The Brussels Post, 1892-7-1, Page 11...tro....m,revone,irmnuiveTu it'
Volume 19.
w..4es vAnx-,
CHIE1qiNN 1EN ItE AY0 11.
The meetOtge held in eloaforth on
Wodeeseity of htst wt' It, to •coliebler the
propriety of forming en Etpleavor Tin.
ion comp:mod of the verious Christian
hhideavor and lepiverth Lnagno welt thsi
In the windy, itiPILN largely ettendend
il e
eminently sueceetifn I. 'film afternoon
meeting %vita com [mimed at hill- post t%vo
o'olook, by appointing Rev. 1St% Menem
aId, or Searorth, oluttrman. Besides tho
Christine' Nu:leaver aol Epworth Image
of Oltrietiat) Etyleavor tiocietieS oe Sort.
forth, reprosentativefi were preeent from
tho soeieties of Brueefleid, Exeter, Don.
sell, I3russels, Wroxeter, Wingletnt, Olin -
ion and Goderich. After full disonsuion
a Union nets fornoed, with J. C. Smith,
of Seaferth, President ; Mr. Gregg, of
Exeter, Seeretary, and Mise McGregor,
of l3rneetield, Treasurer. The Presidents
of the several lowl societies were amsoine
ocileiochPresidents of the Union. The
next meeting of the Union lis to be held
in the Congregational Church, Wingham,
on it date to be fixed by the Executive.
The remainder of the afternoon %vas
taken up by musical seleeticms and the
reading of excellent papers bearing on the
week by Mrs. Watson, Of Wiegham ;
Mies Ella Smith an 1 levees Wilson, 13.
A.., of Seafort1L The evening - Seeslioe
was wall attended, the addience room of
the l?reebyterian ohttroll being comfort
ably Riled, end the attendance would,
doubtless, have been moll larger bet for
the rain. Am excellent and carefully pre-
pared taper WAS read by Mies Elder, of
Seaferth, and intereeting and approprieto
addresses wore delivered by Rev. John
Ross, of I3rnssels, and Rev. Dr. Dickeon,
of Galt, The latter eentlemen is I?rovin-
oial President of the'iflatistian "Endeavor
Sootety aria rendered invaluable ServiOes
both alt the afternoon and evening meet.
ings. lie is thoroughly convereent with
every department of the work and le an
enthusiastic supporter of the Society.
Die addresses bore upon the objects and
aims of tho Society and the splendid
Work being accomplished by it. Ile kopt
the closest interest of his audience for
over in hour and his remarks cm not
frial to have a lasting impre.siou for good
and give an impetus to the oporations of
the society and the spread uf its menaber-
ship. E xoellent mueieal selections were
rendered both afternoon and evening by
the Endeavor choir ; by it quartette front
the Emvorilt Leagne of the Methodist
church and by it quartette frotn the
Christian 'Endeavor Society, Seatorth.
By no means the least interesting or
iustructive feature of the proueediugs %vas
the answers given by Dr._ Dickson to the
questions submitted through the neediute
of the question drawer. The meeting
throughout was a gratifying success, and
must have been as satisfactory as it %vas
crediteble to the promoters. These meet
ings for the interchange of sentiment,
the promotion of fraternal relations and
the eneourmgenneet of each other, by the
young people of the county who are
engaged in Cfitristien work most not only
prove helpful mid beneficial to them who
take part in them, but a blessing to tho
entire coin:smutty.
THS (110111'8 WAY OP TEnt N15 17.
Attending services -not long ago in en
elegant church ediftee, tvhere they aver.
ship God with taste in a highly etsthetio
numner, the choir begun that scripturel
poetn %vhtch aompares Solomon with
the las of the field somewhat to the
formers disadvantage. Although neser
possessiug it great admiration for Solo,
mon, nor considering him a suitable pet,
son to hold up as a shining exatnple be-
fore the Yotnig Met0e Christian Associa-
tion, etill a [num of pity for hint was felt
evlien the cheir, after expressing unbound.
ed ahniration ler the lilies of the field,
which 11 15 doubtful if they over observed
very olosely, began to tell the oongregm
tion through the mouth uf the soprenu,
thtet''Snlourion in all his glory VVAI not
arrayed." Straightway the soprano was
reinforeed by the bass, who declared
diet Solomon was most decidedly and
emphationtly not arrayed -was eot toe
rayed. Then tho alto ventured it as her
opinkni that Solomon was not arrayed,
vvlien the tenor, without a moment's
hesitation, sung as if it had been official.
ly announced that "he %vas not arrayed."
