HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1892-6-24, Page 44 New Advertisements. ]:,Deals. -.Dr, Ayer. Poison—CG, A, Doarinion. Fresh Arrivale---T, Rutledge, Teacher Wanted --Alex. Stewart, i1 n. n „1� t 1 �tC� $t IC FIiI:DAI', JUV 1'. 31, 18l'L. Sit OLIVER Motver has asked Co, At. torney Myers, of Orangeville, to cease ' his annexation orations and epistles or else step out of office. 11r, Myers will likely do the latter. Tnoueoees of dollare have basal sub- scribed for the purpose of enuring a memorial for the late Sir John A. Mao. donald and now the friends of the retreat. ly deceased Hon, Alex. Mackenzie are moving on similar lines. We have not the slightest fault to tind with the efforts being made to perpetuate the memory of the two most prominent men in Canadi. an history but we object to burying good money in a marble pedestal and bust when the same amount of cash would establish a home for the poor or aged, or endow a oollege or some other public benefaction. Whatever institution so established or benefitted could bear the name of Macdonald or Mackenzie as the case might be and prove a blessing to many. This is the age of practical bene- ficence and the promoters of the menu• ment scheme should have tlheirneino:y's jogged toe to this fact. We hope the Direotors of the Brussels Meohauics' Institute are not losing sight of the new departure proposed at the recent annual meeting, viz., the formation of an art plass and steps taken to open evening classes in concoction with a commercial course. Rev. Mr. Salton, Vies -President, holds both English and Canadian certificates in art and, although throwing a great deal of additional work upon him, he has expressed his willing- ness to take hold of the class if organ. izod. Several young men have asked us about classes in Book-keeping, Arith. 'natio, Writing, &o. Dont let the subjeot drop but keep it talked up so that after the hot weather is over we can settle down tobusiness. These classes would help the Institute wonderfully, we believe, to say nothing of the benefit to the individual members. Then there is the suggestion of a reading room for the winter eveuinga that shoald not ba for- gotten. HEIE is a little bit of 00ntempal'ary history clipped from the columns of a United States doily paper, which we would like to bring malar the notice of all boys and young teen wh a have learn- ed or are trying to learn cig,iretts emelt ing : Elinor H—, the niueteen•year•o'd sun of Jaines 12—, of Ne,v Street, who w ie on Tuesday nicht last ateaoked with convulsions, at first believed to be by drophobia, is somewhat easier, but is yet in a very plreoarions state. Dr. Barton!, his physiotan, now says the young man's trouble is beyond all doubt the result of oigarette smottin;r. Colsrioueness hes returned, but all power of ape,•ch is pare • lyzed, which the plrysieian says is the result of the terrible strain to which the muscles of the tongue and throat hare been subjected. `Ilse patient still kept his hands clutched o'er his heart, indi- cating that there is tremble in that organ. The later oonvnleic rt have not been no- companied by Ole b rkieg sound and the snapping so marks 1 at beet. Young H— has always been a very 0105 ly and well- behaved boy, faithfuly encoding to his duties in the Janeway A C.trpenter Wall - Paper Works. It is now known that as soon as his work was ficishe-1 the cigar ette was never absent from bid month. Do. Barber said that if no unfavorable symptoms set in while ihs boy's system iwakened from the terrible ordeal through which he has passed, he may yet recover. He does not regard the par- alysis of the vocal organs likely to be permanent, There is no need to point the moral of. this sad story. HON. EDwAun BLASE hoe accepted the invitation of the Irish leaders and will probably sit as a member of the next Imperial Parliament. Following is his letter of eooeptance Though I would have preferred to a- wait