
In London the Tory party elected a
supporter by virtue of the imperfections
and irregularities connected with their
own Voters' list, In North Perth tile
Tory party are seeking to get rid of an
opponent by virtue of the impetfeotions
and irregularities connected with their
own Voters' list. They melte their in-
struments of political warfare work both
Toe blood -rid et till Carnegie works
will be turned to the political advantage
of the Democrats in the Preeileetal eon.
test. The fact th nlilliounire Carnegie
had looked out over 1,030 workingmen
peoauso they refesed to ctecept a reduc-
tion of weeee of from 10 to 10 per cent,
had thready been :shrew lly taken up by
the Democratic press ; aid now that a
desperate battle has been precipitated
between the ejected workmee and the
band of Pinkerton detertives, and blood
has been freely shed, the eyes of the
country cannot fail to be directed to the
enormous influence and power which
men like Carnegie and other monopolist
and trust oorporatious exert to the hart
of the people of the United States at
large. Direct point will be given to De.
m0alatie arguments against the man
strosities of the McI{inley tariff and it
is not at all improbable that this event
may lead to the sweeping return of Cleve-
land to power and the prompt effaeenent
of the McKinley bill, -Ex.
1113i o1.
Can anybody tell who Sam's two com-
panions were when the train left them
behind at Luckuow ?
It is expeoted that the old bridge will
be reinoved ±111, coming wools and the
now one rapidly put in its place.
The Cober earring° factory is full of
work for weeks to come, They do good
work for a fair price and the people
know it.
David Milne 1108 a wonderful crop of
hay this year amounting to 80 tons or
more. A great portion of the timothy
mea8uvett from 52 to 0 feet in length.
Qeite a large number of one Orange
and 0. Y, 13, lodges, with their friends,
partioipated in the celebration of the
"glorious 12th" at I(inoardine. They re-
port an immense crowd and a general
good time.
Some of the young gentlemen on leav-
ing the grounds on Thursday evening
get who evidently expeoted to be out till
the moon welt down, thoughtfully bor-
rowed lanterns from the lawn that their
home corning might not be (pito in the
Item. Mr, Newcombe was greeters with
a large and attentive congregation on
Sunday evening and he delivered an in
Westing address. It is expeoted that
the now family in the parsonage will
prove a decided acquisition to the village
in every sense and a vilIage welcome
is cordially extended,
P�s..yr�r: s� ,� ...,n _,.,,,:.,,u.srar•� .„,n,. ,rar�ra:sa• ^'-� -�-° �:�o�rtr.�tsrarr��;n,:z::as'vaarr
;VAIN omitted to mention that Miss
b'lorenee Sherlo0ls was presented with e
handsome plush toilet case containing
comb and brush by the pupils of her de.
pertinent in the publio eullool prior to
her leaving for Toronto, Mies Sherloels
was very popular with not only tbs little
folks but with all who knew bet.
Sows 01' Tnlureents w. -The following
officers were 3081(1lled 111 Ethel Division
S. of T. for the current quarter W. P.,
Harvey Dobson 1 W. A Hester A. Lake ;
11, S„ Mary Lang. 1 A. It S Lottie
Lake ; T, S„ Geo. Dobson 1 T., Morris
Fogel ; Chap., J. Caber ; 0., D. Lamont;
A. C., Bertha Holloway ; I, S., Blanche
Milne ; C. S•, Noble Milne, The Divi.
81011 at present numbers 100 members in
good standing.
Pxasoxws, -Mrs. S. 7, Niobol is visit-
ing her old Home at Belnlore,-Mrs. J.
111. Davies has returned from visiting
in Woodstock and other eastern points. -
C. A. Sperling le visiting Dr. Cale and
other friends in the neighborhood. -E.
Lee is spending the week in London. -
H. F. McAllister and wife have been
laking a holiday in New York. -Mrs.
and the Misses Hemsworth, of Listowel,
have been at Ino. Eokmier's the past
week also Mrs. Hemsworth of Toronto. -
Miss Jeanie Geddes, of Port Elgin, is
visiting Mrs. T. P. Simpson• -Mrs, D.
T'okmier has returned home and Dan is
glad again. -Me. and Mrs, W. McAllister,
of NA/Ingham, are visiting friends here for
a few clays,
The strawberry festival 101(8 a marked
success fully 300 people being present
during the evening. The lawn looked
very pretty but the promenade music
WAS not there. H, L. Jaekeon, (sad to
say, was called to St. Mary's to the
funeral of an uncle that day and Messrs.
