HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1892-6-24, Page 88 TUE BRUSSELS POST talleirearesonenswesizneussounceacesconscoseenesuresnexceaneasseamericias p 0 s rile Potato lings Hi our Uaranteed PURE FARB arbEEN. KEEP COOL 114init ono of our fails Which we are Offering cheap, er if yen are tired and thirsty try a glass of our cooling and refreshing JER8EY TELK SETAK and see if yell do not agree With otherfe Who Sny `One Of the best ot drinks." G. A. DEAlar Dreggist, Bookseller, &a. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. coZT11B011 P,X1'ENsION W. 13. st 13, Trains ieare Brussels Station, North and South, as follows: Go3Xo SorTir. GoINo tquil 11;51) ear, I Mixed 9116.111. 11xeress,.....1115s ado. man 0:1e p.m , &axed ...... 8:55 p.m. Express IC45 p.m. ci.c 1 11 eth Vf C111 5 e • .A. chiel's among ye tokin' notes, .11.n' faith he'll prent it. to yoe have lost anything advertise it 11 'TIM PORT. Trot old lime kilis on the TOWn prop- erty is being removed. FRIDAY of next week will be Dominion Day and is a public holiday. Dz. GEASEAM'S double house on 30111 street has received a coat of paint. Two of Joseph Nurr's oink/ten are ill with scarlet fever We are sorry to bear. .Rer. R. Pour, fills the pulpit of the Elora Methodist church next Sunday. elmin A," formerly owned by P. Ament, won secoud momy at 'Walkerton races. Wool: &boot orieket match or game of some kind to ksep sort from dying out altogether. TEE widens departments of Brussels Public school will close next Monday fur the Sommer vacation. Emu Monday evening the Brussel Salvation Army hold service at Wm Bateman's, Grey township. TEM Orangemen of this District will celebrate the 12th of July. at Kincardine This year. A. big orowd expected. Neer Wednesday the Smith di Gilson factories, do. will be offered for sale et Brussels at the hour of 3:30 o'clook. Xxox church pio•nio, which was to have taken plan on Wednesday, was postponed on account of the death of Mr • McKenzie, I3/0 strawberry crop is promised, and gooseberri•s will be pleutiful if the cater- pillars that destroy the /eaves are promptly poisoned. A Lopez of Instruction in connection with the A. P. d: A. M. wits held in Lis- towel on Taesday. Several members of St. John's Lodge, Brussels, attended. Ir is oonjectured that a spaciflo may yet be found for every ill that flesh is heir to. However this may be certainly the best spectate yet found for diseases of the bleed is Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and most dithases originate from impure blood, STRATI:MUT PEST1VAL,-013 Tuesday evening, July 5th, the Epworth League of the Methodist church intend holding a strawberry festival in the basement of The church. The program will consiet of a swig 80) 3108 entit'ed "Chips." Ite• member the date, July 5111. G11.3VSLLING CONTRMTS LeT.-Satarday afternoon Reeve Mooney, of Morris, and Deputy Reeve /3ryan, of Grey, let several fobs of gravelling North and South of Bruseels, amounting to 9240 in all, as follows :-Walton, Wm. Carter, cLh, 34 dents, 3.40.00 ; Burns' swamp, W. Den - bow, ;!-I 300., 350.00 ; South of Brussels, J. Oakley, CN.; MI., $00.00 ; North of Brussels, Jas. Martin, d 400,, 951,00 ; Forsyth's, T. Bird, cr 470. 900.00. Trueosy, 21st inst, was the longest clay of the jear and Summer is at its height. From the 1031) to 25 inclusive, the day's length or duration of daylight extends over a period of 10 hours 26 minutes in each of the 24 hours-the:3e are the long- est terms of daylight in the year, For `The sanis week oext month there will be 23 minutes less of daylight, and for the third week in August, 1 hour mid 26 minutes less. The shortest day of the year is the 21st of December, when Old Sot gives away to electric light or noel after a, short reign of eight hours 50 minutes. "Clioress."