HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1892-7-1, Page 5JULY 1, 1892 THE BRUSSELS POST
r!r^T,'.' .Uni43S.r:..',r•4'Hi..SlaaTnn� iex19neas'.ht*_srai aitss aces InriffreslnintSRt's=?'A•F.i i.... ... ....«..: �e'mturZenernr!9SP musaY' ° _:�- mi=cmus5"`x iawatT atmr,' crt'rL'a�71aMe _-- _ usuo
nJl School closed foridtaholirlaye on Thune•
1,1i,tr1 ct J etiJ,%" day of this week and will re•apen ou
Monday, Aug. lith. A teaohe will have
to be eegaged to take the pbtoo of Mimi
Sherlock, who bee resigned.
The Sunday soltool pio-ilio held lest
1Vedzooday was a :Molded tuooess, '!rite
day was lite ; the grove was int good
elope ; the platform program suffioient ;
thesnpply of refreshments ample and
good end no ono went away hungry o•
earplug a cotvfial invitation to sit down
and partake, After Innoh a largo num-
ber repaired to the ball ground to witncts
the barn ball matches of the afternoon.
The first match was between the "Maple
Leaf" olnb, of Ethel, and the Moncton
club, These good fellows stlpulated that
each club should play seriedy local play -
ors. They played local umpire all right
but their pitchers (two who played al.
ternately pitcher and shortstop) were
Grower, Atwood, and Tiers, Motherwell,
Onr boys were disappointed to sea the
trickery displayed by our Monition
friends, bot eolcnowledge that it is pee.
Bible that they are bettor ball players
than they ere though the scorn does not
allow to what extent. Boom, (', to 18 in
favor of Moukton with an innings.
The 1\Ioleswerth and Ethel matoh follow-
ed immediately and tune a reversal of the
match result last Saturday.
Mice prim.
A. lawn eoeial will be held at the regi.
demo or Simnel Pear on Dominion Day.
A good time fa expected.
�V 411(:; 11i11n.
L. MoLeau is emoting a tosidonee on
the vacant lot next the woollen mill.
Jae, Siemin has opened a restaurant in
the store recently occupied by D. Rush.
Misses Mary !t, Pye, Jennie Cargill,
and Nellie Gray have resigned as teachers
on the staff of the public school.
Wingbam firemen have received an in.
vitation to be present at it firemen's
demonstration at Stratltroy on Jnly 4th,
and will probably take advantage of it.
113 lee civet le.
The holidays are here and the young.
start 0onserynently rejoice.
Grope aro growing eplindfdly but loss
rain would answer all praelloal perpoaes.
Rev, J. W. Priv;will assume the
pastoral dutite of the Bluevale Metho-
dist circuit next Sabbath. Rev, Mr.
Wallwin and family have removed to
Rev. liunilton Wight, wife and child,
of Leamington, Ont., were in teem on
Saturday visiting Rev. Mr. Wallwin.
➢Ir. \Vigle't wife is it Godoricll Jelly and
they are at present in that town visiting
Mr. anti Mr.', Geo. Cox, her parents,
prior to leaving for Manitoba.
Some of the farmers are engaged at
statute labor this week.
Rev. W. J. Brandon was renewing
aoqueiutencee here on Wednesday of this
Timothy Hance, 12th con,Jlllma, is very
* low with dropsy, in fact he is not expect.
ed to recover.
Mrs. Hugh Campbell, who was report.
ed stole some time ago, tie we are sorry
to say, not able to leave her bed yet bot
is somewhat better.
While aaeisting to unload way freight
on Tuesday night Geo. Longmire slipped
and fell from the our alighting on a
wheelbarrow, resulting in the fracture of
two of his ribs whish will confine him to
the house for some time.
