HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1892-7-8, Page 4New Advertisements, Local—H. J. Strong. Local—Mrs, D. MaNaughton. Locale—Ferguson ft Halliday, • Paris Green—G, A, Deadman. Ditch Contractors—Win, Milne, Special Sale—Ferguson & I3alliday. Binder Twine A, M. McKay R Co. )1°1TSStiL t, FRIDAY, JULY 8, 1892. Tan elootion in South Longford, Ire- land, -where Hon. Edward Blake is run- ning will take place next Wednesday, 18th inst. The Continental Union question has been, and* occupying the attention of a good many people although in numer- ous instances publio expression may not have been given and whether the Canadi- an oitizen agrees with the theories ad. vanoad or not the prime movers in the controversy are shaping things for a vigorous campaign. T. M. white, late editor of the Windsor Review, has been appointed permanent secretary by the provisional committee of the Political 'Unionists' Association of Ontario, and will remove at once to Toronto to open up a headquarters for the proseoution of the work. The movement is non•politi. cal as yet but wo wont be surprised to see one of the present parties assume the paternal guardianship as the time draws near for a general election. Www the beginning of the present month the Insurance Aot passed by the Ontario Legislature at its last session came into effect. The main features are that every stook and mutual company, as well as the benevolent societies doing business in the Provinoe, whether foreign or local in charaater, requires to be regia• tered at the Ontario Insurance Depart- ment. Life Insurance agents are also required to register their names and take out licenses, which are liable to be cancel- led at any time ou conviction of mis• representation or fraud, for which the holders are also subject to other penal. ties. The effect of the new law will be to place the insurance business under the control of the department in such a way as to give legitimate organizations pro- tection against swindling schemers, who have tended to some extent to demoralise the business in the past, and at the same time to give the public a certain guaran- tee against fraud and deception. Al- though at first considerable opposition was raised against the act in some quar- ters this feeling has passed away in the light of fuller investigation, and there has been a real, and general oomplianoe with the new provisions, both on the part of the regular insurance companies and the legitimate benevolent societies in the matter of making application for registry. Taunts is bloodr°T.-TICS—face of the moon in the Emerald isle and occasion- ally considerably nearer terra firma than this luminary. A. new feature in Irish politics this year has been the appear - mos of the wives of some of the mai- dates on the platform championing the cause of their husbands. This role has not met with much success, however, and Mrs. H. U. Stanley and Mrs. West had an experience they never will forget. One report says :—Col. Cornwallis West, Unionist candidate in Denbighshire, Wales, is being assisted in his canvass by his wife, the noted beauty. Mrs. West attempted Tuesday to address a meeting which had howled her husband down. Por a moment there were cries of "Let her speak," but the silence which ensued was brief. The disorder being renewed, Mrs. West lost her temper and declared that in her native oouutry, Ire• land, the men were too manly to prevent a woman from championing a pubic cause, The hubbub inoreased, but Mrs. West, nothing daunted, made her way to a platform where a rival orator w,ts ad. dressing a crowd, and began an argu meat with him. 138 was impolite enough to shake his fist in her face and the crowd was so threatening that Mrs. West finally retired to a platform provided for the orators of her husband's party. • Perth County. The wife of Hon. Senator Merner, of Now Hamburg, died ou Dominion Day, Deceased was mother of Mrs. W. I. Becker, of Stratford, A meeting of the oongregatiun of 81. James' ohuroh, Stratford, is to be held ou the 131b inst., to make a selection from the clergymen submitted to the Bishop of Huron, and he will appoint their choice if be is willing to aooept. A very gad accident occurred at a barn raising on the farm of Robt. Nink- lin, lot 14, con, 8, Mornington, last week. A number of men were at work on the building and had raised two haute into position. In some way not explained the third