-A. large endience listened with interest to ari nddrellS On ,,Choiees," by Rev. I. /3. Wallwin, B. A., in the Methodist church, Brussels, last 'Monday evening tinder the auspices of the Ep• worth League. The reverend gentleman showed that choice was built on will and d*elt 00 four choices that every person should mahe :-(1) Companionehip (2) Ocenpation 4 (3) Wife (4) Prlueiples. It was a most suitable address for a path. ering of young people. Moved by Rey. 6, F. Salton. seconded by Nelson Gerry that the Winks of the League be sender. ed Rev. Mr, Wallwin. Carried, Mrs. Wallwin accompanied her husband, They returned to Bluevitle on the 10 ce. ;Hook train, Amigo the hints on the book of the NeW I:el/iteration receipts are the follow - bog :-A versos posting 1. registered let- ter ahould nob leave thr posteffice Until helm obtained his rim, int, The !otter should bear stampe to the full amount of postage and regist ation fees. The sender should attend to the due payment of hie letter himself, A. postma-ter 1)3 responsible for doing that Mach 11 30 his duty to de, tind 16 58 not his duty to place SteMpa on letters for other people. Lot. tare tor registration should be brought to 1 Use 9081011'We same time before the mail • closes. Persons that reeeive registered letters that call for acknowledgement would fr, quently save trouble to them, gelves and to the postoffiee by ooknow- them promptly. • , 11, . CLPFP was away at LunThm this wcelt :311 ending the Synod of /Throe in session there, 19000 envelopee itrrived fit Tun Poe' Publishing Rome, llave your busiures mud printed all a 1,000 of them. TIlle week J. T. Pepper ticketed David Fe'goson, Moosotnni, N, W. T„ awl Mr. mei Mrs, Nichol•on to Sm:t Ste, Marie, A NUMBMI of delegates from the Ep• worth League of the Methodint 0111119)1 and the Christian Ludo:wee ol hlolvi ebnruh, Brussels, attemiecl the Conve tien at•Sonforth on Wednesday. "Mr father at about the age a fifty lost a 1 the hair 01010 the top of Ida head, After one month's trial of Ayer'it liar Vigor, the halo be gan coming and in three menthe Ile had a fine growth of hair of the natural 00101'. '-.1', J. Cullen, Saratoga Springs, N. 3, WiNellAM RUTS, TURSVAll XPXT.-Ar- ulngemente have been made with the (fraud Trunk Railway to issue tiekete to partiea of eight or more, from all poiuts on their road at single fere and ene.third, good to return within 30 days. Excellent evening trail services for Paltnerstou and Klocartline directions will be provided and for the conveolence of passengers on the L. H. and 13. Divisiou, a special train will leave Wingham depot at 7 p. In, on the 28th, for 10130191 11110 interniedi. ate points, oonnecting at Clinton with evening traits for Goderioh. Entries are already coining aud the meeting promises to be a gram! success, LARGE SHIPmeNT OP CATTNE.-Last Sat. urday Messrs. Smith and Winters ship- ped mem Oar loads 00 extra .fine cattle from Brussels, representiug somethin like 46.000. The following 10 ths outu- ber and weights ; Chas. Rosen, Grey, 1 2000 Jno. Grieve, hialiThop, 3 4320 John Maim; Grey, nste, 11 114407700 Gra M. Flannery, Maintop, 7 10250 Wtn. Perrie, Grey, 0 7820 Wm, McArthur, Ilforrie, 3 2800 Wm. Fulton, Grey, 2 2700 .To, Craig 1 200 1 could be got up. All the teets were ex. treniely eatisfaotoey detnointrated leyonti question that the lionalti is it • eplendid eteamer, well adepted tor all emergetteice, 13 Wee the pretty general oeiniott that, the Connell should tithe eorly stops to 3)300(110 the Ronald or 310I1 taller fire engnie equally au good, nod the que,tion will neenpy the (airman attend, of the oily fathers nt the July session Its the meantime Mr. 1Iarsotie has la the Roonld here and ready for use in lls :ten ol lire. 11. Nnxit 'Monday, lune 27311, le the date of the Farmers' Exenraion to the Model Perin 9.1 Glu•14.11. The return tutket from here 10 9,/ OentH, good for tem diva. This is a very cheap trip and oo thmln a num bar ef Ilrui elites will take ad vAntage of it, Wr; lately notieed nhout the testing of a :Ronald Fire steamer at Preeton end Hespuler, whieh lute proven BO aatisfao tory to the letter tom) that they hawe mesie up their minds to buy one like it, ited have invited another to he sent there as 001113 EIS IL oan be got ready early in July. Llysnmeth.