HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1892-6-24, Page 5d;1 l 11 JuNJ 24, 1982 i trtt'41cW , Oranleroolc, Prinaipal McIntosh ]las R new assist. ant we understand. FBI( name is Mo. Intosh too. Last Satarday Ino, Cameron delivered four young cattle to the drovers at Bros. solo. Theywoi4llnd 0010 poundo, aver• aging over 1000, and wore a primo lot, Walton, H. Humphrey was at Stratford last week attending a meeting of bho FL 0, of 0, 0. F, Wo aro pleased to learn that Theo. Me. Fadzoan, sr., has almost recovered from u slight attack of inflammation. David Ferguson, 17th oon, of Grey, starts from Brussels on Friday of this wook for Manitoba whore he purposes visiting hie mother and other friends. Miss Bolla ]1SoKibbin hos returned to P ice River, where previono to her illness she bad been taking ohargo of the parson• age for hor brother. We hope, however, that hor services will be required bat a short time and that we may soon welcome her home again. The R. T. of T. purpose holding their pia -ate on Saturday 20th inst., in Thos. Willianleon's grove instead of that of 1vIr. McDougall as stated in a former issue, Mr. Willianson's grove being a more central place. All are cordially invited. Sister Councils will be made welcome. A.twoocl. Wm. Anderson has accepted a position as assistant in Daaytan Cr. T. R. station. Mrs. John Graham was visiting her daughter, Mrs. W. R. Erskine, in Bol - grave last weak, Tenders have been asked for the eroo• Hon of a frame stable on the Presbyterian ohnroh property. De. Rice was in Stratford last week at• tending the Grand Lodge of the Canadian Order of Foresters. Andrew Aitchison met with a slight sunstroke on Monday Of last week. He was laid up for some time in consequence. Thu following item refers to the naw i1Ielhodist minister appointed to Atwood "A surpries party, numbering about 100, visited the pareonego at Arthur, and pre- sented the pastor, Rev. J. S. Fisher, and his wife with an appreoiative address and a silver tea service also an address and handsome platform rocking chair to Mrs. Robertson, Mrs. Fisher's mother. The party brought an abundance of pro. vi0100e t0 Infni013 a fine tea, whioll all en- joyed. A couple of hours were spent most pleasantly, then ming 'Shall we gather at the river,' then prayer by two of the olasaleaders. The term has been very °bearing and encouraging to pastor and people. Raised for all p00po000 dur- ing three years let, $1200 ; 2nd, $1000 ; and 3rd, $2700." 131111 Miss Gray, daughter of Wm. Gray, died. at hor father's home in this village, from the offects of pneumonia, at the early ago of 10 years. Our hotel is receiving an overhauling in the shape of new sills, soling, shingling, painting, etc. When finished it will be much improved in oondition. Blauvelt) 0heede factory sold its May make, anbinithng to a car -load, to F. H. Warrenton 41. Co, The twice received oras 11.38., and the cheese was shipped on Monday of last we^k, Time. Nixon, 1011141, inane an assign• lucent to John Burgess and J. Farrow fur his creditors, The tatter mut in Wing. ham on Friday of last week. His lia- bilities am nnet to $5,000 and the assets foot np 07.000. Rev. 0. W. Pring, the newly appointed 11Iethotlist minister, will be here a week from next Sunday. IID has been at Pord,vinh for the past throe years wh n•0 110 was v'04;y 0ne0089f0b 1n his work. Wo wish hint stemless ate Bluevale circuit. Fancwra,h SocoaL.