The Seaforth Son says ;—A young
mac of the name or Neil McLean, diet)
suddenly at the Queen's hotel at 1 o'clock
on Tuesday morning. He had only
arrived in town on Friday and had hired
with Mr. Barton, being a blacksmith by
trade. the friends reside about 12 miles
from Guelph. A brother arrived on the
evening of Tuesday and on Wednesday
morning he left in charge of his brother's
remains. The Sons of Scotland took
°.barge of the poor fellow ae 9oou as they
heard he Ivan sick, and a number of them
went to the station with the oorpea to
meat the 8 o'olock train, when his broth•
et setts taking the remains home for in-
terment. Mr. Stevens and his good lady
showed the young mon every kindness
and were with him when be died. Wrn.
Ballantyne, Chief of the Sons of Soot
laud in this plea°, and John Coventry, an
honorary member of Lady Nairn Lodge
sat up with him the last night of his
life. He appeared to be a lino, energetic,
honest, well doing yotug Wren. Ho atone
hoot Toronto to doaforth. It it sad to
have to die amour; strangers but it is also
plersiug to know that there are societies
like the Sons of Sceiland who will step
in and act tis brethren, in the hour of
"1. tt w00C1.
J. W. liol3ain is having a new puttee
pot up in front of his residennn,
Rev. David Rogers and family rentbv.
ed to Dungannon this week and Rev. J.
S. Fisher came here.
Wm. Richardson, miller, has moved
his family from Drayton to Atwood, and
wit' occupy Robb. Anderson's house.
Wrn. hoar, brother of Henry Hoar, of
this town, arrived from Llantlio, South
Wales, via Allan steamship, "Parisian,"
last week,
Mrs. (Rev.) Rogers was presented with
e purse containing 515.00 and an address
by the Woman's Auxiliary previous to
her removal,
In a letter from Texas, dated June 0
AAndrewMitchall,brother of D. \ v
., states
that they are busy cutting one hundred
stud nighty aoree of wheat', and that Wil-
son is following the binder, helping to
shock up.
The following officers were elected for
the ensuing six months in the I. 0. 1r.:—
J. L. Mader, C. D. Id. 0. R. ; G. 0.
Adams, 0.11. ; James Priest, D. 0. R. :
W. D. ltIitobell, V. S. ; Joseph Hanna,
R. S. ; Wm. Boll, Treasurer ; Dr. L. 11.
Mice, room Physician.
I L1A,pt.
Miss Sherlook farewells on Friday.
Fred, Milne has the pioneer bicycle of
the village.
Itir, Lee has When up his abode in the
parish for his summer work.
Mrs. T. P. Simpson has improved suf-
ficiently to take abort drives.
J, A. and Mrs. Young took in the
Farmers' Excursion to Guelph of lion.
120. Littlehalos, of Manitoba, occupied
the pulpit of the hlethorlist ohnrch last
J. Burton has loft on an extended tour,
Mrs. Burton looks after the "hotise" iu
hie absence.
datnsron, of Orenbroolc, ralieved
Rev, Mr, McRae of Tuesday oveniug duty
hero this week.
Next Sabbath Rev. Mr. Newcombe will
preach his inaugural eermon in the
Methodist church.
II. Green is on the dolt list again.
Mrs. Cameron and Mrs. D01=110'0 also
ill two are sorry to say,
Miss Agnes Ross goes to keep bones for
her brother in Manitoba shorty. Sho
will be much missed hore.
llev. Jnto, Ross, 13, A., of Brussels,.
preached in the Presbyterian church in
this naems nuc71 last S .
p uy evening.
it Rev, Mr, MeQuerrle,of 174 aim took
ohitrge of the pre communion service in
the Preebyterinn otnnh on Saturday,
People Complain of a enhance 'Mont
the hotel in the shape of fighting. Tho
proprietor should too it stopped. It ie
A strawberry festival, under the 11111
PIces of rho Charall of England °hole
liere, will be held on ISN, Oalo'e ht Qn un
Thursday evening next. Admission to
lawn, free, Proneede to augment 1:1
choir fund Everybody invited
.flied Annie Hamilton hat returned
Iron Toronto.
Dlr. Lamont, of Winnipeg, is the guest
of banker Tanner.