-*.tiss Sadie hluDonalti, of Brussels, was united in marrlitge to If. R. Horton, of Seaforth, on Tueeday, june 7111. The balmy event took pleoe in London, Rev, W, 8, Clark, of that elty, being the oilloiating elergyint3n. We wish the young couple happiness and proaperity. BACX•SOnn 10 mused by sick kidneys. Dodd's Kidney Pills will remove it, 13y their peculiar action oo the kidneys they impart aetivity and lir:milt the eystern by Purifying the blood. You canuot have pure blood with disordered kidneys 4 Mattis's existence depends upon their natural condition. They are the gov• ernoes 00 1110 system, continual disorder results in kidney oonsuroption, which is Bright's disease. TUE Prize List of the Western Fair, which is to be held in London Sept. 101h to 2411), is again to band, end We are pleased to notice that the unpreoedented seccess which attended the efforts 01 11)0 management last year has been ot tangi. ble benefit to the breeders of live stook and agricolttuntl producers, the Direotors having added nearly 2,0(.0 to the prize let of 1291. Besides increasing the al- ready large prizes offered, third prizes have been added to the cattle classes, where before omitted, and new sections o the sheep elasses, and a 1E111 class for he Tamworth pigs. Also third prizes ti the poultry section, which, with the omniodious building now 311 11)0 disposal f the poultry breeders, should call forth heir hearty oo•operation and give to the ntrons 01 1110 Western Pair the grandest isplay ever exhibited in Canada. The airy interests are being ptoperly /oared fter, and the committee is evidently atering lor a larger exhibit, if possible, ian the display of last year. .A. long list spocial peizer are offered, one ov more 1 each department. The direotors have added to adopt the one judge system nd appoint good, reliable, competent men, from names submitted by the prin• oipal live stook associations. This is the plan adopted by all the leading Fairs in America and the smeentive of the Western .101,111 21, 1802 nercesnvassallegerfalare=3,==‘,13n_numsnete;cURzsuniSamuncralcustlateatvaMiraratreNtertrXetWareRtNetNarerr'47,W,111,Zelll,,sel A977,4,APD 11' 1) .13, 1 XX P 44,1411,: , PA R r f's; N Li Lien HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO. ASSETS, . • (Sewn Minicn Dollars) 47,)00,000 30 cApiTAL, (Authorized) . • 42,000,060 in on thdar1,1, Qa.,!..e, Man i:ete, l'albel Stator & tgand. t' .Vi'erlsvgra Ifffetz.veic. , 0 Joe, Bolger, Morris, 1510 Jae, Harris, Grey, 1300 Jas. Hislop, Grey, 1400 Win. Thuell, Ydorris, moo 1 John Stewart, Grey, 5860 Arell. Hislop, Grey, 9860 Jas. McDonald, Grey, 5300 Andrew Hislop, Grey, 17310 t Jos. Poster, Grey, 4920 Jets. Cuthill, Grey, 10280 i Mr, Ross, 1690 0 A. Welsh, 4970 ,°' J. Cardiff, Gm, 4400 ' ill.r. 130110, 7740 1 J. Cameron, Grey, 6019 a Jas. Speir, Morris, 2050 d S. Caldbielc, Morris, 2120 a A. Barns, Grey, 2670 3, 6420 ti 0030 ci 1700 " 4340 d a 2 4 7 4 12 3 0 1 4 a 4 Mr. Wheatley, 11. .E. Burkholder, Morris, 2 Mr. McGurn, Morris, L W. Wilkinson, Morris, 3 0. Miebtel, Grey, 1 2 5 1280 V. Foster, Grey, 3 1300 H, Forsyth, Morris, 2 3000 W. McCracken, Morris, 2 3300 Tisz :Methodist &arch that 3)30 1.1 t graphed by H. J. Strong last Saturcla 1/ 0 o' air are determined to keep pace with Y the best. 8110316 0.03, of our readers wish afternoon. FATAL A.PCIDENT.-Trieulay evening, about 7 o'clock, Brussels was thrown into a state of great excitement over the re- port that Dan. McKenzie, foreman at Coleman Bros, salt works here, had been killed in a runaway accident. The rumour proved only trio true. It would appear that Mr, hIcKenzie haviug com• pleted his day's work -hauling salt to the depot -Wee on his way home and when nearly opposite the Norton terrace dropped one of the linea. He dirt what hundreds of men do, viz., got out on the wagon tongue to get it. In getting book he slipped and fell and was drag.ted for ct, piece by the affrighted team. At Queen street he was picked up and oarefully oarried to the sicie of the street and a physician summoned. There was an ugly gash about inches long on The right side of the