—A farewell social to Rev. I. 13. Wlillwin and wife will bn given by the ladies of 1110 Methodist eburoh, Bluovalo, on Monday evening, June 27113. (Joffee, cake and bread and batter will be served from 6;30 to 8 o'clock, (ice create and lemonade extra) after which an excellent program of mtisio, singing, eto., will be given in the lorosteoe' Hall. The harmo'doa band, of lVingh'tm, t ho ohoir of the Blnevale church under the leadership of T. J. Denman, and Rev. 1. B. and Mrs. Wallwin will take part. Gov (1:1r. Spring grain is looking splendid in tills locality. Spare moments are now utilized in picking potato bogs. A. McIntosh purposes raising his barn 80011 as the stone work is ooulplebed. A teacher is wanted for S. S. No. 3, duties to last from Summar holidays to 111e end of 1802. George Forreeb and. David Milne were ab Godo,ioh doing duty as jurors at the County Court last week. July 1st Canada's own day will soon be bore. How and where bhoy will spend the clay f0 the talk of many, Workman are busy at the new bridge - on the 12thloon., known its Calder's bridge. The old ono was in a very sh.uky condition for 00030 time. Thomas lilaook purchased Ino, Harris' old barn and had a big bee one day last week taking it down, hauling the lumber, timber, 0Co„ and raising it again. S. Y. Taylor; principal of the Paris public schools, has been forced to give up his work until the oloee of the term owing to a sevree attack of whooping Dough. NIT. Taylor is a sovin•law to George O1'oolte. 010 air, Graham, of Trowbridge, was nearly killed at bho rai0ing of Jae, Bowes' barn on the townlino Elmo, and Grey on Wednesday. Itis skull was orushol1 in by a commander w111011 was aooidentally dropped by one of the framers. On Thursday night of last week the reeidenee of James Mann, 16th eon., was destroyed by lightning; Nothing was saved, the inmates having barely time to esoapo with their lives, We diel nob yet learn whether Mr. Rio had any insurance or not. A Moleeworbh onrrespondent writes :— While John and Thomas ltoberbson were driving some fat cattle to town 011 Mon• day morning, one of the animate oaring to tine oxoossive heat, became 'maddened, The unf0rbvintte boast, instead of attoek. ing its drivers, as in a similar once a few menthe ago, b'oke through several High fences and disappeared in the woods, Tho Owners did not succeed in scouring ib for 0800101 days, at whioh time it wan unmarketable, (min" to the num eroul A largo number of fat cattle, fed in Ude ovation, were delivered at Brueo3ls hast Saturday for 0hipmen1 to the Old (Mouthy. They wo'o pu'Oha4ad by a Mr. Smith of Toronto. Porde Bros, sold Ove 130,11 of 0at1)0 Met week to the buyers, whioll averaged 1501 pounds in weight, Andrew flielop'o twelveaveraged1142 po2nd0 and 0rolui0 IIlolop'e 000044 1100. Tills kind of stook raising pays. Another batch of news has been eneeiv• ed from the heave boyo who went from this ]Duality to the vioiuity of Crystal City, Man., last Spring. They report matters and things; quite brisk. The weather is now very hot, grain hi growing rapidly and seems to be making up for the backwardness of the spring. The threshing of last year's ornp ie still in progress but it f0 expected that lb will be all llnlebsd 0p by the first of July, This newly 113400hed grain which of 000000 1168 13001 in stacks all winter, brings a very low price, wheat from 25 to 850. per bushel, barley 13e., oats 10e., but then when a farmer has from five to seven days threshing at the rate of fifteen hundred busbele a day thele is mousy in if even at that. A large aoreage of wheat has been sown 10 that motion this season, each farmer sowing from 100 to 000 mores. Ono fellow wrote : "Tllundoratiou 1 the rosgoitoes are bad. We have to wear a