Men %viten the feelings of the tiongrega.
thm bed been harrowed up sefficiently,
and our sympathies all aroused for poor
Solonton, Whose numerous wives allOwed
him to go &tont in sueh a fashion, even
in that elintate, the choir all together, in
a moat cool and composed nammer, it. tivtb the idea they intended to
convey was that 8olornon in all his glory
mate not arrayed "like one of these.'
, Mese what 7 So long a tinoe had elapsed
sinee they Bung of the lilies that the
thread wag eutirely lost, and by "these"
one naterally concluded that the choir
was designated. Arrayed like ono of
thee ? We should think not, indeed 1
Solomon in a Prince Albert or outatvay
ooat ? Solomon with an eyeeglass and a
mouetache, him hair cut Pompadour?
240, most decidedly, Solomon in the vety
zenith Of his glory was not arrayed like
one of these.
Despite the experience of • the morning,
the lhope still remained that in the even.
Mg it seated song might be sung in a
mauler that might tot exalts; our risk
Willies, or leave the impression that we
had been listening to a caee of black.
flut egain off started the nimble
topratio %VIII the very Ittedable though
startling Mmonneentant, "I will Wash,"
Straightway the alto, uot to be ottdone,
declared she would %wish ; and the tenor,
finding 11 10 be the thing, warbled forth
he would vvash ; then tho deep-chosted
lutes°, as though eallfug up all his fora -
tilde for the plunge, hollowed forth the
etere resolve that be Would waeh ; next
short interlude On the organ, strongly
suggestive of the eSesping of steain Or
eplash of tho waves, after which tho
their, iudivideally and ordiectively, ae-
serted the firm, unshaken resolve that
they would %%wan. At laet they eolved
the problem by stating that they pro.
posed to "Ivaeh their hande 10 hmOceney,
so will the altat of tho Deed be dorm.
...ncliturrys az. ma mr-n,-..72/1r....1 rouutomr.vanictrrattn...mmur.xsatcm.szrglrzt,remw-cstn-drro.Tn.,entr.e.m.....muer.rmeautrasalairsmonatganearam.mvAr.,..szcrossms....r...
4,4f •Inrareaz...e.rwvernm.-rx.r.v.a vvelar.t r---crEartnrwrfacx.7menouxesrmr.rmatukolluktn.rtamortremicro ,...;li;.-rgarlmnaroansorornmed3r.walmaiir" nuraNcrlarrrarrnassumrd:....nneamnrawarsrg,.......memeroarrosuarawalsimegA=mommortiiirkrintatiots.
Chatham peepte hey,' tieein M rebel au
avetetem foe publeistehumbig betel.
lien. le lwerd Mae and ine eon se
from hinionski ou Sunday ea the Pariei-
Sir (Three. Nlowat anti family left for a
lengthened stay at the Penetangitiehene
Hotel oaiMereety.
Joseph Shim:ion, of l'imperville, is ree
owler of five.yearold co 4,, %Odell is
al early the mother of five litIvem
A telephone emnpany in oppoeition to
the Bell oompany has been organized at
Montreal with a capital of $500,000.
Mies Leah, principal of Halifax. Droller,'
College, hee accepted the prinoiptdship of
the Elmint, N. Y., teeth's' College.
The minuet. meeting of the 13eptist
Charah of Manitoba, and the Northwest
will open in Winnipeg on Tuesday.
The striking Ereinilion mouldere con.
Untie to receive their weekly payment of
$1,000 frotn the International Union.
W. E. Muir, formerly manager of the
Greet Western railway, died last week in
Detroit from inflammation of the brain.
John Hildreth, an Aneaster farmer,
died suddenly et a hotel on the Beach
road, near lItunitton. He wee aged about
The 0. 0. R. Compeny 'veva announc-
ed the location of their terminus in the
Souris district arid it rush of settlers has
The Dominion Ctevernment has decided
that electeio railweys are classified as
tree:ewe-ye, and that the ruile for suet) are
A hatideorne new &inkling fon ntain
was unveiled at Brantford's park on Sat-
urday evening. Appropriate ceremonies
marked the occasion.
Capt. Streetfeild, A. D, C. to General
Herbert, was relieved of 0200 by it pick-
pocket while taking a nap oiu the train
by which he was going to Belleville.
James Mullins, en old miser, recently
died DA Vernon river, P. E. Isiand. His
premises were searched and sovereigns
weighing 12 pounds were cligeovered.
Bowmanville Salvationists had it novel
parade the other evening when, headed
by their belles bend, each soldier carried
an article intended to symbolize their
calling in life.
