HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1892-7-15, Page 11 .6114,,,--r618str-enn61ytawr,-o8686..61...86.,..W.TatAkn..7.411.11151.0.1.¢11,10x.rumarum6 86666enonriasetip,a;.6.146......e.c.,86ol3.1.1.tueurn668666S86868 8686414.11.0,14*66..s.n.r.Axtuaxrion= Volume SO. BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, JULY 18, 1.892 Number 1, i,,,,,,,,,,gympostac*mlnalneaplia=0142*IV3983.10.74;V. .01,144.1.,....1=ri.arilsmapbt.rankr.r...eisnaxrdraatitroantaxwor.V.1-0.191avisnesernsa.....kmuult11.2441(nAltilim0.11......tariUMISsocaorayamayeg,,,,..1.1.4•Astuisraly tittUMBLEIPS CORNER. To the Editor of Tee nom Mit, B(491311,-1 am growing weary of issuing accounte paged by Township Councils in conneetion with gravelling contreets for datnage done to lane or field. I think it le it Newnee of fraud that should not be tolerated by any corporation. I him known men to &dm $1.00 datnages whem there WM not 250 worth of injury, Pay a Effie price for the gravel but HMO off the extras by all means, is my doctrine, Yours Truly, Morris, July 11. Roamer. Dem Me. almeon,—The streets of Brussels are usually wall watered but 1 find fault because in the early morning there is too much moisture and tho street orossings are made a mud puddle. Could not a little less water be used then and 0 little more in the afternoons and thereby balance the job. Nature has been very kind to Mr. Henderson thie season ia assisting him end I feel sure he will not object to oblige no in the way indicated. If so I will be, Yours Thankfully, July 7th, '92. Stroll PoLittil. RUB Sue—Did you over notioe the absurd way in which people often intro, deco stiangers ? If no I will give you an example :--"Mr. Smith allow mo to make you acquaititeti with my cousin from Oelifornia." Mr. Smith, bows and neenowledgets the oompliment but to Save his life he dont know by what name to address his new acquaintance or intro- duce her to others. He is tied up to this one fact theft she is a amain of Miss lilanles and haila from California. This blunder is often made by people who should know better teed I ask you to in- sert this brief note to oall their attention to this breach of etiquette and thereby relieve myself aud others of being placed in a mast uncomfortable situation., Respectfully Yours, •• Connot Senelt, EltrrOn or Tint Poor—Some level head. od ooreespondent has been calling atten. Won 10. 11)0 way in which statute labor is clone in Grey township. I think if the work was welled "tstupid labor" it would bo nearer the mark in many beats. Whales the sense' la hauling rooks out of te gravel pit and dumping thetn in the middle ot the road and ceiling that road- work? The bill goes to the Couneil for gravel and ie pulsed as Etch, Every pathmaster should have a stone hammer and have every large etone properly broken and the loads levelled, then there would be some show for an improvement in road making. I think the Council is altogether too lax in not looking tater this matter. The patlatnitsters take an obligation to attend to the work but in many oases 11 18 very imperfectly clone. Any man who neglects his duty should never be raappoiuted as hose but let some other mau have a trial. I will bo glad when statute labor becomes a thing of the past and the -motley paid instead of the labor. ()entrants (mulct bo let that would soon Burnam the botoh work of years gone by. If anybody thinks this is an overdrawn picture let them take stook of the roads or ask the people who travel them. Yours, dm., Gray, July 9th. Iliseeicx Serum PROltentritp. Prorogation took place at 3 o'clock on Saturday. Ilia Exoellenoyet speech front the throne said : In relieving you front attendance on Parliament 1 congratulate you on the useful legislation whith has regulted front your deliberatione during this long and arduous gession. The adoption of the °ode of Criminal Law will coerce n grata benefit on all classes who aro ocnicerned 20 the ad- ministration of that branch of hula. pruclunCe, and is an achievement which will reflect credit on the Parliatnent of Canada. The difficult task of re -adjusting the representation of the