HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1892-7-8, Page 5JULY 8, 1892 i ti t deb . E1CWP4�1, The Boo ie away from lois hive this week on a holiday. Elms District Orangemen will go to Listowel on the 120h. Pie•nlos have been relieving the monotony of life in this looality. Rev. a, S. Fisher preeehod hie intro. dilatory sermons onAtwood eirouit lost Sunday. Mrs, J, W, 1VloBain is enjoying a visit among friends in the vioinity of Port Hope. She will he away several weeks. C rttas Its t• oo lc. J. J. Mitchell, carriage builder, was at Guelph on a business trip one day last week. This plaoe was almost deserted on the lst, moat of the citizens being away at a pia-nic. Road work is finished. , The roads leading to and from here have been greatly improved. A number of Foresters of Court Wood• bine attended the demonstration at Wingham on the let. Conrad Engel, whose farm adjoins bhe village, has raieed his barn and is having shone stabling built underneath. John Oorteulity, East of this plass, had 0logging bee on Tuesday of last week and a sooial hop in the evening. There wet no more than the usual stir here on July 4th there nob being enough annexationiets around to raise the wind. Ours ie a loyal burgh, Adam Baker and Miss Maggie Golly, both of this place, eutered into a life partnership lust Wednesday. We wish the happy couple health and prosperity. Lip.towe1. 73 candidates wrote at the High School Entrance examination. A. dinner will bo provided at the Sal- vation Army barracks on the 12th of July. The Hurons of Seaforth, vs. Marlboros of Listowel, will play a game of foot -ball on the park onJuly 8th, at 3:30 p. m. A. B. Vantreee, formerly teacher in the Listowel High Sebool, who has been located at Kingston, Jamaica, for some time past, is revisiting the land of hie birth and spent a few days in town last week. Mr. Vanbrese has travelled ex- tensively over Central America and the West Indies. While A.. Gunther, clerk in Carson & MoHee'e store, was dressing one of the windows on Monday of laid week, the stepladder on which he was standing gave way and in jumping to the floor he strrslk against the large plate -glass win- dow, smashing it into many pieces. Two of his fingers were badly out by the fall- ing glass. The plate was valued at about 250. Police Magistrate Terhune has render. ed his denision in the dog ease, Watson vs. Poole, the latter being fined 05 and costs for shooting D. wateon's dog ; also to pay tVute.m $15 as a remuneration for the loss of his dog, whioh was a well bred cocker spaniel. The costa amount to $21.50, so that Poole has to pay $41.50 in all for shooting bis neighb.Ws dog — rather an expensive piece of business. rt 1 tots. Do ;ca•1 Ca npb ll 19 home from Snot. land. Mos. G. Mal'aggert and family leave this week to join husband and father in Dakota. Rev. Mr. Chaff will address (ho Orange- men -on Sabbath afternoon next in 51. Georgo's church. The L. 0. L. together with the True Blue lodge of this place will celebrate the 12th in Kincardine. Pnusox,v.s.—Mr. Sago has been vary ill during the last few weelre.—Miss A. Simpson, who has been attending the Normal School at Toronto, has been suc- cessful in her examination.—Mise Flora MoDonaid bus returned home after spending a term in the Art School at John McDonald is also me h Toronto.0 from Berlin College for vacation.—Rev. Mr. Forrest, pastor of the Presbyterian church, was unable to conduct services on Sabbabh last owing to a severe attack of eoiation, Mr. Dugan, student from the 11. P. ohuroh, kindly officiated in the rev. gentleman's pulpit on Sabbath evening. V t( n part held at the manse The garden party by the W. H. S. on Juno 23rd was quite a sucoese: Tea was served Nom 5 to 8 p. in. and amplejustice havengbeen done to ice-cream, lemonade, &o., all went to the ohuroh whore Mre.;Jumieson,of Formosa, delivered an excellent address. Mrs. Jamieson said it was not her intention to give a lecture bat had simply a story to toll. It was a story indeed whish surely could not fail to awaken sympathy for and aotiviby fu the Foreign Mission cause. After the address all joined in singing the farewell hymn, "God be with yon till we meet again," and returned home, feel- ing grateful to Mrs. Jamieson, and we "'think oould