Duncan McKellar, of Strathroy, was
visiting friends in town.
Rome of our everts tools in the ranee
at Wiugham o" Tuesday.
Our public) schools closed on Thursday
for the 'internee vacation.
ltlrt. (Rev.) Highley and family aro
visiting relatives for a short time in the
ee[ghborbood of St. Thomas.
Friday being Dominion Day this burg
intends to pot on its holiday appearance.
As there are to be no sports here most or
our citizens iuteud taking in Goderioh or
Rev. T. E. IIighley intends to preach
a epochal sermon to the members of L.
0. L. of Betgra'e and neighborhood, in
Trinity church, Belgrave, on Sunday
afternoon next.
Oa Sunday evening after the churches
were closed a number or Plymouth Brath.
ren froth Clinton took up position on the
market square and gave an open air
service for a couple of hours.
Mrs. Harry Atwood is visiting relatives
at Stratford this week.
Next Commit sleeting on Monday, 113th
inst., at %immer's hotel, Oranbrook.
Mrs. John E. White, who has been
poorly for some time, is improving nicely
L, Snell, general merolient, .Tames.
town, pail a flying visit to the Co. town
J. E Coomtes has puroha•od one of
David Milne'° there' bred Short Holy,
Derham bulls. It is a line animal.
Tito pie nit in connection with S, S.
le off this (Friday) No, 1. c1 oeo s( )) afternoon.
A good program hos been prepared.
Wet, Geo, Coombe° has gut his new
residence, adjoining Jannestottit, nearly
ootnpleted and will be mewing in !Meetly.
Clime. and Tins, Slntpsou, of feast
Wawnnooh, ale °n the 114 con. putting ,t
new roof on the been of the old home -
at ed.
hies Bertha heritage, of London, for.
elderly of Grey, haat gone to Man.
Hobe, whore elle intends rem:dieing dttr•
ing the Hammer mouths. She will visit
friends in Virden, Brandon, and other
Inoatitit R.
Miss Maggie Taylor and Mise Jessie
Streehau are visiting friends in Owen
Scatted and Chesney. We wish them a
pleasant time and feel erre that their
Mends wiwl highly appreciate their com-
Last Sunday as Thos. Stranitan and
family were driving to nhnreh the back
seat of their carriage became detached
and overturned backwards by the horses
giving a quick 'novo. Mrs. Strachan and
Hiss Isabel were pit ohed out on the road,
but the injuries they veueived were slight
the am glad to s ty.
The Listowel Standard says :—F. W.
Gearing, b n•ri*ler, of Stratford, spent a
°oop'e of days in town this week, on
• etion an itra.
buaiuoas in count o t withalbs
Mon to settle the affairs of the late Alex.
Scott, of Grey township. The arbitra.
tion was held at the Oolli ion Hous^,
H. Coghlin, H. Cummings and Wm.
Brown being the arbitrators, The heirs,
Ave understand, carne to a settlement
among themselves, without a decision
from the arbitrators.
ExtnloATION.—A very auceeeefat ex-
amination was held in S. S. No. 9 on
Friday of last week, previous bo the de.
partnre of the teacher J. L. Hoeg, who
goes to Covent° to attend the Training
Institute for a year. The pupils were
put through a thorough test by the fol.
lowing visiting teachers :—Mise Mo.
Lanohlin and Messrs. 1\'IaLauchlin, Rosa,
Ohmic, A. Taylor, S. N., Taylor, Kneohtel,
Moore, Wilson, J. Hogg and McLeod and
proved by their ready answers that they
have been eilioiently taught by Mr.
Hoeg. Mr. Hogg hue performed the
duties of teacher to No. 13 for the past
two and a half years and has proved to
be a very onergetio and skillful teacher.