Alexander Sproatt, a lad from Milton,
attending the Upper Canada College,
Toronto, reeeived a wound in the throat
while fencing on Saturday of last week,
and died from the effects of it.
d. lad named Herbert Northwood, at
Chatham, jumped from liankin's cloak
into the river and saved the thyear.old
son or John Pleasenoe, proprietor of the
Grand Central hotel, from drowning.
The firet oar ou the Hamilton Ereetrio
14,4E4 37 Railway was run over the line at mid-
night Tuesday night. The oar was load-
ed with people and ti evened at the rate
of fifteen miles an hour. The trial trip
was a success in every way.
The Toronto World has sent it cons.
miationer with Hon. Ed. Bleke to Long-
ford, Ireland, to reooed his movements
and report his speeoltes in the new
theatre of his political activities. The
gentleman ohosen for the task is H. T.
40,000 00 Howard, it ineinber of The World's staff,
who was selected becanee oe his special
.10,000 00 knowledge of Old Country politics.
One day recently while Mrs. Darlene
$80,000 00 Mellott, of the lake shore, Kingsville, was
25,000 00 workiug in it brick collar adjoining the
19,521. 08 house, ehe heard a noise as though bees
were swarming and upon turtling round
to exernine she was horror-striekon to
see it huge rattlesneke staring at her. It
followed her to the door but ehe teenaged
030,571 00 to escape unhurt, and several men sne-
coaled in killing the animal, which pas.
sussed five rattles,
tVilang the bonee disc weed on th e
°way farm near Sheldon by Mr. Me•
Gregor'e sons, are it thigh bone two feet
actress, ribs four fent long and severel
1,513,D56 12 joints ef tail and vert -bre, one having a
broken spine 13 inches long. As the dig.
ging went westward it seemed to approseth
the head, so it is thought at 'sett two
animate are to be found. ele yet uo one
5,320 28 proferesional enoilgh haA bowl f01111C1 to
give it it name. Undoubtedly it it pre-
historic, but al the full heed and horns
5,200,856 70 or tusks are yet te be foiled, further
1,000,000 00 scorch will have to be made. To secure
525, 000 00 this the right to meareh has beee bought
85 50 from Mr. Ma,
McGregor and no doubt
thorough investigation will be made.
40,000 00• Tide 'story is fathered by the Harriston
10,321 08 Tribune :-"Thomas Foster, near "Tures-
lem, Minto, is the owner of a hen that
has adopted it couple of white kittens,
and is taking the best oared them. The
old mother oat takes kindly care of the
hen. While the kittens aro not oA play
they sleep under her wings, and the
mother oat makes her bed alongside of
them, So anxious is the hen for the wel-
fare of her adopted brood that she never
leaves them for food, and has become a
perfect skeleton, while the mother oat
will go out in seareh of food and brings
in min to her kittens. They are the
molt agreeable inanity on record, Mr.
Fostee at first tried everythingpoeiible
303,621 37 to keep them apart, but so persistent did
Ilia hen ant that be made up his tnind to
let them have their awing, and sae what
86 comes.ont of the stromge freak."
00 Thomas IL Stinson, who w taken
seriously ill while Amid* in the :Royal
83 Hotel, Hamilton, on Monday afternoon
of last, tveek, died on Tuesday at lite
reeidenoe, Queen street seals, It is
thought dettth was mewl from heart
2e,305 40 trouble. Mr. Stinson w is
years of ago, and one of the most popular
3,753,130 81 men in Hamilton. He was it solicitor by
7,518 78 peolassion, bat was independently wort.
they and did not practice his prefoesion
to any geoitt extent. Mr, Stinmm repre.
witted No. 5 Wa.el as an alderman ie the
108,87(1 93 City (tonna fur ono year, and at the lest
General eleotions for the Legielitture be
defeated the Hon, J. M. Gibson tie mem.
bar for Hamilton, but was tinselled for
corrupt praotioes by hie agents, and on it
now election being held he was defeated.
Demised was one of the most charitable
men in the city, end it was said of him
Out no deserving person ever applied to
him foe asetstance in vain, lie wes
member of the Hamiltoti crieket club,
and was it most enthusiastic sapporter of
all 'kinds of manly sports. His death
will be mourned by hundreds of sinews
Mende hi that city and elsewhore, lie
leaves ft wife and two young childeen.
Grey C01111 1,1-aetilaLr.