soarnely help being thankful that their lob is oast in a land where the Gospel is known. Grorrie. S. A. Seaman lies been appointed agent on the 0. P. 11. at Fordwich and com- menced his duties last week. Rev. Mr, Carter and family have re. moved to Qu'Appelle, N. W. T., where he enters the Methodist ministry. Before Rev. W. Torrance left for Godo- rioh he was presented with an easy ohair by the young men of Orange Hill ap- pointment, One hundred and four applications tvore taken by the Howlett Firelneuranoe Company during the month of June, covering property to the amount of $151,• 100. No policy will be expired in the Canyons, from June 1802 to April 1803 owing to the tern of insurance being re- duced, by the Ontario Government, from 5 to 3 yeare in 1887 and extended again to 4 yeare in 1880, • Mrs. Wraith Jamieson, who was eigh b years a missionary in Formosa, lectured on mission Work in that island in the Peeehyterian ohuroh here on Monday evening to a large audience. Slut gave a great amount of information and her labor will, we believe, not be in vain. Her wonderful earnestness was remarked by all. The feet that Mrs. Jamieson is oingaged all over the oountry in this work thengh in poor health, without remuner- ation, receiving only from the collections her travelling sxpensee, ehows that she has the work at heart. The oornnr.stone of the now lllebltodiet choral of Cheerio wag laid on Dominion Day under very p'oasing (Arcumstances. From 2 o'oloek to 4 the ceremony con- tinued. The Corrie brass baud was on the groonde and gave nom t excellent tousle, The first stone wee laid by Mrs. AT. O. Carson, of the village, In memory of her late husband ; the esoond by Mra, 13. S. Cools, of Fordwieh, in behalf of the Orange order ; the third by James Leuoh, of Gerrie, and the fourth by Daniel Nutri), of Orange Hill, About 1,000 people witnessed the ceremony. The beautiful weather drew immense orowde out, From 4 to 0 o'clock euppor was served, after which all adjourned to the town hall, and were entertained for a few Bourn by several good speakers and music by the Gorris choir, The receipts of the day were about $500. Peke sailor . Rev. Joseph Galloway, of Clinton, will be the Methodist minister here for this term. Our °Newt. club Danns out 21 runs ahead at the cricket match at Woodstook on Dominion Day. Fire broke out shortly after two o'aloolt Tuesday morning in Joshua Ward's harness shop, and before it could be got under subjection Ward's shop, together with Jones & McQuade's butcher shop, Stewart's restaurant and the office of Lawyer Best were badly gutted. The loos is unknown. This is the second fire that has broken out in this block of frame buildings, and incendiarism is suspeotod. These fires will open the way for a suitable site for the proposed Town Hall. 11�oIei3'woe tn. ' Miss Olive Smith, teacher in No 16, has gone home to spend the summer vacation. W. Murray, of 'Flowiok, is going to Tuckersmith to assist his father during hay -making. Many of the friends of George Robert- son had the pleasure of shaking hands with him at the pie.nic on Friday, Quite a number of the pupils from the public schools of the vicinity have been writing at the entrance examinations held in different town. John Armstrong has returned home from teaching. He intends spending his holidays on the form and develop the muscles so long inactive. Wm. Murray and wife have conn laded to remain with their friends in this vioinity during their term of vacation. They intended to visit Manitoba but owing to the late illness of Mrs. Murray oho was unable for such a long trip. On Saturday Miss Agnes Brown took her departure for Chicago where she will be wedded to her betrothed. She will be missed in this vicinity as she was a skillful musician and always rawly to assist in anything that required her services, A very pleasant afternoon was passed by a large number of people at the plc• nic on Friday. After a sumptuous repast was dispensed with 0. W. Watson was appointed chairman, and a very interes- ting program followed. Mesio was fur- nished by the Misses Ross, for which they deserve much credit; W. A Mines gave n recitation which was greatly ap• proeiaterl by all present ; other selections too numerous to mention were delivered, and the