veil all day," but they are told that the "mosquito season" is a very short One. Matters aro getting lively in political circles as the Provincial elections are to be held there soot. The boys are in Premier Greenways constituency. His opponent is Robb. Rogers, a well informed gentlemanly young man who 'latitude in well with the boys." It is said that the eon test will be a very close one canvassing has been in full swing for some time. 7031 th. s Some talk of a change of parsons in Blyth Methodist church. F. W. Tanner and wife left hero on Monday on a visit to friends in Watford. A number of our citizens were attend- ing as witnesses in a suit in Goderieh on Monday. Cha members of the C. 0. P. intend baking a 1,arb in the great Foresters de monetrablon in Wingham on July lot. On Monday Rev. T. E. Higley book the morning traria to attend the heron Dio- cesan Synod which is being held in Lon- don this week. Mrs. Hodgeno and family left bore on Wednesday to join husband and father in Cleveland, Ohio, where they intend to reside in the future. Robert Haggit, having recently per - abased the old Nicholson livery barn south of Mason's hotel, is converting it foto a blackenibhshop whioh he intends opening in a fete days. Mors`i4e. Statute labor is in order just now. Fall wheat and hay promisee a heavy crop. Jets. Kelly rai0ed hie new barn on Sat, urday last. Ed. Brower i0 putting stone stabling under his barn. Township Court of Revision and Gamul- oil next Monday. George Parker's dwelling house has been greatly improved by a coat of paint. R ,bb. Young is building a new house. 11. II. Cloaicoy has the oar/matter work in hand. Garni0813ros. have the atone found- ation of Goo. Honler00n'9 barn nearly 0041111101011, The Sn'1911i'1e Sun lay sal tel pin 1110 will be held in George Parker's grove on Friday of this week. Mrs. Gilbert iVletIro, of Sullivan, is at pr00ett visiting .hor mother, Mrs. Win. ttrlertio t ..1 n on he 3rd lino. Mrs. Win. Anderson, of Sullivan, who his been visiting on the Ord line for some time, has gone home again. Wm, Afield° Ire a 0110arlmg ran an 1 0 ewes of tho Shropshire breed which bring clown the 0,ales at 1840 pounds. W40. Mollie has one of the best foals in the township. It was sired by A. F. Embtry's Clyd'edalo stallion "Taste. 111." The teacher and pupils of Barrie's school intend bolding a pie-nio in Robb. Niehol's grove on Thursday eftornoon, June 801h, The township 13 It a and e P ow t Y tw a rho Drtcll s and Waberoonrees Act hro"e bean printed in pamphlet form for distribution among interested artier. On Monday of last n•eolc 111013, Arm• strong had the 000010 addition of the old loghouse on his farm moved a to the p end of his preoe411 residence and planed upon a stone Emendation. Rev. ]lir. Hughes and Mr. Broukon• shire, of Wingham, delivered addressee in the Methochisb clinch at Sunshine on Monday evening in view of organizing a Jnvonilo Temperance Lodge. On T13areday evening of last week a very 0ooiabl0 time was spent at the rosi• donne of Richard Armebrong, by the young folks of the neighborhood, who heed it down" meth the wee sm1' 'our0 of the morn, On Saturday evening last while the young amen of the leb and and 00410. were playing football in Dire. Woodrow's field, Mariam Fraser, of the lot con., had his leg broken, His many friends are sorry bo hear of his misfortune. A box social will bo given at Wn1. J. Julln0t0n's, .lob con, on Friday evening, 21111 ineb., in behalf pf the Sabbath school of Johnston's Church. Refresh- ments will be served from 0;80 till 8 o'• clock after which an exotillout