Hawkins and Cavanagh, of Brussels, who
had kindly volunteered to assist him, of
conks did not 100)8 when he could not
be there to be assisted, A short but in-
teresting program of vocal and inetrn•
mental music in w1ic11 members of the
Methodist and Presbyterian church choirs
here, Miss Cale, of Mitchell, and Miss
Coughlin and Mr. Stewart, of Atwood,
with a cornet solo, participated, closed
what was generally conceded a most
enjoyable evening. A handsome euro of
stoney was realized to place to the :area
of the ohoir who beg to tender their
hearty thanks to all who helped them,
remembering especially the friends from
Brussels and Atwood.
Huron County.
Bayfield village is entirely out of debt.
Exeter oleic holiday will be on August
Bayfield is fast b800011ng the popular
place to camp.
Hall & Lane, of Belnlore, are putting
I in a large cider press.
There were 40 tried the Entrance ex-
amination at Dungannon.
Mrs, John Sanderson hue come back to
Wroxeter from the Northwest.
W, H, Clegg, hardware merchant, Gor-
i lie, has assigned to Major Kahle.
1 Twenty-five candidates wrote at Wroxe•
ter for entrance to the'High school.
Thos. F. Miller, Wroxeter, has pur-
chased lir. Ireland's grocery business,
The 12th of July was celebrated by the
Orangemen of South Huron at Bayfield,
Fordwiob Masons intend giving agreed
banquet and concert on the evening of
the 28th,
John Clegg, of Fordwioh, has retired
from business and sold hie stock to Jno,
Clinton Fall Show on Oct, 4th and 5th.
W, Cleats takes W. Jackson's place as
St, Helens' poetollice has changed
hands from Mrs. Robt. Murray to Mies
Jessie Chmerou,
0, Myers, Hensall, has several orange
trees in blossom, and they are causing
rend: attention,
Rev. E. Softley, of Loudon, has taken
charge permanently of Hensall circuit
St. Paul's church.
The young ladies of Centralia Lave
organized a base ball teals, and are now
open for challenges.
Hamilton c4 Sanderson, of Wroxeter,
last week shipped over 200 Head of hogs,
making over 800 in all.
A stalk of rhubarb was taken from the
garden of Sirs. Hamilton, Varna, the leaf
of which measured 9 feet around.
Lakelat hotel has changes( hands, Mr.
IIaskett renting to a Mr, Londesbush,
who was bead sawyer on the boundary.
It is expected that a game of football
will be played at Exeter before long bo•
Wen lfrucefleld and Eden for a purse of
Dr. 1til0Crimmon, Underwood, is quiet.
ly working up his tug of war team for
the Caledonian games at Chicago Exposi-
The brink work of the new department
of the publio school, Hensel!, is complet-
ed and is now in the hands of the uarpen•
Wm. Moors, of Kippen, is suffering
with blood poisoning caused by P01118l
green. The poison ent red a sorateh on
his hand.
Sam. Hunletstoll, of I3enea11, has a
pear tree bearing fruit 011 the bottom
limbs, and a beautiful cluster of blossoms
on the upper branches.
Stephen township can boast of pos8es8.
Ing one of the finest pie -ilia and camp
grounds in Ontario eituated just thirteen
miles met of Exeter.
Rov, S. A. Laidman, from the vioinity
of Hamilton, is supplying the pulpit of
Rev. Mr, Shipton, of Clinton, during the
latter's absence in the Old Sountry,
Mise Maggie Cargill, of Eordwioh, was
made the recipient of a beautiful gold
fob and sills handkerchief,1,u taking
departure for.Dclutb, where she intends
studying 81000±iml.
Luckuow poetelitce was flooded last
week with mentors addressed to the
citizens, of a lottery in the province of
Quebec), on behalf of some religious in.
1tituti011 in Montreal.
Among the 1135 competitors Wm, E,
Gainer, son of Con, C'raiuot, 12±11 con,
West Wawanosb, took the silver medal
for general proiiolenoy and the best kept
set of books at the Northern Dusinsoe
Gdlego, Owen Sound,
An excursion under the auspioee of the
itlaennie Lodge and Court I. 0. 0. 33'.,
Exeter, has been arranged for m1 the L,
IL 8c B., taking in all intermediate sta-
tions from Wingham to Hyde Parrs, on
Therecl,y, August 41.11, to Sarnia and re.
Exeter Lacrosse tl1
11(e a ossa Club elected a fol•
lowing ofiioore :-Dr, Rollins, Pres, 1 II,
Spackman, Vico-Pres, • J, Senior, 2nd
Vice•Prse. 1 B. el, O'Neil, Trees, ; 1.
Grieve, Seo,; Committee, J. Senior, S.
