HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1892-7-1, Page 8Tito 1.'01:1)tei 111llgs Vi'1111 onr
T." p
PIT Itii
KEEP C)00111
tiehig ono of clue taus Witiel
We 11 111 Diceri 1 1111 q1, (0: 1 f )ot
1-11T idetel. Una thirsts tee' L3,elilse
• ofouethalimg Lil rart•eliltig
I More :10 people front thia locality
0 tieleh hoot Rowley teed 010111 the
le end -
i !emit Devoe niel D. C. Rees have
)1fl. to woodstook to Iteetct Seeforth ijt
playing e cricket match w.th Woodstock
on 1)anni116.0 Dey.
1 411TIS BI 061101 fell MI a boerd itt the
leen ono 11oy last week awl after en In
ft expeeted bath Aenod iron
dangeroue ['tendon by :lire. Wetter St
• Met.vo eittneh 14 til raboof
MC war bild on Wednesday efterter
flue tv.ttic in D. Stove...C., :trove,
f wet wo einoewliet taw
I it. •
A 0,•\11:01: .ti the Inisiltess plettee
I etteetel the very tasty mete of whir
their windotve !lowering aad to
plante, They make it very Aare
, I r io caporled that the item of Hou
• & e'eneione, inireee, &o., hal hmm
solved and the probabilities nee that
11,1111.1y add family will remove f
Britemis Shorliy.
Li•Joni 0,111,.. in Melville alit
. as tele a 1. id 1'. 1.11:eron, of
brook, lae• blinudy, as the pastor
, pvettellieg at abet la COlainitiOn
' the communion,
LIsT Of pessengees ticketed thie te
.vin. 0. P. R. by J. T. Pepper were
John Clurges., Detroit Mieb. • h
Annie Sinclair, Binsearth Man ; A
Broom nineefteth, Man.
hotelier, pur-
chased a Spring lamb from Jets. MoCed.
bouudary of Grey mod MoKillop
Walla/lips, last veek, whieh dressed 53
pounds. 10 was 640011 -one,
Tneencet.--On Mumble J. Y. s.
• treated THE Pow staff to a geeerous
, ply of the very beat quality of lee ore
lite staff tom the "devil up ret
I their thanks to eIr. and Mrs, Kirk.
IT %Wet be for lack of heavy and oft
; repeated showers that the crops will
• suffer thio sprieg as it manages to rain
, almost every day at litte. If the wet
! weather does not soon cease it will play
lam, a it 1 ole lill tv teat.
EAsT Fall Fait will be held
; the shOW glotootds, Brussels, on Thured
• end Friday, Ont. Oth and 7fh. Oa
th•st day there will be au exhibit of ent
horses, also speeding in the ring. a
Direc.ors are arranging for some attr
done for Friday that will prove a dm
inu oard. Keep the dates pasted in yo
hat or on floe looking glass.
Tint debate "Resolved that Capital
Ponisbnient &mold be aboliehed in
Negate," will take platte al the Y. M. a.
Booms nu Friday eveuiug 8th hist
Speakers for allirmatIve, W. 10'. Vanstene,
M. Mc:Fadden and jen. Blashill, for
negative J.. D. Rentald, G. A. Deachutte
and S. D. Wilson.
AT the Royal Tempters Connell 00
Tueeday evening the subject was discus-
sed eReselved that war has cansed more
misery than intemperarsee." There were
four speakers on emelt eicle and after the
subject was well talked over decision was
given in favor of the negative. At the
next meeting the now of/leers will be in•
pupils wrote at the Entrance examination
to the nigh School nt Brussels on Tues.
day, Wednesday and Thursday of this
week. The papers were what tnioht be
oonetilered fair and the candidates 'shoe
Jo well with them, Principal. Shaw,
;own, mid Mr. Moore, Principal of I
roxeter school, were the preeiding ex.
andeere. The result will be pit Wished
in the eentese of a few weeke.
A xx nth MEETEVO.-The annual mee g
of the Methodist Sabbath behool was hell
in the haeement on Friday evening lust,
Rev. G. F. Salton preeidiug. The fol-
lowing officers were el eoted for the current
yeav :-W. II. 'Kerr, Superintendent ; J.