After the examination, 'L'homae Strachan
was ectad to take the chair and the fol•
lowing program was rendered l—Itietru•
mental, Margery Strachan ; song,
"Iferryman John," Margery, Je•sie and
Elsie Strachan ; rouitation, "Coll Water
Cure," 7:lllha Snaith ; song, "Go Birdie,
Tall Winnie I'm Waiting," Mx gide ;
recitation, "The Fireman, Annie Iioy ;
song, "Has Father been here," Jessie
MaLanohlin and Vinnie Cardiff ; dia.
loge° "Tho Cid Aunt," Three boys anti
one girl ; ermp 'Phe Flag of the Free,"
hIargo'y, Jessie and Elsie Straohlbn ;
'tending, "Cincotta and the ]lack Loll,"
Jae, 0. Hogg ; song, "!You've been a
Vetoed to me," six girls ; reading, "Drop.
and be Hanged," Oliver Smith song,
"neve 110 Homo,' JaH,m Si"L mobile
cud Vinnie Cardiff ; recitation, "dies
Jones cad the Burglar," Maggio Oliver ;
song, "Nellie 13rown," Mae Taylor ;
violin instrumental, D. '.L'aytor ; song,
"Scotch Dainties," D. Stewart anal as an
encore Banhnlot'a fall; iuetrnmettal,
Mies' Reid ;'song, "1 was in it," J. G. Me.
Lead, encore "Maggie Broot" ; Metre.
mental, Mos Stowart; sone, "Mee Jock
Rise," J. G. Mol,nnd ; violin indent -non.
tel, D. Taylor. After the program was
rendered and heartily enjoyed by every.
One, short spu:has ware made by the
latepaynre and vie[ting teachers, all ex
[eoesing thellISOIVOS at being wall plettea'i
with the work done in the nnitool and all
sorry that Mr. lingg was about to ]Mies,
Before closing the pre0cedinge, 111x, 1Lngg
was asked in the platform and Oliver
and Littera Smith, in behalf of the school
pre,tented their teacher Willi three bvauti•
fol vulnmes of the 1'nnt't, a "\Virg" futut. .
taut pen, and the fullowing addreae e—
JG', ,J to, L. Jftty i,
Da,tit 1'"aIICYn .ten 'L'naenmt,---We, your'
pnpile herewith regret Mott yon heve re-
etgned your position as ttaoher in this
motion, and as the time of separation
theme !rear w0 'weenie more and more
sensible of the lose the outttain. We are
oouvinoed that the prograes of your
pupils and the prosperity of the school
Inas been your aonettbnt aim and object,
fted 11 iu any degree you have failed, it
has burn in 00 way owing to lack of
faltlifalnewe on your part. We would
ask of yon now on the eve of separation
that you will kindly forgive and forget
any trouble that we may have given you
through our carelessness or thoughtless.
nese and we hope that when yon think of
your pupils of School Section No, 3,
Grey, the reminiscenoo may always be a
pieasant one to you. de a memento of
your labours among us we ask your ao-
oeptauuu of theta throe volumed of the
poets and this fountain pen. We con-
gratulate you on your samosa in the im-
portant oonupatiou you have chosen, and
aro pltawd to eco that yonr motto in
llfo is "Lxceleior." May you long bo
tittered to labor in the profession in
wbioh you have so ably and faithfully
begun, ie the sincere wielt of your friend.'
and pupils. Signed on behalf of the
School. - Ottv1:R 5)1111n,
L.tuna Berrit,
]\Ir, Hogg made an appropriate reply ex•
mewling hie thanks not only for the kind
words and beautiful gifts but for the
generous treatment he had received from
the people of the mutton.
heiwto w gel .
A garden party ander the attepiees of
the Meohanio'a Institute will be held in
the grounds of W. G. flay, on the evening
of Dominion Day.
The local 0. yoga lodge has completed
ample arrangements for the entertain•
meat of the host of visitors who aro nom•
ing to celebrate in Listowel, the 202nd
anniversary or the Battle of the Boyne.