people returned to their rospeo tive plancea of abode well satisfied and wish le 0. McDonald a piettsaut time during his t. ria of holidays. Lilneva le. Some farmers have commenced haying. Strawberry pinking will soon be over but the raspherriee wilt take their place. The Methodist minister, Rev, Mr. Pring, is nicely settled now in the par - soilage. Next Tuesday the Orangemen from the lodges in this locality will go to Kin- cardine. The assignees of the Nixon estate have advertised a sole of his mill and other property in Blnsv,d0 on Wednesday, 20th inst. Nixon was in Winnipeg the other day with hie trotting ho. see. The Stratford Herald says :—Rev. I. B. Wttliwin B. A. the new 55tor of the 1 abed h. Methodist b W oo•s o arch, preached his first sermon last Sunday, and created a favorable impression. He speaks with fiuenoy, tact and ability and gives evi- dence of being a worthy successor to Rev. Mr. Hitless. The sermon last even- ing based on the 10th mid 17sh verses of h 1st ) e a 1 the ohm t r of Paul's s e istlo to the t P Romans, and dealt with the authenticity end power of Divine truth as reveal ri in the word of God. The rev. gentleman announced his intention to pceaoh a series of special sermons at tile evening service, the text for next Sunday night being "What is Truth ?"- Last Tuesday a pie nic teas held in J. D. Diament's grove for the benefit of the Presbyterian Sabbath sohonl seliolats.• The swinge were numerous, the fobtball bouncing and the boys and girls happy and contented. .1. Johnston had a tent up and sold ice cream, lemonade, &c., in abundance. A most excellent tea was sorted at 5 p. m, which would have surprised anybody who had nob tasted the goodies which Bluevale ladies make. In the evening a grand coucorb was he1.1 in the Foresters' Hall, under the auspices of the Sabbath school. G, Cline, of Hamilton, J, Olins, wife and family and Alessee. Sooth and Duffield, of Wingham, sang some exaelient songs. Mr. Logan, also of Wingh,un, gave some very line comic songs. Ott Wednesday the Methodist Sabbath school hada pio•nio in J. Robb's woods, The three Sabbath schools united, name. ly, Blneva!e, Ebenezer and Johnston's, Judging by the sound of their merry peals of laughter on the returning borne. they eland a chane.) of rivalling the Presbyterian Sabbath school. Naito,. Jiro. Barton jr. is learning the tailor• ing buoinese at 1'almeretoin. Reeve Milne and J. 0. Hefferean were away on a business trip to Muskoka. Five pupils of oar eslrool wrote at the Batt:awns sxaenlnutiou at Brussels last . week. Miss Meliedrt Milne, A. ()ober and 33, Davies will write at the Teachers' exam. ination next weak at Listowel. Dineiti.—A correspoad9ut from Chisel- horst writes the Expositor of last week as follows :—"We have tbie week to ahroniels the death of Mrs. George Dob• son, wile has heel: in delicate health for eotne Nine. Deceased was a sister of EI, Fisher, of Hallett, and of J. fisher, of Tcekeremlbh, She resided for a number of years on a farm on the Heron Road before she moved to Taakeremith with her husband and family. They rattled on the farm they otill Men quite a num THE BRUSSELS POST bet of years ago, and by patient and preserving labor have made it what it is. Sine° ooming bo `1'ucleers•mith she has made many Mende, and albholigh troub'. ed with asthma for se long tiwo wee nearly always able to attend bo her dation about home, and at the hall of the eiok and afflicted was always ready to relieve and comfort as far as lay in her power. Last fall she and her husband went to vieib three sons in the Prairie Province. They returned about theist of November, appareubiy the better for the trip. Ilow- ever, in the spring, a complication of troubles set in, which finally resulted in death on Thursday afternoon. Although but little past the prime of life, being 55 yeare and 7 months old, she had her trials of sickness and pain, which were all borne with the spirit of a true Chris. tion. Her son Thomas, who has been in Manitoba for some time, reaobed home the night before she died. A family of six boys and two girls are left to mourn the lose of a loving mother. Three boys, Isaac, Charles and Thomas are in Mani• baba, and one daughter, Mrs. Wm. Bull, in Dakota, The funeral, which took place on