head, the skull being crushed in, caused either by the wagon wheel or the hoof of one of the horses. There was also a mark on his back and shoulder. The injored man was unable to speak and in about fifteen minutes after the accident the vital spark had fled. The sad news was nonveyed to his wife and shortly after the remains were removed to his residence on Frederick street, e ceceasecl WES a native Stitherlandshire, Scotland, and cam from Bea orth to Bruasels two yeant ag to take the place of P, Pureell, who die of lung trouble. Mr. Molleuzie was gniet going, hard working man who a tended to the business of his employe with a, most commendable zeal. II leaves a wife and five small children to mourn his uetimely demise. The futter• al took pla,ce on Thou:1day afternoon and was under the auspices of the Sons of Scotland of which the subjeob of this notice was a member, Bis age was 41 years, 10 months and 9 days. P. Per. eell, W. A. Calblok and D. MaKenzie, the three foremen who have managed the Enterprise Works since it aomme need operations, are now numbered with the ert . re McKenzie and family have the sympathy of the oomniunity their leneliness, RONALD FIRE Hi/WPM-Tile WfLt8P100, Que., Advertiser of June thellth says On Friday last J, AI. Parsons gave the citizens 6i Waterloo an exhibition of the oapabilities of the Ronald steam fire engine, to enable them to see what a good steamer mut do as a fire extinguieher. The first exhibition wee given in the forenoon at the Main St, bridge, in present,a of hunclrede of people, who were more than satisfied with the performances of the Ronald. First a powerful stream was thrown 200 feet or mare throegh an inch and one.eightli noseJe and two streams Were thrown over 150 feet, through inch nozzlee, exceeding by several feet the refill irem ante of the Underwriters' ssooThtion. A..n mob and a clutter SLPSEM WKS male to cover 161 feet, and finally seven stream were playing at one time, with three tinerter inoll oozzles. In shifting the direction of the atreame, the nozzle holders contrived to giyo 31. good many of the spectators a, shower bath, including judge Lynch, R. E. Fontaine Q. 0. of St. Hyacinthe and members of the local Bar, who coonpled a, carriage within range, In the after- noon the Ronald was placed 81 1110 Lewis bridge, where steam wag raised in six innutes. A stream was thrOwn to the very top of the 93)119 01 the Roman Cloth. olio (March, about 175 foot, and on ineb stream was forced through 1000 feet of heee the remarkable clietitnee of 178 feet. On Monday Mr, Parsons gave % moat elle- coastal teat showing how quickly steam pleased to forward the same. a, prize list addre-s Thos. A. Browne, Sem:Cary, who assures us he will be Business Locals. H. a. 83:1I011e Bnishes all his work by the 11819 procese. Gear/ Rapid's carpet sweeper very cheap. B. Gerry. II. 3. Smusso photographed 64 babies on Tuesday, baby clay. THREE boats for sale at a baugain. Apply to Alex. Smith. Pon first-olass photos go to Psrry's, next to American Hotel. Prams:, the high-olass photographer, nex.t 10 Anse:rims Hotel. Go to Strong's and have your photoe finished in the latest styles. Tnoszcs and valises, good assortment, very cheap aC Id. Dennis.' Pon finely finished photos go to rem>, next to American Hotel, MAKE no mistake but go to Perry for your photos, next to Amerioam Hotel. Ann photos made Iry Perry are well ogled and warranted to give satisfao• ion. Jusr arrived a ene range ef Baby car. iages which will be sold at roasoneble ates. H. Dennis. COMEOETABLE briOk house fo r sale or to ent in Brussels. Apply to Ferguson & merohants. Oisz first•olass nety buggy for sale, nilt by Walkee 4 Ewan. Will bo sold t a bargain. I, C. lintranne. C.mx, and see 0013: single harnese, extra alue, nickle silver, only 415, warranted ever to rust. Also black mounted at /2. I. 0. RralLinne, COM/BANE JOIltleTON, marble mann; acturers, are now taking orders fo t' delivery in their line. As hereto. re ail workmanship and orders trusted their care will be put up in the most pproved style and satisfaction