a final oouolusion before saying any, thing with regard to the unanimous invi• talon of the Trishart p to accept an Irish seat in the Imperial horse of Com• mons, yet, fu view of its publication and of the many enquiries Ilbave received, it is perhaps better that I should make a brief statement before leaving for Murray Bay. On Tuesday last 1 cabled to the effect that I was deeply sensible of the high honor done me, but feared I was too old and too unfamiliar with the arena to be serviceable ; yet, if it were thought to be in any degree useful to the great cause, I would accept a safe seat, but that I oonld not attempt a doubtful or costly contest ; and it would be rather difficult for me to start forthwith ; and I request. ed certain partioulars, which I thought important, es to the time of leaving and the proposed Boat, The pressure on the time of the Irish leaders is jest now so overwhelming; and they are called on to deal with so many matters sI infinitely greater moment, that an immediate reply to my enquiries could not reasonably be expected, and I have no further infor- mation on the subject, This is not the time to give reasons for a decision, which cannot help sometimes hoping may, after alt be ineffective, I may yet be geared the pain of leaving Canada. Let too Vest say now, that should 10 be my lot to go, I. can be Sustained only by the belief that I go in the dieobarge of duty, unit by the hope that I may before long relearn to home and friends, 31t,soen DIANE, elAreav W. J. premien line again commenced Ibutollering in this place. Some of our townspeople tuck in the camp meeting at Iiippeu last week. Dr. Godfrey has sold out his pinches here to Dr. Williams, formerly of Clin- t ton, Our junior baseball team intends talc. iitg in the pio.nio at Do, rip's school, Morris, on June Stith. The A, 0. U. W. of this plane were visited by Ur.1'atteroon, Deputy Master of Huron District. He says Belgrttve lodge is the banner longe of the district. The village will be greatly improved by the new servers which are under con- struotion. We think the sidewalks to. wards the south end should also be re. paltod, The Norris eort'espondent of the Ex. posltor stated in last week's issue that 111x. Michie, of that township, had fall wheat measuring 4 ft. 8 in. A. Halliday, of the same township, has wheat measur- ing 5 ft. 2 in. It is of the Velvet Chaff variety, C. NoCrae has rye measuring 7 ft. 8 in. Lies to vs o 1. The piano factory ie now an assured fact. The town band has engaged to go to Wingham on Dominion day. Some of the trees are covered with blank knot but no Due seems to trouble about it. A young lad, son of C. Fisher, had one th of his hands badly jammed in e shaper at the furniture factory. J. W. Scott is having a granolithio walk laid down from his residence to the sreet, 5180 for a short distaos along Bismarck street, The cemetery has been much improved by the planting of about a hundred Nor. way spruce and Austrian pines in clusters and along the driveways. Rev. James Caswell and wife have re• moved to Grimsby, where they intend to reside. Mr. Caswell is on the euperan mulled list of the Guelph Conference. 121,705 lbs. of oheese, valued at 010,- 728, were shipped from Listowel station last week. Messrs. Ballantyne, Warring- ton and Hodgson Bros. were the per. chasers. The Strandard says :—We learn that Mr. Bishop, one of the assistant teachers in the Listowel High School, has resigned The reasons assigned are the interference and criticism of the teauhers by some of the people of the town. IIen1s vee John Whitfield is building a fine barn. The weather is very warm down here just now. W. Ward and Sohn Gaynor are build-. lug new houses this year and E. Collis is going to repair his. Silver Corners' factory is making 14 cheese a day—the largest number suite the factory started. Crops are looking fine, posture is nbtnl. dant, and the farmers are making money out of Milk this