people in the House of Commove, in exam:dance with the census returns, has been accomplished with comparatively little disturbanoe to existing electoral divisions, and in a manner that I hope will prove to be sates • factory in its operation. The legislation relating to the North. wesb Torritoriee. Dominion lauds, rail- way patents, and the inspection oe pro- visions and the various other measures which have been completed, are oaloulat. ed to benefit the halt:Istria' and oora• moraine interests of the cautery and to promote its general welfare. You have been cloubtlese gretifloa by the announcement that tho Government of Newfoundland is likely to hold a friendly conference with my Government upon the eiffereuees whioh had arisen be- tween Canada and that oolouy, and that in the meantime all callers o/ further dig. pnto or irritation has been removed. A reptesentation has been made by the Administration of the United &Mee that the schedole of Mlle which had been in foroe upon the Canadien canals for scene years past operates to the die - advantage of the rimming and produnte of United States citizens on the greet lakes. This oompleint has been examin- ed and clizonssed with ihe ttuthoeities Of the United Stahel and to proposal has been submitted on behalf of my Gown, »sent that the United Staters will restore the oonoessions that woe° made On tho put of that coentry theTreetty of Washington as an equivalent for tonees• bions on the 11001 ot Canute as to the mettle but \Thiele Wets withdrawn by the 'United States without oatige, so far a,s Canada ie oonoesened. This proposel has not yet been replied to, but it 10 hoped that the fairnests of the position talton by my Government will beauty Appreciated by the Governneent of the United Stetes so that all further misunderstanding en title question may be avoided. I truet that the prOeirliOne ceilidh you have made foto the eoffilio soetioe will be fend ample for its domande. .1.1 the dose of tilig sossiou 13 take leave of yon with the hope tied, the ceterifittee whioh you heeet been exiled on to make by Ho protraoted an attendance may be rewarded by proof that your labors hreve been fruitful et benefits to the Dominion nnd that our people in every part of elan. ada may likowiee be blessed with prow. parity in tho harveet Setteon whieh ap• preaches. "NO SURRENDEI?." 1690, 189?, EINCSRDINE. The lffilt of July was celebrated in Kitt. cardine by a large representation of Orangemen and their friends from the western portion of the province. Four heavily laden trains Demo in before noon and thoueituds of people drove into town. The streets and perks 5Vere °receded and the hotels. reetatireetts and nubile build- ings were ailed to overflowing. The largest ou owd ever assembled in the county of Bruce WaS there as it in point of numbers went menu up into the many thousands. It was an orderly crowd ; respectable crowd ; a orowd bent on en• joyment and able to seoure it ; a crowd that appeared to have lots of money in pocket and anxious to leave a portion of the wealth among the business houses of town. The musio from several well.or- ganized brass bands wag good ; the filers were out In groat force and blew with might and main to drum n000mpaniment until tho atmosphere appeared to be sur- charged with beautiful aphats, bright and fair, all of the big dram persuasion, and quite able to hold their own with a firsteclass thunder storm. The Khmer. dine lodges welcomed the visiting breth. ern and escorted them to their hotel's. Tho lady True Blues represented five lodges —Bolgravo, Walton, Leadbury, Wieghatu aud Winthrop—and were gal- lantly assisted to carriages in waiting rend shown the many points of interest about the plotoresque town. Special mention should be made of the Goderich brass band, composed of boys none of them too old to wear knifficer. bookers, under the leadership of Charles Blaokstone. It is not a lodge band. The boys were a great feature in the parade. Their playing was muoh admired. Then beside% bands from Winghatn, Brussels, Dlyth, Luoknow and Bluevale, there was m a strone fife aid= band, made up of