Saturday, was largely attended by friends and neighbors, showing the esteem in which the de ou a was bol a saa." The Clinton New Era says :—"After a lingering yet painless illness, Mrs. Geo. Dobson passed away at 5 p. m., on Thursday June 28rd, at the ago of 55 years. The body of the deosaeed wen laid in Maitland Bank cemetery on Saturday afternoon. Mfrs. Dobson was one of the most highly respected women in our neighborhood, and many were deep in their sorrow at the lose we have sustained. She leaves a husband and eight children to mourn the loss of a lov• ing wife and mother ; they have the sympathy of a large circle of friends in their sorrow. The funeral sermon was preached= the lawn at Mr, Dobson's resideune,on Saturday, by Rev. H. Ir. vin, from the words, "I bowed down heavily, as one that monrneth for his mother." Psalm 85, 14." The above mentioned lady was a sister•in-law to Lawrence Dobson, of Ethel, and she was a resident of the same locality at one time. Mr. Dobson attended the funeral. The new Government eruiser Curlew made a satisfactory trial Drip to Owen Sound on Tuesday. Arthur Webster, the 8.year•old grand- son of Joseph McDonald, of Paisley, Ont., was drowned in willow creek on Monday. It is supposed he fell off the bridge. Fred Clements, ian Englishman, aged 27, was drowned while fishing in Sarnia bay on Monday evening. He fell out when attempting to change seats with his companion named Jones. NERVE BEANS NERVE REANS are a new discovery that pure the worst cases of Nor Vons De- Uility,Ilosb Vigor and Fail- ing Manhood ; restores the weakness or body or mind or the 510005 of excesses of youth. This Bonlirty absolutely cures the m 1191 obstinate e1180s oellall 1111 other TanAT- M»NTs have failed oven to relieve. sold by druggists at 01 per package, or six for 55, or sent by mail on receipt or price by address- ing Tun J.lMes Minnows 0o„ Toronto, Ont. Write for pamphlet. Sold in Ilrussels by G. A, DIOAD11IAN. Why Not Do You Own Milking? Bnusanns, November 8th,1880, J, M. Lfotnou, Godsrich, Dwdu Srn.—I Shahid have written before now to lob you know bow I aro getting along. I nm a lot better than I was; gaining strength every day. I have a good appetite and sleep well, I can tante the 'full quantity of the System Renovator and it biose nob Woken me. My limbs are all right now ; quite emart in that way; swellaugi, all gone. The grout thirst is gone; I dank no water at night, but 1 tanto it little bnttoi•u:illr. I am bottlte e of your Sysht tem Renovator.Sena o another Y0005,00.. Jeri. D'n SAN, 0'0n1T1EN 01000515 0A01111. Bnusstmts, February 7013, 1801, J ilI. MoLa0n Goderieh, 0)501 Slim.—Fifteen years ago lost Noven- bee I started to doctor first; I was treated for dyspepsia, but they never helped me any. At times I suffered greatly from my etonlaolb ; I continued, but 1 grow worse. I turned dropsical ; limbs and body swelled badly. You know the state I was in when I wont to Gnderieh--a more wreck, scold from Bright's dis- ease. hardly walk—suffering Y fill' I be'nu 9 nae. Renovator Dor year ago last 6 6 vont mend 1n nfe aca s; onnifie Onre. I began for to mead n tow clays ; tbonogli I baso old three mouths b155 cured Although I was told I could not he eared, if you saw me now, well eta hearty ; eat everything that comes in the way. I owe you sho praise of saving my life. I was in a hopeless condition when I went to you, in fact no one thought -I would gat better. I cannot anorak too highly of you and of your mediites, for it was them that cured me. Words cannot express my thanks to you. Freely puss my mama to 5.1110105. Yours, JAMBS DUNCAN, SOLD BY J. T. PEPPER, Bnossnns. ick headache IS a complaint from which many suffer and few are entirely free. Its cause is indigestion and a sluggish liver, the cure for which is readily found in the use of Ayer's Pills. "I have found that for sick headache, caused by a disordered condition of the stomach, Ayer's Pills are the most re- liable remedy."