guaran. ed in every ease. Anybody requiring lything in their line of trade it would O ivell for them to see their designs and rioes before making their purchases. fi of r 0 r d r a 11 1. reb a 11 fo to EL te hop opposite Queen's hotel stables. DANDY Roll) Son have received two new kinds o patent road coots, manufttotured by th Gamanoque Carriage Go. They are (All ed the "St. Lawrence" and "Mani Leaf" and are extra line rigs. The "St Lawrence" has a, finely finished hod suspended on two eliptie springs, hod not connected with shafts. Dont buy he fore seeing them es the prices are right Call 116 011)? show rooms. 11. Wmaxasis 1.13 SOS, A, NEAT window semen that keeps out all flies and pubs out the flies 111111 13190 11 1, the low price al ,l5c. each. Semen' doors to metal) at B. Gerry's. ALL brands of binder twine for sale, "Common Sense," "Silver Composit," ''Standard," 'One Cap," "Bine Ribbon," "Red Cep," at 13. Gerry's, Homy WI0,0I:1M0 11 Sou are handling the ee'ebrateil Ganonoque Oarriage 01,otn• pony% buggies, which for style, work. manship and prioo oarrimi: be eurpasseal. They have one on exhibition at their show room, Mill street, and can prooure any styled rig you desire. Yoe can bey from 10 to 15 per sant cheaper from them than eleewhere and every rig le guaran. teed to give the best of satisfootion. in and see them whether you 0111311 10 buy or not. A Cleneral Banking Business Trim -sew, Farmers' Nave Diseonnted. Drafts iseued and Gollectioes 010110 on all volute. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT Intereet ullowed on tThposits 05 51.00 and 00313000 from date 01 )1133)0013 to ant:, of B R U SSE mow va31,11 and compounded half yetmly, SPECIAL ATTENTION DI 11.5; TUTU): Corade Tors of 000)1111333' 5,3143 0310TI38, Every facility afforded Customers living at a distance, 0. 1'. SCUOLPIELD, Notreena. PURE Popper's Drug' Rem FILLIES 8z IT S Trammel; fl, General Banking Business. Draits Bought and Sold on ail points in Canada, United States and Great I3ritain, RNE 1•S' NOTES DISCOUNTED, SALE NO'PES IND MORTGAGES A SPECIALTY. Sfarz.vas Owen i2.N7Pagraa:VT. Interest Allowed on One Duller ancl 'Upwards at Current Rates, Interest Com- pounded Twice a Year, Being Added to the Principal at the end of the Month, of October and April. SI eclat Arrargemelits made for Time Deposits. We emei fe ',vette limn ranee 14 old rulrlItili Or lroondlan Cempantes, or In Mot. oat Companies 104 May be desired. AGENTS 3:0I1 CANADA AND UNITED SUITS THE CANADIAN BANK 01^ COMMOOK. scapaam.sze=treerear.vmes".IleFFc.L.T=.3w,,,....n.m.ratormaxamvaarnmemesuremetsur,r, WIELL-D/OOTNO AND Dtunnure.-George 13104 has all the necessary machinery for digging and drillin wells and is prepar- ed Th attend to all work entrusted to him in a way that will insure satisfaction. Wells cleaned out and put in proper shape. Terms reasonable. Residence second door north of the bridge, west side of Turnberry st„ Brussels. 2I-11 TlIN. WORLD'S COLUMBIAN P.XPOSTTION.- Send 50 001115 131 Bond ta Go., 570 Ro ary, Chicago, and you will receive, post paid, a four hundred pag,e advanoe Guide to the Exposition, with 0100111 Engrav- ings of the Grounds and Buildings, traits 01 110 leading spirits, and a Map of the City of Chicago ; all of the Rules governing the Exposition and Exhibitors, and all infOrmittiOn 1111101) oan be given out in advance of its Opening. Also other Engravings and prioted informa• tion will be seut you as published. It will be a very valuable B.tok and every person should secure a copy. Trm Worms's COLEMDIAN EXPOSITION. -- An elegant Bird's eye -view of the EXpO• sition Gtounds and Buildings, in eight odors, size 55a-15 Mahe., price, 41.00. The same Engraving, size 26x56 inches, price, 75 cents. The same Engraving, size 20x26 inches, price, 50 cents. A. Photo Gravure, Bird's-eyewiew, 1208 inoliee, prioe, 25 cents. A. map of Chloe. go, price, 25 cents. A pocket map of the U. S., or of any State, or any Cannclian Province, prioe, '25 cents, Any of 1 110 above (nailed to any address, postage pre- paid on receipt of the price named. Any other World's Fair publioation mailed on receipt of the advertised price. Bond ft Go., 576 Rookery, Oh Them. MORN - DODES.