sixteenlifers and three drummers from Summerhill, Huron county, and connect- ed with No. 0211 0. Y. B. Jos. Rapson was the leader, aud John Killips the drum major. The procession formed after dinner, end paraded the prinoipal streets. It was about a mile in length. On arriving at Lakeside Park the lodges were judged by A.. T. Davidson, °aunty master, 13. C. Sperling, of Luoknow, John Mooney, of Brussels, and Warden Bradley, of Beryl°, who made the follow- ing awards :— Orange lodge having the largest mem, borship—Wingharn, 85 members, 1315. Lodge moat tutiformly dressed—Luck. now, e10. Belfast WU given honomble mention. Lodge wearing best regalia—litoKillop, $15. Largest II. B. Peroeytary—Binovale, 1315, Largest 0, Y. B. lodge—Bervie, 55 in procession. $10. Bands, $10 eaoh—Wingham, Brussels Blyth, Lucknow, Goderieh, Bluovale and Sutnmerhill. Finest lnumer—Walton, No. 259. Kincardine not competing. Lodge coming longest distanoe—God- erioh. A. special 02 135 for lady True Blues Was awarded. After the judging A.. le Davidson took the chair anti speaking followed. Col. boott read an address of welcome. Speeches were made by Rev. Dr. Hendee. eon'of Kinoardine, Rev. Dr. Gook, of Ripley, and Waecten Bradley. The mounted mareluds of the parade were—D. Walden, Harry Baird end Jos. Abel. The order of prooession was as follows :— LIMES TIME BIZ E. No. 1.6 Walton. 18 Belgrave. —19 Wingham. 91 Winthrop, Loaclbury. 0.Y. B. No. 8 Bervie. 289 Ethel, 243 873 Summerhill and Band. L. 0.13. No. 182 Gotierich. 170 Needham's, 498 Bervie. 252 Waloon. 760 Bluevale. 799 Ripley, 078 Oaken, 1044 Brom, 8713 Morrill, 1226 Bethel. 1828 Anthoeloy. 450 Sunshiee. 402 Bolgrave, 408 Hinton. 800 Lotecleshoro, 774 Brussels and bend. 704 Wingharn eed band, 963 Blyth abd band. 1122 Underwood, 808 Tiverton. 6111 Ethel, 1392 Eattneoliffe (Brum) 428 Imelcnotv and band, 928 Summerhill and bancl. 818 MaKillop. 499 Belfeat. 700 Kinoardino and band. 1100,01 SLAM intlanntSoltillS, Nee 815 Goderioh. 182 Kiecerdine, In the evening the oeowds loft by tilting and vehieles, and by Midnight the Mien was quiet. The Orangeman ere to be oongrakulated on their humane(' detnon- atration. HAvvien.D. The 12111 of July wag celebrated in Day field by the Senth Huron Orange- men. The weether vete warn), dry Mod dolightful. After dinner fifteen ledge's met in the Clan Gregor Semen with their &nine, flfue and colors anti Inevela. ed to the Mullen. of Jewel'e beautiful grove, 011 the lake !shore, the Seaforth braes band leading awl giving forth in. spiting strains. A tretnendone orowd assembled on the grounds. The chair- man, County Master of the Lodge, open ed the proceedings by a few tittering re. marks and then tolled upon the Rev. Mr. Oliphant, who spoke 02 1110 oxperionee cetnongst the Roman Catholics of the Ottawa Valley, statiug them was as math need of Orangemen as ever. Ile was followed by Rev. Mr. O'Conitel, cello believed in the influence of such an in- stitution, although he deplored its con. neetion on any side of politics, Ile was followed by Mr. Kerrin, lately from Eng- land, who,in a humorous a»d able sp000h, °entrusted the freedom in Ontario with the abjeot servitude of the priest•ridden Argentine Republic, The Rev. Mr. Ayers, who ie a warm Orangetnan and strong supporter of tho British Crown, in a very humorous Mclean thought that all who spoke in favor of Orangeism should be Orangemen. Ito then gave one of his most inspiring orations. The Rev. Mr. Newton next took the eilatfoem and gathering up some of the points, tinisbed O well ordered meeting which retained its enthusiasm during the whole time. sT. DAVY'S. The St. Mary's Orange district lodge celebrated the anniversary of the betttle of the Boyne at St. Mary's. There was a large turnout and everything passed off very sucCeesfully. The prooession form- ed at 1 o'clock and headed by the St. Mary's brass band marched to the Driv- ing Park. W. Bro. D. Brethour, of Woodham, °coupled the chair, and stir- ring addresses wore delivered by W. Bro. T. D. Stnnley and Rev. J. Scott, M. .13. A. resolution !sympathizing with the loyalists oE Ulster in thole present struggle