year. In another week we will be losing our minister, Rev Mr. Smith. He goon to Elmwood and Rev. Mr. Watts succeeds him here. R. Knox, from St. .Mary's, gave our village a call this week. Ile has just passed the University, and is now a full- fledged B. A. He has done well. Jacob llanhofer, briokmaker, has a new machine this year. Ahstead of the wire cut he has a mould machine. Ile is making very tine brink this year. Mr. LIanhofer had n boy helping hint to ]rake brick, named N ernoss Fisha', frotn Stratford. Last Sunday while Mrs. Hanhofer was in the garden the boy took the purse and oontente, 1$17.00) from a drawer and skipped. Another young lad—Joseph Gass—has gone with him. They have not been heard of Bina+. An effort is being made to oatoli them. 10ltitetl. Carpenters are at work at the residence of .Joe. Hemsworth. Mr. Littlrhales will preach in the Methodist church here next Sunday evening. David Milne was away at Goderioh last week on the jury. Judgment was reserved in the case of Bowen vs. Long. This week Rev. B. Sherlock and family removed to Toronto where they purpose making their home. Tun Pose wishes them many years of happiness. W. 0. MoTag;art, formerly teacher in this village, has sncoeeded in passing his esaminetion and will now have B. A. attached to his name. He also took honors in some subjects, Mrs. Jamieson, the Formosa mission• ary, lectured in the Presbyterian church last Friday evening. It was very in- structive. She desoribed the country, the people, their manners, religion, prejudice, the difficulties of the mission and its success to the satisfaction of all. On Monday, June 27th, H. Littlohales is to give one of his entertainments in the Methodist ohuroh, under the auspices of the Epworth League, who have se• cured him for that evening. Mr. Little hales has one of the best, most moral and instructive exhibitions of Manitoba and the Northwest that is known, The press notices in the many plaoee be has shown are very commendable. Dont forget the date, June 27th, commencing at 8o'01o0k. The eagerly looked for annual pie•nic took place on Saturday in 'McIntosh's grove, Molesworth. Though the pro- spects indicated rain during the forenoon, by two o'clock a very large crowd hail assembled, and for some time previonaly and afterwards ample justice was done to the tempting and sumptuous repast, which had been prepared by the ladies. After satisfying the inner man the pro- gram mmmenced, Dr. Lamont being ap- pointed chairman. Then followed a number of recitations, instrumental and vocal music. The Stewart brothers (organ and violin) were well appreciatel, The choir, a special one for the occasion, gave some very nioe selections. A shirt address from Rev. Me. Baugh on "TIN horse" caused oonei0erabie merriment and instruction. After the program closed a game of base ball between the Molesworth and Ethel clubs took place, resulting in the defeat of the former by five runs and one innings, The Ethel players deserve much credit for the erimirable way in which they conducted themselves, as th. re was 110 sound of strife daring the time of playing as has been before when ontaide teame have played with the Molesworth club, 6 ' At Stratford County C tart on Tuesday of fast week, Judge Woods urged upon the grand jurors the mu:easily of a minty po,rhouse,+meara'e from the jail, NERVE BEANS TIIE BRUSSELS POST JUNE 2.1, 1892 001(1011'0 BRANS are a new discovery that elir'n the worst 511eeS of Nervous tae. bility,1, est Vigor awl fall. ing Alauhnsl; restores tiro weeltuoss of body or mind '"'"'"'''''"."7-” or Otto errors at exeesses-of youth, This Remedy absolutely cures the Meal 0140 trate 00,es when till other '1'11LAT- AntVr0 have fi,itod oven 00 renew, hold by Men:gMete et 551 per 1,noltage, or six for trip, or t o c ' nddr05s- rhinn101 f price n sent b) moll on N N big lel for pamphlet, blot 1 li Co„ 'ro Brussels , ant. Write 4pamphlet, bold le Brussels by (r, A. D1;d1MAN. 111ON1 EY TO LOAN. Any Amount of Money to Loan on Farm or Village Pro- perty at 6 6. 