Couneil met at MuDoneld'e Hetet,
Crenbreek, :how pitroultiit to ad.
j imminent. elembere Witrt1 all regent,
the Reeve in the (their, minute's of last
meeting reed and up,,reemi. ;tweed, by
Waltee ()liver, floaawl,(1. 111 Wtn. Brown
that the sum of eeler Oo be expended for
;ravelling on sidere.ei between lote 23
and 96, eon. 11, peovide I Mr. Querengoe-
stir expend the HEM 01 313,00 on seed
road, Carried. hie, MoNair applied for
gravelling to be done on eiderreel between
lot9e and 21. Referred to 11e. Oliver.
Moved by Wm. Brown, we:ended by T,
Emile that the sum of $121 be expended
for rowdrapaire in wall of tho five divi-
Mow hi the township for tho your 1892,
mid that may further gram it timed, be ap•
proved by Lilo Counoil. Carried. PeLi•
tem of A. Iffentir and 08 others for
gravelling on sideroad 3, eon. 13, also
petition of Peter Sinclair end 12 others
for ropeirs to eon. 11, between lots 0 and
12. Both referred to Mr. Ennbe Moved
by le 'ward Bryan, seem/led by Wm.
Brown that Mums. Oliver and Ennis be
instreated to examine the reed in front
of lot 19, con. 17, and urrange with Geo.
Clark for an outlet for the water now
standing on seed ronel. Clerried. Moved
by Welter Oliver, seconded by Edward
Bryan that the Reeve be instructed to
advertise far tenders for the construction
rd tIVI muticipal dr .in told, s 13y -how No.
23, said tendere to ba epithet at the next
meeting ,2 Coulieil. Carried, Moved
by Wm. Brown, seemlier' by 'Plenum
Ennis that Mr. Ansley, County Engineer
be appointed to inspoot the thnber to be
used for tho new bridgee and also to p003
mild bridge's when completed. Carried,
The following neeoulte worn paid
Lamont, shovelling gravel, $7.001 John
Good, repairing .beidge at lots 95 and 2(1,
eon. 2, $2.50 ; A. Reymetin, attending to
equalization Union S. 8. Grey and Wal-
ton, $3.00 ; LOMB Bolton, engineer's ex -
!mew, Ditches and Watercourses Act
1830, $30.00 ; Angue Shaw, shovelling
gravel, $3.00 ; Robt. Jetnieeon, part pey-
merit bridge °entreat at lot 10, eon. 19,
$100 ; \Wm Thompson, making appermeh
te bridge at forks, 31(130, auit erossway.
ing and covering with earth at lots 30
and 31, con. 7, 323.15 ; Wm. Bateman;
repairing culvert at eideroad e, con. 6,
39.00 ; Neil Duneanson,shovelline gravel,
310.00 ; John Stewert, flour to the Logan
family, (indigents) 39.95 ; Jas. Martin,
eravel and damage to road, 31333 ; Win.
-Milne, lumber for eniverte at bounaary
of Grey and Elliot, 513.00 ; Wm. Matz -
dee, ditch et Iot 21, con. 11, $6.12.
Council then labourite,' to meet again at
Zimmer's Hotel, Oranbrook, on Moneay,
July 18th. War. SPENCE, Clerk.
%vrite these few lhaes to tell you of a
terrible explosion which occurred on this
island last Monday. A detail of fifteen
men and a gunner had been sent from
the "Boston" to the Naval ntagazine to
load shell for die 6 Melt rifteg. They
ceamtenced work about 11 a. nt. and at
11:28 a report as of heavy artillery WAR
hoard. We, at the berreeke, sapposed
some largo mait.d.war wee corning uP
tho bay, saluthts, but hninediately ding,
ding, ding repeated eine thltee on the
eleetrio gong itt front of tho gmtletroorn,
tile general mlarna sounded and we stn.
nlised that au explosion had occurred RL
the megazine. Ivo all eta! fed for our
respective stmtions, Ilioso of the 100 Co.
to the engine house for axes, tho 21111 and
3rd for hose °arts and the reserve took
the garrison hoee oart and sot off for Dm
scene of the disaster. I arritud there
with the "Farr:mut" file engine end to
horrible sight preteettediteelf to MU VIM
Shell house No. 1 had been utterly de.
owlish:1d and on the reef of No. 2 lay the
mangled remains of Gunner Deseingee,
his heed bletvrt off and the entrails streivn
over the iron roof; In frout of the ruin-
ed building lay tho tretdc of another 1111.
fortunate, head, arms aud lege being
blo%vn in all diretelhana ; one of the thighs
%vas ph:tired up &bent 30 ft. frorn the body,
a foot 'Omit 150 yards away in the op.
posit° directiott cm the hill overlooking
the ntagesi no, an Kim blown half into a
Indlding, the front of which was de
tnolished, stending on the opposite Ride
of the stroot front the sheh houses. Two
were blown out into the bay and were
piokod up by the gig oE an English bark
lying on tho opposite side of the straits
and earried over to the landing. They
were immediately sent to the hospital
alla attended to. One, by: Immo R.