against Home Rule was carried amidst great cheering. An excellent program of athletic gemes followed the speaking. The following is the resolution referred to above ; —Resolved that we, the members, friends and sympathizers of the Loyal Orange District of St. artery's here assenableci, believing that the measure of home rale for Ireland now being 0,gitatecl and sought for by the Home Rule party in Greet Brituin would result in disturbing the oivil and religi• ous liberties of the loyal Protestant sub- jects of Our Gracious Majesty the Queen in that realm, and would ultimately lead to 0 repetition of the war of 1600 ; we therefore extend to our brothern, the loyalists of Ulster, our heartfelt sympa, blues, and pray that God, the Great Grand Mester above, may help and sup- port them in their present struggle. msTOWDL. The GI orious Twelfth. Tho thriving town of Listowel put on holiday attire Tuesday to greet tho !aye! Orangeman, True Blues and Young Britons of North and South Perth and East Bruoe, and friends to the nember of from 7,000 to 8,000 who celebrated the 202nd anniversary of the beetle of the Boyne. From early morning the stirring strains of fife and drum heralded the approaoh of the rural lodges, and by 8 the orowd in town gave o fair indication of the enorrrious °rowel to come. By 11:45 to. m. all the outside lodgee had arrived, and it was found that there were 27 stands of colors. After him& the procession form- ed in the beautiful park m the centre of the town and penciled the principal streets, lecl by the fife and drum corps and True Blues end veterans oh Walker - ion, in the following order :— Marshall of the day, E. 141. Alexander. County Direeto el Ceremonies, sada. tants, W. Welsh and C. Anderson, Listowel 13rass &bed, Speakers in Carriages. East Bruce County Lodges, 0.13. 13. Band. Walkerton, No. 206. 0, Y. 13., Walkerton, No. 460. Vaterens in Cartilages. No. 460 L. 0, L., Walkerton. No. 860, L, 0. L., Cargill. Smith Forth County Lodges, Beaver Fife Band, Stratford, No, 759 L. 0. Le Stratfoecl. No. 768 L. 0. L., Stratford, No, 830 L. 0. L., Mitchell. No, 8271. 0. L, Hibbert. Notth Perth County Ledge, 1rOMAINCI008 D/STAIML No. 28 Te, 0. L., 'Wellesley. No, 4110 L. 0, Le Wellealey, No. 11101. 0. L., Morningdale, No. 751 la 0. L., Millbank. No.1038 le 0.1., Milvetion. WALLACE DISTIrtar, Palmerston Brass Band. Andrew Demnan, distant Marshall. No. 26 O. Y. B., PahnerstOn. No. 005 True Muss, Palmerston, No. 1347 L. 0. L., Wallace. No. 832 L. 0. 1,, Veallaws. No. 627 L. 0. Tee Walisoe. No. 650 L. 0. L., Wallace, No. 2701. 0. L. Wallaoe, No, 0701. 0. L. Clowanstotyn. The prooeesion wound up me the park, whore loyal and paeriotic spowhoe wore delivered by the mayor of Liebowel, Mr, Bruce, Charles Cogent!, Rev, Mr. Nugent, Rev, Mr. Livingetone, Rev. Mr. Owner - on, Thomas Magwood, 111. P. P., DV. Ellis, Goo. Hese rencl others, after whicth ghe orowd clispereed and songht the varione plates ancl forms of amusement to be found, Tho eveniug Maine earriod away onorinone (trowels, and the peoceed. Inge of the clay terminated with peered quiet and order, and to the great satire faation of the viaitors who some well pleased with the days oelebration. The hariectome and protein my in whieli the town was decorated drew loth the ad. miratioe of the tin:monde of visitore. eeThe ooreer Weise of the ereetsbyterlan °introit, Notth U0,0,13013(4 will bo laid on Thureday, 21st Mete at 2 p. 111., by Prin. oipal Canon, Torente. Morris Council Meeting. The Court of Revittion met at Get Town Hall on .111)11' 2711t, piermithiet to a,1. journ mon t. Members, all pre -Wile. OHO. Jackson was entere13 as owner ef fee lot 17, con, ; John MeArter, 50111)111 18,1)01)1 Na 12, con. 111 John Currie, entered ow oupant H. 27, con. 5. On motion of Messrs. Prootor and Kirkby the Court of Revision watt then closed and tho Aseese- meet Roll as now revi-ed was oetabliehod ea the Assessment Roll of thin township fur the current year. Council bueiness wan then taken np. Moved by C. A. Howe, seconded by Geo. Kiraby that O. Maguire's etatate Lebo bo eommated for the meant year in lieu of