program will be given, Then. -00 jams 2nd Ibobt. Moonov, brother to John and Henry Mooney, died in North Carolina, of a complication of diseases, itgod 48 years. His wife, who is a sister of John W,yne'o, Brussels, and 0e1'en 013ildeen are left to mourn the loos of husband and father. Rev, George Law a1d wife, of Bel. grave, are away on a holiday trip..1-/is pulpit woe supplied on Suuday,12th inst., by Rev. 0, Y. Ilarbley, of 13100v,tle, and on loot Sunday by Rev. A. McLean, of Blybh, Thera will be 110 OOrvi0O next Sunday. On July mrd Rev, Mr. David. son, of Wroxober, wilt preach at 11 a, m. 041d 6;30 p. on. Baal 13 01 c ,- On Friday of last week rho new barn on 0,11, SpLoir'e farm, 4114 line, wee raised. It is 4000 foot, with stone stabling. Tho mason work was done by George Robbin good style and the homing and 0arpenter wort( was in the kande of Goo. Haney, of I3luovale. At the raising James Sherrie and Janice M. Martin obese sides, the former win• ning by half the rafters. After the work CCU dons the boyo muga sod in a game of ga,hea it had rooivo'1, base ball THE BRUSSELS POST 1'1N'lanrr010.s oq'r•—A grand enter tain• numb under the auspi000 of the ]'ohm, Peoples` Su0lety of 1Gmx church, Bel - 1 grave, will he hold in the clnroh on Wed- nesday 100nhng, Jena 20(13, nominona141g at 8 0 Olo01t, A good program of m11310, realluge, reciht1iono, rte., will be given and 141.0 ighlreaeeo by It w. A. M14100al, of Blyth, and others. The object in view is to raise money to aid 131 the aroation of r4 imitable building for holding public worship at 13aysvillo, 11Inokoka, a mile. Dion ebabton, at present in charge of A. L. Budge, formerly of Bolgreve. The amuse is certainty a worthy ono anti the people should give liberally. SV1uugaleire 7. Word has been received that Dr. and Mrs. Towler and J. J. Homath haveland- odin Liverpool safe, on the 13.11 inst. John Noelands, D. M. Gordon and E. 0. Clothe were in Stratford last weelc attending the High Court of the Canadian Order of Foresters, Among the different eizod doors order. od of Lloyd ci Son Inst wook, ono was ordered by a firm in Stratford, size 0 fent 6 Maims by 7 f0, t 10 in0hes oontaining fifteen panels, Loyal Orange Lodge No. 70.4, W inghan, will attend service in St. Paul's ahuroh on Sunday, July 10111, when IRev. Bro. P. W. IInghes will preach bho annual sermon. They will spend the 12tH at Kincardine. Wingham people were very successful at the domonetration in Walkerton. The firemen 00000ed00 in gutting second prize in the 11090 reel race ; J, Swar•to got second money in the 2.40 trotting rime with "Billy A." ; 13. Willson flet money ill the groan trotting rale, DONINr.,N DAT —T110 10110011/ ie the program for the demonstration to be held o1n the 1st of July —At 0 o'clock a. m., a base ball match ; at 11 o'elo)k a. ,n„ Firemen's run (on the Main street) ; at 1 o'olook p. 0f., Foresters' procession headed by the band, through the town to the park; at 2 o'olook p. m., speaking by Bros. Thns,'White, High Se4'y, U. M. Stanley, C. 131. B., Dr. Macdonald, M. P., ROY. E. W. Hughes, and A. II. Mus- grove. Speaking to be interspersed by the singing of patriotic songs by 100 of the sohool children ; at 6:30 p. m., Taro. boorino drill, by twenty.fivo girls, tinder the leadeesh)p of Miss Houghton ; at 4 o'olook, 100 yard rime, Foresters only, $2 and 81 ; 100 yard raoe, old men over 50, Pe and $1 ; 50 yard egg race, open to all, $2 and $1; 50 yard spoon and egg rime, $2 and $1 ; 100 yard bo race, $2 and $1 ; 50 yard pipe raoe, $2 and $1 ; 100 yard raoe, boys under 10, $1 and 50 cants ; 50 