Coldie's 5e Ib. treat was sent to Slee•
rnan'e preserve near tete brewery. The
water was becoming too waren for it in
oonfinemeut at the mill, and fears were
entertained that it would die, so it was
thought beet to give this fine specimen of
the tinny tribe its uative element awl
A deliborate attempt to linen Hay's
mill early on Thursday morning of last
week came but too near succeeding. The
mill had been running up to midnight
and about 2 a. m. Nightwatch Porter
noticed a light in the mill windows and
summoned the firemen, The blaze was
soon extinguished. An examination
showed the Lire to be aaulined to a short
eleva'or shaft running from the base.
tent to the ceiling of the tlret flat. That
the fire was the work of till incendiary
tt tolire
wasclear! proven byan attempt a
1 1
the bnikling in another gime ter, in the
grinding re nit nem a post whore u gale-
tity of shaving', anttoe waste and pine
ttplintere, all soaked in oil, had boon light.
std, but after charring the wood, had guile
rn: INsone:we Caen.—At Osgoode He'l
,judgment was rendered by Justice Mac
Mahon in the insurance Daae in which
the town of Listowel is an inttn•ested
party. An order was made for a t•efarenue
as to the damages sestet aed by the defer -
dente, the town of Listowel ; other gees.
Mons to be argued when the report on
this reference It made, onsta meanwhile
reserved, If the partiee cannot agree at
to the place of reference, the oonrt will
name a referee. Marsh, Q. C., for the
plaintiff. W. R. Meredith, Q. C., and
llorphy (Listowel) rot' the town of Lis.
towel, Arnoldi, Q. C., H. S. Osler and
0. D. Scott for other alniumnts. In par•
suance of Ratio° MaoMehon's decision,
the town will have to prove the amount
of damages enstaiucd by the ooeporatiou
through the burning of the factory, which
will now form the basis of its claim ripen
the ine'trenoe rnoney paid into court.
Whet the result will be will depend upon
the view of the court as to the town's
mesas, directly and indirectly. It re.
loutine to be seen
whether the townwould
ri 1' the
11 ea ll
n, havebeen tette. off byto t
offer of the iueurence oorupaties for a
settlement at at earlier stage of the case.
lIay Bros. flouring mill was totally
destroyed by fire early Tans:lay morning,
together with the aloeator, which eon•
tamed about 20,000 beetle's of grain, be•
sides a large amount of flour in the mill
and the elevator, ready for shipment. A
dwelling house atl,joiuing waa ale w burned
and several obher h wises esoapei the
same foto only by the hard work of the
firemen ,end °itizens. The Ore was the
work of an Incendiary, the 1011 being
fired in four different places. The Inger.
armee are ae follows :—On mill building,
Weeerino Mutual, °2,000 ; Economical,
$600. On mill tnaoltinery, Perth Mutnal,
52,000 ; Waterloo elutnal,5500 ; Walling-
ton \intnol, 09,000 ; Economical, 51,600 ;
Alliance of Blighted, $2,000 ; Queen, 51,•
000. The elevator building is insured in
the Canadian Millers' for 52,000, and the
machinery for 5200. The stook In the
mill is iesnred in the Canadian Millers'
for 52,000. The insurance on the stook
in the mill are Millers' and Manufactur-
ers', 50,000 ; Phoenix of Hartford, 52,•
000 ; Mercantile of Waterloo, 52,000.
The eugirte roost being as nearly fl e
proof ae possible, the engine, boiler and
tttt pa wore b:it slightly damaged. lee•
titrtatel loss on bnildi ng and machinery,
520,000; insurance, 512,000 ; loss on
stunk, 518,000 ; insurance, 510,000.
(ii OIlioa'al )'Ye'tvt.
Disastrous floods are reported in Yee-
Cholera at Morhad, Pareia, is dermas.
ing. The menage number of deaths is
now 80 daily.
Twenty persons were poisoned at Asll.
bury Park, N. J„ by eating ion moans,
All will recover.
