HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1892-7-1, Page 44
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I coals -•-C E. Perry.
1 hotos—C..lo. Ferry,
Vote's' List I, S. Seolt.
Local—Posr l'ublislliug House,
PrlvtatO funde to loan--1'oer Peloitell•
ing Rouse.
QL,)e Air115,5Ct5
FRIDAY, JULY 1, 1892.
Ix the railroad resolutions brought be.
fore Dominion Parliament on Tuesday
night was one askiug for $100,000 toward
the Wingbam and Goderich proposed
Tut, Local Legislature of the Province
of Manitoba was dissolved on Monday of
this week. The nomination will be held
on Saturday, July 100, and the election
on the 23rd.
L0I4wTION protests still ooutinue to move
and create a ripple on the usual tranquil
political sea at this season of tete year,
James Grieve, the recently elected 14. P,
for North Perth, is among the latest
protists. Sir John Thompson dont like
to let go of this riding, we guess.
ilauptr a month goes by but words
similar to the fullowiug are presented by
the various juries of the Counties of this
fair Province t --
"We regret to have to report that we
found a number of persons a:alhned in
the gaol for uo crime but the misfortune
of being old, friendless and poor, and we
think it a disgrace to our common
Christianity that the aged poor of our
County should be compelled to be eon.
tined with criminals, and we would re-
spectfully suggest that each municipality
provide some other more suitable place
of refuge for our aged and destitute poor,
than the common gaol."
The above is from Grey County where it
would appear that the common gaol is
made the seating place of the poor and
unfortunate. We are pleased to notice,
bowever, that Brace County has taken a
leaf out of Huron Co. proceedings and
decided to submit the question of a
House of Refuge to the electors at the
next Municipal election. People are
awaltening to the importance of the mat-
ter and also to the saving it would be to
the County compared to the ,0 00 a week,
or thereabouts, taken to maintain the in.
mates of Goderich gaol last Winter. It
ie not a question that concerns the towns
tali t iliages aleue by any means but de. 1
t.auds careful 0000M:ration at the j
hands of coery Municipal Board and
every thoughtful elector,
Hon. EDWARD Blake hes sailed for Ire.
land and will enter upon the campaign
at once in South Longford. This is one
of the most central counties in Ireland.
It is in Leinster, but adj,teeet to Coe:
naught, and not more than twelve or
fifteen miles from the county of Galway
from which lir. Biota's family Gomes.
It is said that the name of Blake is very
popular throughout that whole district.
The home Rule caudid.,tes have hither.
to been generally returned unopposed in t
South Longford, the last contest which s
tools place resulting in the Conservative
receiving only as ni.uly hundreds of votes t
as the Home Rulers received thousands.
The Pteraellites may, however, run a
local Roman Catholic candidate against t`
the Canadian Protestant candidate of the °
anti•Parnellites. A. Canadian Home
Buler proposes that Cauatiau sympath- t
iters raise by subscription a fund which
would enable Mr. Blake to contest e
doubtful constituency in addition to his I
candidature for South Longford, The 4
Home Role problem will be the leading n
point at issue between Gladstone and b
Salisbury and the £orthoouing election d
stoutest will likely be one of the hottest a
ever held. Canadians will feel a special li
interest in the eleotiou owing to Mr. t
Blake being a candidate. If eleoted, as a
he probably will be, he will do niuch
toward drawing attention to this tannin.
ion, more especially to the Province of
Ontario and we have no doubt that even
in the great Imperial Parliament he will
stand ort equal footing with the beet de-
baters of the old lance.
n eot'n acreage, the figures being 133
There is
nu i 11 d e r+ vel .lieu
d t ants esti
p Y
market for tufa cereal in this cunntr y,
most of out supplies being drawn from
the United States, and the farmers of
Manitoba are evidently determined to
take all tho tjvan'ne they can cf it,
The area under route is nearly double
that of last year, although loss potatoes
were planted. Binding twine factories
tare likely to bo eetablished in Manitoba
soon, and in antioipatiotl of this 1718
aores of flax has been at under onlli•
ration. A marked ineretLae in fallowing
is noted, the quantity being over 40,000
aores in excess of lost year. The gnat).