A, l'oppleetone, A. J. Snell, 7. I3, Grieve,
A. Spicer.
1' r, r.t1 iI c er
Jul,r 15, 1802
xt-a. c =s tre- ^1(3=1 suss cessreseesse
SON Sale i Evell!
� ON'i'
r'peciaii value in, all Lines at
45o, 55o., 75o, $I. 00 10.25,
81.50, 81.75 and $2.00, woT t h
65e, 751,,, $1 00, $1,40. 91,75, $2,25,
$2 50 and $3,00,
.15 Dozen Four in Hand Ties at 25c.
each, regular price 50c, All new goods
just passed into stock this week.
In these lilies prices are always
the Lowest. We are selling the best 30 in.
Shirtings at lie. while other merchants are
advertising the best goods at 124c.
B 011 ai1lineut,
Great ,Bargains in all lines. See our
Black IIenriettas at 42c, GSc. and 85e.,
regular price GO0., S5c. and x$11.00, and
the largest assortment in town
to choose from,
50 pieces daemon Prints warranted fast
colors at 10e., regular price 12c.
100 pieces best quality, 38 in. Prints, free
from starch at 11c. worth 18c.
Ladies' German lYIade Yantles.
our Summer Coats we will sell them at special attention to our lines at
exactly half price, all new garments. 15,1e., 19c., 28e. and 25c,
See our 180, Fast Black Hose or 3
pair's for 40c.
8 pairs of our best 50c CashmereStock-
ings in sizes 8i, 0, 91 for.12 o.
15 ends Black Worsted Pantings at $1.10,
regular price price $1.50. 10 ends at $1.25,1
regular price $1.75. Black Worsted- Coat -
Inge at $1.85, $2.50, $2.85 and $8.25 worth
$2.25, $2.90, $8.25 and $3.75.
In ureses to clear out the balance of
In this department you will always
find our stock -very complete. We call
.1 e aZZ solicited When we will be pleased to show yoa O(G/' Goods rr,nd Pr°iecs arid 6Onn.11i71.Ce, you,
where to buy Cheap Dry Goods.
'Highest Price paid for Good Butter.
i recmlt discovery ty au
0101 physician. Rue000sfui•
ly used monthly by thous-
ands of LAMES. Ii the
only perfectly safe and
00 liable medicine diseOV.
erect. Rewer' of u-pri1ciplert drn(<^,t+ate who
offer Interior -medicines to pl too al11,1x. dui[
for 01,010'8 CoTlenx ltoo'r (It011'aux1/. take 115
sabstita to 1 or 1n(l,ee W1 nus d three.eont
Canada postage steams in letter, and w'c
will semi, sealed, by return 111011, Full seal-
ed particulars lo plain eu15101 e. in b,dies
01117.2 shun „s, Address ,send B.tly trema
patty, N1,. 3 Pierer Block, 171 Woodward
ave„ Detroit, Mich.
i•ci.,Sold in lint mole by J.T. PEPPER, G.
A.DEADIII,N and all r 8000-lble druggists
r ILO 'B
{�; , r+lc F'�r
Ct O 11np�c ,�r1 M �ij c�i; I
euoceesful CONSUMPTION CURE, is
without a parallel in the history of menti.
cine. All druggists are authorized to sell
it 011 a positive guarantee, a test that no
other care can 8uocessfnlly stand. If you
have a Cough, Sore Throat or Bronchitis,
use it, fur it will cure you. If your child
has the Croup, or Whooping Cough, use
it promptly, and relief le sure. If you
dread that insidious clise,[se CONSUMP-
TION, DON'T PA10, 1,0 use it, it will cure
you or cost nothing. 1,1s your Druggist
for SI1IL011'S CUI1L, Price 10e., 50c.
and $1.00 If your lungs are sore or back
lame,use Shiloh's P0'ous Plaster. 25o.
VI Stations in Oota1'lo Oti Il t' ones
This is the way
with the B, & C. corset: if you
want ease and shapeliness,
you buy it --but you don't
keep it unless you like it.
After two or three weeks'
wear, you can return it and
have your money.
Y its first stages, can (be successfully
3 checked by the prompt use of Ayer's
Cherry Pectoral. Even in the later
periods of that disease the cough h i
wonderfully relieved by this medioine,
"I have need Ayer's Cherry Pectoral
with the best ell'eet in my practice,
This wonderful preparation once saved
my life. I had a constant cough, night
sweats, was greatly reduced in flesh,
and given up by my physician, Ono
bottle aud a Jlalf of the Pcatcrat cured
me." --4. J. Puidso IDI.
Eidson, D., Middleton,
Several years ago I was severelyill.