The street eitilwtty eyelete of Cleve.
land, 0., is tied up on account of a alike
,.f the onlployeee,
W. M. Babes, nhargo;l with wife MM.
der, 008 hangel to it 6101 by rt nnnb at
Sh "Ray vine, Toms., on Monday, IL died
proteseiug his ie tooenee.
dodge Oarrieon, of Camden, N. J. hue
eonteno0d two negro netnlurert, Alfred
.13oye, tubo killed A'ex. Gibbe, aal,lanlei
11, 111orton, aliwte Moulton, who killed Mrd,
Lydia Ann Wyatt, to be Indigo 1 ,lily
The eltoler,t, epidemic is extending in
the Mallnfaoturiug suburbs of Paris,
A total of 104 nares of violent lets been
reported at Baku, Reside., during 01.0
weelc, with 70 deathe from the thecae',
Anode Jdrne.t 13artelemy Mochesa,
the Wel i•lutuWil Frnneh uav 1 oilier,
enientist and writer, is dead, aged 71
Appt'ohcusion ie felt in (Ihinngo owing
to the vast ant'net of 00trer gu now ;our.
ittg into the Jahn and p Muting the water
Prince Mortis lt'ijawongeapben, uephnw
of King Cltutalneg Kum or Bette, has
arrived at New York, and will visit
Niagara falls,
The liret exhibit to arrive tit Chicago
for Go World's Pair reached the Windy
City on Friday of last weelc, and mandate
0f 1:3 enormotta loge fromJttnartian lum•
ber woods.
Elijah L loyd, a direotor of the Fired
National Bank and a rich mine owner at
Joplin, Mo„ took a giant cartridge in his
loft hand the other day, lighted the fuse
with the right, platted the eertridge to
hie head, and when it exploded the bop
of his head was blown off. Insanity is
eeppoeed to have prompted the deed.
The Keystone limited on the Pittsburg,
Fort Wayne and Chicago road, was
wrecked west of Valparaiso, Ind„ San
clay afternoon, 810 care Linda locomotive
plunged over an enthanitmont, Tite fire.
man was instantly killed and the engin.
ear and a scum or more of ow paeeengers
melee,' injuries, but all will recover.
Money to Loan,
Money to Loan on Farm Pro-
perty at
Private ani Conmpany Funds.
Solicitors, ref.,
L1li:SSEL0, ON'l'.
t LL....4N LAN
Hoye! Mull Steamships,
Liverpool (calling at Moville).
FIRM Ellett
STrAelc.0 0rmriMAt. r'utntcos
ke D ATLI„ter , .
SARDINIAN..... 'gay 7 Tay 8
L'LRCASSCAN, " 28 " 241
*520Nrint, IAN Jute 4 June u
*NDy110IAN, " 18 " 1e
PA'OtCAN " 25 " 20
CTRCASSIAN, July 2 July 0
*A[ONGOLI.[N" a 10
S \itDINIAN •• In 0 • 17
*817y11DIAN-" 28 " 31
PARISIAN' 30 " int
OfltO,SSLAN.,, Aug. 0 Ate;, 7
*SIONGOLL\N., 18 11
SARDINIAN " 20 " 21
*N1:lLI0IAN " 27 " 28
PARISIAN Sant, 't Sept, .1
*Carry Cabin paeeengor0 only uv the voy.
age 10 fiiverpnni,
ofesofpassage g:—Cabin front S.45 up ;
90 ; Steerage sae
Pessougors for tee Sletunehipe ornris'en,"
t v 'Oir¢aAsi m Na Ndinn" m
"Aad nt a
1 a
tet ve Xor u" O by
ug rnint anion Saturday
F.idaper ODli ,t,) a morning boards, Ou the
Pace ty in omiug, nndan on board m1
lately on nrdyat 0 brain at 'Montreal
al in 1rh0o
Tho Steamships Parisian, Stb1•dhtl,b,t, W(on•
gqolian and Nuvtldlau have the tslootrtc
Mat throng'iOt t.