yard race, girls under 15, $1 and 50 cents ; Tug of War, between Lemma of six each, from any Court of the C. O. F. ; at 5 o'clock, a 100•x000 match between Palmerston and Wingham teams. In the evening it 0on00rb will be held in the opera house, under the auspices of Court Maitland, No. '25, Canadian Order of Foresters, in which the following will take part : Miss Agnes Knox, 1110 0'00)2. Monist of Toronto, as0isted by Geo. W. Cline, the singer, of Hamilton, and local 14t1811t. J. G. Holmes DEAD,—Leat Sttnrday'e Toronto Globe glree the following parti- cular's : -"The public generally and leg„] and ooln•t eirelee parti011llarly wore much shocked at the announcement m 41)0 eerier yesterday morning by the newspaper bnl- letine that J. G. Holmes, the young m.1m10101 lawyer, was dead. Though only 20 years of age, Mr, Holmes had made smell lit mark In ilie 111'dfeoOi os and 140111,10 ad seoh a measure of success in the line of prnatioe chosen by him, and for which he appeared to have singular talent, that m 0410oe00fnl and probably a brilliant career was already ofenilg out for him, The manner of his death leas peouliarly sad. Ile had been suffering for some time from a sore throat and had acquired the habit of taking morphine to ease the is ritntinn and enable him to sleep better. Frank Ifagno, one of the moot intimate friends of rho deceased, was in Mr. Holmes' room on Thnreday night, and says that about half -past 10 o'o'oak the deoeased took a morphiue powder and lay down to try- and sleep. He ahnost immediately became conscious that he had tak'•n too large a dose and asked Vague to telephone for Dr. Barton. Dr, Barton soon appeared, lent by that time, 1heng13 it was not yet 11 o'olook, 11r. Holmes had Inst 0ousciousnes0. Mr. Hague had almost by force kept him awake fora few minutes, when the effects of the narcotic; mads further efforts in that direction noeless. Dr. Barton need every possible means to re. store 0on00io0ene00, working for moral hours, until every chance of a return of life was gone. Tho deeoased had a num- ber of oases in hand ab the Assizes and Polioe Court, some of whioh wore to have oomeon yesterday morning, 40141011 53400 postponed by consent of court. 'Ir, Ilolmes was born -at Blyth, in East IAuh, 111 1804. IIe was 00 4001ad ab Toronto University, and grade tied four years ago this month with the gold medal in modern iahgnages. He was a hard worker, whabhee lit study or at his pro.. fusion. Itis partner, W. II, Beet, only hoard of his death yesterday morning. Mr. Holmes had politioal ambition and, though only a little over 25 years of age, when the hast Provincial 074lnplttgn was in programs he went into the fight and get a nomination for South Huron, as an Equal Rights candidate. IIe was beaten by A. Bishop, the old Liberal member, but had the otitis. faction of pullingdown that gontletnau'o majority somewhat, Tho name of the deceased was prominently mentioned,. too, in connection with the vacancy that was ro0outly made in the Ontario Legis. lature by the death of 10. E. Clarke, and thorn i0 no doubt that Intl he lived but a few yours ho would have acquired politi- oal honors end probably politioal diebine bion. General regret was expressed a- mong those of his brethren in the law who had had mast to do with 131141, when they learned of his sudden death. Ile had frequently lead unusually sharp passages with opposing 0nnsel and even with the p0ld00 magistrate and presiding judge of the court; but the nii0talcae caused by hie pugnnoiby and voll0mnoe were not remembered yesterday, while ono and all remembered hie ability and force of ohmmeter, and regretted so proal. i0ing a career lead boon out amort. The fiber of the dooming is Thomas Ilolilles, of Wingham, and he had Iwo brot13e's, R. II. llolmos, of Clarke tb; IIolmes, bar. deters, in this airy, and Dr. W. L. llolmos of Naw York, and a more, ,graduate of Trinity 11501110al School, '.1'110 funeral took pence on Monday after. 