1110.111 ihenneeveti of tee t'io Ilr 11011 to
I Bose between Walten and Bruseele
I May elist, a °tweet; novel:lug fee 0 wagon,
The finder will oblige by hewing eneue
. the etort. of Wm. Neal, 1Valion, or To
d'otir Publiehing Brueeele,
Neer Sunday Rev. (1, Salton
• sermone wili bo batiod ail the Seem
: commandineot. Last Sabbath even1;
Otto rev, rend i,'ntltltlltl ti 10101111'Olt ti
I linen UV on •The le II
es ASSETS, (Seven 11,Bbion Dollars) •
id 1 CAPITAL (Anthorized) - • 11'527,11)0000,031000
..if,,,,,i,,,,, /10 ‘,,,,,,./,,,,,,,,i 1,,•,/,,,, 1,, 0,,,,,,,e,, Q. ,e,., ee,,,, ,,,..,,, I '1(1 Slur , :1 d E s pia ad ,
Al 714 .211'.1),.411.1.) DANK 0.P' 0..1.,A1'..1.D.1.
1 her ; 1.110 WM; to the elehirett before the
nith. i morning sermons are well worth 'mitring,
pie. 1 a 0•1: .1 1. e pram' 1. C.
111 of ' fla Ilan Plat 00111.
The pheed it foundation mid teellitt beneath
dust I hie house, end bnilt an addition for wash
, tricl bath rum), anti h ts akin lied a line
Ino VO I large bay wiedew place.' in the Enett end
ning of the house, lie heti now eno of ow
!jags moot convenient Mame m town.
etive Tim STAN (0 1111 11.610,- On the front
page we publish the report of the seven.
iltly teenth animal meeting of the Standard
die. Bank of Canada, togethee vieth the
Mr, statement preiteuted to the ehareholtiere.
rom eVe net leo that shine inceptioo In 1873
t .iettilt lee made immense headway,
ireli lee ese I new amounting to 80,79 i. hl3.•
ren- eepital $2,000,000.00, and its re.
wee ee. feud $525,000.00, The Beal; ,
vith its head oflioe in Torouto, has now 17
branches, the last of which was opetuti
•eek in lireesels about 15 mon the ego and
: which, we understaud, tats mob with the
lite; suocess totticipated by the shareholders
lox. when epened.
Praviso 1110 LESSON Ovne eon TILE
Music Pt:rue-Many teachers just play
tho lesson over for the pupil and then
saY, "it must sound like Ode," This is
sullioitmt for advanced pupils only, for
ell °there much inure instruction is
Cerk ueeeeeary, vie , weat to do in order thet
up. it may "soaud like this." It is not al.
ain. ways neceasary to play the whole, per.
urn hips very lengthy, pieee over for the
pupil ; a few single, isteated passeges are
often suffieleitt to peva the vete, for
thorough unclerstaudiug. Sometimes
wium we have it etre Iwo piecie rather
difficult to understand it is necessary to
play the whole piece over before the
pupil beetles to preentee on it. At other
on times, bocaver it is a good plan to let
ay t us pupil work us way alone a little way
the perhaps in the interpredition and manner
lie of execution of a new piece, and after.
'he wards give him the necessary directions
ao• oe perhaps practical help by playing it
w- all over for lam. It is also a good idea
ur to allow aclvadieed pupils to tithe up a
pieee and work it np eutirely to the best
of their ability until they play it correct •
ly, in their own estinuttion, or till they
du not see anything more in it ; then let
the teacher's jimignieut and experienoe
exert their influence upon the work.
Daring the first year the teacher should
play nearly everything over repeated.
ly.-L, lionize in "Etude."
1.111 R8BY Pi,
and seo if you do not agree with
(l 11-31 who say "Ono iq th
kst drinks.'
Dreggiel, Bookseller, tee.
0011.11111116 ENTENSion W. O. &
TraillS Imre Bruesels Station, Nortl
and South, as follows:
Gorse sowrit. Demo aleita tr.
[1::11 0-10. Mine.1
1 Pnla win.
el xoreSe --thee am. mail •
Mixed ..... ... 8:59 pan. Express 0111i pan.
Arzni Ileted litent$
A ehiel's smang ye radii' notes,
An' faith he'll mot it.
0oexem meeting next Monday eveeing
at 3 o'clock.
SAMVEL L.uito has opened a butcher
shop at Gorrie.
Tun Postoftiee will he oprn 00 1300,1111.
ion Day from 4 to 5 o'clock p.
A. (mon coating of broken 10 -01114
placed upoo Turnherre• etreet, uorth of
the bridge.
Tin: annual pie nic of Knox churah
Sunday school 01116 held on Tilers lay
afternoon of thie week.
TUE Public school in town WAS 010ted
,in Friday instmel of Moed ty Dieing to •
tbe prevelenee of Me Het Nee. and inumps
among the children.
Rev. W. ToltRANEE alai children were
in town On Wednesday on their way from
Gerrie to Goderiele 1/19 o..w appoint.
went. Mrs. Torrauce went by train.
GORDON MOONEY has been eneweed ne
foreman at the Enterprise Salt Woi•Its by
T. Coleman in the place of D. Mnleenzie
deeeased. Mr. Mooney will 1111 the bill
to a nicety.