For further particular? as 10 tnilrnnd
antro, berths, Co , apply t.t
denier, Demers,
Area AatiwT 0011 0110 WRITE STAR LINE,
New Yona'ro Ltvenronte
IS e blood disease. Until tete poison le
.1 expelled from the system, there can
be no cure for this loathsome and
'humorous malady. Therefore, the only
effective treatment is a thorough oonrao
of Ayer's Sarsaparilla—the best of all
blood purifiers. The sooner you begin
the hotter ; delay is dangerous.
"I was troubled with catarrh for over
two years. I tried various remedies,
and was treated by a number of physi-
Clans, 'ant received no benefit until 1
began to take Ayer's Sarsaparilla. .A.
few bottles of this medicine cured me of
this troublesome complaint and eons.
pI+letely restored my health:"—eleseeM.
7301st, Holman's Mills, N. 0.
°When Ayer's Sarsaparilla was rec-
ommended to me for catarrh, 1 was in-
clined to doubt its efilcacy. Having
tried so many remedies, with little ben-
cilt, I had no fttitlt that anything would
rare ole, 1become emaciated from loss
c' appetite and impaired digestion. 1
had timely lost the geese 0 smell, and
110 system was badly deranged. 1'w313
1,03 discouraged, When af-riend urged
in . to fay aAyer's Sarsaparilla, end re.
f.•rra11 mo to persona whom it had rural
c. eidarrh. After taking half a dozen
1 Maioof ibis tnodtate°, T a1n cont ineod
ill r rho only sure way of treating this
nal 0 dineene is through the blood."
t'hni'1en H. Maloney, 113 River at.,
LOW 011, Ma%
yor's bars a((1, arilla,p
D1tttAnen 00
1)r. J. 0. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass.
Petco et; eix bottles, 56. Worth 95 e bottle.
Ontario Ill
tual Life,
111EA1e Uf1E1('1., . WATERLOO, 0teT,
Assurance in tome Jan'y,'172. , 51.1,034,807
New bns[neee written in 1801 2,004,050
Lemons°over 18;10....,,,,,, 316,800
Lush manure for IS31I 617,020
lucrcneo aver 1800 57,020
Liberal Conditions of Policies,
Itonit end. Pai,l•up Values guaranteed on
mob pollee.
A11 eivld°ule belong to and aro paid only
to Dalley hohlers
Premiums miums pitynblo during tha month In
which they foil duo,
Polietee are inDon teetahle tiro yours fro nt
dote of Immo.
No restriotton on travel, reeldnnaa or oe•
I.e. ,ao,l policing may be revived within six
months inter lapse.
Death Moline paid at once on completion
of claim papers.
Die'riot Agent, Ethel.
A11 Stations in Ontario°""°"u"
Tickets will by sold for Bum. leaving
'X0100800 11 p, in. nu
.iiia V 1w et zeal air, Lye:tee:9,
Good to Return tinge AU(DUST 28th,
'1•o the roilowing pianism( rates unnu•d
NES fL,00tin` L' 61 t'XtnttPmp '. �,�. „�
D1it,otOAtNL OXBOW 31)- (:.JL '91.71
T110 Winnipeg .Agricultural and Industrial
Exhibitibu will be held from July 201,11 to
80th inclusive, and July 19th and 1915 .have
been Axed upon ler exenteinu to enable pas-
te,gers to attend the Exhibition.
An Avotiou sale of Comedian p,tciao hall-
way Lands will be bald at Edmonton on
July GCB. P:taem,gore taking edvautege of
the excursion of June 28tµ wit! ronelt Ed-
monton in time 00 attend the Salo.
e or 'orbiter particulars apply to any Anent
of rho Company.
Agent, Brussels.
This GREAT 0011011 CRR, Ode
sueoesefnl CONSUMPTION (,URI;, is
without a parallel in Ole history of tucdi.
eine. All druggists are authorizer) to sell
it on a positive guarantee, a teat that no
other aura can enecessfully stand. If you
have a Cough, Sore Throat or Bronchitis,
me it, for it will Niro yon. If your child
has the Croup, or Whnoping Cough, nee
it promptly, and relief le sire, If yon
dread that ivaidious disease CONSUMP-
TION, ION'T 1n111. to nee it, 11 will cute
you 0r oust eotltiog. A 1 your Druggist
for 811lLOtl'S CVille, Price lac , µvu.
and 51.00 11 your lungs are sore or !nick
lnme,nee Shilott'a Porous Plaster. 25e.