bent, when partially up wet allow• ed to fall. A young man named W, Glenn, son of Edward' Glenn, lot 14, eon. 9, in endeavoring to get out of danger's way tripped over a timber and felt. The bent came down inion him and almost crushed the entire life out of him. Two doe -Writ were called but nothing could be done to save the man's life, and he died in about an hour and a half after the 00. oidenb. .Deceased was a member of the U. 0. F. and resided about three miles from the scene of the accident, Another young man named Wm. Reid, eon of Peer Reid, was also badly injured by the aocideut, bat not fatally. Thomas Green, of Logan, was leading a bull into Mitchell the other day, aided by another man, and oath bolding a rope Attached to a ring in the animal's nose. The noise made by some children fright- enetl the ball, and being bliud•folded, it charged madly into a tree, removing the bandage from its eyes. Ib then made a rash for Mr, Green and throw biro into the road some sixteen feet. Making an. other charge on the proetrate man, the bull inisaed hint and fell Into a ditch where iia leg was broken, an accident that probably saved Mr. Green's life, He was net severely burn. The Mitchell Recorder says t—The High school teacher, Mr, Smith took his departure somewhat abruptly after dinner on Wednesday, There were several ;in- terested friends looking after him, and more orders already given on the balance of his salary than the latter would satis- fy. He did not quail under such trifling circumstances as these, however, and after taking a hasty dinner he borrowed the sum of $15 from Jas. Dougherty on the strength of his balance of salary to be paid in full that night, and in less than half an hoar after he had hitched his horse and phmton and was on the high road via Stratford to Ingersoll. An old resident of St. Mary's, in the person of Richard Box, died at his resi• denos these on Friday morning. He was one of the best known citizens, having been a resident there for over 37 years. Hs was born near Plymouth, Devonshire, Englaud, in 1823, and emigrated to Cleveland, Ohio, early in life. He after. wards lived in Cobourg and London township, where he married Mies Sarah Sanborne. After farming some time in London township he moved to St. Marys and engaged in the purchase of grain and produce wbiob be teamed to London. As the country became more settled and his business increased, be entered into pert. nersbip with E. Long and bought and shipped grain for a number of years. He prospered in this enterprise, until, in partnership with W. Somerville, he pur- chased the St. Marys flouring mill in 1879. Prosperity followed him in this enterprise and he was able to retire in four or five yearn from active labors, and established a private bankiag business, which he has carried on ever since. One of the grandest celebrations that ever took plane in Kirkton district was celebrated on Dominion Day. Folly 1,000 people assembled to witness the athletic games, the morning being fine. At 8:30 a. m. the people of the surround• ing country commenced to pour into the village, and ab 0:30 a. in. the Crediton brass band arrived, when a grand pro• oession was formed on the square, under the bleadsrship of Oapt. Paisley, and msrohed to the Athletic Grounds, where a base hall matoh was played between Cromarty and Kirkton. The score at the close of the game stood 8 to 5 in favor of Kirkton. At 12 o'clock the Methodist S. S. held a picnic in A. Kirk's grove, the proceeds of the day amounting to 0185, the most suooe'aful pis nits the S. S. has ever held. In the afternoon a splendid program of athletic gam,:s took plane, and were keenly contested through- out. The following were the prize winners :-Farmers' race, 100 yards, (6 entries) 1st, J. Hawkins, St. Marys ; Ind, J. S,ephous, Anderson ; running hop -step -and -jump, (5 entries) lab, R, Bryane, Kititton, 40 ft. 1 in, ; 2nd, L. Cameron, Anderson, 38 ft. 2 in. ; putting stone 14 lbs., (3 entries) 1st, J. Hawkins 30 11. 