-In Monliton, On 311.110 11011, the wife of Mr. Thomas Dobbs of 3300)3, V40.LA110E.-111 1011310, 011 MIly 29112, the wife of Mr, John Valiance, jr., of a. REAL ESTATE. 'WARMS FOR SALE.—THE UN • DEESIGNED has aeyeend good Parma ur Sitio mud 10 rent, easy terms, in Towuehips of MOrriS runt Grey, F S. SO OTT,Brussels. 137-tf. r1HOIOE FAIllt FOR SALE.-- tno auras, Dearly al] cleared. Good buildings ..J Being South half Lot 27, come, Morris: 4fleisici$10yonnuiglbaseyaii'l,:Lo1srcliAai6d.i;Ettioin.utlistto 1018. tf. W. 111. 8LN CLAIR, Sohoitor, :ho„ Brussels. NI ARM F0B, SALE. --THE UN. 0103133013 offers for sale the north east quarto r of lot 28, oonoossion 0, Morris land is of Drat quality and in a high state o Conn ty of Huron , con tain in g 60 acres. Thil tiyation, well lanced and under -drained, 33)00105 cleared. New franie lions°, 1:0011111, milk house with oonerete walls, 2 wens, 030(3 1.133:04 aeti shod, orchard , eta. Eight mores of fall wheat. This desirable property adjoins tb e 0OrpOritti011 of Brussels, gull; able801.57wj.12_11mhBo ssiaveitniu. vTnit,loovif el re Seafarth P. 0. QPLENDID FARM FOR SALE, BEINO 10E1111114 12, con. 18, Township of GrOY, County of Doren, containing 000 tomes, 1130 property of the late John Robert- son. 100 acres cleared and froo from ob• struotions, 10 nom bush, mixed timber, balance partly 01051.0d. End clay loam, mostly rolling, Fenced with straight roil feneoe and we tend by two wells and a. flprilla vinyl/ego. Commodious dwelling house, with large woodshed attached and au excellent oollar under house. Two /ergo barna stone stabling am) other outbuild- ings. Vivo good bearing orchards, ma - manta trceS and small fruits. .10 miles from 13russe1s, a lively town on the G, T. convenient to school, ohurolies and pOlit 011100. This property liee welt, Is a Drat, class grain and stock farm and should 13o seen by intending enroll asers as it Is offer: ad at a bargain. For further particulars apply to ,TNO. RO BE R'CSON, or DANIEL ROBER'PSON, ou lle DIN) 111.fileS, or by letter to Cranbrook P. 0. 80:4 0011. S TINSON.- On 111)3 13111 inst., the wife of Mr. Wm. Stinson, Gorrie, of a daugh- DENTAL. ter. 11.1cIrresm-In Cranbrook, on May 31st, 1 23 1.3 .N 50 1 W1' 1' the wife of Mr. ii ohn DfoIntosh, teach- 1 M. CAVANAGH, L. 0, S., 0.0. S., er, of a son. 1 Graduate of the Royal College of Dental ' e goons, Ontario, flanl of Toronto Ont. ztr.4.1SMI=Mom, rersitY. Ovine:B-00es Pepper's Drug Store, Ploarou-MeDommn.-In London, ou 33 111000'0' June 7th, by Rev. W. J. Clark, Mr, IL R. Horton, of Seaforth, to Miss Sadie McDonald, of Brussels. -a- -- ---- °KEY -In Bluevale, on June 10111, Annie It, eldest daughter of Wm, Grey, isged 145003:0, 7 months and 24 days. Moosar.-In North Oarolina, U. S., on June 2nd, Robert, third son of the late Wm. Mooney,formerly of Morris township, aged 48 years. 1110E113X1If.-In Brnssels, on Tumidity, June 2104, Donald McKenzie, aged 41 years, 10 months and 9 days. nE3,*r-70B7NIM,S 111E-41.XS1517=Te. Ball Wheat Spring Wheat Barley POEM Oats Batter, tubs and rolls Eggs per domen Flour per barrel Potatoes Ilay per ton ...... Hides per lb Boit per bbl., Sheep skits, 00.011 Lamb skins each Apples per barrel Wool 74 73 35 57 27 12 9 10 (0 20 9 00 3 1 00 60 65 1 00 17 75 75 40 58 28 13 00 5 00 00 10 00 00 05 1 00 00 1 25 18 FIRST - CLASS BET OF Via eicEreith's tools for solo at a great bargain, can 01111 gotyriee, 2. 113, 111c1AY ct Co., Brussels. TEA.CCER WA N TAED.