a job done by him oppoeito lobe 17 and 18, con. 1. Carried. Robert Hughes appeared in reference to a, proposed draM from Si 16, eau. 7, and stated that the parties having fueled to agree be required the engineer to be brought on under tho provisions of the Ditches tend Watereonrses Act. Moved by Jas. Prootor, seconded by S. Caldbick that the Clerk be instruoted to notify the engineer es soon its the mos- sary rognisition is filed. Carried. Moved by 0. .A.. Howe, seconded by S. Caldbick that Geo. Kirkby be instructed to expend $12.00 in gravelling on South Boundary. Carried. Moved by George Kirkby, seconded by 0. A. Howe that S. CaldbielL be instructed to expend $15.00 on sidewalk uear Bluevrele station. Car- ried. On motion of Messrs. Kirkby and Howe the following accounts were order- ed to be peid :—E. .Litilefair, cedar for culverts, e10.20 ; John Elston, building culvert, 13-1.00; MeLettn di Son, cedae for oulverts on west gravel road, $93.62 ; J. Golley, building oulvert on west gravel road, (16.00; Wm. Stretton, gravel, 130.00; S. Hoggard, damage drawing gravel, $1.- 00 ; le. Bosnian, gravel, $1.04 ; Mrs. Thyne, gravel, $4.05 ; D. Heerington, gravel, $1.85 ; Jas. Gray, gravel, $6.85 ; Robt. Souoh, gravel, $4.05 '• Jas. Proctor, gravel, (16.70; Geo. Clooclfellow, part payment on Belgrave ditch, $10.00 ; Sas. jaokson, building briclge and approaoh and repairing sideline between lots 5 aud 0, con. 9, $46.00 ; Peter Cantelun, gravel. ling at lot 14, con, 6, 1313200; Jas. Gibson, repairing culvert between lots 5 and 13, con. 0, 132.00; F. Wright, gravel, $8.75 ; Jae. Coulter, putting in dram et lot 13, eon. 10, 139.00; Wiugham Advance, pub. lishing Auditors' Abstraot two years, $10.00 ; W. II. Kerr, printing pamphlets, $18.10 ; C. A. Howe, pipe dram, 55.00 •, John Watson, equalizing union wheel seations, e0.40 ; John Oloakey, gravel, 45.85 ; Wm. McCall, building culvert and repainng road at lot 17, oon. 7, $10.- 00 ; Wm. Mwerter, repairing oulvert, 75 cents ; 11. Mooney, to pay for gravelling on East gravel road, e125.00 ; John Coultas, cedar and lumber for drains at Belgravo, $95.00 ; Misses Exford, charity, $11.00 ; Thos. Gosman. dhoti on Wesb gravel road, $8.85 ; Geo. Kirkby, grant in lien of statute labor to be 8130)11 00 71h con. line, $20.00. Oit motion of Messrs. Proctor and /Iowa the council thee ed• jemmied to meet again on the Lith Aug. next. W. Mena., Clerk. CS' tittdian News. Otto Klotz of Preston is dead. About 100 hands are now employed in the Belleville canning factory. Work on the Brantford eleotrio street railway commenced last weals. The Montreal ce Western Railroad was formally opened on Saturday. , The 13 -year-old eon of Philip Arnold, of Baden, was killed by a train. Rev. Thotnas Cosford, Methodist, died recently in London Ont. , aged 79 yee,re. Angus Meadow: ' 1cl, ofWolfe Island, °Might a sturgeon weighing 200 pounde. Arrangements for the Royal Templars' 000)13 111 Hamilton next month are well under way. All the men working for the nail tense flume in Moutreal are on titmice over a new settle of wages. Wm. Webb, of Loudon, in his 88th year, hits just been Jimmied to Mrs, Way, aged 46, of the same city. The four-year•old son of Charles Underhill, Ridgetown, was drowned in a cistern Saturday evening. The election protest against T. B. Flint, Liberal member for Yarmouth, N. 8,, was dismiesed on Saturday. Bessie, the 14.year•old daughter of R. Turner, Brantford, was drowned in the canal there ou Thureclay of last week. Alonzo Trettle, of Salford, bad his jaw broken on both sides teoently by being struck with a heavy piece of thribee while at a raising. Prayers are being offerecl at Quebea for sunshine, eo that the crops may grow and ripen ; while in the Itimoneki die. Wet players am being offered up for rain in order to save the crop. British worships are oloeing the lobster fisheries on the Newfoundland (toast. Tars from H. M. S, Buzzterd have die. mantled severel factories found to be working contrary to the modus vivendi. A num ottlling himself Rev. James Kelly, of Guelph, worked off a bops $40 cheque on the furniture firm of Lassaline