City of fall•plowed °bows a falling off
from the previous year of 183,421 storm
The canoe is the same which induced e,
decrease in the wheat acreage.
IF the Government would either shut
off the annual drill altogether or else see
that the various oompauies were quarter•
ly put through their facings they would
be saving thousands of dollars that is
now little better' than thrown away.
Nearly (wetly report you see about "the
boys in red" speaks about the large
majority being "raw recruits," and so it
has been and so it will be to the end of
the chapter unless some radical :Mango is
effected. There are hundreds of men
and boys who are well satisfied with
playing soldier for ono year and never
go back and hence the majority of the
companies g i far short of their allotted
Lumber or else fill up with the "raw re-
cruits" who are often boys of 10 or 10
years of age.
Hurou County.
13. S. O'Neil, of Exeter, has sold his
driving horse "Jubilee" to a foreign bayer
for the sum of $200.
About noon on the 21th of June, a
young man named George Monteith, aged
abort 25 years, son of Robert Monteith
of the Thames road, 13 shortie, was ehay.
lug himself to go to a pio•nic. when
about half shaved he dropped off his
chat' and died immediately. heart
trouble was the cause of death.
A very fashionable wedding took place
at North Street Methodist Church,
Goderich, ou June 23rd. The bride was
the only daughter of Ephraim Downing
of Goderich, and was beautifully dressed
in heliotrope satin with train ; the front
of the corsage was trimmed with lace.
Her bridal veil of tulle was fastened with
rose buds. She carried a Large bouquet
of cream roses and fern leaves. The
bridesmaids were two of her colle,e
friends. The first bridesmaid wore a
dress of cream satin trimmed with lace,
cream hitt with flowers, and carried a
bouquet of pink and white r. s s. The
second bridesmaid wore cream eiashmers
trimmed with ribbon and lace and n
eteetnt hat with feathers, aunt also carried
a b. uquet of white and pink roses. The
bridegroom was Willie Cox, of Loam.
Ingioi, son of George Cox, Signal otlpee,
The groomsmen were L. (:ox, brother of
the groom, told Td. Moore, of Chicago,
ooneht of the groom.
The Loudon Free Press of Inst Friday
says :--Seven years ago Abraham Fisher,
of Benmiller, a small hamlet abort one
agile from Gode• tell, in the township of
Colborne, was one of ,he happiest of men.
Today he is one of the most dieoon-ela'e,
and, of course, there is a woman at the
bottom of it, Seven years ago, as has
been stated, Fisher led to Hymen's altar
a blushing bride ; to -day he is scouring
the country to find what has beuotne of
her. In conversation with a Free Pros
reporter yyesterday, ltlr. Fisher stated
that they had had uo quarrel to speak of
Suring toll those years ; that their marri•
d life has been an uuueally happy one,
uotwithstandiug that their union had
It hien blessed with children. And
his is why he cannot account for his
wife s strange action in piolting up and
ettiug out without letting him know her
uteutions. He excused Its wife's strange
onduct by stating that he fancied she
wit, out of bee mind, es she was troubled
with n Dancer. When it was suggested
hat she might have eloped, Fisher scout -
0 the ids -a, "No, no,' said he, "she
cvonld never rim oft' with antbody.'
bneording to Mr. Fisher's story, hie wife
eft Goderich Tuesday afternoon on the
o'alook train, presumably for London.
in who was working in the field, did
of miss her until he returned to the
me at six o'clock, when he was than.
erstruok to and that she had gone, bag
nd baggage. He at once gave the a'arm
nd hastened to Goderielt to intercept
er if possible ; failing in this he took
he train on Wednesday for this city,
rrivrng here Wednesday night, He
searched every Intel in the city, but
Roonld 110 find his runaway wife.