Iteinok, %Vas a eMproate of mints on the
S%vatera mad had intemled this to be his
last cruiee ; poor fellow, it was, and end.
ed sooner and ht an altogether different
manner from what he Would have lilted.
The other was the son of A retired boat.
swain .13. S. navy. Iteineke had a
splinter of Wood in his °hest and expired
as soon as it was withdra%vm Zbe next
one Was bnrned, in feat all his skin was
burned off, but had no other ihjuries.
Ile liugered mail about midnight when
he too expired. .Itmeediately on arriv-
ing the engine started a stream into the
fire which \WU{ reging, and aftsisied by
tWo other etreame had the aro under
conteol in abed an hoer. Mon the work
Of removing the debris weineenced and
as the °barred timbers wore rentovod,
burned and mangled remains were die.
olosed. It was not known hotv many
had petished bet Its the bodies were re.
covered and identified the lig of °menet.
ties inoroased them were fifteen
all told -twelve dead and throe in the
hospital and the 1101110 of the death of t%vo
areived while we %yore there. The ferry
"Arattdor" %vas lying about Cour ballet
mvvay and on hooriug the repout of Ste
arab explosion sterted off for the maga
mine but when she areived and offered her
ettrvioets the Inc %vas virtually extin(mish-
ed. 1Nte magazine watohinan was on the
dook %viten the fleet exploeion oceurrod
aml ho, with rare preeence of mind, drop.
ned flat and remained so (01' 10 n11;11140
when he arose and ran toward the
wrecked Wilding. The teeond explosion
enema while he wee on mute and a
fragment of shell -amok hint and gavo
him an ugly (scalp wound. IIo did not
wee, however, but got there tea qltieltly
as lemsible .old, a-,eisted by the regelar
enteloyeas got the 1114Ekt/41110 110.40 0011.
11,111(1,1111a b^1411rn 0,1 play teeter into the
iive. He watt heavily bandleapped
had elect by hie exertione got ilk right
dielocitted, but he would not
give in until ordered to do to by the ear,-
tein of tiro yard. The telephone wire.;
were brokeu by flying debris but the
ale/Ark:inn of the yaml soon had an in.
ruminant iu operatern awl the 111.108 tlew
of what lied weltered. The funeral took
piece the next afternoon and all thamen
that could be sperm" from the 13ostou,
Independenee, and barracks, 1.111 well as
every °Meer on the Wand from the Ad-
miral down to the youngeet middy, at-
tended. Reportero from the leatline San
Frennine papers were there with 'their
koilake anti itotebooks and a full account
of the burial wits published next day!.
This sad event le the first of any tnagni-
buds width 11AF1 ooenrrecl here SI1100 the
steamer "Julia" blew up jneb oppoeito the
magazine and in which 37 lost their
lives (Fob, 1111,1888,) Yours truly,
June 16, '92. OCAVEn SMITH.
The mutual meethig of this barik WAS
held at its head ofhoe, Toronto, on june
15th, 1892, the President, NV. I?. Cowan,
In the °heir, when the following report
%vas prosentod
The Direotors bog to ;yam before the
shareholders the 171h annual report of
the bulk for 110 3051 ending Mat May,
For a considerable part of the year,
mousy %VAS plentiful, and the profits NVOTO
actiordingly affected to some extent.
The net earninge, however, Immo pro-
vided for twodulf,yearly dividends of
41 each, anti la 'Addition have yielded a
surplus of $30,050.71, of which 825,000
has been added to the Best itecount, and
the balance carried forward along with
the previous balance.
The Head Moe nud Agencies have
been eareftdly inSpeoted during the year
aucl found to be in good order.
'ffile officers of the bat* continue to
disoharge their duties to the satisfaction
of the Board.
0.1101 whielt is respectfully subtnitted.
W.1% Com.tx,
Standard Bank of Canada, Mil 31, '02.
Delano of Profit and Loss
account brought forward
front last your 13
1?rollta far year ending May
3101, 18924 ter deducting
expellees, interest, eta,
mkt providing for bad and
doubtful debts
Dividend, No. 32, paid lst
Dee., '01 13
Dividend, No. 33, payable
let June, 09
Added to Rest amount....