ce Son et Windsor the other day. Ile baughb 4392 worth of goods ancl got the balemoo in change, The elootion protest against Sies. Featherston, Reform member. of Parlia. mant, came up for teial at Beampton last Saturcley before justieee Street and Italcoubridge. The petitioner etated he had no evidence to effete And would con- senb to a dismiesal of the petition, with costs against petitioner, The Case NVas therefor° dienuesed,lind the jittigca re- turned to Toronto, A peouller eceident happened in Weat Williams ono day last week, by whioh 13011 of John Barrett, 10eli eon, lost hie Numb. He was, with one of his broth- ers, leadmg e oow through a field, and molt of them held on to a, impe which Wits ettached to the horns of the animal. Tho brute gave goverel desperate jerks of the heed, and by one of these John's thtunb 01)05 08 oleenlyamputabect to if fo physioien had boon aronnd with his lonfe. In feat, be Was not aware of his lone fee a moment oe two, end walked back theetigh the field for the greeter portion of tho thumb, A lot of ',growl goodie' lettere have been reosived in Rupliernia of late. They perpert to come from 0. LeWill, 9,01 Third avenue, NeW York. The University of Toronto hits guff red a gerione Mee la the resignation of W. J. Ashley, profeeeor of political science, Mr, Ashley has accepted a !Anther po-i. lion at ilarvard. Max eloldberg, who (started a briokyard in Berlin, Ont., to year ago, after borrow - Mg all the money he could, shipped out, wag ettptured in London, and now reposes in Berlin Win. 11. Richards, of the Woodatook Seutinel-Roview, lute purehased the Times of Bothwell. A. J. Jeffery, the former owner of the Times, has aceepted a posi- tion as manager of the Dady Citizen, Ottawa, The Palmereton Telegraph says :—A novel race took place on the railway be. tween 110)0 01113 Clifford last week. James Niehollson saw a fox on the track, some distance ahead of the engine he was run- ning. Mr. Reynard made excellent time and just where a culvert crossed the line he disappeared for an instant, but directly afterwards he headed the engine again atid ran for about half a mile, when be got a lift front the cow.eatcher which ended his career. The Sir John A.. Macdonald Monument Committee, at Hamilton, have decided on a cleeign iu which Sir John is wearing a Thine.' Albert coat, and has his right hand extended. The statue will be bronze, seven feet high, and the order has been cabled to Geo. E. Wade, Lon- don, Eng, The order for a pedeetal of Canadian granite will be given to one of the local firms. Rev. G. W. Kerby, who WU appointed by the Niagara Methodist conference to raise the debt on the Dundee street Methodist chavolt, of Woodstook, by soliciting subsociptione, leas already raised nearly two thirde of the $6,000 required, the exaot sum of the subscrip- tions which he hes secured being $3,850. On Sunday, July Ord, he wile in Ingersoll and raised between four and five hundred dollars—and it was a rainy Sunday, too. The other day a, little 5-year•old son of J. T. Orme, Port Stanley, climbed the hill on the east side of the village and wandered over io the edge of the cliff overlooking the lake. His attention wee attracted to the swallows' nests in the faces of the °tiff and he started to clamber dowu to them. The cliff is Mutest a sheer preoipioe at this spot and of course the tittle fellow lost his footing and fell to the bottom, oonsiderably. over 100 feet. Strange to say he was not Injured. Some young fellows were shooting spar- rows in an orchard belonging to Andrew McWilliams, con. 14, London township near Bier, the other day, for the pnrpose of feeding them to a pet hawk. Througla carelessness or excitement one of the boys did not pay sufficient attention to the di• ruction in which he was shooting, and to portion of the °barge went through a win. dow in the bonse, striking a little girl by tbe name of Powell, a niece of lifeWilli. ants' on the side of the head, inflicting a painful, although Dot serious Wary. The ehild was taken to a doctor, who removed several grains of shot and dress. ed the wound. Dun, Wiman ter Co.'s list of failures in Canada and Newfoundland for tho fleet six tnonths of 1802 are :—Provinee of Ontario, 809 failures ; liabilities, §9,567,- 785. Province of Quebec, 275 failures ; $3,576,001. New Brunswick, 63 failures •, liabilities, $542,189 ; Nova Soothe 101 failures ; liabilities, 15708,770 ; P. E. Island, 0 Waves ; liabiltoiee $90,. 