STRAIVREItlit festival and song service
tattled ••Chipe" in the Methodist chimed]
basement next Tuesday evening. The
P6031606 is an excellent one and shou'cl
prttie ttareettee,
G. A. lemexust (Repos, d of a Jersey
grade cow tea getitletran, near Fe gas, a
w Gay, ago, at a goutl figure, It is bre
all gain in staelc.rairieg, eoweter, as on
MOliday line .1r6eey cow, valued at 1'7.100,
A 0.01111101111(1)01' of Ileueselites went to
the raeee at Wingham oti 'Tuesday.
Whig/NIA', Listowel and Seaterth are
deeply in debt to Bruesels for a dirge pro
portion of the crowd lit their ne'eltra.
tione and in Rome inetencee OWN' al',
4.110,7 to return the conielinteut.
Dr. L. A At Co
011611 Sins,---ALii ip c vi•
dently gielog ..amiefeetioe. 1 h 100 eted
about 1)., If of the o. .-i I beuelit from you
on the 1?11o1 of Ineuers kit, I nee it in
iny owe family tied like ir well, can
reetemmerel it to all who are tietneled
with ditedruff, retire truly
Orentetwille, Aid, .1, ee2.
eer the funeral of the lett 31o•
Keuzie., on Thursday afterneten of leet,
- we, lo, there wine 52 Sons of Haitiansl in a
mocestelon. Linder toe three. too a
Stewart. Chief, end Alton Reel, Chief. t
Mk Reel: nternb•r of the ecteietv wore
Ttim o' Shaeter, Rev. Mr. nat.:11es, or
'Wingliam, official el as Chaplain, 'Mein- ,\
tors were prevent from Settiorth, A two
'‘‘. Ingham and other place.,
Tug Smith, Malcolm (lama pleeing
mille end other property were cot sehe
on Wednesday efternonv. Aesienee '
Scott had au offer for the briek residence a
south of the factory at Brum We ,
understand that the Merchauts' Beek, ,
1.ordou, has entered a KIR agaiust Thos. ;
Smith to gain possession of farms held
by his sons, owing to the fact that the I
eetate, without them, will not pay num I
than 30 omits on the dollar. • le
Rev. R. Pant and bis Bible clues of 161
the Methodist Sanday sehool, Lilo -Molted
Werlinettle.y afternoon of this week in '
a grpro on lho river bank, To each mmil a,
who e tended the eines 10 Sundays end
upwind,. durnee the past year the teacher se
preeented one of his pilot 4, In fulfilling o.
this promise he tionnted 20 pictures, 1 ea
tchoWieg eplendid ayernge attendance,. !
A. number 0) 6110 folks were only ; 73
absent one or two Stinday's in the allured i
lime There tr
111.1111/31ONTAL.-In Thursday's Toronfo
paperS, of lest week, the following notice
appeared, the groom being a brother to
Cd. P. Seholfield, of the Standard Bank,
Brussels, auct 111101111 10 a munber of our
re,idatits : Chureh of the Redeemer
was tbe scene of a pretty wedding yester-
day Zneeelling, when Harry Sehollield
was nuirried to Miss Zadie Sutherland.
Many friends of the young aouple attend.
el at the church to witness the ceremony.
The aeremony was performed by Rev. A.
1)1. A., uncle of the bride, as.
„ slated by Rev. Septinans Jones Alex
7" ander Williams, a cousin, gave the bride
- away. Miss Sutherland made a love'y
1, Seeretary • ir. Merden,
T. Farrow, 5. T. Pepper, X. S. Hutnph •
ries, Dr, Cevanagh, Mies Maggie AI
Naughton, Doe. Rotcre, Niles Bridle
hIre. Staten, Miss 'Minnie itleore, Mee.
L. Kerr, Nelson Gerry, J. 'I'. Cook, M
Gauley, le. W. elelsom, Mies 11, Iloline
Mrs. Dobson, W. lto•ldick, anti ;Vise
3. ri, eac tees. Bios leneehte
wgithist and II. L. Jackson, conduct°
of prole:shit, The sehool has 1141 a ma
tueeitieful year, It was tt mi•le 1 to hol.
he annual schoal vitamin on Pride
ft • f t k,
emmitteee v, ere it ppoiDted to attend t
he various dnties.
fisexixo lemerony.--A eorresponcien
vtites :--Last fall I visited Watorforc
utario, and other planes where the dry
n,, am canning, bueinees WaS carried o
uccessfully. Waterford hats three dry
ng factories, and employ at some emson
1 the year from 200 to 300 men, boy
001 pirls. They melte all their mimes
nd raise a lirgo petition of their straw.
orrie., lornatoea, corn, etc., but else buy
legelv from farmers. Farmers told in
twee. Rev. G. F. 'Selton, 11.sv. R. Pail
bride; her hair Enid hettntiful dark eyes
were It contrast to the gleaming wedding
gown of tvhite satin, trimmed with
oraitee blossoms ; a magnificent hunch ef
whits roees WAS carried by the fair girl.