—Samuel 0. Bradburn, Worthington, Mass. "After the use of Ayer's Pills for many I am justified in Baying that and y Seo excellent catbaa't ° and liver medicine-,• sustaining all the claims made for them." —W.A. Westfall, M, D., V. P. Austin & N. W. Railway Co„ Burnet, Tows. "Ayer's Pills ate the best medicine known to me for regulating the bowels, and for all diseases caused by a.dis- ordered stomach and liver. I suffered for over three years from headache in- digestion, and constipation. I bad no appetite and was weak and nervous most of the time. By using three boxes of Ayer's Pills and at the same time dieting myself, I was completely cured." —Philip Lockwood, Topeka, Kansas. "I was troubled for years with India ggestion, constipation, and headache. A few boxes of Ayer's Pills, used in small daily doses, restored mo to health. Tltey are prompt and effective."—W. H. Strout, Meadville, Pa. Ayer's Fids, Mined= BY Dr. J. 0, Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. sold by ell Druggists end IDeniora to Medicine. MONEY TO LOAN. Any Amount of Money to Loan on Farm or Village Pl:o- psrty at 6 (Fr 6A Per Cent., Yearly. Straight Loans with privilege of repaying when required. Apply to A. Hunter, Division Court Cleric, B11488018, "THE OLD FLAG." ENGLISH B!ller Tille This Twine being Combination and outside of the e,ival to the host of Canadian Manufacture we are prepaxed to sell it at a figure below the price of the best Canadian Twine on the Market. Farriers are respectfully so- licited to call and examine it at A. ] , NIcKAY & Cois. To take the place of the old-fashioned corded corset, try the B. & C. corset. This is just what you can do. You can try it, and even wear it for two or three weeks, if you wish. Then, if you're not satisfied, you can return it, and get your money. FOR SALE BY A. STRACHAN. FRITH ARRIVALS —AI THE— STT ll28f8�T�Vl xs wE ex. STRAWBERRIES, CUCUIIIi3ERS, T01IATOE S, CABBAGE, NEW POTATOES, WATERMELONS, BANANAS, PINE APPLES, ORANGES, LEMONS. PHOTOS! NOT Y O. E. PERRY, PHOTOGRAPHER, NEXT - AMERICAN - HOTEL We make all of the following size photos:— Sunbeams, Mikado Panel very nice, Carte do vide, 5x8 for views, Cabinet the old reliable, Paris Panel the newest, $x10 for groups or single figure, 11x19: grand for family groups, 19x17 makes a fine head and shoulder portrait or group. Crayon; any Size or any other Style of Portrait. DOL A:TE (0) 0 11. Listowel Woolen Fac borer. o) Highest Prices Paid, Cash or Trade, (0) Largest Wool Market in Ont -arid. Everybody come and see our tremendous big stock in all kinds of woollen goods which we offer at bottom prices for cash or exchange for wool. NEW AI\ D FRESH STOCK. We have never been so well fitted and equipped for a wool sea- son's business as at the present one, and have never felt so com- pletely confident of our ability to servo you with the beat of goods at bottom prices. A specially attractive feature of our new lines of fine Flannels, strictly NEN STYLES, far surpasses any wool season yet. FINE WOOL SCOTCH SKIRTINGS. (Something New offered to the trade.) We are the only Woollen Factory in Canada that make this line of goods and offer then for one-half the price you pay in the city of Glasgow. STOCK IN TRADE. English Worsteds, Fancy Tweeds, Scotch Tweeds, Melton and Cloakings, Fine and Coarse Flannels in Dress Goods and Shirtings, Bed Blankets, Horse Blankets, Woollen and Cotton 'Underwear, Fingering and Stocking Yarns, Cottonades, Cotton Shirtings, Win- ceys, Duck and Gray Cottons. Also a good supply of Stockings, Socks and Knitted Goods. VT A R IST 1DT G. We wish to warn the farmers not to be deceived by Shoddy Ped- dlers going through the country selling dishonest goods. We have no peddlers handling our. goods and they can only be bought by dealing (Erect at the factory. Boal Carding, Spin72,z726 and Manufacturing, Tweeds, Flannels, Blcrrzkets, c e. �y Thanking our numerous customers for their past favors, would beg to say corns and bring your neighbor to see our stock, as you will be highly pleased to see goods so low in price. You will find us ready to give the most prompt and careful attention to all. Se ' SPOOK & SON. ITO_ T�-�- noels ode Mill 50900 in .. WANTS TO GET PSI NOS OF OK xchange for Good-,, The Highest .[Iariket Price will to Allowed, We have a Pii.e , rssortnon,t of Tweeds, Cottons, Flannel3, Prints, Cashmeres,'Blankets, Sheet- ing, Knitted Goods, Yarns, &o. All Wool left With us for livi,nufactllring, whether rolls or otherwise, will have our proiilpt attention. Satisfaction - Guaranteed, r� HO BRUSSELS.