--P PLI • cations will to resolved by the under. signed UP to July 10111, 1602, for A teacher in El. S. No. 0, township of Grey, 1001,1 RW110101' boli?lays to end of 160.1. A/mils:ant s Lo state What certificate they hold and what salary they require to tomb for faith term, ALEX. STEWART, Soo,Tretis. S. 8, No. 8, Grey, 130x 20, Brussels P. 0, PUBLIC NOTICE. Nothie 10 111.10115 given that cm Semidry, the 4311 Met, 0130oW TO KS imunR pocd m 111 y pciund, in Walton, tWe oolts, description 10) follown t -ono e t13'o-1'e:m.0N (lark 04'r1W11 filly itod the other a yearling buy Illly with two white h)nn feel and ono off fore foot, The Owner Is requested to preve property, pay oharges stud talto them aWay. Fin ther fake notice that 00 1101 redeemed infsn'y 111 Oalo 80ttoagt bolow ti:Imnyc Worn 30 1343<, '114b1.11 741:111,11 61140! rtajttlami-11 1)1\31040 ?:141 raz,git 1,,;1113,1,16bp Steil will Warm .7411,11[44E140, POUnd-teoper• Walton, autio 7,180, MEDICAL CARDS. F. CALE, M.D., 0.30., v Elember of bho College of Physician, and Surgeons of Ontario by examination, Office and Residence -Main Street East, Ethol,Ohtittio. T A. laioNA.UGEITON, M. D. • 0. M., L. R. 0.P,, Edinburgh, NI. O. P 9, 0.ut, Nesitleneo cud °Moe in Wilson' Bloc lt, corner of 111/1 and Turnberry Ste. VETERINARY. T D. WARWICK, • Hester Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College, is prepared to treat all diseases oi dermal:embed aninials 10 11 e001- 3)010111 matinin.. Particular attention paid 10 1.0100111041)' dentistry. Calls promptly at- tended to, Ottoo and luilt111333:y-3j310 doers north of bridge elurnb tarry st,, Brussels, QTOOK 33 Pot the convenience of those living 3)131) ztir. 0:11`4114g;Toeg Ycn 7,0011.0, 0103131)8, 10 }mar, for servioe during W/O E00111000 SOILBOU ono of Illy lerSey 001113,, The other wS1 remain at Brussels as here- tofore. G. A. DRAT...IVAN , Druggist, 1.4 ULL 10011 SERVIO.E.—THE UutiorRiguscl will 111003) 0031 serviee, on 101 00 con, 0.,,Xorets,the thorok.bred Durham 13011, .8woettatakes," He has taken 4 Drat prises and 1 second, being beaten by the Inill 111131 103311 lei prize tt,ti Lim Per:Metal Shoe:, Tornm-To insure a oaf 82.00, or 51,50 for the season, 87 301 JAS. SPEIR, Prom:tabor, 13r.P110101B1, LARGE WHITE YORE- . B.1IX1% BOAR. TIM undsrsignod will imp for am:Num Chia present veasan the mnreved largo white Yorkeldro pig "Heady" nu lot 231, con, 33, Morrie, 30 3)111011 a limited number of ROWS wilt be tateret, Terms 81.00 be be pahl at time ot0o,o3ea, 11.10 1»`11,110g0 Of Morn. log neariortary. Pedigree may be Thou ne- on itentimittsa, 1.3011301100 1)1e1l0I,, 1511 Proprietor. OBBE /SIZED 1304ES 10011 fiER. m011.-10ne muleridgned will keep for wane 00 10>1111 half Lot 50,3,0)1,7, Morrie, 0.01030 brwi liorkshire Boar, 131,0d Snell, and 034 00130 linprOVed (.111001,01.Winte, bred Thee. George, Putnam, froM im- ported got* MI both sulea, This hog took Brdpriee ttatth tidustrial Pair Ma 0131.8/3 of AV, ill 1000, oak ad at the Western Vitir in a slaps of 13 Ills Sire took 103ft1 the DnItUr. trial In 1818, Terme 111,00 to be paid at time or sorviee nista 3)113:310)3) 01 seturning 11 1100. 2044 84010.13011 WALKDR, Prop. LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. -p L. TAYLOR, BARRISTER, 0: • 801101301' end Conveyancer. Canso - Wens made, 01.1.100-Vaustone's 110118• solo. 21 • V1.PiSCtAlt'N• S3113or, (oiyoyaioor, No Nur nb- lio, to. s Woolf, I etc./1.1mM, of Popper's Drug Store, Private Funds to Loan. - - D 10K.50N 10 HAYS, Mato with (=arrow ‘t Proudfoot,Godo- r(ch,) Hamsters, Soliul tors, Conyeyaneers, Ofnees-brussele and Souforth, Brits. Rols 011ice-Up-etairs over Bank. Money 3)0 1,0511, 11.0,1303:0,W. nrCZeox AUCTIONEERS. A RAY AIANN, • Auctioneer, le always ready to at- tend sales of forme, fortu 010011, &O. T01l118 cheerfully given. Critubrook 31.0. Sales may be arranged at Pan Poste Publishing Rouse, Brussels. GEORGE KIRKBY, lammed Auctioneer. Hales oondueb mon reasouable terms. Farms and farm stock a speclaity. 