The brideemaide, Altus Williams, a
cionsin of Miss Irene itod Miss Grace
Sutherland, sisters of the bride, wore
4)100 ty eream erepon gowne, with empire
bcIts and ettealliere of buttercup silk.
The upper peet of the ho,licas and the
mule were of silk in the same rich shade
with a touch of soft white Moe. P. G.
e. F,,,helfield, of Brussels, was best man.
n, Mrs. (Ierr, (nether of the gemen, wore a
J. handsome costume at black silk gratin,
6. 1)100 0114 mauve trimming:I, with mauve
1, hat, After the ceremony it reception eas •
'. held at the home of the bridc'e annt
1, Miss Price. Mr. mid Mrs. Sehollield left
r on the 2 o'clock boat for Montreal, from
at there they will proeeed to New York eaul
1 other eanoricau eities. On Tuesday
Y afternoon an interesting prt sentation was
11 made to Mr. Sehollield in the shays of a
O la,,1ono menu lamp front his Inany
friends in the Toron•o offfees of the Do.
mitibm Bank. In the commodious bawd
1, room of the heed Deice the prese»tation
was made ; the 010 '181(1011 inammee, R. 1.).
O Gambie, made a few happy remarks al-
. holleg to the high et/6MM in the
yernig bee ker was held by a large civil°
o otie
fff,rientis in boal social and sporting
he thing WW1 a great benefit to them
o the town, to the merchants and to ail
saw at places I visited ear !owls o
eanhes, apples, etc., cowling in bulk, a
low rate of freight, Soule eitee mime
0 nilleft, PO that if fruit, etc., fails in one
action, plenty ran he had from another
ection. People have been talcine of the
dvisability of cestablehing a dryiug and
(1(114 faetctry in Bruseele, and it does
ein to tne the idea is a good one. A
nlipally could be formed, aud 72,000
ised in shares et 112 or 75 emelt ; plenty
take 72 to 810, and some 750 to
00. so there would be no temble in 1400-
013 from $2,1)110 to $5,000. The stook
Business Locals,
EVERr day is Baby Dey at Perry's.
FAmity groups a specialty at Peery's.
SIINDEANS and Miktole panels at Perry's.
Fon the best cabinet photos go to
14, 7. Stumm fittiehea all his work by
tho new process.
II 7. Selma photographed el babies
on Tnestlay, baby dity.
Timms boatfor srtle al a bargain.
Apply to Alex. Smith.
Go to Strong's and have your photos
finished in the latoet styles.
Talmo arid valises, good assortment,
very cheap at IL Dennis,'
ALL photos printed on the now
mattent aristo paper al Perry's.
Jutrr towived a fine range of Baby ewe
lieges whieli will be sold at reasonable
man. H. Donnie.
0OCTIRANE & 3O1INSTON, marble Malin-
facturors, are notv taking ordure for
spring delivery iu their lino. As hereto-
fore all workmanship and orders trusted
to their MVO will be put up in the most
itpproved style and satisfeetion guaran.
teed in every ease, Anybody regoiring
anything in their line of Merle 10 would
be well for them to See their designs and
prioes before making their purahasea.
Shop opposite Queon'a hotel stables
Sand 10 cents to Bond & Co,, 570 Rook.
ery. ()Waage, and you will reoeivo, Poi3
paid, a four itnncireet pege advance Guide
to the lexpoeitioe, wiai elegant Engrav-
ings of the Grounds and Buildinge, Po.
• co
book. 11, .1. Strong photograelisl the le
pie•ele party,
! pe
A BRionT PAPER. -A sign of the times et
ia the inereasing vigor arld aggressive- et
nest; of the Prohibition proem "The te1
Sun of Temperance," started in 70.111111TY1 ly
1892, hes been enlarged with the Julto co
number. It is a bright and elmin short, do
uncompromliting in Me Prohibition poll.
&cis a Intr I hitler, 00001 toll, y 11)1
popular ns an Abstinence and Prohibi• T1
Sion educator. A cartoon by Boneongli 0vit
is promieed for the Itily imee. A. onennn coo
ie devoted to dumb m•imals. Testnel T1
monthly ; Wee a 401.1'. W. E. SA1 10.0i 3.11
YIELD, Publieher, Renfre -, Out til
Iyincencars -The Toron1 o Globe of June sh
U2nd nays ie -The marriage of Wm, th
Somerville, agent Catiadian Express Co. be
and G. N, W. Telegraph 0.4, Seaforth, wo
Ont., ttod•lelias 131.0. Porkies, tianeliter 011 Vie
JooioJo Porkies, was s.letnnised yesterday Yee
evenieg at ill Avenue road by Rev, W. stn.