61 Per Cent., Yearly. Straight Loans with privilege of repaying when required. Apply to A. Hunter, Division Court Clerk, Brussels. Private Funds to Loan. 2O,C)OO Have been placed in my hands for Investment on real estate. LOWEST RATE OF INTEREST. No Commission. Borrower's can have loans com- pleted in Three Days if title satisfactory. W. M. SINCLAIR, Solicitor, Brussels. 1 .4 ay Quantity of TT/ool wanted by the un- dersigned, for which I CL7r2prep aped to p the Highest IIarket Place 1� Oash, H R. Grain Dealer, Brussels. FRESH ARRIVALS —AT TIIE— OM COM IIINT E SEAS COMPOUND.. A recent discovery by an aid physleiao, Ruooe,ofnl- ly used Monthly by thous. 110,15 of 141)115, 1e 11,0 only perfoetly sato and reliable medsoleo rliseev on 1. Beware of unprincipled dreg'ists wile inter inferior medicines in plum of this. Ask for (look's eo'rTox Moen, O"Ni'opNn, tali? no substitute; of inclose 01 and 4 three -tient Canada postage stamps in letter, and we will send sealed, by return mail. Trull seal- ed particulars in plain envelope, to Ladies only, 2 stamps, Address Pend illy Com. pally, No, 3 Fisher 13look, 111 Woodward ave.,Detroit, Mob. i 'Bold iu Brussels by S. T. P0PPPhlt, C, A..D7IADMAN and all responsible druggists everywhere, Ontarl0 iltnal Life HEAP uerrla•i,;''• 1Y,tTIi1G(N), OST. Assurance in force Jan'y,'92.,114,014,807 New business written in 1801 2,004,950 Increase over 1890 510,800 Cash income for 1891 547,020 Increase over 1890 57,020 Liberal Conditions of Polloies. Oaeh and Paid-up Values guaranteed on mob policy. All dividends belong to and a1 o paid only to policy holders. Premiums payable luring the mouth in which they fall duo. Pohl:doe are incontestable two years from date of issue, No restriction on travel, resideuoo or on. pupation. Lapsed policies clay be revived within six mouths after lapse. Death clat,ns paid at once on completion of claim papers, J. A, YOUNG, Dislriot Agent, Ethel. TIM, FLETCHER, Practical 11"CLtchrnaher anal Jeweler. Thanking the public for pact favors and support and wishing still to eeoure your patronage, we are opening out Full Lines in GOLD ANC SILVER WATCHES. Silver Plated Ware from Established and Reliable Makers fully warranted by us. Cloths of the Latest Designs JEWELRY 1 WEDDING BANes, LADIES GEMI RINGS, Ilnooeues, EARnixes, &e. r�'Also a Full Line of VIonrNs and 114 Violin Strings, &c., in stook. 11. 0l. -Isla rer 00 Marriage 0,1(091srs. T. Fletcher, - brussels L' llSl�lll'8u: TIIIS W EEK, STRAWBERRIES, CUCUMBERS, TOMATOES, CABBAGE, NEW POTATOES, WATERMELONS, BANANAS, PINE APPLES, ORANGES, LEMONS. Coughing TS Nature's effort to expel foreign sub- etancesfrom the bronchial passages. Fr uentl this causes inflammation Frequently, y, and the need of an anodyne. No other expeetorant or anodyne is equal to Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. It assists Nature in ejecting the mucus, allays irritation, induces repose, and is the most popular of all cough cures. " Of the many preparations before the public for the euro of colds, coughs, bronchitis, and kindred diseases, there is none, within the range of my export. epee, so reliable as Ayer's Cherry Poe- torel, For years I was subject to colds, fel lowed by terrible coughs. Abort four years ago, when so afflicted, I was ad- vised to try Ayer's Cherry Pectoral sail tonay all other remedies aside, I did so, and within a week was well of my cold and cough. Since then I have always kept this preparation in the house, and feel comparatively esrure," -Mrs, L, L, Brown, Denmark, Miss. "A few years ago I took a severe cold 'which affected xny lunge, I had a ter- rible 00001, and passed night after night without sleep, The donors gave mo 11p. 1 tried Ayer's Cherry l'eelnral, whlrli relieved my lunge, Induced 51w; p, and afforded the relit 010110sary for the r"rovery of my strength iiy the con- tt"nal nee of t,ePrrtoral :t p"rrnanret rare was ,lyre,ted,"-Itoracc b'af rhxatiu;r, itook'ngham, Vt' Dyer's Cherry Pectoral, 1110101tED 00 De. J. 0. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. gold by all Drugghts. Price $1; sit bettics,let‘ fvJ i%ir l;5 r` trIae ctiienn i'u'x tlfu� —llannfaotnrer of -- Buggies, Carriages,* &C. OPO 1TE TCW:d WALL, BRUSSELS, Our Work will satisfy you and our Prices will please. Call and See us as We are here to Hustle Business. Pliotouajilly. 8 amS P 9111r, The leading Photographer of Woodstock for the past 1£3 years, has leased the Photograph Gal- lery lately occupied by L. Hunt- er, where he is prepared to make first-class Photographs in all of floc Latest Styles and Sizes. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. tANTEED. Call at 1115 Gallery and sec Sam plce O. P41. PERRY, PHOTOGRAPHER, i37(Uf*liIL6, NEXT To 71110 AllrnirAN 1iO'rSl„ I11 N ABLE .WU� A line of Prints to sell at 1Oc , regular 12Ac. Goods, A fine line of Printed Muslins from 10e. to 25e. All Wool Delaines and Delninettes, Cheek Muslins, Victoria Lawns, India Linens, Lace Cur- tains, rurtainotte5 and Art Mullins, Eats for everybody from 5c, upwards. Parasols at 50c., 75c., $1.00, $1.25, $1 50, $2.00 & $2 50. glibber Coate and Ladies' Circulars. A full stock of new Goods at the Lowest Prices. Give 1.15 a Call. IRWIN & McBAIN. .a+JG2,E':CY........v-- a segvscnsesscann.. ,. e -.z _gym==....mamr..M.A=nceap.W.1 res 11.11 ffl IulerFsl lo Oie PiiVli�. Having purchased the Furniture Business of Messrs. Smith, Malcolm & Gibson, Brussels, 1 desire to notify the public generally that I will keep a first-class stock of Ot the newest designs, and will sell at close prices. Spec- ial attention given to repairing. A NICE RANGE OF CHILDREN'S CARRIAGES, 7R917 461, I will keep a well selected stock al' Caskets, Coffins, arc., also a first-class Hearse. 111y personal attention will bo given to till orders. Picture Framing done on short notice. A large stock of mould- ing always on hand. .& call is solicited from the people of Brussels fend surrounding country. Satisfaction guaranteed. DAVID HOGG'. SHALE'S BLOCK, BRUSSELS. — WAN El (o1 Listowel Woolen a)chory. Highest Prices Paid, Oasii 0r -Trade , (1) Largest Wool M. rket in Ontario, Everybody come and see our tremendous big stock in all kinds of woollen goods which we offer at bottom prices for cash or exchange for wool. NEW AND FRESH STOCK. We have never been so well fitted and equipped for a wool sea- son's•business as at the present one, and have never felt so com- pletely confident of our ability to serve you with the best of goods at bottom prices. A specially attractive feature of our new lines of find Flannels, strictly NEW STYLES, far surpasses any wool season yet. FINE WOOL SCOTCH SKIRTINGS. (Something. New offered to the trade.) Factory We are alio onlyDollen factor in 1 �'V6VCanada that make this' y lino of goods and offer then for one-half the price you pay in the city of Glasgow. STOCK IN TRADES English Worsteds, Fancy Tweeds, Scotch Tweeds, li[oltons and Cloakings, Fine and Coarse Flannels in Dress Goods and Skirtings, Becl Blankets, Horse Blankets, Woollen and Cotton Underwear, Fingering and Stocking 'Yarns, Cottonados, Cotton Shivtings, Win- eeys, Duck and Gray Cottons. Also a good supply of Stockings, Socks and Knitted Goods, W A a 1\T2 MT G. Wo wish to Warn the farmers not to bo deceived by Shoddy Ped- dlers going through the country selling dishonest goods. Wo have no peddlers handling our goods and they can only be bought by dealing direst at the factory, ROC/ Carding, ,;Spintit z a,r'rcl, JlZcrrtzr. actztl^ 7z , Tweer leti.inneis Blankets, c. 'flanking our numerous customers for their past favors, would beg to say dome and bring your neighbor to sea our stock, as you will be highly pleased to 800 goods 80 low in price. You will find us ready to give the most prompt and careful attention to all. B1 Fr BROOK & SON.