03:100 183'), at T/11,I POIlT Publi shing Hon se, 13 ru suds, or sent to Walton p. 0„ will receive prompt attention. IJAVING TAKEN OUT LICEN- AA_ SE OS 0/1 Auctioneer, I 0,111 prepared to ocniduct alles of farm stock at reasonable Prisms. Knowing the standing of nearly 000031Parson I al)) 10 31 310 011(033 to soh to good marks and get good sonority when sold on oredl3, Satiates:Alen guarantees]. Givo me a call, 82- if 8, S(101".8, BUSINESS CARDS. MoOltACACEN, glgaicfAriVg:rr'0ii0 ao or,urni;tO1%sies, I.? N. /3A11RE00T, Tonsoriol Artist. Shop -Next door south of 4.1113:. MeEny Co' s hardware store. Ladtes'aud 331)11110e0:1 hair (Jutting n. specialty _ MoNAIR, . Usurer of Marriage Licenses, by appointment of Liont,-flovernor, Commis- sioner, sto ,Q, B. Conveyancer and Agent Fire Insurance Co. Onloo at the Craubrook Post Gilloo. ROBERT CUNNINGHAM INSTMANCh, FIRE AND WARINF, GUELPH. A LEX. HUNTER, 11 Work of the Fourth Divisien Court 00, Huron. Conveyancer, Notary Public Laud, Loan and Insurance Agent. Vends invested and to loan. Collections made. 0111ce In Graham's !hook, 133:1)130020. (\IL PAINTING, Anse Mertes, of Whigham, is prepared to give instruction ill 011 1.10.11ILIAK. 1811115 Wily be ascertained at Miss Nellie Rossstore whore samples 01 3)03:3 may be Rom MISS 11I0140 wettio also take (100131 more 1111)110 10 UMW, 0-11 A. IIA.WE.INS, .11.- • Organist in St. John'a Church, Brue- Sola mid pupil, in the Art of Teaching, 01 .11, W. Thayer, . Doe., Now York, will glYe lessons to puplis either at 2 hos, Farrow's, eorner of Queen and Prineess Sta., 03.1f pre- ferred, :0 their own Imams. Terms wetter- abo. 40 - AUCTION SALE TWO VALUABLE PLANING MILLS AND DWELLING HOUSE IN TEM VILLAGES OF 'BRUSSELS AND WitONETER, 1°13r81,e:13 to 1110 provisions of v. oortaln ELS. signment bo Ille bearing date the twenty- sixth day of Aeri1,1802, mede by the grin smith, Manaus a Gibson, there will bo of- fered for sale by Publia Anotion 11* the in Mc Village of Iltrusselli, 01) WEDNESDAY, JUNE 291.14 1892. At the hour 00 0.80 o'oloolt in the afternoon, the following vatuable planing 1111113), sash and door factories and dwelling house des- cribed as fellows .-Pirst-One 3 -storey brick Planing Mill in bile village of Brussels 151:57 ft, mud brick addition 24083 ft., with frame additiou thereto 0013003:1,, brier engine and boiler house 20x30 ft., frame etablo 24x80 ft, one 310111 4-8t0I'DY bt10/1 0308111011 house 271188 it with kitchen Ea roar 10133511, 'ehere are Ave eater: of land in oonnectien with theea Promises, This Planing Mill is litted 01) with ell modern oonVettionoes and oontitine amenget obbore the folio:vole Machinery W111011 IS in afirsColass state of repair 1 - Ono 50 h • p . one 13011. v.:Who's/oak eta, 0100 0111.110 by Golille 11 matulteoh of Galt, 2 plauors,2 moulding machines, baud sews, saw tables, 1 mortising Inaohine, 1 tenant. 1115 machlue, relislaing machines, 1 slat 11)110111130, 1 buss planer, 1 shaver, 1 fig saw, 1 smut drum, 1 elbow sander, 1 blind slat machine, 1 panel raiser, 1011)183', I cramping nmehtne, 1 tinning lathe, dry Thin Nem 1C wideliegin1.-One 2-storoy frame Pianing ALIII in the village of Wroxebot 801)00 ft, unit ad- dition 00150 ft, dry kiln with fan, ware roOtos 0413-1003, There is ono Quarbor of au aore of laud in oonneation with 1301000 11P0111. mos. This 111)130 also fitted up with improv. 0(0 11111014101)')' .111 a sUbstantitil iltate of V- elar eonsisting of the following : -One 40 D. p, boiler, ono 80 MIL -engine Med 0 by Goldie 33loCulloub,1 tenanting untold no, 1 mould - 113,0 1110.011111 0, 1111311130', 1 slower, 1 turning LtThe mad 13011111 tables. At taut sums time and place there 0431 bo also offered for sale 1 Span of 11013)3133,1 Mtn - boo antgon, 1 inning war.300, 1 top buggy, 1 cantor, I pair bcfb.sleighs, 10,01 don b1e3 110,4'- 0080,1351 single bernese, 1 safe, 1 buffulo robo and ether a andry artiolog, Tvamts.-Ten pot tient of idis purchase money of the mid estate On the day of sale, the balance within 8l days thereafter WISID 0113 interest. (100<00 3111(1 ohattel s in stuns of 85.00 and unar, cull, over Web amount 33 0101)1 10 credit win be unwed on fUrnishing approved joint naafi, Tim real estate win bo offend Mr sale subjeet to a POSOINO bid and subject itlso Le certain utortgegos users. on, run particulars of wbleli win be made known on the day of sale, A portion elate% 01311'13,',(g130 m geay bo allowed to 0100 11 on 00' 1'made by purchaser ailii Mortga- !fra00,,.81,4`eiti'ufau,rth or, partici:1MM apply to bile W. 111, B1310314110, P. S. 80A08172,x, A:Thom:es olteitoe. Dated 111 Brussels 011110 10,13350.