3. Maxwell, Ceetral Methodist Unwell, hil
nkier street. .Among the many beauti sel
ful gifte to theMID was a handsome sot
banquet lamp from the operating depatio ail
relent of tho G. N. W, Telegraph Co. and aft
a handsome rnerbie clock from the oholr, epi
Muaioe,1 Committee end trustees of Ole
Centric' Methodist Chureh,
old be mereesed as the thing prospered,
thinly to be limited to the amount moll
mod eubserthed• Dried modes and
hee dried tont canned g )0(16 aro
tole 010 whettt, and their market is the
do world. Our men market, eepeoittl•
the Northweet, would be large and
ustatitty increasing, There can be no
tart ths thing wou!d pay good interest
capital invested. if ploperlit managed
all woold depend on the management,
iere woold be no troeble in getting 011-
0080 from batiks ou dried and eennel
ttg of all Iciride, the same as on grain.
tem are idle stores n»d oellars in town,
a mild he rented elleaply for storieg,
I gales could he effected. The manager
ould letve Borne practical knowledge of
business, (the more the beittoe) and
a good business and saleionan, 01 ell
tild depend on the management. A
10 10 Waterford by a small delegation
aid establish the eovreetnees of my
temente and also prove the practice.
ity ni the scheme proposed for Bma.
0, 1.3 we sit LIOWT1 Mid wait until
nebody oomee along and offers to do
the work for 1113 it never Will bo looked
or. What wo want is tt "git thar"
HI and a fouling of unity,
Years Truly,
/tom g,
jille'regseVekif Retet,Vei•fe
A Lleueral 1341116n3 Bueinese Trammeled. leteniere' Note, DIsootutted.
DI tate lemicd real Culliegioue made ou all points,
Intereet allowed en do poeite of 11.00 and uptenrde front date of
NtithtleiLVVOI And C0011),0I10ttit,t1 111113 yearly.
Every facility afforded Customers 116114 at a distance.
G, 1'. 601101l'11310, lelatteuen,
depoeit to date of
ALE Neer N.
El. B0811)08/4. Drafts Bought and Sold on
all points in Canada, United States and Groat Britain.
3a1 •ix0s ilaxzr ANIVfiritelTh4r6
10 101181 Allowed on One Dollnr ttod 'Upwards at Current Rates, Interest Com-
pounded Twiee a Year, Being Added to the Principal at the end of the Months of
Ootober aod April. Si anal Arrargements made for Time Deposits.
we (erect to Np pi 1 r 1 zipult;:idi t(Toini:p4,itiftiliLnAiiip,114,;rbl(:oirlla taimpeolee, oe in Mint.
pcFA,......Arenippc,,..., _.. ..p.i..siantritsioterisint ...roc= .tr.--,,,,,,,srotrtotta
CONFORTABLE brick house for sale oe to 10e416.T0060=1,0 X,r-eamalea:i's•fre.
rout in Brussels. Apply to Fergueon &
Halliday, merchants. Fall Wheat
Spring Wheal; 75
digging and drillin wells and is prepar-
ed to attend to all work entrusted. to him Cate
Birt has all the necessary machinery for pBotlaY
Wium:Dreenso ANT. Diumme. G. -George
2537 1(5331 , (2471 7803
bit it way that will Memo satisfaction. Butter, tubs anl. r. c.:11.:2102 13
Wells cleaned tint and nut in proper Eggs per dozen
share. Terms reasonable. Residence Flour pebarrel 4 50
5 goo
&mond door north of the bridge, west Potatoes
side of Timnberry st„ Brnsaela. 131-11 Hay per ton 8 00 10 0000
Tim Woulas 00LESIDIA93 Execiartmet.- Hides per lb 13 00
A.n elegant Bird's eye.view of the Expo. Salt per bbl., retail...-1 00 05
sition Grounds and Buildi•nge, in eight Sheep skins, emote ..... 60 1 00
odors, size 05.x.15 inches, Price, 71.00. Lamb skins eaoh 0 5 00
The game Engraving, size 20x36 imelies, Apples pei: barrel 1 00 1 25
prig°, 75 emits. The- same Engraving, Wool 11 IS
size 20.041 plebes, price, 50 cents. A
Photo Qraeuro, Ilirces.eye.view, 12xI8
Riches, price, 25 cents. A map of Chica-
go, prim, 25 cents. A pocket map of the
IL 8., or of any State, or any Canadian
Province, price, 25 cents. Any of the
above mailed to any reldress, postage pre-
paid on receipt of the price named. any
other World's Fair publioation mailed
on receipt of the advertieed price,
Bond & Go„ 5711 Rookery, 011iongo.