Tho doctors said I was in consumption,
and that they could do nothing for me,
but advised mo as a last resort, to try
Ayyer'e Cherry mo,
After taltin
this medicine two or three months
was cured, and 111y health remains good
to the present day." -James Bircliard,
Darn, Conn.
',Several years ago, On a passage home
from California, by water, I contracted
so severe a cold that for some days I
WWI 0000110.1 to my state -room, and a
phySiclan on hoard considered my Iife
in danger. Happerthig to have a bottle
of Ayer's Cherry Pootoral, 3 need it
freely, and my lungs were soon restored
to a healthy contrition, Since then I
have invariably recommended this prep-
aration." -J, B. Chandler, Junction, Va,
Ayers Chen Pectoral,
rn11i'.tnnn 110
br. J. 0, Ayer Sc 0o., Lowell, Mass.
Hord by all Druggleta. Pries 81; alebettloe,80,
Tickets will by sod for Excuralou leltvhtg
TORONTO D. p.m on
.Tttly IS a .Otis 1311, Arena et,
Geed to Return until AUGUST 28th.
To the follow' impenitent rates named :
NHS ]1IO080a3IN n � . ®®
NHS Bit 11 50 01014 i
Saco= . $30.00MOOHSAW
PRRINCE AL13I31i.T13,00
Tho Winnipeg Agricultural and Iueestr'tal
Exllibitlo0 will bo bold from July 25th to
Beth inclusive, and ,July 111111 and 10111 bayo
been fixed upon for exoarelo" Lu enable pas-
sengo's to attend too Tlxbibi Won.
All Auotiou Salo of Canadian Patina Rail-
way Lands will be held at Edmonton on
July 5th. Passengers taking advantage of
the exlursiou of June 28th will roach I3d-
montoe in thno to attend the 8110.
Icor 100±051' par'ticular's ripply to any Ayoub
of the Company.
Agent, Brussels.
Ontario )Ritual Life,
tit EA at Qi If IPIC11, • W A'1•itit Le 41, ONT.
Anst ranco in force Jan ,y,'l12, 1411,084,807
New business written in 1801 2,04,050
Increase over 1800 810,800
Cash income for 1801......., 547,0.20
Ilare:me over 1800 57,020
liberal Conditions of Policies.
Clash and Paid-up Values gnarauteel1 on
oath h oleo .
n v
All icy holde belong to and nee pati only
to policy holders.
Prumin,ne payable 1110ing t110 month in
which they Tali doo.
.Policies aro incontestable two years front
date of issue,
No rostri,tlon on travel,- rM0100001 or 00.
Lapsed pennies nay be revived within six
months after laps.
Death Maims paid at oiler, on 0mnptetiou
of claim papers,
District Agent, Ethel,
H y f LLI
OK !,1101! LOD
J0 n3TRON�'.
S -s;
Having added new Scenery to his Gallery is 1101, in a position to
turn out work that is second to 110v0. A 1[.01t at his photos.
will canvinee you that they aro first-class. 'Irbil public
arc invited to call up and inspect work in antsy.
Pictures Copied and also J11'/,1ar r:(1, to city ' ixe
in. Crayon at you son lair.e Priem.
A Specialty made of Cut -door Views.
You cannot mistake the place, W. W. Burgess' old stand
over Standard hank,
t1(-. ST LEZ 0INT a.
g�,�,..,.,r;..F""`• D. L. CA.VEN.
•*'�"`""`�"• 1 'rorontn, Trnvrping rossnngrr Agent, 0 p R.
Nn•m Anrl•Dnunrnlfls nrurivctromnvnrnfDan.
nrUlr-lm nrllm, is runlesslane-is my awn case
y3lRtint0notl•mInit tstvmlsrouuagalady lambinoavnoda
i�4p1,1:'',1.11:1,l( -'T ;?uhrn00011001101,100 put, etnpped
it �t+r'rm39 i 4fulnokQn 'r151Wugrorytb. i
Restores Fading heir teats
original color.
Ssape felting of 1181r.
Reaps the Scalp clean,
Mates hole snit and Friable
Pronlolee Growth.
seem00,00 6000000M851 1m,20000,arascar.
..Jr -ay Quantity of
Wool wanted by the ura-
der'si rued, for whish 2 -
ain, pr'epar'ed to pr/ly the
Highest Market Price
in Cash.
R. L'illAHAM
Grain Defiler, Brussels.
■ ■ 1
This Twine being outside of the
Combination and equal to the
best of Canadian lkianafacture
w0 aro prepatod to soli it at it
figure below the price of the best
Canadian 'Twine on. the Market.
Fanners are respectfully so-
licited to call and examine it at
A. l[ & AY & Co's.