Belanee carried forward..
!hoed by Ontallt, ere:meted by
Cerlyle that the tlete're of the .hare.
holdere APO herein, tendered 10 the 1'N:tr1-
dent, Viee•Preeideitt ki.1111 1)0.01101.4 1,/r
theiV valuable servierei during, the 3'' t'.
Moved by Time. R. Womb, seenaded
W. 11, Glumly that the thanke of the
shereholdere are hereby tendered to the
welder and othw ofileers of the bank for
the eilluient perform:tune of their ro.
141)er:0ile' duties. Carried.
Moved by W. Allen, secooded by
Dr, (1. I). Merton that the polling for the
election of direetore do now commence
and continuo until two o'clook, unlees
five minutes shall lute° thipeed without a
vote being tendered, in which ease the
901110 be Gloved at ones and that Mumma,
Pellatt and Alesender do act as seriffin.
ears. Curried.
The scrutineers declared the following
gentlemen unitnimouely elected directors
for the ensuing your F. Cowan, J.
13nrns, A. T. Todd, Dr, (t, 1). Morton,
W. E. Allen, F. 1Vyld and A. J. Somer..
At a subservient meeting of the newly
elected board W. F. Cowan was duly re.
eleeted Preeident anci Jelin Berne, Vice.
Toronto, June 15111, '09.
MB stump ()V HIERAIN,
The Synod of Huron held its annual
eassion last %veek at the Chapter Douse,
London, Bishop Baldwin presiding, near-
ly 300 delegates answering to their
names. Canon Richardson and IV.
Swaisland were re elected clerical and
lay secretaries respectively. The bishop,
in the course of his opening address, gave
a comparative statement of receipts for
the past eight years. The figures for the
current year are $91,018.20, against $18,
0005 the previous year, nearly $0,000
more than in 1,85. There are 246
churches in the diocese and 13,603 aim-
muniertats ; in 1880 the number of cone-
munioants was 8,910. The population of
the diocese, &wording to the census, is
735,839, and the membership of the
Anglioau °hero% 311,910. The dioseesan
statistios (hewed& membership of 54,004,
end the bishop thought this dieerepancy
was a fit subject for investigation. He
said the diocese was not suffloiently
manned. It should shake off its sloth,
and instead of processions and parialtes
a -king for help, they should be owning
in to announce their independence.
They ',needed a new class of unmarried
men who were %villing to go aft deaoons et
least ion ft period without any salary,
dependent on the greet Ckod who knows
all our wants." The bishop spoke of the
edvance made in the Sunday wheel dm
pertment, which now inoludes 221 sohools,
2,170 teaohers and officers, and 170,000
pnpile. Tho bishop made feeliug mime
one to the death of Right Rev. Thomas
Williatn Williams, bishop of Quebec', and
and Rev. Conon Patterson, of Stratford,
aud also paid a high tribute be the good
work accomplished by the Ley Worker's
Association and the Women's Amxiliary.
At tbe evening session the Exeoutive
Committee's repott was presented and
paesed without amendmeet. It allowed
a largo increase in the diooesan inoonio
in all departments. The money for
olergy maintenance during the year was
$17,708.05. The overdraft on this fend
of $4,015.41 in 1801 is now reduced to
8107.10. There are 25 annuitahts on the
014005 and oephanie fund ; $5.030 had
been paid in annuities, and $2,500 carried
to wpital account front this fund. Bev.
U. Fletcher hail heen superannuated don.
frig the year. It wee voted to increase
the eatery of Secretary -Treasurer Me
Whinney front $1,200 to $1,100. The
committee having in °hero the matter
of connolidation of the Anglican Church
in British North Amerlea reported favor-
ing the scheme with some nmendments,
and 1:000111 mend ing that the delegates to
the Provincial Synod be instructed to
support its passage by that body. Tho
chief amendment proposes that dioceses
havieg 100 to 150 clergymen be entitled
to five delegates of each order, and those
having 150 end over six delegates of ceell
order. This clam carried,
110,050 71
$124,501 OS'
$124,521 08
Notes in circulation
Deposits bearing interest
(inc)uding interest to
date) ...... $3,705,1111-21
Deposits not
bearing in.
tercet $ 788,810 18
Balances due to other
banks .
in Canada. .13 990 13
in Englancl..4,339 15
Total liabilities to the pub
lin 10
Capitel paid up
Rest account
Fortner dividends unpaid
Dividend No. 33, payable
lst June, 1809
Dominion notes, legal tom
Notes and °herpes of other
Receiver General (throttle.