No fee is to be charged comity pupils
at entrence examinations.
Eight anctioneera and one pedlar have
taken on t licends for 1802 in the CO.
Mr. Gladstone is urging the veoessity
of renewed effort to re•estehlish union in
the 'deli Parliamentary party,
Lieet-Gorernor Kirkpatrick was pre.
aelited with a congratulatory address by
the mayor and council of Woodstock on
Friday of last week.
Stephen Duffy, a painter, fell from a
scaffold on one of the toweee on the cer•
liege Suspension Bridge, Canaclitte side,
and instantly killed.
L, Lucas, jr., 10111 eon. Elma, has a
ben which lived tto egg measurieg Meese
hiches. The hen is a black Spanish end
Wall hatched by the N. P., we m.esume.
A 6011 of Joseph Heid, near Hessen, a
lad six yenes of ege was oat in the yard
while the eows were being milked an
00100 eictioury kicked by a cow, bot,
bones of one leg being heathed below th
Wm. Mitchell, jr., finished up sawing
ant the stook of logs at Lougewity's mill,
Logan, after a run of ti5 deys, cutting
over 000,000 feet, or a good average of
9,0 0 ft. per (ley. The lest log wois
large elm, 00111041 turned Pub over 1,000
feet of lumber.
Harvey Mowbray, the le-year-01cl son
of Squire klowbray, of Gramtoo, with a
corn vade 0000 010 the G. T. R. bridge over
the Thames River, mod a couple of other
boys were on the flats about GO feet be.
neath funning themselves shooting with
a small rifle. A stray bullet titmice the
boy, destroying ono of eyes.
If. E. Goodwin, who has for some tinie
pest limn Princionl of Ole R. 0. Separate
Schools, of Stratford, being 111)0101 00 rO•
ro 0 1/0 to MO1114110, was preeeutocl with a
handsome gold•becided cane from the
boys of the senior department. Ile leavee
in a few days for hie home in Pielon,
where after a stay of several weeke he
will proceed to Montana.
Dr. Talmage and wife &Mit luchoon
Tuesday with the Earl of Aberdeen, after
whioh they drove to Aldershot and wit.
named the eeremonies attendant upon the
laying, by the Queen, of 1130 001100 stone
of the new military derail. Afterwards
they were present at a review of twenty
thousand tronpa, and were the gnests of
Gen. Sir Evelyn Wood, commanding the
forties, Dr. Tahnage preaches at Not.
tinglutm Wednesday, going fermi there to
Manchester, Ile Will stert frotn Bessie
ebent July 7111 to meet the vessel from
Ametioa, bearing grain for thieving Reni•
mane, a, contribution whieb he Wee huge.
/yr interested 10 procuring.
Chtitinnifoll-PAintS -In Galt, on Sone
221111, at the residence of the brick's
mother, by Rev. Dr. Griflie, dr. Dd.
Creighton, oi Guelph, formerly
of Brueseis, to Mise Lottie Parke, of
Somunvn,Lo-PEnunao.--On june 21e0, by
the Rev. W. J. Maxwell, aft the mei-
deuce cd the bride's father; 113.A.venue
road, Toronto, Mr. is,r. Somerville,
agent G. N. W. Tel. & Oan. Ex,
Companies, Sonforth, Ont., to Mille
Eva M„ tined daughter of Mr....Josiah
0110LEIVILD-StITIINTILAND.-0,1 3'1111022nd,
at the elairoh of the 'Redeemer, To.
rant°, be Rev, A. Wiltisoas, M. A.,
uncle of tho bride, assisted by tot,.
Septimns.Jones, m. A.., Mr, Henry
(1. )eelielfieicl, Dominion Bank, son
of the late Mr. Wm. fiehollield, M.
to Mlea Alexandria, L. (Zaitie)
Sutherland, daughter 01 1110 late Mr,
'X. Sutherland, 31.1), of Oakville,
treats of the leading end 11 Map of
the City of ohmage ell of the Reim
governing the Exposit'ion and Exhibitors,
and all information Mihail oan be given
ma in advanee of its openiny. Also
other Engravings and; printed informa-
tion will be sent you ail publiehoci. It '
will be a very valuable Book and every
person should seoure a copy.
ksmith's tools for sale 101 ,1 great
bargain. Call sod get pries.