4 in. ; 2nci, M, Hawkins, 38 ft. 8 in.; hurdle race, (4 entries) lst, it. Bryane; 2nd, J. Beatty, Kirkton ; vaulting with pole, (5 entries) N. Doupe and R. Bryans Meat8 it. 6 in. ; running high jump (4 entries) 1st, B. ttryane, 5 ft. ; 2nd, J Beatty ; 150 yards open, (4 entries) lab B. Buena ; 2nd, 3. Spears, Oromarty • 3rd, E. 0orbert, St. Mary's. The tight rope walking by H. Cook, Granton, was well performed, and received much sip plause. The Committee of Celebration were Wm. Moore, Jos. Kirk, W. B. Carr V. S., Amos Doupe. They deserve much oredit for getting up the celebration and the manner the games were carried out Private Funds to Loan. 20,000 Have been placed in my )lands for Investment on real estate. LOWEST RATE OF INTEREST No Commission. Borrowers can have loans com- pleted in Three Days if title satisfactory. W. M. SINCLAIB, Solicitor, Brussels. Rheumatism, BTING due to the presence of trio acid in the blood, is most effectually cured by the use of Ayer's Sarsapa- rilla. Be sure you got Ayer's and no other, and take it till the poisonous acid is thoroughly expelled from the system. We challenge attention to this testimony t — "About two years ago, after suffering for nearly two years from rheumatic gout, being able to walk only with great discomfort, and having tried various remedies, including mineral waters, without relief, I saw by an advertise- ment in a Chicago paper that a man bad been relieved of this distressing com- plaint, after long suffering, by taking Ayer's Sarsaparilla, I then decided to make a trial of this medicine, and took it regularly for eight months, and am pleased to state that it has effected a complete mire. I have since had no re- turn of the disease,"—Mrs. R. Irving Dodge,110 West 1251,h st, New York. "One year ago I was taken ill with inflammatory rheumatism, being con- fined to my house six months. I came out of the sickness very much debili- tated, with no appetite, and my system disordered in every way. I commended using Ayer's Sarsaparilla and began to improve at once, gaining in strength and soon recovering my usual health. I cannot say too much in praise of this well-known medioine."—Mrs, L. A. Stark, Nashua, N, H. Ayer'sga arse ri S lla Cr,remiss= er J, C. Ayer & Co„ LoWeil, Maes;'. Prise $1; lex bottles, $5. Worth $6 a bottle. T11B BRUSSELS POST The F.T.CORSFT COMPANY 61 t Egg 1 Special Sale iv EiC11 DOIMM011i. DONT MISS THEM ! JULY 8, 1892 MANUFAOTUREO RY THE E. T. CORSET COMPANY SHERBROOKE, QUE, PARASOLS. 'Special Value in aril Lines at 45c., 55e., 15e , $1,00 $2.25, $1.50, $1.7 B' and $2.00, worth 65c , 75c., $ L 00, $1.40. $1,75, $2 25, $2.50 and $3,00. TL ES. 15 Dozen Four in Hand Ties at. 25c. each, regular price 50c. All new goods just passed into stock this week. SHIRTINGS. In these lines our prices are always the lowest. We are selling the best 30 in. Skirtings at 11c. while other merchants are advertising the best goods at 12ie. DRESS GOODS. Great ,Bargains in all lines. See our Black Henriettas at 42c, 68c. and 55c,, regular price 60o., 85c. and $1.00, and the largest assortment in' town to choose from. PRINTS. 50 pieces Cashmere Prints warranted fast colors at 10c., regular price 12ic. 100 pieces best quality, 83 in. Prints, free from starch at 118. worth 18c. Lathes' German Made Mantles. In order to clear out the balance of our Summer Coats we will sell thein at exactly half price, all new garments. HOSIERY. See our 18c. Fast Black Hose or 3 pairs for 40c. 3 pairs of our best 50c. Cashmere Stock- ings in sizes 8i, 9, 9i for 12-'ic. TWEEDS. 15 ends Black Worsted Pantings at $1.10, regular price price $1.50. 10 ends at $1.25, regular price $1.75. Black Worsted Coat- ings at $1.85, $2.50, $2.85 and ,$8.25 worth $2.25, $2.90, $3.25 and $8.75. COTTONADES. In this department you will always find our stock very complete. We call special attention to our lines at 16c., 19o., 28c. and 25c. tf1 call solicited when we will be pleased to show you our' Goods and Prices ancZ convince you where to buy Cheap Dry Goods. FER 'Highest Price paid for Good Butter. Mamma.. arm ne fc COTS COTTON ROOT COMPOUND. A recent discovery by an old pbysloiau. Successful- ly used monthly by thous- ands of L,1Ttt0s, Is the only perfectly safe and reliable medicine disoov- elod, Beware of unprincipled druggists who offer inferior medicines in place of this. Ask for Coos's 000T081toro OooiPa0ND, take no substitute; or inclose 31 and d. three-oeub °,,nadalt>ostage stamps in letter, and we iwill sond sealed, by return mail. Pall ser - ed pllrtieolal•s ill plain envelope, to ]adios only, 2 staulpa, Address lend Lily ('oat- p:uly, No. 8''labor Block, 131 Woodward Detroit, 1.1'tob• t;x-e01d in}Unsealsby 3, T, PEPPER, G. A. DEA011AN and all responsible druggists everywhere. 