Mon Rodomptioe Fund)
Balances due from other
In dada, .8108580 33
in U. S....... 130,035 04
Dominion Government and
other iiest•olan deben.
envoi; ......... .... •
Loans on securitiee ab call
$0,704,463 28
140,176 68
287,261 00
170,742 BO
17,591. 07
Casnudiasi r's7 o wre.
Nova, Scotia crops promise maguilloent.
ly this year.
The first watermelons of
are on the London market.
The Grand Lodge of Tree
meet in 13elleville on Jely 6.
The W. C. T. U. will hold its next ru-
nnel convention in Winnipeg.
Hamilton Royal Tempters will hold a
big eamp meeting in August.
The Lord's Day Alliance of Canada,
hda its annual meeting in Ottawa.
A ton-yerttoold London boy named
Sherlock died Friday of sunsteolre.
Mr. Bryaon, Conservative, was elected
to the Commons lo Pontine: County.
James Fowler, an old resident of Man.
ears, dropped dead on the street at liow-
Iffrs. F. 13artletb, aged 63, living neer
Port Stanley, committed Weide on Sen.
day by taking etryohnine.
A. buildiny and loan newel 'Hon has
been organised. in London with $5,0e0,-
000 oiepltal. Mayor Slimmer is president.
David II, Boggs wits /Aught 111 a fly•
wheel in his weltolyerd on Dundee Mem t,
Toronto, on Monday nerd liteeally torn
to piecee.
Beamsville merchants have egreed to
°lose thole pianos oi basin° s cot Werlues.
day itfternoon et ono o'clock from 'Deno
22n11 to August 310,
The Mayor of Mount Voreet, imposed
a fine of $5 end costs on one J/411108
Brush for refusing to mit end burn black
knob after having been notified by tho
John L. George a former residing in
tho township et disoyboeoi, wits sontouced
to tlitee months ie Jail at hard labor. lie
was found gnilty by the jury of shooting
a neighbor with to doeble barrelled shot.
got with intent to do him bodily harm.
The shooting resulted from a dispute
over a line ince. The neighbor WAS
seriously injueed by the allot&
the season
Dittos will
Meets readily available $9,725,9111.
Loans on securitio • et
short date
170,0)0 00
Reel estate (prodnotive)
the property of the bank
Dille discounted and ad•
'trances current
Notes and bille oveedne
Beak prembies, (frooholde
altos end office ftirniture
et the head office rind
Other aunts not inoluded
unclor the foregoing6,530 53
80,794,463 08
J. L, 13noniet,
Toronto, 1) tet May, '02.
The &hoer wee taken by NV. P. Cowan,
President, who road the report and state.
meats, and aftev making some com.
mints thereon moved, mended by Sohn
Borne, Vie President :
That the report and statements now
reed be adopted and printed lee diateibti.
bleu among the shaeoholdorth Carried.
On July 5th the ellargne agsieet Sher-
Uf satete, of the County eaf Brite", will
bc hive:Ai:Wed at \Witte:J.:AI by Mr.
f rvittlooding RH :atm Milli/MM.
The Bay of gehits fishermen have
organized m seeiety tor the Proteetion
their riehts. land for do; 1-win:deg abortt
of it lastter enforcemen1 of the ileitery
101;iy1:11Ittyr.eoses be rsieed on Itted values,
with the exeeption of five per omit, on
• The Comity Cminnil of the Cotnity of
Bruce 11A4 deeided that all taxes for
liev, 0. NV. Kerby, 13. A., of Hamilton,
preached in the Central Methodist 0110 101
at Woodatock on Sunday, and asked for
$1,000 for the Dundee street church
there. lie seoured 81,207.
0. to give the TerOnto, Damn -
ton Et I3uffalo liailread a bonus of $70,-
000 hag passed the Remind reading in the
I3ran11ord City Council, and the rate-
payers will vote on it Jtdy 91s0.
'Ales. William MoCemsland, living on
the fourth line of Sarnia township, has
been arrested for shoplifting and a large
amount of geode were founel in her image -
She acknowledged the thefts and was
released on bail. The woman is in good
Thebaore Pickerieg'e house at Wad-
laceburg, wag robbed by trunaps recently
during his absence, and he resolved to
fis: a trap for the vagrants. Accordingly
he attached A wire arrangerneet lo the
top of the front door mid fastened to
the triggers' of a double-barrel Shot gun,
placed in omit a position that anyone
puehing the doEn- open Would receive the
oharges in the lower part of the lege.