1fr. Fisher says that his wife is tall, slight
of figure and dark complexioned. She
would be wearing either a blank Henrietta
dress, with jetted Jersey waist, or to light
brown ehitllie, as these were the only two
draeses she took with her. Site hail only
a limited amount of money, and her
husband thinks she surely must be labor-
ing under mental aberration. He is stay•
at the Royal Hotel, and saps if he
does not succeed in finding her this after-
noon he will report the matter to the
police and invoke their aid to find bor.
Donnas the oold weather of the Spring
the reports from Manitoba and the
Northwest are of a satisfactory and
hopeful ohetaoter as to the coming hat.
vest which is expected to be earlier than
usual Ode year. rbc Bulletin issued by
the Government eays among other
Sino( last fall it has been thought that
the wheat acreage would be less than last
year, Thee forecasts are note found to
be correct, there being 40,071 acres lees.
The heavy crop of last year was the
cause, the farmers being unable to get
through with the threshing in time to
give as touch attention as they otherwise
would to the full plowing. Out of some
1100 correspondents who sent in reports
to the Government only one reported the
wheat plant weak. With plenty of mois-
ture and beat the suocees of tbo wheat
crop is as -need, Prospects for the oat
crop are of the very best and some 80,-
000 aores more than last year aro under
cultivation. For this year they have got
1810 acres of barley more under cultiva-
tion, and their confidence seems likely to
be rewarded by it good crop. The acro•
age of rye nailer cultivation shows an fn•
crease of 91.10 acres. The way in whioh
last year's crop was snapped 11p has prt)).
ably induced this. Thu pea aeroage has
inoiea5od from 550 in 1881 to 2188 in
1802, 13nt the most marked ineraaso it
rev. W. XL Hinko, L. L. B., late pas-
tor of the Waterloo St. llIethodistchorea,
Stratford, who has removed to Owen
' Sound, was presented 00 the ovo of his
departure with a golrl•hettcled cane and
en address from the congregation. &It's.
.Hiuks was also presented with a silver
cake basket by the Ladies' Aid Sooiety
of the eb'.trcb, of whioh she was presi.
Dr, Chamberlain, Prison Inspeoto', in
his report on the Stratford goal says 1—
"This is comparatively a new gaol anti
ono of the best in the province. But,
unfortunately, here as at many of the
gaols, the aoeotumodation provided for
prisoner's is at the present time largely
taken op by old people wlt0 owing to
their poverty have boon oommittod as
Vagrants, Of the Ill in custody 10 were
of the latter clays, This state of things
ought not to exist 41,.1 unless a imitable
poor hone is provided for the care of
such people, it will be ueoessary to build
an addition
t o t I
ea01 Where Lr w e 0 they Wali
be kept entirely separate from the orint
and classes. hereafter prison clothing
must eat be used for vagrante i oiviliau's
clothing enlist be provided for them by
tiro county Mutboritiee."
POST Jul.).- 1, 1892
",• ' 'w"'t Orp21 .17.01 L?i1!1=1R 1371C1F Pt•-'lla.-. u' 1a9 :10,'•d.ZflGr:.<G=rati1.+.,u,t^a
___.. _.-. .-... ....-._,._ _.- F.YS:::IJ[L...'F13 16".al'L4K•L^.:.7irIIG:fiiS
NPR1'l1 1t1:ANH are a
new discovery that our., ut+rho
tt rFL n tit + i
t s f i o ltt tie .
Do -
Wit), tlanhovigor and cPall.
lira weakness
; rtsintne 11 0 '
weatatoen al Inlayof blind
the 000008lif. b\nlisoi t'(
youth. nos Ilanlpdy ttltssl11te1,Y Ptt r'1,R tn,
;Hoot at, euato WWI 101um till other 'rata o r-
1 0(1.0 have fatted (ren to relieve: Sold by
druggists at 81 per Paetu(ge, 00 SIX for $5, m' I
sent by Mall nu MOM 1t,t of prion by address•
ing 'l'atE,1 AMER ait•IDtord'n Co„ Toronto. Wit,
Write for ,uuphiPt, Bold lu 'Brussels by
Any Amount of Money to Loan
on Farm or Pillage Pro
porty at
6 61 Per Cent., Yeaf'ly.