440. Britith Columbia, 48 failures ; lia- hilitieS, $350,196. Manitoba, 53 failures; liabitities, $304,244. Newfoundland, 4 failures ; liabilities, e21,047. Total fail- ures, 919 ;liabilibioe, $8,280,605. Mrs. Elizabeth Stt.herlancl, Woodstock, aged 73, grandmother of Jas. Sutherland, barber, met With a terrible death at her residence in Birboh.street on Jelly the Oth, through carelessness. The old lady was preparing to retire when she complained of it, pain in her stomaoh, ancl on ping to the pantry in the twilight took what she supposed Was a dose of Jarritlica ginger, but which turned ont to be carbolic mold. The mistake was disooveued when too late. ller husband came in the house a few minetes later and found her lying puostrate on the floor in greet agony. He at onee summoued medical aid but the poison had done its work. Mrs. Sutherland never regained consciousness after taking the dose. The Grand Lodge of True Blow, Belle. ville, lash Week sleeted the following officers ;—Grand Master, Bro. W. Fitz. gerald, eleoted by itoolamation ; Deputy Grancl Master, Bro. II. A. Thompson, 13olleville ; Grand Cheplain, Bro. James Worrell ; Grand Seoretary, Bro. N. In. gram, by acolainetion ; Grand Trettsnrer, Bro, R. Bunting ; Grand D. of 0., 0. L. Rosevear ; Grand Lecturers, Bros. R.11, Speneer ancl 0, K. Graluun ; Inside Tyler, Bro. Geo. MoKolvie 1 Outside Tyler, Bro. Bedlam ; Grand Organizer, Bro. R. Newman'1'. G. 111., by mole, mation nAssistat Deputy &and Mis• tress, Mo. ;John Farley ; iiesistant Grand ollaelain, Sister MoCortniok ; Aseistient Grand Seeretitry, Sister J. Latimer; Assistant Grand Treammer, Sister Mrs, Bence ; Assistant Grand Looturers, Sis- ters Mrs. Barlett and 111re. Bead ; As, sisiant a of 0., Mies T. Watson, The Distriot Deputy Grand Neatens are tee follows i—lenat York, j. Farley ; West York'George Worrell; Niegave, 1313. Wittslow 1 Middlesex, 4,16. Mustelle ; 1V. Poterboroe C4corge Sloan ; Id. Peteebothe Muleolvie ; Lennox tenet Addiagton, W. S. Plumley ; Heathers, J. Kerr 1 N. Erontetuto, S. Grier ; S. Frontonao, Joeoph Gowen ; Northutnbeeland, W. Long I least leathern, R. Andreete ; West Derhatn, J. 113. McGill ; Wino° Edward, George Thompeoe ; Leeds, NV. Galloway; Now Bennewick, liosebor- ongh ; North Viettoria, Tram ; South Victoria, Switzer; Noah Ontario, a. J. Slum ; Siemer) 4, W. Winters ; Wont - worth, lleinhoft ; 1.1%11041, Hall ; Brant, 4. litcKennie ; Wein, Finlay ; Perth, Sits. ter Stewart, ; 13. Huron, Beo, McGurn. mitts , 0. Meets, Ferguson ; 13. W. Touri. tory, W. 4, Keenaghen ; eViunipog, Oen- nolly ; N.vr Yerk, 111, Mueray, The Goderielt Signal Dann% July 21 tee the date of the eropoeed annexettionist meeting in Stratford. John McGregor has wed his fitrm of 92 acres near 1Cirkton to Robert Motel= for 51,850, Mrs. Wm. Melee", of Illarybr' tro 7e years of age, after having lost all her teeth for tt, number of years, is cutting another eet, a largo double one being ae- ready throngh. This is au occurrence very rarely heard of. The Leamington 13y -law [to rates $6,- 000 for tbo purpose of pitying off the deficit in the treasury and to erect storage tanks la wiener:Lion with the witeer.works Wag defeated Monday by 40 of a majority. Geo. Campbell, Roolcoby, sold a team of horsea for $450 the other clay, The team took first prize at the Western Fair last year and at all other heirs whore they were shown as an agricul. tural team. The purohaser intende show- ing there at the Columbian Exhibition next year. Harry Tolima, of Galt, rode front tint town to Stratford on Wednesday, in four and a half hours, on a, safety bicycle. The distance is 38 miles, and the 4i hours does not represent the actual running time, half an hour being taken up in stops. The will of the late Riohard 8. Box, of St. Marys, who died on