A, M, INIcKAY & Co„ Brussels,
00 3,51 security. Partiatuars may ba
obtained by applying at TEM POST Publish -
lug House, Brussels,
cations will be reaolved by the outlet,
signed up to July Mb, 1802, for a tomther in
S. S. No. 3, township 01 (3107, front ;summer
holidays to end 00 1634, Applicants to state
what certificate they hold and what salary
they require to teach for such tem.
ALEX, weBWART, sec. -Teems. G. 8,
Go. 0, Gray, Box 20, Brussels P. O.
DERSIGNED 11100 00000111 good Farms f or
91.t 10 anat.,' 60 00, easy terms, in Townships
of Morris and 11roy, V' S. SC OTT. Brassids,
1...,J37.11ite,ing 501111) lialf Lot 27, come, lifrizrls,
100100606 110(00(31 all <domed , Good buildings,
fine young beer) eg orchard. Immediate pos.
50551013. 3.:007100600, Apply to
AV, 110, 810(104206,
If- Solicitor, ,to., Brimsele,
naustaxer, offers for sale the north
east quarto r of lot 28, coneession 0, Morris
County of Buren , u tainin 800 acres, The
land is of first quality and 111 a high state 02
aultivationovell fenced and under -drained,
45 meres cleared, N eiv frame bowie, fl rooms,
honso with cozierete wells, 2 won%
good barns mid shed, orchard , eta. Eight
acres of fail wheat. This desirable property
adjoins -6h e eorPoratiou of Brunets. Suit-
able term will be M Title parte at ,
30- Sealer Ca P. 0
ci,„,,PLENDID FARM if011 SALE.
iouna arte 11 and 10, 000.13, Township
of Grey. Comity of Huron, ciontaining 200
acres, the property of thn lotto john Robert-
son. 10010060, cleared and free from ob•
structio no, 30 mores bush, mixed timber,
halal= partly ale/trod. hot] clay loam,
mostly rolling. Folioed with etraight rail
fences and watered by two wells and a
spring privilege. Commodious (livening
lelaute,with largo woodshed attached aim
au excellent collar under house, TwO largo
barns, Moue stabling aud other outhuild•
0135. Pwo good bearing orehards, 011311.
mental trees and amen fruits. 41 utiles
from Brussels, a lively town on the 0. T. 10,,
oonvenient to school, olnitohos anti post
office, This property lies well, Is a, tint -
01F1.013 grain ands -Look farm and should be
seen by intending porch ogees as it is effor.
oil at a bargain, Pot further partionlera
(0)01)17 10 00I05, ,INU, ROBERT SON,
or 600011128 ROBERTSON, on
the 1160110000, 00 by letter to Uranbrook
U. 231
111.111KIINVID X Fel Ur
M. CAVANAGH, L. 0.8,, 130. S.,
Graduate 0.1 the Royal College of Dental
Surgeons, Ontario, and of Toronto Uni.
varsity, O0hi00E-0val Popper's brug Store.
Voters' List, 1892
ATuanarvolter ov TUE VILDAGla or Blitilielehe
Notice is hereby given that I Rave trans-
mitted or delivered to tbo persons mention-
ed in nations 5 and 0 cif the Ontario 7totors1
Liat Ace,1880, blie copies required by acid
notions 00 11)1 transmitted or deliVered of
the list, made Pltrialant to said Aet, of tiN
persons appearing by the last meted A0.
somment teller the meld leunteloallf,y to be
entitled:to veto in the geld Municipality at
Eleettene for Members of the Legislative
Alisembly wail Mr Municipal Elea bions ; and
that said list Wes first posted up at my °Aloe
Brossols,on the 000h day Of June, 1802, ena
and rematsut Unmet for inspeetIon.
Bleotors aro called unou to examine the
said list, and 110014 onalasioes or any ether
mon aro found therein, to take immediate
P recteedinga to bay° the said errors covveat.
ed accierclims to laW.
1P. S. SC(1ller,
(lloobo of B r mole,
Dated et 1000110e15,211011 day of 4utice1e0),
Pogarlij Dna -Sim,
s...t 0 Solicitor and Clem, evaimer.
4101k8 1111140,111On-Vanstono's Moak, Brea•
eels. 21-8m
v • Solleitor, Ounveraneor,NOtary
Ile, an oince-Grithinti a Block, I dc north
of Pepper's Drug Store. 2avato .Funtla to
- -
(Late with (4 arrow Ca Proud foot, Code,
✓ ieb,) liarediters, Solieltors. Conveyancore,
aro. Offices-hrtuisals and Seatorth,
solo 0111uo-Up-stairs over Sank. Money
to Loan,
11,5,15190, w. 0.010010010
LA.. Auctioneer, 18 always ready to at-
tend nales of farms, farm stook, ko, Ternie
obeerfuily given. Cranbrook P, 0, Sales
may bo arrthged al Tan Poo T Publishing
Rouse, Brusuois,
GEotieug KIRKBY,
]..deensed Auctioneer. Roles conduot
ad on reasonable totem )700'o(n 0011,1 4,1.0111
BtOCIS 00 (Botta 16, Orifvrs left at The Porn!