Straight Loans with privilege of
repaying when required.
Apply to
A. Hunter,
Division Colo't Clerk, Brussels.
Private Funds to Loan.
Have been placed in my hands
for Investment on real estate.
No Commission,
Borrowers canhave loans com-
pleted in "Three Days if title
Solicitor, .Brussels.
.4nf nftani'ily of
Tool wanted try the ran.-
der-',si nncl, for which, .T
ant prepared to prr7/ the
Highest l=rarlcot Price
iu Gasii
Grain Dealer, 13rnsscls.
181' Es!aiiraiit
IS Nature's effort to expel foreign sub.
stances from the bronchial passages.
Frequently, this causes inflammation
and the need of an anodyne, No other
expectorant or anodyne is equal to
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. it assists
Nature in ejecting the mucus, allays
irritation, fhcluces repose, and is the
most popular of all Dough cures.
"0f the many preparations before the
,public for the our° of colds, coogghe,
bronchitis, and kindred diseases, there
is note, within the range of my expert.
enoo, so reliable as Ayer's °Lorry Pec-
total. For years 31 was subject to colds,
followed by 'terrible coughs. About four
years ago, when so afflicted, 31 was ad.
visod to try Ayer's Cherry Pectoral and
toelay all other remedies aside, I dad
so, and within a week was well of my
cold and cough. Since then I have
always kept this preparation in the
house, and fool comparatively :mute."
—.Mrs. L. L, Brown, Denmark, Miss.
"A few years ago I took a severe cold
which miasmata my longs. 1 bad a tor.
rilslo cough, anti passed night after
night without sleep. The doctors gave
too up. 1 triod Ayer's Cherry Pectoral,
which reliovnd mylungs, induced sleep,
and afforded the rest necessary for the
recovery of my strength. By the conv
tinual use of the Pectoral, a permanent
cure Waft effected. "--IIoraceFalrbrother,
Ae Cil rr
o hecto aI
Y Y r ,
eIlfloAnan ar
Dr. J. C. Ayer 8& Co,, Lowell, Mass..
Nolo by all toragglets. Price $1; sixbottles, $ti,
001{1 COTTON 11,0011
A recent tiiseersry by an
old Idly+Lamm, Sut'onesiktl'
ly used monthly by thous..
antis Of LAntttd, Is the
nnlY Perfectly safe and
reliable ntedieine Hisao;'• n.
eroa. liewera 01 anprluot ti t tb ntigtete who
ntl'w• hilt tI m tuoatPiue, iu p1nrt no tins. Ask
for tlnoa's Coal'TPtt ito,, t itoan'et'NU, Lake nn
substitute; or incluse .at and 1 three -sent
eapottage lttatah UE ago tltnR tt tilt or, and we
W111 snort,by
snored, semen mail, full snaf-
ed partltuhu'in plain euvnlnpe, to Indies
only, s1 stamps, Address r'ond 1,11y tentPONS'.11,,,7•
PONS'. No, p''isltor Moak. 181 Woodward
ave., Didn't t, 11lleh.
ta•Sopd lu Ntuesele by 0.'1', PEPPER, (1,
A. 1)l^,ADt17t.N and all resuoue,ble druggists
every wheto,
to plain facts about the 13. & C.
corset, You can't break the
bones—for one thing. If you
do, within a year, you'll have
your money back. It fits like
a glove. And hear how it's
sold : if you're not satisfied,
after a few weeks' wear, you
can return it and get your
FOR SALE EY A. S t':1.LC1I.iN.
.Practical T'atctrrnu/rer
and jeweler.