After taking it short trip the young man
returnea in the evening tired atul hungry,
arid forgetting in his lieSte to get into
the house all about the trap, sprang to
the front door and pushing 11 open set
off the machine and two charges of coarse
shot found a lodgment in his knee. The
injury is it very severe and paiuful one as
over 28 shot entered his knee.
- The greet international double scull
race for the worlds championship has
been contested on 1?rosque Isle Bay, and
Ilanlan and O'Connor carried it to To.
ronto, tmgether with the oitizens' purse of
81,500. The attendauce at the course
was very large. When the hour for the
race arrived the scullers refused to risk
the choppy seas, but about 8 o'clock the
wind began 10 go down WA at 6:15 the
oarsmen were called by the referee, I). J.
Ceelanagh. ef Philadelphia. lIosanor mad
fiandatir expressed themselves as beiag
satisfied with the condition of the course,
and as Denise and O'Connor were ready
Ole sonliers got the word et 6:50. At the
start Hosmer and Gauche= showed slight-
ly in front and were ptdling"38 strokes to
the minute, In turning the stake the
four nten were on even terms, but after
going loss then a 100 yarde the Canadian
team forged to the front and remained
there to the end, %virnthog one of the best
races of the kind ever witnessed in those
waters. The time was 111:I5, that of
Deemer aed Chtudanr, 10:57.
John Me:Naughton, of Musa, it home
for a holidey visit,
Ire Worth of Chicago, Was visiting at
IL Gerry's tbas week.
.filise 'Miami has returmal to town after
en absenee of several militias.
Miss II. Ve Kerr arrived h tent front
Thantesfora an Tuesday evening.
Mrs. (Itr.) Ferguson, of Myth, was
visiting Mrs. J. J. Gilpin this week.
Mrs. W. B. Woken') hes been laid up
this week hem an atteck of pleurisy.
The Mis es Abraham will speed a nor-
tim of their vacation at Chvon Sound.
C. S. Dards, of Walkerton, mete visit-
ing Coo. Rogers on Tiamday of this %veek.
Miss lAiN310 sketple is 0.1 tha nick list
this week front an attank of pneumonia.
Mrs. J. A. Creighton MO in Gen last
week attendin,:- the no:writ:4e of her son.
Blew LiE410.Dickmo, or (tuderieb, was
in tovvn Ent 'I: :mushy 'titterer) m of that
I)awoiog is 'estatietting" at his
unoles----W tn. Pollara's--in MelCillop
Mrs, Hilton,
nI Whighsen, was in town
for m few days htst vreek. She ie a sister
to Dr. Cavanagh.
Mrs. \\Tose:mat and Miss Annie V.
Snider, of Wet.r100, ars visiting Mrs. G.
F. Settee at the Parsonage thie week.
Miss Annie Sinclair, Prinoese street,
hrtre:ne on a holiday visit to Manitoba
mdiere she will enjoy herself for month
Itobt. Armstrong end wife were viait.
ing Mende in the vioinity of Parkhill
this week. They drove, the distance be.
ing about 00 miloe
Neil Itichardson has gone to Hamilton,
Dakota, on a trip. Ile west per steamer
"'United Empire" front Sarnia last week
aid was tioketed by 9r, 1P1ieher.
A, M. I(Ity, Dopetty postmaster, of
Stratford, was in tomm on Timesday of
last week. De leaves 011 Friday of this
Week on a three weeks' teip to Winnipeg.
going via Deattie steantsr "Almutreh"
loom Sarnia.
Ed. Creighton, cashier of the freight
departmeni of the G. T. 13., Guelph, wad
bride were in Blussols for a ellort time
this vmelt. The yonng ommle common oe
married lite with the best wishes alt
oirole of friends in this piece.
II. 0.. Crooks, %vho has been in the
employ ot CI, A.. Deadman, druggist, fou
the past throe yeare and it half, has ao.
°opted of a more lucrative 'situation in
Chulanoque and will leave on Monday for
that plaee. fits many friends in Brus.
sole and violnity wieh him ovary sumo.
Alex, Bruce be brought the "eighth"
wondor to the front by going off for it
holiday trip to the West, lie has a sort
and a 'large number et other relatives itt
the Pettirio Province and we wish hint a
pleasent tinne. Mus, Theme will reotait
her health among old associates in Peel
I=Tradon, Weber in the .2110 De-
partniont of Brussels Publio school,
loaves 00 Friday ni this week On
pietism.° teip to Banff., Calory and other
0011110 of interest in the West. She
wont by steamer 'Monarch" to 1?ort
Arthue and thence via (..h P. n.
Macho)! iesuod the ticket.