P ublishlng Douse , ru souls, or sent to WM toil
l?, U., will reecho proullit attention.
▪ 00 all an Auctioneer, am prepared
10 eonduct sales 00 0,10,0 atouic at reasonable
lAirieWimriYonti°rIttf tho4:11(i1OPti;)101211,3;
goo/Interim [Led get goon security when Bold
on °roan. liatlafaotion guaranteed, Give
Lae a call, 32- F S. SCUTT.
v . Usurer ofmayriegeLieouses. Ofliee
at his Grocery, Pur_faberry sirool, Brusse_ls.
Iv • Tonsorial Artist, Shop -Next door
south of A. M. iffeffity di Co's hardware store.
Ladlosetedchildrons hair cutting a speolalty
TA 11 °NAIR,
blamer of Marriage Licenses, by
appointment of Liant,-fl (warner, Commis-
Rionor, Ras., Q.B. Conveyancur and Agent
Fire Ineuranee Co. Office at the Cranbrook
Post. 011icso,
Clerk of MI o Fourth Division Court
CO. 1/111.011, Conveyancer, Notary Piddle
Laud, Loan and Insurance Agent. Funds
invested and to loan, Collections made.
Oilloe in Graham's Sleek, B rituals,
miss IdOries, of Wingbinn, is prepared
10 0)60 instruction in nil painting, Terms
maybe ascertained itt Mifla Nellie Ross' store
whore Rumples of work may be seen, Miss
Merle would also take a few more pupils in
11111010. P.
Organist in St John's Church, 111'os.
sets, and pupil, iu the Art of Teaching, of A.
W . Thayer, idus. Doc., New York, wiii (0165
100S01111 to 1/11018 either at nes, Varreiv's,
corner Of Queen awl Pi Meese Ste., or if pre-
ferred, at their owe bellies, Tering moder-
ato. 40 -
Wm. GALE, 111. D., O. M.,
Member 01 300 College of Physielan,
and Surgeons of Ontario by examination.
°Sloe mid Residence - Alain street Beet,
utliehou Maio.
T A. MaNAUGHTON, 111. D.
eef• O. M., 11.10.0,1',, Edinburgh, 31,0. P
S, OM, Residence and Wilco 10
13looli, oorner of Mill and Turnberry Sta,
01, • Ironer Graduate of the Ontario
Veterinary College, is prepared to treat (10
elisoasea of doinesbioatod animals in a own-
pateut Manner. Vertically attelitiola pato
to veteeinto:v dentistry. Omni 0110663117 el.
tended to. Oilloo and Intim/try-Two ClOCVS
north of bridge Tornberry et., Beussela
LJ For the convenience of bhogo
at or near 13 lyth I have made arraugeniollts
wall Mr. Robt Laidlaw, Of North Neff Lob
7, Con, 0, liforl:is, to hoop 300 Service during
the seamier Season one 0( 103' Jersey Bulls,
The other will remain at Brussels as here-
G. A, DleADMAR, Druggist, tte.
Degorsigued will keep for Servioe, 511
lot 30, con. if, Morris, th e there '.1,red Durham
butt, "Sweepstakes,. fin Ms taken 2 first
prizes and 1 Sonoma, being beaten by the ben
thab bOok lsb prise at the Provinoial Show
Ternie-To Maitre a war 3240, et 3140 103.
the season.
37 351 JAS, 51)014111, Proprietor,
The nuclei:reseed will lump for service this
peesout 0010000 0h0 Improved largo OM
'Yorkshire pig "Ready" on lot 20, 000, 00,
Morris, to Which a hunted number of 50w0
Will be taken. Tema 3i100 to be paia at
tune otssreloo, with the privilege of return.
fug if necessary. Pod im.00 may be semi lin-
en aanlioution, 11,0131110T rilottor,,
1514 Preprieter,
yecex-The untlereigned will lump for
service Ou north half Lot 20, con, 7, Morrill;
0016610 broil Berkshire 13oitr, bred by Mr.
Snell, and 0.11 Oh fo improved Cheater White,
bred by nos, George, Putnam, from Im-
ported stook on both slam T0110 hog took
are prism at the 1 et:untie/0 Fair lea elan of
11,1n MOO, Mid 3r11 at the western nor in a
Mese ale. Ma Sire tool( let at the BiOng,
trial to 1B01, Terms $1,00 10 000 paid at thno
of serviaa with privilege of retttruing if Roo.
Sti•ll SAMUEL WA Idelert, toe,