Thanking the mobilo for past favors and
support and wishing still to seonre
your patronage, w5 are opening
out Tull Lines in
Silver Platea Ware
from Established and ileliable Maker's
fully warranted by t,•.
C1o0763 of the
.Latest ,Designs
Wispptsu Rtxrs,
L.u'tre Otto Ilixn-t,
;rutted, its,
E:utltt\es, ch.
ks" Vso tt Full Lille of Vlor.rve and
Violin Strings, &n., in stook.
N. O. --sourer of Me refuge Licenses.
T. Fletcher, - !russets
-1[anufactnrcr af—
linggi.es, Carriages, &C.
Our Work will sail.* ,you and
our Prions will please.
Call and See u$ as We are II. -re to
Ifiustle Businese.
Wo make all of the following
size photos:—Sunbeams, Mikado
Panel very nico, Carte de viste,
0.118 for views, Cabinet, the old re-
liable Paris Panel, the newest 8x
10 for groups 01' single figure, 11x.
14 grand for family groups, 14x17
makes a fine
head an h
d shoulder
portrait or group.
Crayons any Size or any other
Style 0f Prr'ir',1it.
I1011 LOOK
having added new Scenery to his Gallery is now in a position to
turn out that is second to none. A look at his photos,
will convince you that they aro first-class. The public
aro invited to call up and inspect work in gallery.
Pictures Copied and also .Enlarged to carie/ sire
in Crayon. at reasonable .Prices.
. Specialty made of Out -door Views.
You cannot mistake the place, W. W. Burgess' olcl stand
over Standard Bank.
cr az. a Ian,.
E3- OF. SRo1\1-
Df Illthlleslththe P Nllc.
iILIT ing purchased the Furniture Business of Alessr;s,
Smith, Malcolm & Gibson, Brussels, I desire to notify the
public generally that I will keep a first-class stock of
01 the newest designs, and will sell at close prices Spec-
ial attention given to repairing.
- I will keep a well selected stook. of Caskets, Coffins, t&e., also a
first-class Hearse. My personal attention will be given to all orders.
Picture Framing done ou short notice. A large stock of mould -
Mg always 0n Band.
A. call is solicited from the people of Brussels and surrounding
country. Satisfaction guaranteed.
Listowel Woolen IE 1a o bury.
(ugliest Prices Pari, ash or Trade,
Largest Wool ZUErket in. Ontario,
Everybody some and see our tremendous big stock in all
kinds of woollen goods which we offer at bottom prices for
cash or exchange for wool.
We have never been so well fitted and equipped for a Wool sea-
son's business as at the present one, and have never felt so com-
pletely confident of our ability to serve you with tbo best of goods at
bottoru prices. A specially attractive feature of our new lines of fine
Flannels, strictly Nl.w STYLES, far surpasses any wool season yet.
(Something Now offered to tho trade.)
We are the only Woollen Factory in Canada that make this line
of goods and offer them for one-half the price you pay in the city of
English Worsteds, Fancy Tweeds, Scotch Tweeds, Meltons and
Cloakiugs, Fine and Coarse Flannels in Dress Goods and Shirting's,
Tied Blankets, Horse Blankets, Woollen and Cotton Undor'wear,
Fingering and Stocking Yarns, Cottonados, Cotton Sllirtings, 'Vin-
ooys, Duck and Gray Cottons. Also a good supply of Stockings,
Socks and Knitted Goods.
W &R1T1TG.
Wo wish to worn the farmer's not to be deceived by Shoddy Ped-
dlers going through the country selling dishonest goods. We have
no peddlers handling our goods and they can only be bought by
dealing direct at trio factory.
ToZZ Carding, tie:fnznfs and Manufacturing,
. mr
Tweeds, L Flannels, Blctrzkets, ('o,
Thanking our n1im0r011s customers for their past favors, would
lie to
g Nab coma and bring year neighbor to see our stools, as ,you
will bo highly pleased to see goods so low in price. You will find
us ready to give the most prompt and careful attention to all.