1 rfl ny Quantity of Wool wanted by the un- dersigned, n-der'signeed, for which I x772 prepared to hay the Highest Dirket Price in Gash. RHAHA Grain Dealer, Brussels. 3 HAVE YOU 6 Money to Loan, Money to Loan on Farm Pro- perty at LOWEST R.!LTES. Private and Company Funds. DICKSON & HAYS, Solicitors, c@c., ' . BRUSSELS, ONT. F R o M All Stations in Ontario °u be Io'l'ea of.htb Tioliol11 will by sand for Esc,, rain n leaving T01100 TO hip. 10 on '1bO to ,&d 111'. Good to Upturn until AUGUST 08111. 1'a on; points ai Fal PR ultnu•lt: NESBITT dif1080111IN DBIioltAlNlc OXBOW e 131N50ARTH A '28.•00 R77G21,TA OOs30.00 "Zf7SAw POR.. 'TON 1,, PRICALLGA9RYERT 3 (l � , I I 0 Edmonton $40.00 The Winnipeg Agricultural and Industrial Exhibition will bo held from Slily 25th to 30th inclusive, and July 18th and lath have been fixed upon for exemston to ouable pas- sengers to attend the ]exhibition. Au Auction Sale of Canadian Prattle Rail- way Lands will be held at Edmonton ou July 6th. Passengers baiting advantage of the excursion of June 28th will reach Ed. mouton iu Nine to attend the Sale. For 111,tb or pariioulars apply to any Arent of tbo Company, J. T. PEPPER, Agent, Brussels. "Backache the scavengers means the kid- of the system. neys are in "Delay is trouble Dodd's dangerous. Neg- Kidney Pills giue lected kidney prompt relief." troubles result "76 per cent. in Bad Blood, o disease is Dyspepsia, ,Liner st caused by Complaint, and disordered kid• the most dan- gerous of all, Might as well Brights Disease, try to have a Diabetes and healthy city Dropsy," without sewer- "T he above age, as good diseases cannot health when the exist 'wher'e kidneys are Dodd's Kidney clogged, they are Pills are used.' Sold by nil deniers or sontliymali on receipt of price so cents. pts box or sbc for Use. Dr. L. A. Smith & Co. Toronto. Write for boots called Kidney Talk. Jdu4ao B.lflfTx.-.6ellt�°!5 Mannfaotorer of— iitiggies, Carriages, &c. OPPOSITE TOWN HALL, BRUSSELS, Our 'Work will satisfy you and our Prides will please. Call and See; us as We are Hero to Hustle Business, LOOK ! LE! LOOK! HAF1VE J._STROMP - � e � 6 HO it GRA HE , J Having ridded new Scenery to his Gallery is now in a position to turn out work that is second to none. .A look at his photos, will convince you that they are first-class. The pnblic are invited to call up and inspect work in g;allt'ry. Piet7ar'es Copied and also Enlarged to c.;1c71 size in Crayon at reasonable Prices. A Specialty made of Cut -door Views. You cannot mistake the place, W. W. Burgess' old stand over Standard Bank. H. 5. lsr.111:2O j 0- SIIIzi®IZ's COITSUM P TION CURE. This GREAT COUGH CURE, this suocessful CONSUMPTION CUBE, ie without a parallel its the history of medi- cine. All druggists are authorized to sell it on a positive guarantee, 11 test that no other ours can successfully stand. If you have a Cough, Sore Throat orBronohllis, use it, for it will cure you. If your child has the Croup, or Whooping Cough, use it promptly, and relief is sure. If you dread that insidious disease OONSUMP• TION, DON'T FAIL to use it, it will cure you or cost nothing. Ask your Druggist for SHILOH'S CURE, Price 10o., 60o. and 81.00 If your lungs are sore or back lsme,use Shiloh's Porous Plaster. 25c, Ontario IVIutual Life. 118,1ID 0881('10, . IYAT':ltl.00; OWE. Assoranoe in force Jan'y,'92..$14,084,807 New business written in 1801 2,604,950 Inmates over 1890 848,800 Opals income for 1891 547,620 Inovenae over 1800 57,820 Liberal Conditions of Policies. Cash and Paid -rap values gitat'anteed on often poliev. Alt dividends belong to and mo paid only to policy holders, Prcmiume payable during the mouth in *Mob they fall duo. Policies are ioeontestable two years from (late of ieeee. No reetrietion on travel, madame or ba imitation. Lapsed pollaios may be revived within six months atter lapse, Death elanns paid at mum on completion of Malin 17apore, J. A. YOUNG, Distriob Agent, Ethel, THE COOK'S HEST FRIEND LARGEST SALE IN CANADA. TgCSI FLITCH}B1, Practical W'ateh772akrer and Jeweler. Thanking the public for past favors and support and wishing still to secure your patronage, we are opening out :Gull Lines in COLO AND SILVER WATCHES. Silver Plated Ware from Established and Reliable Makers fully warranted by us. Clock's of the Latest Designs JEWELRY'! WEDDING RCNea, LADIES GEM RINoo, Bite0011EG, EAnnfuce dme. r Also a Pull Lino of VloauNs and Violin Strings, slur.., in stook. N. tt,•-*surer of Marriage Lfeeuecs. T. Fletcher, 0 Brussels.