11100.” 11 Money to Loan, Afoney to Loan on ]Farm P1'o- p01'i;y elf LOW EST I4.1 TES. Private air) Company Funds, 1CKS'N & HAYS, Solicitor's, Tic,, 13aus1i.PL8, ONT. I OX -I' yy CONSUM UM TIOIT Ct`1N This GREAT CO 11.011 CURE, this euooeseful CONSUMPTION CURL, is without a parallel in the history of medi- cine. All druggists are authorized to sell it un it positive guarantee, a test that no other cure can anuccalbully stand. 1f you have a Cough, Sore Throat or Bronchitis, roe it, for it will mere yon. If your child has the Croup, or Whooping Cough, use it promptly, and relief is stere, If you dread that ius.dioue 1110044/0 CONSUME. TION, DON'T FAIL 10 use it, it will cure you or Dost nothing. Adc your Druggist for SHILOII'S CURE, Price i.00 , 50c. n1 0 e arid 1.0 IF a lunge aro sure or back y Iame,u00 Shiloh's Porous Plaster, ''25e. Why Not No Your an Thinking? 'tn Iiaoeo t.s, Noroln er 801,1800. S. 11. 7dcLuen, Go lericb, DEAR SID.—I ohonl,1 Rave w4 4 11on before 1103V to let yon know how I me getting along, I no: 11.101 better 1)11350144; gaioiug strength ovary day. 1 have it good appetite null sleep well. I eau taste the full quantity of the System Renovator lune It does not sicken me, illy limbs tar all right now; quite smart in 1)40.twny; swelling all gone. Tho great thirst le gone; I drink ne water at Bight, but I take a little buttermilk. I Stn 111410 x1011{111 again. Sn41.a 1110 another bottle of your System Renovator. Yours, 00.. Jas. 00,100, FOURTEEN 114NTI10 LATER. Biueoi r.e, February 7th, 1101. J. DI, Mermen, Goderich, DEAD SIR.—Fifteen veers ago last Novem- ber I started to doctor first; I was treated for dyspepsia, but they Bever helped me any. At times I coffered greatly from mY stowaob ; I continued. but 1 grew worse. I turned dropsical ; limbs end body swelled badly. You know the stuns 1 wu9 in when I went to (;0dorich--a mere wreck, could hardly walk—suffering from la 1)414'0 dis- ease. Just 000 Sear ago last fail I began year Ronnvatnr and Ot ,ciao Cur. I begun to mend in a few days; 000110ucd then for three menthe Kende. Although f was told 1 01,dd not be mored, it you saw me now, well .tial hearty ; nut e0elythIng that 004100 3 111,8 wity. I owe ),'l t.,o p,uixa of anvivg 1 41 lif.,. 1 ryes h, a h,q•,4, 40 11,1„111100 4404,0 I wr'.o, 10 t"u, 116 0,1 rn c•t... ti, 1 :ht 1 e'en11 g 0 I. eat. r-. 1 r',g y1 ,not speak Nr' h oy of 7 1 and 01 3(01 n,vdieldt00, 131„ it ons 114' , Ihen 01,0 0 1ne; Vi'e'd°e,nl0u' (•-,.;.1093 my L1,101,3 to 3.11, lre.d, pa:,3 11y puma 00 01)114 1 01112; C.S.N, SoLn u0 J. T. PEPPER, Bnrseoro. ,e HiAV1E YOU Z" .10 C A!I Stations 117 Ontario 0i 41thihiee Tickets will by sold for 1xecina 10aving T0110N'1'O 11 p. n, on ,3'170(3 12t1, .11`01)..2 Good 10 Return until JULY 81st. —ON— .TIt17O 12f 0, Good to Return until AUGUST 7th. —oN— .T1o1y 11s and is), 31FSO3, Goad to Return until AUGUST 1811. lite Iellovring Do1I1 1s at re 1:28 naalra : N1,1411177 MO080DIIN U1LG1LAINE OXBOW 13IN40Alt1'If R29C8•IN'A MOOSESAW YCRE;Z'p1v7• PRINCE ALBERT CALGARY Edmonton $28.00 $30.00 $35,00 $40.00 The lylunipeg Agricultural and Industrial Exhibition will be held from July 231013 to Mb inolnleive, and July 13111 .mad 1011, have been fixed upon for ex0nrslon to enable Das. 000ger0 to attend the Exhibition. An Auction We of Csnadfao Pacific Rail- way Lands will be held at 'Edmonton on July 1113, Pessmt0ere taking advantage of the oxoureiou of June 20th will roach Ed- monton fu time to attend the Sale, t• or rnrther Rertlonlars apply to any Arent of the Company. J. T. PEPPER, Agent, Brussels, THECOOKSRES FRIEND 1.