Why Not Do Your Own ihiokinF ?
11ar.tsime, November 8111.145. 9.
J. al. fteLEot,, Goderleh,
DEAR Snt.—I shnnhl kayo written beforr,
inn• to int you 1,, w Low t IV.. got Wm; a:ung.
I na alai Letter the,, l wee; gaining strength
every ;lay. 1 have n gone appetite rt'nt deal.
well I eau take the full quantity of tau
Sy glom It m,nv,tnr ono 11 dare oat elei:en
me. 0!y Itwl,e n1 "ell Pull rn o ,mite
amort in Cher wr.y:swelling 111 One. The
greet thir,,t 1n grata; 1 •t+. ua water at
night, but 1 take to little Waterman, I ou,
milt° 4/might Logatn. Svc, ole another
bottle of your :System Renovator.
Yonen,Rn,. Jas. limit AN.
I''nrltTEEN MONTHS 140011.
RnrestiLa, February' MI, 1801.
J. 6[. 31cLton, Gnd¢riah,
DEAR Sin.-11ilteen veer, at:n la St Novem-
ber I started to doetnr first ; 1 was t"ontecl
for ,lys!n'pvta, but they Lever helped 100
any. est tions 1 suffered greatly front my
stomach ; I contained. but 1 Ellett, waren.
1 turned dropetenl ; limbs Loud body swelled
badly. You Snow the state 1 was In when
I went to (oderlod--a mere wreck, could
tlartlty walk—suffering from Bl'ight's dis-
ease. Just one year ago lest full I began
your Renovator and Spoeifie Cure, 1 began
to mend in a few days ; continued neon for
three u"mti,e steady. Altbougb 1 was (01d
f could not be eru`ed, it you saw me now,
well ,a,d hearty ; eat everything that COMPS
Its the way. !owe you th0 pram or saving
my fife. 1 was in a hopeless ooudition wt,ee
I wont to yon, in fact no ono thought I
would got better. I 00un0t speak 000 tnghly
of you and of your medicines, for it was
there that cured me. Words cannot express
my thanks to you. Freely pass my name to
anyone. Tours, &e„
R,,,,a,�,i'i�„n�'-- 'Toronto,,'hnvn17Innre, Psaurn2-: n'n,u, C 1 R.
µ,,l'1 At5 t.'tnudru l'4 laenerrectrrmororot0000
r m -1a none I, tmroaliUtta—fit my.,,,,,,,,..
o ie,r rtNli,:;tluntl not only rhor,clgbir , moved
',1, P "w:nnet0n,n Luc slnp,ed
g.. �,f,r�y,
d "utl.��tnh.nnJ t
ire; i soR aed ,ant can
M ^•, i
,. 1
Sa S.V6i`S.. .i 4ien'il� rmL J. r,a;tla ax•.h.
.a a � I>n rr
Restores Fading hair to its
original color.
Stops falling of hair,
Keeps the Scalp clean,
Melee hely soft and Pliable
promotes Growth,
170"..R., TPt- ,
50,1i.a0 ND WOOL.
In Exchange fbr Goods
-=rms. cuanc0000.staa
The Highest Market Price will be Allowed.,
We have a Fite Aosortment Assortmentof
Tweeds, Cottons, Fiann..13Prints,
Cashmeres, Blankets, Sheet-
ing, Knitted Goods,
Yarns, &o.
s ,. aaraV as
All Wool left with us lin n11uitlt"altul'iu;, whether rolls or
oliierwise, Will have our prompt, attention.
1` 71 6Jisi.ai.' dJi:ou +1u1,:aran LJotoLi..