June 25, has been entered for probate. He left prop- erty veined at $98,298.01/, of which $1.2,- 01,0 was real estate. The will provides that hie son Richard Box and his sister shall carry on the banking bestows un- der the old firm name of Richard Box ce Son. The Stratford Herald says :—.A.bont forty trains passe13 through over the Grand Trunk Beltway last Wednesday laden with deleguaes to the big Christian Endeavor convention in New York. Some of them were solid vestibule trains of ten coaohes each, and ahoy came from as far west as Dakota. The Chicago delegation alone occupied eighteen vesti- bule oars. Malty of the trains were gaily decorated with flags end mottoes, and at statiotts where they stopped the emote - petits burst out in melodious song. PERSONA r, PAR tee RA VHS. Jas. O'Leary is still on tlae sick list. Will. Roddiak Suudayed in Seaforth. Miss May Shaw is visiting at Sen - forth. S. W. Laird has removed. hie family to Gerrie. Miss Lillian Ainley is visiting in Wiugham. Miss Chapman, sI Winghtun, was in towu this week. George Cardiff reoovors slowly from his lung affeotion. T. G. McCracken, of Harriston, was in town this week, Wm. /tenthly has gone to Toronto to take a, position. Deputy Reeve Sperling, of Wingham, was in town on Monday. Miss Carrie Rankin, of Wingham, is visiting at Arthur McGuire's. Miss Sturdy, of Ifiteriston, Was in Brussels on Monday of this week. elre. ,)no. W. Fear and children, of Waterloo, are visiting in Brussels. Mies Gertie Russell, of Wingham, is visiting her cousin, Miss Therm Gerry. Mrs. Rev. W. T. Cluff and children made a holiday visit with relatives at Clinton. Miss Lottia Koenig returned home last week from a three months' vieit with relatives at Mitchell. Byron Patton, st nd en t, made a holiday vielt with his sister, Mrs. R. G. Wilson last week. Mrs. S. 13. Fraliok and children, of Wingluten, were visiting Mrs. S. Pearson during the pest week. Dirs. L. C. Holding, of Stratford, and Mrs. Jas. Goulding, of Paris, are visiting et A. Bawtinheimer's. Miss A. Dodds, of Tilbury Centre, is visiting her brother, Capt. Dodds, of the Salvation Army, Brussels, Miss Lily Vanstone has been quite ill at her bother's home in Southampton end is still on the sick list. Miss J. Buchanen, of Seaforth, 1000 ia town for to few days this week whcle on her way to visit at Harriston. Mrs. R. L. Taylor and family and Miss Smith are enjoying Lake Ileiron breezes at Godertoh and vioinity. ,e.dam Good may leave &easels as his engagement iu Geo. Good's store has ter. minated. Mrs. Tufts is now in eharge. J. Carter and wife lime gone toOwen Sound on e visit. Mr. Carter has the promise of work there at his trade, briek- laying. Mrs. T. MoClullough, of Detroit, who has been visitiug bee paeents in town has gene on a visit to Torouto, Ottawa and Merriekeville. Miss thud Teak, of Shelburne, ie renewing old friendshipe in linassele. She ie a daughter of R. 1V. Took, o for- meu well-known resident. We are sorry to beer thet Willie Wynn has been eonsiderably worse during the past week demanding the undivided at- tention of his parents at times. Miss Mary Olivet has gone to Toronto, Miss Luanda Oliver is horea from the Queen's city ou a visit. Ibis hinted Hutt the Olivet: family may romove to Toron- to next Fall. Misses Solieealeterth and Hunter, of Buffalo ; Miss Sophia Beager, of Mitch- ell ; Robb. Bagger, of St. Louis, Mioh. ; and A. Goebel, of Netv Hamburg, were viaiting et A.. Koenig's this week, Rev. T. C. Sandereon anti wife, of Stieton, wore visiting among their former parishioners in Brussels and locality title week. Mr. Souderton wag stationed here under the Methodist Episoopal regime, previous to the Milan. T. 5, Iltimphriee left this week for Oannington where ha has taken a Situa- tion as carriage meow no to o first - clam workmen. lete. Humphries will be greetly miseed in tho Methodist ointreh where he wits to faithful woelter. He S0013 tenor in the abate, taught a young ladies eines in tho Sunday gehool and was Vico President of the Sestet Helmet. matt in oonnettion with Mee Illetwortie Leegue- We wish him prometity in big now home.