%rf1GEt:T SALE IN CAP/ADA. It covers the7'07,1 314 —the B. & C. corse It is perfect in shape and fit, is boned with Kabo, which will not break nor roll up, and if you are not satisfied,°after, wearing it two or three weeks„ return it and get your money., FOR SALii ]3Y A. &ULL MAN. ,OOK NAME THE w' . �'X' . � tiJ - IIaving added new Scenery to his Gallery is now in a position to turn out work that is second to none. A lt.ok at his photos, will convince you that they are first-class. The public are invited to call up and inspect work in gallery. Pictures Copied a.ncZ also En/algrd to al/7/ size in, Crayon, at reasonable Prices. A'r A Specialty made of Cut -door View. You cannot mistal.e the place, 'W. W. Burgess' old stand over Standard l3auk. ce.,tcsmmis -164... a "Ba0kaohe means the kki- neys are in trouble. Dodd's Kidney Pills glue prompt relief "75 per cent, of disease is ret paused 1(.18 disordered kid- neys. Might as well try to have a healthy city without sewer- age, as good health when the kidneys are clogged they are the scavengers of the system. "Delay is dangerous. Neg- lected kidney ^. troubles result In Bad Blood, Dyspepsia, Liver Domplaint, and the most dan- gerous of all Brights Disease, Diabetes and Dropsy.” "The above disease of s Dann exist toh r e'e Dodd's Kidneg� Pills are used.' Sold by all dealers or sentby loeilon receipt 4 of price 5o cents, pct box or six for ge.go, Dr. L.A. Smith & Co. Toronto. Write for book called Kidney Talk. Salve Your 2, air Dai a timely use of Ayer's Rale Vigor: 1LJ This preparation has no equal as a dressing. It keeps the scalp clean, cool, and healthy, and preserves the color, fullness, and beauty of the hair. "I was rapidly becoming bald and gray; but after using two or throe bottles of Ayer's hair Vigor my hair grew thick and glossy and the original color was restored."—Melvin Aldrich, Canaan Centre, N. H. " Some time ago I lost all my hair in consequence of mo0sles. Atter due waiting, no new growth appeared. I then used Ayer's Hair Vigor and my hair grew Thick and Strong. It has apparently comp to stay. The Vigor is evidontly a great aid to nature." -3, B, Williams, F llorosvllle, Texas. "I have used Ayer's Hair Vigor for the past four or five years and find it a most satisfactory dressing for the hair. It is all I could desire, boin harmless causing the hair to retain its natural color, and requiring but a thud quantity to render the hair they to arrange."— Mrs. M. A. Bailey, 0 Charles street, Haverhill, Mass, "I Have been using Ayor's )Pair Vigor for several years, and believe that it has caused my Hair to retain its natural Color."—Mrs. H. J. Ring,Dealer iu Dry Goods, &o,, Blebopvit, Irid. Ayers NaerIOT ui_a r BnEpAa00 Or. J, 0. Ayer & Co,, Lowell, Masa 0014 by bruggist, and Perfumero. WANTS TO GET he 'POLH;Sc 3. ]aF Vi OL In Exchange for Goods. sMaralar.2. ocadcmma The Highest Market Price will be Allowed, We have a Fine Assortment t of Tweeds, Cottons, Flannels, Prints, Cashmeres, Blankets, Sheet- ing, Knitted Goods, Yarns, &o. meersmaxn;v4raai rnvsass m All Wool left Witte us for ul1dulflleturing7 whether dolls or otherwise, will have our prompt attention. Satisfaction - Guaranteed, BRUSSELS.